Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Yea...I’m sure it was. He could do some things right....not alot, but he did that one thing right for you.”Sam smiled a little before looking startled, thinking about that, frowning as he considered that. Nodding slowly. “I’d thought you’d gotten in another fight and didn’t want to tell dad. Was worried about you.”Sam said thinking on it before nodding. “He really didn’t. I think that was the most normal period we ever had.....being all together like that....and I did. didn’t want to tell me. So thanks for that....I mean. For trying to protect me from knowing.”Sam said because while the adult sam didn’t apperciate not knowing what had happened, the 13 year old sam wouldn’t have been ready to be stripped of that innocence, dean had protected him from being hurt. “...Yea...thanks. That would be good. Easier to talk to her, since she’d know....everything.”Sam said fairly certain dean had told his therapist things about sam to, so it was a good thought to think about, not having to explain to much. Before pausing, turning to stare at dean. “....Okay. Tell me about the dream. I don’t care, I’ve seen to much of your sex life as it is, might as well tell me, and I’ll try and help.”Sam said picking up what the other was thinking, and willing to help, even if it disturbed him a bit to consider that much detail in his sex life.

Tony smiled a little as teh other settled in to sleep, settling back against the headboard with his tablet, absently reading the new SI paperwork as he stroked steve’s hair, looking up when he heard the knock. “Yea. Come in. Sit. Quiet.”Tony ordered watching the other come in, “Okay. Tell me.”He muttered
He nodded. "Dad held me every night for two weeks while i had nightmares and cried. i have no idea how you never woke up. he wanted to tell you, because you where mad at me for making us move and for quitting school but i begged him not to. because i knew, if you knew, then you'd never be able to look at a teacher the same way again. Dad hated it, but he allowed it... i think that was why he let you go off to collage. because he knew i wanted you to, because he knew i loved how much you loved books... just like mom." he admitted, smiling a little. "i'll hook you up then once we go back tot eh tower. me and her mostly talk by phone, but she'll want to see you in person before she agrees to take you on." he admitted before grimacing a little at Sam. "it's just... i don't know. it's one of those dreams and i've been having it for a while... since i found out what BDSM was... it's... cas. it's always cas but i didn't want to admit that for a long time. my hands are tied behind my back and he's hitting me... spanking me. it hurts but it's not... painful? and i can't move but that's the good part." he admitted sighing. "i don't know. it's... it's nothing like i've ever wanted before and... it scares me a bit."

Bruce nodded and moved into the room, settling on the chair. "Steve somehow managed to get into a mafia club. they hired a rent boy for the night and they thought it was Steve. they wanted a new boy toy to own permanent, since the last one paid off his debts and left. they wanted a pure ass virgin and they got one. once they realized Steve wasn't their bought and paid for virgin rent boy, they kicked him out and threatened him not to tell." Bruce admitted. "we're still working out how Steve even found the place, but we're getting close. we know Steve went to a normal club, you know the one with all the rave music and flashing lights and the fancy glow in the dark drinks? Steve goes there sometimes, says the place makes him feel better. he was seen leaving with another man. the other man was crying when they left. i'd imagine it was the rent boy and he tossed Steve under the bus, only to have an attack of conscience and went back to save him." Bruce sighed. "either way, Steve's going to be smug for a while when he finds out he is probobly the only reason why Shield was able to capture the thirteen heads of some major organized crime syndicate." he mumbled, smiling at Steve. "hows he doing?"
“Probably cause you guys were there, even if you were being noisy and weird, always slept better when you were around, watching out for me.”Sam shrugged a little, because it was still true. Even when dean’s nights, or his own, were shattered with nightmares, he still slept soundly if dean was there watching his back as he slept. Even if the man was sleeping, he trusted dean to look out for him. “...Probably.....and I’m going back. Sometime. I promise.”Sam said because he knew Dean felt bad for him quitting, and as much research as he did these days for hunting, it wasn’t the same. And he wasn’t going to let dean feel guilty for that forever. He’d go back, because he enjoyed it. “Awesome. It’ll be good seeing her.”Sam smiled a little before looking a little amused. “Yea, well tell me. It can’t be worse then what you’ve made me walk in on sometimes.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little before snorting. “Of course it’s Cas., Castiel is a angel, sorta goes with the whole dominating thing.”Sam teased a little before lookign thoughtful, wondering how to explain. How....making a small frustrated noise, wishing clint was there to help him with it. Because he hadn’t known, hadn’t know whwat he was, or why he liked it, hell. Half the time dean knew more about BDSM then he did, “...But you trust Cas right? I mean....even if you’re helpless and tied up, you’d trust him to stop if you needed him to.”Sam said because he knew it was true. “.....I....I don’t know how to explain it. I-I want it, but....until Clint and Nat....I didn’t know it was a okay thing....I was the cage. That....”Sam frowned a little, hunching up a little.

“....What?”Tony stared looking startled at the idea, shaking his head as he shuddered. “Dammit....steve....damn.”Tony cursed quietly looking pale at the idea even as he reached down and gently stroked steve’s hair before nodding a little. “Yea I know that one.”He said frowning a little before sighing. “I’d like to talk to the other man, if we could find him.”he muttered before snorting. “He will be very smug.”he agreed before sighing softly. Worried. “Steady for the moment...still worried about what will happen when he wakes up in the morning though....”
"Me too. even on my worst days having you around just... feels better." he admitted. "i talked to Cas and Lisa about it and they know i might slip out of bed to go find you." he admitted. "i'm sure Clint and Nat know too, even if you never told them. they just know things huh?" he asked with a smile before he smiled at Sam. "actually... i think... i think you could go back now." he admitted. "i was... uhm. i was talking to Bruce. about some options for you and... and there are online courses, where you finished so much of school already, and you have such a decent excuse, you can take your time completing your last... points? whatever, for collage when you have the time, like, for the next few years while we where mostly with Shield. we'll have backup, and help and you'll have more free time so i think, you should go for it. right?" he asked before frowning a little. "i... yeah.. yeah i trust him. i just. it's silly for me to want something like that right? i don't need it like you do. do i?" he wondered, looking at Sam again. "it's... freedom. a lot of the people online said it was like freedom. flying while held, controlled but safe and okay to let go of everything..." he looked at Sam. "you thought Lucifer and Micheal made you that way." he guessed.

"M guess is the young man was so frightened by the prospect of being bought like a slave led hm to sme pretty desperate maneuvering. such as finding the biggest man he could find and setting him loose inside thinking he would, at the very least, fight back. Steve must have been more curious than cautious though or they would never have gotten him into this state in the first place. he was probably willing to begin with." Bruce admitted. "makes the whole thing worse." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "the first time he said Stop, or no, they where on him like rabid bulldogs. he never had a chance to get the desire to fight back built up. one of them said he slapped Steve across the face and his mind dropped like a stone... we'll have to be careful of that in battle." he admitted before nodding. "we're all a bit worried. a head-space like that for his first time, on top of being raped in any manner is going to be very tough. do you want someone to be here with you when he wakes up? or do you think it would be easier for him with just you?"
“yea. Exactly.”Sam smiled a little looking amsued that cas and lisa had approved, and even more that clint and natasha were quite aware of just how codependent the brothers were. “....They do sorta just know things. It’s sorta odd and awesome.”Sam snickered a little before looking startled, surprised that dean had talked to bruce about something that totally didn’t interest the older man. “Oh...Credits. And It would be nice to be able to do that....”Sam said already considering what he could do, nodding hesitantly. To battered to really believe that he’d be able to do this, go to school. “....No more silly then me wanting to let Natasha be in charge for the day. It’s just...something new to try. I’m actually surprised you’ve never done anything like this, considering your sex life.”He said looking serious before going even more serious, nodding slowly. “Yes...that was what it is.”He said before nodding slowly, “Yes. I did. I thought....I enjoyed it because they liked having control....but I think they just discovered something that was already there, and used it to their own ends now. Now that I’ve seen clint and nat.....”He shuddered because he had thought it was part of the archangels wrongness clinging to him still.

“Hm...maybe. Yes, probably.”Tony sighed a little shaking his head at the idea before nodding. “He....he likes this. He thought it was wrong, perverse to want it. But he was still curious.”he shuddered a little wincing at the idea. Hating that steve had gone through that before frowning.”It might be, but I doubt it’ll come up in battle. The....self perservation thing sorta keeps me from dropping in the middle of a fight. I think it’ll be the same for steve.”He muttered before biting his lip, considering what he needed to be able to help steve. “No, it’ll be easier with just me I think...but if you could, ask Johnny to head over for the day....if...if I need someone....and warn clint and nat they might be needed later....”He’d want johnny, and nat and clint could take care of steve for a short period of time.
"it's creepy." Dean informed the other with a smile. "yeah, credits. Bruce said that they where important or something. to be honest once he started talking i kind of droned him out and he started laughing at me. you'll have to talk to him about it for the details." he admitted before flushing a little. "i'm supposed to be the strong one though. i'm supposed to keep Lisa and Cas from trying to go too far, too fast. i'm supposed to be in charge... to keep control...." he sounded more like that was what he thought he was supposed to be. "i... i never... trusted anyone enough until Lisa and i didn't know i wanted it... didn't realize i was curious until that first day, when you came back so wrecked and i started looking shit up..." he admitted softly. "i just... buried the curiosity because i was so sure i couldn't have it but... but now... the way Cas looks when Clint or Tony or Steve talk about it i think... i think..." his hands clenched a little on the steering wheel. "but i don't know if he's curious because he wants... or if it's because he wants to take..... does that make sense?"

Bruce nodded. "honestly, if what i've read up on half angels is accurate, Dean has only just hit his sxual apex. hes just starting to realize that touching himself feels good and is learning what he likes and what he wants." Bruce admitted. "he's around people who are more than tolerant, we're open about sexual activities and he's never known that was okay before." Bruce admitted before siling at Tony. "i'll trust you on that. i've never... dropped? that's the term? o offense but i have enough... issues, without adding power play or bondage into it." he admitted. "i tried it once or twice but it just... He gets too interested." Bruce admitted. "and i'm not a big fan of pain either way." giving or receiving. "Johnny's already here. as soon as you brought Steve up here i called Johnny. figured you'd need his help with your own headspace if nothing else." he admitted, pausing when Steve made a humming sound and shifted, getting a little more comfortable as he slowly started to wake up. a process that could take hours sometimes. Steve didn't sleep much but he was notoriously lazy. "i'll take my leave then." Bruce promised with a smile. "i'll be in the lab, Nat and Clint are coming back with the rent boy and will be here withint eh half hour and Johnny is n his room so Jarvis can get any of us should you need us." he promised Tony, dropping a kiss to Tony's cheek because he was always the most affectionate person on the team and slipped out of the room while Steve sighed, frowned, mumbled, squirmed closer to Tony and then settled again.
“Hm, now that sounds like the dean I know.”Sam teased his brother before nodidng. “I’ll talk to him.”He promised before frowning as he considered the other. “....Because dad told you were supposed to be. The good soldier, the protector. Sometimes, it’s okay just to let go. To not be in charge....and if you’re really going to let someone else be in charge, who better then the man who raised you out of predition? Who shares a deep and profound bond with you, over any other human?”Sam said, teasing him only a little bit, just because he was worried the other was being so worried about this, before wincing. “Yea....well, you still know more then I do....I’d was a wrongness....didn’t even consider looking it up.”Sam said flushing a little before looking thoughtful, “.Yes it does. And again, I’ll say....Angel. Warrior of god, even if he has his moments, I doubt he’s that interested in submitting, even if he does it, I doubt he’d be willing to give up control.”Sam pointed out.

“....Ah. That makes sense....sorta like how cas is just figuring out sex cause it feels good and it’s okay.”Tony muttered making a mental note to talk to the angel before smiling a little at the idea of them being tolerant of sex. They so were. “Hm, it’s just not for some people. No harm in that....and yes, I could see how the other guy would be interested.”Tony muttered thoughtfully, before looking relieved. “Good....johnny’s good.”he muttered before nodding, flushing a little as the other kissed his cheek before watching him go. Shifting to settle in to sleep, soothing steve’s hair back.”Shush, sweetheart. You’re okay. Good boy.”He muttered settling in to sleep himself
"yeah yeh, laugh it up bitch." he huffed before pausing, looking so startled at the sudden understanding that dawned in him he almost ran them into a tree. "i never...." he paused and then started to flush, this time it was a deep, almost mortified flush that told Sam he had hit home with every remark. "that's... very true... i'll talk to him about it. you know. once he's a little more... okay, with the whole sex thing in particular." he decided before smiling at Sam. "you're learning now though? Nat and Clint giving you homework?" he teased right back, still blushing quite brightly.

"yes i'd imagine so." Bruce admitted. "i doubt Steve would have had many opportunities for self discovery locked in his self made isolation." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "Johnny brought some books for Steve to read even." Johnny was a 'professional'. not that Sue knew, but Johnny had a long, long history of helping put abused subs, and the occasional Dom, back together. he was very good at what he did, but Steve wasn't likely to trust Johnny so it would probobly be up to Tony and Nat to help Steve through this. already, the simple sound of Tony's voice had soothed Steve back to sleep.
“I will.”Sam said looking amused before letting out a startled yelped wincing as the other nearly crashed. “If you crash the impala, I’m not taking the blame for it!”Sam whined a little before smirking as the other flushed. But didn’t tease him, “It’s Castiel. Your cas. The one who never had a nickname, till you gave him one. I think you do need to talk to him.....good.”Sam said looking pleased at the other’s agreement, before flushing deeply himself. “...N-no homework. Though I expect clint’ll probably call later, just to make sure we got to washington okay.”He said squirming a little as he considered what kind of conversation that could be.

“Yes, that would be quite hard.”Tony agreed before nodding. “Good. They’ll be good for him.”He smiled a little glad johnny was there, that he’d be able to help tony stay steady so he could be what steve needed. Sighing softly as the other went to sleep, settling in to sleep himself.
"sorry..." Dean said, not sounding sorry at all. "it will totally be your fault." he informed the other. "making me realize such deep and personal things about myself." he accused with a huff before he smiled a little. "it is my Cas... if i can give up control for anyone, it would be him." he admitted with a sigh and a smile before chuckling. "how unusual, taking a hands on learning approach?" he teased wth a smile before he nodded. "it's good. i had to promise Lisa and Cas to call once we got there before they let me leave." he admitted. "i really don't think we're going to find anything." he admitted with a sigh. "but it feels good to be on the road again, just the two of us... i don't know if i could have told you all that with... you know... Jarvis listening." he admitted before smiling at the glittering dawn in the distance.

Steve woke with the dawn as he always did, sighing softly as he tightened his arms... around who? who was that? his breath hitched and he looked up, momentarily terrified before relaxing as he realized it was Tony. Tony had him. Tony was safe. Tony would protect him. he sighed, relaxing and closed his eyes, not wanting to wake Tony up but too scared to venture out yet. would the others know? what would they think of him? how could he have let those men do that to him?
“Would not.”Sam huffed a little, “And it’s not my fault. You’re the one who asked me about my sex life. It sorta just led to other things.”Sam looked amused, before nodding. Glad dean knew it, that he’d be okay. “....well. Maybe. Or at least, they’re figuring out what the best approach would be.”Sam said, though it made him a little nervous, he figured he’d hear about it soon enough. “....We should get separate rooms. Your angel has probably been informed of the joys of phone sex by now.”Sam teased a little before nodding. “Yea....that would have been awkward.”he agreed looking amused.

Tony whined a little at the increasing pressure, squirming a little to get a arm free before flailing a little, not really wake but definitely being disturbed in his sleep. Carelessly slapping a sleepy arm around as he searched for the coffee. “Coffee. Coffee!”Tony demanded, though who he thought would get him said coffee, was up for grabs.
"well... i suppose that's true." he agreed with a sigh. "i guess i couldn't help myself anymore. i just... you're the only person i can talk to about this." he admitted. "i mean, i could tak to Tony but i don't know that he'd have the right kind of advice you know?" he admitted. "he's amazing but he doesn't know me yet and you've been there since always." he admitted before glancing at him, flushing harder as his eyes glazed a bit at the idea of some mutual masturbation. fuck to the yeah. "we're almost there. we'll book a room... separate rooms."

Steve smiled a little at Tony's commands and chuckled a little as he slid to his feet to go make coffee, hesitating at the doorway, uncertain, frightened. and ashamed. he recoiled away from the door and tucked himself on the other side of the bed when a knock came at the door. "...Steve? y name is Johnny. Tony's told you about me right?" Johnny asked. "i have two pots of coffee and some breakfast here. i'm going to leave it in front of the door okay? off to the side so you can slip the door open a crack and pull it in. yeah?" Steve felt warmth flush through him, shame, but also deep gratitude that someone, Johnny? Tony? Nat? someone, had the foresight to know Steve was going to be so terribly timid. he wasn't sure why he was so frightened, but he was grateful for the thoughts ad he managed to stutter an okay and listened to the sounds of Johnny leaving the tray. Steve waited until he could no longer hear Johnny's footsteps leading away and he slid over to the door, waiting, listening before popping the door open just a crack, waiting again to see if there was any hint of movement. nothing. he opened it more, slid the tray in and shut it again, breathing out a sigh of relief, feeling quite pleased with himself as he picked the tray up and set it on the table and poured Tony a cup of coffee, recognizing that his brain wasn't quite right but not sure what was wrong either. he felt fuzzy and hypersensitive to everything and good and bad all at the same time. he ended up just standing there, coffee in hand, staring at the wall while he tried to figure out what he was feeling and why.
“Yea. I know. I...I would have talked to you before about...this...but I didn’t understand it. And didn’t want to give you more reasons to worry about my sanity.”He muttered because it was the same reason he hadn’t mentioned the girl either, cause he didn’t want dean to worry about him. Before smiling slightly as he snickered. “Yea, definitely separate rooms.”He grinned as he stared out the window as they got near the city.

Tony stirred at the sound of Johnny’s knock. “Coffee!Johnny, coffee!”He demanded slowly swimming his way to consciousness as he settled further down into the bed, not wanting to get up just yet. “Coffee?Steve?”Tony whined a little as he didn’t feel the other getting closer, squirming to poke his head out over the edge of the blanket to blink at him worriedly.”STeve?”
"Sam? i've been worried about your sanity since you where six." he pointed out with a smile, grinning as he headed into the nearest hotel and was able to actually pay for a room legitimately. that was the best feeling EVER.

"Yes Tony. Coffee." Johnny agreed, fondness leaching his words from the other side of the door and Steve had to smile. everyone loved Tony. "...yeah?" Steve asked, the second call of his name gaining his attention as he handed Tony the coffee. "...i'm... did. did Bruce drug me?" he wondered. Steve had needed to be drugged before, using some sort of elephant tranquilizer while they carefully poked Steve's ribs back inside his body. "i feel ll funny in my head..."
“....Very true.”Sam snickered a little, laughing as he snagged his room key, smirking at dean as he opened his door. “Now dean, even though we paid for the room, don’t break anything in your mutual masturbation. Explaining to tony why he’s paying for a broken room, would just be to much.”Sam snickered a little before disappearing into his room.

“Good.”tony huffed sounding pleased, before focusing more on steve, smiling softly. “Coffee, steve.”he muttered smiling as he took the coffee, not quite awake yet before shaking his head. “No. He didn’ dropped last was...hard on you. Settle and rest, and you’ll feel better.”Tony said looking worried about him, and hoping he was going to be able to handle this without dropping himself.
Dean paused, blinking at Sam before raising his hand and flashing his baby brother the bird.

"yeah... Coffee." Steve agreed, sounding amused as he let Tony have the coffee before he hesitated, looking confused. "D-dropped?" he asked, vaguely remembering the men... 'fuck, he dropped like a stone what a natural. he's gonna be a perfect little toy. bit big but i kinda like it'. "what's dropped?" he asked, looking confused, uneasy but not frightened yet. he had done some reading, but he'd never heard the term dropped before. "is this head-space?" he wondered. "i'm... i'm not sure i like it. i'm... i'm kind of scared..." he admitted. "i..." he paused and then. "when did i get home? i don't remember coming back." he admitted softy, sounding so confused and out of sorts. still too low to think or remember things properly and he was about to work himself into a right panic. not unusual for a first drop.
“Thanks.”Tony smiled before nodding a little. “Yes. Dropped, it’s a....move into a headspace. A subspace usually.”Tony said watching him, biting his lip worried about the other, before wincing. “It’s okay. That’s a normal feeling. Lay down, steve.”He ordered quietly, gently, but no less a order. “It’s safe here. I’ll look after you.”He promised before wincing a little. “Late last night, late enough that I was actually heading to bed.”Which meant way past midnight. “Shush, no need to panic. I got you, and you trust me right?Just relax for me steve. Calm.”he said watching him, not touching yet, not sure if the other would apperciate it or not, letting him decide what he wanted, and needed.
"oh... he slapped me 'cross the face.... i liked it." Steve admitted. "but it was bad too. i don't... i can't..." he couldn't explain it any better than that. he was moving at the order before he'd even registered it and was laying down next to Tony, blinking at him. "i was hurt..." it wasn't a question, just a fact, remembering the cut and the bite and the sting of the whip and the smell of the blood. "yeah. yeah i trust you..." he paused and then. "you made the bad part go away last night... i remember. you swept the shadowy bits in my mind away." he mumbled. "you touched me... i liked that..." he admitted, watching Tony. "you don't touch me all that much... i wish you would. i like it when you touch me."
“Yea, I figured you did. It’s okay to like those things....if you trust the person. If you’re with someone okay.”Tony said smiling a little, “Good boy.”He muttered stroking the other’s side as the order was obeyed before nodding slightly. “Yes you were. Both Cas and bruce looked at your back, bruce to make sure it wasn’t to bad, and Cas healed it. You’re okay.”Tony promised, before smiling pleased that he was trusted, tilting his head as he considered the other, flushing brightly. “I don’t touch anyone that much.”Or at least more then just casual touches, especially if he liked them, and he usually avoided touching people he actually liked, because he knew he had no boundaries, so he was always afraid of crossing the line with people he loved. “Okay, okay I can touch you.”Tony smiled a little. "I'm glad I swept all the badness away."

Sam sighed softly as he laid back in the bed, closing his eyes as he dialed clint's number, simply wanting to check in, needing to know how the other was doing, and knowing that natasha would be with him to.

"....I do not understand the need for phone calls. I can just go see him for myself if he's fine."Cas said looking so cutely confused as he laid back in the bed with lisa, sighing softly. having only agreed to stay behind because the brothers needed time to be together.
"...i did not like the person." Steve whispered before his breath hitched, his eyes going wide at being called Good boy and nearly staggered, an impressive feet since he was in bed. he trembled under Tony's hand before looking ashamed. "where... where they mad?" he whispered, sounding quite worried. not that they where upset he had been hurt, but that they would be angry with him for taking up their time. "i know... you can touch me anytime." he promised Tony before watching him. "when does the floaty fog go away?" he wondered, watching Tony. "will i be... not scared? to go outside once it goes away?"

"morning sunshine." Clint answered with a smile. "drive go okay?" he asked. "Dean didn't get fussy?" he asked "Nat? how do you... the speaker thing?" he asked, fumbling with the phone. he was terrible with phones.

"hush. it's the principle of the thing." she explained. "people do not simply teleport halfway across the state. besides, he'll be pissed if you leave me alone." she pointed out. "now hush and speak when Dean answers." she ordered, smiling when Dean answered the phone with "hello sexy bottoms."
“I know you didn’t.”Tony said keeping his voice soft and soothing, smiling a little as the other nearly staggered, that was a sight to see. “Oh. Not at you, steve. That you were hurt, yes, but not because they needed to help you. You matter to them, it was not a problem steve.”Tony promised stroking his hair as he sipped his coffee, “Oh. Good. Okay.”Tony muttered blushing a little before smiling. “It’ll probably be a little while, it varies, but a hour or two probably...and no, once you’re back up, to your normal, things will be settled again.”

“Morning.”sam smiled before snorting. “Not to fussy. We...had the sex talk. It was extremely informative really.”Sam snickered a little as nat turned on the speak phone with a roll of her eyes. “Really?” “indeed. I feel....more settled about things then I have....Dean had been reading about BDSM cause he figured out what was going on before I did....”Sam smiled as he settled back into his bed.

“...Well, in all fairness, most people cannot simply teleport across the state.”Cas pointed out before nodding. “He would....okay. I’ll call.”Cas muttered not looking sure about the phone even as he held the phone on speaker phone so lisa could listen, before pausing. Considering the nickname. “Sexy....bottoms?Are you wearing panties again?Or is that a request for me to wear them?”The angel said with wide eyed innocence and you know just looking at him he was teasing.
Steve relaxed a little at the promise no one was upset with him or angry r hated him. "okay Tony." Steve mumbled, sighing into the hand in his hair as he closed his eyes, luxuriating in the sensation. "okay... can i stay with you?" he asked hopefully. "i won't be a bother, i promise. i'll sit real quite and i won't disturb you." of course Steve thought Tony was going to the lab. Tony always went to the lab and Steve was too scared to leave Tony's side so he felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. scared to leave the room and scared to be left alone, Steve had chosen the safer route and decided to cling to Tony who could, in Steve's mind, protect him.

"Sex talk?" Clint asked, sounding amused. "Sam. you're brother is what, thirty something years old? if he needs the birds and the bees by now, clearly Lisa hasn't been doing her job right." he said with a chuckle before smiling. "i'm glad you're feeling better. i was worried." Clint admitted softly before chucking. "in your defense, you where traumatized and upset. of course you didn't want to do any research."

"this is also true but Dean does need SOME alone time. unlike you, it's actually quite hard for him, emotionally. he has things he's always wanted and thought he could never have and he's feeling greedy for wanting more." she admitted. "he does want something and he's scared to ask, this alone time will help him sort through his own mind and emotions. it's good for him." she assured Cas beforelaughing at Cas's confusion. Dean chuckled. "nah, Man. it's just what i always call Lisa on the phone, Sexy bottom. because she's got such a hot ass you know? and since you have a hot ass too i figuured you could both me my sexy bottoms." Lisa laughed so hard Cas knew right away he was being bullshit. "no. when i was in Yoga, i used to wear leggings that had 'Sexy' printed across the ass. ever since then he's called me Sexy Bottom when he wants to be a dick." she informed Cas with a chuckle. "granted, i'm never gonna say no to the idea of Cas in lingerie." Dean admitted.
“Yea, we’re staying here. I have everything I need here, we’re gonna stay right here and I’m gonna work. So you can rest here.”Tony promised holding up his tablet, smiling as he settled back into the pillows, indeed looking quite ready to spend the whole day in bed, knowing it would be easier for steve to calm and be okay if they didn’t go anywhere just yet.

“Hm, he is 38. And well, it wasn’t something to do with lisa.....though you might want to have the dom/sub relationship talk with Lisa, just to give her a heads up. It’s gonna shock Cas enough, no need to shock Lisa to.”Sam snickered a little before smiling .”Yea...true. Research and trauma just doesn’t go together.” “No, but you are well?” “Feel more settled, yea.”Sam smiled at the woman’s question, relaxing back into the bed.

“...Oh. Okay.....spending time with sam and on his own will be good for him.”Cas muttered leaning back into the bed, looking calmer at the idea of that, that sam would do good things for him. “....Oh. Yes. She does have a hot ass.”Cas agreed before smirking at lisa before replying with such innocence despite the devilish smirk turning his lips as he looked at the phone. “I am no bottom for you, Dean. If anything, you are the sexy bottom.”He said innocently, though there was a slight band of command and steel, the angel of the lord peeking out from behind his cute innocent mask. “....”Cas was quiet, though Lisa would be able to see that he was plotting sexy lingerie times, eventually.
"oh... yeah. okay Tony." Steve agreed, smiling happily as he settled more comfortably and sighed, relaxing and watching Tony work was doing more for him than anything else could have and finally his snarling stomach made him rise and devour the massive mounds of food that Johnny had delivered, making sure Tony ate at least an egg and some toast and a few sausages before polishing it all off and slipping into a semi lucid doze and he knew he was going to be okay when a knock came at teh door and he wasn't scared. he didn't even bother whining in protest he just lifted his head to blink at it before sighing and laying his head back down, using Tony's hip as a pillow. "you guys awake? can i come in?" Johnny asked, Steve sighing as he realized he was going to have to give some indication that he was okay. "only if he has more food." Steve mumbled.

"oh really?" Clint asked, sounding curious now. "hows Dean handling that? i never would have pegged him for someone who wanted to get into the lifestyle." he admitted. "of course, as much control as he constantly exerts over himself and nearly everyone around him... it would probobly be very good for him. i'll tak to Lisa." he promised Sam. "do you think you'll find anything at this bank thing? you said it sounded funny didn't you?" Clint asked. "do you need us to come down and get you some backup?"

"Yes. exactly." Lisa agreed with a smile. "i do." she agreed with a smile before choking a little at Cas's comments. "....." Dean was suspiciously silent for a long moment and then. "that might be something worth discussing when i get back." he whispered, his voice fainly choked, shocked... aroused. "a, anyway, Lisa. while i'm gone make sure to instruct him well." Dean ordered, his self control nack in place.
“Yea, you’re okay.”Tony muttered smiling softly as he watched the other, sighing softly as he settled in to work, pausing to eat before going back to work. “....You okay, good boy?”Tony muttered looking down at steve, before smiling slightly nodding pleased with the other’s words, “Bring food in, and you can come in.”Tony said back smiling a little, assuming johnny was probably bringing some. Johnny was always trying to feed him.

“....Well, as about as well as you’d expect. He’s going to talk to Cas when he gets back...he’s....okay with the idea I think. I think I got through to him on the idea that it’s okay to want it.”Sam smiled a little. “Of anyone who could, you were probably the best, since you like it, and he knows you wouldn’t try to mess with him just to see what would happen.”Natasha smiled a little, “We’ll talk to lisa.”She promised. “....Yea. It does sound funny....and I dunno. Maybe. But probably But I wouldn’t be adverse to you guys keeping a clear schedule, just in case we need you to come down.” “We can do that.”

Cas looked up at lisa, tilting his head a little as she choked, looking unsure as the silence went on, fidgeting a little as he waited before smiling a little. “Yes. I think it would be a good discussion.”Cas said looking a little relieved at the sound of arousal in the other’s voice, though he looked vaguely puzzled at the other’s reaction to his words. “...Lisa is a very good instructor. I have learned many things in the time you have been gone. I’ll have to show you when you get back.”
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