Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“I know. We did to.....and yes. Because I have to. I’m going to make him. I can.”Cas said sounding desperate and scared, because he knew he was out of other options. “....Yes. But you still should have gotten backup.....and good. Stay put.”Cas smiled a little at the promise even as he stepped out to go investigate the bees he knew were around. “Good. As long as you understand that, you two will be good. Though I wouldn’t expect him to be reasonable when you risk yourself, even when you’re not sick. I’ve heard the stories, know he’s watched you die to many times to be totally comforable with.”Cain sighed a little before staring at the other, startled. “.....They don’t know do they?Cas, and crowley. They don’t know you’re failing this fast.”he shook his head, before reaching out a hand to shake. “It’s going to hurt, Dean.”
"i should have gotten backup. i'm sorry. i was scared you'd all try to stop me." he admitted with a sheepish smile before nodding at Cain. "we have some things to work through, but we love each other. always have." he admitted with a smile. he felt bad about that sometimes, making Lisa play second fiddle, but she didn't seam to mind at all. "...i don't mean to." Dean mumbled sheepishly. "it's not like i wanted to die all those times... i just.. didn't have anything i wanted to live for. now i do. and if they want me in heaven, or in hell, i'll fight em kicking and screaming." he admitted. "they want me? then they'll have a hell of a fight because i am never, ever going to do what they want." he was dying, the cancer was hitting him hard. someone 'up above' wanted him dead and he wasn't giving them the satisfaction. "no one does. except Bruce and he's in denial."Dean admitted softy. "what's a little pain in the long run?" he asked, hesitating, wondering if h should wait for Cas? no time, he reached out and took Cain's hand, screaming as more agony than he'd ever felt seared it's way into his soul.
“Maybe, but it would have been better then finding out from jarvis you were gone.”Cas’d nearly had a heart attack for a moment as he realized dean was gone. “I know you do. It’s the only reason I’m considering giving you the mark. Because he’ll drag you back to humanity kicking and screaming if he had to.”Cain smiled a little before snorting slightly. “I know you didn’t. And good. I’m sure you’re fight with everyone isn’t done yet, but you will prevail I’m sure.”If only because the word of god was starting to show. He’d have to warn Deidra, he knew the woman in passing. Knew she’d know what to do with the information. Looking down as the other took his hand, watching the mark transfer to his skin even as Cas came pelting back around the corner. Watching the two for a moment, before running up the stairs to Dean, the angel crouched in front of him. “dean?”He said sounding upset and worried, but not angry. He could feel the difference in the man. “he’ll will take time to fix the damage, but it will.”Cain panted ever so slightly as he watched them.
"i'm sorry." Dean sighed. "i wasn't thinking right." he admitted. "i was desperate and when i found out you wouldn't be able to see me in heaven, no matter the reason... i couldn't just, give up." he admitted to Cas before looking at Cain with a smile. "yes he will and... being honest? i don't think i'd risk this otherwise. i have so may close friends now, they'll contain me if i loose control, stop me if i act out, control me when i can't control myself. they'll rally together, keep me sane, stop me from loosing myself. i trust them, even if i don't necessarily trust myself." he admitted before collapsing as the mark finished seering itself into his skin and he blinked slowly at Cas before struggling out of the others arms, crawled tot he side of the porch and puked all over Cain's front garden before he groaned and closed his eyes. "wanna go bed now..."
“I know. And that’s what you get for being a sneaky little eavesdropper...should punish you for that....”Cas muttered teasing him a little relaxing. “You do have good people around you. It’ll be okay.”cain nodded looking pleased with the other’s answer. Snorting slightly as he puked. “Well, we’ll go to bed then. And hopefully lisa wont freak out to badly....and we’ll speak to you later cain.”cas nodded at the knight of hell slightly even as he picked dean up and flew them back to their room, settling dean in bed with a tired sigh.
Dean snorted. "i didn't mean to eavesdrop you know. i wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me and Lisa." he admitted. "when i feel good, you're free to punish me however you want." he promised. "within limits of course." he assured Cas with a smile. "yeah. bed." Dean slurred, barely coherent as the new power rushed through his system. it would be two days of puking up black sluge and pissing blood before he regained consciousness. he had been pathetically pliant, eating when instructed t eat and drinking when instructed to drink and limp as a rag doll when he had to be cleaned up. finally though, he was awake and aware. "Cas?" Dean asked, shifting a little in... med bed? he was in Bruce's lab. "Morning." Bruce said, voice soft and soothing. "i sent Cas to put Lisa to bed, she fell asleep. he'll be back in a second." Dean relaxed. "You had us all worried for a bit there Dean." "Didn't know 't would be that bad." Dean husked out and Bruce smiled. "neither did Cain... the Cancer was exxtensive though, it had to come out somehow." Bruce admitted. "Jarvis? Scan please." Bruce ordered, the blue light erupting around Dean and Jarvis's crisp voice came up. "2% Cancer remaining, Liver health 34%, kidney health 34%, Pancreas health 32% lung health 65%, brain repair 98%, Blood Levels, optimal, white blood count, optimal, Antibody levels remain high but are dropping." Jarvis reported. the first scan had showed how close to death Dean had really been, considering his liver and kidneys had ben all but dead, functioning at 5% or so he had literally been days away from death. hours even. the last burst of Grace had just given Dean enough time to get the mark.
“Ah. Well, we’ll go on a date later.”The man said smiling slightly, before nodding. “Within limits.”He promised as he settled the other in to rest.

“And held up long enough by james that I’m hoping he’ll get some rest himself.”Tony said having sent James after the angel, though he knew it wouldn’t delay the angel to long. “Well, considering how bad you were, it’s amazing you survived the cure....and Cain says that you owe him a favor for being through a chewing of a lifetime from your angel, who definitely was working out some worry and anger. Apparently the Knight was willing to deal with it since it kept Cas sane. And he sorta likes you.”Tony snickered a little before smiling at the scan, “Good. Better then it had been....and don’t expect to get out of Cas yelling either. He wasn’t happy when he realized that last orgasm was teh only thing that had made sure you survived. Well, he was happy, but unhappy that he didn’t know....and he’s being insane. Your angels is being moody, Dean.”Tony warned smiling slightly
"he's not been sleeping?" Dean fussed, upset that his lovers where so upset. "i only realized how close to death i was after he filled me up with his Grace." Dean admitted. "i didn't realize just how close i really was." he admitted. "i'll buy him some beer and he'll forgive me." Dean admitted with a smile, feeling rather a lot like shit. h was healing, his body was fixing itself so he hurt all over, inside and out and was pretty sure he was pretty sick. but he was getting better and that was all that mattered. for now anyway. "Cas is always gonna yell. it's sexy." Dean admitted, smiling at Tony. "when's the last time you slept" last night, Steve had commanded it using his scary Captain Voice.
“No. Since he technically doesn’t need it, apparently, he’s been staying up and sitting with you, or making sure lisa was okay. And well, that makes it a little better.”Tony said fidgeting because he was upset to with how close dean had come to dying before snorting. “IT better be something better then beer.”He snickered slightly at the idea of the nagel forgiving for beer, before snorting quietly. “It is sexy when he yells.”He said, squirming a little cause he’d heard cas’ voice, and damned if the angel wasn’t sexy. “And last night. Steve got all commandy and orderly, and made sure I did.”tony huffed a little.

“....You know. I could go if you want to work....”Sam muttered from where he was sitting at deidra’s feet, simply relaxing there, a book resting on his knees, at least pretending he was reading even though he had his head back in her lap, and was definitely simply enjoying being petted rather then reading anythign.
Dean nodded a little. "no. the beer is for Cain. Cas gets to punish me." Dean admitted with a smile before grimacing as he leaned over the be, glad Bruce was ahead of him and he puked what he had eaten and been given to drink, there was very little black bits left but there was still 2% of the cancer left in him that had to come out. "it worked then... the Mark of Cain is purging the cancer out..." "Yes. though..." here Bruce hesitated and then. "you died twice. you went into seizures. Cas kept you alive, barely, but he's... very upset." Dean grimaced. fuck, he hadn't realized it would be that bad. he was really going to owe Cas one, granted, he was going to die anyway, at least he was alive now to be yelled at.

Deidra smiled where she was doing paperwork an running her fingers through his hair. "I'm working just fine with you here." she assured him. "i like having you here. it's a comfort." she assured him. "do you feel as if you should leave?" she wondered, curious as to why he had offered.
“Hm, he probably would accept the beer as a appropriate gift.”Tony snorted amused. “Yea, it did. But...”Tony nodded a little. “I’ve never seen wore weather in new york city then I have these last two days while your angel watched you die.”As if the world itself had reacted to such pain, “It’s only because he was bound to you, and that he was as powerful as he is, that you survived, even with the mark.”Tony said tilting his head. “Don’t be surprised if you wake up sometime with his hand plastered over that scar. Only way he seemed to calm down and relax.”Tony said studying his nephew. Knowing they should at least prepare dean for how utterly undone the angel had come.

Sam smiled a little, settling relaxing into the hand petting his hair. “Kay. I like it hear to. Better then sitting down with Cas anyways.”He muttered before going quiet, considering it before nodding slightly. “ should be down with Dean. Jarvis said Lisa and Cas were getting some rest, and I know tony’s with him...but...”he fidgeted. Because he felt like he should be down there, and not bothering deidra with his utter ridculousness, but he couldn’t bring himself to go down and see Dean like that. Dean was his big brother, it upset him nearly as much as listening to lucifer’s howls of laughter about it to be down there right now.
Dean nodded. "i'm sure. specially if i get him some Naked Lady or Spotted Cow." he mused with a grin before grimacing a little. "he actually had to watch?" Dean asked, sounding so wretched about that. "i wish it hadn't come to this but i'm still alive... so i'm not going to be sorry for that. especially since i didn't actually realize how close i really was." he admitted. "i don't mind if he's plastered to me. this must have been so hard for him." he admitted, though he didn't try to get out of bed, no need to make it worse for himself.

"good i'm glad." she admitted with a smile before shaking her head. "there's nothing you can do for him right now Sam." she pointed out. "you're working yourself nearly sick you know." she gently chastised him. "you need to rest too." she admitted, stroking his hair. "it's very upsetting to you to see him lik that so just give yourself a little time to relax and recover before going back down." she suggested.
“....”Tony shuddered at the idea of those beers, he was such a alcohol snob. “Yea, well, how else would he have healed you. Sorta required being within arms reach to heal.”Tony pointed out, though he had a feeling that was more because cas hadn’t trusted them to leave dean alone with them. He’d needed to be there with Dean. “No, not sorry for it. Just aware that your brother and your angel, and lisa are totally losing it.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “I’m sorta amazed it’s taking him this long to get back.” “That’s because I stopped to make James eat after you sicced him on me.”Cas grumbled as he walked back in.

Sam sighed softly, shifting, pressing his cheek into her thigh as he laid close. “...I know. Nothing Cas can do either, and he’s down there.”he muttered before sighing, wincing at the chastisement, closing his eyes resting against her. Before nodding slightly. “Kay. I rest’s okay to rest here....”He muttered to himself.
"true." Dean agreed with a sigh. "we both know he was here the whole time because he didn't trust i wouldn't die while he was gone." he admitted before grimacing a little. "yeah... we've been through worse though... we can recover from this." he hoped. "Cas." Dean choked, reaching for him, suddenly neading nothing more than the Angel. needing to touch him, needing to hold him, needing to claim him. he pulled the Angel in close, buried his face in the others neck and took a deep breath in and before he could stop himself, he'd sunk his teeth into the very place where Cas had laid his hand when pulling him from perdition. the wound burned violently as he laid his soul claiming mark and then gasped, pulling back. "fuck! shit! Cas! i'm sorry!" Dean flushed, Cas's blood trailing down his chin, making his lip tremble because... because... wow. he leaned in again, panting an ran his tongu along the bloody teeth marks with a moan.

"he's recovering at a rapid pace now." she promised him with a smile. "he's going to be just fine." she reminded him, stroking his hair before gently massaging the back of his neck. "it's okay to rest here." she agreed, smiling at him. "it's okay to rest." she promised.
“Okay. Maybe. True. Though we did tell him we’d get him if you started to fail again.”Tony fidgeted, even knowing the angel didn’t need to rest, he’d still wanted to make the other do so. “You will. It’ll just be rough going.” “Hello, Dean.”Cas said, the relief in that tone, saying the words that he’d so often greeted the other with as he crossed the room, was thick enough you could walk on it. Yelping a little as he was pulled close, sitting down, hugging the other tightly. Startling as he felt the other biting deep into his shoulder, shuddering hard as he felt the bond take hold, looking flushed and startled. “It’s okay. Being bitten is interesting. Though I do not think you should be doing it right now.”he said squirming a little, not knowing the mark of cain was going to make dean as utterly possessive as any demon over their mate.

“Yes he is. Though I bet he gets frustrated with cas treating him gently, before cas is willing to stop.”Sam snorted a little, relaxing as she massaged his neck, shifting to kneel between her legs, simply snuggling as close as he could, resting his head against her stomach. “’s okay to rest.”he agreed.
Dean nodded. "that's good." he agreed before smiling at Cas. "i'm sorry i worried you." he said, glad the other had come so much closer, panting as he licked the trailing bits of blood before snarling when Bruce move closer to look at the bite. "...s... Sorry." Dean stammered, realizing he had just snarled at Bruce of all people. "where's Lisa?" he wondered, feeling the desperate urge to pin her to the bed, fuck her fast and hard, mak her his and fill her with his babies. he wanted to mate her, mark her the same way he'd marked Cas, make sure the world knew who she belonged to.... "okay somethings wrong..." Dean said, swallowing hard. "i'm thinking some very not good things at the moment." he admitted. "...make sure Lisa doesn't come in for a bit. i don't... i don't think i'll be able to restrain myself..."

"oh i have no doubt he's going to get frustrated with Cas, he always does." she admitted with a chuckle. "good boy." she praised, smiling at him. "is that comfortable though?" she asked, a bit worried about he chair digging into his ribs.
“You better be.”Cas growled a little raising his eyebrows as Dean growled, waving bruce off. “It’s fine. I can’t get sick, it’ll heal soon enough.”Cas promised even as Tony eased back from the bed. “Sleeping. She needed the rest.”Cas said as he watched dean, nodding a little. “It’s the mark. The first time you’re really awake and aware while having it.”Cas said looking at tony. “Don’t worry, I’ll go make sure she stays put for now, and let you two figure it out.”Tony said as he left the room, not to worried about cas being left alone with dean. Cas might not defend himself against dean, but he trusted dean to also not inflict serious and permanent harm. “....What do you need me to do?”Cas growled softly, reaching out to tug at Dean’s collar, twisting it ever so slightly to make sure he had the other’s attention.

“No doubt.”Cas snickered a little, before sighing at the praise. Closing his eyes. “Sorta. I’m getting fat. Fat’s sorta keeping it from digging in my ribs.”He snickered a little, though he shifted to get a little more comfortable.
"okay. good. she needs to sleep." Dean mumbled as he nuzzled the mar he had laid onto Cas's skin. "i don't know..." Dean mumbled. "i want to hunt Lisa down and mark her and fuck her until she's pregnant." he mumbled. "that's so terrible of me but i want it so much." he growled, lapping at the still seeping blood, watching with a small sulk as the flow stopped. "you taste so fantastic." he mumbled. "i want to bite you again... 'n cut you so i can lick you all over an savor your sweetness..." he sounded almost drunk.

she snorted at him. "you are not getting fat you over dramatic little twit." she said, amused by him, letting him shift before going back to work on his neck, giving him a shoulder massage now too. "if you fall asleep like that, you're going to be stiff." she warned after a while, smiling when Steve poked his head in after a knock. "sorry to bother you, just wanted to let you know Dean's cancer is at two percent and the health of all his internal organs s over fifty now. also he's awake and bit Cas in some weird display of dominance and snarled at Bruce so, yeah i wouldn't make it a rush to go see him just yet."
“Yes, she does.”Cas sighed shivering as the other nuzzled the mark. “Yea, that’s the mark. It’ll get easier to focus once you get used to it.”Cas said leaning into him before huffing slightly. “It is terrible, but you’re not going to do it, even if you want to. And you know she’ll like sex. You know, as long as she gets to consent.”They were all going to have to sit down and discuss the rules again, but for now, he was willing to let the other indulge whatever possessive streak he had. “I better taste fantastic. That’s grace you’re licking up.”Cas said rolling his eyes a little before wincing.”You sould drunk.”He said before twisting the collar a little more. “And whoever said you got to be in charge this time?”

“I am. It’s sorta comfy to lay here, and it’s gotta be cause I have fat now.”He teased snickering a little as he closed his eyes. “Hmm, but you’re already making me stiff.”He grumbled, not really aware of admitting it, to relaxed and happy to police what he said. Before stirring, raising his head to look at steve, grinning. “That’s steve. That’s awesome....and yes. We’ll stay away for the moment.”
"yeah. yeah. the mark." he mumbled before nodding. "yeah. i won't do it." he hoped not anyway. "yeah. she's gotta consent. doesn't count if she doesn't want it." he admitted before smirking as he continued to lick Cas's arm because even if there wasn't any blood he could still taste the tangy metal blood before he snarled at Cas as he felt the collar twisting around his neck, lunging forward, teeth aiming for Cas's neck because he wasn't going to tolerate the others attempt at Dominance. "Mine!" Dean snarled, trying to pin Cas to the bed, to take what he wanted. he was too weak though, weaker even than a normal human at the moment so it wouldn't be hard for Cas to take control, if he wanted. Dean's instincts where driving him right then, all he wanted was to Take Cas, fuck him sensless and make sure the Angel knew who he belonged to and he wanted to do the same to Lisa. not the most harmful of desires but acting like this, he might be prone to raping her, or Cas, to get what he wanted simply because he couldn't control himself.

She smiled a little at him and shook her head. "you're a bit ridiculous you know that?" she asked with a smile before grinning at him. "are you getting hard for me?" she ased playfully, smiling at him because she knew he didn't realize this as a drop. he'd never had a calm, settled drop like this where he was just cam and content. if she could find the Dom's he'd been with before, she was going to beat them. "Thank you Steve." she said with a smile before looking down at Sam. "Dean's Demonic instincts are goig to kick in hard. he's probobly trying to dominate Cas right now." she admitted. "he's ging to be fairly possesive and violent, if what Cain said was true."
"Exactly. Consent is good."Cas muttered sighing quietly as he nuzzled the other, smiling slightly as the other liked his shoulder. Not trying to stop him.snarling as he tightened his grip to keep dean from moving, to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself, or him. Knowing dean would never forgive himself if he hurt himself."I am yours, by choice. And I'll submit, as long as you promise you're in control."or at least enough to not regret the sex afterwards.b"dean?"

"Am not. Totally not ridiculous."sam muttered before flushing, realizing what he'd said. Squirming slightly not truly aware that he was, at least not till he mentioned it."...yes."he muttered pressing his cheek against her thigh, avoiding her eyes for a moment. "Thanks steve. And probably. Dean was already possessive and violent, it's going to be worse....but I think we can help him control it to."
Dean snarled as he was held back but relaxed a little when Cas said that he was his. "I'm in control." he mumbled. "mostly." he mumbled, relaxing a little as he nuzzled the other. "i'm sorry... i wouldn't rape you." he promised. "if you say no, or stop, i will. even if i desperately want to shve you on your knees and make you choke on my cock." he admitted. "i won't rape you. even the Demon in me doesn't like the idea. he.. WE want to make you ours. make you submit. but we, i... we won't rape you to get it." he promised, looking up at the other. swallowing thickly. "you're so pretty Cas. i want to fuc you. i want to fuck you until you're begging me to stop, and begging me to keep going. i want to fuck you until that pretty face of yours is trailed with tears and you just can't cum no more."

"You are a little bit." she admitted with a smile. "it's what makes you so adorable." she admitted with a smile, stroking his hair. "well, it's okay. if you beg real cute, i might let you take care of it later." she teased with an impish grin. "yes. his possessive behaviors where mostly managed before, with no inhibitions i doubt he'll be able to control himself for a while."
Cas smiled slightly, “Good.”He said relaxing a little, resting his head against the other’s shoulder, “I know. I trust you. Not sure if you trust yourself though.”Cas smiled a little, before shuddering at the idea of being shoved to his knees, letting dean be in charge. “Good to know that you both are in agreement on that.”He muttered before flushing a little. “I don’t think guys are supposed to be pretty.”He muttered whining softly as he considered what dean was saying. “If you’re feeling up to it....”he trailed off tilting his head a little.

“Not adorable.”he grumbled before shuddering at the idea of being allowed to take care of himself, even if he knew he could do it when he wanted to, the idea of being allowed to do it...”Okay.”He muttered flushing as he stared down before nodding. “True. But Cas wont let him do to much damage, because he knows dean. Knows dean would never forgive himself if he hurt cas or lisa. Or any of us really.”sam said sighing a little. “But we’ll make it easier on them, and stay away for a while.”
"I don't trust myself. not really." he admitted. "You can fight back, stop me if you have to, i don't know that Lisa could." he admitted, shaking his head as he stroked the others body, simply feeling the other because he could, because he needed to, because he was so perfect. yeah. yeah, only counts if you want it." Dean mumbled. "only counts if i make you like it." he growled, stroking his thumbs across Cas's nipples, testing the reaction he might get. "you're pretty." Dean mumbled, grinning viciously at Cas. "i'm gonna fuck my pretty boy senseless" he hissed, sliding out of the bed and moving tot he door, locking it before looking for the stash Bruce kept of sex stuff for when people came down looking for some sex. he snagged the lube once he found it and flounced back to Cas. "on you're knees, i wanna fuck you're throat first." he decided, examining the lube. "Vanilla flavored."he mused, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans and pulled himself out with one hand and popped open the lube with the other, spreading it all over his already half hard cock. "there. i wanna watch you lick me clean before i fuck your pretty mouth."

"very adorable." she stated with a smirk. "maybe you'll even let me watch, hmm?" she asked him impishly. "Dean doesn't trust himself right now. his desires are likely to frighten him quite a bit." she admitted. "we'll just have to help him, you know. once he's calmed down." she admitted, smiling at him. "are you feeling okay? you don't need anything?"
“Lisa could. After all, even if I’m not there, me, or crowley are just a yell away. Physically, she might not be able to stop you, but she can summon help. Along with Jarvis, who is allover the tower. Lisa is safe.”He promised, shuddering as he was stroked, rolling his eyes a little. “I always want you. Eternity was lonely before you.”he muttered before moaning as the other stroked his nipple, snorting slightly. “For a man who’s supposed to be on bed rest, you’re awfully demanding.”He teased a little even as he took his time getting to his knees, making it clear he was submitting by choice, and not by force. Rolling his eyes. “You are such a sweet junkie.”He teased watching the other, even as he leaned forward to steal a swipe along the other’s cock, smirking a little. “Hm, it does taste good.”

“M-maybe.”Sam stuttered a little before nodding. “They do. Always have, even before this. But Cas will help....we’ll help. It’ll be okay.”Sam said shifting a little, hard and aching, he hadn’t come in days, hadn’t really had time or the inclination since she’d sucked him off and used his knife, but....”N-no. I’m okay. Just gonna relax here.”he muttered because he was such a shy moose, he totally couldn’t admit he liked his therapist. Not after his track record of fucking everything up
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