Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"yes." Dean agreed with a grin before nodding. "we'll ask Nat first, i just feel a little more comfortable asking her." he admitted. "the invisible machine soul kinda weirds me out a little bit." h admitted before chuckling as he kissed the other, moaning as he was stroked all over, trying to respond in kind before blinking. "...uh, no. actually i didn't think to... because Lisa never needs it i never thought to grab any..." he sighed. "well dammit... maybe i'll go see if Tony has any?" he offered with a grin.

"thanks. i'll do my best." Steve agreed. "he's a bit oblivious though, so it might take me some time." he admitted. "or i'm just really bad at the subtle flirting, it's hard to be sure." he admitted. "Rhodey's mom fussed over you?" Steve asked, looking amused. "must have been a pretty big shock."Stve could understand those, being alone for so long and then being flung into a group of people had been very shocking. "yeah. you'll see when Dean comes down to ask you for something like he always does anyway." Steve admitted with a smile.
“”Yes, asking nat sounds good.”he agreed before sighing softly as he was touched and stroked, it felt so amazing. Squirming a little before laughing out loud. “Hmm, I guess that would be a plus of sleepign with a girl.”He giggled a little before nodding, rolling out of bed. “Come on, we’ll go ask Tony. He needs something to laugh about, and watching him giggle over us asking for sex stuff will be amusing. Shocking your uncle will be fun.”he grinned as he started to dress, looking amused as he headed for the door.

“....Ah. Well. He’s male, and if he’s anything like me, he’s sorta obsessed about things, and sorta so used to being flirted with, it sorta just passes by....maybe try unsubtle flirting.”he said before nodding. “Yea. She told me that no 14 year old should look as small and like a 10 year old as I did. So she fattened me up, made sure I didn’t drink, didn’t have sex....just mothered me.”he said before nodding, looking pleased before pausing, looking up at the two men walking in. “Hello....”he said eyeing the two, looking curious at why the two sexed up people had stopped what had obviously been going on.
"well, yeah, but i've been looking into it and they say that having sex with a man is a lot more intense." he admitted before grinning. "okay, Lube and condoms from Tony, and sex advice for Natasha." he agreed. "yeah, Tony's been acting kinda depressed, he could use the entertainment." Dean agreed.

"he's quite a bit like you actually." Steve admitted with a smile. "very obsessive. handsome too so i'd imagine he does get flirted with a lot." he admitted. "i'll have to try unsubtle flirting." he agreed with a smile before smiling a little. "i'm glad you had someone to take care of you." he admitted before grinning at the sight of the flustered boys. "we need lube, condoms, and n explanation on how gay sex works." Dean informed Tony before blinking at Steve. "oh. ah, hello Steve." Steve just struggled not to start laughing.
"Really?well. It will be interesting l.and fun."cas said looking happy to be having this conversation l, and to be with the other."you know, you couldx ask tony for advice to, if you really wanted to amuse him."cas said smiling a little.

"See, unsubtle flirting is good for us handsome devils."Tony snickered though there was a half thought that steve was talking about him. But surely he wouldn't want him, fuck up that he was."I did. And she still fussed over me. Anytime rhodey hears from her, I get a from him telling me I have to take better care of myself."he said rolling g his eyes a bit "....what?" "We want to have sex. But do not have condoms or lube and we understand we need these things. I remember that much from talking to clint and sam." "You talked to your brother about sex?"tony said looking at the two seriously even as he headed for the small bedroom at the back of the lab
"it will be." he agreed before snickering. "i think i might have to. just to see his reaction."

"Nah. i'll have to pick up on the cues. maybe touch him more? lean into his space a bit?" Steve decided, leaning a little closer to Tony. "you're a pretty great guy, you deserve to be fussed over and cared about." he admitted before chuckling at Dean who was looking too smug to care that they had an amused audience. "well. we thought he might know what he was on about, but he just made it traumatizing and terrible." Dean admitted, bouncing along behind Tony. "do you think there's a way to make little tubs of lube that can be carried anywhere without anyone knowing? like the lipstick tubes that are really tazers that girls have?
Bhm thT would probably be a good thing. He might noticd."tony agreed smiling a little as he leaned into the other, simply enjoying being looked after before snorting a little."he's your brother. He probably thought he really was being helpful instead of traumatizing."tony said smiling a little. Ebefore digging through the nightstand before grinning as he straightened with a handful of what looked like founta in pens."like this?"he snickered cause he'd totally sneaked the lube past pepper into all his meetings simply by having the 'pens'
"yeah. and i'll have to compliment him some more. speaking of, you smell nice, are you wearing a new cologne?" he wondered, wrapping an arm around Tony, enjoying having the other pulled close before sighing as Tony slipped away to help Dean and Cas. "....that is awesome." Dean mumbled as he accepted a few pens, examining them. "you are like, the coolest person ever, even better than bond." Dean admitted. "so. any tips on the gay sex thing?"
“....huh?No. Just oil and grease.”Tony muttered looking utterly confused at the flirting he was thinking was going on before beaming at dean, looking pleased that dean did seem to want him around, and thought he was okay. “I am totally better then bond. I don’t drink martinis, and I sleep with both sexes.”Tony grinned before looking thoughtful. “Let cas top first, he can heal. And stretch. Lots of fingers and time spent stretching, don’t rush. And use plenty of lube.”
Dean nodded. "you are better than bond, your toys are infinitely more practical and you wear a suit better too." Dean agreed before nodding. "we'd already figured on that one. and we ecided just to do the one finger until we where a little more comfortable... though, not sure how long that's gonna last." he aditted with a nod. "thanks Tony. you're the best!" Dean said, smacking a kiss to Tony's cheek. "come on Cas! back to the bedroom!" he ordered, grabbing the others hand and practically dragged him off to bed again, Steve chuckling a little. "that was hilarious and cute." Steve mumbled, smiling a little before looking at Tony. "you mind if i hang out here while you work? i'm not feeling.. the best at the moment." he admitted. "and i lie being down here, you make me feel better."
“Good!You have to tell that to pepper next time you see her. She never believes me that I’m better.”Tony pouted a little before nodding, “Good luck then....and considering you and the angel can barely keep your hands off each other, I doubt it’ll last long.”he teased looking amused blushing a little as the other kissed his cheek watching cas and dean go before nodding. “It was very cute.”He agreed before shrugging waving a hand towards a bench as he settled at his work station again. “Go ahead. Stay and watch genius at work.”
"I will." he agreed with a grin. "you are always better." he agreed before shrugging. "and if that happens i'm sure i'll be back for a condom." Dean admitted with a laugh as he kissed Cas and then rushed him odd so they could keep going, kissing his way up and down that perfect chest, licking nipples and muscles before eagerly rolling onto his belly and spread his legs, inviting Cas to do as he wanted.

"Thanks." Steve said with a smile, settling in to watch him as he worked, sketching as he did so. soon he had one picture done and was working on another.
“Here, take condoms. You wont want to stop in the middle.”Tony snickered shoving some of those at him to, snickering as he watched the two go. Cas whined softly as he was kissed, shuddering under the other’s lips as he paused, staring at the sight in front of him as he poured some lube into his hand, looking nervous as he chewed on his lip, fidgeting as he carefully slid the tip of his finger into the other, “You’ll tell me if it’s to much?”He asked, wondering if he should stop and ask lisa for help, even if he wanted this to be just them to. Not trusting himself to not mess up.

Tony stirred as he stretched, cracking his back as he turned to look at the other, tilting his head a little. “You’re drawing me?”
"Thanks Tony, Love you!" Dean said, cramming the condoms into his pockets as he raced off with Cas. "don't look so nervous, you'll make me nervous." he mumbled, tensing a little as the finger slipped in. "feels weird." he mumbled, shifting a little. "that's... yeah i'll tell you." he promised. "it's okay. it feels, kinda nice. go a little deeper?" he asked, squirming a little. "needs to be... deeper." he mumbled, recognizing the desire for what it was but not sure why he wanted it.

"...hmm?" Steve asked, looking up at Tony before smiling. "yeah. you look... i like the way you look when you're focused." he admitted, offering Tony the pictures. "you want them?" he offered, hoping Tony said no, that he could keep them. he could make more though.
“Sorry...I am nervous.”Cas muttered trying to relax as he absently stroked dean’s back, trying to relax him, as he waited for the other to relax, “Well, of course it feels weird.”He looked amused as he relaxed, pressing his finger in slowly, deeper. “Kay. Deeper it is.”he muttered.

“Drawing me?”He asked again before smiling, looking amused at the other’s words. “You can say obsessive. I can look obsessive.”he said sitting back from the watch he’d been working on, twisting this way and that on his stool, like a kid to fidgety to sit still, “Nah, you can keep them.”
"hmm... me too, a little." he admitted before sighing as his back was stroked, moaning as the finger went deeper, arching his hips. "oh... oh, see. ow that. that's, yeah. that's good. i like that." dean groaned, clenching around the finger because he couldn't help himself. he shifted and then gasped, crying out, collapsing onto the bed and squirming with startled 'oh, oh, oh's' falling from his lips. someone had found his prostate. "more... fuck Cas. more! wiggle it move it. touch me... something!"

"no. you look focused. happy. engaged." Steve admitted. "you look calm. it's not an expression i see from you very often." he admitted with a smile. "okay. thanks." Steve said, smiling at Tony. "what are you working on?" he wondered curiously. "something for Dean?"
"Good?"he muttered looking amused as he watched the other arch into his hand, simply watching him for a moment before wiggling his finger as requested, teasing and playing with the man even as he rubbed himself against the other a little, it was getting to him watching the other like this.

"Ohm okay then."Tony shrugged looking a little puzzled by the idea before shaking his head."nope. Actually it's for you. A watch that has jarvis connected to it so you can ask him stuff and not yet lost and all."
"fuck yes." Dean gasped at the question, groaning at the finger buried inside of him,mewling when Cas started moving. "oh! oh fuck..." he moaned, dropping his head to the bed, shuddering as he struggled to keep his composure which was lost as soon as Cas found his prostate again, arching hard and crying out in pleasure, cumming all over the bed because he couldn't hold back anymore. "oh.... oh...."

"for me?"Steve asked,looking startled before looking touched. "you're giving me a bit of Jarvis? is this because i got lost? that's super swell of you Tony." he admitted with a smile. "i'd love to be able to ask Jay things, like what Water-sports are.Clint and Sam where talking about this thing called Kink and Clint was explaining what it was and why he wasn't into it but i missed it because they stopped when they noticed i was there." he admitted. "is it an exercise thing? like polo?"
Cas groaned a little shivering a little as the other lost it, gasping softly as he came himself, whining softly as he collapsed onto the bed next to the other, shivering a little as he sighed softly. “ was nice.”he muttered closing his eyes, panting softly.

“yea.For you.”Tony said blushing a little before nodding. “Yea, I was trying to figure out how to help you not get lost ,and clint suggested simply giving you somethign with jarvis, so that’s what I’m doing. Cause it’s better then a gps or something, this way you can ask him anything.”he said smiling a little, “....and It’s not. Well, polo is a water sport, but not the water sports they’re talking about. It’s uh, a sex”Tony flushed fidgeting a little.
"very nice." Dean mumbled, feeling sluggish and sleepy and oh so good. "that was amazing... you have got to try that... i am so going to put my finger up there and make you fee like that. it's amazng. i wonder if girls feel like that?" he mumbled "they don't have it in the ass but if that's how she feels when i find that spot inside her then Jesus i have to do that more often." he mumbled, smiling at Cas. "Lisa's going to get annoyed if we keep ignoring her though."

"thanks Tony. you're the best." Steve admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'd feel a lot better if i could have someone i can trust with me always." he admitted. "i'm safe here, but i can't spend every minute of the rest of my life in the tower either." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "i'll ask Jarvis." he proised Tony, amused by how stuttery the other was.
“That was amazing...”Cas muttered sleepy and content for the other, sighing softly. “Okay. When we wake up. We’ll do that.”Cas decided nuzzling the other a little, before snorting. “You should tell Lisa we need practice finding that spot. She’ll have to show me. I’ll ask her.”Cas decided sounding pleased with himself, “We wont ignore her. I’ll go find her. Bring her to bed.”Cas said decided again before rolling to his feet, stumbling a little as he flashed out to go find lisa after he pulled on a pair of sweats.”Lisa!You’re needed.”the angel said as soon as he appeared.

“You’re very welcome.”Tony smiled at the other, pouting a little. “Yea, I know. I mean you’re welcome to stay, but we have to go out sometimes. I’ll feel better with you having jarvis.”Tony said before pouting. “No!Jarvis don’t tell him. He’ll freak out and it’ll be bad, and he’ll totally never want to have sex if he thinks everyone likes weird stuff like that!”
"yeah. totally." he agreed before snorting a little. "i totally need to tell her that." he agreed. "she'd be very happy to show you, but i'll let you do that in private." he promised Cas with a smile. "it's only fair tat you get to explore her with an audience too." he admitted before smiling as he watched Cas get to his feet and head off to find Lisa who was half dozing as Pepper and Natasha talked about shoes. "oh good. naptime." Lisa mumbled, half asleep already.

Steve nodded. "i do need to shop sometimes. and there are missions to consider." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i can't just follow you guys around like a lost duckling for the rest of my life." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "it can't be any worse than those people into Snuff right?" he asked, his head tilted. "i know better than to think everyone is into gross things Tony and as long as they don't expect to do gross things to me, i don't really care." he admitted with a smile. "besides... i'm, uhm... into some pretty odd things, you know?"
“We will. It’ll be fun seeing her reaction.”Cas said giggling a little before smiling. “It’ll be fun doing that to.”he said smiling, glad dean was doing okay with this, that they were doing well with figuring this out. “Yes it is.”Cas said looking amused as the two women said goodbye before settling lisa between him and dean as they snuggled down for a nap. Content to be with her.

“True.”Tony said before snickering. “Yes!Yes you can. You are a adorable lost duckling.”Tony huffed a little looking amused before pausing. Staring at steve, looking at a loss.”How do you know about snuff?and no, no it’s not worse then that.”He sputtered a little before looking curious. “what sort of things? Odd for now, or odd during your day?”
"very fun." Dean agreed with a grin before giggling. "i can't wait to hear about how adorable you are with her... do you mind if i tell her what we're doing? or do you want to keep that private?" he asked Cas. "i'm fine with either." he promised before smiling as Lisa and Cas reappeared, snuggling into his girlfreind for a good nap.

"well... i suppose so." Steve agreed with a smile before shaking his head. "Snuffs been around forever" he admitted. "it's called killing whores. there was a lot of that when i was a kid." he admitted. "the police never did anything about it back then because they where 'just sluts'. it was pretty bad. over the years there where videos online and i put a lot of money into getting that kind of thing stopped... i don't think it worked too well really but i tried." he admitted before hesitating. "i... i'm not sure... i... like to be hit..." he mumbled, flushing hard. "not with fists but, like, with riding crops and flogs and stuff.... i like the sharp, hot pain..." he admitted, fidgeting, clearly waiting for Tony to call im a freak. "i kinda like it when people pull my hair too... but i like to do that too... you know... manhandle someone a little bit. rough like, but not, you know not in a bad way?"
“I;m sure you’ll hear all about it.”Cas said blushing a little before shrugging. “No, I don’t care. I just wanted to keep the first time private, not the whole thing. It’d be nice if she knew.No secrets.”He muttered smiling a little.

“....that’s disturbing. Really.”Tony made a face looking pale at the idea that it had always been around, that it had always been like that. That was just horrible. “Oh.”Tony tilted his head looking at the other, “....Yes. I know what you mean.”Tony squirmed a little, ducking his head a little, hiding just how wide and blown his eyes wide. “It’s a good thing these days. Well. Not good, but it’s more accepted nowdays.”
"i'm sure i will." he agreed with a smile. "well good because i kinda don't want an audience when i loose my ass cherry either." he admitted before sleeping, snuggling the best people in the world.

"yeah, pretty disturbing." Steve agreed before fidgeting a little. "yeah... i know it's pretty twisted but... bit there's so much control... giving it up, taking it... i it." he admitted, thinking Tony was disturbed. which was terrible. "i mean, i don't have to have it. it's not like what Sam and Clint have..." he admitted. he could do just fine without sex, or completely alone so it wasn't a problem really. "yeah, i've been trying to look up some things but... i'm not very good at the google."
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