Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

Cas smiled a little watching the other, groaning softly, actually using angel mojo to keep himself from coming as he felt the other spilling down his throat. Standing up he looked at the other, absently running his hands over the other’s skin, kissing him lightly. “okay, I will. Promise.”He soothed, trying to calm the frantic man, easing into him slowly, careful not to hurt him to badly, before bending down, kissing dean hard, fucking into the other, to desperate and needy to not to, though he made sure he didn’t hurt the other to much. Growing as he came, shuddering as he collapsed down on top of the other, easing to the side to not crush the other, panting softly. The angel blinking slowly.

“Hopefully that’s a good thing.”he muttered before grinning. “You’re amazing, Jarvis. He’ll probably be so sexed out, he probably wont consider it to long.” “....Urgh. I’d forgotten he was having sex.”Sam whined looking unhappy with the reminder, snickering a little as they got into the car. “....Will he try and kill you?”sam said looking at her with those big puppy dog eyes, looking worried. “....I’m sure about this. And if he does, well, he’s more liable to start a fight and try for sex, then kill me I think....I mean. He didn’t try killing me in DC, I think I’m safe for now.”Natasha said, sounding more sure about it then she really was, not wanting to worry her boys. smiling slightly as she listened to tony babble about tech the whole drive
Dean shuddered as he came and gasped, moaning as he was stroked, kissing back, cinging to his lover he made a lot of noise as Cas fucked him. all of them happy Dean noises. Lisa hadn't been kidding, Dean was a noisy lover. he actually screamed when he came again, clenching tightly as he felt Cas spilling inside of him. it was the weirdest sensation but not unpleasant and he wasn't about to bitch when he loved the feeling of being spread open by Cas's cock. if the other stayed buried in him forever Dean was pretty sure he would never complain. he was very pleased with the way the other was laying on him as well. "Love you."

"he is indeed 'sexed out'." Jarvis agreed making Steve snicker. "you should be glad Sam. at least now he's staying in bed and isn't trying to get himself killed prematurely." he pointed out as he settled into the passenger seat and let Tony's rather soothing babble wash over him. "he might try." Clint admitted. "but i don't think he'll manage it. Nat's faced him before and he's never managed to kill her before this so i think it will be fine." he admitted. he hoped to god so anyway. at least there was no way for James to get to Staten Island before them. according to Jarvis, on Tony at all times of course, he had been spotted stealing a motorcycle and he was still several hours out. they'd have plenty of warning before he got there. maybe. "that's right. he had to have known you where there. so he gnored you, which s a good sign." it meant that Bucky was getting Intel from somewhere. likely from Shield, or Hydra itself. that was why he was headed straight where they where waiting. because Bucky and Steve's intel said this was the biggest infestation and Bucky had always liked taking down the bigger numbers before people really started noticing. then the smaller numbers would start grouping together, making it easier to take them all down all at once. it was basic strategy. well, basic for Steve and Bucky anyway.
Cas smiled a little as he was clung to. Offering a small smile as he looked down at him, he really was noisy. It was adorable really. Sighing softly as he settled next to him, resting his head on the other’s chest even as he scooted them around to actually lay on the bed properly, smilign quietly. “Love you to.”He muttered nuzzling him a little.

“good.”Tony snickered. “Hm, true. And cas is there with him....and we’re not sharing a room with each other anymore. So it’s all better then it had been when he had sex.”Sam snorted a little, shaking his head. Amused. “Maybe.”Natasha sighed a little trying to relax as they drove. “It is a good sign.”natasha nodded a little as they got to the base, heading inside. “We’ll actually do what we said we were doing. Tony, how about you go check on the computer stuff?I’ll take Sam and Clint with me, down to the gym and see who I can round up in one spot.”Natasha smirked a little, well aware that it was rare for her and clint to come in, so when they did, they drew a crowd. And their pretty boy hunter would totally draw even more attention.
Dean whined as he was shifted around and snuffled against Cas's chest. "that was brilliant... can't wait t do that to you... gonna be the best." he mumbled before drifting off to sleep because he was now very tired.

"that's true, the walls are mostly soundproof too." Steve agreed with a smile before nodding to Natasha. he'd let her take the lead on this, she knew Bucky the best at the moment. "okay, i'll go with Tony then."Steve agreed. "maybe Tony can hack a bit deeper, see how Bucky's lerning all this, maybe even track a few of the higher profile Hydra Agents. Jarvis would have an easier time with that while actually within Shield's systems right?" Steve asked Tony as he followed him.

Clint followed Natasha to the Gym where the various shied agents where working out. mostly this was a research and holding facility, but Clint knew that a good number of these people where actually loyal to Hydra. it wasn't long before they had Sam up front of all forty people currently stationed at the base, giving a lecture on the supernatural while Natasha and Clint swept the base for any 'stragglers'. no one wanted to miss a lecture on werewolves, changelings and demons though so there where none. it wasn't hard after that to lock all the doors while the people where listening to Sam and trap them all there. easy pickings for James and Clint wasn't inclined to take pity on the Hydra Bastards. halfway through Sam's lecture, Natasha's phone beeped, Jarvis warning her that James was now in the building. Clint was already waiting in the vents, just in case. he was very surprised when a Gun pressed to the back of his head. how the fuck had a man with a metal arm managed to sneak up on him in a vent?! "it's okay... please don't shoot me..." "Sunteți în drum.(You're in the way)" The Soldier growled, making Clint swallow thickly. "i don't know what you're saying." Clint whispered, wincing when the gun pressed more firmly against his skull. "Move." James ordered, Clint nodding as he slipped out of the vent, giving Natasha a sheepish, slightly terrified look as James followed him, gun remaining perfectly flush to the back of his head. "Kneel." James ordered and Clint went bright red as the command did some very interesting things to his insides and he immediately popped a boner as he obeyed, slowly kneeling there. not about to antagonize the Russian/Rumanian assassin.
“Good. Look after him. I don;t think James would hurt him, but better safe then sorry....and we’ll keep everyone busy. See if you can hack in.” “I can hack anywhere. Me and Jarvis will find things.”Tony grinned pleased as he headed off happily, knowing that jarvis would have a easier time getting in with being in here.

Natasha tilted her head a little watching sam. He was so good at this, before looking down as she returned to her search, pausing as she looked down at her phone. Looking up at clint when he dropped out of the vent, huffing out a sigh. “I thought you knew the vents better, clint.”She muttered staying still even as she watched james and clint, eyes widening a little as the archer respond to the command, swallowing thickly and shoving her own worry and reaction aside as she focused on James. “James. Leave him alone. He’s not part of this.”She said slowly, before repeating the words in russian, not moving closer, but talking calmly and slow, wondering if simply shoving james into the room with sam and the hydra bastards he was distracting would just be the best solution to this all.
"i thought i did too but he didn't make a sound." Clint complained, obviously sulking, Clint swallowing a little as he knelt in front of James. wondering if he was going to die or be fucked. from the way James was studying him, James was contemplating just that decision himself before he narrowed his eyes at Natasha and grabbed Clint by the hair, forcing his head back, making him hiss and thrust his hips before terror flooded him as he felt the Barrel press against his jaw now which killed any hard on he might have had until that point. "Откройте дверь, Наталья (Open the door, Natalia)." James ordered, indicating the locked door that he couldn't enter because she and Clint had locked Sam and all the spies inside. "Вы не должны подчиняться им больше. (You do not have to obey them anymore.)" he said, trying to coax her into letting him pass so he could slaughter the bastards who had hurt him, taken his mind and twisted him into nothing but a puppet. the people who had made him a murderer. there where twelve of them in the room she was blocking, and he would kill them all. "Bucky." Steve said, stepping into the room, making James go very tense. "it's okay Bucky." "who...?" he asked, his hand tightening in Clint's hair, fearing it was a trick, making the archer whimper. "Я знаю, ваше лицо(i know your face)."
“Well, maybe I’ll have to have him teach you things.”He muttered eyes widening, a sliver of panic in the look even as she stayed calm watching james force clint’s head back. “I can’t. James, I can’t.”She said watching him. “Я не могу. Я не контролируется больше, но я не могу позволить вам убить их.”(I can't. I'm not being controlled anymore, but I can't let you kill them.)Natasha said slowly, watching him, Wondering if she should just give into the urge and let him at them, but she couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t hurt sam, and while he might consider doing it, she wouldn’t risk him. Looking up at steve, relaxing a little as the man came in. “Steve. His name is steve. You grew up together.”
Clint swallowed a little, calming only because Natasha was calm. "Они заслуживают того, чтобы умереть.(they deserve to die.)" James growled even as his hand relaxed a little in Clint's hair, making the archer relax a little more. James wasn't going to kill him, he could tell, the assassin wanted Hydra, not some poor Shield archer who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Steve." Bucky repeated, examining the man before turning to Natasha again. "Открой дверь." "One of ours in in there. we cannot let you..." he fell silent when James tossed Clint away from him and aimed the gun at Steve instead, Clint quickly scrambling out of reach and positioned himself carefully behind Natasha, rubbing his aching skull. Steve didn't look bothered at all and now that Clint was out of the way he proved it. he backhanded the gun, shocking James so much that he actually dropped it and Steve's fist drove into Bucky's face, tossing him to the floor. instead of following up the way James expected, Steve just planted himself in front of Natasha, Clint, and the Door. James sat up and brushed the line of blood away from his lip, looking surprised that someone had actually managed to draw his blood. "Natasha. isn't there something you can do to make him stop?" Clint asked anxiously, glancing at the door, worried because he couldn't hear Sam and he was worried that maybe the men inside had realied they where locked in and might be taking it out on the Hunter.
“I know they do. But I still can’t let you kill them.”Natasha said calmly, swallowing hard, watching clint. Knowing james wasn’t going to kill him, but it still made her anxious to see him away from her, where she couldn’t protect him. Startling into motion as she helped clint hide behind her, keeping watch on him even as she let Steve take care of james. Wincing a little as she watched james get punched, turning away from the fight to lean into the door a little, trying to hear what was going on. More worried about sam being in that room, then james beating on steve. “I could...but....”Natasha looked torn, because she knew it was a betrayal to use against james, but...”Soldier!Homecoming. Stop now. I will open this door, if you promise that you will help us extract our Hunter and not harm the hydra agents unless they have harmed him. And you will detain them for arrest.”She ordered, hoping he’d obey the demand for submission, for accepting her as the handler for this mission. Not wanting to use the shut down codes, but maybe this would work.
James snarled a little, narrowing his eyes because he was playing nice and they where just being stupid and stubborn. still, something was stopping him fro attacking them the way he should have they where stopping hi, that meant they where siding with Hydra. he went so tense when she used his word that for a moment, Steve worried that James was going to slaughter them all. then he relaxed, his face smoothing out, the training and brainwashing taking effect because part of him still knew Natasha, still trusted her. part of him knew she was safe. "Солдат готов подчиниться.(the soldier is ready to comply.)" James informed her, Steve grimacing a little because he didn't like this at all. James wasn't bothered though because she hadn't used The Words, he could still fight her if she tried to order him to do anything he didn't like. he was still aware, still himself. he was just a little more willing to do it her way. for now. Steve opened the door and peered inside and was not surprised to see that Sam was still lecturing and was even using one of the high ranking Shield Scientists to show how to behead a vampire. "Sam's fine." Clint sighed, relaxing now, James watching him, his head cocked to the side as Sam showed them how to exorcise a demon, starting with the word Christo, pleased to see no one flinched. "okay James." Steve said, looking at his once best friend. "lets start pulling them out, one at a time." he decided, stalking inside and yelling for everyone to line up against the wall. they all complied, because Steve, Natasha, Clint and the Winter Soldier all of them with guns was nothing you wanted to mess with. Hydra wasn't about to tangle with two of their greatest, and lost, weapons and Shield just complied because Natasha and Clint ranked above them. it didn't take long for James to haul the twelve Hydra spies and drag them over to Steve and Natasha, watching unhappily as they where tied up to be 'arrested'. James very clearly didn't like that one little but but he wasn't protesting becaue at least something was happening and maybe Shield, whoever they where, would let himtorture them for information.
Natasha bared her teeth back in response to his snarl, nearly snarling herself before relaxing a little when he didn’t attack them. “Good.”She said softly, relaxing. She hated that she’d used the word, but if he was willing to let her, well, maybe they would all survive this. Turning her head to look into the conference room, she looked a little amused. “We should totally hire him as a teacher. He’s good at it.”she muttered before nodding as she stepped into the room. “....You okay?”Natasha muttered wrapping a arm around Sam’s waist as he joined them near the door. “Yea. You?”Sam muttered watching his two spies, looking amused a little as he watched the hydra agents being arrested. “Fury’s on his way down, with backup to see that they get sent to prison and questioned.”Tony said as he flounced into the room, looking utterly pleased with himself before studying them all, eyeing james nervously, as he moved closer to steve. Trusting the other to protect him if needed.
"he is really good at it." Steve admitted with a smile as Clint checked Sam over for any hind of Damage before getting to work arresting the spies. "Already?" Steve asked, tensing, looking at James. "i want him out of here before Fury gets here. that one eyed mother fucker would try to claim him as well." James tensed at the idea of someone trying to 'own' him and he narrowed his eyes at Steve. "i think he's safe enough, he hasn't tried to kill anyone but the Hydra men and even then he backed off with an assertion of authority. do you think it would be safe to take him home to the tower?" that was the first time Steve had called the tower Home out loud. "Солдат, должен продолжить миссию. (the Soldier must continue the mission.)" James protested, Steve glaring at him. "Там нет никакой миссии.(there is no mission.)" Steve replied rather icily. "You are returning with me to Home Base." James grimaced but he got a painful sensation where emotions came from when he contemplated fighting the large blond man so he finally nodded. he would go with them, for now. he could escape later if he had to.
“we’ll have to reward him for it.”Natasha muttered smirking as sam blushed a little. “Yea. Sorry. I tried to delay him, but when he realized I was delaying, he got annoyed and upset.”Tony said looking anxious himself, he hadn’t really dropped in a few days, with worrying about dean and everything he needed to, but he hadn’t let himself take the time to do it. So he was easier upset right now. Squirming a little he sighed, nodding. “Let’s go then. We can get him to the car. Nat?” “I know a way.”Natasha said before shaking her head at james’ words. “No. But you will help us find the rest of hydra, please.”She said leading them all towards the garage, and pleased to be gone well before fury got to the tied up hydra agents. Not looking forward to dean figuring out they’d gone, because she knew, he eventually would.
Clint grinned. "we will have to reward him." he agreed, touching the sore spot on his head with a grimace. James had been a bit rougher than Clint normally liked. "i think he tore out some of my hair." he grumbled. Steve sighed and then smiled at Tony. "you did wonderfully." he promised the other man, recognizing the signs now. Johnny had helped Steve learn. "i think Johnny's still at the tower." he admitted. "you should go see him once we get home. i'l be taking James to Bruce. don't think i trust James not to try killing everyone once Nat's last order wears off." he admitted. "he's... hardly the man i once new." he admitted softly, staring at the back of Bucky's head as he grabbed hold of one of the tied up men's hair and forced his head back, whispering something in the man's ear that made the coward piss himself. that seamed to satisfy James who moved back over to Natasha, giving her a blank, yet still annoyed look. "You used my Word." he accused her. he didn't seam actually angry, more like he was sulking really. he was calm though and that was what mattered, proof that she wasn't Hydra, that they where not Hydra, had soothed his homicidal temper and he was easily placed in the car and waited patiently as they drove. he had no doubt he would be debriefed once they got there and placed under the command of someone. he'd vanish like the wind as soon as they decided who and tried to use his words. it wouldn't work. they, wouldn't work. the words did not work anymore. he had proven that when Pierce had tried, and failed, to use them. granted, James had put a bullet through the man's brain before he finished, but he could kill the others just as easily if they tried.
“at least you don’t have a bald spot.”Natasha muttered reaching up to brush a hand over the spot to make sure he wasn’t bleeding, before smiling as sam hovered close. He might not be in love with them, but he was definitely protective. It was endearing and adorable really. “Good. Cause it’ll take him a bit, but not long.”Tony said smiling, settling at steve’s praise before frowning a little. “Can’t. Have work to do.”he grumbled before eyeing James, nodding a little. “You want me to come to see bruce with you?”He asked. “No he’s not. But he’s not so different either. You’ll just have to learn this new James.”Natasha said smiling at steve a little, looking vaguely amused as james moved back over to her, nodding slightly. “I do. I have my own words to.”She said looking vaguely amused that he was sulking as they headed back to the tower. Looking even more amused as she realized what tony was babbling about in the front seat, listening to him redesign james’ arm from pure memory was fascinating, and was going to be interesting to see if James actually let him work on it. “Welcome to Avengers tower.”Natasha smiled as they got out of the car. “Nope!Stark tower. It’s totally stark tower still.”Tony whined as he headed inside
"Bald Spot!?" Clint shrieked in horror, patting his head down just to make sure there really wasn't anything missing before huffing and scowling at James who was point blank ignoring them all. "no. it won't take him more than an hour to get here. thank goodness we'll be gone long before that." he admitted with a smile before giving Tony the patented 'parent' look. "we agreed that i would step in when i thought you needed taking care of, correct?" he asked Tony. "you need to drop, you will go to Johnny as soon as we land, or i'll stick you in the corner like Nat does to Clint." he warned, well aware that corner time would just drive Tony Bonkers instead of doing anything emotionally rewarding like it dd for Clint. he wasn't looking to punish Tony in a BDSM quality after all, he didn't know enough yet, he'd leave that to Johnny. for now. still... "Maybe it would be best if you came with us to Bruce. i don't know that Bruce will understand how that arm works... i sure as hell don't." he admitted. "and he might fel less threatened with you around." James was indeed, sort of hovering around Tony who as the weakest link James felt much more comfortable there. not to mention he seamed fascinated by the way the brunette babbled. "Because of the aliens." James said, examining the ugly tower with a cock of his head. "if it was Stark Tower, you'd have put the other letters back up." Steve commented. "Come on James. you have to play nice here okay? no trying to kill anyone." Steve ordered. "we'll head up to Bruce first." "why?" James demanded, wondering who Bruce was and if it was going to hurt. "Because you're bleeding." James looked baffled for a moment and then looked at his arm. indeed, he was bleeding again. dammit. the blood was running in rivulets down his arm, getting trapped in the many pockets and divots and channels and he cursed the assholes who had invented this piece of shit. well, the excitable little man in front of him had been talking about 'redesigning'. perhaps he'd stick around long enough to see what the midget could make up, a new arm would be a great boon, providing the tech could keep up with what he was already saddled with.
“Yes. A small one.”Sam teased laughing out loud when he checked, amused that the other was so worried. “Don’t worry. You’re not missing any.”he added. “....Don’t look at me like that!You’re not my dad!”Tony whined a little before sighing softly. Nodding a little. “Okay....I’ll do that.”he muttered twitchy at the idea of even being near a corner. Pausing as he considered that. “Okay. I’ll come with you. Then I’ll see Johnny.”he promised tilting his head a little. Smiling a little at the sight of james hovering near him before whining, making a face. "It's totally stark tower. I just haven't got the right sign up yet."he grumbled. "Cause you're ineffective like this."natasha said giving him a reason he'd understand better then that he was hurt. "And I need input from bruce how to make your new arm the best it can be. Might even use some iron man tech...I dunno but whatever I make will be world's better then what your wearing."Tony grinned as he led the way to the med lab, tilting his head at the sight of liss keeping his friend company."your boys still doing the horizontal tango?"he teased a little before waving a hand at james."james, this is brice. Bruce, j have a new patient for you."
"No, i'm not your dad. thank god for that." Steve said with a roll of his eyes. "that would be gross, considering the kinds of dreams i've been having about you." he teased Tony. "but you need someone to take care of you and i like being that person so you have to do as i say." Steve said with a grin because he was pretty sure that would just make Tony dig his heals in about the simplest of things. he said it anyway because Tony liked to fight things, and if Tony was fighting him, then he would be much less likely to fight Johnny when it came time to drop. "it's been almost a year Tony." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "Солдат никогда не бывает неэффективным.(The soldier is never ineffective)" James grumbled, sounding very insulted before studying Tony, as if judging the truth of his words ad wondering what an Iron man was and why he'd want a man in his arm. sounded dreadfully painful for the man. "Танго?(Tango?)" James asked, wondering if he was going to be expected to Dance? he could dance very well but he didn't much care for subterfuge. if someone was supposed to be dead he'd rather just shoot them. Intel gathering wasn't his thing either, for all that he could be quite good at it if he wasn't a mind wiped puppet patsy. "no. they're sleeping it off." Lisa admitted with a smile befre smiling at James. "Hello James." Bruce said calmly despite the rather horrified look Lisa was giving James ar,. "Can the arm be removed?" "Da." "Good. that will make things easier. please follow me to the medical lab. i'll have you stitched up and looked over in a flash." Bruce promised.
Tony sputtered, looking up at steve at that, looking at a loss of what to say. Sputtering because he might flirt with everything that moved, and totally enjoyed sex, he got weird about the flirting from people he actually cared about, it made him fidgety and weird, even johnny sometimes, made him angsty. “I do not!”Tony huffed making a face even as he sighed, waving a hand. “So?I’m just trying to get the perfect letters back up. Gotta have the best colors.”Which totally meant he wasn’t putting them up, but he’d totally not ever admit that. “Hurt and bleeding, you are functioning at less then optimal.”Natasha said not looking to worried before snorting. “No, you wont have to dance. He’s talking about someone else, James.”Natasha promised him at his look. “Ah. Good. Dean needs more sleep.”Tony said looking pleased that dean was actually resting before smiling at Bruce. “I want the arm, brucie-bear!I want something to build of of and make better.”Tony ordered as he settled on a stool next to lisa, keeping watch on steve and james and bruce, but not getting in the way either.
Steve smiled at him a little, waiting for him to get over his shock a little. it always amused him how stunned Tony could be when someone admitted they really and truly liked him. "relax Tony, i'm not going to molest you." Steve promised. "unless you want me to. then i'll gladly." he promised. "you do to." Steve stated firmly before smiling a little. "well, how about i design some for you? might be a fun drawing exercise." he admitted before watching James as he considered Natasha's words before nodding. she was correct. he could be functioning at a much better capacity. a little rest and time to heal, perhaps a meal or two wouldn't be remiss. while these people where still being reasonable and kind, he would get what he could from them and when they turned on him, then he could leave. maybe even kidnap the scientist if he ha to, to ensure proper functionality of the replacement arm. "Dean also needs to live as normally as he can for as long as he can so try not to hover overmuch okay? Dean would wilt twice as fast if we locked him to his bed. he needs to be active too." Steve pointed out.

"Tony, relax. you need to ask James. it's his arm." Bruce gently chastised, watching James deftly undo dozens of tiny latching, the arm coming off easily. it must have hurt like hall, having it attached, but Bruce could see the advanced Centipede Technology it used. the arm must have been applied the last time he'd woken up because it was the newest tech available to Hydra. the Deathlock program was already being monitored by Jarvis. James didn't say a word, he just handed the arm to Tony, leaving the 'port' attached for the moment as he took several deep breaths and then set about removing that as well, every flick of a latch causing sounds of agony and pain to fall from Jame's lips. Bruce soon got the idea and had taken over for James as the attachments released holds on nervous systems, muscles and sinew. the most advanced, yes. but also very painful and Bruce actually had to carefully, carefully remove six of the long, thin, flexible needles because they had gotten stick, and they where what was causing the bleeding. Bruce actually had to cut into James skin and muscles to remove the latching, but James seamed rather fine with that and he even looked as if he felt better once Bruce got the last one out.
Tony stared at him, before taking a deep full breath as he realized that steve was messing with him. Squirming a little as he huffed slightly. “K-kay. I’ll remember that.”He sputtered still looking at a loss. “Well, you could. That would be awesome.”Tony agreed perking up at the thought. Natasha smiled a little tilting her head at james’ agreement. Well. Maybe having him here would be better then she’d thought. “i know that!Why do you think I have penthouse forum and playgirl being delivered to him and angel boy later today? And johnny already promised to talk to Cas and him if he wanted. Figured it’d be a easier conversation from a professional dom, rather then me. I mean, relation here.”Tony huffed looking to pleased and amused with himself to be quite serious, though he probably had asked johnny to at least talk to lisa to see if the boys needed anything.

“....But-but it’s horrible!”Tony whined but wilting at the chastisement, calming a little as he stared. Looking a little sick as he watched the arm come off, he rested his head on natasha’s shoulder as she moved to stand next to him. “James?Do you need anything?”Natasha asked when bruce was done, absently stroking tony’s hair as she watched the soldier.
Steve smiled at him a little. "i'll do that then." he agreed with a grin because they all knew th A was never changing. "...did you really?" Steve asked, looking very amused indeed. "that's perfect Tony." he promised with a laugh before nodding. "that's a good idea. i have no doubt Cas is going to freak out about hurting Dean." he admitted. "i don't think Dean is the sort to drop, not like me and Sam do, but he still likes pain, he's got that look to him when he spars." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "you're just as experienced as Johnny is, Cas might like the opinion of a submissive too." he admitted before watching Bruce and James, worried that James might forget himself ad try to hurt them since Bruce was hurting him. it didn't happen though, so he relaxed. "Apă(Water)" James rasped, his face coated in a fine sheen of sweat, the only sign that he had been bothered by the minor surgery. Steve was moving first, carefully drawing some water from the sink and James drained it, and another two before he refused to drink anymore and he settled in to let Bruce bandage what was left of his arm. "Tony? where should we room him?" Steve wondered, Clint perking up. "he could rest in our room." for some very odd reason, Clint seamed rather interested in James, who now looked very much in pain and very tired. he could very much use a nap.
“Yes. I did. Of course I did. Gotta make sure Dean wants to stay here. Buying things makes that happen. And I have more hunting stuff for him to help me design.”Tony grumbled a little, because this was him, and his social awkwardness. He didn’t understand people wanting to be with him, for him. So he gave them things, made sure they had anything they could ever need. “No doubt. And he does have that look.”Tony agreed before sighing a little. “I’ll talk to them both to.”Tony said even if he’d probably go with johnny to check on the two, after they woke up. “okay.”Natasha said pausing when steve got the water. “...Hm?”Tony stirred from where his face had been pressed into natasha’s shoulder, before looking at clint. “What?”Natasha muttered looking startled as she glanced at clint, before huffing out a laugh. “Yes. Okay. Our room.”She said looking at steve. “You’re the strongest of us. If he’s not up to walking on his own, you probably should carry him.”She said looking worried about trying to get james to walk on his own
Steve smiled at Tony. "he doesn't want to stay because you buy him things Tony. he's staying because he likes it here." he assured the other man with a smile. "he's staying because he trusts us and likes us." he admitted. "he's staying because he loves you." he assured Tony before smirking a little. "i think that they'd both feel better with you're input." he admitted, hesitating before stroking his hand over Tony's hair as Natasha so often did. "Clint? are you suicidal maybe?" Steve wondered. Clint's sudden interest on an assassin who had held a gun to his head could not be healthy in the least. "yeah. i can carry him, if he'll let me." Steve agreed, hesitating but James was too out of it now from the pain and exhaustion and he simply let Steve cradle him like he was an infant. Steve turned to Tony and narrowed his eyes at him. "you head on up to Johnny now." he ordered. "and no arguments or i'll get Bruce to drag you to him and then Johnny will be very angry." he warned. he knew Jarvis had already told Johnny that Tony needed to drop. if Tony refused, then Johnny was likely to paddle Tony's ass quite brutally for it. something Steve understood that Tony sometimes needed. it made him twitchy, the idea of someone hitting Tony, but he knew how much he enjoyed it and could only assume Tony was the same. orders given, he carried James up to bed, the assassin looking almost cuddly now that he was asleep and relaxed. with James in place and a wary look at Clint who was still examining James, Steve left to go make sure Tony hadn't holed up in his lab instead of going to Johnny in the Firestarters 'playroom'. Steve wasn't sure what a playroom was but a single peek inside had frightened him more than he'd like to admit.
“.....You mean he likes sam feeling safe. I can get that.”Tony said shrugging off the other’s assurance, because he really couldn’t understand the idea of people wnating to stay because of him. Which just made natasha huff a little as look at him, shaking her head a little. “No, but you keep thinking that if it makes you more comfortable.”Natasha said simply, because she’d been trying to slowly adjust tony’s thoughts on himself, maybe steve would get through to him. Looking amused at the sight of the blond stroking tony’s hair. “Might be.”She agreed looking at clint, frowning a little. “Thanks steve.”she said looking relieved as james did let him. “....Kay.”Tony grumbled looking annoyed with the orders, and about to argue but indeed he headed upstairs. And straight to johnny, which was more then he usually did. Seemed steve was a good influence.

“ okay?”Natasha muttered looking at Clint as the man watched james, looking down at the moose laying against her side, the man exhausted enough that he’d simply laid down and curled up close for a nap, regardless of james. A small gentle smile on her face at the level of trust in that, that sam trusted them to protect him.

“....You up to going to see if Dean’s awake?”Tony asked when they were done, still floating a little, but up enough that talking and being around others wasn’t going to screw with his head. He was simply relaxed and happy.
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