Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Not my fault. I totally didn’t know I could get her pregnant!Angels don’t normally procreate. Even if vessels.”Cas whined a little before sighing softly. “I know. I’m not leaving her. You’re not either.”He said smiling a little resting his head against the other’s shoulder, snickering a little. “I remember. And they’re currently on guard duty, whatever monsters or bad stuff happen today, they’re dealing with it. We have more important things to do.”he muttered nuzzling dean a little before frowning. “Really?How?And fine. If you’re sure.”he muttered smiling slightly. “I am relaxed. Totally, absolutely relaxed.”Sam huffed a little smiling slightly as Cas fussed over him, making sure he was presentable. “Yes. I am.”Sam said relaxing a little, ducking his head a little just to feel the pressure of the collar before moving over to help Lisa up. “We better be going. No need to make the bride wait any longer. She’ll punish me if we do.”
Dean snickered a little. "totally your fault, i TOLD you to wear condoms you know." he admitted with a smile. he decided not to tell Cas that their baby was the next Jesus Christ... of sorts. different name, same purpose. they had stopped the apocalypse. that meant that the Word of God would imbibe into a human spirit, and change all of the world for the better. their little baby was destined to literally bring about world peace. but, no need to tell that to anyone, she had to grow into the role on her own, without interference. "we do have more important things to do." he agreed before smiling. "oh. i just, know things." which was his answer to everything every time he just knew something. Loki tended to cackle hysterically every time he head Dean say it, but refused to say anything either. who knew the Mark of Cain would be touched by god? who knew Dean Winchester, of all people, would be the next Prophet? he was married to The Word of God after all. "you're wound up tighter than a Werewolf on a full moon." Dean corrected. "come on little Brother, don't keep your bride waiting." he urged with a smile, touching his own collar and knowing Cas was wearing the bracelet that matched. "let's go get married!" Lisa gushed happily.
“But I didn’t know that it could happen. It seemed a little weird to wear condoms when I didn’t think it could happen.”Cas whined a little before snorting slightly. “You do know things.”He said snickered quietly because the other was so amusing when he went all prophet of the lord. “ not!I don’t think it’s possible to be that wound up.”Sam said twitching a little smiling a little as he watched cas absently touch his bracelet even without realizing it. Following dean out, he stopped at the front of the aisle, twitching and waiting, flushing brightly as he saw deidra. Swallowing hard as he took her hands in his, holding on tightly, steadying himself. “Hey.”He muttered smiling quietly as he tried to relax, smiling at Cas. “you two ready?”Cas smiled a little as he smirked, it wasn’t the first wedding he’d preformed as the ruler of heaven, but it was going to be the best one.
"Dude. i am a Prophet. when i tell you to wear condoms, you wear condoms!" Dean said, rolling his eyes because only him and Cas knew he was a prophet, none of the others did. "it is possible to be that wound up." Dean informed Sam with a smile, smiling at Cas as he stroked that bracelet. "you okay?" Deidra asked, smiling at him. "you look jumpy." she admitted with a chuckle, pulling him in for a kiss. "relax. i love you." she promised him with a smile before looking at Cas. "we're ready. do it uick before Sam passes out."
"I just thought you were enjoying ordering me around. Stop being bossy."Cas made a face at the other rolling his eyes a little.bis not...and yes. I'm fine."Sam said smiling at deidra. "I'm not going to pass out!" "Fairly certain you will if this takes to long."Tony snickered from his place at dean's side, smirking amused as the vows of Enochian and English spilled for the angels lips, laughing happily as sam nearly did pass out when deidra said yes.
"you love it when i'm bossy." Dean scoffed, smiling at Cas before chuckling a little as he watched his brother getting ready to get married. "you're going to pass out." Deidra teased him, looking very amused, chuckling as she said her touching Vows and replied es to his and the only reason he didn't pass out she was sure, was because she was kissing him senseless. the wedding over, Lisa suddenly squeaked and looked down in stunned surprise when the front and back of her dress became stained and wet. "Seriously?! you do this NOW?!" she demanded of her stomach. "Hell Child!"
“I might.”Cas agreed looking amused. “I am not.”Sam grumbled a little smiling softly as he kissed him back. “What?”Cas turned looking at her, before laughing, startled as he picked her up easily. “No, heaven’s child.”he snickered quietly as he headed for the medlab, knowing bruce would be following along with the others. Settling her in the bed as he fussed over her.
"Are too." she teased with a snicker before outright laughing as she realized Lisa was in labor. laughed harder when she realized Bruce was already fully set up before they even got there and that Dean had the video camera waiting. Lisa barely had to push, it was just 'oh, i'm in labor' and then 'oh, the baby's here'. and it was a very unhappy baby, screaming at the top of it's lungs and Dean smiled as he cradled the little girl in his arms. "hello baby girl..." he whispered, smiling at her before handing her off to Cas. both Lisa and Dean had insisted that Cas got to name the baby.
Cas looked startled at being handed a baby, looking only a little awkward, he’d practiced even as he gently touched a finger to the baby’s hand, smiling as the girl wrapped her fingers around his own. Looking up at his lover with that soft, small smile. “Anna....her name is anna.”He said, thinking of the friend he’d lost, who’d meant everything to him before she’d lost her mind in the war in heaven, those eons of knowing her, having been friends, had shaped him as much as his love for lisa and dean had. "It's a good name."Sam smiled a little.
"Anna is a perfect name." Lisa sighed happily, smiling and Dean grinned. "i liked Anna." he agreed, mostly because he knew it would make Cas bristle since Anna had sex with Dean and all. "You're going to be an amazing little girl Anna." Dean cooed, smiling at her before fussing over Lisa who sighed, feeling quite tired despite the shockingly easy, and nearly painless delivery.
Cas bristled at that, growling ever so slightly at dean, but to content with his daughter to be to upset with the fact that dean had once at sex with another angel. Smiling quietly as he cooed at the baby, “She is.”he agreed smiling slightly as dean and bruce looked after Lisa, utterly content to know everyone was safe and there, and happy.

The end
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