Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"well. that's true i'm pretty sure he did." Dean agreed with a smile. "well... i just... you're just..." Dean protested, flushing hard and squirming before smiling at Lisa. "i'll talk t him later?" he offered her, watching her smile and nod. "they where... ah, very nice, erm, dreams..." he mumbled, flushing even harder because he realized now that Cas was flirting with him. always had been and he hadn't noticed until now because he was a blind moron. "yeah. those three seam to be our safest bet... will you be okay?" he asked Lisa. worried and she smiled. "i'l be fine Pepper's going to come and keep me company for a while, talk girl talk." she admitted with a grin, making Dean beam at her and give her a kiss before glancing at Cas, clearly waiting for him to do the same, because Lisa always got a kiss before they left... just in case.
“Probably.”Cas smiled a little before tilting his head, finding dean amusing. “So adorable.”he teased. “I heard. Always good to know dreams about me are good.”Cas smirked at the other a little, amused as the man flushed darker. “You sure?”Cas said looking the woman over as he blushed, realizing what they wanted. Because even if he had kissed her before, it still felt different to know dean was watching. Leaning down to kiss her lightly, gently. “We’ll be back in a while.”he promised before walking out.
Dean just blushed harder because he couldn't help it. this was... all kinds of good and wrong. "uh...yeah... uh, very good. mostly it was, well i don't know how it works so we just humped a lot..." he admitted, squirming in his chair. "i'm sure." Lisa promised him, smiling at Cas before giggling. "Take your time boys!" she called before settling in to doze until Pepper got there.

"They should still be in the game room." Dean mumbled, glancing at Cas. "are you really okay with this?" he asked. "Lisa can be... i just wanna be sure, you know? that you want this, as much, uhm.... as much as i do..." aw, that was super sweet. he was worried Cas was feeling pressured. Dean was always a bit paranoid about forcing or tricking someone into sleeping with him, no matter that he was a man whore. "Hey Clint? Sam? uhm... uhm.... uhm..." Dean's courage had failed him.
“I’ve heard. Sorta as bad as bunnies, aren’t you?”Cas teased looking amused because it was just so adorable watching dean being squirmy over sex. It happened so rarely. “We will.”Cas said grinning a little.

“Yea.”Cas muttered before glancing at the other, ducking his head a little as he flushed. “I want you. Always have....even before I really understood what I was feeling...”He muttered, this time it was his turn to squirm and flush. “And Lisa...lisa is amazing....I’m just afraid of messing you two up....I mean....what if this doesn’t work, and I messed up what you two had?”He said fidgeting a little before looking at the two as they paused hte game. “Hey ben. Why don’t you go see what Tony’s up to?I think Jarvis said he was working on a new starkphone.”sam suggested grinning as the boy scampered out without a word, eyeing his brother and cas, before nudging clint. “I think they’re here to ask for advice. No researching porn for you two?”He teased a little, wincing as it just made cas look upset and at a loss to say anything, the angel’s courage failing him to.
"...i was talking about the dreams about you." Dean flushed harder. "i know how to have sex with a woman Cas." he scoffed, shaking his head.

"oh... oh that's... i've kind of always wanted you too but... i didn't know i was... you know? i always thought it was... wrong, to want a man but..." he shook his head. "i'm learning that my father was wrong about pretty much everything." he admitted softly before he smiled at Cas. "you can't ruin anything Cas. me and Lisa are too open with each other. while this threesome might not work out, we'll all stay very good friends." he promised. "a little sex isn't going to change how we all feel about each other." he promised, offering Ben a smile and making a mental note to get something nice for Tony. "Be nice Sam." Clint chastised gently. "come in and sit down you two." Clint ordered, offering them gentle smiles. "it's okay to be nervous and uncertain." he promised. "how much do you know about how a man has sex with another man?" "uhm.... i know it's anal?" Dean mumbled, flushing hard.
“ was....confusing. I thought it was wrong until I caught Sam making out with someone....which was just awkward for us both, since he sorta tried to be helpful and that was just embarassing.”Cas muttered not about to admit that he’d totally freaked out on the youngest winchester, and the resulting avoidance of them both had been the longest he’d ever gone without talking to them. “Yes...John was wrong alot.”he agreed before looking at the other, offeringt a small shy smile. “Oh...okay.”he muttered looking relieved that it wouldn’t change anything, even if things didn’t work out. “....Sorry. They’ve just been so adorably flustered about this so long.”Sam muttered ducking his head a little at the chastisement. Shifting to curl up on the couch, which was amazing considering just how huge the moose was. “.....That it looked really complicated in porn, and that Sam enjoys it?”Cas mumbled, staring at the floor as he flushed, fidgeting, making sam nearly choke on his tongue. they were just so adorable.
"wait. you caught Sam locking lips with someone and you didn't tell me? that's so totally not fair." he complained, shaking his head before he nodded. "Sam's just all around terrible at life." he agreed. "John was point blank wrong about everything." Dean decided before smiling at Cas. "we'll be fine." he promised Cas before glaring at Sam, Clint chuckling. "they have been, but they came for help so we're not allowed to teas them about this." Clint admitted. "i'd much rather they come to us then try to learn from the internet. they'll hurt themselves." he pointed out before he laughed at Cas's comment. "oh god. i'm sorry. i shouldn't laugh." he said, shaking his head. "okay... so. gay sex..." Clint said before launching into a brief explanation of how sex with a man was NOT like sex with a woman. he explained how a man needed to open his male partner up, how the fingering and stretching process worked and other things that they needed to know. by the end, Dean looked faintly mortified and stunned.
“Yea. I did. And he asked me not to tell you. So I didn’t.”Cas shrugged a little before snorting at the idea of sam being terrible at life. “Sometimes I think he’s better at it then us.”He pointed out, before smiling. Glad they’d be okay. “...Sorry.”Sam muttered blushing a little, as he nodded. “True. Okay, I wont tease them.”He promised before wincing at the idea of the two hurting themselves. Cas frowned, tensing, annoyed at the laughter when he was already feeling tense and upset. As much as he wanted it, had dreamed about it, it still made him tense and upset to consider how to go about it. And indeed, looking mortified, stunned, but also interested. “....I think this is the most I’ve ever seen him shocked.”Sam said eyeing his brother looking worried about him. "What did you do to them?"Natasha frowned lookign at the two as she walked in, frowning a little harder when cas barely stirred.
"well... that's okay then." he agreed. "He is." Dean agreed with a sigh before smiling at the promise that Sam wouldn't tease them. at least not until they where a little more comfortable with all of this. "i didn't know that Dean could ever stop talking." Clint admitted before smiling at Natasha. "they unlocked a new tutorial." he explained. "Gay sex." he paused. "i might have dumped a bit too much information on them at once...."
“I didn’t think it was possible either.”Sam said looking vaguely amused, and a little worried about the two. “Ah. Well, that explains the look.”Natasha smiled a little before shaking her head at his words. “Clint, that’s just mean.”She sighed looking at the two. “You two should go cuddle. Relax. You look like you need it.”She said worried about how shy and upset cas looked at the idea of sex. While he wanted to have it, he was so worried about hurting Dean that he didn’t want to either.
"i didn't do it on purpose!" Clint protested before smiling at the boys. "yes. go snuggle." he suggested, Dean nodding as he staggered to his feet and headed off to Lisa, doubling back when he realized Cas wasn't following, urged him to his feet and led him to Lisa as well, the poor woman nearly laughed at their shocked expressions. "i take it Clint was the wrong person to ask." she asked, inviting them to lay down with her, one man on each side and she chuckled a little. "alright. get some rest and i'll run you through some of it after a nap." she promised.
“I don’t doubt that. You still get punished for that, I think.”Natasha teased. “Yes...Snuggles.”Cas muttered stumbling after dean urged him up, smiling a little as he setled into the bed with her, sulking at lisa when he realized she wanted to laugh.”Yes. He was. Sammy to.”He muttered settlign into a nap happily snuggling them, curled up against dean’s side, content to snuggle him for the first time, since he’d visited lisa and snuggled her sometimes when he needed it.
"i have to get punished?" Clint whined, pouting at her. "can i get a spanking?" he asked hopefully, because he honestly wouldn't mind that at the moment. he was fairly certain he hadn't earned corner time at least so the worst she'd do to him was make him wear a dress or a butt plug or something uncomfortable like that.

"I'm sorry." Lisa said with a small chuckle. "that was terribly terrible of them." she agreed, stroking Cas's hair before settling in to read a book while the boys napped.
“You do. You upset two men you were already upset enough.”Natasha said.”Even if you didn’t mean to.”She added as she sat down, smiling as sam simply settled next to her. “And yes, I think you should get a spanking.”

“Yes it was.”Cas whined a little. When he woke, he nuzzled his cheek against dean’s shoulder, shifting to look at the man he was sleeping next to, simply cuddling him closer, needing to reassure himself he was there and actually cuddling the man he loved. Not realizing lisa was still awake and watching him.
Clint sighed, pouting at her because he had only been trying to help! it wasn't fair. "does Sam get punished too? he helped!" Clint whined, setting his head on her knee because he liked sitting on the floor a little more. even if he didn't live on the streets anymore, he just never felt very comfortable on 'cushy' furniture'. "actually, this could be a good way to introduce Sam into the pain play." Clint admitted. "let him see how you tie me down and spank me, see how i react to it, let him see that it's safe. i know he's been a bit worried about that part." Clint admitted, looking at Sam. "would you be okay with that? there's times when i just, can't do it anymore, and instead of hurting myself or getting drunk, i go to Nat and she punishes me. hurts me in good ways, and never more than i can handle but always what i need, and sometimes she needs that too." he admitted. "and even if you don't need, want or like it, we'd like you at least comfortable while we do it." he admitted.

Dean was actually sleeping peacefully for once. not drunk, not maniacally struggling to stay awake longer to stave off nightmares. not curled up or frowning or tense. just calm and sleeping. "you should be sleeping." Lisa gently suggested, smiling at Cas. "he's always calmest when your around." she admitted. "when he sleeps with me, he's still always ready for an attack, waiting for the next trouble to hit. but with you, he knows without a doubt he's safe. i love that you give him that." she admitted,smiling at Cas. "you two are so adorable, snuggling like that." she admitted with a chuckle.
“Yes, because I’m sure you two teased them a little bit by giving them all that at once.”Natasha said as she watched sam, waiting to see how he’d react as she stroked clint’s hair, waiting to see if sam would protest. Frowning a little, looking vaguely upset that the man despite squirming a little, obviously a little uncomfortable, wasn’t protesting. “Sam, you have to be yourself. Admit if it makes you uncomfortable. Its about having fun, not just punishment.”Natasha said watching the man. “....Okay....I...I think that’d be okay/?”Sam said looking at the two of them, not looking sure, but willign to try.

Cas smiled a little as he nudged the other around so he could rest his chin against dean’s chest, simply watching him sleep, because it was good to see him like that before startling a little, turning his head to rest his cheek against dean’s pec, looking up at lisa. “Don’t need alot of sleep you know.”She muttered before flushing a little. “That’s cause he thinks he needs to protect you. He can relax with me, cause I can watch over us all. Sorta comes with the whole angel thing.”The angel said smiling, before flushing. “Not adorable.”he pouted a little.”Dean’s adorable though.”
"Sam." Clint said, setting a hand on the others knee. "remember what i told you before? that what we do is all about consent? if i didn't like it, NAtasha wouldn't do it, no exceptions." he promised. "i like being spanked... most of the time." he admitted. "there are days when i'm just, not able to handle it, and i always tell her on those days. always." he promised. "it's not 'real' punishment, but it feels that way for me. it's just enough to sooth me. it doesn't really hurt, it isn't all that humiliating, it won't damage me and it helps me feel settled in my own skin." he admitted. "that doesn't mean you have to like it. and it certainly doesn't mean you have to participate." he promised. "to be fully honest with you, it's more of a punishment when she makes me stand in a corner and ignores me." he admitted. "and i'm sure you'll see that happen too." he half wanted to warn Sam that the only time Clint got corner time was when he was too fucked in his own head and she had to strip him down so far and drag him up from a bad head-space, or on rarer occasions it was when he really pissed her off. usually by risking his health, safety or life during a mission. he didn't do that hardly at all anymore. falling into a bad head-space was pretty damn rare too, though sometimes Natasha would stick him in the corner just to see him cry. because he always did after corner time. always. he hated it and needed it and loved it all at the same time. more often than not he didn't even know he needed it. Natasha could always read the warning signs before he even realized he was in a bad mood. likewise, he always new what she needed the most. when she needed him to bend her over and strap her back red, chain her to the bed and simply sit there and stare at her until she gave in. when she needed him to use her instead of treat her like a person. it was just getting Sam there, to understand it was something they needed, they wanted, they liked. hopefully a light spanking would help ease him into the lifestyle.

Dean fussed as he was nudged and re-positioned but settled back to sleep easily enough. Lisa had to smile when Cas jumped and smiled at him. "that's true i suppose but i'm sure you must still be a bit tired." she admitted, watching him. "that's also true, and being honest here, of the three of us i am easily the most helpless." she admitted, smiling at him. "you can. you're very good at it." she admitted, running her fingers through Cas's hair. "you are completely adorable. Dean is just cute." she admitted with a playful grin.
Sam frowned a little, chewing on his lip. Despite being nearly 30, and everything he’d done, there was something vulneralbe there. Something broken, frowning as he considered what the other was telling him. Nodding a little. “I promise, no matter what, even if he says he’s okay, I do not touch him unless I know he consents. That he is with me.”Natasha promised watching him, staring at the youngest winchester, wondering if it was something that happened. Pausing as she considered what the man had said, and nearly flinching as she considered what it could be. He’d said lucifer had been in his skin. She wondered, if Lucifer had punished him like this, had ruined something for him that lucifer had known he’d needed, but sam hadn’t. Wondering if she was doing the right thing in helping him like this. “...Okay....It’s okay. I mean....I could watch....”Sam said biting his lip a little.

Cas smiled a little as dean fussed, glad when he settled back to sleep before looking at lisa. “Hmmm... A bit.”he muttered yawning, because he might not need it, but it was a nice thing to be able to do. “True.Though I think there are ways to make it harder to hurt might consider getting the boys tattoo....”He muttered before looking pleased that she thought he did a good job looking after them. “I try....I never want to be alone again....have to look after you. And dean. And sam....and the others now.”He muttered before snorting at her words. “You only think that cause I keep asking silly questions about human things.”He whined a little.
"You remember how i told you about safe words? about how green is for go, yellow is fr slow down, red is for stop and the safe word is 'oh my god get off me?' we use that system anytime we do a scene. which is anything but plain vanilla sex. you may hear me use that word when i get upset, if something starts cramping or something. you will most likely hear Natasha say it as well. she uses it to communicate with me. green means 'its okay, i'm right here' and it helps me relax. Yellow means she has to fix something, that i'm not in trouble. or that her arm is cramping and i'm still her.." here he flushed hard. "i'm still her good chick..." he cleared his throat. "red means somethings gone wrong and she has to stop immediately. usually that's because i've dropped too low to know i've had enough." he admitted. "it's communication and we are doing it constantly, not just with the safe-words but with our bodies as well. Nat knows how to read me." he promised Sam. "but you're going to use the safe-words too during this. because we don't want you upset, panicked or frightened either." he admitted. "okay? you say Green when you're okay with things. you say yellow when your starting to get scared and need to be reassured. and red when you need us to stop, okay? and it is never, ever anyone's fault if you have to use the safe-word. that is what they are there for." he promised, taking Sam's hand. "it doesn't hurt, it won't hurt me but i know you're a bit worried and scared and that's natural. so we'll go slow for you. okay?"

Lis smiled as she watched them. they where just so freaking adorable and she had no shame in asking Jarvis to take pictures for her. "h i have one already." she assured him, reaching down and revealing a Devil's trap before reaching up and lifting her shirt and revealed a much more complex one just under her armpit. "i had to tell my clients that it was a religious catholic charm to ward off demons and bad luck. turns out i wasn't lying." she admitted with a giggle. "i know." she murmured, running her fingers through Cas's hair. "but we're here to look after you too. you have to let us care for you too." she informed him with a smile before laughing. "no. i think you're adorable because ou follow Dean around like a baby chick after it's mother!" she teased him with a snicker. "nnnng... Pie..." Dean groaned, snuggling into Cas which made Lisa crack up even more.
“Yes...I remember.”Sam bit his lip, looking a little upset but a little calmer at the words. “I know what he can do, and handle. Better then him sometimes. I promise, I wouldn’t risk him for anything Sam.”natasha said watching him, smiling softly as she stroked clint’s hair as he spoke. “Chick?” “Hmm, he’s a cute little hawk chick.”Natasha smiled a little. “Okay....I can do that....”Sam frowned a little biting his lip, looking down as clint took his hand, nodding a little. “okay. Slow is good.”

Cas smiled a little before smirking slightly, looking pleased at the tattoos. “Good.”He muttered leaning close to press a kiss to it before sighing, snuggling closer as she stroked his hair, sighing softly. “No, no lies there.”he muttered before nodding. “ can look after me. Though not dean. He can’t cook.”He muttered before sulking. “I am not a baby chick!Or pie!”Cas sputtered a little before looking at dean, raising a eyebrow. “Think he’s dreaming about me and pie?”
"we would never risk each other. ever." he promised Sam with a smile before blushing hard. "Chick is... it's a word that lets me know Nat has me... i... it's... it's just her way of saying i'm a good boy. because she can't call me good boy..." he admitted, grimacing a little. "Good boy... they used to call me that in the circus so, so i'll freak out if you say it. and never mention whips when i'm down either or i'll flip." he warned Sam. "other than that, i'm the easiest Damn sub you'll ever have." literally. "slow is very good." Clint promised Sam with a smile. "and we won't do it now. you need time to settle a little and i need time to settle too." he admitted. "i'll drop too hard if she tries to spank me now." he explained. "and it does bad things in my head when that happens. it won't do much when i'm down or when i'm dropping but coming back up, i'll get... funny." he admitted, kissing Sam's knuckles. "how about we try tonight?" he offered. "and if you have to stop, we'll stop. i promise."

she shivered when he kissed her and giggled a little. "that tickles." she protested before smiling at him. "yes. and Dean can look after you in other ways." she agreed. "i'll handle the cooking." she promised. "yu are a baby chick! and you are totally Dean's favorite pie." she assured him with a grin when Dean nibbled a little on Cas's neck, his hands sliding lower to grip, naughty anatomy. "mmm... Pie..." Dean mumbled again, licking and sucking on Cas's neck where his head as buried, Lisa snickering. "good Pie... my Pie... hmmmm."
“Good.”Sam smiled looking relieved to know they wouldn’t hurt each other, even if he was unsettled. “that he’s mine, that I’m going to look after him.”Natasha smiled at sam, before nodding. “He does. It messes with him badly. I’m sure you have things that mess with you to.”Natasha said gently, well aware that the man would understand it. “Okay....and this is not easy. Somehow this seems complicated.” “It is when you’re overanalyzing’ll do okay Sam.”Natasha promised smiling as the man settled at the words, nodding. “Tonight would be good.” “okay....tonight. I can do that.”

“Good.”Cas smiled smirking a little as he nuzzled the mark before settling in to rest again before snorting. “he keeps telling me ridculous things. Or calls me pigeon.”Cas muttered having asked sam about it, and even if he hadn’t told dean, it made him sulk alot. “Okay. Good. You make good food. And pie.”he muttered sulking at the baby chick but not responding as dean groped him, going utterly still as dean’s hand found his cock, eyes wide as he held still. “Lisa...?”He said sounding nervous and upset, worried dean would wake up and be angry for the groping, even if it was cas being groped.
"it's also just that touch of humiliating, that it helps me stay stable in my subspace." he admitted. "it's... hard to explain really. it's different for everyone." he admitted before smiling at Sam. "it can be a bit complicated for someone who doesn't understand yet, who doesn't know. but you'll get it." he promised. "good. tonight it is. in the meantime i think we all need to burn out some energy. wanna come with me to the gym?" he offered Sam. "we could go toe to toe in the ring or we could just beat up some punching bags or lift weights or something." he offered.

"he's doing that because he was trying to hide his feelings from you. like a toddler pulling the pigtails of a girl he likes." she promised with a smile. "he did it so he wouldn't have to admit he liked you. he'll probobly still pick on you, but he picks on me too. it's just something he does. he's a bit childish but he won't mean anything by it." she promised. "i do make good pie." she agreed with a chuckle. she should have known Dean would infect Cas with his pie obsession. "it's okay. just relax." she coached, running her hand down his side. "he won't be mad. i promise. if it's uncomfortable wake him up, otherwise just enjoy it." she whispered, smiling as Dean hummed, his hands massaging that delicate area as he nipped and nibbled along Cas's skin, licking and sucking in-between before his eyes fluttered open. "hmm... Cas? where'd pie go?" he asked before realizing where his hands where and what he was doing and paused,waiting for a reaction before his fingers stroked again, experimenting with how he felt about that and how Cas would react.
“Oh....yes. It sounds hard to explain. I think it might be one of those lessons you have to see...”Sam said tilting his head a little shifting to rest his head against natasha’s breasts, smiling as she simply stroked his hair. “You’re such a good moose.”She muttered sounding amused before smiling when he stirred again. “Yea, I wouldn’t mind sparring with you. It’ll be nice having someone beside cas and dean.”Sam said as he pushed up to his feet, heading for the door.

“Oh....that makes sense.”Cas muttered frowning a little as he considered that, before snorting. “He is a bit childish.”He agreed before smiling happily, wondering if he could convince her to make pie for him and dean?Maybe he could seduce dean with pie? Relaxing a little as lisa stroked his side, shivering a little as he closed his eyes. “Kay....and no...not umcomfortable...”He muttered whimpering as his groin as rubbed, squirming a little, hips rocking slightly as he closed his eyes, “....n-no pie.”he stuttered a little, whining in the back of his throat as dean stroked him.
Clint nodded. "sometimes, yeah." he agreed with a smile, grinning when Sam got a free cop of Nat's breasts. Sam was so lucky he was cute or Nat might have beat he shit out of him. "he so totally needs a better pet name than moose." Clint mumbled. "that's just not sexy at all." he admitted before smiling at Sam. "can i call you Lovey Cutey McFluffie pie?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows. "i bet they kick your ass right? Nat's always kicking mine and i'm not even gonna get started on Steve and Bruce. those assholes cheat!" he grumbled as he led the way to the public gym.

"yes it does." she agreed. "aren't you glad i know how his brain works?" she asked with a smile before chuckling a little at Cas as he was fondled. "good. it shouldn't be uncomfortable." she agreed, watching with a sly grin. "i dunno. you're kind of like pie." Dean mumbled at Cas, stroking again at the sound, studying Cas's face, his eyes flicking to Lisa before focusing on Cas again. "is this okay?" he asked, slowly sliding Cas's pants over his hips feeling the skin there and reaching in to feel the hard length trapped there. "tell me to stop, if... if you don't like it.. okay?" Dean ordered, feeling how long and thick the angel was, surprised how very, familiar these actions where. other than the angle, and the lack of sensation, it was exactly like stroking himself, he hadn't been expecting that.
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