Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"Of course, Sam." Jarvis assured Sam. "well. that all depends on what kind of tech we're talking about. i've never heard of anything like the guy's arm before, or a machine capable of freezing people in sleep. nothing that worked anyway." Dean admitted. "so if it's not something they can replicate, they might very well just be trying to fix it where they can." he admitted before looking at the pictures. "so something, either that machine or he himself, renders him incapable of aging? Steve dosn't age right? so it could be a natural biological function maybe?" Dean muttered, examining the pictures. "he's kind of hot." he admitted with a grin. "Steve might know. yeah." he agreed. "Jarvis? would you ask Steve to come down here?" "Of course Mr. Winchester." "for gods sake, please call me Dean." "yes Mr. Winchester." obviously Jarvis was being a snarker today.
“Makes sense. Keep repairing it, because they couldn’t replicate it again.”sam frowned a little as he considered that before nodding a little. “Yes. Something. I mean, these are years apart, but he’s aged, but not like he should have.”Sam said wincing a little at the possessive growl that escaped the angel at dean’s words. “You do not get to comment on other people’s hottness. Unless you want me to once again have a talk with crowley about the pizza man.”Which had been amusing for them all at one time, when the angel had innocently asked the demon about sex. “Hm, he sounds like tony. All snarky.”Sam snickered at Jarvis’ words, looking up at steve when he came in. “hey. We wanted to ask you something.”He said fidgeting a little.
"i mean, think about it. if they where to get their hands on, say, the Iron Man suit, they wouldn't be able to rebuild it, they'd have to fix it as best as they could right? tech beyond their time, i think is something Tony's asshole dad said once." he admitted before nodding. "in some of these pictures he even looks younger than he was. it's impossible to know how old he's supposed to be." he agreed. "not until we talk to him anyway, or maybe Nat would know?" he wondered before smirking at Cas. "what? he has a nice ass." he admitted, examining the pictures, Lisa making a choked, laughing sound because she knew exactly what Dean was doing. she also knew it was going to work. hey, if Dean wanted Cas to paddle his ass, what better way to go about it? "you stay away from Crowley." Dean ordered. "i haven't forgiven you yet for kissing him." he huffed. "sure, ask away." Steve offered before gasping, his face twisting as he saw the pictures. "you found old pictures of Bucky?" he asked softly, picking up the Tablet before pausing. "no... that's not possible... Bucky died, a long time ago... how can you have... unless.... where did you get these pictures?!"
“True. That makes sense.”Sam frowned before nodding. “Yea, that’s how he put it.”He muttered. “Nat might know. Or at least have a idea.”He added thinking about it, before choking on a laugh at the slight blue glow flashing through cas’ eyes, hoping dean knew what he was playing with by pissing off a angel of the lord enough that that flare of holy wrath would show in his eyes. “....”Cas stared at dean, wrath showing in those eyes, along with a slight vulnerability. Not quite as steady as he thought, but he was okay. He just had to keep reminding himself that dean was his. And didn’t want anyone else. Growling softly he smirked. “Crossroads demons demand kisses. It was business. This is just you admiring someone’s ass.”he growled sounding very annoyed. “We were wondering if you knew any other people-”sam stopped at steve’s gasp, frowning a little. Paling a little at the other’s words. “He’s....he’s the man me and dean found. On ice. We were just trying to figure out what he was doing now that he's awake..."
Dean looked quite pleased by the flash of blue. he was in for it and he was going to have the best fuck of his life, he just knew it. he reached up, tilting his head so the angle was perfect and stroked his neck, and the collar, reminding Cas that he had put that there. that he had claimed Dean. "oh, so you're making excuses now? there was no Deal and you know it. you kissed him trying to force it and it didn't work. you kissed Crowley and now i'll have to disinfect you." he huffed before smirking a little. "i can look at other peoples asses you know. just because you're ass is superior perfection doesn't mean i can't enjoy looking at others." he huffed before looking at Steve. "...this is Bucky Barnes... he d... died, Prisoner of War, missing in action." he explained, his hands trembling so hard he almost dropped the Tablet. "he didn't have a funny arm back then, or long hair but this is him... it's truly him... oh god, Bucky's alive... i need to... i need.... how on earth did you find him?"
Cas growled at him slightly, the flash of blue still lighting his eyes from behind, a quiet light there that said dean had definitely provoking him. Watching dean stroked his neck, he growled quietly."I'm a angel. I don't need disinfected from touching crowley. You got near him to."he growled not wanting to talk about his failed deal. It still upset him."fine. If you must. But only lisas. Shes thr only other ass you get to look at." Cas growled twitching s little, definitely was gonna punish dean.sam winced reaching out to take the tablet from steve before he dropped it."that case, the one in Washington that was a haunting....wasn't a haunting. But we found him inside, and we woke him up from sleeping....then he ran off."
Dean looked quite amused, very pleased and hungry as he watched Cas. he had no doubt the Angel knew exactly what he was doing, but that was alright. "i touch him all the time. he's gross. i always take a hot disinfecting bath after." Dean admitted with a nod. "at least i didn't have to kiss him this time. not enough of a deal i'd imagine." he admitted before smirking at Cas. "Lisa does have a nice ass, but really Cas, you're being silly." he complained. "it's not like i want to run off with this guy. he's handsome but he's not going to be anything compared to you. you're the only one i want. the only one i need... aside from Lisa. looking at his ass isn't going to change the fact that the only man i truly love is you." he promised Cas before watching Steve as he planted himself down, stared at Dean and Sam and demanded the entire story. "the red star..." Steve mumbled. "it's from the communists. Russia, the KGB, Hydra and Nazi like peoples." Steve said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "i saw it a lot during the war. it was in propaganda papers, articles, and all sorts of things." he admitted. "whoever had him, it is not a people we want running around unchecked. Bucky was always... morally loose. he did what had to be done and killing people, hurting them, was easy for him. not unexpected given his... father." Steve admitted. "you won't find him, not until he wants to be found." "he's killing Shield Agents." "...he's killing spies posing as Shield Agents." Steve corrected, making Clint pale. "...i need to contact Fury." "I have already done so Mr. Barton." Jarvis assured him. "As soon as i began looking into the backgrounds of the men."
Cas stared back at him, before huffing a laugh. “Well, that explains why you’re always taking supiciously long showers. And here I thought you were just fondling yourself.”The angel said deadpan, ignoring sam’s choked off laugh. “I am a angel of the lord, I am never silly.”he said seriously, though there was a shine of laughter in his eyes along with annoyance that dean kept commenting on the nice ass in question. “Oh. That makes sense....sort of. It’s on their flag.”Sam muttered frowning a little, wondering if they should get tony, if only because steve could use the support. “So, it’s people we definitely don’t want controlling bucky. Dammit.”He huffed shaking his head a little before frowning. “Good. Well, at least fury will be looking for spies to. Maybe if we find some, we’ll catch bucky when he goes for them.”Sam sighed a little.
"nah, i just like to take my time." Dean admitted with a smile. "and i like to fondle myself but that's besides the point." he admitted before smirking at Cas. "strange, if you're not silly, why do i laugh at you so much?" he wondered playfully before watching Sam. "it's definitely people we don't want in control of Bucky. i have no idea what he's up to though. it's been so long and i don't think he even realizes i'm alive..." he admitted, shaking his head before he tensed. "Natasha used to be KGB... Red Room right?" he asked, looking at them all. "...aren't they at a Spa in D.C?!" indeed they where. there was nothing to worry about though. either the Soldier hadn't known Natasha was so close, or he wasn't interested in her because he went underground and wouldn't be seen until tomorrow, whn he move on to another Shield base. or rather, a spy nest. t would be a massacre with only six of fifty left alive. the six left alive only because they had nothing to do with Hydra. Fury was going to be foaming at the mouth.
“....I think that’s the point of things. Maybe we should give you more time to take care of yourself.”Cas said smirking a little as he imagined watching before huffing. “Because you’re a rude bastard.”he teased a little. “He probably doesn’t. Much like him, you’ve been out of the public eye for years. He probably thinks he’s alone now.”Sam sighed softly before nodding. “She was. And she is, but she’ll be okay.”Sam said trusting natasha to look after herself before sighing as he got up, nudging steve. “Come on. Let’s let dean get some rest. We can all use the rest really.”
"nah, i just like to take my time about it." Dean admitted with a chuckle. "it's hard to tease myself, but i can manage it." he admitted, looking pleased before smirking. "i am a rude bastard. but you're also rather ridiculous sometimes." "so... i have to do something public enough he should take notice.." Steve mused before smirking a little. "well. i might just have an idea." he admitted before looking at the room. Dean looked more horny than tired but he nodded anyway and let Sam and Clint guide him away, though Steve headed straight for Tony. "i need a favor." Steve informed Tony as he stepped into the lab. it was the first time he'd ever actually asked for something. "you remember that friend i told you about? Bucky? turns out he's alive and killing spies in Shield and i need help getting his attention before he goes after Natasha or gets captured by whoever the hell had control of him before." Steve explained. "Natasha is going to want to help, according to Clint. she has a... personal investment, in him... im not sure what that means but i assume it means she wants to either kill him herself or fuck him." Steve admitted.
“....don’t look so pleased with yourself.”Cas said looking amused rather then annoyed though, snorting slightly. “I am never ridiculous.”He said before sighing. “Yes. You do.”Sam said tilting his head a little as they left. Knowing dean probably wouldn’t get any rest. “.....You heard your brother. Rest.”Cas said looking dean over.

“Hm?”Tony looked up from where he was elbow deep in his car, pausing as he considered the other. “What do you need?”he asked before his eyes went wide. “What? Really?”He sputtered before nodding a little. “Yea. Let’s get his attention....and I’m sure it means sex, those two always mean sex when they talk about personal stuff.”Tony snickered a little.
"i am pleased with myself." Dean sniffed before smirking at him. "you are the epitome of ridiculous." he scoffed before he crossed his arms and jutted out his chin in that all too familiar, childish stubbornness that said Dean was just itching for a fight and Lisa smirked and moved over to Cas and whispered in his ear what Dean had told her. that Dean wanted to be paddled but didn't know how to ask Cas for it before she sauntered out with a bullshit excuse that she was going for food. "i'mnot tired and yu can't make me." Dean growled at Cas. "and no Angel mojo you feathered ass! it's cheating."

"yeah, really." Steve admitted. "we're not sure whats really happening yet, Jarvis is looking into it." he admitted. "but i'd rather have Bucky in OUR custody because f he's anything the way he used to, he's going to want to shoot Fury just because Fury's a dick... not to mention i don't trust Fury." Steve admitted before nodding. "that's true... although, aren't they with Sam?" he wondered, briefly derailed before grimacing. "i really don't want to think of a man i always thought of as a brother having sex with a woman who scares me Tony." Steve complained. "i don't know what to do to get Bucky's attention though... what if he doesn't know what T.V. is? i don't want him to come in guns blazing so a faked hostage situation or battle isn't going to be a good idea either so that's the extent of my ideas."
"You are being a child.”Cas growled, turning his head a little at lisa’s voice, tilting his head slightly as he considered the eldest winchester. Watching Lisa go before growling. “I can make you do alot of things. But I don’t think you need sleep yet, I don’t think. Naughty children don’t get to sleep until they get their asses paddled.”he smirked as he held out a hand, smirking to himself as the paddle appeared in his hand, moving to sit in one of the soft reclining chairs. Raising a eyebrow at dean. “Over my knee, Winchester.”He ordered his voice growly and not leaving any room for argument.

“Ah. Okay....wait. He’s....he’s our mystery person?Dammit.”Tony cursed a little as he finished what he was doing before straightening, sighing softly. “Fury is a dick. And not to be trusted.”He agreed before nodding a little. “Yea. They are, but I talked to Nat, cause I was curious, and she doesn’t think he’ll stay with them. He’s dating, but not....not a true fit for them. He needs someone who fits better then them.”Because he’d been worried about his nephew, before snickering. “I know. Nat having sex scares me to, but I thought you’d apperciate that more then her trying to kill him.”He pointed out before frowning. “True....hmmm....wonder...”he frowned thinking about it. “We could have a party. Invite most of shield. Might draw him in, with so many of us there...”
"i am not! you're just being a bitch!" Dean growled at him before scowling a litte at the whispering Lisa was doing. what was she telling him? she was such a tattle tale. he flushed hard at Cas's assurance that he could make Dean do anything and his breath hitched so loudly that cas could actually hear his throat click, his eyes went so wide a person might have feared they'd fall out. "W...What? C..Cas..." he sounded so confused, even as he was sliding out of bed to do exactly what Cas had ordered, looking shaken, a bit frightened but eager, wanting, aroused, needy. he shuddered a little as he moved over to Cas, hesitating because he couldn't bring himself to lay over the others knees so brazenly. he had never known it was okay to want this, and now Cas was giving it to him and it was ust a little too much for him to handle all on his own. he needed to feel Cas's hands guiding him into place, know that Cas would take care of him.

"Yes he is." Steve admitted with a sigh. "have you discovered anything from the thing he was frozen in" he asked softly. "Fury is a shit." he agreed before smiling a little. "that's a shame.." he admitted. "but it's good they know it now, rather than trying to force it to keep working later." he agreed. "and they are the best teachers, they'll help him figure out what he wants and needs without pressuring him." he sighed. "i wish i'd had the common sense to go to you, or them instead of going to some ratty club." he admitted with a grimace before snickering a little at Tony's fear of Natasha. then he winced. "do you really want all those people, who are probobly spies, in your home?" he asked, shaking his head. "no, i really don't think that's a good idea, especially since we both know Fury won't go for it. he'll think you're up to something. which you know, you are. but he'll use it as a chance to capture James for himself i have no doubt. he might already be making plans to that effect."
Cas rolled his eyse a little as dean’s growl, smirking a little as the other flushed. Turning to watch lisa go for a moment before focusing on dean again, smirking wider as his eyes went wide. Looking worried for a moment before smiling. “Over my knee. If you insist on acting like a child, I’ll treat you like one.”Though he’d never felt this needy and controlling, aroused around actual children. “You’re okay.”Cas muttered looking up at him, reaching out, gently maneuvering the other to lay down across his knees. “Remember what you told Sam, it’s okay to want things. Whatever you want, it’s okay.”he muttered stroking dean’s back, wanting him to relax before he started. “What’s your safeword Dean?”

“Only that it’s old tech. And some things that even today I’m not sure I could replicate. Whoever came up with this, was brilliant. I’m going through shield’s files, seeing who might have been capable of such work. Might give us a lead on what to do next.”Tony said sighing a little before nodding. “Indeed. And between them, and sam seeing a therapist, I’m hoping he’ll be okay.”Tony said before smiling at the other, “Yes, I wish you had to. But now we know, and you’ll be okay.”He smiled a little. “....No. But it might work. I mean....might be able to drag him into the open if we put everyone he wants in one room.”he sighed rubbing a hand over his face, ignoring the oil it left behind. “I’m not good with this side of things. I don’t plan battles or anything. I usually just show up and blow things up.”
Dean flushed harder at the insistence that he was going to be punished and had half the thought to be a bitchy dick and call Cas 'Daddy' before deciding against it. that was just creepy. he shuddered as he was guided down, relaxing because Cas had him and this was okay. Cas said it was okay and if he didn't like it Cas would stop and if he did like it Cas wouldn't judge him. "okay." Dean whispered before hesitating. "Safe-word? oh... uhm...." he hesitated again before. "Perdition..." he finally decided, closing his eyes. "my safe-word is Perdition."

"seriously? things that you couldn't replicate? that's nuts." Steve protested, shaking his head. "'m sure you'll figure it out Tony. you are the most brilliant man on earth after all." he admitted. "whoever made that thing, probobly had a lot of help after all. it probably wasn't made by just one man." Steve pointed out. "Sam will be okay. i spoke to Deidra too." he admitted. "she's brilliant. you should consider talking to her as well." he suggested before stiffening. "Tony, you're a genius! this is just like a battle! i've been thinking about this all the wrong way." he admitted. "Jarvis! bring up the profiles of the six men who where killed today and look and tell me what the connections between them are?" he asked. "and then look for people sharing those same connections within the nearest Shield base Locations?" "of course sir." Jarvis agreed, the humming sound of him working overtime sounding. "we don't need to attract his attention, we just need to find out where he's going next, and be there when he gets there." Steve mused, pausing when Jarvis made a distinctly upset sound. "Jay?" "...i have located the name of the terrorist group they are all a part of..." Jarvis informed them. "Hydra." Steve went so pale so fast, Jarvis feared the good captain was going to faint.
Cas smiled a little as he watched Dean, tilting his head a little, relaxing as dean did. While he wanted to dominate and punish the other for riling him up on purpose, he never wanted to force things, simply wanted to do what dean would like .Smiling quietly as the other relaxed, “Good boy.”he muttered without thinking about it, stroking his back before laughing softly. “Only you, would chose that.”he teased lightly, rubbing a hand over dean’s ass, not makign fun, simply remembering the memory that went with it. Of fire and wings, of freedom and fight. It meant a lifetime lived, within a few moments. Picking up the paddle he sighed softly. “Now dean, if it becomes to much, you are to safeword without worrying about getting in trouble or anything. This is for both our enjoyments.”He said bringing down the paddle with a sharp smack.

“Yea. Like...I can get them close, but whatever makes them work, isn’t right.”Tony looked frustrated at the idea. “It’s very annoying.”He grumbled before nodding a little. “True. It’s probably a few people.”he agreed before smiling a little. “....I don’t do therapy. I’m fine.”He grumbled before lookin startled. “What?”He stared, tilting his head a little, “’re welcome I guess?”He said looking startled at the others words, before grinning realizing what the other was talking about. “That’s brilliant. Awesome.”he grinned a little before frowning at jarvis’ tone, frowning a little. “What?Steve!”He startled, yelping a little as he scrambled over to wrap a arm around his waist, making sure he didn’t fall. “Sit. You need to sit.”He said urging him towards the work stool.
Dean smiled a little. "you're the one who gripped me tight." he teased, squirming a little on the others lap because it was awkward sitting there over Cas's knees, waiting to be spanked, shifting as the hand stroked his ass, wondering if he should undress or stay the way he was or even mention it to Cas? he'd never done anything like this and the uncertainty was certainly getting to him a little bit. especially with Cas calling him a 'good boy' making heat flush across his cheeks, and pool in his gut. "Yessir." it slipped from his lips before he could stop himself, arching with a gasp when the first strike fell on his ass, feeling the sparks of pain,spreading through him, his cock filling so fast he felt diy. "oh... oh..." he mumbled, his eyes wide because yeah, yeah he liked that. a lot.

"so, maybe your missing something else. perhaps something to do with bucky? i looked into it a little bit, normal people can't be frozen like that right?" he asked, his head tilted. "so maybe it's something that they did to Bucky too, that makes the machine work." he mused before snorting. "it's not actually therapy you know." he admitted. "she doesn't sit there and ask you how you feel or stupid shit like that. you just talk about whatever you want. all i did was talk about the books and movies i'd recently been interested in. it made me feel better just to sit there and not be judged about anything for a while." he admitted. "try. for me?" he asked hopefully. "if you really hate it, you don't have to do it again." he promised. "Hydra... no, that's not possible... they where dead, defeated.... gone!" he protested as he let Tony help him sit. "oh god, if they're still active then that means... that means that..." "...The Winter Soldier was a previously active member of Hydra." Jarvis agreed. "It would seam he has turned on those he once served. there have been various mention of brain washing and memory alteration in records that i have come across. it is likely that Mr. Barnes was not in any condition to be able to make his own decisions."
“So I did. Though I did grip you on the shoulder, not your cock. Maybe I should consider that. Gripping you there.”He said looking amused a little as Dean squirmed, it was a sight, and groaning softly as the other’s arm brushed up against his hard cock as he squirmed. Smiling at the name, he smirked. “Next time, I think I’ll undress you, watch your ass turn red with a spanking....but this first time....yes. Just like this.”he muttered, even if dean wasn’t actively praying to him, and he tried to keep out of the other’s head, when he was thinking to hard, cas could hear it like background noise. And wanted the other to relax. Smirking as he listened to the lust in dean’s tone, stroking his ass for a moment. “Hmmm, I wonder if I could get you off like this...bent over my knee and paddled.”He muttered bringing the paddle down again. “Dean?do you have a opinion on how I finish things today, good boy?”He muttered stroking the other, simply because he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

“Maybe. Might be it.”Tony sighed a little before frowning. “No, normal people couldn’t. I mean....”Tony frowned considering it. “We’ll have to ask Cas. Wonder if you might not be the only nephilim around.”He frowned a little before huffing. “....Fine. For you. And for Sam. Cause he’s not happy about going either. I’ll go, maybe he’ll be better about it.”he huffed a little. “ does. But not willingly. I doubt anyone would volunteer to be frozen.”he pointed out before frowning, humming slightly. “Wonder if that was what the ice was for. To keep him brain washed and lost every time he woke up...”
" should." he agreed, flushing harder before shivering as the other moaned, panting a ittle, relaxing at Cas's words.Cas had it all figured out, he didn't have to think, it was okay. Cas was going to take care of him. he had everything under control. it was fine. "oh god..." he moaned at the idea of being paddled until he came. the thought alone. that was great, yes, he wanted that, but he wanted something more too, he wanted... what did he want? "i...." he bristled a little at being called a good boy, because he was no ones good boy.... but he was for Cas. he was Cas's good boy. "i... i want you to fuck me." he whispered, ot sure he was in any condition to make those kinds of decisions but he wanted it so desperately, had wanted it for so long. "please... Cas. don't stop. it feels so.... so perfect." he whispered, resting his head on the other's hip. he knew, for now. there was nothing he wanted more. soon though, soon he'd have Cas bent over, ass up, his skin red and gleaming while he worked him open, made him beg for it. there was no way he was going to be the submissive all the time. for now though, he was more than eager to give himself wholly to Cas.

"it might be worth looking into at the very least." he mumbled before nodding. "i don't think Bucky is a Nephilim though." he admitted "then again, until i tried to... ah, you know. die. i wouldn't have thought i was a Nephilim either." he admitted, shaking his head. "thank you Tony." Steve said with a smile, pressing a kiss to Tony's temple before nodding. "yeah. he would never have gone in willingly. he as always horribly claustrophobic." he admitted softly. "his dad used to beat the shit out of him, and then lock him in the cupboard. you know, the one under the sink? he'd be left in there for hours. he'd never have willingly gotten into that thing." he paused and then. "you know. that would make sense on why he was gone without a peep for three weeks... he was trying to remember who he was. maybe..." he swallowed thickly. "they used Bucky..." "Sir. i have the list you wanted. the largest collection of identified Hydra Agents is currently here in Manhattan in the Staton Island research facility." "the that's where he'll be going." Steve mumbled.
Cas smiled watched the other, before laughing softly. “I think you like that idea, yes?”He teased a little shifting the other, letting dean’s dick press against his thigh as he paddled him, before huffing a little. “You’re my good boy. No protests, or your going to get more paddling.”he muttered groaning softly at the idea of fucking dean, “I’m not stopping. Promise.”He said smiling as paddled the other’s ass, simply enjoying how dean reacted before standing up, easily holding the other before shifting him around, laying him back over the bed as he considered Dean. Smirking as he vanished both their clothes. No use having angel mojo, if he couldn’t cheat every once in awhile. Closing his eyes for a moment to summon the lube, he smirked at dean, “I found pie flavored lube.”He teased as he coated his fingers, gently reaching down to probe at dean’s entrance, watching his face, being care and watchful, not wanting to upset the other. Tugging dean to the edge of the bed as he fingered him, kneeling in front of him, resting dean’s legs across his shoulders as he worked, leaning down to slide his mouth down over him with a clumsy, new skill, dean was definitely going to have fun teaching him to give blow jobs.

“Probably.”He said before shrugging. “You didn’t either. Hell, cas didn’t know there was any till he saw you. We’ll check. If nothing else, he might have a better idea of how it was done then we do.”Tony said flushing a little as the other kissed his temple, not commenting on it before wincing. “Dammit. Then he was hurt and forced to do. That kind of fear....really doesn’t go away if you have the memories to go with it. Goes with the whole, he might not know himself right now thing.”He frowned a little before nodding. “Yea. It does....”He muttered before wincing a little at the knowledge that they were all there. “In that case J, let Clint and Sam know to meet us in the garage. And see if Natasha’s back yet.”
"Y...yes..." he agreed, more than a little embarrassed to admit that but admitting it anyway because he knew Cas wouldn't judge him for it. "....what if i want more paddles?" Dean asked rather snarkily, panting softly because, yeah, he wanted more paddles, moaning as Cas continued, squirming and wriggling as he grew closer and closer to an orgasm, bucking aganst the others leg, gasping as he was picked up and making small, very protesting noises because he thought the other was stopping. and he was, but the noises soon stopped as the clothes vanished. "Pie... huh?" he asked, not really able to keep up with the conversation. he'd never felt so much before. he moaned as he felt the fingers pressing inside of him and he tried to arch and spread his legs, both very difficult to do with his legs over Cas's shoulders. when the mouth slid over his cock he shreiked and arched, his hands fling into Cas's hair, tangling in the locks because it felt so intense, so good, the ache in his ass making the pleasure twice as good. "yes! Cas! so good! don't stop! cumming! gonna cum! wanna cum!" he pleaded, wanting to give the other warning because if he came in Cas's mouth and choked him he might never get another blowjob.

"that's true. Cas didn't know so maybe Bucky is an Angel too... hey! maybe we're really brothers and that's why we never loved each other any other way?" he mused, looking a little more amused. "yeah. there's no way they got him into that thing willingly." he agreed, shaking his head. "no way at all. that kind of fear stays even when you can't remember anything." he admitted before smiling at Tony as he realized that's exactly what the other said. "Natasha is indeed back Sir." Jarvis agreed. "Clint and Sam are on their way. Dean is not aware that you are all leaving." he promised because Dean would throw a huge fit if he knew.
“Good boy, admitting things.”Cas muttered stroking the other’s back for a moment before snorting, the paddling whistling down just a tad harder. “You’re awfully snarky for a man getting his ass paddled.”He teased a little smirking a little as the other squirmed. “Shush, you’ll like what’s next.”He promised before snorting, “Nevermind.”he said soothing the other as he realized he wasn’t really following the conversation. Growling softly as the tried to spread, raising his hands, resting them on dean’s upper thighs to keep him still, holding him still cause he wasn’t sure what he was doing, and he was afraid of hurting the other, so he was being careful. Swallowing down he drove his head all the way down, deep throating the other easily, after all he didn’t have to breath, swallowing around him as he felt the other coming. Raising his head as the other finished, he blinked shining blue eyes at the other, “Good boy. So good. You beautiful.”He muttered easing the other’s legs off his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his hips before moving up, hesitating, trying to decide if dean would freak out at the taste of come on his lips, before leaning down to kiss him lightly.

“Maybe. Might be why.”Tony shrugged before smiling a little. “Good. She’s coming to. And even better. And if the angel and dean should come up for air before we get back, say we went for a....something. Make up a believable trip, Jarvis.”Tony grinned as they headed for the garage, tilting his head at the sight in front of him. “....Natasha scares me.”He said looking the woman over, who looked all the more intimidating for the jeans and t-shirt she was wearing, “We found out where James is going. Thought you three would want to come.” “We do.”Natasha said climbing into the SUV
Dean flushed even harder at being called good boy and for admitting things. it was embarrasing but he kind of liked it. being rewarded for being good. he yelped as hs ass was smacked harder and his hips bucked, thrusting because that was even better. honestly, Cas wasn't really making Dean want to behave. "kay." Dean mumbled because thinking was too hard, whining when the other held him still because he wanted to move and feel and get Cas to go deeper. "please! Cas...." he whined, moaning loudly as he felt the other take him completely, tossing his head back and shuddering, trying hard not to thrust so he wouldn't hurt the other. cumming hard, so hard he felt stars i his brain, panting as he struggled to understand what was happening, kissing Cas back, wrapping his arms around him, arching against him, wanting more, needing more. "please. please. fuck me. Cas."

"it's good that Nat is coming. he might recognize her." hopefully that would be a good thing. "I will come up with something plausible for you Sir." there was a pause and then. "perhaps i will tell him that you where called in to run a diagnostics for a security breach involving a technomancer. Steve went with you as backup to make sure you are not attacked and Natasha and Sam went as the nearest qualified Sheild Agents." Jarvis was a genius. Dean wouldn't think twice about it. maybe. "Natasha scares me too." Steve admitted, examining her, amused as Clint chuckled and checked over his bow and arrows, making sure he had everything he needed before climbing in after Natasha, examining her. "are you sure about this? what if he does remember you?" Clint asked softly. worried that James might point blank try to kill her.
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