Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“He does need a better name.”Natasha agreed before laughing at the look on sam’s face at the name. “No, I don’t think that works at all. We’ll think of something.”Natasha snickered a little. “Sometimes. Cas does. He sorta forgets he’s a angel soemtimes fighting humans. Poor pathetic us can’t keep up.”Sam sulked a little as he followed him down.

“I am indeed.”Cas agreed. “It’s...different. Sorta like fondling myself.”Cause he’d totally enjoyed the pizza man and exploring his body. It was interesting really. “...really?”He muttered sounding curious at the idea he was like pie, shivering as the other stroked him. “Y-yes. Okay.”He agreed whimpering softly as he lifted his hips enough to let the other pull them down enough, whimpering, needy as he blinked slowly. “K-kay...but it’s okay.”He muttered shuddering as he squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating on what the other was doing to him.
"we could call him Angel." Sam teased with a smile. "or maybe... hmmm. have to think about it. it has to suit him perfectly." Clint muttered before smiling a little. "yeah i'd imagine so. Steve does that. he's not used to sparring, or even being around people so he forgets his own strength a LOT." Clint admitted. "fortunately, no ones been hurt because Steve is always, constantly restraining himself, but Steve refuses to spar with us now." h admitted, moving to a cabinet and grabbing some tape and taped his knuckles, flexing his fingers before crawling into the ring. "you ready? had any martial training at all?" Clint asked, wondering how much official training Sam had and if Clint was going to teach him some things or if Sam was going to teach him. this was going to be fun.

"yeah, only a surprise because you don't know when it's coming." she murmured with a smile. "yeah... you're sweet like pie is. and you're all mine... well, and Lisa's. and you have that crumbly shell that flakes away when i poke at it..." Dean mumbled, too transfixed on what he was doing to sensor himself. "okay... yeah. this is okay." he mumbled, stroking some more, feeling it with his fingertips, just the way Lisa did when she was teasing him. touching here and there and everywhere, exploring before wrapping his hand around it, tight, but not too tight, tugging a few times. "yeah, this is okay..." Dean mumbled, hesitating, staring at it before his curiosity could not be contained and he leaned down and licked the head, pulling back, startled by the... well the normal taste. salty, but tasting just like skin did. for some reason he had expected it to taste... not like skin. he bent his head again, hair tickling Cas's length as he licked it again, because Lisa used her tongue, and he supposed that was what was supposed to be done when a man gave another man a hand job, right?
“Hmm, not a angel. Might be a devil though.”Sam muttered nuzzling his cheek against natasha’s shoulder. “That’s good. I don’t think Steve would have done well if he’d hurt any of his new family.”Sam said as he taped up his hands, follownig the other into the ring. “Some. What dad picked up in vietnam, things dean picked up. Just a little whatever we had time to train in on the round. Though I did do alot of yoga at school.”Sam said shrugging a little.

“....You’re not poking. More like stroking at the moment.”Cas muttered sleepy enough that he wasn’t keeping himself from teasing dean to much, before sighing as the other stroked him, squirming, swallowing thickly as he tried to relax and just let dean do what he wanted. Though a quiet whimper, needy and quiet, escaped as dean tugged him a little. Gasping loudly, moaning as dean’s tongue found the head, hips buking up a little as he fisted teh blankets, refusing to give into the need t grab dean’s head and shove him closer, knowing the man wasn’t ready for that, but the desire was there. Whimpering as he squirmed."Okay?"He said cracking his eyes to look at the other man, wanting to make sure he was okay
"not a Devil." Clint scoffed. "but maybe something in-between, sexy. like an incubus." he teased with a smile. "that's one of the reasons why Steve won't spar anymore. he's terrified of hurting us. i think i'd like to see him and Cas go at it." he admitted. "Steve can't hurt Cas, but Cas will get a real workout with Steve. it'll be a perfect match. we should bring it up." he admitted. "Yoga huh? dunno how that'll help in fighting, but you'll probobly surprise me." Clint admitted. "we might end up teaching each other some new tricks." he admitted with a grin. "ready?" he asked before launching himself at Sam, engaging in the spar, poking at Sam's defenses, testing his lines, seeing his strengths and his weaknesses just like a good fighter always did. a practiced fighter always did.

"yeah. stroking." Dean agreed softly. "hey..." he complained when the other bucked. "i almost got your cock in my eye." he complained. "if i can hold still while Lisa des this, then you can too." he ordered before nodding. "yeah, i'm okay. it just... it doesn't taste... i was expecting... it's not bad." he admitted, though he didn't lick it again, he didn't want to risk Cas cumming all over his face. instead he tightened his hand and stroked, fast and firm, his other hand tickling the balls, holding and fondling them gently, eager to see what another man looked like when he orgasmed.
“Hmmm, maybe. Cute and sexy. We’ll think of something.”Natasha smirked a little before nodding. “We should bring it up. It’d be great seeing them duke it out.” “Later. We’ll ask. Right now I think Cas is a little busy.”Sam snickered a little. Before snorting. “Probably wont help, but I’m really bendy.” “Good to know. I like my men bendy.”natasha snickered a little as she watched teh two. “Ready.”Sam grinned as he settled in to spar, and while he wasn’t quite as good as clint, he had more of a reach, and the distance to kick without having to get to close which sort of made up for the lack.

“S-sorry.”Cas said flushing whimpering a little as he looked at the other. “Kay. I’ll hold still.”Though the fact that he was managing even this well when it was the first time anyone had gotten their mouth near his cock was amazing. Fisting the blankets, squeezing his eyes shut as he fought for control. “well, I’m glad it’s not bad.”Cas flushed squirming as he white knuckled the blankets, pressing his head back against the bed as he spilled out over dean’s fingers, a soft quiet whimper escaping even as the shadow of his wings laid out across the blankets and the light bulb above them exploded as he lost enough control to blow some of the electric, even though he threw a hand out to use his power to shield them from the glass.
"we could always call him Stag." Clint agreed with a laugh. "it would probobly do them both good to smack each other around." he admitted. "busy? ooohm is Cas finally getting laid?" Clint asked with a grin before smirking even wider. "that is totally awesome." he agreed before leaping into the fight, calling it quits when it became obvious that neither of them was going to be able to beat each other down. Sam had more endurance than Clint did, so Cint had to end things when he started getting too tired to properly block Sam's attacks. "that, was a hell of a workout." Sam admitted, collapsing next to Natasha so he could catch his breath, not surprised to see water and some carbs waiting. Nat was just the goddamn best.

"yeah... we can work on the rough stuff later." he mumbled, rather impressed with Cas actually. he hadn't meant go like a rock, but he was doing that anyway. he'd meant stop thrusting your penis at my face not 'don't wiggle even a centimeter'. ah well. oh good, he was squirming again, Dean kind of liked that. he flinched when the bulb burst but he was altogether too distracted by the expression on Cas's face as he stroked the man to completion to care, he was now studying the mess on his hand. Lisa washed her hands like a dainty lady when they did this. or he was buried in her throat and she swallowed. she said she didn't mind the taste... so maybe...? he studied his hand and then braught it to his lips and licked it, curious about what Cum tasted like. salty.kind of bitter. it wasn't Pie, but it wasn't too terribly horrid either. "okay?" Dean asked Cas, his own cock hard and hot, trapped in his pants and completely ignored because Dean wanted to make sure Cas was okay first.
Hmmm I like stag."sam muttered smiling a little."hm yes I think so. Or at least getting there."sam snickered a little as he collapsed next to clint tired and panting."damn." "You two are good. Drink."natasha ordered smiling as sam sipped his drink."that was a insane workout."sam agreed.

Cas whimpered as he collapsed back onto the bed, panting softly as he blinked sloely, looking up at the other two. Groaning when he watched dean lick his fingers clean. "Yea...I'm okay..."Cas said offering the other a small smile, panting softly before he really focused on the other, reaching down to draw the other up for a kiss. Whining softly at the taste of himself on the others tongue
"awesome." Clint said with a grin. "Steve owes me sixty bucks." he admitted, drinking down his water wth a grin. "that was the best workout i've had in a while." he admitted to Sam. "we'll have to do this again." he admitted, pausing when Steve slinked into the room, giving them a glance. he had dark bags under his eyes and Clint knew Steve had another nightmare, or had been kept up all night with a flashback and needed to beat the shit out of the special punching bag Tony had made for him. Clint knew better than to try to talk to him when he was like this because Steve tended to be confused, unsure who Clint or the others where. living for so long, Steve's brain sometimes malfunctioned and he thought he was back in the nineteen forties and he'd get aggravated if they tried to talk to him when he was like this. "Come on, lets go play some hardcore or something, let Steve have the gym." he suggested with a smile.

Lisa grinned, watching them. "well that was super hot and super adorable." Lisa informed them when Cas finished kissing Dean who was panting softly. "are you both feeling better about the whole gay sex thing?" "...yeah." Dean agreed, nodding. "totally yeah."
“Really?”Sam laughed shaking his head a little amused at the bed, before nodding. “We’ll have to. That was fun.”He said before looking up at steve in worry. Looking at the other, “You sure we shouldn’t try to help him?”sam said looking worried, and shuddering, remembering how it was for him when lucifer plagued him. “Yes. If he needs us, Jarvis can tell us.”Natasha said.

“...Hmm?”Cas panted softly looking over at lisa, blinking slowly, content as he considered her. “How can it be hot and adorable?”He muttered before nodding lightly, blushing. “Yea....Yea I am.”He agreed blushing as he looked up at dean, biting his lip as he looked the other over.
"Yeah it was." Clint agreed with a smile. "no. he'll get confused." Clint explained softly. "he's not sure where or when he is right now and you're new to him. you'll upset him." he warned. "It's like having Alzheimers, Bruce thinks. sometimes Steve just can't handle all the stimulus of having people around and his brain just, glitches." he admitted. " Jarvis will get us if Steve needs us, but it's better if we leave him alone for now." he promised.

"Hot and Adorable." Lisa teased with a giggle, grinning as she watched Dean smile at Cas. "That was really kind of... nice." Dean admitted. "different, but good." he admitted. "i'd do it again."
“Oh...okay. I can get that. I got upset the longer Dean tried to talk to me during a episode....just to much going on.”He muttered frowning a little as he followed the other out of the room, smiling as natasha nudged him. “Come on, we’ll go make dinner for everyone.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.”Cas said looking amused, sighing softly as he looked up at dean, flushing a little. “It was very nice.”he said before shifting, resting a hand against the other’s chest. “In that case, I want to try. You looked like you enjoyed it. I want you to enjoy yourself to.”he said smiling a little, looking the other over.
"yeah. we're still trying to work out a way to indicate when we need to be left alone." he admitted. "there are times when i'm down too low, that happens sometimes after missions. it's not a subspace it's..." here he struggled. "it's like a blankness that i settle into when i have to. you know... kill people." he admitted. "and i can't always turn it off and talking to people fucks me up even more." he admitted. "Tony and Bruce get into bad funks too where people just... they just can't people." he admitted before brightening at the idea of getting to help with dinner. he wasn't the best cook, but he wasn't Tony either. he was perfect for prep work. "You cook, Sam?" he asked with a grin.

"i did enjoy it." he admitted before flushing a little. "i... yeah. okay. go ahead." he agreed softly, shifting his own pants down and sliding his shirt off so Cas could explore all he wanted. he knew Cas had never really touched another human this way and Lisa was still too hurt to, so he'd let Cas do whatever he wanted, touch where he wanted. "go ahead... you can touch anywhere." Dean promised.
“Dean leaves a tie on the door and turns up the sound on my computer. He’s weird though.”Sam snorted a little before nodding. “I have those times before. doesn’t happen often but the memories of what Lucifer did....” “Are still there. We’ll look after you. And help as much as we can.”Natasha promised looking at him worried, before smiling slightly. “I do. Some. Had to, otherwise dean would be living on pie and roadhouse diners.”

“Kay...”Cas muttered biting his lip a little as he watched the other, shifting to lay on his side, reaching out. Gently brushing his fingers over the other’s cock, frowning slightly at the feel. “It’s soft....silky.”He muttered shifting to explore the skin with his fingers. “Your hands are rough, callused....this...”he muttered stroking his hand over the other, simply exploring as much as he could
" in other words he listens to porn." Clint mused. "that's one way to handle it i suppose." he agreed before smiling at Sam. "we'll find a way to help you." he promised. "if you ever need us to do something, don't be afraid to ask okay?" Clint suggested. "we might not always say yes, but we won't ever make you feel bad or tell you you're gross or anything." he promised before snickering. "i don't think pie would be all that bad to live off of actually." he admitted, we should make some pie. chocolate pie, and coconut cream pie and lemon meringue pie and custard pie and rhubarb pie..."

Dean smiled at him before sighing at the first touch. "yeah. i use lotion on it every day.. ouch!" he complained when Lisa smacked him for making the joke. he sighed, shifting to get more comfortable and laid there, very content and happy as he was fondled and explored. he liked the lazy pleasure just as much as he liked the fast paced orgasm, plus Cas looked adorable, all focused like that.
“Yes, yes he does. And he listens to weird crap....half the time I wonder if he does it just to screw with me.”Sam grumbled a little before tilting his head, looking at them before nodding a little. “Okay. I’ll ask.”He said looking relieved to know that someone besides dean and cas, would know. Would be able to help him if he needed it. “You cannot live on pie.”Natasha said shaking his head a little. “Pie?We’re having pie?”Tony asked as he flounced into the room looking happy and excited, having been doing science things with ben with bruce supervising.

“....Really?”Cas looked up at him, tilting his head before humming. “Oh. Well then, yes. You do. Considering how often you ask to burrow Sam’s computer.”he teased a little every once in awhile watching dean’s face as he fondled him before leaning down, to lick at the head experimentally, exploring the length with his tongue, simply because he could
"He probobly does. sounds like something he'd do." Clint admitted with a chuckle before smiling at him. "sometimes... just having someone sit next to me is the best thing. you don't have to do anything, ust sit there and read a book or watch T.V. and i'll sit next to your legs and that helps more than anything else." he admitted. "we just have to find a way to make you feel better. Nat always loves it when i give her a manicure and a foot rub." he admitted with a smile before scoffing. "of course we can live off of pie!" he protested. "it's pie!" he huffed before grinning at Tony. "we are having Pie! Sam promised!" no he hadn't! Clint was clearly eager for his spanking tonight. "Steve's having one of his... moments. so don't go down to the gym." Clint warned Tony, knowing Tony wouldn't be able to tell on his own.

Dean laughed at Cas's snark and stuck his tongue out at him before moaning as he was fondled, shifting every once and a while when Cas hit a particularly good spot. "Fuck!" he gasped, arching instead of thrusting when Cas licked him. that was amazing and he could fee a slow orgasm building.
“It does.”Sam agreed before looking at the other, nodding a little. “Okay...that sounds nice. Just sitting and being together. Sometimes that’s good for me to....though sometimes I don’t always know the person with me either.”sam said before looking at natasha in curiousity. “I’ve never done nails before.” “Well, you can do mine sometime.”Natasha said before snorting, waving a spoon at clint as she started gathering up food to make. “Sam promised no such thing. Behave Clint. Otherwise I’ll let Sam spank you.”She warned smiling a little as she settled in to start making the pie as sam started steaks. “Oh?okay. No going to the gym....I’ll have to make him something...”Tony muttered frowning a little.

Cas grinned as the other stuck his tongue out, smiling happily as the other squirmed a little. Looking up at the other, making sure it was okay bit before biting his lip a little before sliding his lips around the other’s cock slowly, carefully, testing it, concentrating very hard to do it well.
"yeah it is nice, even when we don't 'need' it sometimes it's just calming to sit and do Nat's nails without having to say anything. just being together." he admitted with a smile as he took Sam's hand and gave it a squeeze. "it's okay if you don't always know who we are, if s being there helps, then there we'll be." he promised before grinning at Nat. "i'd love it if he felt comfortable enough to give me some good swats." he admitted, humming as he sliced up a head of lettuce and tomatoes for a salad and washed and wrapped potatoes in tinfoil and chopped some fruit for a fruit salad. yay for being useful! "you could make him a GPS that isn't complicated. he got lost the other day in the city and had a panic attack in central park."

""Shit! Cas, wait. you don't have to... oh man that feels so good!" Dean moaned, tossing his head back. "God. have to stop or i'm gonna cum." Dean warned, panting, his hips jerking as he struggled not to thrust. Cas wasn't ready for that yet. he couldn't believe the other had wrapped his mouth around... just like that without warning! not even a hesitation! Dean was a little in awe of Cas right then.
“Sounds good.”Sam smiled a little at that, squeezing the other’s hand back before nodding. “It does. Even if I don’t know who everyone is.”Sam smiled. “Then we’ll stay.”Natasha promised before rolling her eyes, well aware sam probably wouldn’t feel that comfortable for awhile. “On second thought, maybe I’ll just swat you for him.”She looked amused as they worked. “....Yes. I can do that. I could do a old model gps, but with good tech so it works better....hook it up to jarvis so he could just ask Jay if he needed help...”Tony muttered sitting at the table, looking thoughtful as he considered what he had to do to make it the best he could to tke care of his friend.

Cas smiled a little before raising his head, blushing a little. “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to.”He said because for him it had been the logical next step to his exploration, and cas was nothing if not logical in doing things. Flushing a little at the knowledge he’d driven dean towards his orgasm he smiled quietly as he shifted to stroke the other, looking fascinated as he watched his face, wanting to see him lose it.
"well, that works too." Cline agreed with a grin before nodding at Tony. "or just strap Jay to his wrist." he admitted with a smile. "Jarvis would make the GPS part redundant i think." he admitted, giving the salad a toss and smiled as Bruce walked in with Ben, explaining something about why the something did something. well, that was what Clint got out of the conversation anyway. "by the way, Clint. I'm very annoyed with you, not telling Tony and Steve about your aids." Bruce scolded, Clit shrugging. "i've had them for so long, i forget people don't know about them." a lie, but Clint didn't want to admit in front of Tony that he had been worried that the rest of the team would think him useless. it would upset the billionaire.

"okay." Dean panted before moaning as he came,arching up and spilling his release with a shudder, panting a little. "okay... that was glorious and i need pie and a nap." he admitted, reaching out for cas. "c'mere Pie." he ordered.
"Oh. He wouls. And would be better to talk to if something should happen...I'll make a watch or something with jarvis in it."Tony decided that faraway look in his eyes that said he was already planning. Tony made a whining noise at that."well, if you have anything else you need let me know. I've told phil that shield is no longer in charge of supplying your stuff, so we're gonna go a little wild with it."Tony snickered. "Jarivs, will you let dean know, if he's not busy, that there's pie?"sam asked smirking. Curious to see if dean would drag himself out of bed at the ai's announcement.

Bhmm. It was."Cas said liking his fingers clean curious about the taste before huffing a little as he was pulled close."is that my new name?pie?"he teased a little, shifting to snuggle close, laughing quietly as jarvis announced that there was pie.
"i think that would make him feel a little more comfortable too. Steve's always a bit baffled about people, if you could find a way to make like, a Bluetooth yeah? and Jarvis could translate other languages, help Steve with questions he has, like how to work the ATM and why the waitress at the coffee house is going all red in the face. he's comfortable enough with Bluetooth that it wouldn't phase him too much and it would hep him feel more comfortable out in the world maybe. ask him for ideas when he's feeling better." he suggested before beaming at Tony. "thanks Tony! that's great!" he admitted. "i'm sick of those assholes telling me i'm supposed to be more careful with my things when i'm being shot at." Clint huffed before snickering a little. Tony was so cruel. really.

"Yes. you're Cherry Pie and Lisa is Strawberry Pie." he hummed before struggling to sit up and find his shirt when Jarvis announced that there was pie. he had to get the pie before Sam ate it all! because he was a dick!
“Ah, I can do that. I’m sure I could...totally have slang in there to....”tony muttered mostly to himself before perking up. “Yes!I’ll do that. He’d like to have input I think.”he said pleased with his idea before grinning at clint. “Well. You don’t have to be careful with these. They’re light, but sturdy. I have the same stuff I use in the suit in it.”he promised before making a face at the other’s words. “I think we should totally see those idiots. So I can express a opinion on tech that can’t take a beating.”he grumbled, before smirking at Dean as the man came in, “He hasn’t even finished the pie yet. We thought it’d take you longer to come up for air.”
"yeah, the slang really tosses Steve for a loop. hell he still refers gays as 'having sensible shoes' for fucks sake... which, you know, is actually a lot more polite than what we've come up with." Clint admitted. "but we call someone gay and he agreed that they do look very happy... which is wird." Clint admitted before looking stunned at Tony. "you're.... you're giving m Iron MAn tech?" he asked softly, sounding so touched. "He is." Pepper informed them as she walked in. "he asked me if it would be appropriate." she admitted with a smile. "he likes you, why wouldn't he give you the best?" she asked Clint. "oh, is that pie?" she asked eagerly, peering into an oven to check and make sure Tony hadn't been trying to help. "Pie." Dean moaned. "Coffee and Pie." he whined, half laying across the Table in an attempt to look as pathetic as possible, Pepper blinking as she realised there where new people there. "oh, i'm sorry. i'm Pepper. it's a pleasure to meet you...?" "Dean Winchester. that's my brother Sam and my kid, Ben. my Angel is upstairs with my girlfriend, they're Cas and Lisa." he expained to Pepper who blinked a little. "well it's nice to meet you." Pepper said, mostly unphased.
“Yea...I had to totally explain a boner is totally not a mistake anymore...we’re a horrible bunch of people these days, considering what we’ve done to his slang.”Tony giggled a little. “Oh gods, I bet that was a conversation.”Sam snickered a little. “Well. Yea. I mean. I know you can’t destroy them then. And you need to be able to take a beating.”Tony said looking utterly confused on why the other looked amazed, glancing up at pepper, hoping she could explain this reaction. “It’s okay. He likes them, tony.”Natasha muttered knowing the billionaire would be worried.”Hey!Don’t touch my pie. I totally cooked that pie.”Tony said flailing at his PA, and girlfriend in everything but the whole sex side of things. “No he didn’t, I promise.”Sam said before smiling at Pepper.”Hello.”He said before eyeing dean. “You look pathetic. I thought it’d take you longer to get up.”Sam said rolling his eyes as he got dean’s coffee at least. “Ha! One day, I’m going to find something that phases you, Pepper-pot. There is totally a angel upstairs. Like a heavenly choir, pretty boy. Come on, that’s shocking right?”
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