Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"That's true... that's... yeah that's true." Dean whispered, relaxing even more. "good." he growled with a smirk. "because i've wanted you since i set eyes on you." he admitted. "i feel fine. fuck bed rest, i'd rather fuck you." he admitted, watching the other Kneel, growling deep in his chest, delighted, pleased, eager. "i like Sweets. you do too." he admitted with a grin as he watched Cas licking him. "Fuck yeah it does. stop talking and start licking pretty boy." he ordered, rubbing his cock against the others lips, hand settling into Cas's hair, holding his head still.

"it will all be okay." she agreed, stroking his hair. "oh, no. you're hard as a rock by now. think i'd like to see you lay on my bed and masturbate." she admitted, watching him with a smile. "and if he puts on a good show, i might even let you cum. hmm?" she asked with a chuckle, tugging his hair. "hows that sound Little Moose?"
“It is.”Cas agreed before smirking a little. “In the barn?When you didn’t believe I was a angel?Even then?”he teased a little smiling slightly at the other’s growl. “I do. Though I like spicy things to.”he said smirking slightly at the order, raising his eyebrows as the other’s cock bumped against his lips. And while he did start licking the other clean, he was definitely taking his sweet time at doing it.

“Yea.It will.”sam muttered before shuddering a little at the other’s words. Flushing slightly as he buried his face against her knees, whimpering softly at the idea. “I want to come. Please.”He muttered flushing brightly at the admittance.
"Even then. i think even before i met you, when i first saw the mark on my arm, the hand print, i knew i wanted that person. finding out you where a male sort of ground me to a halt, as you know." he admitted with a smile before smirking. "i am not putting capsiasan on my cock just to give you a kick Cas." he informed him, enjoying the slow licking with a smirk before gripping Cas's hair tighter. "playing with fire now? good." he growled. "open your pretty mouth." he ordered. "suck my dick, and maybe, if i'm feeling nice, i'll suck you back." he teased.

"you'll have to put on a good show if you want to cum, Sam." she admitted, grinning at him as she stood up. "come on. into bed. show me how you get off."
“That’s amusing. Really.”Cas muttered blushing because he wasn’t about to admit he’d fallen in love the moment he’d lifted dean from predition, wrapped his wings around the broken human soul and pulled him free. He’d known he was wrapped up in the other long before he’d understood what it meant to be in love. “ I think that would hurt.”He agreed looking amused though, growling a little as his hair was gripped, but not trying to pull away either. Smirking a little as he took his time opening his mouth sliding his mouth down over the other before setting a brutal pace, it helped he didn’t have to breath really, so he could deep throat the other as much as he wanted.

“...Kay.”Sam flushed a little stumbling a little to his feet, looking nervous as he laid back on the bed, biting his lip. “This....this is weird. Doing it in a bed. I mean. Usually I’m sharing a bedroom with dean. Have to make use of the bathroom.”he muttered blushing even as he undid his jeans and pushed them down just enough as he took his cock in hand, slowly stroking himself off. When given the chance to actually masturbate, he enjoyed taking his time.
"sure it is. you've wanted me ever since they sent your feathered ass down to get me." he said with a small grin. "it would hurt. a lot." he admitted with a chuckle before groaning loudly as Cas sucked him like the perfect little cocksucker that he was. "Fuck Cas, you're gonna drive me mad." Dean groaned, finally pulling away. "god damn, get on the bed. sit there. fuck i want your cock so bad right now." Dean panted, possessive urges gone with Cas's calm submission and compliance. now he wanted to return the favor, even if he hadn't cum yet. he wouldn't be doing so until he was balls deep in his Angel's ass.

"do we need to relocate to the bathroom?" she asked, looking amused, waving her hand at the door, smiling as it locked so he didn't have to worry about someone poking their head in. "it's suck a pretty cock too." she admitted with a grin, watching him as he teased himself. that was interesting ad something she'd have to keep in mind. watching him masturbate was a good way to see what he liked most.
“Hm, maybe.”Dean snickered a little before snorting a little at the idea of how much that would hurt, before smirking around the cock in his mouth, whining slightly when dean pulled away, looking disappointed at being deprieved now. Smirking a little as he raised his eyebrows. “So bossy.”He teased a little, relaxing a little as he realized dean really was in control, had been able to control himself. Easing back onto the bed, he rested back on his hands as he considered the other. “Where do you want me?”He asked smirking a little.

“N-no. Just pointing out how weird this is. No worries about dean walking in, or finding dean in bed with someone else...or cas. I swear, I was always afraid I’d walk in on that after a shower.”sam muttered ,talking because it was easier to stay focused when he was, especially about dean cause it dulled the sharp bite of arousal, made thigns last longer as he teased himself. He so rarely got to take his time masturbating, that he was going to do it now that he could. Shifting, feet flat on the bed as he thrust up into his hand a little, “D-dei.”He whined cracking a eye to look at her, flushing, wanting to ask, but not sure how to.
"Stop whining." Dean ordered, rolling his eyes. "Jesus Cas, you're such a whiny, needy, perfect little asshole." he teased with a grin because teasing each other was half the fun. "i want you just like that." he hissed eagerly, unbuttoning the other. he didn't bother with teasing, he just spread the others cock with the vanilla lube and started licking. long, eager strokes as if Dean was showing the other how it was supposed to be done. then he was pulling the other into his throat and overreached as he always did. yanking his head back just as he gagged, only he didn't gag at all. he didn't gag.he paused, momentarily floored by that and then he did it again more carefully and when he still didn't gag he made a muffed, overjoyed sound and started really going to town on Cas's cock.

she laughed a little. "do you always talk when you masturbate?" she asked, looking amused before smirking a little. "yes Sam?" Deidra asked, smirking a little. "did you want something? you're not tapping out so early are you? well. maybe i should help. lets see how sensitive your nipples are, shall we? i wanna watch you play with them."
Cas growled at that, “I’m not the whiny one.”he huffed a little, sighing softly as he watched the other. Shivering as the other lubed up his cock, laughing softly. “Trying to show me how it’s done?”he teased, reaching out, gently stroking the other’s hair.Moaning as the other sank down on his cock, looking down startled when dean didn’t choke. “Oh. Oh gods, Dean.”He whined gasping as he laid back on the bed, fisting the other’s hair as he rocked his hips up a little into the other’s mouth, squirming and needy, gasping, tugging his hair.”D-dean, gonna come.Dean...”

“Sometimes. If I want to take my time. Though usually it’s about whatever case I’m on, through the door to dean....don’t think he’s figured out what I’m doing in the bathroom yet when I do that.”Sam snickered a little, because if dean had, he would have totally been teased about it by now. “C-come here.Please.”He said sitting up, “Let me lean back into you.”He said smiling a little before whimpering as he fingered his nipples, gasping as he tugged at one as he stroked his hand over his cock. Oh gods, it’d been forever since he took his time to do this.
"you are the whiny one." he said with a grin before chuckling a little. "damn straight i am you teasing little asshole." he mumbled, licking the other all over. then he was too busy sucking the other off to care what he was saying, a single, very slick finger slipping inside the other when Cas yelled that he was going to cum, running the pad of his finger along the prostate just right to really make Cas see stars, swallowing down the release and pulling back with a smug little smirk. "i made you cum. now, get on your belly so i can do it again."

"....that's kind of funny." she admitted, looking very amused. "you're brother is never going to let you live it down if he finds out." she teased, smiling a little before nodding. "alright, but only because i think i'll enjoy the show more from that angle." she teased, settling in behind him and helping him adjust himself so he'd be comfortable, humming as he continued. "you're such a present Sam. so pretty and perfect for me. so obedient, so willing, so gorgious." she purred. "what else do you do to ourself? when you're all alone? no ris of being caught. no risk of being seen. show it all to me."
“Are not.”Cas huffed a little before laughing at the other’s mumbles. That was just amusing. Groaning a little as the other sank a finger into him, back arching a little as he came, fingers tight in the other’s hair. Whimpering quietly as he slumped back into the bed, blinking up at him slowly. “...Dean?”He muttered watching the other for a long moment before shifting to lay on his stomach, fidgeting and waiting to see what was next.

“Yea. It is. And I know, which is why he’s never going to find out.”Sam said making a face before smiling at her. Blushing brightly, not quite believing he was doing this. “yea, you will.”He muttered smiling a little as he shifted to get comfy, sighing a little as he rested his head back against her breasts, rubbing his head against them a little, smirking a little as he felt her nipple hardening under the motion. “Not so pretty. To many years hunting.”he muttered before groaning softly, twisting his hand around his cock, a little to rough, a little to tight, but it made a bead of precome pearl at the top of his cock as he pressed up into his hand, swallowing thickly. Whining softly as he went to town on his cock and teasing himself, fingers trailing over his skin, touching himself, moaning, pressing back against her as he struggled not to come yet.
"are too." Dean teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smirking as the other Came so hard he actually pulled out bits of Dean's hair. Dean didn't care, that was hot as fuck. "Yes Cas?" Dean asked with a smile. "it's okay. i'm still in control of myself. you kneeling because i said so and sucking me off kind of tossed the whole 'lets be possessive' thing for a loop." he admitted. "now hush, i'm going to make you feel good." he informed the other, slipping his finger back inside and proceeded to work the angel open. he had a fun night planned and nearly dying was NOT going to stop that for him!

"i dunno. i might accidentally tell him." she teased Sam, though they both knew that would never happen, ever. she could never betray his trust like that. "hmm. getting bold are we?" she teased with a grin, watching him touch himself. "i think you're pretty. i like the scars." she admitted, reaching around to stroke some of them before grinning as she watched him cum undone. "not yet. don't come yet. not just yet." she murmured. "keep teasing yourself. it will feel so much better if you tease it, linger on it, ride it." she purred before smirking as he started loosing control of himself, watching him hover that shining edge. "now. cum now."
Cas shuddered a little, blinking at him slowly. Not sure if that was what he’d been worried about, mostly he’d simply wanted to make sure the other was listening to him still. “Kay.Good.”He muttered dropped and content to follow directions for now. While he wasn’t a complete sub, he didn’t mind floating. Sighing, moaning as he rocked back into the other’s fingers, whimpering, needy as he growled, absently kicking his foot against the other’s thigh, tired of the teasing, “Dean!”he growled.

“You wouldn’t.”Sam smiled a little before smiling, tilting his head back to look at her. “You like it. And I wasn’t being bold, just getting comfy.”he said giving her that wide eyed innocent look, before whining softly as he pressed his feet against the bed more firmly so he could fuck up into his hand harder, growling at the order but obeying. “Please.”He whined softly, moaning as he came, splattering over his hand as he slumped back into her.
Dean smiled a little as he fingered the other, laughing as he was kicked. "be nice, Cas! i'm not stopping until you cum again." he warned, pressing his fingers against the others prostate just to be a dick, his free hand pressing down on the small of Cas's back, pinning him to the bed so he couldn't get up and try to kick Dean's ass.

"no, i wouldn't, but he might find out other ways." she admitted with a chuckle. "i do ike it, and you where being bold." she teased. "i think i might let you play with them later, if you behave." she teased with a smile. "that's it. you're so close. that's it. cum for me. goo boy. what a good boy." she purred, stroking his sides. "you're so beautiful, coming undone for me Sam."
Cas growled at that, trying to kick him again as the other pinned him. Snarling softly as he pressed his face into the pillow, swallowing hard as he squirmed. And while he could probably push up, he was enjoying being pinned and held down. Moaning softly as he came again, blinking slowly as he turned his head to look at the other. “Dean.”He whined softly.

“Hm, maybe. But he hasn’t for 4 years, I doubt he will now.”Sam snickered a little before flushing slightly, “I’d like that.”He muttered, he was such a moose, awkward and clumsy when he was trying to figure out how to be around someone he liked, it’d been so long since he’d had a chance to do it. Shuddering as he listened to her voice, panting in the afterglow as he relaxed, smiling a little as he was petted. “That was nice.”he muttered.
Dean deftly avoided the kick with a snicker and shove his fingers in deeper in revenge. "that's it. cum for me. perfect. beautiful." Dean purred, pleased with how the other was submitting so easily. "You cme so gloriously for me Cas." Dean admitted, stroking the others back now, stroking and rubbing gently. "yes Cas?" Dean asked, smiling at him. "are you done or should i stick my dick inside you now?"

"that's true." she agreed with a smile. "i know you would." she agreed, kissing his forehead. "yes it was. i very much enjoyed watching." she admitted with a smile. "perhaps a nice nap?" she offered.

Steve knocked on Tony's lab door wielding a pot of hot coffee, the good stuff, Steve's stuff, and some hot food. "Tony! i have news on Dean." Steve called out. "he's got less than two percent left an his vitals are all over halfway back to being fully healthy. he's also awake but he's displaying some extremely possessive behaviors so we're all locked out while he makes a claim on Cas." Steve admitted. "come an eat something, you haven't eaten yet today!"
Cas moaned softly, sighing softly as he blinked at the other, flushing at the praise. Whining softly as he squirmed, “Please. Please dean, please fuck me.”He growled shifting back, relaxing under the other’s hands, a pile of contented goo at the moment.

Sam panted softly, smiling a little as she kissed his forehead. “I’m sure you did.”He muttered shifting a little, squirming to press against her a little, whining because trying to tell if she was turned on was harder when it was a girl. If it’d been a guy laying behind him, that would have been easy. Making a small unhappy sound at the idea of trying to figure out the whole relationship sex thing again, it made his head hurt a little, even as he flinched at lucifer’s praise. Dammit. He should have known, the bastard had been being to quiet. “Yea...nap would be nice.”He muttered ignoring lucifer.

Tony paused in the middle of the bracelet he was making for dean, tilting his head. “I heard. Jarvis told me, but not about the possessiveness....but Cain thought it’d be a side effect.”He said smiling a little before whining. “Can’t. Need to finish this.”He said huffing a little even as his stmach growled
"god yes." he groaned as he slicked his cock up, leaned down to kiss Cas soundly and slipped inside his lover as carefully as he always did before finally giving Cas the speed and strength he'd not been able to give him before, panting a little as he fucked his lover, very carefully watching him to make sure he didn't go too fast or hard for his Angel lover.

"you made me wet Sam." she informed him with a grin, scowling hen she saw him wince and she stroked his hair. "you shut your filthy mouth Lucifer. i smacked you around once and i'll do it again you keep stepping onto my turf." she warned, stroking Sam's neck.

Steve smiled a little. "Cain said he might focus on the people closest to him too so if he starts acting possessive of you don't be alarmed, he doesn't want to incest with you, he just wants to make sure you know you're part of his family group. he wants you to be submissive to him but you don't have to be, if what Cain says works out that way anyway." he admitted. "he might get pretty possessive over you for a while though. now get your ass over here and eat. you agreed i would get to take care of you and that means i get to decide when science has gone on long enough. i don't know what you're doing but i asked Jarcis to let me know when a good stopping point would be so get over here or i'll make you."
Cas moaned shuddering as the other slid into him, a long drawn out moan escaping as dean fucked him harder. Oh, thatwas amazing, especially because it proved dean really was feeling better. Knowing he was probably going to be bruised later, but the thought just made him whimper as he squirmed. Gasping as he came.

Sam shuddered a little, blushing as he looked up at her."good."he muttered before laughing quietly at her scolding, looking even more shocked when lucifer simply shut up and smirked at them."your turf huh?"he muttered relaxing.

"Well that's good to know. I enjoy sex of all kinds, but that might be to much."he snickered a little."we'll just wait and see how he starts treating us all, easier that way."Tony shrugged a little."I don't think he's the only one being possessive...and I don't wanna. Need to finish."Tony grumbled eve as he moved towards the food, looking sulky as he started to eat."making dean another anti possession, salt, holy water bracelet....figured he might feel better if lisa had something like it...dunno. mostly I'm just making a mess."he shrugged tired noe that he'd stopped working.
"fuck, fuck,fuck, yesssss." Dean moaned as he felt the other cum, finishing himself off by burying himself completely into his lover and tossed his head back and came. shuddering as he made aborted little half thrusts to milk himself out completely before humming as he gathered Cas into his arms and pulled the blankets up over them so they could snuggle. "love you."

"my turf." she agreed with a smirk. "until you tell me otherwise you're mine and i intend on keeping you." she admitted. "now. would you rather nap or play with my tits?" she asked, grinning at him.

"Yeah i thought so too." Steve admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "yeah, good plan." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "I can be possessive if i want to be." he teased with a smile. "you don't need to finish. Dean's still on bed rest and Lisa is under a protective detail she allowed." he admitted. "Jarvis will alert us all as soon as Dean gets too close to her for now and there's a devils trao just inside her door." he admitted. "now eat." he commanded, smiling a little as he watched Tony eating. "you need a nap." Steve admitted. "you tend to do more damage to your designs when your tired than anything else. we'll go snuggle once your done eating. i could use a good rest myself. i was up all night tossing and turning." he lied, well aware Tony would lay down and take a nap if he thought Steve needed one.
Cas sighed, shuddering as he whined as he felt the other come. Melting into the bed as he sighed, smiling quietly as the other settled them into bed. Snuggling close as he smiled, content to nap now."love you to."

"A.h. Well. Okay."sam flushed brightly, relaxing at the idea of being hers, blushing more at the choice even as he sat up. Smiking at her as he looked her over."well, I should do something about how horny I made you shouldn't I?"he said tugging at her shirt a little, just to be a tease.

"Yea I thought so."Tony said before huffing a little.if you have to be."he said wrinkling his nose a little looking unhappy about having to give up his project for now, but listening anyways, which was more then most people would have gotten from him."fine...okay. I can take a break."he reluctantly agreed as he started to eat."you didn't sleep well?yea okay I can nap if it'll help you."he said, he was always more amenable to napping if he thought he was being helpful more then because he needed one.
"hmm. yes, you should do something about how horny i am." she agreed, leaning back, giving him more room to do what he wanted. "feel free to do as you please." she suggested with a smile. "i'll speak up if you start getting too fresh."

Steve smiled at Tony a little. "maybe, if you're very good, i'll give you a blowjob to wake you up." he teased with a smile. "yeah, i don't have nightmares when i'm with you." he admited, kissing Tony's forehead. "come on. lets go take a nap."
Sam nodded smiling, blushing as he looked at her. "Okay. I can do that."he grinned a little.

"Hmmm that would be nice. And okay, naps are good."Tony grinned as he headed for the small cubby bed area he had.

A year later cas snickered ever so slightly as he smirked at his lover, wrinkling his nose a litfle as he straightened dean's tie. "So, how does it feel to be going to your brothers wedding?for real this time?"he asked snickering because he'd heard all about the demon deal that had resulted in sam winchester marrying becky, the crazy supernatural fan
Dean smiled a little. "i am." he admitted, lifting his chin. Dean had never been more proud of his brother, save maybe the time he had finally faced down Lucifer in his own head. since then, Sam had full and complete control over the little bit of Lucifer that the bastard had left behind. all of Lucifer's unfathomable information and knowledge was at Sammie's hands. not always a good thing to be sure but his brother seamed to be handling it just fine. "i'm almost more excited about the fact that James is almost completely all better." James, like all of them, still had his moments but Deidra had declared him mentally sound and that made him very happy. all of them happy. everyone had slowly been getting better and better. even Tony. "Are you excited?" he asked Cas wih a smile, slanting a gaze towards Lisa who was so pregnant she was barefoot because her feet where too sore and swollen for shoes. she was going to be Deidra's bridesmaid. Lisa had admitted that she wanted her water to break in the middle of the ceremony just to watch Sam freak out but Dean knew it wouldn't happen until later that night. he hadn't bothered telling his lovers that yet though.
Cas grinned a little amused as he stepped back, straightening his own clothes before smiling. “I think we’re all really excited about that.”He agreed before looking at lisa, fidgeting a little. “Yes. Though I do not like that I won’t be able to do anything about the pain besides be with her.”Cas said because the pregnancy and not being able to help any, had been hard on the angel, because he hadn’t been able to make her feel better, hadn’t been able to fix things, because there was nothing wrong besides natural things. “Hm, still think she’s not gonna get her wish. Sam’s totally been praying to make it through this without something going wrong.”Cas snickered a little. “Have not.”Sam huffed a little as he stepped into the room, blushing a little as he looked at his older brother. “You ready?”He said fidgeting because he was so not ready to actually get married. A nervous wreck now that it was here.
"Relax, okay? she's been through this before. it's your own fualt for getting her pregnant before i could anyway." he admitted with a smile. "just hold her hand. she's a woman, they're way stronger than us. she'll be just fine." he promised, nudging Cas. "and you'll be right there with her the whole time so nothing bad can happen." he promised. "you're the King of Heaven remember? the Word of God." which had been an interesting discovery when Castiel had commanded the four archangels to get their asses in gear and both Micheal and Lucifer had actually appeared looking very sheepish and cowed and Gabriel and Raphael had appeared looking very amused. they hadn't had a single problem with the Angels since. and with Dean being the General of Hell he and Crowley where pretty much in charge so they didn't have problems from hell either. "oh, don't worry. i know when her water is going to break." Dean promised Cas with a smile. "i've already made the preparations for it, no worries." he promised. "i'm ready. are you?" Dean asked his brother. "relax. dude. Deidra loves you. are you, or are you not wearing her Collar AND her ring?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "this is just the next step in her claiming you as hers forever."
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