Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Maybe.”Cas looked amused as he looked up at the other, before laughing.”True.”He agreed before wincing, looking at his back, shifting to look at it. “it’s not that bad. It’ll heal soon.”he said looking upset that the other was scrambling up, startling, whining softly when he realized dean had cut up his feet. “Dean!Careful. Dammit, sit.”Cas growled moving up and touching the other, flashing dean back ot bed, making sure the other wasn’t hurt before healing his feet. Looking upset and anxious, “Dammit. There has to be a way to stop this.....I’d managed to not break anything before.”When he was so locked down he couldn’t do it. Looking upset and anxious because he was scared he’d never get control of this. That he was goign to have to figure this out, that he couldn’t risk hurting his lover every time when they had sex.

“Dammit.”Natasha sighed softly, wincing a little as they got James calm, gently stroking his hair as he did, looking at clint. “I’m glad Cas is feeling things again, but this is gonna be bad if he can’t control it...”Though she wasn’t really surprised he was having problems controlling himself. And wondering if this was going to be worse then ever, if he was going to lock down and hide ever more now.
"Dammit Cas! that's cheating!" Dean protested again at being pulled back before looking startled at his feet. he hadn't noticed. "Cas, you where so locked down before you could barely heal any scratches." he pointed out. "its just a matter of calming down and learning control." he promised. "Maybe Deidra can help? she has Angel Mojo and she's not exploding lightbulbs. maybe there's a trick to it? or maybe it's just a matter of practice?" he mused before smirking. "dude. i seriously made you cum so hard i made you explode." he said, looking so smug.

James was finally calmed down, though he wasn't very relaxed, clutching his knife tightl, convinced still that they might be attacked though he was starting to calm down. "this is the first he's had full access to his powers. of course he's going to have some control issues. he'll get it worked out. in the meantime, we just have to change the kinds of light bulbs we use. the halogen lights that Tony uses weren't affected. nor where the lights directly powered by the Arc Reactor. Tony's been bitching about being electricity based for years, this'll give him an excuse to switch to pure Arc Energy."
“Nope, not cheating when you hurt yourself.”Cas said his voice that soft growl that said this wasn’t something dean wanted to argue with him about. Not if he wanted to get more then a few kisses in the next few days. “.....I guess. I mean....I never really had to learn hwo to. As a just sorta came to me. The control, the way to fight....I guess this is just a natural problem,...”Cas sighed a little shifting, nuzzling his lover a little, taking comfort in it before nodding. “She could...and she might not be exploding things cause she’s not having sex.”He pointed out before huffing a little. “Explode lightbulbs. On a few floors I think. You should feel proud of yourself. Though I’m a little disappointed you didn’t get in me, or take care of yourself.”he whined a little, smiling against dean’s skin as he felt how smug the other was.

“Hmm. True.”natasha sighed, only not liking it because it upset james so much, though she knew it was normal, and a true sign of control that Cas hadn’t destroyed anything else really, and really what he had harmed, was not that bad. “Tony would be happy about it. Ecstatic really.”natasha snickered a little, shaking her head amused because she knew tony would tease his nephew and cas, and then proceed to be very happy that he got to change the whole tower to arc energy.
"in my defense, i didn't realize i had hurt myself." he pointed out, smiling at Cas a little. hoping that would be enough to get forgiveness for his rash behavior. "you've always ether been in heaven or locked down, i can understand why you'd be having trouble now, but it's okay." he promised. "oh, she's having sex." Dean admitted. "she fucked Bruce just this morning. it's like his goal in life is to have sex with everyone." Dean admitted with a chuckle. "i think the only people he's not slept with yet is me, you and Lisa." he admitted with a smile. "an i don't think any of us actually have any plans to so get that expression off your face you jealous angel." he teased with a smile. "well, there's no saying that once we get this cleaned up we can't continue." Dean assured Cas. "or you could just suck me off, either works."

"very happy." Clint agreed, smiling when James slipped the knife away, accepting that he, they, where safe. he had accepted Natasha as his Handler and Clint as his Secretary and most of the rest of the tower as Assets so he would be protecting them. even now he was checking Sam over, making sure he wasn't hurt by any of the glass. because Sam was his Handlers favorite, so Sam needed special attention.
“Hm, you’re forgiven then. Though you must be careful. I care for you, I do not like seeing you hurt.”He muttered sighing softly, nuzzling him in forgiveness. “Yes...I’ll get control.”Cas muttered relaxing at the other’s promise that it was okay, that he’d be okay. Snorting a little. “Really? Even Sam?”Cas teased, if only because he knew sam’s sex life talk could disturb dean a little, teasing him about it amused the angel. Growling at the other’s words, he frowned a little, nuzzling the other,”I’m allowed being possessive. You said I could.”He growled, biting the other lightly, before smiling slightly. “True...and I think you should get to continue. I want to know how it is.”he said getting up so he could clean up.

“ he always going to look after me?”Sam said looking amused as the assassin looked him over. “Probably. You’re a favorite. Special to me and clint. So he’s going to make sure you’re okay.”Natasha smiled lookign amused as she considered Sam, and how he was simply letting himself be looked over, nearly purring with the attention, amused because the submissive was definitely enjoying having james look after him.
Dean smiled at Cas. "i care for you too." he promised with a smile. "in fact, i might even love you." he admitted with a smile. "you'll get there Cas. you can't be one hundred percent perfect all the time you know. it would make you a machine and i don't fuck robots." he admitted with a smile. "i think so actually." Dean admitted with a grimace. "please don't make me think about that." he pleaded. "you are allowed being possessive. turns me on." Dean admitted, groaning at the biting. he liked it when Cas bit. he liked it when Lisa did too. "i think so too. it's only fair. just use you're Mojo to clean up the glass." he ordered impatiently.

"Probably." Clint agreed with a grin, watching Sam. "i'm a bit worried about what he's going to do the next time me or Nat try to drop the other though." he admitted. Nat hadn't dropped in a while, she was probobly desperate for it. he'd have to make sure the cuffs where nearby. he loved tying Nat up. "so Lay." Clint teased Sam with a grin as James finished his examination of Sam and turned to checking Cint and then Nat over before looking pleased when none of them where hurt. that was good, he had done his job. they where safe. "
“Hm, good. Love you to.”The angel said, blushing a little as he nosed the other with a quiet little coo, sighing softly. “I know. Just don’t like putting you in danger cause I can’t stop exploding things.”he grumbled before laughing. “Are you sure? I didn’t think there was anything you wouldn’t screw.”he teased before snorting, “Okay, I wont mention it. For now. Though you might want to tease sam later. Sam needs teased, he’d worry if you didn’t.”he muttered before smirking. “Good. Cause I’m not sharing with anyone but Lisa.”he growled before snorting. “So, so impatient.”he teased even as he waved a hand and cleaning up the glass with a quiet sigh.

“He’ll be okay. Just explain what you’re doing....I mean. He seems to know what he’s doing....he’s a top.”Sam said struggling to think through the quiet peace that was settling him, resting. Even if James wasn’t his dom, he was still good, and calm and was keeping the visions away. “He is. I think....we might try letting him help whoever is topping that time.”Natasha said frowning a little as she looked down at sam. “He really is. Maybe we should call him kitten, rather then moose.” “Can’t be big to be a kitten.”Sam muttered whining a little when james stopped, shifting to cuddle close to natasha as james looked the other two over. “You okay, james?”Natasha said, though she was sure he was fine, she still looked him over to.
Dean smiled a little and leaned into the nuzzling. that was nice. "i'm never in danger, or didn't you notice that until i stepped on it, none of the glass even touched me?" he asked with a grin. "there's plenty i would never screw and now that i have you and Lisa, there's no one else i'd ever want." Dean promised with a smile. not to say he couldn't look, but really, other people just seamed pale in comparison of Cas and Lisa. "i am impatient yes. get moving." he whined before grinning. "i've always wanted to try this. lay down would you? on your stomach." he ordered, settling behind Cas and once the angel was in place, he swiped his tongue along the others entrance, giving him a good, what was it called again? rimming, yeah, rimming. every once and a while he'd pull back and slip a finger or two inside to stroke around before going back to licking everywhere he could reach. not just cas's tight little entrance, but his balls and cock too. going right back to his cruel teasing of the precious angel. maybe he could get Cas to blow up some more light bulbs.

"that's a good idea." Clint agreed. "Natasha's probobly itching for a drop by now. she's a lot less needy than i am, but she does need a drop here and there." Clint admitted. "hey, maybe that might even help James, letting him dominate a little bit." or a lot. "Солдат является функциональным.(The Soldier is Functional.) James reported before reaching out and stroking Sam's hair. "тигр.(Tiger)." James informed her. "Лисичка. (little fox)" he stated before cocking hi head at Clint and cocked his head, clearly trying to ask how to address the archer.
"...."Cas grumbled a little,btrue."he muttered because he knew it was true, he just didn't like the idea that he could have messed up and hurt dean, even if he knew dean trusted him to always protect him. Grinning at the others words."good. We should be more then enough to keep up with you. If a angel and sex fiend cant, I'd be slightly worried about you libido."he teased."km moving I'm moving."he said taking his time though just to tease him as he moved to his stomach, looking curious about what dean wnated to try. Yelping at the swipe of his tongur, eyes going wide and startled, stuttering a absent question at why dean wanted to do that, though considering he didn't have to shit or pee, of anyone ever doing this, cas was probably the cleanest person to do it with....yea the angel definitely needed to be made to stop thinking rather then following his thoughts on that, even as he squirmed and moaned, wanting more.

"I'm okay, for now."natasha muttered looking at sam."it was a good idea, moose."she grinned pleased with how happy he looked at being helpful."good."natasha muttered at james words, glad be wasn't hurt before laughing a little."you knos, he does sorta look like a tiger." "Tiger?"sam muttered. "Yep. Soft and snuggly, and so fierce qnd protective."natasha said before looking at clint, trying to decide if he'd let james call him chick or not.
Dean snorted a little. "i'm horny, always, no one can keep up with me." he teased with a grin. "not moving fast enough! move faster!" he ordered before snorting at the others baffled question. "it's something gay people do, or so i'm told." he admitted with a chuckle. "stop thinking and enjoy it you bitch." Dean ordered, smacking the back of Cas's thigh in a stinging smack before slipping his fingers in again, twisting them as he suckled on the others balls before deciding he'd worked the other open enough and pulled away to find the lube. slicking himself up and then lining himself. "okay. relax, this part feels a bit weird at first and it burns but it feels really good." Dean explained, hoping that if Cas had a heads up, he wouldn't accidentally fling Dean off. with the warning given, he carefully, slowly started slipping inside with a groan.

"you won't be for always and i think James would be happy to help you drop. he used to when you where younger right? maybe he'll remember?" Clint asked with a smile. "птенец. (chick)." Clint informed James with a smile. "птенец." James agreed, examining Clint. "Подчинение? (Submission?)" he asked Natasha, indicating all three of them.
“we can.”Cas snickered a little, before rolling his eyes. “So bossy.”He teased even as he settled on his stomach. “oh...okay. It’s...different.”Cas muttered before whining at the smack and name calling, moaning as the other slipped his fingers in, squirming back against them, squirming and needy. Swallowing thickly before nodding, fisting the blankets as he forced his body to relax. “Kay...”He muttered tensing a little as the other pushed into him, though he managed to not throw the other off, though the lights flickered a little as he tried to make it easier on himself. “dean!”He whined shifting, reaching behind him, wanting the other’s hands to hold onto.

“True....and I am sure he would. He did....I don’t know if he remembers though.”Natasha said before smiling at the other’s words, pleased as she stroked Clint’s hair, pleased he’d accepted james’ use of the name, “...I’m gonna have to learn russian.”Sam grumbled a little watchign them all with a smile. “Yes. We all submit.”Natasha said tilting her head at james.
"i am bossy. we literally just went over this." Dean pointed out with a chuckle before watching the other squirm and moan. it only turned him on more. watching Cas come undone. "it's okay, i got you baby. you're alright." Dean promised, gripping the others hands, holding them as he pressed himself against Cas's back. "you're alright, just relax. almost in." Dean groaned, shifting for more leverage and then sliding in to the base and waiting there, letting Cas get his breath back, adjust to the sensation.

"even if he doesn't remember, you don't just forget how to be a Dom. look how he's fussing over us. He's acting like a fussy Dom after his Sub had a bad drop." he admitted. "Yes you are because i think James intends on making sure you're always happy." he admitted before sighing as James stroked a hand down Clint's back, humming his delight, making James look quite delighted. "потребности?(needs)" James asked, wondering if they where content.
Cas whimpered, whining softly as he tightened his fingers around dean’s, holding onto him, shuddering at the feel of the other pressing close to his back, sighing softly. “Kay....I’m okay...”he muttered sighing softly, relaxing slowly, his grip relaxing on dean’s hands, fingers fluttering slightly, trying to sooth the abused digits as he shifted a little. “ can move...”he muttered.

“True. He is. I’d call it cute if I didn’t think he’d be upset by being ‘cute’”Natasha said snickering a little. “Well, at least I’ll know one language dean doesn’t....I’ll have to get deidra to help to. Wonder if she could just like let me learn it. I know cas knows languages like that.”Sam said looking thoughtfully. “No, no needs right now. Except petting. I think we could all use petted.”Natasha said smiling as she shifted, resting her head on sam’s chest, content to snuggle and releax for now.
"Shh. it's okay. breath for me." Dean murmured, tone soothing and affectionate as he nuzzled his lover and kissed his neck and cheek. "it's alright. take your time. you're alright." he murmured. he knew this was much, much harder on the Angel than it had been on him. Dean was used to such intense sensations, Cas was a virgin in nearly every way that counted and many that didn't. "are you sure?" Dean asked, kissing the other before stroking his hips, carefully pulling out just a little bit before pressing back in. a slow, careful thrust, letting Cas feel it and decide it was okay before doing it again.

"he is cute." Clint agreed with a smile. "you know, she might. i think that's where Dean learned the languages he knows is because Cas zapped them into his mind." Clint admitted before grinning when James looked delighted again at the reassurance they where all safe and content and resumed his stroking and fussing over them, Clint sighing happily. this was what he had missed about Phil, he wasn't their permanent but when they needed a Dom he was always there and sometimes he would just sit in bed with both of them and just, lavish them with attention.
“Kay...I’m breathing.Though I really don’t have to....does it work when I don’t have to breath...”He muttered talking simply because he was overwhelmed, whimpering softly as he held onto the other’s hands, sighing softly as he felt the other kissing his skin, focusing on that. “I’m okay....yea...okay....”he muttered feeling utterly overwhelmed. It was definitely hard on him, worse then it had been before with his first orgasm, simply because he was tapped into what it meant to be a angel, to it, less blocked, so it was just that much more overwhelming. Whimpering quietly as he kissed the other back, “Yes. I am.”he muttered sighing in pleasure as the other carefully thrust into him, whining quietly. Closing his eyes, just so so overwhelmed he had no idea how to deal.

“I’ll ask her at coffee tomorrow.”Sam grinned pleased with the idea. He had a plan, it’d be fun.

In the morning, Sam smiled as he knocked on Deidra’s door lightly, poking his head in when she answered. “Hey, you ready for coffee?We could go another time if you don’t want to go...”
Dean chuckled a little. "it helps." he promised with a smile. It's okay, take all the time you need." he promised smiling at his lover. "that's it. if you need me to stop, let me know." he ordered before slowly beginning. "god Cas, you're so tight." Dean groaned, pressing himself in and out, taking his time, being careful, wanting to take his time and enjoy it. he came some time later only after coaxing another orgasm out of Cas and he spent the rest of the night stroking cas and murmuring loving adulation to him. only once he was sure Cas was going to be okay did he let himself drift off to sleep.

Deidra smiled at him. "nows good." she admitted as she finished brushing her hair and checked her appearance. "so, have you prepared you're jokes?" she asked with a smirk. "you know. to tease Cas and Dean with? i know you've been thinking of some." she admitted. "i'll have to hep Cas get over that little light-bulb problem he's having." she admitted. "
“Kay...”Cas muttered sighing softly, squirming a little as the other moved into him. Utterly relaxed and happy by the time the other had coaxed another orgasm, though he didn’t blow up anything up this time. Moaning quietly as he settled into the bed quietly, content t obe held and told he was good, that he was okay. Sighing softly as he went to sleep.

“Okay.”Sam smiled at her, before snickering quietly. “Of course. I mean, I’ve teased them about everything over the last 5 years. Have to tease them more now.”He smirked looking pleased with himself, before laughing. “Hm, early exploding is a problem, and I’m sure there’s medication to help with it. Or maybe a cock ring.”Sam said “I’m totally going to ask dean if he’s enjoying his cake now, after a lifetime of liking pie...”Sam smiled as they headed down to the coffee shop
She chuckled a little before laughing brightly at the jokes that Sam had already come up with. that poor Angel was never going to hear the end of it. "mostly it's because Cas has never been tapped into his full power while on the human plains." she admitted. "there are exercises that can help but until then he's going to be a great source of entertainment." she admitted. "speaking of entertainment, i hear a certain Russian assassin has adopted you as one of his brood?" she asked playfully, grinning at him. "it's good for James to have someone to fuss over. you should have seen him fretting over Tony. apparently he's of the opinion that Steve is Tony's handler and that Tony needs a Handler around twenty four seven. no idea where he got that idea from." she admitted with a chuckle.
Sam grinned at her laughter, before nodding. “I know. But that’s not as much fun teasing him about.”He smiled before snickering quietly. “Wonder how much of manhatten he could blank out if dean got him really going.”He said thoughtfully before flushing, “Yea. He has. It’s nice, being looked after. So much of the time I’m the one having to look after everyone else.”he said before snickering at that. “Ahhh, and tony does need a handler. Have you seen him try cooking yet? I’ll enjoy watching tony when he figures out James thinks he needs supervision all the time”He said as they stepped into the coffee shop, ordering his normal high sugary, very girly coffee that dean teased him about, before looking at the woman. "What do you want?"
"it's fun enough if you can tease him in Enochian." she admitted with a grin. "at his owner levels? when driven to the right heights of frustration... i'd say all of Manhattan at the least, maybe even parts of New York." she admitted with a grin before nodding. "you're a submissive by nature. of course you're going to enjoy having someone as big and Dominant as James taking care of you." she teased wth a smile. "i have seen Tony trying to cook. that was why James was so frantic this morning." she admitted. "a double espresso please." she asked the cashier. "American coffee is just terribly weak." she admitted to Sam. "although, i really like those frapachinos too." she admitted with a smile.

"Morning Tony, James." Steve said as he stepped into the kitchen, wiping his face after his run. "Hows it going?...Jesus, James..." Steve protested when James grabbed him by the shoulders. "Плохое приготовление пищи!(Poor cooking!). Никогда не оставляйте этот актив в одиночку! (Never leave this asset alone)." James babbled at Steve, shaking him a little, practically desperate. "очень плохо! нельзя доверять! (very bad! Can not be trusted!) Он представляет опасность для себя. (He is a danger to himself)" James said, looking almost accusing at Steve who couldn't keep up with such extensive and fast paced Romanian.
“I’m sure it is.”Sam looked amused, before snickering. “Really?Is he...I mean, I’ve seen him fight other angels. is it because he’s so young that he has this power level, or is it just Cas?Will he grow more powerful the older he gets?”sam said looking curious, sidetracked from the sex teasing, to questions he’d wnated to ask before, but never quite felt good enough about asking Cas, since cas had given up everything for him, so questioning him about it seemed wrong. “He’s smaller then me. I’m fairly big myself you know.”Sam pointed out before laughing out loud. “ahhh, that explains that.”Sam looked amused as he got their drinks before snickering. “It is. Useless you drink Natasha’s.”he said smiling as they settled into a corner booth, content to be there for now.

“Morning.’Tony said smiled before startling at james’ words, staring at him. “Jarvis, translate, would you?”He asked. “He’s upset that you left Sir alone Steve. He is under the impression that because Tony cannot cook, he should not be left alone, for he is a danger to himself.” “What?I am not!” “Yes, you are.”Natasha pointed out as she walked in, nibbling on her own donut, having come up as soon as she realized where james was
"his age has something to do with it but it's also because he's just Cas. i don't know if he realizes, but he's a very special Angel. I doubt the other Great Beings would have informed him, but he is basically the Balance. who he sides with, is who usually ends up winning. that's why whats her face tried to hard to 'reprogram' Cas. because they wanted him to support them, instead of you and Dean." sh smirked at him. "Face facts Sam. he might be smaller physically but James could toss you round like you where a kitten." she pointed out. "honestly speaking, if James really tried his hardest,i think he could probobly even take on Cas in hand to hand." she admitted. "i don't think James would win, but he'd put up a hell of a fight." she admitted before snorting. "Natasha does not drink American coffee." she pointed out, sipping her espresso.

James went very tense when Jarvis spoke but was of the understanding that the mechanical voice was under Tony's control and that it could not hurt him. "...okay, Jams has a point." Steve agreed, giving Tony a look. "you now better than to try and cook. you should have asked James to cook for you." h gently scolded, running his hand through Tony's hair to take away the sting of his words. "what do you want for breakfast? i'll make it for you." he promised. "we did agree that i would take care of you."
”He is a very special angel, sorta like how dean’s a special sorta human.”Sam snickered a little before growing serious thinking that over. “Makes sense....though I wouldn’t go telling cas that yet. He’s probably got enough on his mind with gaining control, without worrying he’s gonna mess up things with the balance.”He said smiling a little before snorting, shivering a little at the idea. “Well. Maybe. Okay. Probably.”he agreed before looking interested. “WE should set that up. That’s be interesting to see, to who wins.”He smiled a little sipping his coffee, “Ah. That explains why it’s so strong.”

“Maybe.”Tony grumbled before whining, “He was sleeping. I wanted crepes. And no one was here.”Tony whined a little even as he leaned into the hand, sulking about getting scolded. “Crepes. I want crepes.”He grumbled a little.
"Yes. in truth, i think they where fairly destined for each other. they are soul bound at the very least with as many times as they've died for each other. their souls are combined." she admitted. "that's why it's so hard on them when one or the other is dead or far away. of course we're not going to tell Cas. he might think he's God again." she teased with a grin. "let's be honest here Samuel." she whispered, her voice low now. teasing, sultry. "if i wanted to? i could toss you around like a kitten too." she admitted before snorting. "i don't think James is going to understand the concept of 'play fighting'." she pointed out.

"Tony." Steve sighed, though he sounded affectionate and amused too before he nodded and set about trying to figure out how to make Crepes. he had no clue and neither did James. thankfully, Dean came to the rescue. he had thousands piled up in a matter of an hour. thankfully Tony had already made the batter, even Tony could work a blender after all. a few alterations to the recipe and Dean had pils of crispy sweet heaven all over the place. a good pile of which he set in front of Cas. fussing over him a little.
“Yes, that does sound right. Cas never said that they’d built that much together, but I assumed they were tied closely together. Beyond simply being in love with each other.”Sam muttered before nodding. “Makes sense...they’ dependent. Mostly and weird when they’re apart.”He sighed a little before snickering. “Well, he’s had sex. He might already consider himself a god again.”he said before looking at her, eyes widening as he choked on a whimper. “isn’t that against the rules or something?Sexually teasing your patients?”He said before snorting. “I don’t think Cas understands the concept of Play fighting.”he pointed out to.

“I wanted food. And no one was up.”Tony grumbled before smiling happily as dean rescued them, pleased with having food. “Thanks dean.”He grinned as he watched cas studied the crepes thoughtfully, before looking up at dean. “’re fussing over me.”He muttered quietly, wondering if the man was worried about him
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