Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Yea, most do. And I normally would have, if I hadn’t spent a better portion of the last few years with him trying to get me to say ‘yes.’”He wrinkled his nose a little, before going quiet, thinking about it before nodding. “Yes. He is....extremely childish. And over the weirdest things.”Sam said looking amused before considering what she was saying, nodding a little. “That makes sense. We had a archangel pretending to be a norse god, a few years ago.”He shrugged before snickering at the idea of her mother being a unholy bitch. Grinning as he nodded. “It is. Sorta therapeutic really, to imagine him bouncing off shit....and no. He doesn’t know about this mental image. It’d be better if he didn’t really.”Cause dean would kick his ass if he did know, sam just knew it.

“if you are going to act like a child, I will treat you like one.”Cas huffed a little before snorting a little. “Okay. Well, I shall help you with what you need.”he said, willing to be helpful, because it was about the only useful thing he could do at the moment. “....Not understanding humanity?”cas said blushing a little before nodding, shifting lisa as he stood, settling them both into bed with a sigh. Settling in for a nap.
"he's been trying for a very long time to get you to say yes, right?" she asked softly. "as od as he is, as long as he's been alone, it's not surprising really, him being the way he is." she admitted before grinning a little. "and now you have the real Norse God, who is just as powerful as any Archangel." she chuckled a little. "if only Loki and Thor had been around when the world was ending, huh?" she asked softly befre smiling a little. "my mother was very into the whole blood sacrifice thing... babies, in particular." she admitted. "it was your ancestors, on you're fathers side, that actually ended her. they where nice enough to take in the dirty scrap of an abuse victim that i was." she admitted with a smile. "i kept in touch, from time to time but you're the first Samanhiens... ah, Winchester you are now, that i've seen in thirteen hundred years." she admitted with a smile. "it is rather therapeutic. it would be very fun, watching him bounce about." she admitted before smirking. "maybe i'll say it was my idea. just to see the look on his face."

"i always act like a child, how is this any different?" Dean asked, wincing when Lisa cleared her throat. "and just what where you doing out of bed Dean Winchester?!" she demanded, making Dean wince. "i was... ah, making a Deal...?" "YOU WHERE WHAT!?" "it wasn't for my soul! i promise!" "I'll kill you, you bastard!" Lisa snarled, smacking Dean before smiling at Cas. "i'm glad you're both okay." she admitted with a sigh, wrapping her arms around both of them, needing to make sure they couldn't leave.
“Indeed. A very long and horrible time.Said yes once, for like....two days. And then sent him back to the pit. It was horrible.”he grumbled making a face, before wincing. Wondering just how bad he had to be now that lucifer was in the pit with michael. “Yea....not really surprising I guess....and hm. That would have been nice. Interesting to. To see what they’d have done with norse gods.”He looked vaguely amused before shuddering at the idea of blood sacrifice. “That’s a little horrible..”He muttered before looking shocked, and a little amused. “Well, at least we’re better company then most winchesters.”He looked amused before snorting. “He’s dating a angel. I’m sorta worried about what kind of bouncing he’s going to be doing.”Sam shuddered before nodding. “You should.”

“Because you’re sick now. And I...I have a present for you. If you still want it.”He muttered fidgeting a little, not sure about giving it to him. Even less sure about it now then he had been when he’d bought it. “....Crowley looked after him. Made sure he didn’t do to much damage to himself.”Cas promised, sighing softly. “I am to.”He said smiling a little, shifting to get comfy and settling in to sleep.
"and you went into the pit with him. for a long time too for you, wasn't it?" she asked softly. "yu feel bad for Lucifer and Micheal?" she asked, her had tilted. "i do too. he's a disgusting, evil, vile bastard but he wasn't born that way. he was practically born into it. forced into it." she admitted. "it's okay to feel badly for him you know. sometimes sympathy is what you need to heal. sometimes, it's what they need as well." she admitted. "but while i feel sorry for him, i'm not very sympathetic." she admitted before nodding. "yes. like i said, she was one of the first. they where called Nephilim. Angel Spawn. it wasn't long before they became twisted and foul. my mother was the first, and she dragged the rest down with her. none of the originals are left of course but the sons and daughters they had, many of them still are. so called ancient gods and goddesses. most of them are descended from Angels." she admitted. "i'm not the oldest, but i am one of the most closely related to the Angels still left on earth." she admitted with a smile. "you are better company." she admitted. "and cuter too." she agreed with a smile before snorting. "just wait until Cas becomes pregnant."

"a present?" Dean asked with a smile. "i always want presents. is it Pie? i really hope it's Pie." he admitted with a smile before grinning as Lisa giggled at the thought of Crowley looking after anyone. "what did you give him in return?" she wondered at Dean who shrugged. "i promised to introduce him to Loki." "uh, why?" "mostly harmless i figured." he admitted before sulking at Cas."where's my present?"
“.....nearly 2 centuries.”Sam shuddered a little before nodding. “I do. and...Adam. Even....even if michael ejected his soul in taking his’s still....he’s still family.”Sam shuddered a little before nodding. “I do. It’s....they were forced into it. Shaped before anything else could change things.”Sam sighed softly, “They’re down there taking pot shots at each other, it’s sorta hard to feel sympathy for them though...”Sam sighed before shuddering. “interesting. I mean....makes sense. Sorta. That they became twisted....I mean, look at the angels.”He made a face before flushing a little, snickering. “I am definitely better company. And....what?But....What?He’s male.”Sam sputtered at the idea, staring at her.

“Yes, a present.”Cas muttered blushing, before smiling a little. “I can get pie if you wish, but it is not pie.”He said before looking at lisa, glad she wasn’t angry at him, so maybe he was forgiven. “....Crowley and loki....I feel like there’s going to be pranks or something horrible being plotted there....”Cas muttered before sighing. “Fine fine. I’ll go get it.”he muttered blushing a little as he flapped out, returning within a moment, the small locked necklace in his hands, fidgety and worried. More so now that a month had past since he’d gotten it, and despite dean’s words, worried the other would refuse. “For you.”he said offering a small smile, nervous as he handed it to the man.
"Adam was your brother." she said. "Dean told me. he's still trying to find a way to help Adam but... there is nothing, really, that can be done." she admitted. "once Micheal realized he was going into the pit, he flung Adam's soul free. Adam is back in heaven." she knew this for a fact, because she had gone to check herself. she was one half angel after all and had never murdered or eaten human fesh or what not. she could go, if she really, really needed to. it had left her fully human for almost two months, but she had done it. "There where two breeds back then. the Nephilim, and the Seraphim. they where almost identical really. only, the Nephilim did not have wings, and the Seraphim did. in jealously, many Nephilim tore apart the Seraphim, who where weaker. because of this, when the Angels left the earth during the great flood, the Seraphim went with them, and the Nephilim where left behind. in their rage, the Nephilim decided to lay the blame on the beings that they where born from. mankind. for it was, in their minds, mankind's emotional sickness that twisted them. they weren't wrong of course, but then, they weren't right either. they where left behind not because they where emotional, but because they turned on their own brothers and sisters because of greed and jealousy. most of the pagan gods have no idea about all of this anymore of course." she admitted. "i only know it because my mother was one of the first, and i managed to stay alive all this time after." she admitted. "being two thirds angel isn't all bad." she admitted with a smile before laughing. "oh Sam... Castiel is an angel who is a sexless entity formed of power and energy. do you really think him being in a human vessel is going to contain him if he wants to reproduce?"

"not pie? well, you can get me some pie later." he decided with a smile, Lisa smiling at that because she wouldn't mind a pie either. "yeah well. i think we could all use a few giggles." Dean agreed with a smile. "shame Gabe is dead. i think he would have loved to meet the REAL Loki. Odin too maybe. those silly half angel, pathetic so called gods, wouldn't know what hit them when the REAL gods started showing up." Dean admitted before blinking at the necklace and felt his cheacks going bright red and he choked on the emotions rushing through him. "Cas... oh Cas... you... needs to be shorter, the necklace, or someone could work it over my head... and... ad Lisa needs to know the Combo, just in case, and Bruce too, in case of a medical emergency... i don't want him trying to cut it off.. and... and... it's perfect..." he sobbed, clutching it to his chest, feeling all kinds of warm inside that Cas wanted him like that. "you, you have to put it on me, okay?"
“No...I didn’t think there was.”Sam muttered looking sad, before looking up, startled, then relieved at the idea that adam was in heaven. “Good.That’s....he didn’t deserve being in’s good he got to go on...”He said rubbing a hand over his face, looking fascinated with the history lesson he smiled. “’s.....always awesome to hear about things. Cas just gives me this amused look when I ask him about things.”Sam said blushing ever so slightly. “....It seems angels have a bad habit of being...jealous. Even half angels.”Sam muttered before staring at her. “.....That’s a disturbing thought. I could have done without thinking about cas and dean procreating.”He whined a little.

“I will get pie later.”Cas promised amused, before nodding. “Yea...we could all use some.’He agreed before snorting, snickering at that idea. “Oh god, that would have been amazing. So amusing to see them meet.”He said nearly giggling at the idea. Before staring at dean, flushing himself at dean’s reaction as he ducked his head, “I can fix that.”He said taking it, closing his eyes for a moment, using his grace to shorten it to the correct length before thinking about it, absently stroking the lock for a moment, “9,9,8.”Cas flushed at it, biting his lip. Not about to admit it was date that was forever seared into his mind, because september 9th, 2008 was the day he raised dean from hell. Taking it again from dean, the angel smiled as he undid the lock, sliding it on dean as he smirked a little. “Perfect.”
"I thought you knew. or at least, Dean thought you knew, i would have told you sooner, Dean would have told you sooner if he had realized you didn't know." she admitted before smiling. "that's because Castiel, first and foremost, is an Angel ad things there are things you just aren't ready to know. or worse, he himself doesn't know. he's very young for an Angel. i was actually there when he was born, it was a spectacular show." she admitted with a smile. "there where thousands of shooting stars. he was one of the final born you know. one of the youngest, but still extraordinarily powerful. he's young enough that he never saw Lucifer's fall from Grace, young enough that humans where already shaped and formed and roaming the earth by the time he was born. it's one of the reasons why Cas never had to make the hardest choice of loving humans more than his Father. because he never had to choose, he just loved them both equally. of course, that in itself causes a lot of problems for Cas." she admitted with a smile before chuckling. "Angels like to pretend they are above human emotions like jealousy, pettiness and anger but in truth, they feel ten times more powerfully than humans do." she smirked at him. "how is it disturbing? from what i've been told you had a chick inside you for a while. just think of Cas's true form as female." she suggested. "now then. we should discuss the... spell, for lack of a better word. the one that ensures you're secrecy."

"i like Pie." Dean agreed with a smile before chuckling a little. "Thanks Cas... it's perfect..." he choked, letting the other take the necklace back before smiling as he stroked the metal chain now wrapped around his neck, looking so very, very pleased with the gift that he had been given. "nine nine eight... September ninth?" he guessed, looking up at Cas, adoration, love, want in every pore of his face. it was the most open he had ever been with his emotions. Cas had cracked him open and revealed his true emotions. Lisa looked very amused, and affectionate as she watched them, so very glad that for now, they could all be happy.
"It's okay...I just never really considered it I guess."sam said despite the guilt he'd felt for not getting Adam nlout, he felt better knowing the other hadn't suffered at all."ah...I guess that makes sense. He'd know alot I couldn't know....."he trailed off before staring."rewally?he's that young?"which by human terms was ancient, but cas was a youngling. When looking at that, it made some of his actions make more sense."that's awesome...though I think cas would probably agree with you, it causes him more problems then not."he sighed a little."what?dean told you that?I, urgh!female demons don't count."he whined making a face and sulking a little."it's still weird."he grumbled before huffing a little."yea...okay. the spell."

"You do...and your welcome."cas said flushing brightly as he looked at the other. Squirming a little. Blushing even more at dean's words, nodding."yea. It is."he said smiling at the other, leaning over to kiss the other lightly, a similar look of love and need on his face. Glad that he could see dean like this, that dean was letting him see the hunter like this.
she nodded. "Dean never stopped thinking about it. he felt it was all his fault what happened to Adam, since he was supposed to be micheal's Vessel. it was tearing him apart so i went up to heaven and looked for him. it was not a pleasant experience to b honest. i'd never done it before, though i knew i could. it hurt like hell really and i was bedridden for two months after but it was worth it for Dean's peace of mind." she admitted with a smile. "we both thought you knew, since you where in the pit with Micheal and the... ah, empty vessel of Adam." she admitted. "we where wrong and i'm sorry it took us so long to et you now." she admitted softly before smiling. "yes. Cas is very, very young for an Angel. it makes his ultimate... resistance even more impressive. most Angels are not capable of rebelling until they reach a certain age and spend enough time in a human vessel. Cas, as the youngest, should have been fully indoctrinated and yet, after only one month, he was already beginning to rebel. it's quite impressive." she admitted. "it's one of the reasons why he was never fully punished, the other Angels where too stunned and shocked. many of them where even impressed." she admitted before smiling at him.

"now, like all magic, there is an exchange that is needed." she admitted. "in black magic, the exchange is through sacrifice. the more.... people, you ill, the more you gain. right? for example.... the scarecrow you faced. for every young, fertile male and female sacrificed, the more bountiful the harvest. in white magic, it's the same, in order for the spell to hold, there must be an equivalent exchange. Dean, for example, promised he would never tell a soul that i was not human. other things work as well, like promising not to hunt me down unless i go 'dark side'. promising to keep my secretes in return or even promising to bring me a piece of pie every week. it can be anything your comfortable with so long as the exchange is equal or greater to mine." she admitted. "since keeping secretes isn't much of an effort on my part, the equivalent is actually quite minor." she admitted as she used a knife to cut her finger and drew and enochian sigil on a piece of paper. "the blood ties the spell to us and therefor, only you can break it. this is a spell you have full control over, and merely giving me verbal permission to talk about certain things if you feel the need, is enough. do you understand the... restrictions? in place?" she asked him.

Dean smiled at him and then settled in to take a nap because he was freaking exhausted. he had a feeling that Crowley was going to stick around for a while. he'd probobly be fascinated by Steve, the first Nephilim born naturally since the Angels first left the earth after the great flood. it was odd the way Steve's Angelic powers had manifested, Dean new that Cas was completely baffled, but at least Steve hadn't gone the way the Nephilim of history had. Steve only seamed to be jealous when people paid Tony a little too much attention of a certain kind.
“Yea...I..I was sorta busy with other things. I mean....Lucifer....even when tehy were slugging it out, and they made sure I was hurting, I guess....I never focused enough, got it together enough to realize I was the only human in the pit.”He sighed softly, waving off her apology, while it was upsetting, they’d all had sort of other things to focus on. “Truly? I never considered how it would have come about like that.....though I had wondered why he hadn’t been more punished then he was.”He said looking thoughtful before snickering a little. “Well, dean’s always managed to get everyone’s attention. Seems even a angel finds him irresistable.”

“Yea. That’s how it is.”Sam said looking a little uneasy at the mention, but trsting her. Because dean trusted her. “ about coffee?We’ll go get coffee each week, my treat.”He smiled a little. “I’ve never really had money to simply do stuff like that, every week.”He said squirming a little before smiling at her, looking at the blood. NModding a little. “Yes, I think I got it.”he said tilting his head slightly.
"it's not a surprise. Hell is no place for an innocent human soul like yours." she admitted, shaking her head. "especially since your soul was left behind for some time while your body was wandering around up here. two sets of memories?" she guessed, her head tilted. "oh yes. he's practically a baby. of course, for angels there's no such thing as helpless at any age and Castiel was practically a prodigy. or as close as you can get to that in Angels." she admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "Dean is more special than any of you seam to realize." she admitted with a smile. "don't worry. the biggest difference between White magic and Black magic is not the purpose, but the means of getting there. white magic is all about willing exchange and no sacrifices. sure a few drops of blood here and there but ever death, no rape, no pain." she promised him before beaming at him. "that's a delightful idea. and the conditions can be altered later, by you only, if need be." she promised before handing him the needle and pressed her finger on the bottom of the paper to the right and then used a normal pen to write her promise to hold Sam's secretes. it was wordy but there was no room for any loopholes save for Sam himself giving her permission of his own free will. "there. now you just press a drop of blood here..." she said, indicating the left of the page. "and sign underneath, i'll sign, and then i'll be bound by the magic so that i won't be able to give away your secretes. not without your say so ad it does have to be you." she admitted. "a demon possessing you, you being drunk or tricked means that i will still be bound and won't be able to reveal anything." she admitted. "you, of course, will keep this." she admitted, tapping the paper. "if the conditions are broken, it will be shown here. right on my side if i did it, left on your side if you did it. but i don't think we have to worry about that." she admitted with a chuckle.
“I wouldn’t say innocent, but yea, it was no place for me.”Sam said looking vaguely amused before shuddering. “I still have trouble sorting through those 14 months that is different for me. It’s weird really.”Sam said before snorting a little. “Well, I’d hope not. A helpless angel is kind worrying.”He muttered before wincing, “Don’t tell him that. His ego is bad enough as it is, we don’t need him thinking he’s special.”Sam teased a little, though he was well aware that most days dean didn’t like himself very much. “Ah, good to know. I’ve not run into a lot of white magic.”He said before smiling, looking pleased with the idea of going to coffee. While he hadn’t dated in ages, really since jessica, it would be nice spending time with a woman, especially when she didn’t expect anything from him. Watching her for a long moment before nodding, pricking himself and pressing his thumb to the paper and signing. “There we go.”He said looking so pleased with the idea of having someone who couldn’t tell any of his secrets, even if he hadn’t been happy with the idea of a therapist, it also.....felt nice to. “No, I really don’t.”He agreed sighing peacefully as he leaned back in his chair
"Sam. there are sins, and then there are Sins." she scolded him, rolling her eyes. "yes your drinking of Demon Blood was bordering the line but i don't think you ever realized she was drugging you either." she pointed out. "that is why Cas was so insistent you stop. Demon Blood screws your ability to think for yourself so badly, that had you continued, by the time Lucifer rose, you would have said yes simply because she told you to. you would have been an obedient puppet. from the moment you took your first drink, she was influencing you." she admitted. "Cas suspects but Dean doesn't have a clue. i haven't told him." she admitted. "other than the drinking of Demon blood, you have committed no true Sins. this means your soul has no place in Hell." she assured him before chuckling a little. "he's not that kind of Special Sam." she admitted playfully, smirking a little. "Angels where just drawn to him because he was Micheal's Sword. which he still is. after all, only Micheal's sword can kill him." she admitted. "odd that he became a Demon though. no one was expecting that." she tapped her head. "the Angels are in panic." she admitted. "so. shall we get started properly?" she asked with a smile, settling in to do her ob properly, talking him through his time with Ruby, helping him to understand it wasn't his fault, helping him to understand that Ruby had tricked and defiled him and that it was Not, His, Fault. She even thought she might have gotten through to him a little bit. "Mr. Winchester. you asked me to inform you when the metal armed man made an appearance." Jarvis said once Deidra called the session to a close. "he has killed a total of six people within the D.C Area in the last three hours." Jarvis informed them, making her gasp. "intense digging into their backgrounds have reported that all six men are corrupt and connected to terroristic activities. i am still looking into their backgrounds, files and computer systems." Jarvis informed them. "Mr. Stark has already been informed but he wished to wait for you."
“....”Sam stared at him, frowning a little as he considered his therapist. “Yes....I... The addiction, by the time I stopped, I knew it was messing with me. In more ways then I had realized, by simply taking it.”Sam sighed shuddering away from the thought before nodding. “Thanks....don’t need Dean worrying about the addiction and problems more then he already does.”He said knowing even after all this time, dean worried about him falling off the wagon sometimes. “With all those hits to the head, fairly certain he is that kind of special.”Sam said smirking a little before wincing slightly. “Ah. Well. That makes sense...and I don’t think any of us suspected that would happen. Except maybe crowley.”Sam said before settling in to talk. Stirring as Jarvis spoke, frowning. “...dammit. Well.”Sam frowned, “Any ideas what terrorist group they belong to jarvis?”Sam asked as he levered himself up off the couch, heading for the door. “And is Dean awake?”He asked, he was going to get dean’s opinion if he felt okay, if not....well, he’d figure out what to do next on his own.
"that's the problem with drugs. Angel Blood is even worse." she admitted. " single sip and all you're good for, for a week, is to be a vessel for whatever Angel happens to come along." she admitted, shaking her head. "a good number of the more... nasty, Angels use that technique. Uriel, Zacharias and others used that technique. it is also the reason why Adam became a Host even after he found out he was being used. they doped him with the blood using the food they offered to him. he ate a burger and, that was that." she admitted. "sometimes, being connected to the Angels just sucks." she admitted before smiling at him. "part of you will always want it. part of you will always be desperate for it. just like part of Dean will always want to pick up that bottle of whiskey. part of him will always want that next drink. just like him, you're want will fade away until you never even notice it anymore." she admitted before smiling. "well. he might be that kind of special." she agreed with a chuckle. "Not currently." Jarvis replied. "The Terrorist Organization is using Shield's own Databases and infrastructure to hide. there have been recent mentions of The Red Skull, the Asset, and Project Centipede. i am looking into those as well but i will need more time. Dean is indeed awake and is currently complaining tht he is not an invalid, and that he is allowed to have intercourse if he wants to. The Angel of the Lord is being stubborn however, and if you hurry you should get there before Dean wins the argument." there was a pause and then. "a seventh man has been shot dead at a range of seventy five feet away." Jarvis reported. "the Man with the Metal Arm is on the move once more."
“....that’s....I never considered that. Damn. That’s just disturbing.”Sam muttered well aware that cas wouldn’t do that, that cas had genuninely talked jimmy into letting him use his body. “Yea, I can see how being connected to the angels suck.”Sam shuddered a little before sighing quietly. Closing his eyes for a moment, because he knew the want, the need to fade with time, but that it would always be there. “Well, at least we’ll be able to help each other with the addiction.”He sighed a little. Frowning a little at jarvis words. “Dammit....”He growled. “Okay. I’m going to go stop that arguement, and see what dean thinks.”Sam said hurrying from the room before frowning at jarvis’ words, “Where? If I take cas with me, I might be able to track him.”Sam said though he sounded half wondering if he should simply let the man keep going, and finish whatever mission he was on.
"it is fairly disturbing. at least Micheal was kind enough to fling Adam's soul free when he fell into the pit, allowing Adam to go on to the bright heavens." she admitted. "You ad Dean have already been helping each other." she pointed out with a smile before shaking her head at the idea of the man with the metal arm. it was baffling, to say the least. the man wakes up, vanishes without a trace for three weeks and then just suddenly decides to go on a killing spree? "He has vanished from my sensors yet again. it would appear he has become aware of my presence in watching him and has taken steps to neutralize my abilities to track him." Jarvis admitted. "preliminary digging into Daniel Whitehall has revealed connections to the previous six with the same money trail signatures. it would appear whoever this metal armed man is, he is taking out everyone he can find involved in the organization." Jarvis reported. "Dean has lost his argument with Castiel and is currently sulking."
“Yes, at least that is a kindness he did.”He might not like michael, but it had been a kindness done for his brother. “True.We are. For the longest time, we all were all there was for us.”Sam smiled a little. Frowning as he considered what jarvis was telling him. “Dammit....takes a intelligent person to pull these kind of things off, along with jamming jarvis....dammit.”He sighed sounding frustrated. “....Maybe involved in the organization that had him frozen. This might not be simply taking out the’s revenge.”Sam frowned, well at least he knew that it would end eventually, probably. And hopefully they could find him, if only to offer help. “I’m sure he is.”Sam snickered as he walked into the room, smirking at dean and studying the angel reading by the window. “You want something besides your sad sex life to work on?”Sam said, figuring cas would be worn down soon enough, if only because he could see the collar dean was wearing, cas wouldn’t be able to resist forever
"Angels are filthy assholes most of the time, but not even they would force an innocent soul into hell. there has to be some line they wouldn't cross after all." she admitted with a smile.

"It would appear this man is highly intelligent. more so than previously anticipated. he is doing nothing i can notice to remain hidden from me. either he has a higher capacity for computers and electronics than myself or he is managing to avoid all cameras and security systems. both speaks of a higher level of intelligence than an average soldier or civilian. his shots are also of extremely high caliber, i am uncertain if Clint Barton could make the shots that where made." Jarvis admitted. "It seams likely. that, or he's running on some old mission or orders." she mused. "i can see no other reason why he would be running around shooting people? it has to be either revenge, or an old mission." Deidra mumbled. "God yes." Dean said, sitting up a little, smiling when Lisa helped him. Dean had taken a hell of a downward turn, but he was getting stronger again. he just needed a bit of help here and there for now.
“Yes. It does. He was on ice. I’m going to say he might be old enough to not know computers well....”Sam frowned a little, thinking about it, before sighing. “Yes. A high level of training to avoid cameras...A long time training then. If Clint couldn’t do them as’s long training to get that good.”He frowned, “And have clint meet me down in Dean’s room. A sniper this good, should have a story or something.”Sam said half wondering if clint knew most of the world’s best. “Yes. It does sort of limit what motives could be....”He sighed smirking at dean a little, worried about his brother, but glad to see that cas’ return seemed tohave helped enough that the man seemed to be getting better with each passing hour, at least some. “So, our mystery man is going around killing terrorists.”sam said before explaining what they knew, smirking a little as cas wandered back over to sit next to dean, settling back against the bed to listen in.
"From the view i got of him, he was rather young. couldn't have been any older than his early twenties. younger i'd imagine. there's really no telling how long he's been on the ice." Jarvis replied. "It could have been a year ago. or ninety years ago." Jarvis admitted. "considering the state of the tech, Mr. Stark has told us that most of the technology is at least seventy, to ninety years old. some of it is older, some of it is not. it appears to be a mashup." Jarvis admitted before asking Clint to join them. " "terrorists?" Dean asked, looking surprised as he leaned against Cas. "hey, you guys wanted to see me?" Clint asked as he walked in, his head tilted curiously. "....a metal arm?" Clint asked, soft, shaken. "was there a red star?" he asked, swallowing thickly. "his name is the Winter Soldier. he's a ghost. a story. a myth in the dark. Natasha was trained by him, a long time ago. they didn't take him out much, out of where, i don't know. he's the best of the best. apparently, he's a Super Soldier of amazing quality. like the first Captain America. there's rumors that he never ages, never sleeps, never eats and never rests. that once he's on your trail, he'll run you to death if he can't shoot you dead." Clint admitted with a shudder. "he went, missing, i guess. they lost track of who was keeping him where. you stumbled on a hell of a secrete boys. a hell, of a secrete."
“See if you can get a clear picture, Jarvis. Or at least as much as you can. If he’s that young....or old....there’s records somewhere. We’ll put his picture out.”Sam said sighing a little before wincing. “Then it’s someone who didn’t have good tech....if it’s that old, tony might be able to trace it.”he said knowing tony was probably already working on it. “Yea, terrorists. He’s killing them. We think they’re who had been in charge of him.”Sam said before looking up at clint, nodding a little. “yea, metal arm. And yes, there was.”Sam said before frowning a little. “We’ll ask Nat. She might be able to tell us about him.”Sam added, frowning a little because he hated to interrupt natasha’s day of rest, since she’d gone to the spa with pepper, but knowing it probably needed done. “Missing. Frozen, and lost I guess. Now we just have to figure out what to do next.”He sighed a little frustrated, but also relaxed a little, because seeing dean like this was good, shifting to lean into clint a little, needing the support, he hadn't slept in what seemed like days, and lucifer was being a bitch with the hallucinations, so sam winchester was ready to sleep.
"Of course. i will get the cleanest picture i can locate." Jarvis promised. "that's not necessarily true." Dean corrected. "we've come across instances of people using older things all the time. it could easily have been passed down through generations, or even picked apart and put back together again by various different organizations." Dean pointed out. "how many times have we come across an old heirloom being used person to person?" he asked, shaking his head before looking at Clint, worried now. what had they stumbled across? "we'll wait to get Natasha involved. she won't be happy to get pulled back into stuff like this and with him laying low, we won't be able to track him. as long as we don't go after him without her, she'll forgive us for not interrupting her Spa day." "I have gathered pictures... he seams to be... posing." Jarvis admitted, drawing up Three pictures. One of them was the man looking down into something, posing with a gun in his hand, looking all of a young twenty from forty or so years ago. The Second was from twenty years ago of him exiting an army base that was supposed to be abandoned. looking older, though that was probobly from the stress. the last was from just a few evenings ago. posing like always, almost smiling at the camera. clearly, he wanted someone to know who he was. the people he was hunting would no doubt find the picture and know him. maybe even recognize him. Clint wrapped an arm around Sam, supporting him, hoping that they could find some way to find the winter soldier before he hurt someone that didn't deserve it.
“Thanks, Jarvis.”Sam smiled a little before wincing a little. “True.” “But if they were able to afford better, given their want to cause problems, they would have used better things, then what was being used.”Cas frowned a little. “Good....I really think Nat just needs to relax some.”Sam muttered knowing that at least as long as they didn’t go after him yet, she’d be okay with this. Frowning a little as they looked at the pictures, frowning. “...He looks older. But not that much older.”Sam muttered thinking about it. Sighing as he leaned into clint, simply glad for the support before stirring again. “We should ask Steve. I mean....he was a recluse, but he was around. He might....I dunno. Have a idea of other old people....”Sam said before smirking. “Besides, we should leave dean to seduce his angel.”
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