Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"i feel safe with you too." Steve admitted to Tony. "and do you really think Natasha would stick around for just anyone?" he asked Tony with a smile, stroking his hair again because Ton seamed okay with that and Steve just wanted to touch. "i'm not!" Clint protested. "i just have a thing for dangerous men." he admitted with a grin, pleased to see Tony go to Johnny as Steve had ordered. maybe with Steve taking direct care ot Tony, Tony would start to actually be happy.

"I'm fine." Clint promised. "there's just something about him is all.. you know how i imprint." that was a code word for 'i have a massive raging boner for this guy'. likely, it was the way James had effortlessly snuck up on him and had made Clint kneel. danger was something they lived with everyday s Clint was less inclined to care that James had held a gun to his head than others. hell, it was more likely to make him even more interested. there weren't many with the guts to pull such a move on him. no one that didn't regret it nearly immediately anyway. he smiled at Sam and stroked a hand down his back because he could and shook his head. "he's so cute when he's sleeping next to a homicidal maniac."

Johnny smiled as he watched Tony, chuckling a little because that was so like him. worrying more about others than himself. "you know the rules. something to eat and drink first and then we can go check on the others." Johnny ordered, pressing Tony's favorite juice into his hands and Tony's favorte snack hovered close by.
“Good.”Tony hummed pleased with steve’s words, before smiling at the female assassin sweetly, “No I guess not.”he muttered before snorting at clint’s words. He was so weird.

“Good.”Natasha muttered before snickering. “You do do that. Sorta amazed you didn’t sneak up on the angel. I mean, dark and dangerous there.”She teased him a little, if only because she knew cas was so very asexual around everyone but dean and lisa, that it rarely occurred to people to lust after him. Looking amused as she studied her boyfriend, and making a mental note to figure out how james would feel about them. “He is.”she looked down at sam, amused that he trusted them enough to simply give in and sleep. “but he needs it. The fact he laid down and slept with james, says that. We’re going to have to make sure he sleeps more.”

Tony huffed a little but didn’t protest as he took the juice, sipping it slowly as he nibbled on the granola chocolate bars, while he’d never admit it, he was a sucker for the small health bars. “Gotta talk to cas to. Probably worrying himself by now. I mean, angel could do alot of damage without noticing how strong he is.”Not worried about it, but more because he knew cas would.
Clint smirked a little. "i did try but he was too confused and innocent that it kind of killed the urge. he's totally asexual to anyone and anything unless it's Dean and Lisa you know." he pointed out with a chuckle, smiling at her. "he does need it... i think we all do really. none of us have been sleeping well since we found out Dean is sick." he admitted, watching the two sleep. "at least James isn't controllable. he seams willing to do what you tel him to do." Clint admitted. he had a feeling that wouldn't last long though. Clint had a feeling that James was anything, anything but submissive.

"good boy." Johnny praised, smiling at Tony, running his fingers through the others hair. "okay. we can go check on the others now. Steve's probobly worried about you." he admitted. "and Dean could probably use the company." he admitted with a smile. "do you really think that Cas would let himself, let anyone hurt Dean more than Dean wanted?" he asked, looking amused. he led the way to the kitchen where he knew everyone had gathered for Lunch. Steve was cooking this time, making hamburgers and french fries as well as three, oh yes, three different pies with a fourth one ready to go in the oven and a fifth one being assembled. most hadn't noticed yet, but when Steve was upset or worried he tended to bake. too antsy to sketch or draw, he needed to do something that used his entire body. thus, baking, or pounding apart a punching bag. "Hey Tony." Steve said, offering him a smile. "feeling better?" he asked, setting a cherry pie in front of a drooling Dean, who was sitting on a pillow because his ass was a bit tender still. Dean wasted no time tucking into the pie ad Lisa chuckled as she watched him, idly flipping through the magazines Tony'd had delivered.
“It was adorable. He looks so confused until dean or lisa explain it to them, and he can relate what your saying to them. It’s amusing.”NAtasha snickered a little before sighing, nodding a little. “True.We should get some sleep to.”She muttered before snorting. “For now. And only because he didn’t totally disagree with the order. Once he finds something he doesn’t like, he probably will rebel.”She shrugged a little.

Tony smiled pleased at the praise, leaning into the touch before smiling a little. “He probably is. He’s a mother hen.’though that sounded more endearing then annoyance. “...No, but do you really think the angel will think about it that way? Dean knows. Lisa knows, hell, everyone knows Cas would stop the moment, or before it became to much, but he probably doesn’t trust himself.”Tony shrugged a litle. Pausing in the doorway to the kitchen, staring at the food, before smiling a little. “hey. And yes. Indeed. Though I think I’m going to be sitting better then Dean.”Tony grinned as he gingerly sat down on his own chair, snickering a little as she watched cas fussing over both his mates as much as he was allowed, though you could tell he was resisting the urge to heal dean. Having only not healed him because it was simply discomfort, and not true real pain, and it made something tight and hot in his stomach to see dean like that because of what they’d done. “ you feeling?”Tony grinned as he sat next to his nephew, tilting his head a lttle.
"one of us should stay awake and watch to make sure James doesn't wake up and slit our throats. i'm full of bees-" another code word for 'i'm too anxious and i'll need to drop later, probobly get some corner time, but for now i'm too wired to be touched.' "-so i won't be sleeping anyway. get some rest yeah?" he offered, smiling at her. the quite guard duty would calm him.

"admit it. you like it that he fusses over you." Johnny pointed out with a smile before chuckling. "yeah. you're probobly right. Cas's common sense kind of flies out of the window when it comes to Dean." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling as he set a cushion down for Tony's poor ass shaking his head a little. "i feel fantastic." Dean admitted. "i didn't go all floaty or fuzzy or blank or anything like what Steve and you said you do... do you think i did it wrong?" "no. not everyone 'drops' you know. sometimes you can just like pain." Johnny assured Dean who looked better for hearing that. "Cas keeps wanting to heal me though, it's annoying. i like to feel it lingering..." Dean admitted, blushing a little. "i like to remember and feel the ache and know he put it there..." "again, very common and perfectly normal." Johnny assured him. "and even if you didn't drop you still need sugars and fluids. eat your pie and drink some water and coffee." Johnny ordered, taking over since Cas didn't seam to know what to do. he had some books he could give to the angel. Dean wasn't a 'submissive' in the traditional sense but he was certainly a masochist ad that cam with it's own little 'rules' and 'guidelines' when it came to safety and aftercare. he knew Cas would feel better with something to guide him.
Natasha nodded."probably a good idea."she said before eyeing him, before nodding slowly."okay. Be good guard."whe said kissing him lightly before cuddling close to sam to get some sleep.

"I admit no such thing."Tony huffed before nodding a little."it does. Like he's spent so much time being a locked down solider that now that he's allowed himswlf to feel something, his common sense got in the way of that, so he sorta...forgets it."Tony snickered a little.bnope. if you enjoyed it, you really can't do sex wrong. Sometimes it's about the pain, not the drop."Tony smiled at dean then looked at cas."though I doubt it'll happen, he might drop occasionally. Just look after him. It's not scary or anything, just another headspace."Tony said smiling as the angel fidgeted. "As long as he's not seriously harmed cas, ask him if he wants healed, and leave him alone with it if he doesnt. He'll let you know if it's to much.....won't you dean?"tony said studying him."he has to trust that you know what you're getting into with the pain, if he is going to hurt you." "Okay... yes. I trust dewn."cas said looking calmer. Watching johnny look after dean and filing it away for next time. "And dean, you might not drop, bht you have to trust that cas won't ever cross the line into abuse. It's a big part of this life...trusting who your with."
"you don't have to." Johnny teased with a smile before he nodded, looking impressed with Tony. "i never thought of it like that but you're right. Steve does the same thing sometimes, where he just stares at us as if he's not sure what to do or how to react." he admitted, shaking his head. "like he's forgotten how to interact with people. granted, Cas never knew how, so he has to learn it all from scratch." Johnny mused. "so most of all of this must be a hell of a shock for him." he mused. "that explains a lot." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "good call." he praised calmly before nodding, pleased with Tony's input. Dean looked much calmer after Tony's reassurances. "you where perfect last night Cas. honest." Dean promised before nodding vigorously at Johnny. "i know that need to speak up if the good hurt turns int bad hurt." he promised. "even if i'm not capable of speaking, i think loudly enough during intense things like that, that Cas will be able to hear me. he'll know if i'm not enjoying myself and he's not sadistic enough to enjoy me being in pain. not real pain anyway. he'll always stop if i ask him to, or need him to, i know that for a fact." Dean promised, smiling at Cas, open, trusting, loving. "I trust Cas with my life. with my death. even with my soul." he promised, smiling at the angel. "Lisa too. there's no worries there."
"Exactly. And for cas, it's much worse. He's never had human contact really. He knows how other angels treat humans, but that doesn't seem right to him, so he gets all tangled up and has to sort it out. The fact that he let's it happen with dean and lisa, and he let's us see it, means he trusts us to correct him if needed."tony smiled looking pleased with how impressed johnny was. Cas bit his lip before nodding. Blushing a little."it was perfect."he agreed. "Exactly. Even if you have him trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey. You will always hear him cas." Cas tilted his head thinking about it before nodding."true...."he muttered before flushing brightly at dean's words, leaning over and dragging him into a possessive kiss, just cause the words got to him."there isn't any part of me that I wouldn't trust with you to, dean winchester.b the angel said, which considering just how utterly inhuman and angelic he could be, it was like he was trusting dean to hold nuclear launch codes and not use them. A hell of a big trust. But he did. Trust dewn to not use him in a bad way, to simply do the best for him, and dean, and lisa. And everyone really.
"so he's struggling to behave in a manner he thinks humans do, not realizing that he's not expected to. he's an Angel, of course he's not going to behave like humans do." he muttered, scowling a little. "we might have to sit him down and talk to him. he's clearly stressing himself out overmuch about this." he mumbled, shaking his head. "i suppose that new therapist here, what's her name, Deedee?" he asked, his head tilted. "she could talk to him. Bruce said she's two thirds angel right? so she might be the best to talk with Cas." he mused before smirking when he watched Dean perk up at the idea of being tied up before grinning as he was kissed, Lisa snickering a little. "well. there's a few things you should probobly not trust me with." Dean teased, smirking playfully at cas, his eyes glancing at the angel's crotch quite suggestively before he dug into his pie, Steve chuckling as he started handing out food for everyone. "do you want one Cas? Dierdre says angles can't taste human food?" Steve asked curiously. "is there anything we can get you that would suit you better?" he asked even as he payed a platter of burgers in front of Bruce as he walked in, the man grinning as he started stuffing himself. it had taken some time, but Bruce was finally comfortable eating until he was full, even if it took nearly five times as much as it did Steve. "Does Deidra eat? should i take her something?" "i eat every week or so." Deidra said, sweeping into the room with a smile. "i was just checking on the soldier and Sam. both are sleeping well and Clint is watching over them." Deidra admitted. "yes a hamburger would be lovely thank you Steve." she agreed, smiling at him. "
"Yea pretty much. But I think he's messing with his own head because he doesn't want to be a dick like his siblings, but he can't quite pull of human either. So he's struggling to find a medium ground....yea. probably should. Deidra."Tony grinned at johnnys words."yea now that you mention that, probably would be the best person to talk to him."tony agreed. Cas tilted his head as he considered dying dean up, shuddering a little before flushing at dean's look."I even trust you with that."he said squirming a little. " all just tastes like molecules..."Cas said sadly sighing a little."I haven't found anything that can make food better...except when I was human, food has not been something I really enjoyed."and the time famine had forced him to eat. Looking up when Deirdra came in. "She does. But she might not be hungry..."cas started tilting his head a little at Deirdra as she came in. "Good. Thanks for checking on them deidra."Tony said grinning a little, pleased they were getting some sleep
Johnny nodded. "i'm glad you pointed all this out, i don't think any of us, any of the others even noticed." he admitted. "Cas is definitely going to need someone to talk to him." he agreed with a smile. "we'll have to talk to Deidra then and have her talk to Cas." he mused before chuckling at the look on Cas's face at the idea of Dean being so helpless for him. that was half of the best part, for Dean, being helpless. being held down, trapped, controlled. the pain was great, but the feeling of being helpless was even better. he wasn't sure how to explain that though, so he didn't. "of course. i was a bit worried when Bruce told me a homicidal mass murderer with a metal arm was moving in you know." she informed Tony, looking a bit amused. "he seams mostly harmless for now but i imagine he's going to come with a whole host of problems." she admitted. "is he staying permanently?" "we hope so, yes. but if he takes off i don't know that we can actually stop him." Steve admitted with a shrug. if Bucky left, Steve sure as hell wasn't going to stop him. Bucky had been imprisoned inside his own head long enough as it was.
“I’ve been thinking about it since he left. I wasn’t how a human would have handled it, but he’s not human. But he’s trying to be. So I think dean being sick messed with him more then some of us, it effected us all,but cas....well, dean is cas’ touchstone. His way of figuring out what’s right and wrong behavior.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “I’ll talk to her, if she doesn’t talk to him first.”Tony agreed, snorting a little at the look on Cas’ face. That was just amusing. “I’ll tie you up. We bought some cuffs.”Cas muttered watching dean, watching his reaction just to see. “....Well. Okay. Yea, I can see where that would be worrying.”Tony paused thinking about it. “ did this even become my life? I can’t even figure out how to say that’s weird, since it seems like a normal day.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little before nodding. “Yes, he is. Hopefully.”Tony said smiling at Deidra. "But he's been trapped enough, we wont force him."
"that's a good point. he needs help." Johnny agreed, shaking his head. "at least most of us are put together enough to function now." he decided with a smile. "i have to say, i don't think i've ever seen Bruce so calm and relaxed before. he spent hours in there with her. if it wasn't Bruce, i would have suspected them of having sex." he admitted with a chuckle. nearly everyone in the tower had slept with Bruce save Deidra. for now. Bruce was probobly everyone's 'exception'. he had even offered Cas a blowjob the other day when the Angel had been stalking about looking frazzled before they had found out Dean was sick. "Cuffs?" Dean asked,a gleam in his eyes. "that's right! i forgot! you went to guilty pleasures! how did you like it?" he teased, grinning impishly at Cas even as he shifted, pressing his ass a little more firmly into the pillows, not just to fee the fresh spread of pain, but also to hide the sudden awkward boner he'd gotten at the idea of cuffs. "you know... you really have a point." Steve admitted with a smile. "but i like this life." he admitted. "it's never boring, and i have people who don't think 'm a freak and wouldn't try to experiment on me for being different. it's a good life." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "we're all a bit odd, we all fit well together i think." he admitted with a smile.
"Me either. It was quite amusing."tony snickered a little."it was interesting. Lots of stuff."cas squirmed a little flushing. Both at the memory of the store, and a rush of shame for the rest of that day, since he'd bolted when he realized he hadn't been able to heal dean. Had bolted and hid. Shifting to lean into dean a little, resting his head against the others shoulder. Nuzzling dean a little as she squirmed, simply needing the touch. "Yea I think we do. We're good together."Tony grinned looking happy and pleased with actually having people there, even if sometimes it made him twitchy to have people there
Dean smirked. "and is any of that 'lots of stuff' for me?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows before smiling as he snuggled into the other, sighing a little because Cas made him feel warm and loved. Lisa did too, but Cas was... special.

James sat up, knife in hand, ready to attack. he hadn't meant to fall asleep but he had been moved and was almost certain he was locked in now. he was shocked to see that there where people in bed with him, he was not locked in a tiny cell nor was someone waiting with the red book to use his Words. granted, they might have memorized the words, like the fat man had, but James doubted it. not to mention, they wouldn't be sleeping. "hey." James whipped his head around to stare at the man he had threatened before. "i'm Clint. are you hungry?" he asked, his head tilted. James hesitated and then nodded. he was starving. he hadn't eaten in days. "Wait here and watch over them?" he asked, looking at Nat and Sam. "i'll go get all of us some food." James hesitated and then nodded and Clint smiled at him and zipped out the door to get some food, leaving the door open so James knew for a fact he wasn't trapped.
“Hm, yes. Though you’re already wearing the most important piece.”Cas muttered smiling softly as he nuzzled the other’s neck, nosing the collar a little.

Natasha stirred, frowning a little at the sound of talking, blinking slowly. “James?”She muttered starting to wake up enough to see what was going on, muttering soothingly when sam whined stirring. Smiling as he eased back to sleep as she sat up a little.
"hmmm... i am." he agreed happily, grinning as he watched Clint bounc in, gather the huge tray of hamburgers Steve had set aside, nabbed a pie and left again. "i guess they're awake." Dean mused, snuggling Cas. "by the way. don't think i'm stupid. i'm never forgiving any of you for going without me." he huffed even as he looked up at Cas. "i get to do you next right? i have plans."

"James turned to look at her, relaxed again, though he hadn't put his knife away. he studied Sam for a moment before watching her, tensing when Clint bounced back in quietly with a hamburger hanging from his lips. James made an odd sound, a chuckle, or closest you could gt to a chuckle anyway. he looked very surprised by himself. he'd never laughed before that he could remember so he had definitely surprised himself. "here. eat." Clint ordered, gently settling the plate of burgers on Jame's lap, setting aside two for Sam before handing Natasha one, scarfing down his second burger before examining the pie rather intently.
“They are.”Tony agreed looking amused as he watched Clint head out again. “...Well. If you are feeling well enough, we could go out this afternoon. You can pick out things you want to use, if you want.”Cas offered, eager to please and happy. Shamed at the memory of abandoning Dean, he wanted to make the other happy. “and yes, if you want.”He said smiling slightly as he looked at the other.

Natahsa smiled as he relaxed, snorting slightly when Clint bounced in. “You’re going to need cared for...”She muttered watching clint, smiling softly, before smiling as she stared to eat. Snickering as the scent of food was what finally made sam stir. “he sleeps for trained assassins, but wakes for food. Good to know.” “Steve’s burgers are amazing.”Sam muttered stirring, getting settled and starting to eat.
"nah, i'll just dig through the things you bought and pick out my favorites." Dean promised. "i don't feel much like going out." he admitted with a grimace. meaning he was tired and didn't want to admit it. "good. because i want to make you feel as awesome as you made me feel." Dean admitted with a happy nod.

"Nah! i'm fine! i feel great!" Clint said, waving off her concern, well aware it would piss her off. there was nothing Natasha hated more than when Clint ignored his own needs. which he dd far too often. "Steve?" James asked, examining the burgers before taking a cautious bite, wondering if they where going to try to drug him? it didn't appear so, so he kept eating. these burgers where pretty amazing.
“Kay. I think I bought the whole store, so you’ll find something.”Cas said nuzzling the other, nosing him a little, cooing quietly, that soft worried coo that wasn’t exactly human, almost a bird sound. A angel’s worried coo, wanting to look after his mate. “You will.”he said smiling. “....they’re so adorable.”Tony grinned looking amused at the sex talk going over the table as he started to eat. Knowing he needed to talk to deidra, but not wanting to bring it up in front of Cas.

“.....Corner time. Take your sandwich and go.”She ordered looking annoyed, before looking at james. Nodding slightly. “Yes. He’s usually the one who cooks, he’s the only one good at it.”Natasha said looking amused.
"i know i will. Lisa picked some things up for me." he admitted with a grin, sighing at the cooing as he nuzzled the other back. "will you take me up to bed? i'm tired." Dean finally admitted, his desire to let Cas take care of him winning out over his desire to be stubborn. once he and Dean where gone, Johnny turned to look at Deidra who was calmly chewing while she read a book. how to bring up the subject?

Clint gasped, a short, sharp, shocked sound, startled by the sudden order and for a moment, it almost looked like he was going to protest. he did sometimes. when he needed a certain kind of drop. Clint was one of the most high maintenance subs a person could come across. he decided against protesting and stared at her with mournful eyes as he went to his corner and turned to plant his nose to the wall as he had been ordered. James looked truly baffled by it and moved to go after Clint. he was intelligent enough to recognize a punishment when he saw one and could see n reason as to why he would be getting punished. "Почему поместить его в углу?(why put it in the corner)" James asked. "Какова цель?(what is the purpose?) Clint hadn't stopped eating even though he was in the corner and kept shooting the pie furtive looks. he'd settle more the longer he was in the corner. Natasha could always tell when he was done, mostly because he started to get weepy and sniffle and a little bit blubbery.
“Yea. Come on.”Cas smiled a little, closing his eyes for a moment, cuddling him before standing, carefully carrying the man back to bed. Tony smiled as he looked at deidra, eating, and glad Lisa had stayed for a few moments, since she’d be able to offer some advice to. Looking at deidra, and deciding to be blunt. “You need to talk to Cas. He’s messing with his own head. Especially where Dean’s concerned.”Tony fidgeted, looking worried he was overstepping his bounds, looking at lisa with that slightly panicked look that said he knew it needed said, but not sure if she’d appreciate it. “He’s never had alot of human contact, except for dean and sam. And he knows treating them, and other humans like most angels do is wrong, but the boys are so emotionally constipated he’s not sure how to interact normally. So he can’t act human, because he’s not, but he can’t act like a angel either....”

Natasha raised her eyebrows, waiting for Clint to obey the order, relaxing a little as he did. Sam tilted his head, biting his lip as he listened to the two speaking russian, simply content for the moment to eat as he listened, the tones soothing. “Не идите за ним.(don’t go after him.)”Natasha said tilting her head a little as she ate, looking at james.”Он будучи отродье , а не заботиться о себе . и это наказание , чтобы помочь ему осесть и отдохнуть(He's being a brat and not looking after himself. and this is a punishment to help him settle and relax)”She explained watching Clint. “You can have pie later, after you behave.”She said smiling slightly, reassuring that she wouldn't withhold pie
Deidra looked startled by Tony's sudden statement and Lisa looked just as surprised before both adopted curious looks. "i hadn't noticed, but you're right. that would explain a great deal about some of Castiel's more... awkward behaviors." she admitted. "i'll speak to him." Deidra promised with a nod. "you're right, it is an issue that needs dealing with." Lisa nodded. "thank you for bringing it up Tony." Lisa said, smiling at him. "yes. i know it must have been hard for you." Deidra admitted, smiling at Tony. "you did a very good thing." she promised.

the times when Clint fought corner time was the worst and normally, it was Phil who handled that. that was when Clint needed a good old fashioned 'beating'. that normally only happened after a mission went sour though so it was unlikely to happen anytime soon. it was doubtful that Natasha, who wasn't really a Dom, in the straight up sense, would be able to handle that. thank god it hadn't come up yet. James settled back into the bed at the order not to go after him. "Ах, он искал наказание?(oh, he was looking for punishment?)" James asked, his head cocked. "Он послушен?(he is obedient?)" James was now looking very curious at Clint. Natasha would easily know why. a lot of the Red Room Girls where trained in submission and dominance and the most strong willed went to James. Natasha had been one such girl. James had never been like the other trainers though, that was why he was so successful. he made ou want it, made you like it, gave pleasure in return for obedience, rather than pain for disobedience. this was because unlike the other handlers who where just sadistic, James was a true 'Master'. or as much as he could be when brainwashed. "Kay." Clint mumbled, settling a little at the promise that there would be pie left. "он будет плакать для вас.(he will cry for you.)" James said, watching Clint as the man fussed and fidgeted in his corner even as his shoulders started to relax, letting both Nat and James know that Clint was dropping.
Tony winced at the startled look he was getting, but he only knew how to be blunt, so he was blunt. “Yea. He knows it’s not normal. Is well aware the boys are....damaged. But without the necessary knowledge of human emotion, he’s twisting himself up into more knots then he needs to because he’s trying to be human, when he’s not. Dean doesn’t want him to be human. Only to be Cas.”Tony smiled a little before settling, pleased at the praise, ducking his head a little. “You’re welcome. Figured it’d be a good time to mention it, with cas being so fussy about sex....”he shrugged. “And being half angel yourself, if anyone can get through to him, you can.”He smiled at deidra.

Natasha relaxed as the man didn’t fight, before looking at James. Nodding a little. “иногда(sometimes).”She said looking interested in how james was watching the other now. She recognized the look, and knew maybe clint would get his chance after all. Knowing clint was interested in james, was different then knowing james found clint interesting. Maybe it would work. “He will.”She agreed smiling a little as she watched him, smiling a little as Sam shifted, food finished and food as he nuzzled against her side. “Shush, moose. You’re okay.”She muttered stroking his hair, knowing he wasn’t upset, but soothing him anyways, hoping to get him to get some more sleep.
"you're right. i feel shamed, not noticing something like that. it should have been obvious." Deidra admitted, looking very sour with herself. "he needs help..." she looked at Tony. "i know i promised to speak with you tonight, but i think Cas's situation is a bit of an emergency, would you mind terribly if i spoke with you tomorrow instead?" she asked hopefully before smiling. "i'm not half angel sweets. i'm tw thirds angel." she admitted. "the genetics involved is a bit convoluted. just refer to me as a Cherub, that's the 'technical' name." she admitted with a smile.

James nodded, watching Clint before examining Sam before dismissing him. Sam was... capable, but Clint was better. "лось?"(moose/Elk) американский лось?(American Moose)?" James asked, wondering if the Лисичка(pet name, means 'Little Fox' it was what he called Natasha while they where training.) was loosing her mind? or was Moose one of those funny affectionate names American's came up with? the man was as big as a moose after all. James immediately zeroed in on Clint when the other made a small snuffling sound. so light most might not have heard it. Clint was completely lax now, relaxed and dropped low. there was just something soothing about being in a corner, alone in his own head but knowing he was being watched intently. it made him feel small, protected, naughty, loved. he could never explain it, and like always, he had started to cry. unable not to release all the pent up feelings when he was in the corner. "Он плачет для вас.(he weeps for you.)." James pointed out because Clint was indeed sniffling now. he'd need a few more minutes in the corner, yanking him out now would sour his head-space. Natasha would know it was time to pull him out when he stopped cring and started fidgeting again. he was high maintenance but he was very, constantly, consistant.
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