Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"Of course yu cannot see it. you are attempting to look at yourself." Loki pointed out. "trust me. i'm older than you and my mother was there to see most of the Angel's be born. she knows better than anyone what Gods Image is." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "it might be less traumatizing to just ask the Vanir." Loki admitted, not wanting to bother poor Sam with it. "you are the most human angel there ever was. the one most capable of connecting with the humans. in time? who knows, maybe you'll be the only reason God still exists on this planet." Loki mused. "or maybe you'll just blow it up, either way, you do you're best, and do what's best for everyone and that's all that really matters." Loki admitted to Cas. "you hav a good family. trust their opinions,even if you hate yourself." he suggested. "it's what got me through most of my life." he admitted. "i would not suggest hiding them in the same location. they tend to communicate with each other." Loki warned. "but i like that idea for one of them... the mind one... bury the damn thing." he pleaded, burying his face in Tony's hair, Clint reaching over and taking Loki's hand because... well, he more than anyone understood.

"Oh for goodness sakes." Loki huffed. "Kay just admitted he's older than captain rogers, did you not think to ask him how?" Clint demanded. "if Steve and Cas are going to outlive us naturally, don't you think we should start looking into other options?" "oh. i took care of that already." Loki said, sounding bored. "i stole a few dozen Golden Apples and spiked your drinks with the juice. you're all effectivly ageless." Loki admitted, looking like the little shit he was before he vanished when Steve moved to snatch the god before he could vanish. "that little shit! he didn't even ask!" Clint complained, though it was pretty obvious he didn't actually care. "you go ahead, no. James, stay here." Clint ordered, fidgeting when James gave the man a piercing look. "...never mind, do whatever you want, sorry." Clint caved, sounding so meek that Steve gaped at him. James just moved over to Clint and wrapped his metal hand around Clint's neck, as if testing to see if the other would fight back. surprisingly, Clint didn't, he just gasped and his legs locked, which was a good thing or he would have hit his knees. James just grinned and let Clint go and ambled off to inform Natasha that the птенец was very much His. he was going to claim the птенец and Natasha would have to fight him for the птенец if she wanted him for herself. "...i feel like i should intervene in this but i think Clint just came in his pants...." Steve teased, looking quite wicked and Clint went very red. "shut up Cap!"
“...You look good for being that old, loki.”Cas teased looking amused before flushing a little at the idea that they thought he was that good before nodding. “I know it would be less traumatizing.”He promised before looking thoughtful. “.....Thanks for that pep talk. I don’t know if its more disturbing or reassuring to think I might eventually blow up the world.”Cas rolled his eyes a little before snorting. “Don’t hate myself, but I trust Dean to tell me when I’m being a dick. He’s always done that.”He looked vaguely amused because dean had never been shy about telling him things, before nodding slightly. “Then we will find to separate places for them. We’ll bury them both in separate places.”Cas promised smiling a little as he watched loki cuddle tony.

“’s been a long day. Sorta overwhelming to think of what things will affect us.”Tony said flushing a little at the idea that they hadn’t even asked how kay and phil had survived. Feeling overwhelmed that they simply had. “....You what?”Cas startled, eyes wide before looking pained. Wondering....”LOKI!Get back here!”Cas demanded, a sliver of his real voice enough to rattle the metal around him as he walked out of the room, a angel definitely on a warpath as something occurred to him. He was going to strangle the godling. “....Hmmm, I’ll fight you for him.”Natasha smirked at james, amused as she looked up at the shoulder. “...Yea, I’m fairly certain he did. It’s sorta adorable really, to see him that worked up.”Tony snickered a little as he eyed clint.
"i am precisely three months older than you." Loki sniffed at Cas, looking amused. "so you have to listen to me, because i'm older." he admitted before grinning at Cas. "you'd only blow up the planet if that's what's best for humanity, no worries. i don't really see it happening." he admitted. "being informed when you're being a dick is a good thing. i tell Thor he's being a dick all the time." he admitted before smiling, relieved, glad that Cas could hide the stones. maybe they could find the sul stone and destroy it. he knew there was someway to destroy the stones, but he baked at the idea of destroying things made from gods own hands. it wasn't many things could claim that. not even the very universe, he caused the first park, the explosion but other than that, he more nudged than made. for a moment, it looked as if Loki was going to ignore the Order to get back there and then he slinked back into Cas's presence, looking rather intimidated. there was a reason Loki was always very polite to Cas. Angels where Gods favorites, aside from the humans. no one dicked with Angels, no one but other Angels.

James just grinned, it was a wolfish, predatory grin that said he was going to enjoy fighting Natasha for possession of the птенец(chick). it also said that if sh lost, he was likely to claim her, his Лисичка(little fox) for himself as well. James was a very good Dom, he could handle two high maintenance subs like Nat and Clint with effortless ease. it helped that they where high maintenance in different ways. "I did not!" "only because he didn't give you permission to cum." Clint went so red that Steve knew he had hit the bulls-eye and he had to snicker. Steve had obviously been doing some research, which wwas both very interesting and very disturbing at the same time. "oh, i have to go. Johnny promised to take me to a club tonight." Steve admitted, checking his watch. "do you think Phil will be okay? i don't want to leave if he's..." "he'll be fine. he'll be in some pain but you're Angel friend took care of most of it." Kay promised.
“....Really?”Cas looked amused, “No I don’t.”He said sulking though, because unless given a reason to, he probably would listen to what loki would say. Snorting a little. “me either.”He agreed. “I know, he complains that you do all the time.”Tony snickered a little at the idea. Cas growled as he walked out into the hallway, having every intention of going back to dean before pausing when he saw Loki coming back towards him. Growling softly, eyes glowing that eerie blue that they always got when he was seriously annoyed about something, but he was doing well to keep it contained and not lash out. “You gave the apples to dean?Without being healed you’ve condemned him to a immortality of being sick Loki!”He snarled, angry because like humans, he’d assumed idunn’s apples granted immortality, not simply a period of agelessness. Snarling and angry because it hurt so badly to see dean like this, and not be able to fix it. You could tell he was starting to lose hope of ever being able to heal dean, to help him, and had been bracing himself to enjoy what little time he was going to get with dean that he could.

Natasha gave him a similar grin, even as she shuddered. Because she might like being in charge of clint sometimes, she definitely wouldn’t mind being submissive to james. Had always enjoyed their time together. “....You;ve been doing research?”tony said looking at steve with wide fascinated eyes, tilting his head a little. “You’re going clubbing?”he asked, and wondered what he’d have to do to get himself invited. “Don’t worry. We’ll look after phil, even if he is mostly okay now.”
"Of course i wouldn't condemn him to that!" Loki protested. "Idunn's apples, without her blessing don't do anything but extend a persons life for a few years and even then, it only stops a person from aging! it won't stop death Castiel. you more than anyone should know nothing can stop death!Isunn's apples won't save you if you're stabbed and they didn't save Dean like i had hoped they would. he apples did nothing more than extend their natural lifespan by three years, at the most." Loki assured Cas, shaking his head. "i thought they might save Dean... they didn't... i didn't say anything because..." he shook his head. "because it was just another nail in the board... because Dean is going to die and for all my magi ad my power and my knowledge i can't stop it." Loki admitted, sounding so hurt and pained. to finally have people who loved him, supported him, wanted him and for them to be dying in such a short time... of course Loki had done it, of course he had tried.

"Sure i've been doing research." Steve admitted. "i am interested in the lifestyle after all." he admitted before nodding. "yeah. Johnny has a safe club where i can... explore, a little bit. they have lessons and such for those who are new to the lifestyle and he said he'd be happy to introduce me to some Dom's who can help me figure out what kind of Dom or Sub i am." he admitted. "i'm hoping i'll be compatible with the person i like. Johnny says that the chances are pretty high, but i don't know enough to feel comfortable bringing it up yet." he admitted. he had talked to Tony before about his 'crush' on 'someone'. he was a bit worried that Tony hadn't figured it out yet. was getting worried that Tony didn't really like him back.
Cas looked at loki, slouchng a little. Both relieved and pained. “...I know. I know you wouldn’t.”he muttered sighing softly, swallowing thickly. “I you said....I know better then anyone death wont be stopped.”He muttered pained and hurting, “I know why you didn’t...same reason I retreated to a convience store and didn’t come back for weeks....we failed, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”Cas said sighing quietly, wincing as he looked at the other, “I’nm sorry I yelled....”He said before shuddering. “But to doesn’t matter. They like us....not for how useful we are, but simply because they like us.....”He said still sounding a little amazed. “I better go back to Dean....would you like to come?”He said looking at the other as he started down the hall.

“...I know, just hadn’t thought you’d ask johnny.”Tony said, sounding a little sulky that he hadn’t been included in the research part before nodding. “Yea, I knwo what club your going to. It’s good. Fun.”Tony said shuddering a little, trying not to look disappointed at the idea of steve finding somewhere there, not sure how to bring up that he liked the other, or that deidra thought steve was in love with him. He was so, so emotionally constipated he was flailing to try to figure out how to go about this. “Well, Johnny’s usually right about these sort of things.”
"it's okay. there's a reason why there is so much false lore about Idunn's apples you know." he admitted. "while they can grant some form of immortality it's a... pale imitation. with her blessing, it can render a swiftly aging mortal the lifespan of an asgardian. i'll offer the apples to the Avengers of course, Idunn has already agreed to bless the Apples for the Mighty Heroes of Earth. they will live as long as we do if they accept. those who take the apples do have to accept you see. they have to be aware of what they are eating and what it will mean or it won't really do anything." he admitted with a sigh. "the option is there though." he admitted. "i would have yelled to." he admitted before shaking his head. "if i'm not useful, then they'll get bored of me. everyone always does." he admitted softly before shaking his head. "i can't face him, not now... not when i failed..." he must literally have just spiked their drinks then because the pain on Loki's face was fresh and raw.

"i didn't." Steve admitted. "he caught me reading one of the books he left for Cas and informed me we where going to a club. it sounded interesting though so i agreed instead of punching his face in." he admitted with a chuckle. "you want to come with?" Steve asked, looking hopefully at Tony. "Johnny's nice and all but i don't know him. i'm a bit nervous about going." not a surprise after what happened the last time.
“Ah. Yes, I could see why that would be something to not let everyone know the truth about....”Cas sighed a little rubbing a hand over his face, before looking thoughtful. “I think they will accept, or at least Tony will, to stay with Steve.”He said sounding thoughtful and pleased at the idea. “And...and probably Sam, to stay with Deidra. We will not be alone...”he muttered sounding astounded at the idea before looking thoughtful. “Truly?That is interesting. Much like a angel’s possession, it has to be consented to.”He muttered before frowning at loki, “I’ll tell Dean you said that. If he disabused me of the idea that I had to be useful to stay around, then he will you to. It’d be a conversation to have anyways.”Cas said before staring, looking amazed as he realized loki must have just spiked their drinks, looking thoughtful, before frowning. “Okay. You don’t have to. But you are going to go speak to Deidra.”He decided, already starting to look for the other half angel. “And you will do it, for me, because you didn’t tell me before you spiked Dean’s drink.”He said, willing to bribe the other a little, if only because he thought loki would refuse therapy otherwise.

“....Ah. Well. Apparently Cas has gotten very good at the whole dom thing. Which is just amusing. A angel of the lord, doing sex stuff.”Tony giggled a little before snorting slightly at the idea of steve punching johnny. “It’d just be like punching yourself though.”He teased before nodding a little, looking less sulky at being invited. “yes, I’ll go. You should have someone you’re comfortable with. Especially with what happened last time.”
"Yes. and i think Natasha and Clint will as well, for Sam and James." Loki admitted. "Bruce is already ageless, he hasn't noticed yet though." he admitted. "and even if they all refuse, at least i have you and Steve. so we still won't be alone. you notice how Steve's been practically clinging to you and Deidra? it's not just because you're angels. he's terrified of being alone again." Loki admitted before nodding. "yes. full consent must be applied before Idunn's powers will work. i don't know why, she never told me." he admitted. "she's always had a bit of a soft spot for me though so i know more than even most of her own siblings and children do." he admitted. "not that that's saying much." he admitted with a chuckle before grimacing a little. "i'd rather not have that conversation at all. i'd like to be useful and make him better." Loki growled unhappily before scowling at Cas. "i don't need her to tell me things. i know things already..." he cringed and sighed. "Blackmail? really? and i thought Angels where supposed to be above such things." but he followed after Cas obediently because Cas was probobly the only person aside from Tony who could have gotten Loki to agree to talk to Deidra. the difference? he would have done it for Tony without the constant muttered complaining he was doing under his breath. Deidra was very pleased to finally get Loki into her office. the young godling was pretty fucked up, truth be told. not that they all weren't but Loki was probobly the worst out of all of them, and the best at hiding it.

"he has from what i've heard Dean saying." Steve agreed with a grin before smiling a bit at the idea of torturing Johnny like that. he wasn't exactly happy with a look alike running around, particularly when his look alike was getting more attention from Tony than he was. "Thanks Tony. i'll feel a lot better with you there. Johnny freaks me out a little and i'm not sure i won't stop someone in the middle of a scene if i freak myself out.., i'm told that's really, really bad to do."
“True. And really?”Cas looked interested and thoughtful at the knowledge of bruce being ageless. That would be amusing when he discovered that. “True. We’ll have each other...and I would be terrified of being alone to...even before siblings...I had friends in my was only after meeting them, knowing dean....”Cas flushed brightly. He’d known he loved Dean the moment he saw his soul in hell, it’d been a beautiful broken thing, so fragile but resilient in the blackness of damnation. His mission had been the same as the other’s, they’d been sent to restore michael’s vessel, but something had changed when Cas had seen that soul burning, struggling and fighting with all it had against the pull of demons. Despite what Dean thought about himself, there had been no pleasure in the way it had tortured others, no hunger for power, lust, or death. Hopelessness was what had broken Dean, and it was with a silent, shameful resolution that he’d found a way to survive hell. And he’d known, even if he’d never admitted it, that was the moment he fell from grace.. He remembered so clearly the rush of energy and emotion as he pushed forward against the demons to save Dean’s soul before that vile inferno extinguished his light forever. Cas remembered the way it felt when he wrapped himself around Dean and held him with all he had and raised them from perdition. Shaking himself out of the memory he flushed brighter. “....we’ll each other. And true friends. And family.”he muttered flushed still before snorting a little. “You must be younger then her. Older sisters always have a soft spot for younger brothers.”He said sadly at the thought of anna, though she’d been his commander, had also been a friend. “Do you think I wouldn’t want to be useful also? But it seems we both are regulated to not being able to heal him. We will find a way though.”He hoped before snickering at the other’s words. “I’m in love with a Winchester. They are not above such things.”He grinned as he left loki with deidra, snickering to himself as he headed back to lisa and dean.

Tony rolled his eyes amused at the look on steve’s face at the idea of torturing johnny a little before nodding. “You’re welcome. And Johnny freaks out a lot of people. And yea, it’s really bad. But I’ll go, and we’ll make sure you’re okay.”Tony looked at his watch, heading for the door. “Come on, we better be going.”
"it's not so hard. when you never had anyone." Loki admitted. "at least, that's what i told myself. how can i be lonely when i never had anyone to begin with?... meeting you, the Avengers, the Hunters, Kay and Jay... i can't go back to the way i was... i can't." Loki admitted before smiling a little. "i am younger than her. by several centuries. or is it millennia? which one has more zeros? i get them confused." Loki admitted. "i think she's one of the original Vanir but no one's dared ask." he admitted. "I'm sorry Cas. i've done everything i can think of... there's nothing left i can try... all we can do now is maybe giv him another ten years, if we can talk Dean and Crowley into making a Deal." he admitted softly. "i doubt Dean would allow that though, not now that he knows how the 'deal' really works." the 'deal' wasn't much of a deal. all a Demon did was take a man 'destined' to die in ten, or twenty years and traded those destinies. a young, healthy man became deathly sick with cancer, Dean's cancer and Dean took the man's health. that was how it worked when someone was sick, you couldn't ust take the sickness away, it had to go somewhere. Dean would never allow it. not ever. "No they are not." Lok agreed with a sigh.

"Okay. thanks Tony." Steve said with a smile. "yeah, before he decides i'm stalling and drags me there gagged and bound." Steve agreed with a sigh, following Tony out the door, offering him a smile. "thanks for coming with. i wanted to ask you before but... it seamed... weird. i men, how do you ask someone to go to a bondage club with you without sounding... you know, like an insane pervert?"
"Yes...I can't go back to what was before. And we wont. Well have each other, and the others, I am certain they will agreed."he hoped."millennia has more zeros."he said before wincing a little."he wont. Even if crowlry would agree to it, dean won't bargain for it."Cas sighed softly, smiling a little. Knowing deidra would help loki before smirking at the sight of dean and lisa cuddled together, squirming in behind dean, snuggling close."you awake?"he muttered quietly.

"Hm, he probably would think you're atalling."Tony snickered a little."yea I could see how that would be awkward. And I have no idea, everyone knows I'm a insane pervert and emotionally stunted, so I usually just ask people if they want to go with me."Tony snickered a little
"yes, i'm sure they will. if only for the sake of those they love." he agreed with a smile. "she's millennia of years older than me then." Loki agreed. "Dean would never sacrifice someone else, even if they deserved death." Loki admitted. "i had, for a moment, considered the idea of finding the worst scum i could think of and bargaining with Dean to trade life with him for the bargain but even then, i doubt Dean would agree. he just doesn't have it in him." Loki admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "no. i'm talking in my sleep." Dean snarked, tired and grouchy and in pain this morning.

"Yeaj well... he wouldn't be wrong." Steve admitted with a small shrug before chuckling at Tony. "i'll remember that." he agreed. "and just ask next time." he agreed. "i really didn't want to go at all, but i think with you there, i'll have fun." he admitted, grimacing as Johnny appered to drag him off. "we're coming." he sighed, Johnny lifting an eyebrow, even as he looked incredably smug. "we?" "Tony's coming too. i feel better with him there." "fine by me. Tony, you want to drive?" Johnny offered. "i'll take my car and you can take yours, that way if Steve needs to split early he can even if we can't or don't want to." "i like this plan." Steve agreed. he wouldn't be trapped that way, he hated being trapped.
“He wouldn’t. Not even for the worst scum, because he will always believe he’s worse.”Cas sighed shaking his head a little. Sighing a little at dean’s snark, biting his shoulder ever so gently as he nuzzled his lover a little, “Well then, if you’re asleep I can’t tell you what I discovered today. But if you don’t want to know, then you can just be a grouch and sleep.”Cas smirked against his skin a little, sighing softly.

“Indeed. I asked pepper once. It didn’t go well. She didn’t apperciate being asked in the middle of a meeting.”Tony said making a face before grinning at Johnny. “Yes, we’re coming.”Tony said with a perverted little smirk, before nodding. “Yea, I’ll drive. Come on steve, let’s go then. And you get to choose what car we take, cause if needed, you can drive home.”Tony said heading down to the garage.
"yeah. and he's wrong really. honestly almost all of the people in this tower, they're all the best earth has to offer." he admitted. Dean grumbled as he was bitten but didn't protest, he just snuggled more firmly into his angel with a sigh. "you found something?" he asked curiously. "is it something fun?" he asked, blinking sluggishly at Cas. indicating that he had just taken his pain meds and was about to get stoned out of his mind from them. well, as stoned as Dean could get, with his history of... problems, and his pain tolerance, Bruce only gave him half doses. "i will be a grouch, but i wanna know your secretes. tell me." Dean ordered, squirming against the other.

"it might be because she was in a meeting." Steve pointed out, looking amused before giving Tony another relieved smile as he chose one of the few cars he knew how to drive. well, sort of. he could get home in it at least. cars weren't all that big when he was younger and by the time they where he had no interest in them, not that he could have afforded them anyway. Johnny waited for them at teh enterance and offered them both a blue bracelet. "this means you're not there to play, just to watch." Johnny explained. "it means you're new and that no one is to approach you unless they have a blue band as well, or a black. the black ones are the people in charge, they give the lessons and keep the doms, subs, and new players safe." he explained. "i'm a black band." he explained. "Tony would be a black band as well but he's not registered here so he's got a Blue band so he can stick close to you." Johnny explained to Steve who nodded and put the bands on. he felt better about this already. clearly this club had rules, strict ones, and they where well enforced. "this is specifically a club for new people to come and see if it's something they like. there are trainers as well, that's why it's so enforced. it's mine." Johnny admitted, looking proud. "Sue threw a fit, but better the kids getting into this learn from somewhere safe than doing it on the streets."
Cas whined softly as the other snuggled more formerly into him, not able to stop from rolling his hips into the other’s a little in response, nuzzling him a little. “I did. Well. I was told something. But you can’t tell sam. You have to let him figure it out on his own.”He said nuzzling the other, smiling slightly.”It’ll be fun to watch, Sam probably wont think it’s amusing though.”he said smiling softly, sadly as he realized just how stoned the other was going to be, before snorting. “All my secrets?That’s alot.”he teased smilign a little. “And Deidra has claimed your wraith-ridden, nerdy brother as her life mate. And not told him yet.”Cas smiled against the other’s shoulder.

“Hm, maybe. But I was bored, the meeting was more interesting after that.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little. Pleased when the other chose a car tony knew he could drive. Tilting his head a little as he watched Johnny pick up the bracelets, “I get a weird during sex, to be safe to go to a club like this and play.”Tony shrugged a little as he took the bracelet and put it on. Because he had no limits when he dropped, and dropped hard, the man was a true danger to himself, had nearly died last time he’d done anything, and only survived because Extremis had saved him from bleeding out. So, since then, he’d avoided going to clubs. “Definitely better. And you know what Sue can do with that stick shoved up her ass? Let reed beat her with it sometime, she might enjoy it.”Tony huffed a little as they headed inside, smiling slightly as he looked around.
Dean smiled at the whining. "Sorry Cas. too much pain." Dean admitted softly. "maybe tomorrow okay? or talk to Lisa. she's always horny." he admitted with a grin. "i can't tell Sam?"he asked, looking a little bothered by that. he didn't much like keeping secretes from Sam. "...realy?!" Dean asked, looking even more upset now. "but what about Clint and Natasha?!" he asked, looking very anxious. he didn't like the idea of Sam being taken away from people he loved because Deidra was claiming him. fecking Angels.

"i bet." Steve agreed with a laugh before looking worried at Tony's explanation. "we have bands for that too of course, but people tend to take advantage of people with Red Bands so we stopped handing them out." Johnny admitted. "people of nefarious intents would come here and look for people like Tony and lead them away and just... it wasn't good." Johnny admitted. "so we don't do that anymore."he admitted, leading them inside. "you know, i don't thin Reeds the one going to be wielding the stick." Johnny admitted. "Sue would probobly use it on him instead if he tried such a thing." he admitted, smiling as he looked around at the massive club. there where about twenty people there, lingering around and drinking various drinks. there where many colors on the wrists that Johnny was explaining indicated whether a man, or a woman was hetero, gay, or Bisexual. there where two stripes on each Band as well, white for submissive, black for submissive, grey for switch. there where also many blue bands and they seamed to be gathered around a young man wearing black bands who was holding a pair of leather wrist cuffs and talking about them. "Johnny! Hi Tony." another Black Banded man called as he walked in. he was massive. "Kale! hey, Steve, this is Kale. he's security. his job is specifically to keep an eye on the Blue Bands and make sure they're okay and not being bothered. if you need to get to a private room to calm down, or can't find your way out or if you're being bothered, find Kale." he suggested, Steve nodding, feeling rather... small, next to the Security. "I'll keep an eye on him, and Tony." Kale promised Johnny. "Thanks. feel free to look around Steve." Johnny suggested with a smile. "Tony? make sure to stick close to him. sometimes people tend to... forget the rules around a new face." it didn't happen often but any sign of anything and Tony would raise a fuss. they wanted Steve comfortable, not freaked out again.
“I know.Don’t worry.”Cas muttered nuzzling him a little, sighing softly, content to snuggle. “No, he wont like knowing it yet. And he needs to get to know her first.”Cas said before frowning a little, pressing a kiss to dean’s neck, sighing quietly. “Yes. And she wont make him leave them. Not until he’s ready. Sam loves them, but he’s not in love with them. Watch him with them sometime, they’re not a perfect fit, despite working for now....they’re helping him figure things out, about what he wants, and needs but....She wont do anything he doesn’t want. I promise, Dean. Which is why we’re not telling Sam about it yet, he’ll probably freak out just as much as you did.”Cas sighed softly, hed’ thought the other would be amused, he hadn’t meant to upset him.

“Don’t give me that look. I’m okay to be here, I just can’t play while I’m here.”Tony said shrugging a little. Before wincing at the idea of someone purposefully going looking for people like him. Yea, that would be a mess. “I can imagine.”He said before wincing a little. “Urgh, you’re sister’s sex life isn’t something I want to think about....but Sue totally needs to loosen up.”He whined a little as they stepped inside, looking amused as he watched everyone. Mostly watching steve, making sure he was okay before smiling at kale. “Hey Kale. And kale’s huge, no matter where you are in the club, you can usually find him easily.”Tony reassured steve, smiling a little before smiling at kale. “Hm, always feel better with you watching me.”Tony said looking amused as he nodded. “I’m staying with steve, no worries.”He smiled watching steve.
"yeah. but she hardly knows him? why's she claiming him?" Dean demanded. "and like, is she giong to die if he rejects her or something?" he wondered. he'd been reading too many fanfictions again. "but he looks so happy with them." Dean whined. "i want Sam to be happy with them. they're so good for him..." and Dean didn't want to have to leave if Clint, Natasha and Sam's relationship turned sour. Tony wouldn't take sides of course, but the others would all rally against them for their comrades and Dean just couldn't stand the thought of being chased out. it would kill Sam. if Deidra ruined Sam's relationship, that would destroy him too. everything that could destroy Sam emotionally was here in the tower and there was a disruption to the balance and Dean realized he was being silly but he couldn't help himself.

"Okay." Steve said, relaxing. if Tony said he was okay, then Steve believed him. and Johnny was here, he'd intervene if Tony was having problems and Steve couldn't tell. "me either but i hear about it all the time. 'why can't you be more like me and Reed? we don't sully the virtues of our god by participating in perversions...' she's a bitch." he admitted. "Kale is huge..." Steve mumbled, making the man grin at Steve. "not used to feeling small?" he guessed and Steve shook his head. "very used to it. i was really tiny until shorty after i turned eighteen and then all of a sudden puberty kicked in." Kale laughed and patted Steve on the shoulder and wandered off to handle a small fight going on in a corner involving two men with Orange bands with black bands. two dominant gay men, probobly arguing about style and trying to look bigger than the other. it happened sometimes. "this place is kind of amazing." Steve admitted, watching the black band give the lesson about the manacles, letting the blue banded men and women handle the soft leather.
“I hardly knew you when I warned off every angel from getting near your awesome ass.”Cas muttered teasing him a little, because he could tell dean was working himself up, and trying to break it a little. Pressing a kiss to the others shoulder, he snorted a little. “Have you been reading fanfiction again?She wont die, or do anything so drastic. She just wants to look after him. Sorta like I did to you....though I doubt Sam’d give her as many headaches as you give me.”He teased a little before sighing. “He is happy with them. Just not in love. Dean, you’re being dramatic. Deidra’s a trained therapist, do you really think she’d seriously just mess up everything when she’s helping him figure out his hallucinations ?”Cas muttered, sighing quietly as he nuzzled his cheek against the other.

Tony smiled a little, before making a face. “You sister is a bitch...and did she seriously bring god up in the whole thing?I mean, she and reed were having sex before marriage. That’s sorta against the rules to.”Tony said thoughtfully before snickering at steve’s words. “He is. And you being short and tiny is sorta adorable.”He giggled a little leaning into steve a little as he watched the other watching everything. “It is amazing.”He said nudging him. “Come on. You should get a lesson on manacles. They’re handy sometimes.”
Dean snickered a little. "that's true. i think you where going to kill Anna when you found out i ad se with her... i forget, was this before or after she became an Angel?" he wondered. "anyway, i guess it's okay." he grumbled. "but i still don't like it." he grumped unhappily. "yes i have been." he admitted. "there are supernatural fanfictions and i like to read the ones about you and me." he admitted with a grin. "they get very good." he admitted before sighing. "he's my little brother and this could all go wrong in so many ways..." he pointed out. "i'm just worried about him." he admitted. "and no. i don't think she'd do that." not really.

"of course she did." Johnny scoffed. "everything she doesn't like is because God disapproves." he pointed out before smiling as he watched Steve and Tony. "i have a few pictures. i'll go back to my old house and pick them up so you can see." Steve offered. "i'd like to get everything from there anyway and take it home." home, it was a big deal when Steve wanted to take everything out of his own house and put it in the tower. "Sure." Steve agreed, moving over to the small group, handling the manacles when they where offered to him. he'd seen those before but he' never used them. he'd worn them himself, but he was more fond f being in the dominant position more than submissive so learning how to put them on someone else was very nice. he even found himself asking questions and relaxing. this was a good place. he was coming back here. "is there anywhere to purchase these, or do you have t have them made?" Steve found himself asking, the answer was both. most stores carried some version, but you could have them special made if you where looking for specific sizing or designs.
“I was confused with the whole thing. You must remember, it was sorta one of my first brushes with sex.”Cas said wrinkling his nose a little before smiling slightly. “I know you don’t like it. But if anyone can defend themselves from unwanted sex advances, it would be sam. I mean, he’s been listening to the devil’s sex life for months, I think he can fend off a angel if he wanted.”Cas said before snorting, “....You read....fanfiction...about us? Really?”he said looking amused before growing serious. “I know it could. But he needs help, and of anyone I know, I think Deidra will be the one to help....she helped you. Trust her to help him.”

“That’s both amusing and horrible.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before smiling at steve. “I’d definitely like seeing that.”Tony said before beaming brightly at the idea that steve thought the tower was home. Smiling a little as he followed steve, watching him, settling in to watch, simply content to listen as steve found himself before smiling a little. “Both. Johnny has a store he likes for off the shelf sort of stuff, or you can have them custom made if you want something certain or specific.”Tony said smiling up at steve, relaxing because steve was.
"well that's true." Dean agreed before sighing a little, scowling. "i'm not sure he'd really defend himself." he grumbled before nodding. "that's true... okay, i guess i can trust Sam..." he huffed, shaking his head because he wasn't actually sure of that but better than nothing. "yeah, really. here hand me my tablet." he ordered, grinning as he snagged it and brought up some Fanfiction. "i do trust her... i just dn't trust her with Sam." Dean whined, sulking because he was lying, he trusted Deidra, he just didn't want to.

"okay. where would i go about ordering something?" Steve wondered curiously. "never mind, i'll ask Jarvis." Steve decided. "he'd know the best place to go." he decided, xmining Tony. "do you like manacles?" he asked curiously. the idea of Tony trapped and at his mercy, covered in leathre straps, gleaming shackles and other such things made Steve want very much just to announce he was in love with Tony and take him home and fuck him senseless. Steve hadn't learned enough yet. he didn't want to hurt Tony because he didn't know what he was doing.
“He would. I think the idea of being owned by a angel, if he didn’t accept it, would freak him out to much to not fight back. Which is why we’re not telling him, and letting him figure it out on his own.”Cas smiled a little, before smiling. “You trust Sam, you just don’t like it. It’s okay. I’ll distract you from worrying about Sam.”he said, well the talk hadn’t gone exactly how he’d intended, but it’d distracted dean from how hurt he was feeling. “....”Cas handed over the tablet, staring at it as he read over dean’s shoulder. “I feel a little disturbed....I do not want others....anyone but Lisa...picturing what your ‘nicely proportioned and shapely dick’ look like.”cas whined as he read the smut. “Liar. It’s okay though. You can talk to her if you want, give her rules or something about talking to sam.”he pointed out with a smile.

“Well, there’s a few- Or yea, just ask Jarvis.”Tony grinned a little before shuddering a little as he pictured being tied up and left at steve’s mercy. Shuddering as he nodded, ducking his head a little. “Y-yes. It’s....being tied up and gagged is about the only times I ever shut up. Or my head shuts up anyways. It’s nice not having ideas badgering me for awhile sometimes.”
"that's true. but i don't think Angels 'own' people. not like that and i think Sam would be comforted knowing he belonged to someone." Dean admitted, smiling as he stroked the necklace that Cas had gotten him. the 'collar'. "yeah you'll have to distract me." he agreed, looking amused as he snuggled into the other. "i'm so stoned..." he admitted to Cas. "i think Bruce needs to cut the pills back a little more. remind me to tell him okay?" he ordered before smirking. "remember, it's not ME they're talking about." he promised. "it's a fictional character who just happens to be me." he pondered that and then shook his head. "no, i think Sam would find out and then be mad at me."

"...that's pretty hot Tony." Steve admitted, staring at Tony with heat burning in his eyes. "hey. calm down a bit." the Black banded man ordered, looking amused. "no solicitation sex in the club for Blue bands." "sorry." Steve said, flushing a little as he pulled out his notebook and made a note to himself that Jarvis could get 'special' Manacles for himself, or rather, for Tony. "so... what are these? can i touch?" Steve asked, indicating a set of nipple clamps curiously. "yeah you can touch. those are nipple clamps, they're part of pain, or sensation play."
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