Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"just fuck me!" she gasped, trying to smack him upside the head for teasing her so cruelly. "God yes, try it with me." Dean agreed before smiling a little because he knew why they didn't want kids yet. that was okay though. for now, he couldn't blame them. he hummed happily as he was settled into the bed and stroked Cas's chest and wings as Cas settled back onto him, Lisa grinning as she settled over the Angel and held herself there, letting her heat tease his cock but not letting him slide in, just yet. "i do look good up here." she agreed before slowly sinking down onto him with a moan.

"It's not that much nature Tony." Steve said, rolling his eyes. "i'll even install some game systems in here for you." Steve didn't play video games but he did have a very nice T.V. by modern standards anyway, and three laptops that he used to keep up with his many investments. "of course, i like being around you." Steve admitted with a smile. "this is where i come when i can't handle the city, so if ou have a bad day, i think you'd like it too." he admitted. "and that means making it comfortable here for you." he admitted, heading into the kitchen to get his coffee press. he didn't care what people aid, coffee pots just didn't make a decent brew.
“Hey!No abusing the angel. Dean’s the one who likes being hit.”She teased snickering a little. “I will.”Cas smirked a little at dean’s agreement. Smiling as he settled back, closing his eyes as dean’s hands stroked over his skin, shuddering as he felt the other’s hands on his wings. Oh gods, that felt amazing. Growling as lisa teased him he gave her a wicked smirk as he held her hips, effortlessly holding her still. “And whoever said you were going to get to be in charge, hm?”He teased, smirking, sliding into her slowly, shuddering. That felt amazing, making sure he wouldn’t hurt her before snapping his hips up into hers, growling quietly as he held her absolutely still as he fucked up into her.

“Yes it is!”Tony whined a little. “....Oh. That’s...oh. Awesome. We’ll get you playing games soon enough.”Tony giggled a little, “Oh. You know. Most people don’t. Thanks for saying that.”he said, beaming a little at the knowledge, the confirmation that steve wanted to stay with him. “Okay. Yes. Maybe. As long as you don’t make me go do nature things.”Tony said following after the other, before laughing as he saw teh press. “You could just make instant.”he said amused at steve’s insistance that it wasn’t the same.
"i will abuse the angel who fucking stopped!." she hissed furiously. "no fair!" she whined as he gripped her hips before moaning eagerly as she was fucked, arching against him and clenching around him. this was turning her on even more than the somewhat threesome was! "oh. oh! again!" she gasped when he plunged into her, Dean chuckling. "she likes it rough, fuck her hard." Dean recommended, stroking Cas's hair and wings, very much enjoying himself even if his dick of a cock remained limp. the traitor. this was fun in it's own way too.

"sure." Steve sort of agreed, not looking too convinced. still, the idea of sitting too close to Tony on the couch while fighting about something on the screen was a very pleasant thought. "I like you." Steve admitted with a smile. "you're a lot like Bucky, only smarter, more snarky and a bit more awsome." he admitted with a grin. "you're both very different but in here..." he tapped his chest. "you make me feel warm, and safe." he admitted. "do nature things? Tony... i don't do nature." Steve said, wrinkling his nose. "i have everything i need inside, why would i go out there?" he asked before gasping at Tony, looking for all the world Tony had said something about his mother. "instant! INSTANT!? NEver you heathen." he sniffed before boiling the water in his electric kettle.Steve took his coffee quite seriously. he even ground his own beans and if the state of his kitchen was any indication, he even roasted his own beans from time to time. very serious about his coffee. very serious indeed.
“Definitely fair.”He smirked a little as he watched her, moaning softly as the woman clenched around him, whimpering quietly as he thrust up into her, shivering a little as he felt the fingers in his hair and wings, growling low in his throat, thrusting up into her roughly, taking dean at his word and fucking her hard, even though he was being careful not to use all that angel granted strength to do it. Growling as he shifted, leaning up to kiss her slowly, whimpering quietly, because he was starting to lose control if the soft glow to his wings said anything, but was trying so hard ot not to.

“I am awesome. More awesome then anyone.”Tony said flushing brightly, twitchign a little, flushed at the idea that steve felt that much for him. That him and bucky were the same. “Good. I want you to be safe.”He said smiling softly, before snickering. “I dunno. But it sounds perfect. Everything we need is inside.”he agreed before laughing at the other’s protests. “At 3 am in the lab, instant is the only thing that works. Besides, I’m not allowed using the kitchen, so istant is all I have.”
"unfair!" she gasped because she was stubborn that way. "it's okay." Dean murmured with a smile. "it's okay Cas, let it out, let it dissipate into the air. you don't have to be scared. we're here, we have you." Dean promised, stroking his hands along the glowing wings with a moan. "let it all go." he urged, smiling as Lisa came with a wrecked moan, arching even as she kept moving, not that she could stop but she certainly wasn't trying to slow Cas down.

"well. i might tie for that rank." Steve teased Tony with a grin. "yes. even the gym." he admitted with a smile. "too many bugs outside." he admitted before cooking horrified at Tony. "get over here. even a two year old can use a press so i have faith that with your smarter than me intellect you'll have no problem." Steve admitted, motioning Tony over and showed him how to use the coffee press. no stove needed. just hot water, via microwave or electric kettle. then you just put the grounds in place, added the water, pumped the pump and he handed Tony a hot cup of thick coffee that was certainly better than that instant crap. "hows that? think you can manage that?" Steve asked with a smile.
Cas shuddered a little as he felt the other’s hands on his wings, closing his eyes as he leaned his head against lisa’s shoulder, shivering as he let it go, coming with a equally wrecked groan, and shoving all that power into dean, while he couldn’t heal him, his grace knew what he wanted, and cas wanted to heal dean. While it wouldn’t heal him, he’d probably feel better for awhile. Whimpering softly as he clung to him, slumping back tiredly, both body and grace exhausted as he looked up at the woman in front of him.

“Okay. Maybe. But only you could hope to tie.”He decided smiling a little, before nodding. “Indeed. Definitely to many bugs. And animals. And-and nature!”Tony whined a little, before frowning a little. “I might be smarter, but I mess up kitchen stuff. Don’t know if I can. I’ll mess it up.”he muttered before letting the other help him, smiling pleased as he drank it happily. “Oh...oh that is amazing.”He muttered before nodding a little.”Yes...I think I I have one of these at home?”
Dean smiled a little as he rubbed his hands over the other, groaning as he felt the Grace flooding into him. he felt a lot better now. "i'm dead. you killed me. death by orgasm. perfect." Lisa slurred, snuggling into Cas because she was tired, sated, and perfect even as she squirmed so get more comfortable. Dean could already see the bruises on her hips in the shape of cas's hands. he knew for a fact she was going to love that, and that Cas was going to be very upset he hurt her and get quite agrivated when she refused to let him heal her.

"you'll be fine." Steve promised with a smile at Tony. "trust me okay? you can do this no problem. even with those wimpy girly arms of yours." he teased before looking very smug as he sipped at his own cup of coffee. "no you don't. which is why we're making a pit stop at a shop i go to to get the stuff i need for the Tower. with backups." he admitted with a smile. "we'll get one for you, one for me, one for the kitchen and a spare. hows that sound?" he offered. "i'm almost out of beans so we'll get some of those as well." he admitted, delighted that Tony was enjoying himself. "you wanna see the basement?" he offered. "i think you'll like it. it's empty at the moment but i think that'll suit you just fine." he admitted, leading the way to the stairs, letting Tony see the massive basement that was about twice the size of th house itself all encased in concrete with large windows that let in the sunlight. it was almost like Steve ha always wanted Tony to move in. which was impossible because Tony hadn't even eisted when Steve had bought this house.
Cas sighed softly, slumping back into Dean’s body, smiling a little tiredly as his wings flashed back out of existence, snorting a little. “It is perfect.”Cas muttered sated and content for the moment, shiftnig to get comfortable, before twisting his head to look at Dean, “You comfy?I can move.”He muttered shifting a little to get comfortable, absently stroking lisa’s back, to out of it for the moment to see the bruises just yet.

“Okay. I do. Always.”He smiled a little before whining. “They’re not wimpy girly arms!Waht are you talking about?!”Tony sputtered at the teasing, whining a little. “Oh. Okay. That works. We’ll get whatever we want.”he grinned a little because he’d buy anything to make steve happy. “Yea. I do.”he agreed looking interested looking amazed as they walked downstairs, looking amazed as he stared. “Oh!Oh this is perfect for a lab. Awesome amazing stuff, I can fit everything-”He stopped looking at the other. “ sure you don’t mind me using this space for a lab?”
Dean sulked at having the wings taken away but didn't outright protest. "i'm fine. don't move." Dean promised with a smile as he shifted with Cas so they where all comfortable and ready to sleep.

"i'm glad. i trust you too." he promised Tony with a smile before laughing a little as he was sputtered at, grinning at the man he was falling more and more in love with. "yeah. don't worry about it though, they have my card number saved. i'll shoot them a text and they'll have everything ready for us and we can look around a bit if you'd like. they have hundreds of some very nice bean selections." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "of course. Tony i've owned this place since nineteen fifty four and i've never put anything down here." he admitted. "it'll be nice for you to fill this place up." he smiled. "i lie having you around... i want this to be a home for you, as much as the tower is a home for me." he aditted.
“”Uncomfortable to sleep on them.”Even without looking, cas knew the other was sulking. Sighing as he settled in to get comfortable, and falling asleep as he cuddled the two most important people to him.

“Good.”Tony grinned before nodding a little. “Sounds good. And yes, we have to look for coffee. There has to be alot of different coffees to try out.”He said looking amused and eager to try them, before pausing, tilting his head as he considered that. “Oh. Hadn’t considered that. Okay. Yes. This space needs a lab. It’ll be good.”Tony grinned happy with the promise of it being okay, “It will be home. Even if it is in nature.”
"yeah, there are a few beans i want to try yet and i'll get a pound or so of my favorites." he agreed with a smile, looking delighted that Tony wasn't fighting him on moving a lab into his house. good, it would make it easier to have Tony close by always. for as long as he could anyway. "it's good that it's in nature, no one ever comes here." he admitted. "that's why people want to buy this plae so bad. because it's beautiful and secluded, would make a great tourist spot they figure." he snorted. "well good luck for them. i had half a thought to let Clint come here to fish but he annoyed me so i'm still deciding." Steve admitted. that's what Clint got for teasing Steve for 'having a crush' on Tony. "i should get my shit." he admitted with a chuckle. "you wanna come or are you gonna start laying out the floor plans?" he asked with a grin.

James stood in the hallway, staring at the speaker that would make the mechanical sounds that where no longer as frightening as they where. he was gathering up the courage to do soething he'd never done before. speak to the Not-Zola. "Are you Awake?" James finally asked, staring at the speaker and ignoring the fact that he could feel someone, Clint? Natasha? Bruce? watching him. "I wish to.... I wish to know..." he paused, hesitated and then. "I wish for information on one James Barnes..."
“Cool.”Tony grinned at the idea of trying everything, smiling slightly. “Well. Maybe. And even better that no one else is here, even if it’s in nature.”Tony snorted amused befoore smiling. “You should let him come fishing. He’d enjoy it. Maybe even dean and sam. They’d probably use a break from the city and all. They spend alot of time traveling, not used to the city.”She said looking thoughtful before whining softly at having to make a choice. Whining a little, “I’ll stay here. Come find me when your done.”Tony decided settling in to work with a smile, glad steve wouldn’t get angry with him for the choice.

“Yes, I am awake, James.”Jarvis said gently, “There is a tablet on the tablet, sir. You will be able to read the information there if you wish.” “ okay?”sam asked looking a little ragged around the edges, and ready for a nap, but steady as he sipped his coffee, looking at the other.
"i'm thinking that i'll build an extension. maybe a few, just a couple of houses for the others so they're not tromping all over mine instead." he admitted with a smile. "then we could all have our own little havens." he admitted. "the lake is big enough for it. and in a hundred and fifty years..." he paused, swallowing hard. "well, i'll find some use for them." Steve was just so used to anyone he got close to dying of old age, that he barely dared made plans for futures like that and he smiled at Tony, looking amused. "there should be chalk upstairs and some measuring string or a ruler if you want to lay lines or take measurements. i'll find em for you." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead before heading upstairs.

"...Yes. Okay... Thank you." James mumbled, Jarvis still freaked him out but he had done it and that was good. he picked up the tablet and sat down before looking up at the... Sam. because people had Names, not Titles. "....I am Funct...." he paused, hesitated, swallowed hard and then. "i am... okay." he was really getting better. "I wish to know... about who i was... before... before i was the Soldier." he admitted to Sam. "are you Func... Okay?" he asked, looking concerned for the well being of the As... the Sam.
“You know, that’s probably a good idea if we’re all going to come visit here. And the’d be nice for them to have places of their own. I don’t think they have had anything like that before.”Tony smiled a little before frowning a little, walking over to hug the other. “Loki, Thor, and Cas will be here still. You could rent it out as a angel’s retreat, and let cas blow up lightbulbs.”He said, trying to get him to laugh a little, before nodding a little. “Awesome. That’d be great.”He grinned happily taking the tools when steve returned with them, though it was a distracted muttered thanks since he was totally immersed and concentrating on what he was doing.

“You are welcome.”Jarvis said. “....Good. That’s good. Okay is good.”Sam smiled a little moving to sit across from him, sipping his coffee, nodding slightly. “I would be curious to. It’s good for you to know who you were before. Even if you can’t go back to being that’s good to know.”Sam rambled a bit before nodding, sighing a little. “I’m....”He paused wrinkling his nose a little. “I’m okay. I....see things sometimes. Dreams. Nightmares. Feeling a little...unsettled after this one.”
"Well. yeah, i guess it would be okay, i can park them far enough away that they can't bother me all the time." he agreed with a grin before wrapping his arm around Tony. "yeah... i just... i'm not used to people who are...who live as long as me." he admitted softly. "i don't know what i'm going to do in fifty years." he admitted with a sigh before laughing a little. "Cas would blow up all the light bulbs just for the fun of it." he agreed with a laugh before grinning, mused by Tony as the other planned the basement. Steve let Tony enjoy himself and was able to pack up everything he wanted and still had time to draw Tony's super focused face before he finally nudged Tony. "we can come back later, the others are probobly worried." he pointed out. "lets go get our coffee and we can get some lunch, hows that sound?"

"...Yes. Oky means good." James agreed, though he wasn't entirely sure that was where the other was going with that. "...yes. i want to... know." James admitted, staring at the blank tablet. almost too scared to look before looking up at Sam. "You have another person in your head." He agreed. he wasn't stupid, he could follow along in the conversations. "You will beat him up." James informed him. "and then he will stop bothering you." he tilted his head. "You are... with the Clint? and the Natasha?" using names was weird. "Why d you not go to them and let them take the... the..." he paused, scrambling for a word. "the bad away?" he asked, frowning a little. "i will take you to the Clint and the Natasha." he decided. "You are a..." he paused, struggling and then. "An Asset and therefor cannot accurately judge the state of your own well being appropriately."
"yes you could do that....and get used to it. Even if we're not all here, you're going to be looked after."Tony smiled a little."you'll find something to do I'm sure."he said before snickering at the idea of the angel exploding things just cause he could. Whining softly when he plans were interrupted, looking sulky that the other was interrupting him"but...but..."he sulked a little before nodding."okay. We can do that."he said giving in because he didn't want his friends to worry.

"You'll find stuff you probably don't want to know...or that'll be painful...but it's always better to know what's going on. Especially if it involved things you did."sam smiled a little because he still was missing alot of what soulless sam had done, so he understood."....I can't beat him up. He's stronger then me. And more devious."sam frowned a little at the others certainy that he could."I am...but they're having their own cuddles right now, natasha had a bad dream...I don't want to make them worry or make it worse... "sam said fidgeting a little."....I can look after myself fine, james."he said even though he obeyed the underlying command of 'get up so james could take him to nat and clint.'
"i'll have to because now that i think on it, i don't think Cas, or Deidra would leave me alone now hat they've found me." he admitted with a smile, relieved to know that even when everyone else died, he'd still have Cas, Deidra, Loki and probobly even Phil and Thor. that was good... he wouldn't be alone anymore. it was almost enough to make him want to cry. "you can come back anytime Tony." he promised with a smile, holding something out to Tony. a shiny key, to the house. "just don't blow up my house okay?" he asked with a smile. "and try to keep from piling your things in my art room, i use that too much to hop over mechanics." he teased with a smile as he led the way back outside, using his pwn key to lock the door, not that it really mattered, no one knew the house was there anyway.

he grinned a little and headed down to his Garage and winked at Tony. "we can't take the jet to the store, so..." and he slid the metal door open and let Tony see. fifteen beautifully maintained bikes from various years. there was even one of the originals from when bikes where first made. those where all sitting in a row behind red ropes indicating they weren't for driving. there where two impalas sitting side by side like old brothers. two Jaguars where standing nearby, one old enough to be in a museum and the other so shiny and sleek it might have been brand new. there where three mustangs as well, two older and one bright and shiny and new. there where three older Ferrari and one sleek shiny red one and two Lamborghini. both older. there was also a collection of five brand new motorcycles standing in a row, begging to be driven and Steve glanced at Tony with a smirk. "which one do you want to drive?" he asked, waving a hand. "some of them are too old to actually be driven, but other than that they're all ready to go. i'm taking two of the bikes with me too on the Jet." he admitted. "so if you want to work on one of the new ones, feel free to pick one out."

James nodded. "i need to know what i was capable of. before... before the... they, in my head..." James mumbled, struggling for the words that did not come easily to him. James gave him a baffled look and then. "Have you not already bested him once?" he asked, his head cocked. "what could you not do it again when he is smaller, weaker and more fragile than he was originally?" he asked. "if he was stronger than you, he would have done something already. instead he just sits there and yells and makes you frightened. the Handlers did that often. they would threaten me and make me hurt to make me feel afraid and small and weak. now they are dead. i killed them, because i was stronger than them. always, i just had to realize it." he admitted before scowling a little, thinking about that and then. "The NAtasha needs her Clint, and her Sam will make her feel better too, but if the Sam does not want to go to the Natasha, then i will take him to the Deidra instead." he decided.
“Hm, no probably not.”Tony snickered a little, before nodding. “Kay. Good. I’ll come back.”He said sounding pleased with being invited, before his eyes went wide with astoishment as he was handed the key, nodding. “I wont. I haven’t blown up the tower. We’re good....and I only pile stuff up in my own rooms, not everyone else’s.”He promised looking amused before nodding. “Yea, the jet would be sorta awkward to take.”He said before staring at the bikes. The cars. Nearly whimpering in need at the sight, the engineer looked like he was in heaven. “I wanna take the mustang.”He said nearly drooling before grinning. “Awesome. These should be in the tower. They’re awesome.”he said looking pleased,before nodding. “kay. I might do that. Can’t decide though...”he said looking utterly fascinated with them all.

“Yes. That would be good to know.”Sam smiled a little at the other’s effort to get the words, before startling, “I...yes. With dean’s help....he helped me fight free.”because lucifer had been beating dean to death. He’d had to break his hold to save him. “....I...I don’t know. I...”He stuttered biting his lip, nodding a little. “I will try.”He said not sounding sure, but now that both deidra and james had said he could, he’d try. “...I...I don’t know....”Sam said looking a little lost, not sure. Because he knew he didn’t fit quite as well with natasha and clint, and while he liked the comfort and peace he got with them, he was feeling out of sorts to. Because he was afraid he’d never be happy, that he wouldn’t have anyone who wanted him. It was hard for him to accept he had the right to be happy. “....Deidra.”He said after a moment.
"of course you will." he agreed with a smile before chuckling. "you're not as reckless in the tower." he corrected. "and i don't care if you pile things up in the living room or wherever else. i do it too after all." he admitted with a smile before chuckling at Tony's expression. "settle down, you're going to get a boner." he warned, looking amused. "you can work on them anytime you want. some of them need some cleaning and some tuning so feel free whenever you want." he admitted. "you can even work on the really old ones. i know you well enough to know you'd never damage or worse 'upgrade' a sweet car like these." from the sounds of it, Steve had come across someone who wanted to make the perfect old cars 'newer'. the sacrilege. "well like i said, you can come work on these anytime you want to." he promised. "but i can only fit two bikes on the jet so if you can't decide 'll just take my two best riders." he assured Tony.

"So get the Dean to help this time." James suggested as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Trying is all you can do. i'm sure you can beat him up." James agreed. "do your best." he urged before watching Sam, simply waiting ever so patient for the other to decide. James nodded and without missing a beat, he had Sam in his arms and he was heading for where Deidra always was, in her rooms/offfice. She looked up hen they entered and had to do a double take because, wow. that wasn't something you saw every day. "come on in boys." "Asset the Sam needs emotional care." James informed her, making her blink and then nod. "i kind of figured." she admitted, James examining her before nodding. "I will leave him in your care and stand guard outside." he decided, leaving the room with his tablet in hand, making her chuckle. "in some ways he is getting better." she admitted before looking at Sam. "are you okay?"
“Okay. Maybe not. But I wouldn’t blow up this place. Even if there’s nature here. If I blew it up, nature might get in. Can’t do that.”he snickered a little, before nodding. “Okay, if I pile up, I will.”he smiled a little before whining softly as he adjusted himself. “To late. I might have to have sex down here. This place is awesome. Might even be better then my own garage, and I didn’t think that was possible.”he whined a little at the idea before nodding. “Awesome. I’ll do times working on them.”Tony grinned before shuddering. “That’s sacrilege!Horrible to consider upgrading.”he shuddered a little before nodding. “Okay, just take the two best.”he said smiling slightly.

“...I...didn’t think of that. He has enough going on.”Sam muttered, though why hadn’t that occurred to him before? Looking thoughtful as he considered that. “....I will try. I will.”He promised before yelping as he was picked up, nearly moaning at being manhandled. It was rare that he got manhandled, unless it was a monster of some kind, being picked up was rare for the moose. Flushing when he saw Deidra, “Hey....he wouldn’t let me walk.”He muttered before snorting at his words. “I’m okay.”He whined a little before sighing as he slumped down onto the couch, looking amused as james left with the tablet. “He’s reading about himself. It’s improvement.”He agreed slumping into the couch, shrugging a little. “I want to have my own sex fantasies, not lucifer’s.”He said sounding sulky.
Steve couldn't help it, he laughed. he laughed so hard he almost had to bend over. "you have to remember Tony, i was around when most of these cars came out. i barley paid pennies for most of them." he admitted with a chuckle before grinning as he nodded and wheeled his two favorite bikes out onto the Jet, humming to himself because in truth, one of these was intended to be a present for Tony. not much of a surprise in the end but what did Steve care? Tony would love it anyway. "okay! hop in the mustang." he ordered with a grin, taking the keys from a board on the wall and tossed the keys to Tony and settled himself into the passenger seat. "to the Coffee!" he teased with a smile. as promised the store had the coffee supplies Steve had ordered already purchased and Steve got several bags of beans and a roasting machine as well just to round things out. "where do you want to eat? there's a pizza place up that way, a burger joint that way and a taco place across the street."

"He is your brother, he wishes to give you aid and know you are well." he pointed out, smiling at Sam as he manhandled the other, it was more of a grimace really but he tried to smile. "no, i dare say he wouldn't. he tends to get a little over-dramatic." she admitted with a smile. "is he really? good." she said with a smile. "it means he's curious about who he used to be, most of his memories are gone, but i think a good number of them might actually be able to return." she admitted before chuckling a litte. "i take it masturbation hasn't been going well for you? does he interrupt while your sleeping with Natasha and Clint?" she asked, her head tilted at him. "i suppose you wouldn't like it much if i tried to straddle you and give you a blowjob." she mused with a smile.
Tony grinned, pleased at the other’s laughter. It always pleased him when steve was happy. “that’s awesome really. I paid a lot for my collection, but I think yours is more impressive cause you kept them all for so long.”Tony said smiling a little as he helped the other get the bikes secured and placed before grinning as he happily settled into the car. Even happier when they got to the store and got the coffee and everything he needed. Finally, he’d have a kitchen appliance he’d be allowed to use. Smiling a little, “Hm, Pizza sounds amazing.”He said as his stomach growled.

“True...I’ll talk to him.”Sam muttered smiling at the other as he grimace/smiled, resting his head against the other’s shoulder for a moment before grinning at deidra. “He’s nearly as bad as dean, the drama queen.”He said sounding amused at the thought of his brother. “Though I don’t know who’s worse, him or Cas really. They’re both sorta over dramatic....think Dean’s rubbing off on the angel. Bad influences.”Sam smiled a little before nodding. “He is. And that was cas’ thoughts to. That a lot of it’s lost, but he might get some of them returned to.”Sam said, having asked the angel for his opinion. Pouting as she chuckled. “Noooo...”He flushed brightly, despite having been the one to bring it up, he wasn’t nearly as comfortable as dean was at talking about sex. “Apparently me time, has turned into story time, with Lucifer’s fantasies.”He pouted a little, before snorting softly. “Well, he watches when I’m with them mostly. I think my fake-lucifer is sorta scared of Natasha.”He giggled a little before staring at her in utter startlement, looking at a loss for words, and not answering because he had no idea how to answer that.
"You where just born too late to get any of the really good ones." Steve teased with a chuckle. "mine is only impressive because i knew i liked the look of the cars and i have trouble letting things go." he admitted with a chuckle. "this one was my first." he admitted, patting the oldest bike in the line. "this is the one Bucky had during the war. they shipped it to me." he admitted before chuckling s he followed Tony around the coffee shop. "i'm not trusting you to roast your own beans though, i'm warning you on that." Steve teased with a smile. "but the beans i think you'll really like just have to be ground, and you can make your own smoothies so you can grind coffee." he promised as they headed into the pizza place, ordering himself a common, plain pepperoni pizza with a coke. "you know, i miss when Coke actually had Coke in it." Steve admitted. "this modern stuff just isn't the same." ha admitted, shoving a bendy straw into the lid of his plastic cup and took a drink as they sat down to wait for their pizza.

"i don't think anyone is as bad as Dean." she admitted with a snort. "they're a good match." she admitted with a smile. "i wish there was some way i could help him but white magic doesn't work that way and i'd have to use three virgin girls under pubescence to save him using black magic and even then he'd still have the cancer so it would be pretty miserable." she admitted. "not exactly what i was hoping for." she admitted, shaking her head. "he is a pretty awful influence on an angel, i think Lisa is worse though." she admitted with a laugh. "hmm... well, we just have to create a scenario where Lucifer cannot interfere." she admitted. "in truth, how much do his sex stories actually bother you by now? you have to be, at last a little bit, used to them by now?" she asked, her head tilted before smirking. "everyone is afraid of Natasha. she was hand chosen and trained by the winter soldier himself. even Lucifer steers clear of the 'human Demon'. James has killed both Angels and Demons before, they all know to keep their distance from him." she grinned ad him, tilting her head so her long red har fell in a cascading ripple and the sleeve of her shirt slid down her arm, revealing to the world that she wasn't wearing a bra, if the soft curve of her breast was anything to go by. it wasn't all that revealing really, but he got a good look. "is Lucifer bothering you now?" she asked with a sly little smile.
“Being young is such a burden sometimes.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “Good thing you have trouble letting things go. This is like a wet dream down here.”He said flushing a little before nodding, amazed at the bikes. Sulking a little. “Fine. If you have to roast the beans, fine you can do it.”he grumbled before looking pleased. “I can make smoothies. It’s easy enough.”He said smiling as he ordered a anchovies and pepperoni monstrosity and a coke. “You would miss the drugged drink.”He teased looking amused at the idea before tensing, staring at the straw, poking steve. “Bend the straw.”

“No, I really don’t think there is.”Sam snickered a little. “I know....I looked. Even knowing Cas had looked....and crowley.....I couldn’t not look....”he sighed a little. “Yea, they’re both a fairly bad influence.”Sam snickered a little. “Yea, and it wouldn’t bother me if he’d stop using my half-brother as a vessel for his michael fantasies, or doing threesomes with Jessica.”Well, that was nice. That lucifer had moved on from things that had happened in hell, to finding fresh things to torture him a bit. “It’s not so just makes it hard to have my own fantasies when Lucifer’s in there giving me crap.”He whined a little before snickering. “I know. It’s quite amazing really....”he said trailing off as he watched her hair fall, shifting slightly as his eyes followed the movement down, the slight shift showing just how long it’d been since he’d had sex. Not that natasha or clint weren’t great, but the man had been denying himself sex for years, so the need to have sex, to be taken care of, was still overwhelming. “no, he isn’t. Though he’s paying attention....he’s being quiet.”
"it is a burden." Steve agreed with a smile before chuckling a little. "well, just remember when you get old and i've been changing you're old man diapers that i took care of you and i want to merge our collections." he teased Tony with a chuckle. "and yes, i promise. i'll change you're old man diapers." he promised, smiling at Tony. "i'll always take care of you, yeah?" he offered with a smile. "do you really want to learn how to roast beans when it's such a complicated process? you don't ust throw em in a kiln you now, you have to take acidity measurements, flavor profiles, temperature controls and time into account." he admitted. "i even fuck it up a good number of times." he admitted before pulling a face at Tony's order. "you're never ordering again." he informed the other. "that cannot be safe to eat." he admitted, biting into his pizza before blinking. "what? my straw? it's fine." he promised, taking another drink just to prove it.

"i think everyone's looked and the only options available are the ones we would never take." she admitted with a sigh. "not that those options would be good ones anyway." she admitted before blinking a little. "oh Jesus..." she mumbled. she knew about Jessica, Dean half blamed himself for that. or had been blaming himself. "yes i can see why that would upset you." she admitted. "it's because he knows your starting to realize he can't hurt you, he's trying to distract you. i'm not surprised it's working." she admitted. "he was always an imaginative little shithead." she'd never met him herself but she'd heard the stories. she smiled at him and slid slowly out of her chair and stked over to him. "stand up." she ordered, her tone dominant, controlling, ordering. "You need someone to take care of you. so i'm going to do just that." she admitted, reaching out and stroking his hairbefore gripping it tight and guiding him, carefully, to his knees. "let me take care of you. it doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to, or if you're not ready, or it can mean everything you want it to mean." she promised. "i can wait for you to be ready, but for now, let me help you."
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