Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"we are a horrible bunch of people." Clint agreed with a smirk. "considering Steve asked us to help hi with his boner and we all laughed, and still laugh, at him over that." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "it was a very fun conversation." Clint agreed. "it was hilarious. Steve was so confused, he thought we where pissing with him." he admitted. "i do need to be able to take a beating." Clint agreed. "it's because you're so possessive Tony. you don't share with just anyone and he didn't know you liked him so much." Pepper explained. "he's touched that you trust him so much." Pepper explained. "Tony, love. if you had touched that pie it wouldn't look so edible." Pepper pointed out. "i m pathetic." Dean whined. "pie. Sam, pie." "Tony. there is a blue alien god sitting at my kitchen table." she stated, indicating Loki who was buried in a book and hadn't noticed people had joined him, or that he was blue. "Angels are not all that shocking."
“Hmmm, we do. Though now he understands why he laugh over it. He finds it amusing most of the time to....I’m totally giving him a slang dictionary, and jarvis to help out to.”Tony grinned before huffing, looking at pepper “Oh. Okay then.”He muttered looking thoughtful at that. “I don’t like him that much. Natasha scares me to much to not give it to him.”He said. Such lies but howard stark had convinced him admitting to liking someone, even just as a friend, would make him twitch and get anxious about admitting it. “...It would to!” “No it wouldn’t it’d be a mess at the bottom of the stove.”Sam said smiling a little, rolling his eyes. “A few more minutes dean, it’s almost where’s Cas? No angel up and about?”Sam teased, smirking a little. His brother amused him, and teasing dean for actually having this relationship finally amused him. “....So?He’s not shocking. He’s been here for a bit. Angels are new and shocking. And really cute.”Simply to see what dean would do with the flirting.
"a slang dictionary would be great. or maybe the urban dictionary?" Clint mused before smiling a little at Tony because he knew the truth. he also knew better than to push Tony on it. he wasn't sure why, but the man got very weird about certain things. this was one of them. "Natasha is pretty terrifying." he agreed. "she's a total demon. and remember Tony. we've all, ALL seen your attempts at Cooking." he reminded the other even as he got up to pour Dean some coffee and poke Loki back to the land of the living. "Cas is sleeping off the best orgasm of his virgin life." Dean stated, sounding very, very, very smug. Pepper nearly spit her coffee all over the table. not even Tony was so blunt. "Cas is super cute." Dean agreed, not bothered by the teasing. Cas wouldn't understand flirting if it bit him on the ass and even if he did, Cas would never cheat on him and Lisa. besides, Tony flirted with anyone and everyone. in any case, speaking of shocking." Pepper said, dropping a handful of red cloth bracelets on the table. "i want all of you to take one." she ordered, Dean blinking. "why? what will they do?" "nothing. a lot of the people in this tower suffer from some form of PTSD. when you feel inable to communicate, or don't want to be bothered, wear one and no one will talk to you. i got the ide from Tony and Bruce. they do it in the lab when they're close to being finished or had a breakthrough and don't want ot be bothered." she admitted.
“She is. A demon in the sack right, though?” “....Tony, I will hurt you.”Natasha threatened looking amused that he didn’t even squirm away like he had the first time she said it. He’d gotten used to the threat and knew she really didn’t mean it. Snorting amused at the billionaire’s sulking. “....Isn’t it his first?How can it be the best if he has nothing to compare to?I recall he previously thought human sex was messy and meaningless.”Sam said snickering a little at tony’s sulking at not getting a rise out of dean. “....Oh. That’s a good idea. Really. We were just trying to figure out how to do this...”Sam said as he scooped up one of the bracelets for himself, stroking the soft material.
"i wouldn't mind if you had sex with Tony." Clint teased her. "he could use the smack down." he admitted with a snigger. "no it's not his first. he's explored his own body." Dean admitted. "probobly not much, but he has." Dean admitted, smiling at Tony. "you can flirt with Cas all you want, but you go near Lisa and ill cut your balls off." he warned with a smile. "or she will. it's a fifty fifty who does it really." he admitted with a chuckle. "thank you. i certainly thought so." Pepper admitted. "i gave one to Steve... he thought i was his mother but i think i can forgive him." she admitted, watching everyone take one. "i'll run some lunch up to Lisa shall i? i ran a bit late, i hope she doesn't mind. we where supposed to have a bit of girl time together." "she won't mind." Dean promised. "she was watching me and cas play with each other so she was fairly entertained." Pepper spit her coffee again and offered Dean a very severe glare, which he just smiled at. she wasn't all that scary compared to Lisa.
“....I think I’d mind. I mean, he’s slept with most of the west coast.” “Hey, only the models. And movie stars. And smart girls. And that one reporter.”Tony whined a little. “....Why cas and not lisa?Not that I want to, just curious.”Tony said looking interested and not even noticing ben making a face at the idea of people flirting with his mother, or that they had been doing adult things. This was disturbing really. “Virgin ears here.”Natasha scolded dean lightly, smacking his shoulder lightly. “Go. Cas is probably ready to get up and moving by now. Probably wonder whats taking dean so long.”Sam snickered a little at pepper's reaction as tony stared at dean. "You really have no limit do you?"
"half the west coast." Pepper agreed, looking amused, Dean chuckling. "for on thing, Cas wouldn't understand you where flirting with him. even if he did, he wouldn't respond. Lisa, on the other hand, likes to see me get jealous and would flirt right back with you." he admitted. "she wouldn't sleep with you, but she'd reciprocate and i dunno if i could handle my best friend hitting on my girlfriend." Dean admitted. "i'm a bit possessive." he admitted with a shrug. "sorry Ben." Dean said with a sheepish smile at Natasha's scolding. "i have no limits." Dean agreed. "well. i have a few limits, but those aren't for virgin ears." he admitted before leaning forward when Clint took the pit out of the oven. " have a problem. i think it's time we staged an intervention." Dean looked so horrified by the idea that Clint almost dropped the pie he was laughing so hard.
“Yes, only half.”Tony huffed a little. “Ah. Okay, now that I can understand. Though it’d be worth flirting with Cas, he’d probably look all cute and confused.”Tony snickered a little before making a face. “Flirting with my nephew’s girlfriend is a little to weird for me. I’ll refrain from flirting with her, though not cas. If only to see the cute confused look.”Tony giggled a little. “Its okay....just remember I don’t wanna hear about them.”Ben whined a little as he took his pie and headed back into the living room. “....Yes. A intervention is needed. His addiction to pie is worse then the alcohol....we should ask Cas to keep him from pie.”Sam said looking oh so serious
"he is adorable." Dean agreed with a smile. "it is a little weird." he agreed with Tony before looking utterly stricken. "no! you can't do that! give me my pie!" he snarled, leaping over the table to grab it, wrapping himself around it he hissed at them all like an angry cat and Clint was so surprised he actually let Dean take the pie in the first place. "...oh my... it really is a problem." Clint mumbled, staring at Dean who was now hoarding the pie and refusing to share with any of them. "...we're going to have to get Lisa to intervene aren't we?"
Sam looked startled, tilting his head as he watched dean."he was bad...but I've never seen him be like this over food, even pie."sam said frowning a little. "We're here....jarvis said we were needed?"cas said walking jn,carrying lisa, the woman tucked ever so gently in his arms as he surveyed what was going on."dean?"
"It's my pie." Dean sniffed before glaring at Cas and Lisa as if they had betrayed him. Dean Winchester you put that pie down right this instant." "no! it's mine! you can't have it!" Dean grumbled, growling but didn't try to stop her when she took it from him. "but it's mine!" he whined, sulking at her. "Jesus. what's wrong with his eyes?" Clint asked, leaning forward. Dean's eyes where pure black as ink and he looked very aggravated still and snarled when Clint tried to reach for the pie. "oh, he's just a Demon right now, he'll snap out of it." Lisa promised.
"...You can have a bit. not all of it Dean."Cas said gently, letting lisa take it from him since dean wouldn't attack him. "Don't."Sam said tense as he rested a hand on clint's arm to keep from getting to close to dean. "....He snaps out of this?it's not permanent?"Tony said looking interested and upset as he considered the man. "A small bit of pie dean."Cas promised as he took teh pie to start cutting it.
Dean scowled darkly at Cas because he was half tempted to bite the feathered asshole but his scent was all over the angel as well as the lingering scent of sex. that meant Cas belonged to him so he wouldn't attack him. "why? is he dangerous?" Clint asked, surprised. "yes." Lisa admitted. "he doesn't have any moral restraints. he's tried to kill Sam a few times, but he's getting better. aren't you Dean?" Lisa asked, Dean scowling. "Pie..." "no. it's not permanent. it's just that certain things trigger him." Lisa admitted. "anything that sets off possessive behaviors. like taking his pie away, or trying to flirt with me." she admitted with a smile. "he's quite frisky when he's like this." she admitted. "My Pie...." Dean growled at Cas, eyes narrowing and Clint shook his head. "we could just let him have that one and make another...?" "that would only encourage this behavior." Lisa admitted. "he needs to learn. like al naughty demons do."
Cas sighed a little. “No biting.”he ordered at the look dean was giving him. “Yes.”Sam agreed watching Dean. “He’ll feel bad if he hurts you when he reverts. It’s easier to work around being cautious, rather then make him hurt us.” “ a wild animal.”Natasha muttered looking thoughtful. “No pie. Not yet. Just a slice.”Cas said as he slid a slice onto a plate. “....really?”cas asked eyeing dean wiht new interest. “....Do demons ever learn anything?” “They sometimes learn to behave. At least around dean tehy do.”Sam snickered a little.
Dean growled at him, lifting his lip to bare his teeth because no Angel was going to tell him what to do! he didn't bite though. "Yeah. not unlike a wild animal." Lisa agreed. "only he'll torture you before killing you." she admitted, smiling at him when he growled, looking very angry that Cas was taking his time. "Pie!" Dean demanded,grabbing a fork and tried to stab it into Cas's hand because he was taking too long! Lisa just sighed and took the fork away, making Dean snarl at her as well. "i will get the holy water." she said sternly, making him subside with a small grumble. "sure. we have Crowley well trained." Lisa admitted before smirking at Cas. "oh yes. if he triggers like this because he gets jealous about me paying too much attention to other men, he really makes sure i know who i belong to. with his cock. it's fantastic." she admitted, making Pepper sigh. "well... you're well matched." she mumbled.
“Well, I’ve known some animals like that. I had a teacher once who was that wild. More animal than man.”Natasha said thoughtfully. She’d just treat dean like this how she would james, and go from there. Surely it wouldn’t be to bad. “Hey!I’m getting the pie.”Cas growled back as he avoided being stabbed, not looking happy about it as he gave the pie to dean. “....Interesting.”Cas said looking at dean. “...Don’t try it. He’s already said we can flirt with you cause you’d just ignore it or be cutely confused at it. I doubt you’d get a reaction.”Tony said before snickering at pepper’s words. “they are well matched.”
"did you really?" Clint asked curiously at Natasha. "Pie!" Dean snarled, glaring at Cas, furious that it was taking so long when he could have been eating forever ago if they hadn't taken it away from him. "oh, i'm sure Cas could get a reaction while Dean is like this." Lisa admitted. "but he wouldn't bother going to another room to do it. he'd just bend Cas over here and now and do as he pleased." she admitted as Dean scarfed down his pie, settling a little more now that he had what he wanted. he was still eying the rest of the pie rather possessively but he wasn't going to attack anyone over it now either and his eyes where still black, but you could see the whites of his eyes now as well. he was already starting to snap out of it. "Pie?" Dean asked hopefully, eyeing his empty plat and then the rest of the pie still in the pan. Clint snorted and made a muttered 'note to self' to make sure they kept pie around to avoid situations like this.
"Yea, russia is a frozen wasteland with insane animals."Natasha muttered, though not all of those animals had been the four legged kind. "It's almost done."Cas said rolling his eyes at the glare, before looking thoughtful as he considered dean. "Seriously?" "...Probably not a good idea. Don't think you want your first time to be with demon dean."Sam pointed out. "....good point."Cas agreed before smiling a little as dean scarfed down his pie, before sighing a little. "Just a little more."He said cutting another small slice and handing it over.
"oh yeah, you're Russian. go figure." lint teased with smile, watching Dean gulp down his pie. "you really want to be a bit more experienced Cas." Lisa warned looking amused. "okay." Dean agreed, looking so very happy with his pie, completely back to normal, humming as he chewed on his pie, savoring it now before he paused. "oh... uhm... sorry..." he said, eyes flicking around, wary of the reactions he was going to get. "what is that?" Loki asked, suddenly aware of everyone around him, his eyes fixed on the pie. "it smells good... fruit?" he asked, Dean gaping at him. "they don't have pie in space?" "pie? no. nothing like this at any rate. we do have baked fruit, but mosty it's fresh." he admitted, blinking when Dean cut him a big slice and slid it over to him, looking quite traumatied at the idea of someone never having tasted the heavenly pie. oki looked skepticle but he tried a bite and pondered it for a long moment. "...yeah it's alright." Loki agreed even as he slid it out of the reach of the others and took another bigger bite.
“Yea...I think I agree.”Cas said tilting his head a little as he considered just what it’d be like the first time, his eyes glazing a little as he considered that before focusing on dean again, tense and waiting for the others reactions. “....It’s okay. We’ll just have to make sure that we have pie around.”Tony said hesitating, not sure how to make sure dean knew they were okay, that everything was okay. “ should read some of our books. It might help with that...”Natasha said smiling slightly, before looking at loki. Looking amazed. “Sorta like how thor thought poptarts were amazing.”Natasha looked amused at the sight of loki taking the pie. “We’ll just have to make plenty of pie for everything.”
"...i like pie..." Dean said sheepishly. "what kind of books?" Dean asked curiously, Loki flushing a little at all the attention. he was fine with just Tony or a sall group but more than three people and he became quite jittery. "Poptarts, yes. they are quite the delicacy." Loki agreed. "it would be a good idea not to let Thor have any of this." Loki warned with a smile. "he'll be down to the Bake, ah, ree, to eat eerthing in sight if you get him started." he admitted. "plus i don't want to share, so there's that." he admitted, savoring his pie even as Dean sighed because he had finished his and didn't want to be greedy by asking for more.
“I know.”Natasha smiled before shrugging. “About dom-and sub. While it’s not exactly what you’re going through, it might help deal with coming in and out of it.”Natasha said shrugging a little. “Bakery. And we’ll be sure not to share with thor.”Natasha said looking at the man, looking ready to leave if the man got any more jittery. “You can have more later.”Cas said brushing a hand through Dean’s hair, gently prodding him. “You should go lay down for awhile.”
Dean blinked a little. "Like what Sammie is?" he asked curiously. "there are books?" he asked. "i'd like to read them." "oh yes, me too." Lisa asked with a grin. "Bakery." Loki corrected himself with a nod, before watching Dean. "i don't know that i can help with that problem, i don't know anything about Demons." "that's okay. Cas and Lisa have me mostly under control." Dean admitted, leaning into Cas with a yawn because he was always so tired after the demon inside took over. it wasn't hard to get him to his feet and to head off to bed.
“Yea.” “Don’t make me sound like such a freak, Dean.”Sam grumbled, making a face even as Natasha rubbed his back, absently reassuring him that he was normal, that whatever he was feeling, was okay. “I’ll get them. I have a few up in our apartment.”Natasha said smiling slightly. “Come on.”Cas smiled as he gently picked dean up, cuddling the taller and broader man against his chest. “Let’s get you to bed. And not in a fun way either.”he teased a little before heading for their rooms.
"you're not a freak." Dean assured him. "it's perfectly normal. i checked." he admitted. "there are hundreds of thousands of people who feel like you feel and make entire lifestyles out of it." he admitted before smiling at Natasha. "we'd appreciate it if you let us borrow them." Lisa admitted. "even if we're not part of the lifestyle, i'm sure we'll get something out of them." she admitted with an impish grin before chuckling as Cas carried Dean away. Lisa was still too weak to walk herself, but she was having fun socializing so she was more than happy to stay there.
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