Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"I do need coffee in the mornings." she agreed with a smile at him before looking surprised. "you haven't but the whole Tower knows that he wants to have sex with you..." She admitted, looking honestly surprised. "you haven't even seen him by accident?" she asked, pouting a little before smiling as she listened to him babble, interjecting her own dry comments about the boys. Dean in particular. "You like making things for people?" she asked Tony with a smile. "that's very kind of you."she admitted. "have you considered making a roster? something the others can sign up into or write on asking for requests?" she asked, her head tilted. "i know that Clint was looking for some alcohol filled chocolates for Natasha but he can't find any proper ones. Steve is running out of art supplies and he's too worried to go out by himself to get them. it might be nice for them to know it's okay to ask you for things."

"hmmm." Dean mumbled, snuggling into Cas. "warm." he mumbled, yawning a little."you watchin me?" Dean asked sleepily. "i better not snore." he mumbled, squirming so he was pressing himself as tight to the other as he could get with a sigh. "like it when you watchin me."
“....Oh. Well. Um.”Tony sputtered a little. Pausing to consider that. He hadn’t thought the man was actually serious! No matter how much he’d hoped, or wanted, he’d assumed the other was looking after him just to make sure he didn’t die or something from trying to feed himself, not because steve actually wanted to be with him. “Um. No?I don’t think so. Though his suit doens’t leave alot to the imagination.”he said thoughtfully. “Yes. I do. I have to show that I like them somehow....and they want to stay if I give them stuff.”He muttered poking at the bracelet he was making before pausing, considering that. Perking up. “Jarvis!Jarvis!Will you please inform everyone that there is no a list for requests and that if they need anything, like awesome, and now, and like chocolates or art supplies, or anything, they’re to tell you.Thanks Jarvis.”Tony grinned pleased with himself for the action, because he wouldn’t forget, jarvis would remind him, where a list could be lost. This way he’d know what it was and be able to be reminded about it.

“You are to.”Cas smiled a little before laughing softly. “I thought you said it was creepy when I watched you.”he muttered nosing the other’s hair a little, cooing softly before snickering. “No, no snoring, though you do drool a little.”he teased smirking a little, sighing softly as the other pressed close. “Good. I like watching you and lisa.”he muttered.
She chuckled a little. "he only makes it sound as if he's joking because he doesn't know you want him just as bad." she admitted. "he's been talking to Johnny a lot about, you know, sub spaces and pain play and other such things because he doesn't want to upset you." she admitted before smiling as Jarvs agreed and responded with. "Mr. Barton says he needs help finding a present for Natasha and Mr. Barnes as destroyed speaker 13." when Jarvis had spoke, James had reacted by punching in the speaker that Jarvis's voice had come from before babbling about something called Zola in a complete panic. while James was mostly aware that Jarvis existed, he had never heard Jarvis actually speak before and it had freaked the poor assassin out completely. he was currently babbling at Natasha like a frightened child and begging her not to let the Zola take him. "Tony?" Deidra asked suddenly, her head tilted. "i was wondering, why do you always seam to think that you have to ply people with money and present before they'll like you?" she wondered, her head tilted. "you have to know that no one here i staying because you give them pretty things."

"was creepy. strangers don't do that. now you do it cus i'm pretty." Dean mumbled, snuggling into Cas a little more. "mmm, i never drool." he murmured before smiling at him. "'s cus we're pretty right?" he asked with a grin. "you're pretty too." he admitted before sighing. "i have to get up. i need to pee."
“Oh....well.”Tony frowned a little as he considered that, squirming a little. “I should talk to him. Yes. Maybe.”he muttered talking mostly to himself before smiling pleased. “Awesome. I’ll help him find a present. And fix the speaker.”Tony said looking pleased before wincing a little at the knowledge james had destroyed it. “Make sure he’s okay?James I mean.”tony said, hoping the man wasn’t to upset and that he hadn’t hurt the other. And indeed natasha was soothing him, reassuring him that he didn’t go anywhere and that she’d protefct him from zola. “”Tony frowned looking up at her, tilting her head a little. Shrugging as he settled back into working again. “....Cause it’s true. People like me for money.”Tony said, before frowning at her. “Uh, you guys have a place to stay.”He said because it seemed logical to him. That they liked him cause he had a apartment for them. That his father was right, people liked him for what he could do.

“Hmmm, I see.”cas said before laughing a little. “You are pretty.”he agreed before snorting. “You do. Drool.”he teased, before snorting. “Yes, though I’d rather have sex cause you are pretty, then watch you sleep.”He teased before nodding, getting up. “Come on then.”He said helping the other up.
She smiled at him. "you should. Steve really likes you, he'd be delighted." she admitted, smiling because technically she hadn't given away any of Steve's secretes. the entire tower already knew. what she didn't say was that Steve was so open in his confidence that he wouldn't even make Tony stay 'Loyal'. Steve wouldn't like it if Tony went home with strangers of course, but he had admitted to Johnny that if he did get Tony to start dating him, that if Tony slept with other people, Steve was okay with that. especially since Johnny, Bruce, even Pepper had 'first dibs'. which Steve had been reasonably informed was a thing.Steve had also admitted to Johnny that he was actively trying to seduce Tony. Johnny had been very pleased by that. Jarvis was quick to promise Tony that NAtasha had James and that he would not speak in the assassins presence again. "Tony." Deidra scolded. "Steve has an apartment in D.C. Bruce has several doen houses all over the world. Thor has a castle in Asgard, Natasha and Clint have several hundred homes they could go to and Sam, Dean and Cas have that bunker they're so proud of. all of them have homes. yet here they are." she pointed out. "Clint, Sam, and Natasha are almost as rich as you are, even if they never use their money and Dean and Sam just scam fo whatever money they need." she admitted. "so if they don't want your housing, and they don't need your money, they must be here because they like you. right?" she asked, her head tilted.

"You're pretty too." Dean admitted with a smile before scowling. "i do not! how dare you. you're such a dick." he whined, shaking his head. "i should bite you. i don't drool." he whined, sulking before smiling a little. "i'd rather have sex too. i think we should have sex right now." he decided, heading for the bathroom. he was actually feeling very good today.
“I will.”Tony beamed, happy with the knowledge, pleased that she had told him.”And no one gets told till I do. I have to talk to him first.”he ordered, not realizing that everyone knew. That he wasn’t the first being told about this, figuring she was telling him because otherwise he wouldn’t know. Figuring she knew before anyone else. Frowning at her words, biting his lip. “Yea...I guess. I mean....they do have places....”he muttered frowning, considering that. “....Yes. Right. Maybe.”he muttered because he really wanted to believe he was likable, even if he didn’t believe it.

“Hm, I learned how to be one by watching you. You only have yourself to blame.”he said smirking a little before smirking. “Hmmm, you bite me, I’ll bite back.”He warned before laughing. “Yes. I think we should.”he agreed, tilting his head a little as he watched the other go, pleased he felt so well today. Though he was worried about making lisa feel left out, he was to eager, needy to be with the man he’d turned his world upside down on... Well. He needed dean. He loved lisa, but dean....dean was special. different. and allowing his more...angelic claiming need to surface, to allow himself to accept he wasn't human, just meant he'd have to accept the growling need to be claimed and claim dean.
She smiled at him. "Tony. most of the tower knows that Steve has a huge crush on you." she admitted. "well. not everyone. i think Clint doesn't know, but anyone who looks sees the sad puppy eyes Steve keeps giving you." she admitted, leaving out the other information. "if it helps, Steve doesn't know the others know." he had no clue. he was a bit of a dummy sometimes. "i'm telling you because you seam to think people can't like you for you, so i thought you wouldn't make the connection." she admitted. "and the others all think you know and just don't feel the same way and don't want to make it worse." she admitted. "Steve has no idea that you like him back." he really didn't, the blind idiot.

"This is true." he agreed with a smirk before nipping the other. "i'll only like it." he reminded the other with a smirk before brightening very much at the idea of getting to have sex with Cas. nothing made him happier after all. "i get to top this time!" Dean yelled from the bathroom before pausing. "Cas? why are all the light bulbs broken?" he wondered. "was Tony playing with the electricity again?"
“....oh. Well. Okay. I guess it doesn’t matter. But no one gets to tell him before I do!”Tony huffed sulking a little but looking pleased with the knowledge he could be the one who told steve first. Even if everyone knew, well he needed to tell steve. “...Well. No I hadn’t made the connection....I’m a little dumb.”he made a face, sighing as he closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat, tired but not about to admit that.

Cas yipped a little, whining softly. “You would, you pervert.”he teased sighing a little, snickering at how pleased the other looked. “I know. It’s your turn.”He promised looking amused before wincing, fidgeting a little. “No. Tony didn’t.”Squirm. Looking down at the blanket covering his legs. “I. Uh. Had a temper tantrum....sorta blew them up....haven’t replaced them yet....I should do that.”The angel said moving to get up.
"agreed. i'll spread the word." she promised with a smile before chuckling a little. "every man is dumb when it comes to people liking them. any girl worth liking is too." she admitted, smiling at him. "you think if someone had a crush on Bruce, or Natasha, that they'd know it?... well, maybe Natasha would. but she's used her wiles to get men to do what she wants for years." she admitted with a smile before watching Tony. "You should get some sleep before Steve comes down here and chastises you." she pointed out with a smile. "you've nearly finished the bracelet. you can wait another few hours to finish it. they aren't going hunting anytime soon." Sam would never go without Dean, and Dean couldn't go at all.

"i do you mean." he teased with a grin. "if it was your turn, i wouldn't say no to being held down, taken from behind with your teeth buried in the back of my neck." he teased, smirking at Cas before looking surprised. "you threw a tantrum and i missed it? god dammit i love watching you get pissed off, it's hot as hell." Dean probobly would have punched her though so it was probobly a good thing he'd been sleeping.
“good.”Tony smiled pleased before snorting a little. “Natasha would. Natasha is totally smart and awesome, and knows everything.”Tony smirked a little, because natasha was among his favoritest people. “.....I don’t need sleep.”he grumbled even as he sat the bracelet aside, getting up. Yawning as he headed for the door. Sulking because he totally didn’t need sleep!He was a god. He didn’t need sleep. But he was totally going go see if he could get steve to cook for him first.

“Hmmmm....I’ll keep that in mind. Might have to do that, next time of course. Maybe make you service Lisa while I take you.”He looked thoughtful as he considered that. Shivering a little before whining softly. Upset because he had indeed acted like a child. He was such a moody angel-teenager. “Yes. You needed sleep, and Deidra would not leave, and I wouldn’t leave you, so she made sure you would not wake.”Cas grumbled a little, though he was glad dean had slept through the childish moment. Hoping for the moment, dean wouldn’t wonder what had set him off enough to lash out, because he knew dean, knew the other was protective, extremely so of strangers, it was worse when he cared for people. He knew dean would probably be upset with his therapist if he told him.
She chucked a little. "she does know everything." Deidra agreed with a smile. "you do need sleep. even Loki sleeps." she pointed out. granted, Loki could go longer without sleep, he was used to forty two hour days. he was up for thirty hours and slept like the dead for twelve. Thor slept like a normal person but that was because he liked to sleep. "Hey Tony." Steve said, smiling at the other, giving him those cute little puppy dog eyes. "hungry?" he asked, indicating the stove, which was full of Tony's favorite.

"oh god yes." Dean muttered, shuddering at the idea, feeling lust spike through his gut. "so i missed the whole thing because you're angry that you're finally acting your age?" Dean asked, lifting an eyebrow at Cas. "i suppose i don't mind. i wouldn't want you watching me if i threw a temper tantrum." he admitted. "and i think i really needed the sleep." he admitted, making a mental note to corner Deidra about what she's said to Cas. "okay! strip!" he ordered with a grin. "i want you naked Angel Boy."
“Only once every two days! I could totally do that!”Tony whined sulking a little, because he was indeed sulking that he couldn’t function better then that. Granted, he’d gone that long without sleep, but by 50 hours, he got a little slap happy. Huffing as he walked into the room, he grinned pleased, “Yes!And now I don’t have to sleep. Food and work. Good.”Tony looked pleased as he threw himself into his chair, smiling happily.

“Hmmm, we’ll do that.”Cas smirked absently stroking a finger over dean’s collar, just cause he liked the feel of metal on skin, before huffing. “I was acting like a child, not a billion year old angel.”he grumbled, though compartively, he knew he was still a child. Not that he liked that idea really. “Hmmm, I’ve seen enough angry bouts over the years, that I can pass on the temper tantrums. Though, sam has more then you do. His bitch-face is spot on.”Cas snickered a little as he leaned in to kiss the other lightly, before nodding, he had needed the sleep. Laughing as he sat up. “Angel boy?I am no boy.”he said looking amused and okay with being ordered around as he waved a hand, cheating and totally vanishing his clothes.
"Loki isn't human and Asgardian days are forty two hours long." she pointed out. "and Thor sleeps like humans do." she reminded him. "even Steve sleeps every night." that was a lie but she wasn't sure Tony knew that. being part angel meant they needed less food, less sleep, less water. though in Steve's case, it meant he needed much more food because he was more human than angel. she was working with him to learn how to access the Bless he hadn't been able to before. mostly because he didn't know he had it. "Tony? your exhausted." Steve scolded. "your taking at least a half an hour nap after your done eating." he ordered firmly as he handed Tony a plate.

Dean smiled, leaning into the fingers on his neck because he liked to be touched. liked to be reminded. "Cas. you've spent your entire life being the perfect soldier with no emotions, no self will, no personality. of course you're going to have a few temper tantrums here and there." he assured the other. "ou're young for an Angel, and you're in entirely new situations that very few Angels ever go through, it's okay to be a bit scared and uncertain but that doesn't mean that you can't express yourself." he promised. "so we lost a few light bulbs, so what. you feel better, right? it helped?" he asked, smiling at Cas. "that's whats important. you think i didn't have my fair share of Temper tantrums with Sammie?" he asked with a smile before kissing him back. "well, you are for today." he purred, smirking. "you can call me Sir." he teased.

(comp is freeing again, have this post now and i'll post to the other in the morning when my comp isn't being such a bitch.)
“....True.”Tony grumbled.”And thor likes sleep.....and okay. yea....I guess if they sleep I should....”Tony huffed a little. Smiling at steve as he settled at the table, yawning. Tired and starting to crash now that he wasn’t actually working on something, and simply wanted a snack before he went to bed. “Kay. Sleep would be okay I guess.”He muttered sleepily as he started to eat.

Cas smiled a little as the other leaned into the touch, before smiling a little. “....Well. I guess that makes sense....”Cas sighed softly, settling better now that that first temper tantrum had past, that he had broken first, now he’d probably settle more now. “...I’ll remind you of that when I yell at you or something. Last time you said not to piss off the nerdy angels.”Cas teased a little, relaxing at the promise that it was okay to be upset, to be off. That he wasn’t human, and he didn’t have to be. “I do feel better. I’m not human.....I don’t have to be.”Cas shrugged smiling a little, before snorting. “I know you did.”Cas looked amused kissing him before settling back against the pillows. “....yes. Sir.”He growled dark eyes flashing a little at the idea of being angel boy, though it wasn’t annoyance really that drew it to the surface, but more like stunned amusement and need at the idea of being dean’s boy for the day, for ever
"Yes you should. do i need to give you the same talk i gave to Castiel? don't be hat you're not?" she asked him, amused. "you are Human Tony, don't try to do what Angels can do." she pointed out. Steve just smiled at him, affection in every crinkle. "Sleep should be more than just okay. it's fun. you should enjoy it." he admitted. "Do you need a snuggle buddy? Johnny said yu slept better when you had someone to snuggle."

Dean smirked a little. "of course it makes sense, i said it." he pointed out with a chuckle. "I ove it when you yell at me. i get al squirmy inside." he admitted with a grin before snorting. "you're not supposed to be human Cas. just be aware of things that we really don't like. you know? it's like moving to France, but not knowing that shaking hands is an insult, right?" he asked Cas with a smile. "bad example i think but you get my point. you know how to not insult humans so why pressure yourself to be what you're not?" he wondered. "i'm sorry i never noticed." he apologized, nuzzling Cas. "god you're so fucking sexy." he admitted, licking his lips. "i am so glad that you chose me, of all people to let defile you." he growled before sulking. "that's cheating!" he whined even as he dug around the bedside table for the lube. "you interested in pain or should i just tease you mercilessly?" he asked, looking at Cas with a smirk.
"No not as bad as him. I just have to many ideas and stuff to sleep."Tony huffed a little. Smiling at steve though."I do enjoy it sometimes. When the ideas leave me alone....and yes!a snuggle buddy time with you would be awesome!"tony grinned. Perfect!that was perfect for his plans. Plans seduce steve in motion.

"Not everything that comes out of your mouth is logical or makes sense, winchester."he scolded a little rolling his eyes. "I'll remember that."he smiled because while the idea of yelling at dean made him twitchy, he'd try it and see. "...yea I'll remember that. It's not the best example, but I understand what you're meaning..."Cas smiled."I'm trying to understand without trying to upset myself either. It'll take some time, but I'll get it."he promised. Sighing softly as he was nuzzled."it's okay. Really. You've sorta had a busy few years you know."he muttered not blaming the other for not noticing. Flushing ay the compliment."well, I sorta didn't have a choice you know. You got under my skin....branded me as yours, I think, that first time I pulled you out of perdition."cas muttered serious for a moment, nuzzling the other before laughing."me?cheating?I think not."he smirked watching the other."seeing as you tease me just by being in the room, let's go with that....I don't think I'll enjoy the pain."while he might like a bit, he was afraid he'd react like a soldier if he was hurt to bad, and lash out
Steve smiled a little. "well, at least you're not making excuses." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i'd be glad to snuggle with you." he agreed, wolfing down what was left of the food and waited for Tony to finish so they could go nap.

"Everything i say is exactly perfect." Dean said with a sniff before grinning at the other. "yeah. i think it would be fun, you being all serious and angry and punishing me..." he sounded breathless with the idea, it was easy to see he didn't mean 'real' punishment. just pretend. like a roleplay. "well, that's true. but i made you feel as if you had to be something you weren't and i'm sorry for that." he apologized, kissing the other again. "So i branded you hmm?" Dean asked, smirking as he reached up and stroked the hand print on his arm. "i tease you?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "well. maybe i should show you just who teases who?" he mused, smirking a little as he straddled the other, bent his head and started issing and licking every inch of the other as he could get to, lining Cas's entire body with bright purple hickies.
"Good."Tony smiled as he plowed through his food before heading off to bed with the other. Happy and content qnd asleep within moments of laying down.

"Whatever you say, dean."cas said rolling his eyes a little."hmmmm I think I'll do that. Next time. This time is your turn."cas said stroking a hand over the others side, squirming a little ay the thought, breathless a little."I know you are. Which is why I hadn't said anything about deidra till you brought up the lightbulbs.b cas sulked a little cause he hadn't wanted to upset him, even as he leaned in to kiss him back."hmmm, yes. As much as I branded you, it seems."cas smiled at him."you made it impossible to not like you."he said smirking a little before whining a little."you tease me all the time! I've wanted to do horrible things to you for years and never thought I'd get to."he whined making a face, squirming and moaning as he was marked up, panting desperate as he rocked his hips a little, whimpering as he pressed up against dean's clothed ass.
Steve smiled as he tucked Tony against him, holding the warm man as he slept, sighing softly ashe did so. part of him knew he was going to long over live Tony. the other part of him didn't care. he wasn't sure what part to listen to. for now, he'd nap with Tony.

"i thought you where going t make me service Lisa?" he teased, smirking a little before kissing him some more, hungry for Cas. needing Cas. "hmm. i think i should leave some physical reminders who you belong to." he teased before flushing a little at the idea of someone liking him that much. Dean just laughed a little. "Me?! You're the one who constantly hovers too close, watches me constantly, touches me and i never even thought that you'd ever even notice me." he gasped, shivering as he sucked and nipped and nibbled and groaned as he felt how hard Cas was, sliding lower and lower before engulfing the others hard length into his mouth, choking on it a little because he, unlike Cas, had a gag reflex. "wow... this is harder than i thought it was going to be..." Dean mumbled before going back down a little slower, sucking and licking and experimenting how deep he could get Cas into his mouth.
"hmmm....maybe. I'll think on it."Cas said looking amused, flushign a little. because he was eager to just be with dean, no matter what. "You should. that would be nice."Cas muttered kissing the other even as he laid his hand over the handprint,curling his fingers around the shoulder that was branded,simply claiming him again. snorting a little. "let's both just admit we're both idiots, and we owe lisa thanks for being smarter then us."He said moaning, sqiurming, going still as the other gagged a little. swallowing thickly as he thrust a hand into the others hair, simply using it to hold on, though he didn't push or move dean, simply letting him take his time. "Well, you must remember I don't have a humans reaction to shoving things down my throat. take it easy."he muttered shivering a little as he forced himself to hold still, whining softly as he felt the other sucking and licking at him, a soft needy whine, it was nearly to much for the angel, frowning a little at the cieling as he realized he was messing with the lights again, the lights flickering as he fought to not hurt dean by accident. and playing with the lights was a safe outlet for doing that.
Dean snickered a little. "you think on it. maybe get Lisa involved." he teased him with a smile. "i think you should take her out on a date, she loves dates." he admitted before nodding. "we'll both take her on a date, thanking her for fixing our idiocy." he agreed with a grin. he had to pull off of Cas to laugh and grinned at Cas. "none of the porn stars ever made this look hard." he pointed out with an impish grin, groaning when he realized Cas was making the lights flicker and pulled off again, flushed and panting. "Lisa makes that look so damn effortless." he admitted. "i'll have to practice some more. until then, on your belly." he ordered with a grin, giving Cas's ass a slap once he'd turned over, just to see what he'd do about it before slicking his fingers up and slid his finger into Cas carefully, slowly. checking to make sure that Cas wasn't unhappy about what was happening.
“Hmmm. I think I will.”Cas muttered before smiling .”We’ll take her on a date. If you’re still feeling well, we could go tonight.”He said looking pleased with the idea. “Hmmm it’s porn. They’re acting. Of course it looks easy.”Cas said whining softly as the other laughed, blinking slowly. “Hm, lisa makes everything look easy.”He pointed out shuddering a little. “I’ll be more then happy to let you practice.”He said looking amused yelping a little ss his ass was smacked as he rolled over. Groaning, squirming, rubbing against the blankets, enjoying the fritction of the action as dean slid a finger into him. Giving a whine as he turned his head to look up at the other.
"Yeah, a Date. all three of us. that would be fun." he agreed. "i think i'll feel better, having you around always makes me feel better." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "you might be right." he agreed. "Porn stars have a lot more practice too, mayb that's why Lisa makes it look so easy? practice." he mused before smiling a little at the other. "hey. if you cum, i'm not gonna be happy." he warned the Angel, wiggling his finger again, trying to find that place that he'd had, the one that made stars across his vision and orgasm almost impossible to avoid. he knew when he found it. he was pretty sure Cas was going to explode some more light bulbs.
“That it would.we’ll do it.”Cas promised smiling a little before flushing softly, looking both amazed and happy that he made dean feel better. “Angel mojo helps. Helping James to.”Cas muttered before snickering. “Well, you do have alot of practice at female/male sex....we’ll just have to let you have practice doing this to.”Cas grinned teasing him a little before whining. “But-but it feels so good.”cas whined, squirming a little, gasping as dean found his protest, pressing back into the other’s hand even as both the light bulbs and the water glass sitting on the night stand exploded, even as cas threw up a hand to stop teh glass from hitting dean, even blinded with pleasure, he protected him, the glass hitting the floor and some sprinkling cas’ back, he’d protected dean, not himself, even as he squirmed, needy as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Dean smiled a little. "it might be the Angel Mojo." he agreed. honestly, Dean just thought it as because with Cas here, with him, his soul was whole. like Cas was part of his very soul and when Cas was gone it was like he had ripped out a part of his soul. "of course it feels good. that's the point." Dean pointed out with a chuckle, watching with a grin as the lights burst and shook his head a little. "Shit! jesus! Cas! You're bleeding!" Dean protested, scrambling off the bed to get a towel, not noticing when he simply sliced his own feet open on the glass. they where going to have to find a way to keep the light-bulbs from exploding. especially since James, already upset and anxious, was now on his feet, gun in hand, looking for the attack. looking for the weapon. looking for the person to kill for trying to harm him. it would take the combined efforts of Clint, Natasha and Sam to get the assassin back into bed.
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