Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Not disturbing. Just interesting.”Tony said looking up wincing as he realized Steve had taken his avoidance as disgust, not interest. “It’s not that bad. Really. Sam and clint enjoy it to. I asked.”tony said before steve could ask. “While they have different parameters for their relationships, and I know sam is still working on accepting that part of him, and figuring out what it means, it’s normal to.”Tony said tilting his head a little before nodidng. “Google can be hard. If you want, ask jarvis....or natasha. Natasha would be a good choice. Or me. I mean. It’s not that bad.”Tony said rambling a bit
"well... i know most people don't... aren't into things like that so..." he shrugged. "it's fine really." Steve promised. "i'm pretty sure the person i like isn't into it either so..." he shrugged again though he looked curious about Sam and Clint enjoying pain. he knew Natasha, Clint and Sam had planned to go up that night and punish Clint. he wondered how that was going to go. "i'll ask them both." he decided with a smile. "and i'll probobly come to you first. if only because i know that you won't scream at me for being a freak or anything." he admitted.
“Most are. At least a litlte bit. Mostly it changes for everyone, on how much they like it.”Tony shrugged a little before smiling. “They’ll be okay. Even if sam freaks out, they’ll look after him.”Tony said a little worried about his nephew but trusting the other two to look after him before smiling happily. “Good. You should come to me first. And I definitely don’t think you’re a freak.”
"well.. that's true i guess." he admitted. "yeah, Sam'll be okay." Steve agreed. at least, he hoped so because he wasn't sure Dean could control himself if Sam freaked out too much. "thanks Tony." Steve said with a small smile. "i know it's weird, liking what i like but... it's not ike i need it so it'll be okay."

"Now remember, my Safe-word is Paper." Clint said as they walked into the bedroom, smiling at Sam. "wht is your safe word?" he asked, knowing Sam had been thinking about it ever since they'd explained what a safer-word was. Clint was already stripping his shirt off and grabbing the soft, well used leather cuffs because he always struggled after a certain number of spankings. not because he wanted it to stop, but because his body couldn't handle the stimuli. the cuffs kept him from getting in the way of the swats. saved his fingers from accidents, plus he liked being tied up.
“Yea, he will be.”Tony smiled a little before smiling at steve. “You’re welcome.”he said shrugging a little, settling in to work, content to be with the other.

“I know.”Sam said biting his lip before smiling a little. “Pater.” “....seriously?The beginning of a exorcism?” “Hey, I know I’ll never accidently say it.”Sam said blushing a little at natasha’s teasing, smiling as she stroked his hair back from his face as he looked around. “Now, I want you to help Clint into the cuffs, oaky?”Natasha said smiling. “They’re to keep him from accidently hurting himself, and I know he’d like you involved.”
"i think it's a good choice." Clint admitted with a smile before chuckling as he kissed Sam's cheek. "now remember, if you get scared, say so. it's yellow, red, or Pater." he ordered before handing Sam the cuffs and turned and crossed his arms. they where designed to wrap around his forearms, and keep them tight to his mid back.right one stacked on top of the left because that was more comfortable, so that the wrists touched the elbows. explained why Clint couldn't get into them himself. they where designed to be very comfortable, and to make him as helpless as possible and he sighed, making that small little noise once the last buckle in place, that said he had dropped enough to be called that silly little nickname. the cuffs always dropped him. the smell of the leather and the feel of it on his skin always did him in. even if the 'strapping' cuffs where different, forcing his hands up over his head, leaving his chest and back open and straight for her to welt as she pleased. he might get into those yet tonight if Sam was okay with the paddling but Clint wasn't expecting much more than a few strikes across his ass.
Sam smiled a little at the kiss to his cheek, nodding a little. “Yea, okay. I’ll remember.”He promised as he took the cuffs, studying them as he considered them. Rubbing his thumbs over the soft leather, before listening to natasha as she explained how to put them on, absently stroking clint’s arm, reassuring himself that it was okay. “On the bed, chick.”Natasha said smiling softly, “Hold on, chick. I have a better idea.”Natasha said studying sam, trying to decide how he was doing before gesturing for him to sit. “Sit, I’m gonna lay him over your knees while I paddle his ass. Okay?” “G-green.It’s okay. Really.”Sam stuttered a little nervous a little as he considered the two, gently tugging clitn down over his knees. “Ready, Chick?”
"Good." Clint said with a smile. "these are my favorite." he admitted. "Natasha had them special made." he admitted, fingering the material himself. Clint had a thing for leather. rea leather. 'cowboy' leather. the smell of it, the feel of it, it did things to him. especially if Natasha was wearing it. he moved as soon as Natasha made the order, moving expertly and lithely, up on the bed in a mere two moves before pausing as she told him to hold on, watching her with his dilated pupils and his head tilted. curious. he grinned at the idea as Sam sat down and he happily shifted over to the other, laying across the knees like some naughty child, groaning as his already half hard pressed into Sam's leg for a blissful moment. he knew Natasha would fix that in a heartbeat. he wasn't allowed to rut while he was being punished. he'd cum from the paddle or not at all. he nuzzled Sam's hit, wiggled his rear and murmured. "Green. Dove." the closest he'd get to Begging until he dropped completely. he gasped with the first swat, the warm up, Natasha testing the swing and the tool. sometimes she only took the one swing, sometimes she took many, either way the first and following swings where always an anxious surprise. one that left him tense, eager, wanting for more and desperate for the next.
“They smell good. Like Baby, good leather and sex.”Sam muttered smiling a little as clint fingered the leather to, looking at natasha as she prepared.”Good, chick.”Natasha muttered when he did as he was ordered, smirking a little as Sam innocently raised his hands up not sure what to do with them. “Here. Rest them here. You’ll hold him still, he’s not allowed rutting or getting himself off.”Natasha said smiling as Sam let her move his hands to hold clint still by the small of his back and shoulders. Shuddering as Clint nuzzled his hip, “Behave.”Sam muttered lookign down at clint. Natasha smiled as she raised the paddle testing it before swatting him lightly, smirking a little as both clint and sam jumped a little. Watching sam as she swung, simply enjoying paddling clint, and having every intention of making him come just like this. Raising her eyes after a few moments from where she’d been watching clint’s ass turn red with each paddle, she met sam’s eyes, saw the lust and relief that this was okay, and in that moment, saw teh nightmare spill into those brown eyes. “Agent!”Natasha breathed her safeword as she moved towards sam, resting her hands on his shoulders, not sure what he was seeing, but aware that it wasn’t here. Wasn’t now. “Sam?Moose?”She muttered not sure how to get to him. “......Kay....I’m here....”Sam muttered struggling to shove the memories back.
"yeah. it's pretty awesome right?" Clint asked with a smile. "if your curious later, i'll let you try em on. they won't fit right because these where measured for me, but you could see how they feel." he offered before humming as he was told he was good and hummed again, settling under the firm hands holding him in place. he jumped with the strikes, moaning after each one until he was down too low to jump and only moaned. he mewled when she paused, his way of begging when he couldn't bring the words up. he still wasn't low enough for outright begging. he settled again at the sound of her safe-word. she was tapping out, it wasn't his fault. he was good and safe. he lay there, compliant and easy, unable to really understand but knowing in the back of his mind that Sam had gotten upset and that it wasn't his fault and it was okay and he could lay there like a good boy and Natasha would guide him to where she and Sam needed him to be. while he could get up on his own if the need arose, it could really fuck with him later. "?" Clint asked, too sluggish to think, trying to ask if Sam was okay.
"Yea it is."sam said smiling a little, before nodding a little."but it'd let me know if I wanted to wear them or not."sam smiled a little. Sam smiled a little as he looked down at the other, relaxing a little as he felt clint settling under his hands."shush, chick. You're okay."natasha soothed as he whined reaching out to touch sams face, soothing his hair back. Relaxing again as he turned his head into her hand."...I'm okay..."sam muttered blinking slowly. Starting to come up."didnt...." "it's okay, moose. Youre okay."natasha muttered gently stroking his hair."do you need to stop?" "...i...I dont..." "chick...I need you to come up, okay?"natasha soothed stroking clints back, settling in to ease him up so they could talk. Not wanting to talk serious with clint down, but needing to know where sam had gone.
Clint nodded. "yeah. i love them, but not everyone does." he admitted with a smile before humming as he was soothed, relaxing because Sam had responded so whatever it was, it wasn't that bad. "kay." Clint mumbled, shifting as he stood up, letting Natasha ease him up and he looked between them once he was able to think again. "did Sam panic?" he asked once he was able to assess the situation. "You okay?" he asked, gently leaning against Sam because his arms where still tied up. he didn't bother asking to have them undone, they kept him focused for now.
"I think he did....sam?"natasha said keeping her hand petting his hair cause it seemed to sooth him. "I...I dont..always remember alot of...what happened when me and lucifer were together....but sometimes, something will remind me...or I'll find the memory and..."sam shuddered a little."the sound of the paddle on flesh did it...but...I knew where I was. That I was just...took a minute and Natasha to bring me back...I'm sorry..." "we told you this is not your fault if you have to stop. You might never be able to do this, but you didn't react just needed time. And I've learned to look for those signals, even when you can't say the your safe, sam. I promise, you're safe with us."she said wincing a little at how utterly relieved he looked at the idea of being safe
"it's okay Sam. remember what i said? it's never someone's fault if they or one of the others has to tap out. not ever. it's important to tap out when you need to and it's not a bad thing." he promised,shifting his arms and smiling in satisfaction when the cuffs opened and slid off. Natasha had insisted on that. he couldn't open them himself if he was down too low, but once he had his mind back up far enough, he could slip free if he needed to. "Natasha's the best at hat she does Sam. we can both trust her." he promised, gently taking Sam's hand. "okay? give yourself a bit to calm down and we'll get some juice and sweets and let our systems settle."
Sam bit his lip a little noddign a little as he stared down at the man laying over his knees, absently stroking his back. “I remember....” “You’re okay. You’re safe, and you were so good, looking for help when you were trapped. So good.”Even if he hadn’t said something, she’d seen the look on his face, and knew encouragement would keep him from retreating and not wanting anythign to do with this. They just had to ease into things. “I you.Both actually.”Sam muttered sighing softly as he held onto clint’s hand, nodding a little. “Juice sounds nice.” “Juice it is.”Natasha smiled crossing the room to get juice boxes, smiling as she handed them to them both.
"very good. so good." Clint murmured, nuzzling Sam a little because he was always touchy fealy when he was like this. he wasn't down, but he had no real inhibitions either. "we trust you too. i liked having you hold me. it was really nice. made me feel... supported." he admitted. "like you where holding me, and encouraging me, and... and..." he flushed a little. "i can't explain." he admitted. "but i liked it. it was really nice." he admitted, hopeful there would be a next time to try again. "it's the sugar. the burst of sugar helps us settle in our own heads, or something." he admitted, snuggling Sam.
“It was.”Sam muttered sighing as he was nuzzled, settling. “...Oh. I liked that to. Keeping you still. Making sure you weren’t going to hurt yourself.”Sam swallowed hard, because that had the taste of a nightmare, but even then, the memory of lucifer doing something similar was hazy and lost in the face of natasha and clint taking care of him. “It’s okay, chick. You don’t need to explain.”Natasha soothed smiling as she sat down next to them, sipping her own drink as she snuggled them both. smiling softly as she watched sam settle even more. glad that it wasn't a bad shake up, simply a momentary one
Clint smiled at Sam, not about to tell the other that he was never at any risk of being hurt at all. it was a comfort thing really, for both of them. "okay." Clint said, happy to not have to think too much. Natasha got it, she understood. "i want cream puffs." Clint mumbled after he had finished his juice and he slid to his feet, stood there for a second to make sure he was stable and walked, naked, over to the fridge, bending over to get the cream puffs on the bottom shelf, showing off his bright read rear. "Natasha?" Clint whined, examining the half full package of cream puffs.
“”Then get some cream puffs.”Natasha teased looking amused as she watched him, smirking as sam perked up at the sight of clint’s bear rear. “What?”Natasha asked at clint’s whine, smirking a little. Knowing why he was whining. “....we should make him bend over more often.”sam said studying clint, flushing a little. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
"huh?" Clint asked,looking a little bit baffled as he turned to look at them, still sulking because half of the cream puffs where gone before bending over again to look for more, crowing in delight when he noticed another full package, wiggling in delight as he pulled it out and bounced back over to them, depositing the half package in Natasha's lap so he and Sam could share the full one.
Natasha snorted amused at the sight of clint sulking over the eaten cream puffs, smiling as she settled into eating her own. “Thanks, Clint.”Sam muttered shifting, getting comfortable on the bed as he curled up with clint to eat the puffs, sighing softly. For the moment content with what he had, and even if they didn’t do anything else, this was enough for the moment.

“....Lisa?”Cas muttered blinking a little when he felt someone petting his hair, and figured it was more likely that lisa was petting him then dean. Turning his head a little, nuzzling his head into the other’s hand.
Clint smiled as he snuggled Sam, very happy with life and soon he was doing on the larger man. Clint always slept after even if he didn't 'get to cum' just the bondage and the spanking was enough to make him eel better complete and satisfied so while he was still half hard, it didn't bother him. he'd had enough to settle him and that was good enough for him.

"yeah?" Lisa asked with a smile, running her fingers through Cas's hair. "your hair is really soft." she admitted. "it's nice." she smiled at him. "did you and Dean have fun?" she teased, wiggling her eyebrows, indicating the still naked, still sacked out Dean.
“Hmm...your hair’s softyer.”he muttered smiling a little as he looked up at her, before flushing at her teasing, nodding. “Yes, I did. We did. Lots.”he giggled a little, looking over at dean, smirking. Looking pleased with himself. “Dean’s decided if that spot in you feels as good as he did when I found his, he needs to try harder to find yours all the have a spot like this?How do I find it?I want to find it to.”He said looking eager to please her to.
"good. i know you where both pretty nervous." she admitted with a chuckle before snickering a little. "you found his 'spot' then? good for you." she said with a grin. "and yes, i have a spot like that, though not all women do." she admitted. "i'll teach you how to find mine when i'm able to enjoy it properly." she promised, kissing him. "i'll make sure to teach Dean too, he's so good at finding it, i thought he already knew." she admitted with a chuckle. "i'm still too sore to enjoy sex though." she huffed, sulking. "but i could teach you how to kiss." she teased with a smirk. "Dean wouldn't think about it."
“I know....we talked to tony. Tony was very glad to be of help, and kept things simple.”Cas smiled a little before nodding, flushing a little at the praise. “I did. He was very happy.”He said before grinning, “Good. You should get the same kind of pleasure. It will be fun to learn.”He said kissing her lightly, before smirking. “He says he doesn’t. Ewe’ll make sure he knows. It will be god to watch him learn something.”Cause he just liked the idea of watching to. Before nodding, “Well, when you are better, you can show us. It wont take that long to heal....I wish I could heal you more.”he said looking a little upset at the idea of not healing her before flushing shifting, leaning up to kiss her again. “Yes, I would like to learn to kiss better.”
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