Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"They have built a connection through hell fire and heavens storms." she admitted. "it's happened between Angels before, but this is the first time it's ever happened with a human. but then, no humans ever returned from hell before either. not really. if they leave, it's because they have become a demon." she admitted. "they are as they should be." she admitted with a smile before laughing "you should ask him if he's still godly material now that he's not an angel anymore." she teased with a grin before smirking. "it might be, but you are not my patient right now and we never agreed on anything other than that i would not spill your secretes. if it bothers you, i'll never do it again, but you... fascinate me." she admitted, examining him before shrugging. "the Angels 'play fight' all the time to keep their skills sharp and strong."

"then you should have waited or woken someone up." Steve informed him with a smile. "you know very well that your not allowed to touch the kitchen." he said, dropping a kiss to Tony's forehead without thinking about it before tucking in, Dean huffing at Cas. "am i not allowed to take care of you now? last night was intense, i need to make sure your okay." "yeah, speaking of." Steve said, looking very impish. "congratulations on loosing your virginity Cas."
“Ah. That makes sense.....and dean always was a overachiever. Of course he’s the first human to come back.”Sam snickered a little before snorting. “I will ask him if he is. And ask Dean if cas counts as a sex god these days.”Sam agreed before tilting his head, considering that. Thinking it over, before shrugging. “N-no. It’s just odd.”He muttered before wrinkling his nose. “You only find it fascinating that I keep seeing the devil in my life. Most men you’d have to wonder what their demons are, you already know mine.”He said shrugging a little before smiling a little. “Well, Cas might be the only one able to keep up with james for the near furture and not risk being hurt....”

“....Whatever.”Tony grumbled, sulking because he knew it was true, flushing as steve kissed his forehead, but looking pleased to as he ate. “....No, you can. It’s just a little weird. Usually I’m fussing over you.”hE said studying Dean, squirming a little, because he was still feeling a little off balance, emotionally reeling still from the night before. It had been seriously intense. Looking up at steve’s words, he flushed even brighter. “W-what?Did everyone know?” “Yea. You sorta blew the lights in the whole tower. It was sorta amusing.”Tony teased a little.
"i'm not sure 'overachiever' is the word i'd use." she admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure we both know Dean is going to say yes." she admitted with a chuckle before smiling at him. "well, you'll just have to get used to it i suppose." she teased. "i would love nothing more than to... properly, introduce you into the lifestyle." she admitted. "perhaps if i taste you enough, you'll come to me, hmm?" she teased with a chuckle before snorting. "the devil can piss off. you have an Angel on your shoulder now." she pointed out. "we'll have to bring it up to Cas. this is good espresso."

Steve smiled at him a little before looking very amused as Dean fussed over Cas. "well normally i'm the one who needs fussing over." he pointed out to Cas, smiling at him. "it was a big thing last night, just let me take care of you, okay?" Dean asked hopefully. "you don't have to be in charge all the time. it's okay." "before you fuss about it, no one was hurt." he promised Cas. "and Tony' been looking for an excuse to convert to pure Arc energy for years so he now has a chance to do that." Steve admitted, handing Dan and Cas some coffee.

In a large, nondescript building known as Battery Place a older man was staking along the hallways barking orders at people. they where still cleaning up after those blue bastards had tried to invade. they where on the brink of full and total meltdown here. many of the Aliens wanted to flee earth, feeling total retaliation now that the humans knew that Aliens existed. He had busted Thor's balls quite intensely the first time he'd shown up for failure to follow protocol. the so called God of Thunder had looked quite stunned to have his journey home waylaid by the MIB. "Jay!" Kay yelled, storming past his partner. "Get moving! i have an appointment and a few dozen phone calls to make." he admitted. "He'll be pissed if he wakes up in the hospital room and i'm not there." Kay admitted, strutting down to the medical wings. those goddamn Asgardians. at least Loki had been much more cooperative than his brother and the alien foundling was actually very much enjoying hanging around the MIB headquarters, making a nuisance of himself and meeting every alien under the sun. the Jotunn was more than happy to translate for anyone who needed it though so Kay wasn't inclined to make the little bastard leave.
“Probably not.”Sam agreed before snorting. “Of course he is. But having Dean agree before I buy anything that says ‘i’m a sex god’ and giving it to cas, works better when he’ll blame Dean for buying it, and not me.”sam said before snorting a little. “I’m sure I’ll get used to it.....and uh. Um.”He watched her, biting his lip a little. At a loss, because despite being very attractive, and very, very single, it was a rarity that anyone flirted with him rather then dean.”Maybe.”he said watching her before snorting. “If only my delusions were that easily ordered about.”he said before nodding, “It is. My drinks good....and definitely nothing we’re ever telling dean I’m drinking, cause I’ll never hear the end of it.”

Cas smiled a little. “True. Though you usually enjoy being fussed over.”he muttered before flushing a little, remembering just how overly emotional and wrung out even hours later he still felt. Nodding slightly. “Okay. Lisa can be in charge.”Cas teased a little, shifting, getting comfortable, despite knowing things could go badly if he couldn’t control himself, he also trusted dean, lisa to look after him. “....good. That’s good.” “Definitely a good excuse to redo everything. Might have to get you to focus on destroying other things in orgasmic bliss, if only so I can tell pepper there’s a reason I have to redo stuff now.”Tony teased smiling a little as cas relaxed and started to eat.

“I’m on my way!”Jay scowled slightly having just been finishing his paperwork before stepping out of his office, following after his partner with a slight smile. “So, did loki have a idea when he’ll be going home?”He said curious, if only because the avengers and the people living with them interested the younger man in black.
She laughed and nodded. "oh my god, that's perfect." she admitted with a snigger. "if you can get shirt, or a pair of underwear or something that would be so perfect." she admitted with another laugh. "Cas would totally take it out on Dean as well, i'll have to find Dean an Apron or something that says 'i'm the bitch' or something." she admitted with a grin before smiling at him. "you're a very handsome man Sam but that's not the only reason why i'm interested in you." she admitted, reaching out to gently stroke his wrist. "it's the way you move, the way you talk, how you can be so very submissive one second and then in total control the next. it's fascinating, thrilling even." she admitted before smirking. "what do i get for promising not to tell Dean?" she asked with a grin as she drained the last of her espresso.

"i do like being fussed over. unless i actually need being fussed over. which is odd."Dean admitted with a smile. at least he'd admitted it. "Lisa is always in charge Cas. didn't you know?" he teased with a smile. "well, we'll help if you need us to."Dean promised Tony, Steve nodding. everyone in the towerwould be likely to help. "hey! hey! eating awesome food without me you traitor!"Clintwailed as he came into the room, looking bleary eyed and sleepy.

"Loki will return whenever the hell he feels like Slick, you know that." Kay admitted with a sigh. "i'll be equal parts elated and equal parts dismayed to see him go. he's stopped three intergalactic incidents since we dragged him in here." Kay admitted before flashing Jay a look. the one that said 'ready to learn something new?' "You ever seen a boy raised from the dead?" he asked, stepping into the room where a familiar face was resting. Phil Coulson was laying in bed. breathing. honest to god breathing and Kay sat down as Phil shifted, his eyes fluttering open. "Take it easy, Phil. short breaths, get used to it again." he ordered, Phil choking on the air before sucking in a breath and clutched his chest for a moment. "i know it hurts, it'll be okay." this was the gentlest anyone had ever seen Kay. "Dad?" Phil asked, sounding weak and tired. "Yeah Phil. it's me. you had a hell of a time Hotshot." "...being dead sucks." Phil admitted.
“I’ll totally get a pair of boxers. And maybe a cock ring with it on it.”Sam snickered a ltitle as he nodded. “We should totally find that.”he agreed before tilting his head, frowning a little as he considered the other. “....that’s just a lifetime of hunting. Sorta had to be in charge, protect everyone...”he muttered shrugging a little. He was a natural submissive who’d been forced to change, to please john, he’d had to make some choices that had been left on his own, he wouldn’t have. “Hmmm, I’m sure you can think of something you want from me for not telling him.”he offered smiling a little.

“it is, but I’ve gotten used to it, and sorta just ignore your complaining when you really need it.’Cas smiled a little before snickering. “True.”He agreed before tilting his head, leaning into dean a little, relaxing with the idea that they’d help him. “You were sleeping. And it’s my food!Dean made it for me.”Tony complained, huddling over his plate, mostly hoarding what crepes were left.

“I know....and that’s very true. Though I think if I have to listen to one more talk about smart people stuff, I might cry. I think we should send him back to Stark.”Jay snorted a little, before shaking his head.”No...what...”he stopped, eyes widening when he saw who it was. Staring for the longest moment, looking utterly lost with what was going on in front of him. “Yes....I would say it would.”Jay said sounding slightly choked.
she laughed brightly at the idea of giving the angel a cock ring. that would just be mean. and perfect. glorious even. she wanted to do it. "No. Sam. its not. whose the therapist here?" she asked, smiling at him. "you're trying to find excuses to why i wouldn't want you because you're afraid of liking me back." she mused. "it's cute. it also won't work." she admitted. "well. i'd normally ask for a kiss, but i think i'll settle for another one of those delightful espressos, and maybe a yes to an offer of a date?" she asked with a smile.

"....yeah well... shut up and let me love you." he commanded Cas with a smile,running his fingers through Cas's hair, looking up when Clint appeared, chuckling at the sleepy Archer, James offering the 'птенец(Chick)' his half eaten plate of Crepes, making Clint beam at him and snag a few for himself, feeling no shame in also stealing a little bit from Natasha and Steve. "there, now i don't have to take yours." Clint assured Tony with a smile. "you just get some rest." Kay ordered Phil. "i'll be making some phone calls. get your team on the line. that's what you say in that fancy plane of yours right?" "it's a Helicarrier." Phil protested. "it's state of the art! t's better than those crappy old fashioned UFO's you use." "hey now, i love my UFO." Kay complained, making Phil grin. "Fury's gonna be pissed." "you let me worry about that dick." Kay suggested. "you just get some sleep. coming back from the dead wears a person out." "you should know." Phi scoffed at Kay who chuckled and patted Phil's hand before he looked at Jay. "it's an unofficial secrete of sorts. everyone knows about it, but it's rude to talk about it." Kay admitted. "your a few months from being officially informed but i figure it'll be fine." he looked at Jay, quite seriously. "how old do you think i am Slick, and be honest here."

"It's not their fault you're two brain cells away from being brain dead Slick." Kay stated with the same deadpanned expression he always wore before smiling at Phil. "i'll have some people on the line while you're sleeping. that's what you fancy people in you're fancy planes say right?" "they're helicarries, and they're state of the art! way better than those old beat up UFO's that you use are." Phil protested. "i want to let my Team know i'm here." "they'll be informed. we can't bring them here but we can have you transferred to Shield. now get some rest." Kay ordered, actually smiling at his son. "dying is exhausting." "you would know." Phil said sluggishly, slipping back to sleep and Kay chuckled before looking at Jay. "Hell of a sight isn't it? it's one of those badly kept secretes. everyone knows about it but ut's really very rude to talk about it. new folks aren't informed until they pass a few critical stages in their careers." he admitted. "Tell me, Slick. how old do you think i am? nd i want you to be serious about this."
Sam smiled a little before tilting his head at her words, “Well. You are. Though you’re more dean’s therapist, instead of mine.”he pointed out, wrinkling his nose a little, “Well. There’s some very good reasons to not want me liking you. I mean. I have a thing for damaged girls. Demoness. Grieving widow. Werewolf....monsters and damged.”He shrugged a little, because he was fairly worried about liking someone, when all it did was give Lucifer something to laugh about in the corner of his head. “....Okay. I can do that.”he said, despite his protests, looking pleased with the order for a drink and a date, bounding to his feet to retrieve her drink before returning with it.

“Yea, oaky. Love you to.”Cas muttered smiling a little as he rested his head on dean’s shoulder, cooing quietly as his hair was petted. “You are such a food whore.”Natasha muttered at clint’s stealing, but not protesting as he did it. “good.”Tony growled pleased with no one taking his food as he ate.

“.....I’m not that dumb. Just not up to keeping up with conversations that include both magic and quantum physics.”Jay rolled his eyes a little. Snorting a little at kay’s words, he shook his head a little. “Don’t go insulting hte UFO’s. He’ll whine about it the whole month if you do.”Jay warned before looking interested and curious about the whole conversation, before nodding slowly. “it is....and....”He eyed his partner, wondering if he was going to get punched for guessing wrong, if he did. “Um....well. I’m assuming over 40, since you look old, but under 60 cause you haven’t 50?Maybe?”He guessed eyeing the other.
"that's true. but you need me more than he does at this point." she admitted with a smile. "and what makes you think i'm not damaged? in any case, you have a big heart Sam. you like people who are like you, you want to be with someone who understands you. it's not damaged girls you want, it's people who are hurt the same way you are, hoping you and they can piece together the broken pieces of your heart together. undoubtedly, it's why they where attracted to you as well." she admitted before smiling at him. "when was the last time you had a drop Sam? a safe drop that is."

"i love those little noises you make." Dean admitted. "like a Dove." he admitted with a smile before chuckling. "oh leave Tony alone. he's eating." Steve ordered Natasha, watching them all munch down on their food an wondering if he should make some hash and some eggs too? Clint and James both still looked hungry and Dean hadn't hardly eaten anything at all.

"I guess that's true enough. you'll get the hang of that soon enough. we all do. don't always understand it, but we can mostly ignore the bits we can't understand." Kay admitted. "that's a damn good guess Slick." Kay admitted. "to be honest with you, i was fifty years old when Captain Rogers hit the ice. my name back then was Colonel Chester Phillips. Phil was ten at the time." he admitted, watching to see Jay's reaction. "i am almost a hundred and fifty years old. Phil here? he's over a hundred." he admitted. "Agent M? she's almost two hundred." he admitted. "not everyone decides to do this of course, in Phil's case he didn't get a choice." he admitted. "he ha it done when he was sixteen. sixteen years old and his heart just... stopped." Kay admitted. "i was selfish, but Phil doesn't seam to mind." Kay admitted.
"...I dunno. You seem more together then the other hlgirls...."sam shrugged a little before wincing a little. Swallowing hard."'ll be nice to have someone who gets it...and won't lock me in a mental institution when I say I see lucifer."he made a face before frowning thinking about it."a few days. Before james came."

"Hmm, I like doves."cas muttered smiling a little."I am eating."Tony smiled a little as he eat, sighing happily. "You should make more food."Tony said looking up at steve wi th puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, well that's something to look forward to then."Jay smiled a little, tilting "...thats...youre..."Jay stared at his partner, looking utterly shocked at the idea of him being thst old. Staring back in at pgil, he looked utterly lost and having no idea what to think as he swallowed thickly.bthats...oh..."he trailed off going silent because his brain had completely shorted out at the idea of them all being that old
"of course i am. i'm hundreds of thousands of years old." she scoffed. "i outgrew that sillyness a long time ago." she admitted with a smile before she scowled. "you where in an institute?" she asked, looking rather concerned for his well being before shaking her head. "you need a drop. you should go see them when we get back. i'm not sure there's enough trust between us for me to attempt it myself. not yet." she admitted, sipping her second drink. "is it bad enough you have to leave now?" she asked, worried about him.

"i know you do." Dean admitted with a smile, feeling a bit bad for calling Cas a pigeon before. "i'll be happy to." Steve agreed with a smile, dropping a kiss to the top of Tony's head before getting to work making another pile of food for Tony and the others. happy to help while Dean watched, smiling a little. Dean was smiling too, feeling the happiest he had ever felt in his entire life. he was quite certain that meant that something bad was going to happen. it always did.

"Yep." Kay admitted. "back then, we just went Alphabetically. i was one of the first to join and got to choose. i chose the letter K, after my wife. she wasn't registered. it was the nineteen twenties after all and i was a big player in the war. so we kept our relationship a secrete. Katherine told eeryone that i was a soldier in the war and no one questioned a single mother with a child. it helped i sent her a letter twice a week that was delivered by the military mail." he admitted with a smile. "you gonna be okay Slick?" he asked, watching him. "this option will be available to you as well, once you reach a certain age." he admitted. "not everyone takes the option though, and those of us that do can turn it off anytime." Kay admitted. "i'm not about to do it anytime soon though, too much work to do." he admitted, carefully sliding the blankets p to his son's chin and got to his feet. "well. let's go. i have some calls to make." he admitted. "that Damn Fury. let's see how he likes it when i take his OTHER eye! and his balls!"
“Ah....true.”sam said blushing a little as he remembered that, before wincing, flinching away from how worried she looked. Nodding a little. “ last girlfriend tried admitting me. Worked for three days while they had me under observation cause I was totally out of it, but dean’s my medical proxy, they couldn’t keep me longer then that without him being notified, and by day three I’d settled and was a functioning adult again. So they let me go.”He shrugged a little before ondding a little. “I’ll see them.”He promised before sipping his own drink, though his eyes flicked a little looking at lucifer before shakign his head. “no, not yet. I’m good for awhile.”

Cas smiled nuzzlign his lover a little, “Where’s lisa?”He muttered wanting to check on her to, sighing softly. “Awesome.”Tony grinned happy for more food. “You look happy.”Tony said looking at his nephew, tilting his head a little.

“Ah. That’s disturbing, and amusing also.”Jay muttered looking utterly lost at what he was supposed to say. Or how this actually worked. “Yea, that makes sense...good for letters.”he muttered before nodding slowly, “Yea...I’m okay. I think. This is...just alot.”he said before looking thoughtful that he would be able to do this, if he wanted before nodding. “Okay....calls to make...and does he know about this yet? I mean....phil was in his command...”Jay said looking curious.
She smiled at him. "they probobly recognized that you had a bad drop." she admitted. "i do hope you never saw her again?" she asked, though she knew the answer already, smiling at him. "good. i'm glad you finally have people you can trust." she admitted. "not that you can't trust Dean but i really don't think he'd be up for that." she teased with a smile before flicking her gaze to where he had, seeing nothing and recognizing that he was having visions. "is he doing anything?" she wondered. "or is he just watching us like a creeper? i always thought he was kind of a pervert." she admitted. "i used to wonder if that was really why he got kicked out, because he was trying to diddle with Micheal."

"Lisa is sleeping. she's lazy." Dean admitted with a smile before looking at Tony, a soft, almost sappy expression on his face. "i am Happy..." here he looked a littl worried. "bad things always come up when i'm happy..." he admitted with a sigh. "but i have lots of backup now, so it should be fine." he admitted smiling again. "should we go and deliver Lisa some breakfast?" Dean asked, moving to get some of Steve's finished food before swaying, gripping the counter. "...Dean?" Steve asked, worried. "i'm fine... just a dizzy spell. Bruce said they'd happen. i just need to sit down..."

Kay chuckled a little and shook his head. "Take your time to get used to the idea. you're handling it a lot better than the last guy. he tried to murder us." he admitted. "he calmed down though." he promised. "no, he doesn't. that bastard just wrote Phil off as dead. he just saw aliens and never even considers the idea that there might be a way to use their tech for something other than nuclear deterrents. this is why we don't work under a government Jay." he informed the other. "you know that Word Council bullshit actually threatened to nuke New York?" he asked as he sat down in his office and made the call, smirking when Fury demanded who he was and how he had gotten that number. Kay had a nice long conversation basically dicking with Fury before informing the man they would be there in four hours and that the Avengers should be gathered in five. by then Fury was cowed enough to agree. "well that felt damn satisfying." Kay admitted after hanging up on Fury.
“Yea. Now that I knwo what was happening, yea they did.”He shrugged a little before wincing a little. “Only long enough to get my stuff out of her apartment, and make sure she had nothing of mine so she could get ahold of me again.”Sam shrugged a little before smiling slightly. “Yea....trusting dean with my sex life, is just asking for bad fanfiction to be written.”he whined a little before snorting, whimpering softly. ‘He’s talking about sex.....Deidra, I so, so didn’t want to-”He stopped his eyes flicking to the left, whimpering quietly, a little louder. “....please stop.”He whined giving deidra a look. “Thanks for that. I could have done without the archangel’s penthouse forum list...”he pouted a little at lucifer’s talking.

“Ahh. Just a little bit.”Cas smiled a little. “good....and I know that feeling. But you’re not alone now. We’ll help.”he promised before wincing, looking worried at dean, but not jumping up to help. “Then we’ll go lay down, and take lisa her food.”Cas said picking dean up carefully and letting steve hand dean the plate of food, moving towards hte door. “Then you’re going to rest.”

“I will...”Jay muttered before laughing out loud. “That’s amusing. And I promise, no violent intentions right now.”he said before frowning thinking of that. “Damn.....”He sighed softly before wincing. “I know. I’d heard, Stark howled about it for days apparently, to every person he could get to listen.”He said shaking his head a little before looking amused as kay dicked around with fury, sighing quietly. “I’m sure it did.”Jay said looking up from the paperwork he’d been doing
She nodded an then smiled at her. "very bad fan-fiction." she agreed before looking surprised at 'Lucifer's' choice of Topic. "come on, lets go." she decided, smiling at him. "the last thing we need is someone calling the cops because Lucifer drove you over the edge." she admitted, draining the last of her coffee before leading the way out. "of course you couldn't. you're very welcome." Deidra teased with a smile. "so. have you tried telling him to shut up?" she asked Sam. "and meant it? i know being dominant isn't much in your nature, but try Dominating him." she suggested once they where alone in the tower.

"thanks Tony." Dean said with a smile before getting his wizzy spell, smiling at Cas. "sounds like a plan... hey, hey! i can walk! i'm dizzy not disabled!" he complained as he was picked up even if he snuggled into Cas, accepting the tray that Steve made up and snickered when Steve set a small vase with a rose in it for Lisa, flashing Dean a wink as he tucked another rose into Tony's ear. "rest sounds very good." Dean admitted with a smile.

"oh yes. very amusing." Kay huffed, sulking a little before smiling at his partner. "yes he did, nd it's one of the reason why the World Council is behaving right now,because of the massive backlash about nearly nuking an entire state because of a little pest problem." he scoffed. "hell, they didn't even attempt to employ military before they went to the most extreme option. they're trigger happy assholes." he huffed, shaking his head. "you about done there slick? i don't think much of them Shield folks but they have state of the art medical facilities and we really... don't." he admitted. "i want Phil with the best medical care we can get him. he's risen from the dead but he's still hurt pretty bad." he admitted. "plus i want to see the look on Fury's face."
“,’s lucifer. I think he likes making me horny in the middle of something totally innocent. Like a coffee date.”Sam made a face before snorting, “Indeed. Let’s go. The less I have to hear about Lucifer’s sex life and how weird michael can be, the better I’ll be.”he grumbled as he followed her out, before whining. “I could have. I really, really could have done without it.”he promised before frowning as they stepped into the tower, looking over at him. “He’ll try dominating me if I do. I’d rather not.”he said sounding a little nervous at the idea of even trying.

“Welcome.”Tony smiled a little. “No you cannot. I am perfectly capable of walking you to the bedroom.”Cas said huffing a little as he headed for the bedroom, smiling a little at the rose even as tony blushed and got flustered with the rose.

“indeed.”Jay muttered before huffing a little. “Good. They should have to behave.”he said shaking his head a little, before sighing quietly. Because indeed they’d done something so bad without considering it before. “Yea, I’m done. We can go.”Jay said as he finished up, gathering his things. “....that look is going to be amazing.”
sh snorted a little. "so in other words, he came out when i started flirting with you because he's a pervert." she sighed. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make it worse for you." she said softly, stroking his arm before chuckling a little. "i'm sorry. i forgot you knew them." she admitted. "it's alright if he tries." she admitted. "it's even okay if he succeeds because he can't really hurt you." she pointed out. "the sooner you realize he's not really Lucifer, the sooner he'll start to change into something that isn't so close to you're perceived image of Lucifer." she pointed out. "Look him in the eye and treat him as if he's that silly little voice you've always had that always has the worst ideas and tell him to shut his little bitch mouth."

"i can walk!" Dean whined, pressing his face into Cas's shoulder because he was too dizzy to actually try to struggle. glad that Cas was more stubborn than him because despite his words, he wasn't sure he could actually get to the bedroom. Steve smiled at Tony's sputtering, answering his phone as it rang. "Rogers... yes Sir... all of us? i think we can. is it an emergency? then why are you calling us in? you... you don't know? but it sounded.... right. Sir? have you been drinking?" Steve asked, wincing when Fury told him to get his motherfucking ass over there on time. "right then. everyone go get washed up and ready, we're going to Shield HQ here in Manhattan in six hours apparently." Steve admitted.

"oh, if they don't behave we have a few buttons of our own that we can press." Kay admitted, smiling as he headed back to Phil to get the transportation, what looked like a common ambulance but wasn't, ready to transport him to Shield. it wouldn't take too long and he was eager to get Phil to the best possible care.
“Yes. Pretty much. And it’s lucy. He’s sorta given to be a little perverted.”sam said before wrinkling his nose, shuddering a little as she stroked his arm, closing his eyes for a moment before snorting. “It’d be better if michael wasn’t currently sharing a body with my half brother. It sorta...weird. Especially after so long in the cage with them....”He shuddered away from the memories that had been locked away, because the reminder of lucifer and michael’s sex life, and drawn some to the surface. “I-I can’t do that.”he sputtered looking at her, frowning a little. “He-he’ll do something.”He said looking at her, hoping, needing help, and starting to drown in the vision now that ‘lucifer’ was feeling threatened.

“No you can’t.”Cas said smiling slightly as he settled dean into bed, smiling slightly. “....what is it?”Tony said looking up at steve worriedly, fidgeting a little as he watched the other. Worried about what could be happening now.
"that's true." she agreed before smiling at him. "that's also true. and very gross." she agreed stroking his back now, trying to calm him, relax him a little. "Of course you can to it." she assured him smiling at her a little. "it's okay, Sam. he's not really Lucifer, he only take on the appearance of Lucifer because that's who scares you most. he came from Lucifer yes, he wants power over you, but he can only have what you give him. he cannot hurt you, now tell him. tell him to shut his little bitch mouth." she commanded, setting hr hands around his biceps as if to give him strength and guide him into what he needed to do. "you can do it Sam. you're stronger than he is. you always have been. you just have to remember that."

"i can! i really can!" Dean whined before smiling a little as Lisa rolled her eyes as she sat up. "does he not want to be carried again? ignore him, he's a bitch. is some of that foo for me?" she asked hopefuly.

"I don't know but Fury's pretty pissed off." Steve admitted with a smirk. "pissed off in a wy that means someone ball busted him so whoever is calling us all in, i'm curious." he admitted. "we need to be ready in five hours, the drive won't take that long but certain people are always a half an hour late... Fury wants Thor and Loki to come too. Thor i easy enough but i haven't seen Loki in days." he admitted, scowling a little. "you haven't either have you? he stopped in, drunk as a skunk a few days ago but aside from that he's been gone fora few weeks now hasn't he? do you think he's going on a space bender?"
“Very.”Sam muttered nearly whimpering as she stroked his back, arching a little under her hand like a cat that wanted petted, frowning at her. Shaking his head. “N-no.Can’t.”he mumbled really starting to come undone, no wonder he’d struggled for so many months, fought so hard for control, to be in charge if this was what was waiting for him when he gave in. It was hard for him to keep control, to not let this bother him. Whimpering a little as he felt her hands tight around his biceps, looking down at her with wide, scared eyes.”C-can’t. Want Dee.”He muttered slumping into her some, nearly folding his frame around her as he hugged her, it wasn’t dean, but he was to overwhelmed by the screaming archangel to keep it together. Dean trusted her. Deidra was safe. He could rely on deidra.

“No.”Cas growled before nodding at Lisa’s question. “Indeed. He is acting like a little bitch.”He agreed shifting his hold on dean before setting him on the bed, crawling in next to him as he nodded. “IT’s all for you.”He promised.

“...Huh. I didn’t knwo that was possible...for anyone besides me. I knew I pissed him off that much, but someone else....huh.”Tony said looking thoughtful before frowning, shaking his head. “No, I haven’t. I’ll ask Thor,and if thor can’t find him, well...I dont know.”He muttered before smirking a little. “He might be. I mean, thor said he liked travleing.”
"I am not a little bitch! You're a bitch! bitch!" Dean whined before looking up at the knock.

"It's alright Sam." Deidra promised. "it's alright. if you can't right now, that's okay. we can try later." she promised. "you're alright. it's alright." she promised. "we'll go up and see Dean." she agreed, letting him hold her even a h, somehow, managed to gather his massive form into her arms an lifted him up like Cas had done a time or two. "it's okay Sam." she promised, stepping from here to there and knocked on the door to Dean, Lisa and Cas' room. "Dean? Sam's having a flashback and he's asking for you, can he come in?" "Of course you can come in." Dean agreed, looking worried when Deidra carried Sam in and carefully settled Sam between Cas and Dean. the two who Sam would hopefully recognize as the people most likely to keep him safe.

"i know. i don't think Clint's even managed to make him sound like that." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "i'll give Thor a call and ask him." he agreed. "if not we can try it like Bloody Mary and circle around a fireplace and yell 'Loki' three times." Steve mused. "he does, yeah. even more so i bet, now that he's a registered Earth Citizen and Odin can't do shit to him for finally having a life of his own." he admitted, pulling out his phone and looking at it before blushing and offering it to Tony. Thor was ver happy to see them, very eager to see who had curtailed Fury so and mentioned that Loki had found a job that had very good benefits, whatever those where. he also mentioned that he'd let Loki know Fury wanted to see him, since it was part of the man's Parole, if Fury called, Loki had to go. Loki didn't have to do anything Fury wanted him to since Loki wasn't a shield agent but if Fury asked moderately nicely, Loki normally lent a hand. he liked Tony better though and things he said no to Fury, he usually said yes to for Tony.
“Kay...kay later.”Sam muttered huge hand engulfing her hand, holding onto her as if she was the last steady thing, holding her close. Startling a little as he was picked up. “....this is both disturbing, and hot.”he said surprise for the moment, breaking through his fear of lucifer. “Of course.”Cas said shifting to give deidra more room, smiling a little as sam butted his head against his shoulder like a over eager kitten. “you’re safe. You are.”Cas muttered the soft promise there, smiling softly as sam settled a little, recognizing the two men he was snuggling with. Muttering the quiet enochian words, knowing for the most part, lucifer stayed away from them. Because it might be a shadow of lucifer in his head, but his lucifer didn’t know enochian, because sam didn’t know it. so he muttered promises to protect him, keep him safe as he watched over him, looking up at deidra. Raising a silent eyebrow, wondering if she was going to stay or go.

“Probably not.”Tony said before nodding a little, before sputtering. “....I don’t think that works. I mean, I know he’s a fire god, but I don’t think it’d work.”He said giggling a little before snorting. “Probably.”He agreed before looking thoughtful as steve’s blush before taking the phone. “Huh. Well, I guess we better go round up the others and get ready to go.”Tony said sighing softly.
"Yes, later. it's okay Sam." she promised him before smirking a little. "of course it's hot. it's me isn't it?" she asked, teasing him a little before gently settling him in-between Castiel and Dean. "Thank you, Castiel." she said before watching Sam settle in. "you're okay Sammie." Dean promised, running hi fingers through Sam's hair. Deidra just smiled and ran her fingers along Cas's wrist. it looked very intimate, but then, most of the things that Angel's did looked that way. it basically meant 'i trust you to kep him safe'. deeper meanings included 'i trust you to keep my chosen life partner safe' and 'i trust you with he who shares my soul'. basically speaking, she was both claiming Sam as her chosen mate, and rusting Cas with him in equal measure. with that she slipped out of the room to get some lunch started, Sam was going to need to eat and so was the rest of the tower.

"well, he was God of the Hearth a long time ago, it might work. and if not, it'll still be very amusing." Steve admitted with a chuckle before smiling a little at Tony. "we have time yet. Jarvis already informed them... I'm a little hesitant about taking the Hunters or James though..." he admitted. "Fury, technically speaking, doesn't know about them yet and I'm not sure i want him to...." Steve admitted before smiling as he heard the crack of thunder and the flash of lightning. "hey Thor." "Greetings Friend Steve! Friend Tony!" he turned to look at Loki who walked in looking very much like a smug cat. "Hello! don't worry so, i know who has bested the one eyed one in verbal combat. you will like him." Loki promised Tony. "and he has a very nice surprise for you, you'll like that too." he admitted. "that's al i can say about it though, he has threatened to remove my testicles if i give away the surprise and i'm more afraid of him than i am of you." Loki admitted. "
“Kay.It’s okay.”Sam muttered before flushing, “It is you. You’re hotter. Though Cas does this to Dean all the time.”he muttered. “You’re welcome.”Cas smiled at the other angel, looking startled as her fingers brushed over his wrist. Tilting his head as he nodded slightly. His own fingers brushing over her wrist, a promise to look after him, and that he also trusted her with dean. Smiling slightly as he watched her go.

“...didn’t think of that. Might work, still be amusing.”Tony agreed smiling a little. “Ah....”Tony frowned thinking on that before frowning harder, shaking his head. “You’re right. I don’t think I want fury knowing about them.”He said before looking up startled at the brothers, grinning. “Hey thor.”he said before frowning at loki, “Don’t look so smug.”he grumbled before looking surprised. “Truly?Someone bested Fury?That’s awesome.”He said giggling a little before huffing. Sulking as he looked at the other. “you wont tell me?”
"i am hotter." she agreed with a chuckle before grinning. "i know he does. that's because even if he protests, Dean likes to be taken care of." she admitted before looking at Cas and offering him a smile. surprised but delighted by the reciprocated trust.

"Very amusing." he agreed before nodding. "we should ask James to look after Dean, Cas and Sam while we're gone. maybe then James won't try to follow us or sulk or something." he muttered before smiling a little. "i am always smug. i just traveled to fifteen other planets i didn't know existed and ate glorious food, drank delightful brews and met some very interesting people." Loki admitted, looking happier than Thor had ever seen him. "oh yes. it was very amusing. i have a recording." Loki admitted. "i'll show show you later." Loki promised. "i'm sorry Tony,but he made me promised and i'm not inclined to break that treaty, particularly since i know you're going to get great delight out of this surprise." Loki admitted.
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