Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"she's a sweetie." Loki said, smiling at the oven. "a bit simple in mind but i have the feeling that Tony is going to change that."he admitted with a chuckle before lifting an eyebrow at Cas while he stared at Steve who fidgeted under the attention because Cas was really starting to freak him out. "good." Dean said with a grin,glad that Cas was enjoying himself. Lisa too. meant he could take a break. he had a feeling it was going to be a good thing that there where two of them or they'd never keep up with Cas. "Washington." Dean admitted, shaking his head. "it's probobly not a real haunting but we could check it out if you're interested." Dean admitted even as Steve sighed and stood up. "Castiel. for gods sakes either tell me or stop staring at me!" he finally commanded. tired of the constant stares and being studied.
Cas smiled a little looking down at the man next to him, nodding slightly. “Indeed. This is a new experience, enjoying myself.”He muttered smiling a little. “....Damn. But yea, we better check it out.”Sam said smiling a little, startling a little at steve’s words. Eyes widening a little as he looked at the angel. “.....I’m sorry.”Cas said flushing, “It is not often one sees a part angel on earth. I am sorry for staring.”Cas said.
"is it?"Dean asked, looking upset now. "you've never enjoyed before?" he asked, wondering how Cas could go so long without enjoying his few sexual encounters before nodding at Sammie, looking startled when Steve finally burst. Steve for his part just stared at the Angel and gaped. "i... i'm sorry?" he demanded, wide eyed. "half what!?you think i'm half angel?" he asked, sounding so stunned. "...explains why you don't age." Clint admitted to Steve. "does it? but my mom was perfectly normal." he mumbled,looking as if he was in shock. "...what about your dad?" Dean asked softly. "he died when i was too young to remember him." Steve admitted.
“Yes...”Cas frowned looking worried that dean looked upset, biting his lip. “I-I enjoyed it with you. I promise. With you both.”He stuttered, worried that was what dean was upset about, that he was worried he hadn’t enjoyed the sex they’d been experimenting with. While he was still nervous, he had enjoyed dean, loved dean. Was starting to love lisa, they made him happy. “...Yes. And I don’t think, I know. You have this...grace thing going on that all angels do.”Cas frowned tilting his head a little. “The vessel might have died, but your father.....well. Okay. He’s dead now, but not when you were a child.”Cas said frowning slightly as he considered that.
"i know you did."Dean promised Cas with a smile. "but you've had sex with other people before me and Lisa and that's sad." dean admitted, snuggling into Cas. "i just... i don't... angels cannot possibly breed with humans!" Steve protested, shaking his head before he glared at Cas. "if you're trying to make me feel better, it's not working." he growled before setting his face in his hands. "and what does it mean... if i'm half angel or whatever?" he demanded, looking at the other. "like. is my dear old angel daddy going to show up and want things from me?"
Cas smiled looking relieved before snorting a little."well, it wasnt you two. "Cas muttered cause well, he had found the sex interesting before, but it seemed that it had to be with a person he liked to be truly enjoyable."I'm sorry."cas said looking upset before sighing softly, nothing really. You'll just...continue on....and I don't know. It's been so long since there's been half angels, I don't remember what it's like..."Cas frowned a little." your father is not...going to be showing up."
"that's true." Dean agreed, looking much happier now before looking at Steve, a bit worried as the young man realized what he already knew. he truly was going to outlive everyone he ever loved. he couldn't be too mad though, because he knew Cas was going to have to go through the same thing. Loki and Thor too. he wouldn't be completely alone anymore. that had been the hardest part of the last seventy yars.... being completely and totally alone. still... Tony... he was going to have to give up Tony and that...hurt. so uch. "...I'm going for a run." Steve decided, getting to his feet and headed out the door, Dean wincing a little. "...he already knew he was going to outlive all of us..." he mumbled. "is it really such a shock?" he wondered.
Cas swallowed hard as he watched the other man go, looking away from him, staring at the table at Dean's question. not answering. He didn't want to. "...."Tony stared at the door after steve, before studying the angel in front of him, before meeting sam's eyes at the man watched them. Then looked at cas, curled up between dean and lisa, before looking at dean again. "yea....I think it was."he said flicking a glance at cas who did not look pleased with this topic being under discussion
Dean frowned a little, examining Cas before brushing it off. if Cas was hiding something, it was because it was Steve's secret or it simply wasn't any of their business. "well it's none of our buisness. he'll talk to us when he's ready." Dean decided with a sigh, watching Loki amble off, bored now that he wasn't tearing something apart. "so which one of us is going to warn Thor that he better start paying attention to Loki before Jane ends up mangled?" Loki was practically harmless.... until he was aggravated. the villain Dr. Doom had learned that the hard way when Loki had damn near slaughtered the 'pathetic excuse of a drop of magic magician'. doom had made the mistake of calling Loki a 'little boy playing with magic'. Loki had made a great show of proving just who was 'playing'. Doom had ended up in eh hospital for a solid three months while the Avengers handled the large Chitauri Army. Thor had later asked Loki if that had been him or the Other and Loki had shrugged and replied with 'i'm not sure. we both wanted to, so we did." Thor had been very pale for a while after that.
CAs sighed softly, ducking his head a little, resting his cheek against lisa’s shoulder, avoiding dean’s eyes, he didn’t want to discuss it.Nuzzling her a little he nodded slightly. “He’ll talk, eventually. Most people do.”Well, at least the mostly human ones did. Cas had learned that humans had a very hard time with silence and keeping secrets. “....Yea, I’ll go do that.”Tony sighed a little as he got up, looking at the two winchesters. “You two don’t get to leave without telling me. So before you go, come find me.” “we will. Don’t worry tony.”Sam said smiling a little as he watched the billionaire go.
"Steve's always pretty open. he'll tell someone." Clint agreed with a smile. "good luck Tony!" Clint said cheerfully, Dean snickering because they all knew Thor was going to be very upset that Loki was upset. Tony wouldn't suffer more than Thor's lamentations though. the boys went to him an hour later, letting him know they where heading out because there was some pretty sketchy history in the abandoned Bank which had been shut down for fraud or something, but many of the people who had worked there vanished mysteriously days before the bank was shut down, if murder was involved then there could very well be some ghosts or hauntings. Steve had texted Jarvis to let him know he was stopping at a club for some drinks and wouldn't be back right away so the people of the tower assumed Steve was getting laid.
Sam was quiet most of the trip down to DC, before sighing, looking over at his brother as he rested his head ag ainst the glass. Prying because he was worried, and well, the in depth amusing conversation of his brother’s sex life was totally better then the quiet inside his head. “....So. You, cas and lisa?”He said smirking as he looked out the window, watching the impala go for miles. More then anywhere else, and even with the tower becoming home, the impala was their home first. Even with lisa and ben, the car was their first home, a home when they had nothing else.

Tony meanwhile was hiding out in his living room, trying not to be to upset and annoyed that steve wasn't home yet, but simply pretending he didn't care as he sipped his whiskey and read the book in his lap
Dean had known it was coming. his brother just couldn't stand sitting in a quiet car. and he knew the other was worried abut how Dean was handling things. Dean could understand, he was worried about Sam too. "yeah. it's nothing i ever imagined wanting, let alone actually having." he admitted. "it was kind f hard... accepting that i was attracted to a man, you know?..." he looked at Sam. "how are you doing with Natasha and Clint? they treating you okay?"

it was almost three in the morning when Steve staggered in, stumbling on the rug as if his feet weren't moving correctly and he grabbed the couch to catch himself. he looked completely plastered, only... Steve couldn't get drunk and drugs didn't do shit to him. so this was, wrong. his hair was plastered to his sweaty forehead and his eyes where dilated so wide you couldn't see the pretty blue they where supposed to be. he was trembling and he didn't seam to be fully aware of where he was or that Tony was there. he stood still for a moment, panting as if he was going to be ill or was in pain and then he sealed to focus on Tony, his lip trembling as soon as he saw the other. "Sir. Captain Rogers is in need of immediate medical assistance." Jarvis warned even as Steve lilted to the left as if gravity had shifted. something was very, very wrong and when Steve shifted, the smell of blood washed over Tony.
Sam smiled a little at the fact that dean wasn’t even startled at the question, and even more amused that dean wasn’t trying to avoid it. Especially since not even a year ago, before lisa, before cas, dean would have avoided it like the plague. “Yea, I know. I mean....I figured you were long before you did, and it still was sorta weird.”sam looked amused, cause he was fairly certain everyone had known before cas and dean did, that they wanted each other. “....They are. They’re good. They....don’t think I’m insane. Or making shit up.”he made a slight face, cause the one single relationship he’d tried since he’d gotten back from hell, hidden from dean simply because of the woman’s reaction, and he’d known dean wouldn’t take kindly to anyone thinking that badly about his brother.

“steve?”Tny startled dropping his book, looking worried and upset as he looked at the other, moving to get up. Looking him over, anxious before he winced at jarvis’ words. Not sure what had happened, but knowing he had to take care of him. “Jarvis, have Cas and Bruce meet me downstairs, please.”Tony said getting up, wrapping a arm around his waist, holding the other steady. Not strong enough to pick him up, but he could help him walk. “Come on, captain. We gotta get downstairs.”he said heading for the med lab.
"...seriously? you knew i was gay... ah, bisexual? before i did! that's kind of messed up... and unfair." he pointed out with a small pout before he smiled a little. "yeah. that's hard to find." he agreed. "and don't think i don't know about that bitch by the way." Dean stated simply. "because i do. i don't know how it went down but i know you really liked someone and they probobly thought you where nutters or lying or something." he admitted. "you had a panic attack didn't you? are you okay? in your head i mean."

Steve nodded, responding to his name and reached for Tony, seeing contact, comfort, touch. "was, bad..." Steve slurred. "said no..." he looked upset. "was bad... didn't know..." he mumbled, barely coherent as he let Tony lead him downstairs where Bruce was waiting. "lay down Steve." Bruce urged softly, guiding Steve down and carefully, very carefully lifted Steve's shirt, hissing through his teeth. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Bruce snared, skin tinting green. Steve reacted very oddly, he whimpered and tried to curl up, mumbling apologies under his breath. "Tony..." Bruce motioned Tony over. there where marks laid across Steve's back. marks that any well practiced Dom would recognize. the pattern of someone who wanted to cut skin, someone who wanted to use BDSM to hurt, to punish, to own and control.

Steve had basically been raped and then dumped and now he was sitting in a bad head space because no one had been there to help him through it. he was lucky he had even made it home. he had obviously found himself in the grasp of a very nasty BDSM Club with 'no rules no limits'. such things where supposed to be illegal, but Steve had that kind of luck that he'd wander into one. he must have been curious, after having told Tony he must have looked it up, how else did you find a hidden place like that? poor Steve looked so frightened and upset, lost and confused. it was likely his first real 'drop' if you could call it such a thing. they'd all be lucky if Steve ever tried having sex ever again.
"...I think the whole world knew you wanted to screw castiel before you did. You're sorta cutesy stupid. It's a good thing your a brilliant hunter, otherwise your dating prospects would be saddening."sam teased smirking at his brother a little before wincing, having not known dean knew.".....I dreamed about lucy. Alot those first months...she thought I was nuts, and tried to lock me up. Thank god your still my medical proxy, otherwise it would have been messy."which meant sam had been able to sign himself out without worry, since he was overage, and she wasn't his medical proxy."...yea. I did. But they talked me through it, and believed me when I said the pit had had similar moments...and simply showed me how it was different from lucifer...."

"Shush, it's okay. Your safe now. I got you."Tony said holding onto him looking anxious as he walked with the other."shsuh, it's okay. Your okay. I promise..."tony soothed automatically stroking steve's hair as he laid down, before paling when he saw what bruce was looking at. "You asked for me?"cas said as he stepped into the room, looking upset before paling as he considered the other. "I...I can heal it...but it will do nothing for his status...." "do it. I can handle that part.bony said looking relieved when he saw the skin knitting together, getting stroking steve's hair."your okay....your safe sweetheart."
he sulked a little. "i am not cutsey stupid you take that back or i'll make you walk." he ordered with a huff before grimacing a little. "she tried to put you in a mental hospital?" he asked softly. "how long did you spend in there?" legally, they could only hold him for three days. when it became obvious that Sam was perfectly sane, they didn't bother calling Dean, the medical proxy, over it. "...they... what, uhm. i mean if it's not too gross, what where you doing that... made you think of the pit?" he asked, looking a bit worried that they had tried to use a whip on Sam or something.

Steve's trembling eased a little when Tony soothed him and relaxed even more when Bruce murmured an apology for getting upset. he knew these people. it was Tony and Bruce. they'd stop if he begged them to stop. "Jarvis? please backtrack where Steve went. we'll send NAt and Clint in t clean the place out." Bruce decided. "if they can do this, to Steve? who knows how many other people they've hurt?" Bruce mumbled, carefully wiping Steve's back clean. at least the marks where clean and sharp, not torn or ragged. those would have hurt more. these where expertly done to hurt the most when they happened, but easy to fix so at least the filthy bastard had done that for Steve. Steve sighed as the pain slacked away and he leaned into Tony's hand, his wide eyes fixated on Tony's face, absorbed in Tony and only Tony, waiting for something, instruction probobly. "ah.... Steve?" Bruce asked, pausing when he had started checking him for other injuries. "...uhm.. Tony, i mean? he's... there's a...." Bruce flushed hard and then. "he's got a butt plug and a cock ring on and he's... er... probobly very uncomfortable...." poor Bruce looked so shocked at it and he wasn't sure what to do. he slept with most of the tower but it was a gentle, long, teasing thing. he didn't use bondage toys at all.
"....fine. you are not cutesy stupid, I'm sorry."though you totally knew he was still laughing."yea....she did."he sighed softly before nodding a little, closing his eyes a little."...three days. They deemed me sane after that long and didn't bother calling you."San shrugged a little hurting cause he really had liked the girl before snorting a little at dean's question. Smirking and you knew dean just wasn't going to like hearing it, even if he didn't go into detail."...well clint was laying over my legs while natasha paddled his ass, and I was helping hold him still so he wouldn't hurt himself but....Michael did that. Held me still, or lu ifer would, so the other could hit...."he shrugged."it was just the sound of flesh getting hit that sent me there."

"Of course, bruce. They're leaving now."jarvis said having already alerted the spies to the going ons.wincing at thag."they'll be lucky if they haven't accidently killed someone...."tony muttered looking sick at the idea smiling slightly as he petted steve."we'll go upstairs soon, it's okay."Tony muttered before startling, looking at steve before smiling slightly.oh. well...we should take care of those."Tony flushed a little as he moved steve around so he could get at the toys and taking them off, smirking at bruce a little."awww brucie. You're so cute."
"You are not. your a shit." he grumbled before sighing. "i'm sorry Sam. i know she must have meant a lot to you. you don't sleep with people you don't really like." he admitted before tensing, nearly driving them into a bridge. "that was a little more detail than i wanted." he admitted before looking at Sam. "i.. did they... Lucy and Mickey i mean... did they... force you?" had they raped his baby brother? "So... spanking? really?" he asked, sounding a bit confused. "doesn't that like, hurt?" curious too. interested in his brother. if he liked that sort of thing Dean wasn't going to judge but he couldn't fathom the idea it could be used for sex.

"thanks Jarvis. let them know to get Shield involved if they need to." he suggested before glancing at Tony. "whose to say they haven't? the kinds of people who go into clubs like that are either sickos or victims and the kinds of victims who go into places like that are led there. i bet you anything Steve had no idea what he was walking into when he was lured in there." he admitted, shaking his head. "i bet he was looking for a safe way to check out what he thought he might be interested in and instead he walked into a..." into a den of people who wanted to hurt and use him. at least it looked like no one had actually penetrated Steve, not with their cocks anyway so they hopefully wouldn't have to worry about STD's. Steve mewled when the plug was pulled out. it was well slicked and nothing followed after so Bruce had been correct. Steve hadn't been fully raped, not physically anyway. he just sighed when the cock ring was removed, he was still hard, but he wasn't in pain anymore. "yeah, yeah. he looks like he's stabilizing too." Bruce admitted, carefully redressing Steve who was unusually compliant, even for Steve. "you'll take care of him? i don't know what to do for a bad head-space..." Bruce admitted to Tony.
“...Yea. She was good. Nice.... Except apparently sleeping with the devil’s vessel was to much for her very religous person. She thought I was insane, dee.”he whined a little before yelping, tensing. “Dean!Dammit.”He cursed, wincing. “I know it was, but I didn’t think you’d try killing us either!”He whined a little before smiling a little at dean’s worry as he stared out the window. “No. They tried every other torture they could think of to amuse themselves, but seemed reluctant to go...there.”Sam muttered before snorting. “Yes. Spanking. It was interesting to watch...and I think part of the pain is the intent...I mean....I enjoyed it before...but...since...”He shuddered, because while he’d given in and had sex a few times since he’d gotten back, he’d come back to the motel with his head even more messed up then it had been before he’d left. Amused that his brother was asking after this topic.

“I will.”Jarvis said before paling at that idea, shuddering. “Jarvis?” “Already done sir. Agents barton and romanoff know what they are investigating. They’ll look into it.”The AI promised, before tony nodded his thanks, going quiet. “yes....he probably wasn’t aware of where he was going.”Tony muttered sighing softly, hating this. Hating that the other had had been hurt like this, looking relieved that steve hadn’t been raped all the way, before nodding, helping bruce dress him before stroking his hair again. “Yea, I’ll look after him....Will you just go grab some snacks and juice from his fridge, and take them to my room?”Tony said having every intent of looking after the man
"well. really you should have known better than to go for a faithly girl." he pointed out, smiling at Sam to take any sting out of the words. "sorry..." he said, shaking his head. "sorry..." he shuddered a little at the idea of Sam being tortured and was so, so fucking glad that they hadn't raped his brother. he reache over and took his brothers hand, holding it like they where little again and finally. "i was raped." he admitted softly. "i'm so glad you didn't have to live through that." he admitted, not looking at his brother. now that he wasn't drunk or high, it was... easier, to open up to Sammie. and his therapist had said it was a good sign, letting people know when he was hurting, trusting people with his darkest secretes. he trusted Sam, so he told Sam and... it felt good. "you'll enjoy it again." he promised the other. "the pain and the association will slowly fade away and all you'll have is Sam and Nat."

"Thank you Jarvis." Bruce said with a sigh before watching Tony and Steve. "yeah, i can grab that. carbs and sugar right?" Bruce asked, knowing enough about what Nat and Clint did to know what Steve probobly needed and he was off, gathering the things while Steve got to his clumbsy feet and let Tony lead him to his room and to the bed where Steve laid down on his back, stretched his arms over his head, spread his legs and looked for all the world like a well trained sub waiting to be tied down. they had really beaten a lot into him in the few short hours, but Steve was acting on reflex by this point. this was the way he was supposed to lay, or they'd whip him again. he didn't want the whip, so he laid properly because half of him was with Tony, but the other half was in that massive crowd where they jeered and laughed and mocked his tears and made him hurt. every inch of him desperate to please the Dom. he wasn't fully sure what that word meant, but Tony was the Dom and that meant he had to make Tony happy.
“Yea, well, I....I liked her enough to want to try.”he muttered smiling a little as he realized that the teasing, didn’t really sting. “Me to....”Sam sighed a little, looking over when the other took his hand, squeezing a little and shuddering a little at the sting of tears, it’d been so long for them since they’d been like this. Before turning, to stare at dean, eyes wide as he considered the other. Not sure waht to say. “...I’m sorry you had to....and I’m glad you told me....that you have cas and lisa to help. Like I have clint and nat.”Sam smiled a little before nodding. “I think so to....if I could just let the memories fade....”Sam muttered, because he was worried that the memories of hell, would be forever etched into his memories, that he wouldn’t ever be able to let it fade again.

“Yea, exactly.”Tony smiled at the other, as they headed upstairs. Wincing a little as he watched steve lay down, leaning in to gently stroke his hair as he sat on the bed. “so good, so very good. Good boy.”He said, praising him because even if the sight made him feel sick at the moment, he knew he had to help him. Resting a hand on his face, he smiled. “steve, we’re gonna take a break okay? Nothing bad, but you need to eat. I need you to eat okay?”Tony said smiling as he took the food and drink from bruce, before waving the other out and settling in to help steve eat.
"yeah well, she was probobly pretty sweet until she went nuts on you." he admitted with a smile before shrugging. "'s the only time i ever saw dad..." he swallowed a little. "i've never seen him so pissed... and so upset and worried about me before that.. or ever again." he admitted. "it was a long time ago you know? i almost can't remember it. i was... sixteen i think. one of the teachers at that school i dropped out of." they had gone to separate schools, so that John's enemies couldn't just snag both boys. "i'm not sure... have never really been sure but i think Dad killed him." he admitted. "the memories do fade... the ones from hell are always sharper, clearer, but they do fade." he promised. "they'll come back of course, they always do, but it gets easier and easier to push them away." he admitted. "like having PTSD i think. eventually the sharp fear and pain and hurt just... stops mattering and you might remember, but it won't hold you anymore."

Steve's breath hitched at being called a good boy and tears welled up in his eyes. relief and pleasure at being told he was finally being good. doing it right. he didn't actually cry but the tear where there, hovering at the surface, held back only because he wasn't sure crying was allowed. "kay." Steve managed to slur because questions where answered or he'd get the whip and he could really go for some food. he was hungry, the pit in his stomach like a gaping hole that ached. he wasn't sure why it felt so strong, but he happily ate the tiny torn off pieces of doughnut and chocolate and other things that Bruce had brought up. an entire box of a dozen glazed doughnuts, Steve's favorite peach-mango juice and energy bars soon had Steve full and a little more settled and not so close to tears and a little more aware of where he is. "T-Tony?" Steve asked, voice still slurred but able to pay more attention to the world around him. "i'm... i'm doing it right?" Steve asked sluggishly. desperate to please Tony.
“Hm yes.”Sam muttered sighing a little before frowning as he considered his brother. Looking lost that this had happened, and he hadn’t even known. Feeling like he’d gotten punched, but it was....good to be sharing. “I remember was weird....seeing him so upset. Over you. Over us.”Sam said frowning a little because it had been one of the few times john had ever been that protective, that pissed. Had yanked both of them out of school and moved them. “....Yea. I could see it. Dad probably did.”he agreed some, before looking at his brother, looking relieved at the answer. “....It sorta sucks that we both went there, but....but at least you can tell me that it’ll get easier with time.”Sam said smiling slightly, closing his eyes. Leaning back in his seat, the small smirk flicking at the edge of his lips saying he was going to shift things away from the serious talk, going to tease him. “Though, if you’re that interested in my sort of sex life, you should mention the spanking to Cas. He’s got that scary Angel of the Lord thing going for him. I bet he’d totally be a epic dom.”He teased.

Tony smiled softly at the tears, “You’re good. You can cry if you need to, whatever you need steve.”Tony said softly, nodding a little, pleased that the other was answering, “Good. Eat, good boy.”He praised, looking utterly pleased as the other ate, eating a little himself and looking relieved as he settled. “Yes. It’s me. You’re safe, and you’re doing so well for me. So right.”He praised, stroking his hair. “Now, I want you to relax, and go to sleep okay?You need rest.”
"it was weird but... it was nice. knowing that he didn't blame me for it. didn't think i was weak. i was so terrified to tell him at first, because i thought that dad would think maybe i had deserved it the way the man said... i can't even remember his name now. it went on for weeks until dad found out." he admitted. "well, no. you found out actually. he'd left a few marks and you asked where i got them. he sent you to bed and questioned me until it all just came spilling out. next thing i know the guy is dead and Dad's packing us up and leaving... he didn't let us out of his sight for months." he admitted. "you hated it. i remember you screaming at me too, for refusing to go back to school, i remember giving some bullshit excuse. i can't remember what it was now. something about it being boring... Lisa made me see a therapist when i started having nightmares." he admitted. "it really helps... want me to hook you up?" he offered before he paused, his breath hitching a little, flushing hard because that was why he had been asking. curious about the idea because he'd been having... interesting dreams.

Steve sniffled a little but he didn't cry, the promise that he could if he wanted to, or needed to was a relief enough that the desire to cry eased away. he made soft, happy sounds at the promise that he was being a good boy and he offered Tony a smile. happy, glad to be there and to be good for Tony. "kay." he sighed, snuggling into Tony and closed his eyes and was asleep in seconds. hours later, Bruce gently tapped at the door, knocking so gently he'd probobly used his fingertips instead of his knuckles. "Clint and Nat reported in. you want the info?" Bruce asked, his voice so low it was a miracle Tony could even hear him. not wanting to wake Steve who was sleeping so peacefully after such a traumatic experience.
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