Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Hm, that mood gets me in trouble alot to.”Tony snickered a little, resting his head against his pillows before sulking at the idea of not being sexier. “Not true!I’m so sexier then you.” “Hm, maybe.”Natasha snickered though not making clear which one she was talking to as she smiled, kissing her boyfriends head, nudging him. “Come on. We better go if we actually want to see about actually seeing cas in the store.”

Cas smiled a little as he glanced over at her, tilting his head a little before snorting. “You’d think with as many times as he was tied up, that he’d get over that kink.”He snorted amused as he picked up the fur lined leather handcuffs, biting his lip as he considered what had first drawn him over. Hesitating before not picking it up, moving back towards her without even having given her a good look at what he’d been considering. Leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Did you find everything you wanted?”He asked smiling that small mysterious smile that he'd come to dean with that first year, hiding as much as it was revealing. just a quiet happy smile.
"you are so totally not. I'm so totally sexier than you. see!?" Clint lifted his shirt, revealing his battle scars. "i have more scars, chicks dig scars." he teased, wagging his eyebrows backing Steve snort. "i don't have any scars at all, and i'm a virgin from the nineteen twenties and i still get laid more than you." "hey!" Clint protested, looking highly shocked, and sort of insulted at Steve. amused and proud though too. "that's not true!" "sure it is." Steve said with a smirk, watching them leave before smiling at Tony. "so. i was wondering. while i'm brave enough to ask. do you think you could teach me?"

"i'm pretty sure that all just made it worse." Lisa admitted. "i'm pretty sure all those sexy women demons tying him up just made him like it even more." she admitted with a chuckle before smiling as she watched him. "go back and get it. whatever you where looking at with such ferocity. i'm not stupid you know." she teased, smirking. "i think Dean will get hard and horny for you when you give it to him... it'll make him feel wanted to. like he's yours. get it." she suggested.
“I have scars to!” “He does. They’re sexy. But I like Clint’s.”Natasha snickered a little amused as she shook her head a little, before snorting at steve’s words. Amused. “Wow....that’s...”Tony stuttered a little sounding at a loss of what to do with that idea before flushing looking at steve, utterly lost for a moment. “....Teach what?”He said hesitantly.

“Hmmm, it might have.”Cas snorted amused, “He would find a kink getting tied up by them.”he said before tilting his head as he studied her, not sure if he should, “You are definitely not stupid. You have to be the smart one of us three.”He said smiling a little before moving away from him, not sure if he should, before picking up the collar he’d looking at. Not that much longer then the necklace dean had always worn, he thought the man wouldn’t mind it to much....though...maybe he would?Standing there for a long moment, not trusting himself, or lisa enough to want to make dean wear it. Still torn before sighing softly, deciding that if dean didn’t want it, he could just bring it back if necessary. Sighing quietly as he set the collar on the pile of stuff, before frowning a little, looking at lisa. Feeling at a loss. Because he didn’t feel the desperate need to collar her like he had dean. “ you want one?”He said, his voice soft and gentle, feeling at a loss on how to juggle the relationships, and feeling utterly out of his depth and like he was failing already. He knew she’d meant this trip to be fun-and oh had it been-but it had also given the angel a look into his own head, and a glimpse at maybe he wasn’t cut out for this either.
"everyone has scars, but me. i should be jealous." Steve admitted with a grin. "you know. teach me how to, be safe." he admitted. "how to fall without hurting myself. how to hep others... drop? safely. how to tie people up without hurting them and how to hurt and be hurt without actually hurting anyone. how to... be a Dom, and a Sub, you know? i need someone i can trust and i trust you." he admitted, smiling at Tony.

"it's certainly not been a problem." she admitted with a grin before smiling a little at her. "and you better damn remember it." she agreed with a smile. "you just remember i'm the brains and everything will be fine." she ordered with a chuckle before smiling a little. "i don't need to be claimed the way Dean does." she assured with a smile. "don't worry Cas. i don't have the same 'profound bond' the way you and Dean do." she teased with a smile. "i don't need to wear a mark to know that i belong to you and Dean. Dean on the other hand, he needs tokens, things to remind him that people love him. a necklace from Sam, a tattoo from bobby, a ring from me. now he'll have this from you." she promised with a smile, kissing his knuckles. "now lets go shock the poor cashier with all the stuff we're getting."
“You should be jealous.”Tony snickered a little, waving a hand at himself. “I mean, who wouldn’t be jealous of me.”Tony snickered a little before nodding a little. “Yes...drop. And....okay. I can do that. Yes.”He said blushing a little, sure the other was choosing him simply because steve trusted him the most out of anyone should be able to help him. He’d let steve be able to have a normal healthy relationship, no matter if he wanted the other for himself.

“I will.”cas smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before tilting his head a little. Relaxing at her words, “He does need claimed. Otherwise everyone will be flirting with him.”Cas grumbled at the idea, before relaxing at the teasing. Even if he was still feeling not sure about it, if she was teasing him, maybe it was okay. “....Why does everyone make it sound like that a perverse and odd thing?I said that, and Sam just gave me this look.”He said making a face, looking more amused then upset before relaxing. Realizing she was right, dean had something from them all. “Yes. Let’s go shock them.”He agreed smiling a little as they headed for the counter, snickering silently at the poor cashier who indeed looked shocked at the sheer amount they were bringing home with him.
"everyone's jealous of you." Steve agreed with a smile before beaming at him. delighted to have help and settled in to munch on the doughnuts and food that the others had brought in, Clint chckling as he headed to the garage to get in the car and go to Guilty Pleasures to spy on the Angel buying sex toys.

She smiled at him and chuckled. "he'll feel better, knowing you want to claim him." she admitted smiling at him. "everyone always flirts with Dean. just enjoy punishing him later." he admitted with a chuckle. "because it's the way you phrase it dear." she admitted. "it sounds filthy and lustful." she admitted with a grin. "like the way you 'gripped him tight and raised him from perdition'. hello Clint, Natasha." she said, smiling at the, they had been there a while after all, smirking at the sight of Clint looking over the lingerie asking Natasha if he should get the pink panties or the purple.

Dean sighed as he stepped out of the shower, feeling as tired as he always did and scrubbed his face, feeling tired. he had another headache and his back hurt as it had for the last month. at first he had thought that maybe he'd just twisted something in his back or his side but now he was starting to worry. maybe he'd talk to Bruce once all this was over. he groaned a little as he leaned over the sink, feeling the dizzy spell come back. he shook his head, wondering if maybe he was suffering from alcohol withdrawal more than he'd thought he had? he was sure he'd dropped enough in the drinking to not have to suffer from withdrawal but maybe he had more of a problem than he'd thought. he shook his head and finished shaving and headed over to wake his lazy ass brother up.
“....Good.”Cas smiled at the idea, absently fingering the metal, just imagining it on dean, before smirking a little. “yes, we’ll have to punish him for it later.”She agreed, before snorting a little. “I did not mean it like that why Dean was sulky for so long after I dragged Sam out of perdition?Cause it sounded bad?”And cause sam didn’t have a visible handprint anywhere dean could see. Jealous dean. Smiling as he watched the other two for a long moment as natasha helped clint get his lingerie. “And get the leather and fur cuffs for Sam. The wide ones, he’s a moose, need the bigger ones.”Natasha snickered a little.

Sam poked his head out of his bathroom when he heard dean walking in, smirking at the man for a moment. “Good night?”He teased a little before frowning as he really looked him off. Finishing his shave before looking at him more intently. “You feeling okay? I can go by myself....or call Cas, and he can go with me. Or clint and natasha.”Cause he sorta wanted the angel to stay with Dean really.
"oh yes. he does so love to be punished." she agreed with a laugh. "he was sulky because you weren't paying attention to him and... well, yes. he was jealous." she agreed before frowning a little. "why doesn't Sam have a mark on him?" she asked. "is it because he has demon blood or because you didn't share a soul deep bond or something?" she asked curiously. "they won't clash with yours will they?" Clint asked Natasha, sulking because she wouldn't let him see before grinning as he snagged the cuffs. "so an Angel is a dildo shop. that's hilarious." Clint teased

Dean snorted a little. "i slept like shit." Dean admitted before smiling at him. "i'm hung over as fuck Sammie that's all." he admitted. "come on, get your shit together, why do you take so damn long to get ready in the mornings?" he complained. "do you shampoo, condition, rinse and then repeat? shave your legs too?" he asked, smirking a little. "nah, let Cas and Lisa have their time. relax." he ordered, smiling a little, aware he was pale, loosing weight, in pain... sick, but he could wait till they finished this job, he didn't want to go to to some doctor he didn't trust. he wanted Bruce and he promised himself right then and there to go. whether he wanted to or not. "well!? come on man! Cas is at a sex shop and i'm missing it because you're not moving your ass!" he growled, scowling at him. "let's move it Sammie! i could be getting laid right now!"
“Ah.”Cas sounded thoughtful before flushing, wincing a little. “No....because I didn’t have to rebuild his body from the atoms up. To piece together so much....he went into the pit whole. I didn’t have to put him together again.” Squirming because it wasn’t just that. He’d never shared with dean, hadn’t told him just how much grace he’d had to share with the man to pull the broken pieces of both body and soul to rise dean out of the pit. He didn’t want to tell lisa just how close it had been, how very broken dean had been when he’d bound them together in those first few moments. “No, they wont.”Natasha smiled pressing a kiss to clint’s cheek before smirking at the sight of cas in the shop. “indeed. It is quite funny. I am sure dean’s going to enjoy that whole cart.”

“....”Sam frowned a little watching dean, worried about him before huffing. “I took a shower and I have more hair then you. It takes longer to get ready.”He grumbled looking annoyed even if he blushed with the accusation of having shaved his legs. He did sometimes, okay? “Kay.”He muttered frowning a little at the htought, even if he let it go. Wanting to get cas, but for the moment not calling for him. “You’re the one who wanted to come down here. Stop being annoying.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little as he gathered his stuff and followed the other out.
"...that's right." Lisa mumbled. "you had to put Dean back together... sometimes i forget." she admitted before smirking a little. "can you feel it? when he touches your mark on his arm?" she asked curiously. "because i've been touching it a lot." she admitted with a smirk, kissing his knuckles again before grinning at Clint and Natasha. "good, because there's nothing worse than clashing." "how does no one realize you're gay?" Lisa wondered at him. "there are people who haven't realized?" Clint asked, looking surprised. "i am very sure Dean is going to enjoy most of that cart. the rest of it is for me." she admitted with a grin.

Dean snorted. "you shaved your legs again didn't you? probobly trimmed your dick? wanna look pretty for Clint and Natasha huh?" he asked with a smirk. "how did i not realize sooner how utterly gay you are?" he asked with a smirk. "i dunno man there's just... something. something here that's got my gut just.... i dunno man somethings not right with this bank you know?" he asked. "there's something here Sam. i can feel it. something big." he admitted. "i just feel like we really have to be here."
“I did. And good. Because if you do, maybe he forgets to sometimes.”Cas smiled slightly before shuddering, squirming a little. “Y-yes. I can. But he has to be touching it for a few moments before I can feel it, a passing touch doesn’t work.”Cas said shrugging a little, well that explained why Anna had gotten such a weird look, or lisa had sometimes after her and dean were together. Because cas had been aware of what had been going on. “There really isn’t.”Natasha agreed before laughing out loud. “Yes, there are some people. I mean, you go out in public with me most of the time.”Natasha reminded the man, looking amused before snorting. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it to.”Natasha smirked at lisa, amused that this had been cas’ reaction to finding himself in a sex store, to have gone a little insane.

“....Hey, you might want to trim yourself. I mean, no reason to make Cas get pubic hair in his teeth or something else disturbing.”Sam said flushing, refusing to answer the question of whether he shaved or not. “Cause you were to busy denying just how utterly gay you were?”He smirked at dean before sighing. “I know. And I’ve learned to trust your instincts. It gets us out of trouble more often then not.”Sam sighed a little as he climbed into baby. “We’ll figure out whatever it is.”
"i..." she sighed. "to be honest Cas, i don't think that Dean can ever forget..." she admitted softly before smirking at him. "well. so how many sensations come through?" she asked, looking very, very amused. "like, when i fuck him senseless, can you feel it? because that's totally what i was going for. i've wanted you in my bed since i found out about you." she admitted with a grin. "well. that's true." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "i am in public with you most of the time. makes sense people would assume i was hiding my gayness behind your perky ass." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "now. do you think we can risk dressing up and taking pictures and sending them to Sam or should we wait for him to come back?" Clint asked.

"dude. i'm sorry to tell you this. but i'm always shaved down there. Lisa doesn't like pubic hair in her teeth." he admitted with a bright grin. "i got it waxed... it was... that was a really bad idea." he admitted. "never, ever get your junk waxed Sammie." he warned. "huh... well, that's true." he agreed before smiling at Sam. "you're driving. my visions blurry because i drank too much and i'm still a bit buzzed and hung over." he admitted as he crawled into the passenger seat to close his eyes for the drive before looking up as he bank. it was closed of course and had been abandoned for quite a while. "well this is creepy." he admitted.
“....well. Maybe not.”cas twitched a little, because he had hoped the man would. Had hoped that dean would let himself let go of hell, of cas pulling him out of it. It just hurt to consider dean might always have his memory tied to that sort of pain. “....Enough that I know dean likes watching you ride him half the time.”The angel said shifting, blushing, and utter embarassed mess at the idea that he knew that much, and that he’d known more about dean’s sex life then he’d said. Simply because it had been so utterly lust inducing and embarassing and painful for the angel to know that when he thought dean didn’t want him. “Hm, true. And it is a pert ass isn’t it?”Natasha looked amused as she kissed him lightly, before snorting. “Let’s go home, and text the pictures for him. I think Cas is going to do the same. Probably convince them to come home soon enough.”Natasha looked amused as they all headed for the door after paying for everything.

“...Ah....I could have done without that.”Sam whined at the knowledge before starting to snicker. “Yea, I tried waxing my legs once, totally bad idea....can’t imagine waxing my junk.”Sam shuddered at the idea before looking at the other worried. Nodding a little as he took the keys and settled into driver’s seat. Looking around as he shuddered a little. “Most of the places we go are creepy.”he pointed out even as they headed inside, tense and looking around, ready for anything.
"i'm sure, someday he will." she agreed. "the therapist is helping a lot." she admitted before smirking. "i'm going to enjoy riding you too." she admitted to the Angel with a smile. "i'm sorry we upset you." she admitted. "but i wasn't sure at the time if you wanted Dean the way he wanted you, or not so i was... guessing, testing i think." she admitted. "when he came back after every time, and told me about the things you'd say and the way you'd look at him, i knew you did want him. that's why i started talking to you, to see if you'd want me too." she admitted with a grin. "it is a very pert ass." he agreed with a chuckle, giving Natasha's ass a firm swat.

"...dude. you are so gay." Dean admitted, looking amused before shrugging. "i actually get it done every year. Lisa talks me into it and i can't say no.... probobly because, you know, if she's gonna do it i should have to do it too right?" he asked with a smile before sliding out of the car and looking around before sliding past the bank doors, they where chained shut, but they could slide them open just enough to slip through with their guns, loaded with rock salt. rel guns loaded with real bullets and other various things to look for a haunting. they didn't find any ghosts, at least none of the real ones. "what the hell is this?" Dean wondered before grabbing Sam. "wait... hold on..." he ordered, looking around. "....take the weapons off, leave em out of reach... i just... have a feeling."
“I know...he has gotten better. Hopefully he will do well...”Cas smiled a little, at the idea of dean letting go enough to be settled, to be happy. Before smiling wider, “I’ll look forward to it.”He said kissing her lightly, before shrugging. “I know. It was still upsetting though....not so bad after I realized what you were doing.”He said reassuringly, nuzzling her a little. “Well, if he would have stopped taking me to strip clubs to get laid, I might not have said some of the crap I did.”He said grumbling a little as he rolled his eyes, blushing at the idea that everyone had known he’d wanted dean before dean had. “I do want you. Always. I promise.”He nuzzled her snickering as natasha jumped and gave clint a look. Amused, and knowing he was probably gonna get some punishment for that. It’d be amusing really.

“.....that’s awesome. You might consider telling cas he has to wax to.”Sam snickered amused at the idea of having to explain waxing to the angel. He’d be so confused. Looking around as they let themselves in, frowning at the sight that they didn’t have any ghosts.”Dammit.”he muttered before stopping as dean grabbed him, glancing at him before nodding a little. “...Kay.”he muttered trusting dean enough that he flipped the safeties on and set the guns aside, along with the knives. Only with dean, would he trust him enough to walk weaponless into a situation that he had no idea what was waiting for them,
"He'll be fine." she agreed with a smile. "he has a lot of people willing to help him out now." she admitted with a smile before grinning at getting kissed. "well. i'll have to make up for that won't i?" she asked with a smile before laughing. "did he really?!" she asked, shaking her head. "he's such a dick. he thought you where straight Love and wanted you to be happy and for him, sex makes him happy so he assumes that's true of everyone... he's not all that wrong of course." she admitted. "but he's not right either." she admitted with a grin. "Dean's oblivious darling." she admitted before smiling at him. "and i love you too." she promised him before snorting at Clint and Natasha, Clint smirking a little because he had every intention of Natasha being the one with the paddled ass tonight.

"uh, dude? Angel remember? he doesn't have to resort to such drastic measures of hair removal, he just wills the hair off with his Angel mojo." he admitted before scowling a little as he walked around the large.. canister? yes. it was a canister. with a person inside. "fuck... a sleeping man?" Dean mumbled, touching the glass and wincing. "it's cold... freeing." he admitted, looking at the computer controls. "think this is a case of his spirit wandering when his body can't?" he guessed. "wow... look at this. he has a metal arm. that's kind of awesome." he admitted. glancing at the guns and knives before frowning. he couldn't help it, he had to, he pushed the big red button and flinched when the machine hissed loudly and freezing mist spilled out as it started to open. "uhm... oops..." he mumbled, stepping away as the man in the canister gasped and coughed, gagging and choking on his own air as the lid completely opened.

"Uhm... hello? my... my name is Dean Winchester. i'm here to help." Dean saidm stepping foreward only to freee when those eyes landed on him, firm and hard and angry and Dean froze when the man spoke. some harsh, but pretty words, some other language that Dean didn't know as the man with the metal arm and the shoulder length hair and the wild eyes hauled himself to his feet and stepped out of the canister on unsteady feet. "i... i don't speak that language... do you speak English? Parlez-vous français? Hablas español?" the man did not respond and he turned to look at Sam, completely at a loss. then the man was moving, striding past Sam and Dean, speaking again in that other language the didn't know and paused to examine their guns, lifting en eyebrow at them as if to ask 'you're kidding me, right?' and then he was turning, out the door before they had time to twitch and Dean cursed and raced off after him. a human against a man who could run as fast as a car though? Dean didn't have a chance. Dean was found by Sam just minutes later, leaning against a wall, looking very unsteady.
“True. He does.”cas smiled a little before smirking a little. “Indeed you will. It’ll be a very long makeup session.”He said blushing a little before wincing. “he did....I got us kicked out.”He looked like a sad puppy right then. “I just wanted to see if they wanted another living, lisa....”He said looking so sad puppy it was amusing, and you totally knew dean had laughed himself silly over getting kicked out. “Yes. Well. Sex is a good thing to.”He looked amused before nodding a little. “He is a bit.”

“.....Yes. It is.I think.”Sam frowned as he pulled his shirt up over his hand so he could rub at the frost over the glass to get a better look. Frowning a little as he nodded. “If he’s still alive in there, it might be.”He agreed before snorting. “You are so easily impressed.”Sam said before wincing as dean hit the button, staring at him even as he backed away. “Dammit dean.”he growled.

“....Russian. Czech. Something eastern european I think.”Sam supplied even as dean spoke, staring at his brother wide eyed, having not known about the other languages and looking interested as he considered his brother before wincing as the man ran off. Pausing to look around, make sure there wasn’t anything else, before taking off after the other two. Looking anxious after the other man before stopping next to dean, knowing he had to help. “Dean?What’s wrong?”Sam said looking moments away from yelling for cas. “Sit down.”he ordered gripping the other’s arm.
she grinned at him. "i'll make it very worth your while. Bruce cleared me for sex you know." she admitted, wiggling her eyebrows at him. "i won't let you have sex completely with me yet. Dean wants your virginity and i'm inclined to let him have it." she admitted. "but there are plenty of other very fund things we can do." she promised him with a grin. "oh Cas. some girls might want a better loving that's true, but not all of them." she admitted. "and honestly, stripping is probobly easier than trying to make a living working minimum wage." she admitted. "now, give the man the bank card for me." she ordered, handing Cas the 'stolen' card.

"dude. seriously. this isn't any kind of prosthetic work i've ever seen. this is hard core, high tech shit. like, Iron Man level stuff." he admitted before looking very sheepish at Sam. "sorry?" he asked before blinking a little. "Czetch? what like Russian or German?" he asked, looking baffled before taking off after the foreign man, who honestly sounded kind of pissed. very pissed actually. "it's fine man. i'm just out of shape and i've been dizzy this morning is all. i'm fine!" and he was fine, walking out the bank with Sam twenty minutes later with everything they could find that looked interesting. "why keep a person locked up in an abandoned bank vault?" he wondered, examining the notebooks before tucking them into Baby and shutting the back door before he paused, swaying. "hey Sam?... do you know what passing out feels like?" he asked before he toppled backwards, like his strings had been cut, layig on the pavement without a mark on him, but unconscious and deeply so anyway.
“Hm, I’m sure you will. It’ll be fun.”cas grinned flushing brightly at her words, before tilting his head. Considering that, and blushing even more at the idea of dean being his first. “yes....dean.”He muttered detouring to think about that for a moment before grinning. “I know that. Now. Sam told me. But then, Dean sorta just laughed at me.”Cas shrugged a little before frowning, tilting his head. “I have to go...” “We’ll get her home.”Natasha promised not liking the look on the angel’s face as he flashed out.

”we’ll ask tony when we get back.”Sam said looking worried before snorting at the other’s reaction. “Yea. Something like that.”he agreed frowning a little as he looked dean over. “Fine. Okay.”He said looking annoyed with dean even as he gathered up everything. “Dunno. Experimenting probably. Not the first time we’ve run into someone testing things on humans.”He pointed out before frowning. “D-”He said before cursing yelping as the other past out, yelling for cas even as the angel stepping in. “Dean?”Cas muttered crouching down and resting a hand on his forehead, eyes widening as the man didn’t wake. And sam saw a look on the other’s face he never wanted to see. Panic. Not even protesting as cas flashed out with dean in tow, only shoving everything in the car before booking towards the city, knowing cas had taken him back to the tower.
"very fun." she agreed before giggling. "i'm glad to see you're not apposed tot he idea." she teased him with a smile. "Dean laughs at everyone." she admitted, patting his hand before frowning when he left, very worried. even more so when she got home and found Dean in the medical wing, being tended to by Bruce.

"experimenting like Dr. Banner perhaps? there's no way he's 'just' a human. my guess is we scared the shit out of him and he's gonna go, ah, handle the people who put him in that thing. i've sent Tony the address, he'll get this thing back tot he tower and start dissecting it for secretes soon enough i'm sure." he admitted before passing out. he didn't wake for the transporting nor when Bruce checked him over and shook his head when Lisa came in. "...he's just in a slight coma. it's not dangerous but we have to do a blood transfusion. he passed out because of a very bad case of Anemia..." here he hesitated, closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. "the anemia is caused by kidney failure, caused by... by stage four kidney cancer that has metastasized into his brain, and pancreas... he's probobly been having mild symptoms he didn't think anything about for a few weeks to a month, but even if he had come in then it's... it would have been too late to..." "to what?!" Lisa demanded, feeling her heart sinking. "...too late to save his life. i'm sorry. the cancer is too advanced. we can make him comfortable and extend his life to maybe a few years but.... being very honest here, he'll be lucky to last a further three months." Bruce whispered, Lisa gasping, her breath catching, hitching and then she was wailing, crying, sobbing, begging Bruce to take it back even as Bruce's assistants hooked Dean into a blood bog so the Anemia could be taken care of.
“Yes...maybe.”sam frowned before wincing. “He probably did. Makes sense.”He muttered wincing at the idea. Nodding a little, knowing tony would get things started. “...”Cas frowned a little as he looked down at dean, stirring a little as he reached out to brush his fingers across the back of dean’s hand even as sam watched them. “....Lisa...I got you.”Sam muttered catching the woman even as he watched teh angel flash out, not even thinking about it as he clung to lisa, holding her tightly. Holding her because he couldn’t do anything else. Didn’t worry to much until the next day, when they couldn’t find Cas. Hadn’t seen cas since the day before. “....lisa?”Sam muttered walking back into the room, kneeling next to her side of the bed from where she’d curled up with dean.
"yeah. we'll have Jarvis run a translation." he promised. "if Tony's not on it already." he admitted, pointing a finger at the surveillance camera's that where blinking away.

Lisa sobbed into Sam's shoulders. it just wasn't fair! it wasn't fair! they had only just gotten Dean healthy and whole and finally, truly happy with Cas and her and now they all had nothing! nothing left at all! she whimpered and settled in next to dean and refused to be moved, not until Dean woke up. Bruce said it could take a few days, or it could only last a few more hours, it was impossible to know until his body recovered from the Anemia. "...what?" she asked softly, looking at Sam, her eyes red ringed from crying but she looked a little better now. "Bruce said he might actually wake up today, everything's stabilizing." she admitted before smiling at Sam a little.
Sam sat back on his heels, looking at the woman, absently wrapping her up in a hug as he sighed, looking just as battered and hurting. Frowning slightly, before nodding. “That’s good. It’ll be good to see him awake.”He muttered biting his lip a little, hating to upset her more, but since all of them had prayed and got no answers, he was resorting to last options to get the angel’s attention. “We can’t find Cas. I was wondering if you’d try praying, see if he’ll answer. He rarely ignores prayers.”He muttered worried. Because it was true. At least for them, castiel had rarely ever not answered them. And only a few times hadn’t answered when dean or lisa asked for him. So until dean was awake, they had to see if lisa could get his attention. Worried about the angel being on his own right now, and truly starting to get desperate, though he hadn’t resorted to asking crowley for help yet, but he was getting there.
"Lisa nodded. "it's not fair Sam.... it's just not fair." she whispered. "it's just not fair." she whispered before scowling a little. "Cas?" she asked, sniffling a little and looked around, realizing the Angel was gone. "Cas? what the fuck you just left me here?!" she complained. "get your feathered asshole back here you cowardly son of a bitch!" she snarled, furious that the other had left her alone and then worried when she didn't appear. "Cas?... Castiel, Angel of the Lord, we need you." she said, frowning a little when he didn't appear. "...where is Cas?" she whispered, worried about him now, stroking Dean's hair while he slept. "Cas is ignoring us... this is horrid..." she set her hands over her face and started to cry again because she knew that Cas was gone, because he couldn't heal Dean and didn't want to be there when he died because he was a filthy coward.
“I know it’s not. We’ll figure something out. We always do.”Even if he had to make a deal to do it, he’d save dean. Dean deserved this. Wincing a little as he nodded. “Yea. We can’t find him. Tony can’t find him.”Which meant jarvis hadn’t, and that the angel was actively keeping them from finding him. Sighing softly when cas didn’t appear, resting his head against lisa’s. “I don’t know...we’ll find him. I’ll find him for you, lisa. For you and dean, even if he’s being a jerk, we’ll find him.”Sam muttered.

Though three weeks later, sam was starting to lose hope that they would. It was hard watching dean and lisa, the two were wounded, broken at the idea cas had simply left. Though Sam suspected it wasn’t so much cas was being a coward, or at least not about watching dean die. He’d done that a few times now. It was something else, something worse was twisting the angel up. And the younger winchester had buried himself in work, in the effort to deal with losing dean, and was totally ignoring dean’s orders to go to the therapist that he’d called. Knowing the woman was arriving soon, and not overly happy that dean had ignored his request that he didn’t want to talk to anyone, even knowing dean had asked her to come because he wanted to talk to her, not simply because the more stressed sam got, the more he was seeing lucifer. And not even being with clint and natasha was dulling the ragged sharp edges of that. Pausing in the doorway he frowned as he listened to lisa and dean talking, not sure if he wanted to interrupt the conversation that told him more about dean’s sex life then he ever wanted to know if the collar in lisa’s hands meant anything. “Dean?Your therapist is on her way up.”Sam said sighing softly, having been informed by jarvis on his way to the room that the woman was at the tower.
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