Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

Tony frowned thinking about that before looking at natasha. “Yea, we’ll do that. It’ll be good for him to have a task while we’re gone.”Natasha said getting up to go find james to tell him about his task. “...Sounds like you had fun. I want to hear about your travels when we get home.”Tony said before sulking, “But-but I wanna know!”He whined before huffing. Standing up as he poking steve’s shoulder. “Tell him to tell me. Or we can leave now. I want to know what’s going on.”
"Great. thanks Natasha." Steve said, tossing her a smile. James was more than happy to protect the hunters while his handlers where away and so he was actually easy to handle.with Sam stuck in a flashback and Dean tacking care of him, none of the hunters where willing to go either so they where free to leave without a fuss. "we'll go now. i want to know too." Steve admitted, motioning them all down to the car.

Fury looked purple when they showed up but for once it wasn't him he was furious with. he also looked oddly pale. Loki just smirked at him and led the way inside. "before you ask, no. i don't have a motherfucking clue what is happening." Fury admitted. "these assholes in black suits ust walted in with a tube and headed for my medical bay and this jackass has been talking circles!" Fury snarled, glaring at Kay and Jay. Kay smiled pleasently at the Avengers. "good afternoon Gentlemen. it's an honor to meet all of you. if you'll follow me, we can get down to the reason why we're here." he promised, Loki tayed behind to distract Fury a little bit by teasing him about the hundreds of thousands of aliens he hadn't known existed.

"Me and my partner here, we're part of an organization that you've never heard of, because it doesn't exist." Kay explained. "we handle, on a near weakly basis, alien threats just like the Chitauri. we're the ones that actually handled the cleanup and i'd like to apologize for dropping the ball on that one. we where complacent, it won't be happening again." he promised the Avengers. "as for why you're here. well, my son was involved in that attack, we were able to revive him from the dead using ancient alien technology from a now extinct race of extraterrestrial beings who entrusted the technology to the MIB in it's dying days." Kay explained, motioning them into the room where Phil was. "oh... my... god... Agent Coulson!?" Steve asked, sounding so floored. "Ph...Phil?" Clint asked, sounding so weak as he reached for the other before pulling back as he realized Phil was sleeping. he didn't want to wake the other when Phil looked so pale and weak.
“....I find this weird. You’re not angry with me. It’s weird.”Tony growled a little, fidgety and upset. “...That’s not cool. I thought you knew everything.”he growled sounding upset and worried, despite loki’s reassurance, he was still worried. “Hello.”Natasha said tense and worried, watching Jay and Kay as they walked inside. Even if she didn’t say anything, the two men put her teeth on edge.

“...that’s disturbing.”Tony said shuddering at the idea of a weekly chitauri, frowning as he considered what he was hearing, not wanting to believe it. “we do exist, just not anywhere offical.”Jay frowned a little looking worried about how tony was looking. “....that’s disturbing. You used alien tech?”Tony said frowning before staring. Looking shocked and stunned, and nearly falling over, even as he reached out to touch Natasha’s arm, tucking the woman under his arm when he realized she was in shock. “’s phil./”She muttered edging closer, gently touching the blanket, not sure if she believed what she was seeing or not.
"Shut up Stark."Fury commanded, making Steve scowl. "Don't you dare tell Tony to shut up Fury." Steve commanded, getting his hackles up, honestly startling Fury who just scowled even more but didn't say anything. he didn't want to piss Steve of all people off. "i'm supposed to!" Fury snarled. "Apparently i don't!" Fury grumbled.

"it's not as disturbing as you'd think. really, most of the time no one even knows it even happened." Kay admitted. "beings like the Chitauri are normally easy to handle. they're technology is supposed to be limited. of course, the technology you witnessed wasn't their technology. it's actually some of the most advanced we've come across since dealing with the asguardian assholes." Kay admitted. "it was a hell of a surprise when a class three alien comes out with a class thirteen alien tech." he admitted before smiling at all the love his son had managed to gain from these people. "we use Alien tech quite successfully, mostly because we, unlike Cyclops here, don't answer to government assholes looking to make better weapons to beat each other up with." he admitted. Fury just glared at him before smiling as he watched Phil because as hard as he was, he did love Phil as if he was his own. "you where the first thing he asked for." Fury admitted. "his team. then he wanted his cards." Steve snorted and Clint chuckled and they both moved closer when Phil shifted and opened his eyes and gave them a weak, tired smile, looking surprised when Bruce started fussing over him. "he's being moved to the tower. Stark Tower has better medical equipment and more comfortable beds." Bruce commanded. "i won't argue." Kay admitted. "i fucking will!" Fury complained, not that anyone was paying attention to him.
Tony winced, hunching a little as he moved closer to steve. “It’s still disturbing to me. At least cause I’m used to knowing things.”Tony muttered. “Don;t worry, you get used to not knowing things.”Jay said smiling a little. “Hm, blame Loki for advanced tech. Though if he keeps hanging around, I can totally figure out how it all works.”Tony said looking amused that this was what loki had been doing, happy with loki, because loki let him ask questions and try and figure out how everything worked. He had a partner in crime when loki was around. Wincing a little, as he nodded. “Indeed. That’s always a good thing, to not make weapons with tech you don’;t understand.”Tony said making a face at the idea before smiling wider, happy with having been asked for. Before wincing, ducking his head a little. “I’ll get the cards. They’re at the tower.”Tony said. Well, not his cards, but they’d be a set of cards. “We don’t care if you complain. He’s going to the tower.”
Fury didn't look much consoled by Tony's mutterings. "Don't worry Avengers. you'll be in the loop. as easily as you handled the Chitauri it would be remiss to not have you debriefed about our organization and no, Fury. so long as you answer to the World Council you don't get to know shit." Kay admitted, making Fury look as if he was about to explode with rage. "that wasn't Asguardian Tech." Kay admitted. "Matter of fact it's no tech we've ever come across." he admitted. "Loki has no idea where they got it. but then, he doesn't actively remember much of his time with them. he has the capability of remembering but when we put him under hypnosis to try and help him through the mental block, all he did was scream so... i don't think we'll be doing that again." Kay admitted, making Steve wince. "he wakes up like that sometimes, Thor has to go in and calm him." he admitted, Kay nodding. he wasn't surprised. "oh, we don't make weapons. we just use the ones that the various Alien scocieties allow us to have." Kay admitted. "we're still working on a few of them. they where very impressed with the way you handled the Chitauri invasion. the Galactic council would like to meet you folks at some point but i's not a high priority." he promised. "they're all technically on vacation anyway." he admitted before smiling as he set a hand on Phil's shoulder. Fury scowled but didn't say anything and didn't get in the way as Bruce started barking orders. Fury finally left in a huff and Kay snickered. "if i'd have known you fella's had better equipment i would have taken him straight to you." Kay informed Tony. "but this was pretty amusing." "Dad... be nice to Fury." Phil whined. "never." Kay huffed and Steve suddenly seamed to notice Kay, really notice him. "i'm sorry but are you any relation to Colonel Phillips at all?" "well yes sir i am." Kay admitted, looking amused.
“Good. That would be good to know. We might not get in the fight, but it’s always better to know about it.”Tony said relaxing at the knowledge that maybe, he’d know everything he needed to know. Ever since obediah had hide things from him, everyone had hid things from him, he hated not knowing everything. “Huh....that’s disturbing. Really. If no one knows where the tech came from.” “...No. Let’s not. We’ve had enough traumatized people at the tower, lets not add Loki to it.”Natasha said frowning a little, the godling worried her someimes, before paling a little at hte idea of meeting galactic council. “You will call us if they should wish to meet soon.”she said. “Always assume I have better tech then anyone. It’s a safe assumption.”Tony huffed a little before smirking. “No. Don’t be nice to fury. He doesn’t desreve it.”He said before studying kay, tilting his head a little.
"of course. you're the Avengers, earth's heroes as they call you. you need to be in the loop. the Galactic Council approved as soon as they saw the way you handled the Chitauri." he admitted "and relax, the Galactic council is basically just a bunch of old farts who vote on weir things like what color socks to wear." he admitted. "we can go to them for help if we need it but they leave us alone. they're more for ceremony. they want to give you congratulations, throw some rice on you, give you a few awards and then go get pissed drunk in celebration." Kay assured them. "sorry Stark but we don't, ah... keep up much with local news unless it involves Aliens." Kay admitted. "no aliens in Stark Tower, though we do have a number of you're weapons that we confiscated. you can have them back if you want. they're in lockup, we have to keep them away from the other aliens though because they want to take them apart to see how they work." he admitted. "we're ready to go." Bruce informed them, checking on Phil who had gone back to sleep.
“Ah. Yes, I guess that makes sense.”Tony said relaxing a little before laughing softly. “That’s weird. Amusing really, to consider that they’d vote on socks.”Tony said totally distracted at that mental idea of some people getting together to vote on socks. “....That’s awesome. Sorta like how the world council should be, but they’re not really like that.”Natasha said tilting her head a little before laughing quietly. “I don’t think I can get drink.” “hm, you’re russian. Its sorta a given you’re not getting drunk....and what?What?I’m so not local news. I’m totally world-galactic even!”Tony whined a little though jay could tell the man was just flustered with knowing phil was alive again, and not sure how to handle it. “Nah, you can keep them. Might be useful sometime.”Tony said shrugging a little as he looked at bruce. “let’s go.....we might also consider asking Cas to look at him...he might be helpful.”Tony said tilting his head a little as they headed out.
"oh yes. they completely banned yellow socks for a week because... well we don't know really, but for a weak anytime someone wore yellow socks those stinken worms threw marshmallows at us."Kay admitted with a snicker. "the world counsel fancies themselves in charge. the Galactic council is more of a meeting so everyone can stay in touch... they're more like soccer moms checking in to see whose got the kegger and whose doing the carpool." Kay admitted. "they only get serious when something affects their planets and even then they don't expect anyone else to go help them. i think the only time the Galactic Council ever intervened was when they forced the Asgardians to remove themselves from earth to let the humans, us, evolve on our own. that's the last time they directly intervened in anything." Kay admitted. "and you aren't the one getting drunk, they are." Kay admitted. "any excuse for them to drink and all that." he admitted before frowning a little. "Cas?" he asked, this was not a name Philhad mentioned before. "we'll explain when there aren't so many ears around." Steve promised Kay. he figured Phil trusted this man, they seamed to be father and son, or at last very, very close. Kay was keeping them in the loop, they could return the favor.
“....that’s awesome. Really.”Tony laughed out loud at the idea, giggling at the idea of anyone getting marshmellows thrown at them. “It was amusing, we ended up having a bonfire and eating them, we had so many marshmellows.”Jay snickered a little. “....All I can picture now is a kegger being planned to ban yellow socks.”Natasha snickered a little. “Hm, yes. Later. Cas is currently going through growing pains, and definitely not someone we’re pissing off by bringing fury to his door.”Tony said shuddering at the idea of exactly what Cas would do if Fury tried to force him or either of the winchesters to do anything. Exploding lightbulbs would just be the beginning.

“Dean?”Sam muttered stirring a little, frowning slightly as he felt someone curled up against his back, staring absently at the arm and hand hanging over his shoulder, and knew it was cas laying at his back only because the slender fingers were curled into dean’s shirt, the angel keeping in touch with them both, making sure if either moved or needed something, he’d know. “You’re safe.You’re okay.”Cas sighed quietly, and even if he didn’t need sleep, he enjoyed it, and you could tell it was a automatic response from the mostly sleeping man as he snuggled closer to sam, protecting his back, keeping him safe. Which just made Sam smile as he relaxed, knowing that he was indeed safe. Lucifer rarely bothered him to badly in Cas’ company, as if the former archangel was somewhat scared of heaven’s general.
"It was pretty fun." Kay agreed. "that's pretty much how it goes." Kay agreed before nodding. "any being going through growth pins is never a good thing." Kay agreed. "but if he can help my boy then i'm willing to poke a bear." he admitted. "you won't have to poke him. we just don't want anyone we don't trust knowing about him." "aaah." Kay nodded, he could understand that easy enough. "Can you imagine if Fury tried to order him around?" Clint blurted. "he'd probobly level the tower... only on accident of course." he assured Kay when the man tossed a worried glance at Phil. "and the medical wings are protected. you could levy a nuclear bomb and anyone in the medical wing would come out without a scratch. Bruce admitted. "we've used it to contain the Hulk before." "the who?" "the big green guy in the battle." "ah. i didn't know he needed containing." "he doesn't normally. but he can have a hell of a temper sometimes." Bruce hedged. he still didn't really like people to know. and despite not working for any government they where still government themselves and Bruce felt twitchy around them.

Dean shifted a little and sighed as he started to wake up, responding to Sam before smiling at his brother. "morning." he mumbled once he heard Cas mumble. they where safe. that was good. "s my coffee?" Dean whined. the resemblance to Tony was so uncanny it was almost scary. "i have it right you you lazy shit." Lisa said from where she was fiddling with a tray full of food that looked like she'd made it herself. it was kinda... it was edible of course it was! it just wasn't as pretty as Steve or Dean's or Bruce's.
"Considering he's ancient, but sorta a teenager in some sort of sense, he's definitely not wiling to play nicely with people he doesn't like. And fury will definitely be on that list of people he doesn't like."Tony said before nodding."he's safe mostly, just...I don't trust fury not to try to control him." Natasha snickered at the idea of cas facing off with fury. "I almost want to introduce them just to watch cas lose it."not so much because cas would take offense for ordering him around, but she was sure he wouldn't stand for fury ordering dean. "He does, but then I give him a ball to play with and all is well."Tony grinned because he liked the hulk.

"Morning."sam muttered relaxing, raising his head a little to look at lisa."thanks lisa."he said looking happy with the sight of food. Cas raised his head to look at the food, raising a eyebrow.Byou sure it's edible?"he teased leaning over to kiss her livhtly.
"So he's one of the many nearly immortal beings who is ancient by our standards but barely an adult in his?" Kay asked, looking amused. "are you sure you're not talking about Loki?" "pretty sure." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "i think Cas would just turn him to dust and unfortunately, for some unfathomable reason the Agent likes Fury so we have to deal with the one eyed bastard." Steve said with a sigh. "in any case, if Cas didn't smite him, the boys would beat the shit out of him so it's better to just keep him away." Steve admitted before chuckling at Kay's incredulous look when Tony mentioned playing ball with the Hulk. "Will i get to meet him?" Kay asked curiously. "It's very doubtful." Bruce admitted as they all loaded into the various cars that the Avengers had come in, leaving Kay, Jay and Phil to load into the medical transport with Bruce. it wasn't long before they where ll back at the tower.

"it's perfectly edible!" Lisa protested, smacking Cas's thigh with a smile. "you don't need to eat anyway if you don't like it." she sniffed before smiling a little as she settled in. "so, there's three new people in the tower. one of them is Phil Coulson." she admitted. "so everyone's going to be a little bit weird today, and James is standing guard outside, protecting us i guess." she admitted. "my guess is that the others left and needed to give James a ob so he wouldn't follow them."
“Hm, yes. That and he’s also the youngest of his race, so his siblings tend to treat him like he’s a kid, even if he is totally badass.”Tony snickered a little remembering what the boys had said about the angels interactions with cas, it did remind him of the adult children treating those younger then them. “....Damn. He would. I guess we’ll just have to keep fury away.”Natasha snorted a little before wincing, “Yea, they would.”She agreed looking amused at tonys’ shrug. Tony liked the hulk.

“I believe you,.”Cas smiled, shuddering a little as she smacked him. “Tease.”He muttered before starting to eat anyways, glad when sam started to nibble on a few bites of food. “...Ah. Probably. He would have been better with a job.”Cas said looking thoughtful before easing away. “I’m going to go see the new people. You guys stay here.”Not that he didn’t think the boys and lisa could take care of themselves, or that the others would bring someone dangerous in. He just needed to see for sure himself. Standing, he kissed both his lovers lightly before heading towards the door. “You three are cute.”Sam muttered snickering a little.
"that sounds pretty tough." Kay admitted. "badass eh? i think i'll like meeting him." he admitted with a grin. "especially if he can get Loki to behave." "i never behave." "STOP DOING THAT!" Kay bellowed at Loki ho had just appeared without warning. "Fury tried to murder me. it hurt." Loki whined. "He was not happy when he realized i had not only distracted him, but i killed all the camera's and listening devices he had tuned to you." Loki admitted. "you're welcome." he smiled a little. "and no worries. Kay knows better than to mess with ultimate beings more powerful than him. he won't annoy Castiel." he promised.

"I am a tease." she teased with a smile. "so, are we ready for our threesome yet? i desperately want to watch you two fuck." she admitted, making Dean snicker as he swallowed down the food. it wasn't as pretty but it was very delicious. "okay. be safe. no smiting unless they try to kill you first!"Dean ordered before smacking Sam's hip. "hush you. you and Clint are way worse." Dean huffed with a smile.

Cas would find them all in one of the most advanced medical wings where Phil was being settled into a very comfortable bed and he was smiling tiredly. "whose this?" Phil asked, blinking slowly at Castiel, Loki smiling at Cas and giving him a bow. Castiel was the one person Loki was always, always very polite to. he knew better than to piss with an Angel.
“I’m sure you will.”Jay snickered a little. “Well, behave might not be the right word, but Loki doesn’t annoy him most of the time.”Tony snickered laughing as Loki appeared, looking over at him worried, frowning slightly .”you okay?” “Good. we have things we don’t want him to know.”Natasha smiled at loki. “Thanks for that.”she said.

Cas flushed at that, ducking his head a little as Sam choked a little. “Dammit. Don’t talk about that with me in bed with you. I don’t wanna know.”Sam whined sulking a little before smiling as he ate. “Thanks lisa, this is good.”he said snorting a little at Dean’s order, amused as Cas agreed as he left. Startling a little as he was smacked. “Are not.”He sulked a little.

Cas paused in the door as he looked around, tilting his head at Phil as he considered him. “Loki, good to see you back.”Cas said as he walked in, smiling at phil. “I am Castiel, a angel of the lord.” Which just made Tony giggle, because it amused him that cas always introduced himself like that, and he personally thought he got a sense of amusement at seeing the disbelief on people’s face at the words. “Hiya, Cas. Agent, call him Cas. Castiel is a mouthful, and it freaks out his boyfriend a little bit to hear castiel, he thinks he’s in trouble if someone uses his full name.”He said well aware it was mostly because only angels or demons generally used the full version of cas’ name.
"then stop being in bed with us." Dean pointed out with a chuckle. "morning time is supposed to be sex time." he pointed out, smiling at his brother. "are too." he huffed with a smile, chuckling as he realized James had followed Cas. James got fussy when one of his Assets wandered away.

"any type of control would be welcome." Kay admitted. "he's the most useful man we've ever had in our employ but the rat bastard keeps taking off and getting drunk or causing pranks to go off in the atrium!" Kay complained, Loki just snickering because he didn't care. "i'm fine. he didn't succeed in hitting me." he promised before smiling at Natasha. "you have all given me a chance, this is more than my own family ever gave me. that means i'll do what i can to protect you. little as that is." Loki admitted. "besides Castiel is a revered being, i don't want that filthy heathen with the one eye to know about him." Loki sniffed. "you're people are not the only people who pray to the One God you know." Loki admitted with a smile. "thank you. i've learned a great deal." Loki admitted with a grin. "and i got very drunk too. it was very enjoyable." he admitted, scowling at Kay who lifted an eyebrow. "an Angel... right." he agreed before gasping when James waked in. "Jesus... James? James Buchanan Barnes? Sergent Bucky?" "...Colonel?" Steve asked, realizing that Kay looked so very much like Colonel Phillips was because he WAS Colonel Phillips. no one else would have recognized Buky.
“But I’m comfy.”sam whined a little and looking settled enough that he didn’t move at all. He’d move when cas got back.

“....That’s amusing. Really. He should be here though, I have pranks he could be doing here. It’ll be fun.”Tony said snickering a little because he really did enjoy loki’s pranks most of the time. “Maybe it’s a bad idea to let Loki team up with Stark.”Jay snorted a little amused. “Good.”Natasha said before tilting her head a little, “Not that little, I promise. It is apperciated.”She said. “....Hm, well my boyfriend thinks I’m a revered being anyways.”Cas said looking amused, because most days he didn’t feel like a angel anymore, at least not like the others. He’d never taken it as seriosu as some of the others did, though he was more concerned about humanity then most of the others to. “....Really? I never considered that gods pray to the one god to.”Tony said looking thoughtful at the idea. “I’m sure it was.”Cas said looking amused at the idea of loki getting drunk before looking at kay, tensing a little as the man recognized James, responding without even considering it, the flair of black wings moving to protect James, the lights flickering but not going out as he tensed, ready to defend him but relaxing when nothing happened. “....that was soooo cool.”Tony said looking fascinated at the shadow of wings. “....Kay, you better tell him, before Steve passes out in shock at the idea of you being his colonel.”
"Loki was only exploring the universe Tony." Kay assured the man. "He's a teenager on his own for the first time after a lifetime of abuse and misery. of course he's going to go on a bit of a bender. he'll come home soon enough." Kay promised before smirking a little at Loki's mild vocal protest at being called a teenager on a bender, but he didn't actually protest because it was true. "you are certainly a revered being." Loki agreed with Cas, looking amused as Kay looked about, quite incredulous. "an Angel... of the Lord. like god and fire and brimstone?" Kay asked, staring at him, more than a little bit suspicious and unbelieving of the statements. he had never been a very religious man though. "The Great One, we call him." Loki admitted. "the Jötnar, the Frost Giants, they call Him, The Beginning. but he's all the same in the end, our God. all of the nine realms praise and worship him as their supreme religious being, for lack of a better description. humans, so far, are the only ones who do not, but that it likely the fault of the beings who call themselves gods on this planet. it is one of the reasons why the Galactic Council stepped in and removed the Asgaurdians from the planet, because they humans where worshiping us, instead of the Great One. too late, damage was done. humans will get on the right track again." Loki admitted.

"Well, maybe there is such a thing as Angels." Kay mumbled, stunned by the wing display, holding his hands up to show he wasn't going to hurt anyone but James scowled. "нейтрализованный(Nuetralized.)" he protested, staring at Kay. that was a code word of sorts that meant Kay had been a Target, and James had killed him. "That was pretty awesome Cas." Clint admitted with a grin. "i was never really a Colonel." Kay finally admitted with a sigh. "in nineteen twenty, i was enlisted into a new program free from government control. i was twenty or so years at the time." Kay explained that Aliens had existed, had always existed and that his organization monitored and contained their existence and everything else. "in the nineteen forties we where just getting off the ground when we discovered the Tesseract was on earth. what you call the Tesseract, we call the-" Kay paused when Loki cleared his throat a little. "Sorry. the Tesseract was never of earthly origin. in legend, there is a gauntlet that God created to aid him in the creation of everything. the Tesseract is part of the gauntlet. it is known as the 'Space Stone'. it created the universe and all the spaces in-between. that was why it was able to create a portal between the worlds." Loki explained.

"So the Tesseract was never what was controlling M... Us?" Clint asked, Loki grimacing. "No. there are five other stones. Mind, Soul, Time, Reality and Power. the Stone in the scepter i was wielding held the Mind Stone. it was what God, in legend anyway, used to create intelligence, personality and free will. you should be damn glad all i had was the Mind Gem..." Loki seamed to curl into himself, a hand clutching his chest, his eyes going that vague way people did when they where remembering something so horrible, all they wanted to do was scream. "The Soul Gem is so, so much worse...." he whispered, sounding so broken and shattered that James moved over to him and set a hand on his shoulder, making his tiny little upset noises and looking for the person who had upset one of his Assets so. Steve swallowed thickly and decided to help Loki change the subject.

"So you discovered the Tesseract..." "Yes. we discovered the Tesseract was in the hands of Monks who where protecting it, we where inclined to leave it at that until a small group named Hydra stole it, to use it as a weapon." Kay explained. "i went undercover as a Colonel when when we learned that not only was the Tesseract gone and being used for world domination, but that alien technology was being used, and being tested on people. i needed to make sure that there was only one test, pass or fail and that the person it was used on could not be corrupted in any way. i failed." Kay admitted. "i wanted to choose Bucky Barnes." he admitted, indicating the Soldier. "he passed every test we through at him. there was only one problem." here Kay sighed. "he had too much... focus. on a singular person. if we had given him the Serum, his focus on you,Mr. Rogers, would have turned into homicidal obsession. he likely would have left the war, and slaughtered anyone who so much as looked at you. he likely would have hurt you trying to control you, trying to 'protect' you so he could not become a Super Soldier." Kay sighed. "of course, he may very well be one now anyway." he admitted. "i would have chosen you, actually." Kay admitted, staring at Steve. "Erskine agreed. we where watching select individuals all over the united states for specific qualities... you fit the bill, but you stopped applying an we couldn't gain access to you until you joined the army. we had to choose someone else... he was... not suitable..."Kay admitted with a grimace. "we ended up having to kill him when he went homicidal and started killing his own men instead of the enemy soldiers." "Why tell us all of this?" "because Phil trusts you." Kay admitted. "Because even if you never got the Serum, you where always the first choice for being Captain America. because you, all of you, will always do what's right. not just for the entire world, but for the individuals as well."
“True....I guess I understand that. I totally explored the world as soon as I got a chance....and completed several benders in the process.”Tony said looking thoughtful. “Well, there’s fire and brimstone in hell, though God is currently absent. I have searched for him, but have not found him.”Cas said looking both sad and resigned to the idea. Glancing at loki at his words. “Yes, even teh angels agree that it is our own interference, and that of others, that kept the humans from sigularly worshipping God.”Cas agreed looking amused at how utterly fascinated tony looked, the man could live on finding out things.

“Indeed there is. And like we said, tempermental teenage angel to.”Tony teased just to listen to Cas make a small protesting sound even if he didn’t voice it. Tony was well aware he’d probably get Dean down here complaining about the namecalling as soon as cas told dean about it. “....Truly?You killed him?”Natasha frowned turning to look at james, tilting her head as she considered Kay. “...So. Do we have to worry about these other...stones getting here?Are they somewhere on earth, or in existence still?”Tony frowned looking worried at the idea. “They are. But like God, they are still hidden, from both angelic and demonic....”Cas paused as he considered that. Turned the idea over in his head, before setting the thought aside for now. “findings. They are out of play for now.”

Natasha shuddered a little moving over to clint, offering support at the memory of what had happened, looking upset as Tony moved over to cuddle loki. “Yes, it is. But you’re here now. And you have a angel on your shoulder, we’ll get cas to do all sorts of bad things to anyone who tries to hurt you again.”Tony muttered nuzzling loki a little as he gently edge the man over to cas, who in turn tucked the man under his arm. These were dean’s chosen family, friends. He would look after them. “...Yes. He is. Though it seems his desire to protect and kill to do so, has been broadened to fit with anyone that is deemed worthy of it. Or that he is told to.”Tony frowned a little shuddering at the idea of the soldier killing everyone before smirking at Steve a little. “You’re good with people. You’ll always take care of everyone.” “....I wonder if it is because he is part seraph, that made him the best candidate.....Do you still know the others who you were watching?”Cas muttered looking thoughtful, and equally thoughtful as he considered if there were others, they might have more problems to worry about, if there were part seraph’s who had been shaped to cruelty instead of how steve had been raised, shaped into the man he was now.
"God is likely out handling something a bit more rambunctious than humans i'm sure." Loki admitted. "For all that humans and Angels are his favorites, there are many thousands of beings he needs to tend to as well on occasion." Loki admitted with a smile. "one of them might be acting up and sometimes God can become extremely busy. Angels might have been the first, but there are many thousands f beings who are just as old and powerful you know." he admitted. "Angels and humans where meant to be as siblings. somehow, it didn't go well." Loki shook his head. "God blamed my grandfather, Bor. and punished him for it, rumor says he said something to Lucifer, who was supposed to be the one who guided the humans and protected them." he admitted. "there's no official written documentation of course but if you talk to the right people you can start piecing things together." Loki admitted. "mostly the Asguardian started it, and then the Sidhe started doing it too and the other ancient Supernatural 'monsters' started it up as well and it just snowballed from there." Loki admitted with a huff.

James nodded and Kay huffed. "it damn well hurt too." he grumbled. "two in the heart, one in the head, but we have certain technology that can revive dead MIB agents if they have it listed in their files that they want to be revived." Kay admitted. "i was dead for about three days before they revived me. surgery is required before a person is brought back to life, you can't bring someone back to life with a body too damaged to sustain the life of the person inside the body after all." Kay admitted. "Yes, actually. you do have to worry about the stones." Loki corrected Castiel. "Just because you cannot find them does not mean that someone doesn't have them, either knowing, or unaware of the item they are holding." he admitted. "already you have had two of the Infinity Stones here causing havoc. there is no doubt that other stones could make their way across the universe creating utter havoc. and with the Soul Stone already in play, who knows what it might do. it is sentient after all, who knows what goals it might have and where it might take itself." Loki admitted with a violent shudder even as he snuggled Cas. the Mind Stone could not affect Loki on it's own. so Thanos had used the soul stone to take away Loki's fighting spirit, his strength of will and half of his soul. it was only then that the mind stone had any effect and even then, Loki had fought as much as he had been able.

"the Serum that the Hydra agents worked with after Erskine managed to escape them, was a weak version and very unstable. they killed more men than they did anything else. if Mr. BArnes is a super soldier, i would imagine he is the only one they managed to create that didn't go mad, kill himself or was even left physically whole at the end." Kay admitted. "we stormed the testing facility, we had no idea that Barnes was alive at the time, he wasn't there when we went in, but there where hundreds of poor souls who would rather have died than lived the mangled lives they had been reduced to." he admitted before looking curious. "Seraph?" he asked, his head tilted. "Yeah. i'm half Angel. the way i understand it i'm technically a Nephilim right? human in appearance but with an Angel's powers?" "we do actually, have a list of the people we where watching." Kay admitted. "i'll have ed send it over for you." he promised. "there weren't many. about five, aside from Captain Rogers."
“Hmmm, true. I can see it. Just makes it frustrating when I go to find him.”Cas said frowning a little as he considered that. Snorting a little. “I know that, but I wouldn’t go reminding any other angel about it, I doubt they’d take it as well.”Which was truly Cas’ gift, the last born angel, a love so deep for humanity, a bonding that made him want to look after them, to care for them, rather then see them as inferior. “It didn’t go well. Lucifer was....Angels say since god created him first, God gave him all his pride, all the ego and pride that he felt for his creations. Well, when asked to bow to the humans, to serve them at times....well he didn’t take that well." "I would assume not."Tony made a face at the idea of being asked to serve what lucifer probably considered a younher less useful sibling race

"....that's a disturbing thought.but it does explain how phil is still here."natasha said shuddering a little at the idea of being dead like that. "...I had not considered that....but it seems I'm destined for a existence of stopping apocalypses, this is just another one to look out for."cas said though he looked disturbed at the idea of the stones being in play. He was so used to worrying about angels, he hadn't considered others finding them."we'll look after things, try and keep the stones from any when they do appear."Tony said looking determined even as he watched loki, relaxing a little as he did.

"That might have been steve's doing. Him aurviving. Even not there, james had had prolonged exposure to a seraph, even a part one would bolster his body some."Cas said, struggling to remember the other part angels. This was definitely a question for deidra instead of him, he was to young to remember a time when half angels were common. "Yes, seraph is the term for the heavenly host, from archangels down to cupids."cas added before nodding."you are correct....and thank you. That sounds about right, heaven had forbidden procreation with the humans, but it still happened sometimes. Five is actuallymore then I thought. Until I had met steve, I had not known any still existed."cas said tilting his head. "Speaking of powers, cas can you take a look at phil?"tony asked grinning as the angel moved over to phil, reaching out to touch his forehead, healing what he could. He'd still need time to recover well, but it was better then he'd been.
"Angel's have become corrupted from what they where meant to be. all of them but you. you are exactly gods image... according to the manifests i've stolen from the Asgardian Library anyway. several of the Vanir have become very interested in you." Loki admitted to Castiel. "they'll likely be contacting you soon, most likely to be offering their support. my mother, she is a Vanir as well, she has hinted as such." Loki admitted. "that's what we've all been told as well, behind closed doors, when people think they are alone, they whisper that Odin's father set the seeds of rebellion in Lucifer. from what i understand, Bor did not much want to be lesser to such a... ah, weak and pathetic race of hairless monkeys... no offense. Lucifer did what he did on his own, but it's a poorly kept secrete that Bor nudged him into rebellion in the first place." he admitted. "i'll ask my mother to show you the Histories." that was what the Vanir did. they watched all, knew all, recorded all. they recorded every single thing for every single being in the world. the Histories where literally every single action, every single person, every single cause an effect. every action, in perfect truth. why they did such, only they knew. the only beings older than them where Lucifer and Micheal. well, and Death. even they didn't know who came first, God or Death but they didn't much care.

"oh, this isn't the first time Phil's died." Kay admitted. "he's used to it by now." he admitted before smiling at Cas. "well if you weren't so good at it, maybe you wouldn't have to do it so much." Kay teased with a shake of his head. "we already have control over two stones. i took the liberty of, ah.. removing them from temptation." Loki admitted. "only i'm not sure where to put them. i can't exactly trust any of the other beings to not use them. and i can't guarantee that the gems won't affect humans so leaving them with you is... inadvisable." Loki admitted, looking strained now. "having them so lose to me, it's quite painful. once the mind Gem has rooted itself into you're mind as deeply as it did mine, it never truly lets go. i can feel it trying to latch onto my mind again. with my soul intact once more it won't truly be able to do anything to me, not really but it hurts." he admitted. "i was half tempted to take them to the Vanir but..." he shook his head. the Vanir would just give away the stones to anyone who asked, they where not protectors. they didn't care. not really.

"that happens? does this mean the people i hang out with might have extended lives too?" Steve asked, suddenly sounding so very hopeful and Clint made a small sound in the back of his throat as he realized Steve was asking because he had expected to have to watch his friends die of old age while he remained young. "of the five, there is only Steve left." Kay admitted. "but i could be wrong, if they have heavenly powers,or help, they could easily have faked their deaths. i know one was a bright young woman by the name of Deidra. she never gave a last name. another was a young man named Aaron, there was an older gentleman who was named Richard Richards but i can't remember the other two." Kay admitted. "thank you. he looks better already." Kay admitted, smiling as he watched his son.
“....I’m not sure that’s true. I am a failure of a angel, to poor to be in god’s image. I keep exploding lightbulbs.” “....that is not a heavenly failure Cas. Just a orgasmic reaction. Besides, it gives me a excuse to update the building. Stop worrying about it so much.”Tony said eyeing his nephew in law, before snickering at the slightly pale look on cas’ face at the idea of the vanir contacting him. “Hmmm... So that’s wear Lucifer got that insult. Sam says it is one of his lesser insults to know. Sam might know, I mean, it’s just a shadow of lucifer, but he might be able to tell us.”CAs said more in thought then action, because he’d never subject sam to the questions just to satisfy his own curiousity on the subect.

“Hmph. I’m not the one who keeps doing so well. I became a god at one time. I failed. It’s the boys that keep doing it.”The small, proud smile that quirked his lips said everything about his feelings about both winchester men. “Ah. Well.”Tony paused considering what to do with the stones. “...I will speak to crowley and Dean. We’ll lock them up in a curse locked box, and drop it in the marina trench with Crowley’s help. We lay enough angelic and demonic wards over it, they should be as safe there as they would be anywhere.”Cas said frownign a little. “You’re okay.”Tny muttered leaning into loki a little, looking worried for him.

“It might. If you spend enough time with them, sometimes....Deidra would be the one to ask about extended lives. She is older then me.”Cas said wincing a little at the idea, eyes sad as he looked away from them, well aware he was going to have to watch Dean and lisa die, was going to have to watch it someday, and stay behind on his own. Forever. “...Deidra’s here. She’s Sam’s therapist. I don’t know where she is right now, but I think she’s probably with Sam.”Tony said looking amused at the idea, “But we’ll look into the others. She might know who they are to.”Tony said looking thoughtful. “You are welcome.”cas said smiling a little at the other. “I should be getting back to Dean.”He said fussing a little.
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