Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“ are totally a golden retriever. And I’ll ask. Maybe he’ll let us.”Tony giggled a little amused at the idea of turning his friends into animals. “....There are no silly tasks!How dare you say I’d ever be involved in silly tasks. There are no silly tasks.”Tony huffed a little before smiling. “But if you insist, fine. Just not fluffy. I’m not a fluffy kitten.”He huffed a little before nodding a little. “ is. And pepper is brilliant. Awesome pepper really. I’ll have to reward her for it.”Tony said before nodding. “yea. With more people around, they kept interrupting projects, or we’d interrupt each other./...”Which meant bruce had gotten tired of tony randomly showing up and spooking him. “So we got the ribbons.”he shrugged before blushing as steve wiped his lip clean, “Good. Cause I might need someone to look after me. Maybe. I’m not sure.”He said smiling as he started to eat more, “I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me this much.”He grumbled even as he finished all the food, looking happy and content with it.
"i am a Golden Retriever." he agreed with a grin. "i'm sure Loki has a spell for that." he agreed with a smile. "you played with a piece of string for three hours yesterday Tony." he pointed out looking amused. "i always though of you more as a Serval or a Savannah Cat." he agreed. "something barely domesticated." he admitted with a smile. "something sleek and wild, powerful and dangerous just as much as he is a playfully hyper and lazy house-cat." he admitted with a grin as he read between the lines of Tony's comment. he didn't remark on it though. "well, i'd be glad to." he agreed with a smile. "you could stand to gain some weight." he admitted. "you're too thin, i can see your ribs." he admitted, shaking his head. "besides, you're a cat, you're supposed to be greedy and gluttonous." he teased with a smile as he handed the waitress his bank card and accepting his reciept when she came back.
“Hm, I’ll ask.”Tony grinned pleased with the idea before huffing. “I did not.”He grumbled. “I was working on a new bow string for Clint. It was important stuff!”He whined a little before considering that, snorting a little. “I’m definitely barely civilized. Ask pepper, she’d agree.”He said pleased with the other’s description before making a face. “I’m not that thin. It’s not my fault my bones are weird and close to the surface.”He grumbled and huffed as they left. “Besides, I am greedy. Have you seen the size of my bank account? And totally gluttonous.”When he remembered to eat that is.
"is that what you where doing?" Steve asked, looking amused. "it looked like you where loosing your mind." he admitted with a chuckle. "you're perfectly civilized. you just don't do snobby assholes." he admitted before giving Tony a stern look. your at least teenty pounds underweight and don't even try to argue that one. i asked Bruce." he informed Tony. "and you donate so much i'm surprised you evn have a bank account left." he reminded the other with a grin. "how much did you give to that womens shelter program again? Three.6 million?"
“Yes it was. Nat said something about his current one getting caught up when he folds the bow up. Thought I’d try coming up with something else. even enlisted Loki’s help, figured he might have some weird stuff that would make the perfect string.”Tony said before snorting. “True. Snobs are annoying.”he agreed, cause everyone could accuse him of being snobbish, the man was extremely down to earth most of the time. “....Fine. I might need more food.”he grumbled before huffing. “...Yea....something like that. Though it’s not that much for me. I mean. I make alot.”he said shrugging, blushing a little, squirming cause it made him uncomfortable to have people focusing on his good things, as he stepped into the tower, glad to be home.
"huh. i didn't know." Steve admitted. "it's a good thing Clint can go to you for help. he adores his new hearing aids. he was bragging about them." Steve admitted, knowing that Tony would be delighted to hear that. "did Loki have anything?" of course he did, and even better Tony could synthesize it in his lab and it coul potentially have thousands of uses. "you do need more food. and i'll make sure you get it." Steve said with a smile. "i know it's not but not a lot of people would donate so much even if they could. you're a swell guy Tony." Steve admitted with a smile before grinning when he saw Loki buried head first in the dismantled oven, covered in bits of wire, flecks of oil and soot. "Loki? what the hell are you doing?" "i've never seen energy transmitters like this before!" Loki said, sounding very ecited. "just look how electrical flows mae these wires hot enough to cook food!" Loki paused, realizing who he was talking to and guilitly hid the tangle of wires from their view. "i mean... uhm... Thor did it?"
"Good!he should brag. Those are amazing and the idiots at shield should know they are inferior to my genius!"tony grinned pleased that clint liked them."yea. It's soooo cool cap. Totally making clothes with it next. Natasha needs new spy clothes."Tony smiled."yea well. Maybe. Swell isn't a word most would use."Tony said brushing off the praise before pausing at the sight in front of him, before shifting his gaze to the moose sitting at the bar eating pie and a salad."and you didn't show him how to put it together?" "He's still taking it apart. I figured you'd have fun upgrading your stove putting it back together."sam said smirking a little as tony perked up."I can! And now it's love affair with the toaster can be realized!thanks." "...."sam stared at the genius not sure what to do with this announcement
"they are amazing." Steve agreed with a smile. "and i'm quite sure Shield knows very much how infirier they are." he admitted before grinning at Tony. "you're going to have a hell of a time talking her into changing out of her leather and Kevlar you know." he admitted with a grin. "she likes being sexy." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting at Sam. "you ever think of myabe stopping him?" Steve asked, looking far too amused to be taken seriously. "Tony. remember what i told you about beings with ther own sentient minds." Pepper ordered as she walked in. "Once they have their own minds you're not allowed to order them to date other appliances. if the Oven and the toaster like each other then they'll work it out for themselves." she ordered sternly, not even bothered by the fact that they no longer had a working oven. "
"Good!they should know how inferior they are."Tony huffed."I'm not taking the Kevlar and leather away. I'm just gonna just make it even sexier."Tony said pleased."no, not really. He looked happy doing it. I couldn't ruin someone's good time now can i?"sam said looking amused."....but but they do like each other!they told jarvis. They just cant talk to each other. I need to let them have voices so they can realize their romance!"."....I don't even know what to do with this conversation..."sam said staring and looking a little overwhelmed with the idea, especially since this was so different from anything he'd ever had to do with, except for that haunted computer once.
"well don't make it too sexy or she'll kill you." he warned with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "...seriously Sam?" Steve chastised with a chuckle, well aware that Loki had probobly asked Jarvis for permission at least. or at the very least Jarvis hadn't protested. "wait..." JArvis looked utterly horrified. "this thing is sentient?! i just tore it apart!!!" he protested, looking very freaked out. "don't worry Loki. it's sentient but you haven't touched anything the stove views as important or it would have slammed your head or burnt your hair or asked Jarvis to tell you to knock it off. it can't feel it." Pepper promised, making Loki relax a little. "you'll get used to it." Pepper assured Sam. "just be nice to the appliances and it'll be fine." she promised before looking at Tony. "here's your approval forms." she said. she was supposed to 'monitor and moderate' his spending according to the board. but Tony only used S.I. money for S.I. so they weren't allowed to bitch aside from making Tony have to sign forms that Pepper filled out for him saying 'it's okay to use this money' or whatever. it was all Tony's money but the board of directors liked to get pissy about things. this cut them off at the knees, more or less.
"...yes seriously. Watching him do this was sorta like watching cas discover porn, utterly entertaining."sam snickered mostly avoiding everyone, or he had been, simply to try and settle more. But with everyone in the room, he was feeling sorta twitchy and wanting his brother, even if he'd never admit it. Cause if he did, dean would never let him hear the end of it."it can't feel it, I promise. Jarvis would have stopped you if he was upset."Tony promised before whining a little as he took the forms."I don't want to do this. This is stupid."Tony grumbled and it was more then just his normal aversion to paperwork. His board was giving him problems, and he just wasnt feeling generous about doing paperwork
"what's porn?" Loki asked curiously as he examined the wires in his hand, looking at Sam, his head tilted. "do you need me to fetch your ribbon?" he asked the young man. oddly, it was Loki who read them all the easiest, and he was an Alien. "Sam? you need us to leave?" Steve asked, suddenly keyed into Sam's tense shoulders before smiling when Dean walked in, yawning with his lips still smudged with pie. he just moved over to Sam, sat down and leaned against his brother and mumbled something incoherent that may or may not have involved the word pie. "i know Tony." Pepper sighed. "but they're legally allowed to demand it." she admitted. "if you don't like it, stop using the money and stop making things for them." Steve commented simply. "they'll come crawling back on their hands and knees... what? i do have to know business you know." "that's a great idea Steve. Tony, from now on, Avengers and personal use only. the S.I. folks can suck it." Pepper decided.
"Porn activity on film. It has a long and varied history."sam snickered."cas finds human sex messy and weird, so watching him watch it was amusing."sam smiled a little before looking up at steve, frowning slightly."...yea...maybe..."sam muttered at steve and loki's question, but relaxing when dean came in, relaxing and trusting dean to look after him, even if he was incoherent."lisa and cas let you out of bed?"he snickered a little. " personal bank account is mine though. I'm still using that."which is what he usually used to donate and make things half the time."and okay. I can do that. I was planning on working avengers stuff anyways."Tony grinned pleased with the idea.
Loki blinked. "what is a film?" he asked, his head tilted before he frowned a little. "if the Lord Angel does not like human sex why does he engage in it?" he wondered, looking so adorably confused. Steve was just smirking at Sam, amused because now Sam was going to have to explain all kinds of things. "here..." Loki reached into his pocket and handed a red ribbon to Loki. apparently he just waked around with spares in his pocket. "yes." Dean mumbled. "Cas said you where upset." Dean admitted looking at Sam. "had to come down and make sure it wasn't that archer bastard." he admitted before watching Tony, still half asleep. "of course it is. just don't touch the S.I accounts." she said, shaking her head. "actually... i think i might start making THEM do this too!" she admitted, waving the paperwork around. "Jarvis! cancel that lunch! i have evil plans i have to set in motion." "of course Ms. Potts." "and call me Pepper!" she ordered,s talking away and Steve blinked. "why do i feel as if all the super villains in the city suddenly hid under chairs, beds and couches?"
"A film is a movie. .like pictures on the tv..."sam said blinking slowly before snickering."cause apparently getting dirty and messy with dean is worth it. Not that I understand that, but it works."sam snickered and realizing he'd probably dug himself into a hole. Oh well. He probably could pawn the conversation off on dean sometime."thanks."sam muttered as he tied the ribbon around his wrist, " just....thinking to hard. It wasn't was but...not."sam muttered a little leaning into his brother with a sigh."wheres your angel anyways?"he muttered before smirking at tony's look of delight. "Good!you should."Tony said watching her go before laughing.because they did. Pepper on a warpath is a terrifying thing."
Loki blinked and then. "oh, the big square thing with all those people trapped inside? curious contraption. i tried to figure out how to interact with the people but they juts jabbered on about nonsense." Loki admitted, waving a bored hand. "i have no need to watch people fornicate. if i become horny i will simply go out and have sex." he admitted. "and then Thor will get jealous, which is an added bonus." Loki admitted with a sly little smirk before he nodded. "sex is always worth it." he agreed, watching Sam relax as Dean settled next to him. "Angel is currently getting oral sex lessons from Lisa." Dean admitted with a chuckle. "we all agreed that while Cas learned about sex in general, and i learned about gay sex, we'd do it separately. privately. so we wouldn't get so overwhelmed." Dean admitted. "it's working out quite well for the moment." he admitted before chuckling as he watched Pepper stalk off. "i get the feeling your board of directors is in for a hellzone." Steve admitted, blinking when his phone went off and he gaped at it. as majority owner of Stark Industries, he got updates like this. "....yep they're ficked." he said, handing Tony the phone. 'All Stark Industries Accounts currently frozen for Audit' was typed across the screen. Pepper was playing fastball and best of all, there wasn't a thing the council could do. Pepper had the right to force an audit if she thought something funny was going on with the money, and since the council was forcing Tony to approve his own spending, that was a big red flag. they only had themselves to blame for this one.
Byes that. They're not really in there. It is a recording."sam smiled a little." want to make thor jealous....isn't he dating someone?"sam said tilting his head a little as he considered that."I'm sure it is. That's amusing. Good for you. Cas and you need to be happy."he muttered nuzzling his older brother a little snickering as pepper left."yea they most definitely are. It'll be glorious."tony giggled a little. Staring at his phone as he took it from steve, gaping a little."this is gonna be amazing. Especially when I can prove what I spent my money on."
"recording?" Loki asked, blinking a little. he wasn't sure what that was either. he made a mental note to start looking into this internet thing everyone kept talking about. according to that slut, Jane, it held all of earths answers. "He's always dating someone." Loki stated with a shrug. "he'll get bored of her and move on soon enough." Loki admitted, though he didn't sound very convinced of that. "she's frail, and lippy, two things Thor's always hated, so it will be fine." Loki huffed, still poking around in the oven. clearly it wasn't Thor who was jealous. someone was probobly going to have to go talk to Thor and Jane about that, Loki was a great guy, very nice and sweet even but he was a bit of a sociopath. he was normally very careful about accidentally hurting someone, but with jealousy involved who knew what he'd do. "it is going to be epic." Steve agreed with a grin, leaning against Tony because he was allowed now. allowed to touch.
“Yes. It’s a...memory play?Or something. I’’ll show you later.”Sam said smiling a little, before tilting his head considering loki. “Okay, I’m sure you’re right. I mean, she’ll get old before he will.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little. “It is.”Tony agreed grinning as he was leaned against, before reaching out and poking dean. “Wake up. Your friend at the roadhouse called, said to say thanks for buying them all those amazing bracelets. Tehy love them.”Tony smiled happily, glad to be able to tell dean he did a good thign
Loki nodded. "and perhaps you could show me this internet thing as well?" he asked hopefully. "i am told that it holds all of earths knowledge, i am serious to see." he admitted before grumbling in annoyance as he stabbed at something in the oven, which beeped in protest, Loki's hand gently stroking the top in apology. the oven must have forgiven him because it didn't do anything else. "Ellen?" Dean asked with a smile before scowling. "i don't remember paying for that..." he shrugged it off, he must have paid for it or Tony wouldn't have sent it right? of course. "i'm glad they're working out so well!" Dean admitted with a grin, blinking when his phone buzzed and he gaped at it. "why do i have thirteen thousand dollars in my previously empty bank account?" "weekly pay from shield." Steve stated simply. "Seriously!?" Dean asked, so stunned he had to fumble for his phone because he'd nearly dropped it.
“I can do that.”Sam said smiling a little, “It does have alot of knowledge. And probably more then you ever want to see sometimes.”Sam snickered a little. “Yea. She said thanks, and when you can, send more. So I’ll send some her way ever few weeks.”Tony said shrugging a little, because he wasn’t about to admit that he’d done it without money. “....and cause you got hazard pay from letting me use you as a guniea pig. So, there’s that to. You and sam.”Tony grinned amused as sam stared at his phone to, not about to admit to anything else, even if he knew his board was probably having conpitions by now about what he'd changed.
"i can just skip the parts i don't want to see." Loki decided, smiling at Sam. "i would very much appreciate lessons." he admitted, extracting himself from the oven and looked at Tony. "what is this beings name?"he asked. "i wish to thank it for allowing me to dissect it." he admitted. "would you like me to put it back together now?" "i'm a guinea pig?" Dean asked, looking amused. "you're on Shields payroll and working with Tony. so, yes." "you're also on S.I's payroll, they pay on Thursdays though." "wait... since when am i working for S.I?" "since always." Clint said as he walked in, looking for food and to check on Sam. "it affords us a level of protection, making sure Fury or the World Council cannot immediately have us declared traitors or criminals if we tell them no." Clint admitted peering into a coffee pot. "aaw. Coffee, no..."
“you’re very welcome.”sam smiled a little before looking at tony. “Her name is Amara.”tony grinned a little before nodding. “Yes, if you’d please. I’m sure she’d like being together again.”He said before fidgeting a little, nodding. “You are. The cutest one really.” “....are you hitting on dean?”cas growled a little as he walked into the room, looking content, lisa cuddled into his arms as he moved to sit down next to the winchester. “ewwww.. No.”Tony made a face before snorting. well, at least they were focusing on that“Cause it’s better then letting the goverment pay you. At least with me, you know I wont demand ridiculous things, well, not as many as teh goverment does.”Tony said snorting at clint’s words. “I can make some coffee.”Tony said perking up as he moved over, “No!Don’t let him. His coffee’s to strong.”Sam whined a little resting his head on dean’s shoulder,
Loki beamed at Ton and turned to the Oven and... was completely silent but the oven bipped and bleeped happily anyway. allspeech for the world! Loki considered the things strewn around him and with a snap of his fingers, everything glowed green, hovered an inch of the floor and started flying back into place one by one until the Oven was put back together exactly as it had been. "i AM the cutest one." Dean agreed with a nod before chuckling at Cas. "Uncle, remember Cas?" he pointed out, smiling at Lisa who was yawning and looking very content and sleepy. must have been a good 'lesson'. "i like Tony's coffee." Clint admitted. "it's not nearly as bad as Natasha's." he admitted with a grin, blinking when Dean's phone rang. "this is Winchester..." he said before lifting an eyebrow. "seriously? a haunted bank vault?" that was... weird.
Tony grinned looking pleased at the sight of the oven being so happy, he was going to have to make it a true ai. It’d be good. “You are.”Tony snickered a little at cas’ jealousy. “...Right. I knew that.”Cas said flushing a little ebfore his eyes found steve, tilting his head a little as he considered the man, trying to decide what to say before looking down at lisa as she yawned. “It was a good lesson. Much fun.”Cas muttered sitting down next to dean, smiling at the man. “...that’s a little scary.”Sam said smiling a little, while he was mostly settled, the way his eyes flicked over a little every once in awhile said he was still seeing things. Startling at Dean’s call he tilted his head as the other answered. “....where at?”he asked already moving to get up to gather their things.
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