Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"Not forcibly anyways..we. unless your a srchangel. That level of arrogance just makes them possessive."Cas said making a face, smirking a little as he ran his nose along the edge of the collar, biting down even so gently."mine."he growled."I'll definitely distract you. Me and lisa will."he muttered before laughing softly."you are indeed stoned...and probably. I'll remind you..."cas muttered because dean on drugs worried him."I don't care. They're still thinking about you when they write it."he grumbled before laughing."he probably would."

" is."he muttered squirming a little before flushing brightly as he looked up, ducking his head a little."sorry."he muttered before flushing even more as steve looked at the nipple claps. Swallowing thickly as he nudged steve."want something to drink?I need something to drink."
"Do Archangels even get mates like this?" Dean wondered. "in any case, i'd imagine their mates would probably be okay with that. not even a dick Angel would be willing to resort to force right?" he mused before shuddering as he was bitten and whining because he couldn't get hard when he was on his pain meds. "very stoned." he mumbled before smiling at Cas. "yes they are. what are you gonna do about it?" he teased his lover. "you already have me, they can only daydream."

Steve looked worried now. "Tony? you okay?" Steve asked, setting the clamps down. "uhm. yeah, Coffee if they have any?" he asked looking concerned about Tony as he wandered off, relaxing when Johnny moved over to Tony and ducked his head to ask Tony if he was okay?
“...I don’t know. I’m the youngest. I don’t know if they got them, since they don’t talk to my usually.”Cas shrugged a little. “Maybe. I mean. I guess they wouldn’t.”Cas said sighing a little, before wincing. “Sorry. Shouldn’t make it harder then it is since we can’t do anything.”Cas sighed a little, shifting to lay on his back, tucking Dean in against his side, before growling softly. “Well, I’m thinking about getting lisa in here, and having sex with her while you watch, just so you can see what you have to look forward to, when you can get hard again.”He growled, looking unhappy with the teasing, and truly upset with the fanfiction. While he usually found it amusing, the last few weeks with dean sick had messed with him. “They can keep their dreams away from you.”He grumbled.

“Y-yea. I’m okay.”Tony promised before nodding. “Yea, Coffee. I can get coffee.”He promised. Looking up when johnny came over, shuddering a little as he looked up at his friend. “....It was a bad idea coming with him. I-I can’t. I mean. Deidra said....but...I...”tony shuddered, sounding disjointed, because he’d started to drop and he was hyper and worked up enough that the thoughts were running over each other, not able to sort them out enough to get the thought out.
"really? i would have thought they'd have been very vocal about it. you know 'look at me, i have a mate and that means i'm better than you' sort of deal... course, if all the Angels had them then maybe they didn't announce it to appear more pious or something." he mumbled before shaking his head. "it's okay. i could still suck you off?" he offered with a smile before shuddering a little. "that's not much of a punishment Cas." he pointed out, looking amused. "i won't bring up the fanfiction again, since it's bothering you." he promised. "i thought you'd think it fun... maybe we could have reenacted some of these scenes... people are a lot more imaginative than i am." he admitted, snuggling into Cas and resting. "i love you."

Johnny smiled at Tony. "Tony? look at Steve." he ordered, glancing at the super soldier who was focused entirly on them. he had been curious about the nipple clamps that the black banded man had now begun lecturing on, but now they where nothing to him because Ton wasn't there. "Steve only came here because you said you'd go with him." Johnny explained. "Steve is interested in this lifestyle that's very true, but he's here for you. because he wants to learn how to be your Dom. he likes you Tony. a lot, he's just too scared of fucking it up to say anything." he explained. "he's scared of disappointing you, scared he won't be enough and scared to death of having to give you up, when you age and he doesn't. you have to make the first move here Tony, because he's too scared, too innocent and too unsure to do it himself. look how focused he is on you, how angry he looks when i put my arm aroun you." Johnny looped his arm around Tony and pulled him in tight and Steve scowled. "he's jealous, he doesn't like it when i touch you, because he wants to be the one hugging and holding you."
"I dunno. My siblings areweird, and I can never guess what they'll do anymore."Cas said before smiling a little.hmmm if you want. Though lisa had wanted to have sex."he said before snickering a little."I know. But you can't join in, so it'll be punishment enough."he said wrinkling his nose a little."....kay. I'm is amusing some."Cas sighed a little resting his head against the others, closing his eyes. Because it did amuse him some, but knowing that the fans wanted dean, when they didn't know him, or 2hat was happening, added with the stress of everything. He was tense and fidgety. "'re plenty of imaginative....and I love you to."he muttered.

"Hm?"tony turned looking at steve, calming a little as he watched the other. Though he still fidgeted as he considered him."oh...i...I knew that. Thought so."he said flushing and squirming a little because he had no idea what to do with the tight happy feeling that hit him with those words. Swallowing hard as he leaned into johnny a little, settling."I um...should go back over there shouldn't i?"he said taking the drink he'd gotten for steve, taking a hesitant step back towards him.
"that's true." he agreed, smiling at Cas. "Lisa always wants sex. you should fuck her, i wanna see it. i've always wanted to see someone have sex with Lisa." he admitted before smiling a little. "i suppose that's true." he agreed. "you're just being a possessive Angel that's all. it's sexy." Dean promised with a smile before chuckling. "not as imaginative as getting strapped to the hood of Baby's Car and being belted." he admitted. "not as imaginative as pretending i'm a naughty teen Dean in trouble with Professor Collins." he admitted with a grin. "not as imaginative as the things Lisa herself has written. here, this is her profile, she's written lots of dirty things. and not all of it is about us either."

Johnny smiled at Tony. "you did?" he asked, looking amused. "Steve's completely besotted with you Tony, he just, needs a little help." he admitted. "you probobly should, he's worried and i think he's planning on how to snap my neck and make it look like an accident." good cal Johnny. that's exactly what Steve was thinking on. "go on Tony. it's okay." Johnny promised with a smile. "just remember Steve's new to this and take it a bit slower than you normally would or you'll scare him." he reinded, smacking Tony's ass just to watch the possessive flare of Steve's eyes light up with rage even as Johnny was accosted by another black banded 'trainer' for 'assaulting the Blue Bands'.
“You’re just as perverted as she is.”Cas teased a little, “Jarvis, will you have Lisa head up here?”Cas said grinning at the AI’s agreement before growling softly. “I didn’t get you to myself till recently-”And even then, he hadn’t gotten to enjoy it really before a clock had been put on it, in some quiet distant part of his head, was a countdown going, that wouldn’t leave him alone as he knew each moment was that much closer to losing everything. “And I have every intent of not sharing with your fans.”He grumbled before pausing. “....How is it you’ve never considered that?I thought you did all your sex acts in the car.”He said thoughtfully before snickering. “Hmmm, maybe I’ll give in and read what she wrote.”He looked amused.

“Y-yea. I did. I mean. I knew he liked me.”Tony stuttered looking utterly twisted around before nodding eagerly. “I can help. I can totally help steve. Yep.”He said looking happy and eager becaues he did so much better with directions. “Hmmm, he does.”he agreed watching steve before yelpin gas he was smacked, whining softly as he headed back towards steve, handing his drink over before whining softly as he leaned into the other. “Johnny smacked my ass, it sorta stings. And totally not the person I want smacking me.”
"well, yeah, i thought you knew that?" he asked, looking amused before smiling as he snuggled into Cas. "you'll always have me." he promised. "i've come back from death before, this won't be any different. we'll think of something." he promised, hoping to god that was true. "the only sex act i have ever, ever had in Baby was Anna and she doesn't count because i was emotionally compromised." he huffed before smiling as Lisa bounced in. "Cas wants to punish me by fucking you when i can't get hard." "Kinky, i'm in." Lisa agreed eagerly.

"Good." Johnny said with a smile, smirking at Steve who nearly snarled and tucked Tony against his side rather possessively. "i'll check it later and make sure you're not bruised." Steve promised Tony, feeling a flutter of glee at Tony's admission that Johnny wasn't the one he wanted. "do you need to leave?" Steve asked Tony, a bit worried. "do you want me to go beat Johnny up for you?"
“Hm, I did, but it’s nice to remember that.”he snickered a little, before sighing softly, “Yea, we will.”Cas muttered, sounding sad and lost, because with each thing that failed, he was losing it a little more. But he wasn’t telling dean that. He’d find teh answer first. “We’ll find something.”He said before pausing, considering that. “We’ll have to fix that. Baby should have had sex moments.”he said before looking up at lisa, laughing quietly as he leaned up for a kiss. “Hm, he’s being punished for telling me about the fanfiction.”

Tony smiled pleased as he was tucked into steve’s side, sighing quietly. “You’ll have to. I mean, for a superhero, I’m surprisingly delicate and bruise easily.”He said mentally kicking himself. He was so emotionally constipated. He should figure this out. “No, don’t beat him up. It’s okay....Do you want to leave?”Tony asked looking up at the other.
"It'll be okay Cas." he murmured. "remember, even if i die you can still come see me in heaven." he pointed out. he had been assured, he would get to go to heaven this time so that meant Cas could come and go whenever he wanted. "you won't loose me Cas. i believe that very much." he admitted, snuggling into him before grinning. "we should fix that. even Lisa's never had Sex in baby." he admitted before chuckling as he slid out of bed and settled into the comfortable chair next to the bed that Tony had gotten for him and looked very much like a king about to be entertained. "fuck for me." he purred, making Lisa laugh.

"yu are kind of dainty." Steve agreed, looking impish and playful as he watched Tony. "i like Dainty though so it's a good thing." he teased with a smile before sulking. "but i want to beat him up." he complained before hesitating as he watched the club. "if you're okay to stay, i'd like to sit around for a half an hour? this guy says that there's going to be a belting demonstration. i was hoping to see it..." he admitted. "will you be okay for that long?"
“Yea I know.”Cas muttered trying to settle, sighing softly as he nuzzled his cheek against the other’s shoulder, closing his eyes. Relaxing before nodding. “I wont. I raised you from perdition, I’m not letting something silly like this take you away.”He grumbled. “Hm, we should fix it. When you’re feeling better.”Cas grinned, snorting as he slid away, raising a eyebrow. “And whoever said you were going to be in charge of this fucking, Winchester?”He growled shifting, rolling to his feet as easily as a cat, leaning down to kiss Dean hard, fingers tangling in the collar just enough to make it a little hard to breath. “Now sit there and behave, I’m going to take good care of our girl, and prove that between the three of us, I’m definitely the one named a sex god.”

“You don’t have to agree with me!”Tony whined huffing as he sulked a little. Grinning brightly at steve’s words that he liked that before snorting. “Don’t.beating up johnny isn’t worth it. He wont learn anything from it.”He said before nodding. “Yea I’ll be okay. Just gonna snuggle you, and find a table.”Tony said settling into one of the booths.
he smiled as he snuggled into the other. "you won't ever let me go. i know it." he promised. "yeah. when i'm feeling better. maybe tonight." he agreed with a smile before shuddering at the order, panting at the tight collar. that always turned him on. "make me." Dean panted, his eyes gleaming with a smirk and Lisa snickered. Cas could be very creative when Dean pushed him like that, she was curious to see what Cas would do.

"don't you always tell me that you're always right?" Steve asked, looking playful. "why shouldn't i agree with you?" he teased with a chuckle before scoffing. "i don't care if Johnny learns lessons, i'm beating him up because it makes me feel better." he pointed out. "okay." Steve agreed, tucking Tony tightto him as he settled in to drink his coffee and watch the show. it wasn't a long wait. two ofthe black bands settled onto a stage and the one who had been giving the lesson continued to do so as he used the manacles on the woman who was up there with him, attaching her to a table and braught out a 'whipping belt' which was perfect for beginners to use because they'd have to hit with all the strength in their bodies to actually cause any lingering damage beyond mild bruising or a welt if the belt landed funny. Steve only made it through three hits before he mumbled that he had to leave and stepped outside. if Tony followed it was easy to see why Steve had left because he was trying to arrange his pants to hide the erection. for someone like Steve, getting hard in public was very embarrassing. even in that kind of situation.
“Good.”Cas smiled a little before nodding. “Maybe. Only if you’re feeling okay.”Because while he trusted dean, he didn’t trust the other to take great care of himself, not when he knew just how reckless the man could be. “I will.”Dean growled his eyes gleaming blue as he raised his head, thinking about it for a long moment before stepping back, smirking as he rested his fingers against the other’s forehead as if he was going to heal him, but using a touch of grace to pin the other to the chair, smirking a little. “I think I’ll just keep you there, and let Lisa play with my wings. You always liked my wings.”He smirked a little as he focused, letting the shadow of wings flair into the room, though smaller then their actual span, the wings folded well up against his back.

“Hm, I do. But you don’t have to agree I’m dainty!I’m mighty!I’m totally mighty and epic, and awesome like thor.”Tony huffed a little before snorting quietly. “Well, as long as it’d make you feel better.”He said. Smiling a little as he watched the show, startling as steve left, looking worried as he followed after the other. Looking worried as he stepped out, “Steve?”He said biting his lip, worried for him.
Dean smiled a little. "i'll feel fine." he promised before pausing when Cas touched hi with his Ange Mojo. that always felt good. only now he couldn't move. "Cas, you asshole!" he complained before whining when the wings where released, straining a little against his bonds before giving up and sulking, making Lisa snicker before reaching out to stroke the feathers, she'd never seen Cas's wings before.

"You're Dainty, but your also mighty and epic." Steve agreed with a smile. "Body size is not an indicator of how impressive someone is Tony. Thor is a great guy but he's kind of a dummy." which was true. even after fifteen times of burnt fingers and electric shocks he still hadn't learned to keep his fingers out of the toaster. "i'm, i'm fine..." Steve stuttered, flushing hard. "i just.... i have a boner..."Steve whispered, mortified but knew he had to tell Tony or the other would panic or think he had done something to upset Steve.
“You’re the one who told me to make you behave.”Cas said smirking at the other, looking pleased with himself, snorting a little as he watched dean strain, “Hm, if you behave, I think I shall let you touch them. Soon e-enough.”Cas said the words stuttering as lisa stroked his feathers, swallowing hard as he reached out to steady himself against her. “Oh...oh I didn’t realize how nice that was going to feel....”he muttered.

“Hm, good.”Tony said looking pleased before snickering. “Well, one body part size is a show of how mighty and epic one is.”Tony said looking pleased with himself before nodding. “He is.”He agreed settling a little. “Oh. Well.”Tony flushed brightly himself as he looked at the other, settling a little. “You’re in a sex club. Having fun. It’s sorta expected.”he said trying to make the other feel better.
"i thought you'd get the ropes! Angel Mojo is cheating!" he whined as he watched Cas, licking his lips. "i can be good..." he agreed, Lisa laughing a little as she gained the advantage and started running her hands along the wings, stroking and teasing the feathers, just because she could.

"well, not really. anyone can have a big willy, but if they don't know how to use it what good is it?" he wondered playfully before flushing harder and he shook his head. "i am not going to hang out in a club full of people with a boner Tony..." he protested. "besides, i promised you i'd take you home. if you still feel like leaving." he admitted. "i don't like that Johnny upset you, i think i should beat him up anyway."
“Hmm, okay. I can’t cheat them.”Cas said smiling a little as he mojo’d the ropes into place so he wouldn’t have to leave the hands stroking his feathers so nicely, whimpering as he sank to his knees simply to give her the ability to reach them on, resting his head in dean’s lap, cause he could, giving over control to lisa cause he was enjoying this just to much.

“Hmmm, true.”Tony grinned a little before sighing. “Okay then. We don’t have to.”Tony said before nodding a little. “Yea, let’s. I think we’ve been adventurous enough for the day.”He said smiling at the other, before huffing slightly. “He didn’t upset me that much. You should talk to him first, but if you still feel the need to beat him after that, go ahead.”He said trusting johnny to be able to defend himself.
"you're a dick Cas." Dean whined, watching the other simply slump, sulking at Lisa who looked quite delighted. "well. Dean can't do much while he's on his pain meds." she pointed out to Cas, tugging a fw off kilter feathers back into place, using a much more intimate touch than James had in the pool. she reached his back and stroked where the joints met, massaging there and stroking the feathers with a sigh. "okay." she purred with a grin. "i think it's time for an Angel Lesson." Angel Lesson, in Lisa speech meant 'lets teach the Angel to have sex.' "I think it's time the Angel got a chance to explore me as much as he wants. what do you think Cas. want to drive me wild?"

Steve smiled a little at him, blushing hard but looking glad that Tony wasn't teasing him. "yeah. i learned a lot." he admitted. "i talk to him plenty." Steve grumbled before smiling at Tony. "come on. i'll take you to my house and we can pack up my things." he offered. no one else had seen Steve's house yet, so Tony was no doubt going to be delighted.
“No, I have a dick.”Cas smirked a little. “I know he can’t. But he’s here, and I wanna lay here.”Cas muttered from where his face was pressed into dean’s thighs, nearly as lazy and content as a cat as he was petted, looking utterly relaxed, squirming a little as lisa stroked his wings. Moaning loudly as she found the joints, winging softly. “Kay. Kay, yes. Lesson.”Cas said blinking as he looked up, blinking slowly because the man was utterly strung out on how good it’d felt to have his wings played with. He hadn’t known it could be like that. “....Yes. Yes, I do.”Cas said struggling up enough to think it through, moving to get up, swaying a little on his feet.

“Good. And well, you can’t hit johnny.”Tony huffed a little before grinning happily, nearly squirming in place like a happy puppy. “Really?You want me to help you pack up everything?”He said grinning as he climbed into the car, sliding into the passenger seat, not ready to drive himself yet. Not steady enough
"hmm. I suppose he is being punished." she agreed with a grin before chuckling as she watched him melting into the touch. they where going to have to remember this. "yes. lessons." she agreed with a grin. "i want you to do to me what you do to dean, make me moan, touch me all over." she purred, grinning at him. "you know. if you think you can." he looked a little unsteady. "i didn't drop you into a subspace did i? because i don't know how to help with that." Lisa admitted, looking a bit worried.

"can i strangle him? bury him? toss him out the window?" he asked hopefully. "yeah. who better?" Steve asked with a smile. "it's a ways away though. you okay with a drive?" he asked with a smile. "we should go back to the tower and get that fancy plane of yours and use that, i have a lot of junk. i don't think it will all fit in the car." he admitted.
“Indeed.”Cas muttered. Shuddering a little as he looked up at her, “Hmmm, I can do that.”He said looking eager to please, before swallowing hard. “N-no. I don’t think so. I’m okay.”He said steadying a little as he stepped close to her again, kissing her slowly, resting his hands on her hips. “I can take care of you.”He said smirking a little as he stripped her pants off, looking thoughtful as he considered what he wanted to do, before grinning. Dropped some, but steady enough that he could function. And what had just occurred to him, was going to be awesome. Remembering her lessons about oral sex, he smirked at her and easily lifted her straight up, turning so their sides were facing dean, so he could apperciate the show, a wing brushing against his legs as he settled lisa in front of him, legs over his shoulders as he held her up so he could work her open with his mouth and tongue, smirking against her skin. Knowing the show of effortless strength would get to her nearly as much as what he was doing with his mouth.

“Hmm, no, you can’t do that. Maybe just hit him. Once.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before looking thoughtful. “True!Awesome. So much better it be me. I’m the only one special enough for it.”Tony said before nodding a little. “Yea, I can drive. Well. At least back to the tower. We’ll get the plane, since you have alot of stuff.”tony said as they headed abck to the tower
she grinned at him. "good." she purred at him, playful and impish before nodding, stroking his hair. "okay.. if you need to stop, tell us okay?" she ordered before shrieking as he tossed her around so effortlessly and moaned loudly when he 'attacked' her. "oh, fuck yes! Cas!" she gasped, arching and writhing against him, Dean making a high pitched eager little keen as he watched. this was a lot more interesting than he'd thought it would be!

"okay. just once." he agreed before chuckling a little as he headed for home and headed out to Natasha and Clint to tell them where he and Tony where going to be and then told Tony where to go and let him lead them away. sometimes Steve missed his little house(not so little), but those where rare. when they got there, Tony would actually recognize the house. not because Howard had taken him there or because it was anything from his childhood but because in the last seventy years there had been three attempts from local 'builders' who attempted to render a lawsuit against the owner. there had been three big name businessmen who had wanted to build a resort, a casino, and a mall in the location they where now at and couldn't, because whoever owned the house, also owned the entire lake. like, every blade of grass every drop of water. when attempting to buy the property led to nothing, they attempted to sue for tax fraud when they learned the deed was in the same persons name for always they attempted to claim the person owned it fraudulently. the lawsuits ended very badly. two of the three big businessmen ended up bankrupting and according to the files, the person they had been trying to sue, now owned their corporations. the third tried to declare bankruptcy but was nailed for Tax fraud himself and the lawsuit ended when the mans daughter took control and apologized to the land owner. turns out Steve had been a bit more active than they'd thought.
“I will. Promise.”Cas said smiling at her, smirking against her as he rolled his eyes up t owatch her, hands holding her effortlessly still as he got her off, raising his head away from her, resting his head against her thigh as he looked up at her innocently.”Good?”He smirked a little, kissing the skin under his lips lightly before studying her, trying to decide what he wanted to do. Before shifting to look at dean. “You sound like your enjoying yourself. You’re not supposed to be enjoying punishment.”he said, sounding serious but looking amused as he debated on what to do, looking thoughtful. “I think I’m gonna move Dean back to bed. And use him as a pillow while you ride me, pretty girl.”He said blushing a little as he looked up at Lisa.

Tony paused when they got to the house, tilting his head as he stared at the huge house. “When you said it was a little house, I didn’t think you meant something this big.”He teased a little heading inside. “I always wondered what eccentric billionaire owned this place. It’s awesome out here, nice and private.”Tony smiled at the idea, smiling quietly as he looked around.
"oh my fucking Mother in Mary Cas, don't you fucking stop!" she gasped, squirming helplessly in his grip, whining loudly as he did not continue. "hell yeah i'm enjoying this, look at her, so helpless for you, fuck that's hot." he whispered before shuddering as he nodded eagerly at the new plan, Lisa snickering. "i'd love to ride you hotshot." she promised. "just turn that angel sperm off, i don't want to be pregnant just yet." she admitted playfully.

"well... it is little." he admitted. "sort of... smaller than most people's with our kind of money." he admitted with a smile. "come on in." he offered. "i'll make a copy of the key for you." he offred. "this is a great place to retreat when the world just becomes too much." he offered. "i even have a very impressive and empty basement that you can put some things in." he promised. "i don't think even you could blow up the basement." Steve was offering to let Tony build a lab in there! wow! "come on in." he offered, leading the way inside. there was art everywhere. copies of famous paintings and drawings of various things. there where thousands of books laying over every available surface and drawing pads where equally cluttered and Steve grimaced. "oh yeah... i forgot this place was a bit of a mess." he admitted, shaking his head. "well... what do you think?" he asked, looking nervous. "you want some coffee?"
“Hmm, I think I like you like this. Desperate and needy for me.”Cas snickered because he was enjoying keeping her on edge, and teasing her. Smirking at her. “She’s tiny and easily held up. You to. I might have to try this with you.”Cas said looking thoughtful as he looked down at the winchetser before grinning. “Awesome. And I will. We do not need any little ones yet.”Cas agreed, he was worried enough about dean without having to worry about a little one. Smiling as he sat her down long enough to get dean on the bed, smiling slightly as he settled the other into the bed, before laying back with him, drawing lisa over him. “Hmmm, you look good up there.”

“Sort of.”Tony snickered at the description before tilting his head a little. “true. Okay. It is small then.”He said grinning as he walked in, looking around. Whining slightly. “It’s to much nature for me.”He pouted a little, though you knew he totally would bring tech with him if he came here. Pausing as he considered that. “ want me to have a lab here?”He said looking a little lost at the idea as he looked around. “...No more of a mess then my lab...and this is awesome. Really.”He muttered before nodding. “I like it. Really. And yes, coffee would be nice.”
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