Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

Steve smiled a little at being called a good boy again, even if a bright flush spread across his face. "i... yeah, i'm okay." he promised Tony with a smile, chuckling when Johnny came in wielding more coffee and another huge platter of food. "Bruce said Steve would probobly be getting hungry again." Johnny admitted softly, keeping his voice low and smiling at them. "hows it going?" "i'm okay now. i think." Steve admitted to Johnny, looking a little disturbed at how much Johnny looked like him. "Tony?... am.. i think i'm hallucinating." he admitted, reaching out and poking at Johnny's face.

"that's good." Clint said with a smile in his voice. "i suppose he thinks he's not supposed to submit or some sort of macho stuff right?" Clint asked with a chuckle before growing serious. "are you going to be okay on your own? after that nasty drop?" he asked softly. "you swear to call us if ou need anything at all right?" he asked before nodding. "consider it cleared, barring any world saving emergencies.

"Oh" Lisa murmured, sounding surprised before smiling a little. "i am a good instructor." she said, quite smug. "i'm taking him to Guilty Pleasures." she admitted. it was one of the biggest sex shops in the city. sold everything from dildos to harnesses. outfits to hardcore bondage equipment. if you wanted it, they likely had it. "fuck yeah you'll show me when you get back." he agreed with a grin.
“Good.”Tony smiled a little before grinning pleased at the food. “Awesome. And we both are.”Tony smiled a little as he watched johnny, relaxing back into the pillows as he reached for a plate, before snickering as johnny was poked. “No you’re not. I find it equally disturbing you two look alike. Don’t worry, it’s not just you.”Tony said snickering a little.

“Yea, something like that. had his head all messed up over it. I think I got to him though, so hopefully, it’ll be okay.”Sam said before biting his lip. “Y-yea. I think so. I mean....I’m still seeing things occassionally. But...but it was nice. Talking to dean. I feel steadier.....and...and he promised to put me in contact with his therapist....I think it’ll help.” “It will probably. If for no other reason, you’ll feel more settled in your own skin.”Natasha said smiling a little, glad he was open to the idea of help.

“...Where?We’re going out?”Cas said already moving to get up and head out, unlike the boys, they hadn’t been awake all night.
Steve was so comfortable that he didn't even try to move when Johnny came in. "oh... so that's how his face normally is?" Steve asked. "i wear it better." Steve decided, laying his head back down on Tony's hip to doze for a little longer, Johnny smiling. "i'm glad you're both doing okay." he admitted.

"yeah i imagine so. i hate that man... no offense meant, i know he was your father but he really fucked Dean up." Clint admitted before smiling. "just make sure it's not Dean accidentally releasing his voodoo powers." he suggested. "i'm glad you feel steadier and a therapist is a good idea. i would have suggested it myself but we don't know any therapists we trust so..." Clint shrugged even though Sam couldn't see it. "you'll let us run a background check on the therapist right?"

"not right now Cas, it's too early they're not open yet." Lisa informed him, making Dean chuckle. "you have GOT to record the whole thing. promise me!" "i have Jarvis's cooperation and he already has live streaming and recording of the Guilty pleasures video surveillance mainframe." she promised. "awesome."
“Yes, it’s how it normally is. You’re not seeing things.”Tony promised looking amused and a little relieved as steve settled back into rest, before looking up at johnny, letting out a shuddery breath. “Yea....I’ll need you to stay tonight to....I don’t...think I can hold it together after he’s okay...”he muttered because as much as he wanted steve to be the one taking care of him, he didn’t think steve would be able to.

“Hm, me to. Don’t worry, we have our own conflicting thoughts and feelings on the man.”Sam sighed a little before snorting. “Hm, definitely no voodoo powers, I promise.”Sam snickered a little before sighing. “Yes. I guess....I mean. Dean says he’s been seeing her for years, but yea. As soon as I know her name, I’ll let you know.”

“Hm. You still need to eat before we go out. And dean needs to sleep. We shall let him go now, and then go do this shopping that you insist is necessary.”cas said frowning a little, starting to feel like they were going to play a prank on him of some kind, and not sure he apperciated it.
"okay." Steve mumbled, looking a bit suspicious but letting it go before frowning, picking his head up and looked at Tony. "are you okay? what's wrong?" he asked. "am i upsetting you Tony?" "no, Steve." Johnny promised. "Tony is highly empathetic. you know what that means right? so with you off kilter, Tony's sliding off kilter as well. He just needs some time in his own head space and you won't be in any condition to help him with that even if you knew what you where doing." "oh..." Steve considered that and then. "will it hurt?" Steve asked. "mine hurt." "no. it won't hurt Tony. i know what he lies and what he doesn't and i always, always respect his right to say no or to stop." "...okay."

"Okay. honestly i think he's completely forgotten he has them now." Clint admitted. "you notice his drinking has gotten a lot better?" he asked. "i think he's really settling in here. both of you have." he admitted. "we're really glad to have you too." he admitted. "we'll ru a background just in case but it should be fine." Clint agreed. "you should get some sleep. you sound pretty wrecked."

"i do need to eat and Dean does need to sleep." Lisa agreed, making Dean whine. "but... but... sexy phone times." he protested. "no sexy phone times. that can come later." Lisa said. "your in the middle of a hut and you know better than to get distracted. get some sleep Dean." she ordered with a chuckle. "fiiiine."
“Yea. I’ll be okay.”Not the same as being okay, but as close as he could get without upsetting the other. Looking relieved at johnny’s words, before nodding a little. “It’’s hard for me to see you like this without messing up myself either. I’ll be okay.”Tony promised stroking steve’s hair to try and calm him before smiling a little. “No, when it’s with someone who understands and knows you, it doesn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt after you got home, right?”Tony reminded him smiling slightly.

“Hm, probably.”sam snickered a little before grinning. “I noticed. It’s great. I think tony’s helping with that alot....and it’s nice. To have a home I mean.”Sam smiled a little. “It is. You’ll always have a place here, Sam.”Natasha promised before nodding even if he couldn’t see it. “sleep.” “Yes, Madam.”sam teased, saying goodnight before hanging up. Even as he collapsed into bed with a sigh.

“....You need sleep dean. If I have to come out there and stand guard to make sure you sleep, I will be very unhappy.”Cas said, his voice soft and growly, unhappy because he knew they were making fun of him somehow, but not sure how, and not wanting to get angry with them, not when he knew things were good and that they wouldn’t try to hurt him. More then anything else, not wanting to argue because he was still afraid of messing this up. “Goodnight Dean.”Cas said smiling a little as he waited to help lisa down to the kitchen for food.
"okay." Steve mumbled, still looking worried but not so upset he was going to fly into a panic now. "i'm sorry Tony." Steve mumbled, nuzzling Tony's hip. "i'm a lot better now. you don't have to worry so much. i'm settled in my head, there's no dark clouds." he promised Tony, Johnny smiling. "is tha3t how you feel it Steve? as clouds?" "yeah. they're fluffy and white and feel so soft and comfortable... before, they where hard and cold and black but Tony fixed it." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "because i trusted him?" "yes. trust is very important in sub and head-spaces." "and Tony trusts you?" Steve asked, though he turned to Tony for clarification. even with his head so low, he still took care of Tony. "it didn't hurt once i got home." he agreed softly.

"Tony is very helpful." Clint agreed with a smile. "and Dean really looks up to him. you'll always have a home with us Sam, sex or not." Clint promised. "you'll always be welcome with us." he promised. "yeah. sleep. no masturbating. you'll get wrist cramps, OW Nat!" he whined.

"fine... fine." he groaned even as he fidgeted because it was that voice, right there that made him have the dreams he had. "goodnight Cas... don't worry, you'll enjoy this." he promised with smile. "i'll enjoy you're reaction to be sure but once you calm down i think you'll really like where she's taking you." he promised before yawning, hanging up his phone and going to sleep. he was going to have some very nice dreams that freaked him out a little. "relax Cas. Dean's right. i really think you'll enjoy this... once you get over the initial shock." Lisa admitted with a giggle.
“it’s okay. I was due for a drop soon anyways. It wasn’t just you.”Tony promised ruffling his hair a little before relaxing, “Good.”He smiled before tilting his head as he considered that. “clouds...never considered it like that....I get numbers.”Tony smiled a little because his always came up as positive or negative depending on where he was. “I do.”Tony smiled a little as steve looked at him, “I’ve known him since I was a teenager, and he’s stopped me from self destructing more then once. I trust him to look after me, even when I can’t look after myself.”Tony smiled looking pleased. “Good. Glad home was a safe place.”

“Good. It’s nice to finally have that.”Sam smiled a little at the promise, before wincing at the resounding smack he could hear on the other side. “Be nice, Nat.” “Hm, but he doesn’t want me to. Now sleep before I punish you to.”Natasha ordered grinning as he hung up. Pleased with just how far he’d come already.

“....Okay.”Cas said not sounding so sure that he was going to enjoy it, but trusting them to, even if they were making fun of him for something, he trusted them to not make him feel truly uncomfortable about things either. “Okay....yes. Maybe I will.”Cas agreed tilting his head a little as he looked at the other, starting to make breakfast for her, knowing they had some time to kill before going wherever she wanted to go.
" have to schedule it?" Steve asked, looking surprised. he wasn't sure he liked that. "no, Steve... some people, like Tony. they need safe drops to continue functioning properly. if Tony doesn't get a drop, he gets irritable and paranoid and all sorts of things. he can get very irrational without drops and he's been very busy for a very long time so he hasn't had the chance." "oh. that's okay then." Steve mumbled, relaxing as Tony promised he trusted Johnny. "Home is safe." Steve agreed with a smile. "i think i'll be okay if you need to go." Steve admitted. "i'll go snuggle Bruce and that should keep me fine until the last of it fades off." Steve promised. "are you sure?" Johnny asked, worried. "this is your first Drop Steve. i don't think you have a good judge on yourself..." "....good point. maybe, uhm... oh! Nat knows how. if i'm not all, uhm.. done? better? by the time Tony needs to drop, she can monitor me." "...good idea. but it shouldn't last much longer. you're already up pretty high. by tonight you'll be fine and i can help Tony." Johnny agreed.

"yeah. i felt th same way when i found Nat... or rather, she found me." Clint admitted with a smile. "and moving in with Tony... this is the safest i've ever felt." he admitted. "the most content. the most... i dunno. relived and relaxed." Clint admitted before chuckling as he squirmed at the smack. "sleep." he agreed with Sam before smiling at Nat. "i think he's going to be okay."

"it'll be fine." Lisa promised him with a smile. "so whats for breakfast?" she ased hopefully. "i'm starving.
“No, not really. Just every once in awhile I actually have to take a break from doing normal things, to take care of myself to.”Tony shrugged a little before snickering. “Yes. So if you ever find me being irrational....wait. More irrational and irritable then normal, remind me I have to drop.”Tony smiled a little as he stroked steve’s hair. “Good....glad you’re safe here....and he should be okay.”Tony said not looking sure about that though before nodding, “INdeed she does. Her and clint. If you need to, you can see her. Or Sam when he gets home.”Tony said wanting to give steve plenty of people he already trusted, to go to if tony himself wasn’t available. “We should get out of bed...check on everyone else...”Tony sighed a little.

“...Yea. I think he will be. Once we got him past his block on thinking it was lucifer....yes...I think we made good progress with him.”Natasha said smiling sadly, because while she was happy, she also knew it was closer to letting the other go and letting him find his own person to look after him, which was just sad to have to say goodbye. “Yea, I think he’ll be fine....dean though....”She shook her head a little worried.

“Eggs and bacon. And pie.”Cas smirked a little as he cooked before setting the food down in front of her with a pleased smile as he settled in to eat himself, the large piece of pie definitely his way of missing dean, and sorta paying the man back for not letting him go with them, even if he understood, it still made him anxious to be left behind.
"that makes sense. i ind of like this feeling... i don't think i'd like it all the time though." a switch, but mostly Dominating. "i'll remember that. i know how you look mostly normal so i can keep an eye out for warning signs if i have to. i don't think i'll have to but i'll be able to recognize them if i see them right?" he asked with a smile before groaning. "moving?" he asked, sulking at Tony. "can't we make them come to us?" Johnny started laughing. figures Steve would be a lazy ass bitch when he was down. "..we should go back to there... they where hurting people." Steve mumbled, scowling. "they where BUYING people..." "it's already been taken care of."Johnny admitted. "we even have the young man you tried to rescue here. poor kids pretty traumatized. we want to hear your side of the story before we talk to him again. Bruce is with him. i think the poor kid feels safer with him." "good... don't be angry with Andy... it wasn't his fault. it was my idea."

"yeah. he'll be fine." he agreed. "i know he'll move on, we're just not a good fit for him." he admitted. "i like pain too much for his comfort and we're just a little too... lifestyle. he needs someone who can fit him perfectly, not just fit little bits of him." he admitted, stroking her hair. "we're fine together, you and me. we'll find our perfect match sooner or later." he promised her with a smile. "Dean will be fine too. he's known a lot longer than Sam has, he's been preparing for this. and i think Lisa already suspects." he admitted, kissing her. "i love you. you know that?" he asked with a smile.

"mmm Pie." she agreed, smiling at Cas. "i just love pie. Dean's going to be furious when he finds out." she teased with a chuckle as she munched on his pie, checking her watch. the store would be open in an hour, time enough for another lesson.
“Ah, a switch. You’d probably be better with dominating most of the time.”Tony said thoughtfully, before nodding. “Yea, you’ll recognize them. I get a little weirder then normal.”He snickered a little before laughing out loud as he settled back into the bed. “Okay, okay. No moving. Indeed, we can make them come to us, and johnny and play errand boy and get them for us.”Tony grinned before nodding. “Clint and Natasha already got things started. I’m sure we’ll hear soon enough the result of their investigation.”Tony sighed a little wincing at the idea of steve volunteering, but not really surprised by the fact that he had either.

“No, we’re not....and I think if he didn’t have to deal with seeing...what he sees still, he’d enjoy it more. But...”Natasha sighed shrugging a little. “He needs someone who can fit him better.”She agreed before nuzzling clint slightly. “We will.Eventually.”She agreed before snorting a little. “Maybe. And considering Dean’s currently lusting after a mother fucking angel, I think lisa damned well better have a clue, can’t really see a warrior of god being totally submissive and willing to give up control.”Natasha snickered a little, kissing him back. Only discussing this because it amused him, and there was enough people in the tower that had kinks, that regular discussions helped her understand how to look after them. “I love you to, chick.”She muttered nuzzling him a little.

“Me to. And he can be furious all he wants, he doesn’t get pie for breakfast. This is his punishment for telling me my help was not needed.”Not that he thought it really was, he just didn’t like being ordered to stay, and simply learn, and enjoy lisa’s company. Not that he didn’t like her, love her, but it was hard on him to let the order stand. Even if he respected dean enough to let it stand.....even if he was acting out by eating dean’s pie....though he’d make sure there was more pie before the man go back.
"i think i'd rather like being more dominant." he admitted. "but i like being submissive sometimes too i think." Steve admitted before grinning a little at Tony. "you're the best you know that?" Steve asked Tony, Johnny chuckling a little. "yeah i can play errand boy." he agreed with a smile. "who should i fetch first?" Johnny asked softly, smiling affectionately at them. "why don't you tell me what happened last night Steve?" he asked softly. "i was at Raven's. that club i go to. the one with the awesome music. they have rooms in the back for couples and i saw Andy, i didn't know his name of course. he was sobbing, fighting against this much bigger guy. begging almost. so i followed because, well i just had to. the bigger guy was beating the shit out of Andy, screaming at him. i listened just long enough to find out that the bastard had sold Andy to pay off some kind of debt. i beat the living hell out of the man and called the cops and took Andy back out to calm him down." he admitted. "i got the rest of the story from him. i told him to go to the police... i don't understand why he didn't..." "because Andy has a very long track record. they would just have arrested him." "oh..." "still, it matches everything he said." Johnny admitted. "i'll let them know that Andy can be let out of his room."

"he just needs time to recover." Dean admitted. "remember how long it took me to recover after..." after his previous, abusive lover. "it took months, years before i stopped cringing every time you raised your hand at me." he reminded her. "i can't imagine how Sam must feel, being as he was actively tortured." he admitted before smirking a little. "i really don't think Sam's submission is what Dean's been going for. he wouldn't be so freaked out otherwise." he pointed out with a grin before he flushed and sucked his head, unable to meet her eyes because he wasn't low enough to be so open about his emotions but she knew he was highly pleased with the nickname anyway, since they where alone.

"oh Cas, sweetie. you're help is always needed. Dean's just terrified that i'm going to get snatched again. he wants you here protecting me because you're the only person he trusts me with." she admitted with a smile, eating her pie with a grin because she knew Cas was going to find plenty of ways to 'punish' Dean while at the Guilty Pleasures Sex Mall.
“Some people enjoy that. It’s okay. I switch to.”Tony said shrugging a little before blushign a little at the praise, ducking his head a little before nodding. “Yea, yea I know I’m perfect and the best.”He said smiling a little before looking thoughtful. “Well, let’s hear the story first and go from there.”Tony said frowning a little as he listened. “....And he’ll be look after. We’ll make sure shield takes care of the club, and the man. Now that it was one of our team hurt, it’s not a police matter anymore, but ours.”Tony sighed a little, “Probably clint and nat, just so we can know everything’s okay.”not that he didn’t trust them, but he knew natasha would feel better hearing it from them.

“I know. You were so good though. So good.”She praised softly, kissing his head before sighing a little. “Yes....especially since I did ask dean, how long time was in hell....”She shudder at the thought of 140 years spent being actively tortured. It was amazing sam was as sane and able to want to do anything as he was. “Hmmm, true.”Natasha snickered. “I hear the angel’s going to a sex store later. Dean’s in for a surprise I think.”she grinned smiling as she kissed his forehead, knowing how he was feeling, “You should eat, then rest. You had a long night last night.”

“....Oh. Well. Yes. That would be very bad for us both. I would not enjoy having to heal you again.”Not because he wouldn’t, but because he hated the idea of her being hurt. Looking pleased that dean trusted him with lisa’s protection, smiling as they finished eating. Getting up. Holding out a hand for her. “Do you feel well enough to walk on your own, or shall I see about a wheelchair?”
"i thought it had to be like a permanent thing? one's always on top and ones always on bottom?" "sometimes. but most people aren't wired that way. most people like to switch around and experiment and stuff. it's not hard-set unless people are wired that way." Johnny admitted before sighing a little. "the entire operation was busted. every single person involved has been arrested but you should have called for backup or something." Johnny protested making Steve grimace. "i... was not thinking properly." Steve admitted. "i think i was dropping even before i went to... i really don't know what i was planning on doing to be honest." he admitted. "i just... it seamed like such a perfect idea at the time." he admitted.

"i was good." he agreed smiling at her. "I am a good boy... when i want to be." he agreed with a chuckle before grimacing a little. "it was a long time i take it?" he asked softly. "oh that's just too good. i have to see if we can't follow them for a first hand account of his reactions." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing a little. "i wanna check on Steve first okay?" he asked hopefully. "i know Johnny is really good at what he does, but i don't think Steve is hurt as much as we all think he's going to be." he admitted. "i think he's been this way before and just didn't realize what it was."

"yes. Dean's just feeling a little paranoid." she promised with a smile. "i'd rather have the wheelchair. i can walk around for a little while but it'll be easier with the chair so if i get tired i can just sit down." she admitted with a smile, snuggling into him after she'd swallowed down the whole meal, feeling full and content before checking her watch. "half an hour, plenty of time for me to take a nap.
“Not always. I like switching, and it just depends on who I’m with, or how I’m feeling if I’m going to top or bottom.”Tony said shrugging a little before looking pleased that everyone had been arrested, before sighing. “I need to finish your watch soon. That way you can call for backup, or jarvis can, if you get in trouble.”tony looked a little distressed at the idea before sighing. “Well, you have to be careful okay? I’d hate to lose you.”Not to mention it’d mess with him badly to lose a friend.

“”You are a good boy.”She muttered before nodding. “nearly 2 centuries.”She grimaced a little, before nodding. “Yes, I think that a little shopping trip is just what you need. Might pick up something for sam, while we’re out.”she smiled before nodding. “OKay. I want to see to him to.”She said moving to get up, nodding a little. “Probably. It wouldn’t be that surprising, considering how long he’s been alive.”She said heading for the door.

“Hm, he’s always a little paranoid.”Cas smiled a little, nodding. “Well, you go take a nap, and I’ll get the wheelchair.”He said pressing a kiss ot her forehead before tucking her in on the couch before going around to gather not only the wheelchair, but her purse, and one of sam’s backpacks, stuffed with snacks and water, and books and a blanket. Just in case they needed anything, having made sure anything he could think they might need, was in there before heading upstairs to check on her again.
"huh. well that's good to know." Steve agreed with a smile. "i don't feel so weird now." he admitted, Johnny tilting his head. "you've been like this before. with the dark black clouds." "yeah. when i was younger. stupid... i thought i had to prove something, be something. i'd go pick fights and get my ass kicked in alleyways and it would feel so good and so very wrong all at the same time, it was like the best high ever." he admitted. "Bucky, my pal. he would help me come down, bitching all the time." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "I just didn't know what it was until now." "and that's why your handing your first drop so well... because it's not your first drop." "no... though it's the first one where i knew what it was..." he admitted. "and having them... touch me like that, that was new." he admitted. "i've never been touched before. like that i mean... inside..." "not even yourself?" "no... i mean, once but it... hurt so i never did it again. this time didn't... they didn't have Lube back then you know and research was, ah... limited so i just..." "ouch, man." "i was sixteen. what did you expect?" Steve asked, pouting a little.

"two centuries in hell. fuck. that's messed up." he admitted, shaking his head before brightening eagerly. "we could get him some fuzzy handcuffs! he did say that he had a thing about handcuffs." he admitted with a chuckle. "i wouldn't be surprised considering how much of a shit he is." he admitted with a chuckle as he slid out of bed and tried to find his underwear.

"thanks Cas." she said, kissing him before heading up the stairs all on her own and heading to bed for a long nap. well, not so long. she was up within the hour, smiling at how thoughtful cas was with everything. "okay. let's go." she agreed with a smile, leading the way to the car and snuggling into the drivers seat, looking entirely too wicked. this, was gonna be fun. she had a feeling they where going to come home with so, man, things.
“Yea, it is. Amazing he’s as well adjusted as he is.”Natasha muttered before grinning. “We should. He does like handcuffs. We’ll find the perfect pair.”She said smiling as she got dressed herself and headed for the door.

“That’s good.”Tony smiled happily tilting his head as he considered that. “Ah....yes. Sometimes it can be like that. And I’m sure he did bitch. No like you were in great physical shape, able to take a beating.”Tony smiled a little, glad steve had had someone to look after him. “Really?”he looked startled at the idea of it being the first time someone had touched him like that, even if he’d known the man was a virgin. Wincing at that idea he snickered a little. “Yea. Well, if it makes you feel better, we were all that age once. Even johnny, even if he wont admit it.”He said snickering at the idea of him or johnny being that innocent at one time, while it was true, it was odd to.Looking up at the knock on the door. “Tony?Steve? Can we come in?”Natasha asked lightly.

“Welcome.”Cas smiled brightly, glad she got some rest. Looking her over, making sure she was really okay to be leaving before following her out to the car. “....You look like dean. With that look.”Cas said eyeing lisa as she drove, “....I think I might have to come up with a punishment for you to, if you’re finding my confusion and innocence so amusing.”Cas decided, because he was fairly certain that’s where this was going, that she wanted to inform him about something.
"yeah. he bitched a lot but i always felt better with him... shame we never... we did try, for a while. we where both bi you know? liked the men and the women? both of us thought we where pretty fucked up but... we just didn't make good lovers. we kept freaking out every time we tried. we where too close i guess." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. me and James, the only thing we ever managed was a mutual hand job once and it was a total disaster." he admitted. "yeah we where." he agreed with a chuckle before looking up at Nat and Clint. "only if you have food!" he ordered, making Clint laugh and heft the doughnuts he'd picked up at the kitchen. "we have sweeties!" "then you can come in!"

she giggled. "he's a terrible influence on me." she agreed with an impish grin, looking at him. "i promise, Cas. you'll love it once you're over the shock." she promised, parking in front of the three story tall Sex shop. "get the wheelchair for me would you?" she asked with a smile, looking ery eager. not only for the reaction she was going to get, but for what was inside as well.
“That’s amusing. Really. And I know what you mean. I have a friend like that. Not me and johnny, but Rhodey....we’re just to close to try sex. It’s weird. Like screwing siblings or something.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little looking amused before snorting at the idea of a handjob being a disaster. “We do.”Natasha promised as they came in, smiling a little as she looked over the three men in the bed. “Well. You three look decidedly relaxed and happy.”She said glad steve seemed to be okay.

“He really is.”Cas agreed snickering a little before eyeing her, nodding a little. “Okay.I trust you.”Cas said smiling a little as he got out, getting the wheelchair out, and helping her into it. “There.”he muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Let’s go in.”he said heading inside, pausing as he looked around. Studying the sight in front of him. “.....”The angel was silent as he considered what he was seeing, trying to figure out what he was seeing even as he started to flush.
"Johnny's too cute not to fuck." Steve agreed, smirking at Johnny who choked, rather violently, on the coffee he had been sipping. "it was like fucking a sibling. Me and Bucky, weed to wear diapers together, steal each others binkies and bottles and even took baths together. it was just... weird." he admitted, smiling when he saw the doughnuts. "oh. we where just deciding on whether or not it was worth an orgy." he grinned when Clint choked on his doughnut and he looked at Nat. "yeah i think he's fine."

"thanks love." she cooed at him, smiling at the kiss to her forehead before giggling at him. the first floor was your typical dildos, vibrators and blindfolds. the second floor was costumes, bondage apparatasus and other kinkier things and the third floor was where you went for the hardcore stuff. she figured they'd stick to the first two floors because she was pretty sure he wouldn't care much for the third. while he might, later, be interested in flogs and whips, she doubted he'd be too keen on enemas or ball/cock cages. "so. what do you think?" she asked, looking very amused. "you like?"
“Hmm, he really is.”Tony said looking a little wide eyed, since that meant he thought steve was to cute not to fuck considering how close they looked alike. His head was starting to hurt simply by thinking about it. “....yea. That does sound weird.”Tony agreed snickering. “.....I don’t know if you’re kidding or not. I think I want to be apart of this orgy.”Natasha snickered before nodding. “Indeed. We just wanted to make sure you were okay before we went to spy on the angel.”She giggled as she leaned over to kiss steve’s forehead.

“Welcome.”He smiled a little as he looked around. Having wandered away from her before he was even really aware of doing it, before turning to look at her, small dildo in his hand, absently running his fingers over it as he thought. “Yes. I think I do.”he said simply, before raising his eyebrows. “....if we take a video in here, would dean be able to get it on his phone?”The wicked evil smirk was back as he considered what he was holding.
"yeah. really." Steve said, wiggling his own eyebrows with a laugh and grinning at Tony, impish lust in every pore of him. "this is rather new." "no inhibitions." Steve admitted. "it'll wear off once i drop lower or get up higher. i used to piss the fuck out of Bucky." he admitted. "cus i couldn't keep my bitch mouth shut." he admitted with a bright grin making Clint laugh. "well it's not much of an orgy with only the three of us." "i'm not sure i want to share my girl with you, she might decide i'm not much of a man." Clint teased with a chuckle. "Spying on the Angel are we?" Steve asked curiously. "and why are we doing that?"

she grinned and followed him. "we can't do video in here, or pictures. rules. but we can take all the things we buy back home and take pictures and video there." she promised with a smile. "so. feel free. i stole Tony's credit card." she admitted with a giggle, grinning at him. "so go nuts and buy whatever you want." she offered with a smile.
Tony flushed brightly at that teasing, not sure what to think about it before grinning. “That’s amusing. Really.”he said amused at the other’s flirting, but disheartened that it was only cause he was dropped before snorting. “Hm, it’d be a amazing orgy.”Tony said smirking. “Hm, with Stark and Rogers, not to mention Storm, you should be worried.”Natasha teased her boyfriend before nodding. “Indeed. And because Lisa, is taking him to guilty pleasures. And I want to get a present for Sam.”

“Oh. Okay then. We’ll wait till we get home.”Cas agreed looking pleased as he wandered around the store, soon enough had a whole carts worth of crap that was going with them, though by the time lisa found him again he’d gone through most of the store, and was standing in the aisle considering the handcuffs, collars, and general other clamps and such. Looking thoughtful and quiet as he considered them,
"Very amusing." Steve agreed with a smile. "it's impossible to be scared what people might think of me when i'm like this." he admitted. "i don't have to worry how people might react and i don't have a filter." he admitted with a sigh. "it would be an amazing orgy." he agreed with a grin. "Hey! i'm at least sexier than Tony!" Clint whined before grinning at the idea of a present for Sam.

"yes." she agreed with a chuckle and grinned as she added a few things of her own to the pile growing in the cart and she grinned at him. "go ahead. i think Dean would like them. he has a thing about being tied up." she admitted. "and doing the tying up too." she admitted with a grin.
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