Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"okay." Dean murmured with a smile. "i don't hurt today, so you'll have to fuck me hard." he ordered with a grin. all that Grace had really given him a boost. "nah. i think i'm going to clean the gus." Dean admitted, stretching as he slid out of bed and Lisa smiled. "i need to go pick up Ben." she admitted with a yan. "he's been staying with the Gradies but he wants to come here and go to school here so he can be with us, so i'm going to go and get him." she admitted, sitting up with a yawn and smiled as she kissed them both before heading for a shower. "no. nothing yet." Crowley sighed, Loki looking up at him. "nothing. i'm sorry Cas... don't tell Kay i'm here." he ordered. "he sent me to check some leads i've already checked." he admitted.

"Thursdays, Owls, and Bees..." Phil mumbled. "i've gone mad." he decided. "or you have. one of us has." he decided before sighing. "i wish our method could help, but it can't halt or kill Cancer. we could remove some of it, even replace his liver and kidneys but it would only buy him a few more painful years." Kay admitted with a sigh before smiling at Phil. "oh, fine. but you have to sit down if you get tired." "i'm sure Tony could carry me." Phil said, waving his father off as he carefully got to his feet. he knew how to monitor himself, he'd be fine. "Sam is another new name." "Dean's brother. also a hunter." Steve explained with a smile. "he's probobly with Deidra still. he needed a drop, so James took him to her and he's still standing guard outside their door." Steve admitted with a chuckle.
"I'll do that. As soon as I get back."he promised kissing them both."just pray if you need anything."he made lisa promise as he left. Sighing as be slouched into a chair across from loki, " know. A archangel could fix this. If...if I wasstronger I could probably....dean needs this.i...I need to fix him...not that theres anthing rwrong with him...well there is bUT's not him. Just this whOle thing..."..."cas sighed tired and frustrated, and looking more scared then he'd ever let dean or lisa see him. He was so scared of losing dean after all of this.

"No, we're all sane. I promise. Well. I'm not, but I'm not lying about this."Tony snickered a little."painful years that would do nothing but make it worse for them all. Cas and lisa are already losing their minds, we can't make it worse.b tony huffed frustrated, but annoyed because he didn't want to lose his nephew."well, steve could carry you. But we'll make sure your okay."Tony promised smiling a little."that's amusing. Really. That he's standing guard."he giggled a little, amused slightly before heading up to knock on deidra's door, figuring that the half angel would turn them away if sam wasn't awake just yet."deidra?"
"we will." they both chorused. "Castiel. an Archangel could not fix this. you are more powerful than an Archangel. you cannot heal Cancer." Loki chastised. "you can heal him over and over and over, an Archangel could heal him time and time again and the results would be the same. the return of the cancer." He admitted. "i am beginning to suspect that Cancer is just... His will." Loki admitted, though he was still flipping through his books, full of magic and spells. he wasn't even reading them. he just held his hand over the book and his hand and the pages glowed green and they flipped rapidly an if one of the things Loki was looking for was in the book those pages glowed when he was done flipping through them all. this one was glowing green, but then, it usually did. "People have gone against His Will before however, and i refuse to allow this to best me." Loki admitted, bending his head to look through the glowing pages. none of them noticed Dean listening from the doorway, remaining hidden so that they couldn't see him.

"so this is Russia's most feared assassin?" Phil asked, looking amused at James who was reading about himself. "Glad to have you back with us General Barnes." Phil admitted when James looked at him, James blinking, startled to see a new face that he recognized. he had met Phil during the war before he'd been taken by Hydra. "Yes? you can come in." Deidra called. she'd just finished checking Sam over and cleared him for leaving to go help Cas, Crowley and Loki. "Good morning Agent Coulson, glad to see you're up and about." she admitted with a smile. "Steve? would you mind looking after Sam for me? he had a fast drop last night and i think he could use someone checking on him from time to time."
“....Shut up. I am totally not more powerful then a archangel. I can’t destroy a world. Worlds....though I do enjoy going to mars once in awhile. There is a small robot there that is very lonely.”Cas muttered focusing on that because he was so very upset before growling. “Then He is a moron, who deserves whatever Sam’s going to do to him when he gets ahold of Him.”Cas grumbled, annoyed and upset, looking at the book. “The Winchesters have broken His word more then any other. Including me. I do not think we will be able to keep breaking it.” “We will this time. I will kill Death itself before I let you have to spend eternity alone, or me give Dean another’s hunter funeral.”Sam growled, wearing his jeans and open flannel shirt, because buttoning it just made the skin irritated, so he just left it open, and ignored the looks he got for the cuts that showed some.

“Hm, yes. He’s very fearsome, but he’s also very protective.”Tony said smiling a little before tensing, waiting to see how james reacted to what phil had called him relaxing a little as he watched sam go, before smiling slightly at deidra. “We’re just making the rounds, checking on everyone.”Tony said before patting steve on the arm. “Go. You wanted to help them look through the books anyways, going to check on him would be good. I can look after Phil.”Tony promised.
Loki shook his head. "Archangels where not created to be powerful you stupid idiot. They where more powerful than their bretheren but they where not meant to be the most powerful." he paused, hesitated and then in a bright green flame. it was a Bible, so old it was almost falling apart and Loki, very carefully pulled on some silk gloves and very carefully began turning the pages and stopped. this was no bible the humans had ever seen for the Asgardians where very careful to never, ever 'rewrite' the word of god as many, many, many humans had done. "And God said unto them (Archangels) You will each hold back one of the four winds at the Time of the End, you will be the Lock and the Key to The Word of God." Loki looked up at Cas. "For he will be your Ruler and even two of the Four who have turned against me will appear and bow before him and Do as He Commands." he carefully closed the book and looked at Cas. "are you threatening God?" he asked, blinking a little before offering Sam a smile, ignoring the cuts quite effortlessly. "well. even if Dean does die, you won't be without him." Crowley commented as he walked in, dark circles under his eyes. he must have been crawling through hell looking for any chance they might have. "you'll be able to visit him in heaven." he pointed out, slumping into a chair, ignoring Steve's scowl at Crowley's rude behavior. "That's great for Cas, but not all of us can go to visit Dean in heaven Crowley." Loki pointed out, Crowley huffing. "i know that! you think i don't know that!?" he demanded, irritable and grouchy because, well he was a demon low on sleep.
B your the stupid one.b cas growled back, upset and irritated enough not to simply brush off the childish insult.startling as he stared at the bible."wherever did you get that?"sam asked before cas could, looking fascinated."....then I'll have to find this Word of God. Surely he would know how to help..." cas said before smirking."I am. He's been a absent father long enough. And I am tired of searching for Him. If I find Him, I do not think he will like it." "You know, this whole threatening exiled son thing you got going on, is kinda hot." "Yes, your brother thinks so to."Cas said smirking a little at sams protesting whine at that.cas squirmed in his seat a little at crowley's words, swallowing thickly. "If he dies, h3 will be lost to me to." "Wait...what?" "I am an exile sam, I can't return to heaven without risking execution."Cas reminded him, and which made sam study him. While he was sure it was true, the despair was to genuine to not be, he doubted the reason. It seemed to much of a cop out. Whatever the real reason cas wouldn't be able to go, he knew it'd take dean to drag it out of him, there was just sounding about the angels tone that promised he'd set his heels down and be stubborn if they demanded answers. But he didn't want to tell dean either, because he was well aware cas had done something he rarely did. He had lied to dean about going to heaven. If dean hadn't expected to be able to still see cas, there would have been violence and screaming by now if he'd known.
"It's mine." Loki admitted. "My mother passed it on to me because Thor's a filthy brute who doesn't care for books." he admitted. "she didn't want to risk him damaging it." he admitted with a smile, strokig the cover. "i was hoping so." Loki admitted, looking at Cas. "two of the Archangels have fallen. Michea and Lucifer are both dead, right? so whoever this Word of God is, the locks on his powers should be breaking, if they're not broken already. if anyone can change His Will it woul be this Word of God, right? i've been searching for every reference in every book i can think of but... the ony 'word of god' i've found is ation, not a person." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm still looking though, we're not giving up Cas. i promise." Loki assured him before chuckling at Sam's protests. "...oh shit..." Crowley mumlbed. "i'd forgotten." he admitted. "we have to keep looking." he hesitated and looked at Cas. "you won't be an exile forever right?" he asked. "you'll be able to go to heaven someday? because... he's still human Cas. we might be able to save him from this but..." "there's ways. Idunn's apples can give him the immortality he needs to stay with Cas." Loki admitted. "he can still be killed but he won't age." Loki admitted. "there are demonic ways as well i'm sure." "there are but Dean has already turned them down." Crowley admitted with a smile. "not that i blame him." he admitted, watching Castiel. "there's something else... sn't there? another reason why you won't be able to see Dean should he die..." he wondered. "Cas... we can't help if you don't tell us..." Crowley said softly. "we have to have all our options open. is there a chance that he can be reborn again, like what happened when you pulled him from hell and reformed his body? it could buy is another ten years or so right?" "if that happens, we wouldn't have to worry, Idunn's apples would kill the cancer as soon as it started. it's too late now for the apples to do anything, but if he can start drinking the juice before the cancer even starts, then the apples would protect him from getting cancer again. he just has to start taking it before the cancer kicks up again."
“Ah. Good thing it’s in your collection then.”Cas smiled a little as he watched the man, before nodding a little. “They are. And I’m sure if they had broken already, we would have seen the resulting natural disasters from such a awakening. We will look for signs for it.”Cas said before thinking about it, “we’ll ask diedra. She might know. She’s old enough, she might know.”Cas said rubbing a hand over his face, relaxing a little. Wincing a little as he nodded. “Yes, we’ll keep looking....and...”He fidgeted, staring down at the table. “not really blame him there.”Cas agreed fidgeting a little as he felt crowley and sam staring at him. “Um. No. Not really.”Cas said. “Castiel, come on. We know you. This fidgeting is definitely you hiding things. You’re good at lying, but not that good.”Sam said staring at him. “....No. That was a one time pass, because michael needed him alive.”Cas muttered fidgeting. “Cas!” “his heaven wont let me in.” “What?” “Dean’s heaven. It was created when he first died.” “Okay....”Sam frowned a little not liking how the angel was trying to avoid it still. “his idea of heaven had been a world with just you, a normal life, and lisa.” “Yea so-”Sam paused staring at Cas. “Oh. You literally can’t break into his heaven, because it’s normal. No supernatural things in it, right?” “Exactly.”
"it's more than just my collection." Loki admitted with a chuckle, slapping Crowley's fingers when he tried t touch it, the book vanishing in a swirl of emerald flames. "Cas? there have been over a hundred major natural disasters in the last year." Loki said, giving Cas that look that said 'stop being stupid'. "i'm pretty sure at least one of those was from the Awakening of the Word of God." he admitted before watching Cas, paling a little as he realized if Dean died, he was lost to all of them. they had to work faster because if Dean died, Cas was going to go insane. he had no doubt of that. "No werewolves, no vampires, no hunts... just peace with his brother. but that as before his deepest wishes changed. if he dies, can he not change his heaven?" Loki asked, biting his lip. "Can't he change things?" but Dean was already moving away from the doorway because he knew the answer. no. he had only one choice, one of the few Crowely had offered him. it would come with risks, but it was the only chance they had.
Cas snickered quietly as Crowley got his fingers slammed. “Served you right. Keep your fingers to yourself.”He muttered before frowning, “Really?I had not realized it was that many.”The angel said. “There has. We thought maybe it’d be demon stuff, but it could be from a Word of God.”Sam said frowning slightly. “.....No. His heaven is set, and he will be lost to me.”cas said quietly, closing his eyes, slumping. Because he wasn’t willign to say the whole truth, nto with sam sitting there. Not when he knew it would hurt the youngest winchester to know. Slumping a little. “....Lisa should be back by now., and dean should be awake. Come on.”Sam said standing, looking at the other two, knowing they’d keep studying as he gently guided cas upstairs to their rooms.
"I only wanted to look at something." "Too old. and protected." Loki stated firmly before smiling at the Angel. "I've been getting opinions from multiple ancient sources. they're willing to work with me only because i am working with you." he admitted. "a lot of the races have some unusual fascination with you, i think perhaps you might have an important destiny that they want to be a part of assisting with but it's hard to be sure." he admitted. "they're always reluctant to just tell a person things, they like to be all mysterious and shit." he admitted before grimacing a little. "i'm sorry Cas." Loki said softly. "we won't let him pass on. we'll find something. we have to." he admitted softly, watching them leave and shook his head and stood up and turned to his pile and there where three of him, all doing the searching spell. he was going to exhaust himself but he wasn't about to let Dean die. too bad Dean was already gone. he had stolen one of the bikes that Steve had literally just brought home and had taken off, a look of serious concentration on his face. how long it took them to find out would depend on how soon they thought to ask Jarvis, since Dean had politely asked Jarvis not to say anything, but not to lie if they asked him. he didn't want to get Jarvis in trouble after all. of course, Jarvis didn't know where Dean was actually going. only that Dean had 'decided'.
“...seriously?Huh. Might be fascinated with Dean. Dean has a good destiny now that he refused to be michael’s sword.”Cas muttered sighing softly, looking thoughtful as he nodded. “Yes. We’ll find something.”He agreed. And it was a few hours later indeed that had cas looking for Dean, frowning when he heard the other’s decision. “What in the world?Where is he?Lisa, do you know?”Cas looked at the woman worriedly, before looking at Crowley. “Do you?”He said looking fidgety and anxious, and about to wing away himself, but he had problems finding dean unless dean prayed to him, because of the sigils on his ribs, so unless dean asked for him, he couldn’t find him.
"I think it's both of you." Loki admitted. "but that's besides the point." he admitted with a smile.

"Uhm... what did.. what did he say exactly Jarvis?" "He said 'Hey Jarvis, i'm going to go out for a while, don't tell anyone okay? i mean, if they ask you, don't lie. i don't wanna get you into any trouble or anything. it's just... i've decided. it has to be done. i can't keep doing this to Cas. i'll be back in a day or so.'-" the voice was actually Dean's recorded voice and Crowley grimaced. "crap... he's, ah... he's gone to see Cain." Crowley said softly. "he was supposed to talk to you about it first, not just go haring off on his own!" he said, looking upset now. "i mean, Cain isn't going to hurt him, but there are side effects that might show up that you needed to be aware of before he went off and decided all of this on his own!"
Cas frowned looking annoyed as he heard dean’s voice, not even noticing as the water Tony had been drinking exploded, or that the coffee pot he’d been using exploded in a shower of glass, though like normal, the angel had protected them rom getting hurt, he’d just lashed out. “What?!He-”Cas growled, looking moments away from exploding at the demon across from him, so upset that he couldn’t even get the words out before pointing at the man. “You stay right there. If he gets hurt, I’m goign to smite your ass all the way back to hell.”He snarled as he vanished, pausing as he looked up at the farm house. Tilting his head at the sight. The very odd sight of dean and cain sitting on the front porch of a farmhouse. “You!”Cas snarled as he headed up the stairs. “Hello Castiel.”Cain said raising his beer, smirking at dean a little. having been putting off giving dean the mark just yet, because he’d expected a furious angel on his heels soon enough
"....Cas?" Steve asked as he walked in, looking worried at all the breaking glass. "He's not going to be hurt Cas." Crowley promised. "i never thought he'd just take off." he said, looking worried, guilty and a bit ashamed of himself. he had only been trying to help. "....fuck." Dean groaned as he realized Cas was there. he was still working his 'sales pitch'. "Want a beer Cas?" Dan asked, offering his angel his ice-cold beer. "I was just talking to Cain about a possible option. we're still working out the details." he admitted as soon as he saw Cas's expression. "i wanted to know more and Crowley wouldn't tell me..."
Cas growled turning ot look at crowley, tense and upset, but not lashing out. “Thank you. I know you were trying to help. And you might have. But I do not apperciate not being told.”Cas growled out, the words grating because he knew Crowley had only been trying to help. “He’s looking more like he’s goign to hit you with that beer bottle then drink it.”Cain muttered as he eyed angel as the man walked up the steps. “That’s because this is a ridculous idea. It would work. Probably. But the consquences should you die wearing the mark-” “A knight of hell. Yes. A immortal knight of hell.”Cain said eyeing the angel, wondering how long it’d be before the man simply exploded. “Along with all the urges that go with it. Even as a human.”Cas growled. "There was a reason Lucifer past it on when he did."The angel added tense and annoyed
"He said he wanted time to think about it and when he'd decided if it was something he might or might not b okay with he'd talk to you!" Crowley said. "what was i supposed to do, betray his trust when i thought he was a reasonable person who wasn't going to take off just randomly out of the blue!?" "Nah, he won't hit me. he might hit you though." Dean admitted, taking a long swallow of his beer. Lisa was going to frowny face at him, but he was only having one and beer couldn't really get him drunk anymore. "i'm dying Cas.... and your never going to be able to get into my heaven. i can't let that happen...." Dean said, his voice choked. "i can't Cas. you understand that at least don't you? i can't make you suffer like that. this is the only chance we have. besides, you and i both know how sick i really am. i already have those urges. i control them now, why won't i be able to just because i get a tattoo?" he stared at his hands. "we both know i won't be going to heaven when i die anyway."
“Because since when has dean winchester ever been reasonable about any fucking thing in his life?!”Dean was going to be lucky if Cas didn’t figure out how far he could test the boundaries on their sex life in punishment for disappearing on. Cas definitely was acting out because he was scared and upset. “....He’s the one having sex with you. And you’re wearing his mark. He might hit you.”Cain said eyeing the angel, smirking a little as he flinched, realizing he’d guessed right. He hadn’t been sure. Frowning a little, staring at the man for a long moment Cas snarled, “because the mark is the world’s first curse. If lucifer turned what is going to stop it from hurting you. And yes, you are. You fucking moron.”Cas snarled as he leaned in, resting his hands on the arms of Dean’s chair, crowding into his space, blocking him in because he was seriously pissed dean had eavesdropped and didn’t barge in to ask. “I can’t get into your hell because I traded everything to keep Sam out of the cage. Not because you’re heaven locked me out, it does, but I could break in if I tried hard enough.”Cas growled angry and upset, “I was willing to stand up to a eternity alone, if I had now.”He said sighing a little as he rested his head against the other’s shoulder, trembling ever so slightly. “Cain. Tell him.” “It is a nasty curse. It will want you to be your worst. But....”Cain shrugged. “You have a angelic guardian, I think you can control it.”
"....okay you have a point there..." Crowley admitted with a grimace. "Nah, never in anger anyway." Dean admitted with a smile before watching Cas. not bothered at all with being yelled at. he'd been expecting it after all and he knew Cas would never hurt him. "Lucifer turned it down because he can't be the king of the world if he's the bearer of the Mark of Cain." Dean corrected. "he's not exactly stupid you know." Dean admitted before blinking at Cas, leaning back, away from the pissed off Angel because... wow, that was a level of rage he hadn't been expecting. "wait... wait... what!?" Dean demanded, looking shocked. "you... you gave up.... you gave up your home so Sammie could go to heaven?" he asked, his voice trembling. "Cas, thats... thank you..." he whispered because he hated it, god did h hate t, but... it was such a good, noble, wonderful thing Cas had done. to yell at his lover for it, would simply beittle everything it had been done for. himself, Cas, Sam, the pain. Dean couldn't make that small. couldn't make that mean less. "i'm already at my worst." Dean said softly. "i tortured people and i enjoyed it. i kill monsters for fun and i hurt the people i love because it gives me sadistic pleasure. how much worse could i get?"
Cain tilted his head watching the two of them, gauging their relationship. Crowley had said the angel was in love with him, but this level of attatchment was odd to see in a angel. And even more, he had needed to know if Cas would be there to help dean with the weight of bearing the mark. “....No, unlike some people I know, Lucifer isn’t a idiot.”Cas ground out, lashing out because he was upset and annoyed, and hurting. Resting his forehead, mostly hiding from looking at the other, because he had never planned on telling dean about the sacrifice. Because he’d been simply counting on not needing to for awhile. “....Well. Yea. I mean. He dragged him out of the cage. I wasn’t going to let him go back. Not when I knew your heaven wasn’t complete without Sam. And I really couldn’t tell him that now could I, you eavesdropper, when you and me know Sam would demand I trade everything back so I could visit you. And you know it.”cas sighed a little, the anger draining away, leaving a exhausted and tired because he needed to enjoy what he knew was the small time he’d get with Dean before he lost him. No wonder he’d been so upset for weeks, he knew he had only so long. “...Yea, well I became a god and nearly wiped out the world, and enjoyed it. And I love watching you bent over my knee...and hurting us in the middle of sex isn’t simply the same thing.”He muttered sighing softly, relaxing. Trying to relax, to emotional to be steady yet. Bracing for whatever else Dean was going to say about him turning away from heaven, sure his eavesdropping lover was goign to scold him for doing it without asking.
"are you calling me an idiot!? i never said i was going to agree to getting the mark Cas! i came for information! Cain's been alive for hundreds of thousands of thousands of millions of years! i was going to find out about he mark and if i didn't like the way it sounded i was going to ask him about other options! i'm not fucking my life over just because i'm dying you know! what's the point of living if i'm goig to be miserable while doing it, you know!?" he demanded. "i don't want to die Cas! not if i can never see you again! you're my heaven now!" he paused at the others admission an swallowed a little because, yeah... without Sam... but without Cas too. he was never going to be happy again. "well, if you had just told me what the fuck was wrong instead of pretending and telling me everything is fine, over and over and over when i ask! maybe i wouldn't have to eavesdrop." he huffed, shaking his head. "no... Cas. i mean... i like... i don't know how to explain it. it's not just Lisa, it's Sam too. i like to... i like to make people hurt, not just physically but emotionally too." he admitted, sighing a little as he clung to his lover. "i don't want to die Cas. i don't want to die if it means i'll never see you ever again. i can't do it Cas."
“Yes, yes I think I am. Becaue you’re sick, and you went off half-cocked and ran off without back up or letting anyone but Jarvis know where you were, or having any way to find you without being so severely pissed off that I blew through my own protections.”Cas growled before looking shocked, even if the look was buried against dean’s shoulder, dean would be able to feel the shock that had hit the angel, shivering through his grace, because dean had so much of his grace at the moment, they were connected more then normal, and dean would feel the loss and tormoil rolling around the angel. A little at a loss at the idea of that...that he was the other’s heaven. Looking at a loss. Because he’d known dean loved him, wanted him, but he hadn’t considered he was that important to the other man. He’d thought it was lisa. And sam. Tensing a little, but not moving away, resting his forehead against the other’s shoulder, hiding nearly as much as he was cuddling dean as he knelt between his legs. “...Well, what did you want me to tell you? That even Idunn’s apples failed, and that I failed again, and that all I could possibly do was make sure you could have sammy?That’s....I could at least do that.”He muttered, shuddering a little before closing his eyes. “....Okay. If...if Cain thinks you can handle it, and crowley....I wont...stop this.”Cas muttered, because he was that desperate to. He didn’t want to lose dean.
he shook his head. "So what if i'm sick! that doesn't mean i'm not going to be careful!" he said, scowling a little. "Besides! maybe i didn't want you following me because you fly off the handle at the littlest stupid thing!" he complained. "i can make my own decisions Cas! just because i'm sick doesn't mean i'm mentally deficient!" he hissed, clutching the other because he was scared to death of dying because he was pretty damn sure it wasn't heaven he was headed for, and any existence without Cas just wasn't worth having. "you didn't Fail Cas. it's cancer. people can't just get better from Cancer. my liver and kidneys are dead. i have to trade something for my health. since i can't trade my life for it, and i can't trade someone else's... i have to trade my humanity. there just isn't any other way." he admitted. "you'll keep me as human as i can be, i know you will." he promised, stroking Cas's face with a smile. "you won't let me be a monster."
“You’re sick. Have you even tried fighting like this?There’s things out here besides Cain. If you were careful you would have at least told tony, or clint and natasha, let them come with you as backup. Careful people don’t go gallivanting off own their own when they can barely stand some days.”Cas growled before flinching, swallowing thickly, taking the words to mean dean was scared of him, scared of him being angry. Slumping a little as he leaned into the other. Not protesting anymore because he didn’t want to fight. Not really. “ ....Okay.And I wont let you be a monster.”He muttered sighing softly before standing. “I’m going for a walk. I...I need to.”He said kissing dean lightly before moving away, stepping down the stairs to walk around the house. Cain paused watching the angel go, shaking his head as he considered the two. “.....He doesn’t know how to be in relationships, Dean. Treating you like your own of his own soldiers, who he would have scolded for wandering off alone without backup, is all he knows. Besides, I don’t think he handles not being able to fix thigns well. He’s young. Younger then any other angel, and they were not....kind for a more human castiel, you know that.”Cain said looking thoughtful, usually he wouldn’t get involved, but giving crowley had asked for help, and that he was giving the mark to dean, he figured it was worth getting involved.
"I already checked all those other options! i even checked if becoming a vampire might cure me!" Dean informed the other. "this is all that's left! because do you really think some filth Angel, some 'Word of God' is going to save me?! because i don't!" Dean admitted. "And yu'll notice i waited until i felt well enough to do it!" he said, scowling at Cas before sighing a little. "okay. i'll wait here for you." he promised, watching Cas go before smiling at Cain. "i know, i do. that's why i fought back even though he was right. because i'm an obstinate human who does that. besides... i'm running out of options and i'm running out of time. this is the last chance i have." he admitted, watching Cain. "i'm dying faster. Bruce can't keep my organs fully functioning. there's just... nothing left in me. i have a few more days, at the most." he admitted softly. "We don't have time to explore other options anymore. this is m last chance."
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