Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“....Well, only if you were being a danger to yourself. Which this could have been. And I’m not the one being a pathetic sad mess right now!”Cas snapped, the soft black shadow of his wings against the wall showing just how upset he was, because it was a rare thing, for cas to lose even that much control. “....Dammit dean.”He growled looking annoyed before smiling slightly at the idea that dean hadn’t even considered Lisa cheating on him. “Good....and we’ll make sure he’s clean.”Cas mttered frowning as he watched them, before frowning considering that. “...I keep healing him. Could I be healing the damage that all of that is doing to him?”He asked before staring at the DNA strand, looking upset and worried, not sure what to think before going still. Considering. Wondering. Maybe.... He’d wait and see if Sam’s showed up differently. “Hey, what’s wrong?”Sam said glancing at dean and cas as he walked in, looking sleepy and content, having been getting his pets in, even if they hadn’t had sex yet, he’d been enjoying having this much attention being paid to him. Worry tightening his features as he looked at his brother.
"Dont' yell at me i'm freaking out okay!" Dean yelled right back even as he reached for Cas, looking freaked out and scared and upset. "drinking made it go awa, i thought it was just in my head but it kept getting worse so i drank more because drinking made all the visions go away." Dean whispered. "i thought it would get better and it didn't and i was too scared to say anything." he whispered, his lip trembling because he was frightened and Lisa was gone and he was never going to get better without her. "you could have been healing his herpes but not this. several of these poisons would have killed him within an hour of becoming exposed at these levels. which seam to be fluctuating. he appears to be making them naturally." Bruce admitted, watching the numbers twitch on the screens. "hey Sam, nothings wrong as of yet. i need a blood sample if that's okay?" he asked, drawing some of Sam's blood before he could protest and nodded. "okay. well, recently, Sam had the exact same thing Dean is going through. Sam is fully human right now, but not too long ago he had the same exact DNA form and blood patterns. was he experiencing anything like this?" Bruce asked, eyes ficking from Sam to Dean and then to Cas, lifting an eyebrow. "am i missing something big here because you all look like i just signed his death warrant."
“I’m sorry....”Cas muttered hanging his head a little as he moved over to the other, stepping close enough to lean down and rest his head on the other’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him, cuddling as close to him as he could without climbing up on the bed with him. “We’ll figure out how to stop the visions.”He muttered sounding upset and scared, before nodding a little. “Oh....well...I’m not sure how that happens then....”Cas muttered, looking at a loss, because he wasn’t used to having no idea what was going on. “....Okay....”Sam frowned startling at the bit of drawn blood before paling rapidly, so rapidly actually that he swayed on his feet so badly that cas snapped a hand out to steady the man and make him sit down. “Yes. He was.” “After....after I came back....I kept having visions of lucifer, because I was the vessel we went to hell with him, it rewrote me on a basic level, even if I’m human again took....months, and cas’-” “I can fix dean’s then. If I do it.”Cas muttered looking pale at the idea of spending those long months again trapped in his own mind, the burden of carrying the scars of hell, of the hell that he had pushed on sam in his mad gamble for control, forcing the man to feel the hell that Death himself had walled off to protect him from. Cas had shattered that wall, driven his friend mad, only later fixing the damage....but at a great personal cost. But for dean, he’d do it. “Hey....Lisa’s’ll go to her after this okay?Promise me, dean.”Because if he was not going to recognize dean anymore, he needed the other to be happy, getting ready to try, bracing himself for the madness he was going to shoulder. And not sure if he could handle it again, but he would. For dean.
"it's nothing we can't work out." Bruce assured him before blinking at Sam. "no. Sam... that's not how it happened. you where having them long before you ever died." Dean reminded Sam, frightened but not wanting to give Bruce false information either. "you, are not doing a thing." Bruce commanded Cas when Dean struggled to protest. "we have specialists for this kind of thing and you're more likely to make it all worse anyway." Bruce stated. "Jay? bring Professor X up on the Holophone would you?" he glared at Cas. "do what you're going to do and i'll tell Lisa you took a needless risk and watch her beat the shit out of you." he warned before smiling at the screen when the face appeared. "Professor! it's great to see you. sorry to call you on such short notice but we have a bit of an emergency. do you have the time to use Cerebro?" he asked Bruce who smiled. "Of course Bruce. of course. do be sure to call Hank later? he's been pining a bit." "of course i will Professor." Bruce agreed before motioning for Dean to lean back. "okay Dean. close your eyes. i'm going to be hooking you up to a machine that auguments psychich connections. this will allow Professor Xavior to look inside your psyche, your mind and look for the source of your problem." he explained, pasting small suction cups around Dean's head. "Professor X is one of the best. he won't look at anything you don't want him to, and he won't speak of anthing he sees except what i need to know as your doctor. okay?" he asked, Dean hesitating before nodding. "okay Professor, you're all clear." Bruce said, Xavior nodding as he placed a large helmet on his head and closed his eyes, Dean going tense.

"oh... that... that feels... weird..." "It's alright Dean. my name is Professor Xavior." the Professor spoke aloud, as well as inside of Dean so the others could track what was happening. "we're inside of your mind." "'s bigger than i imagined." Dean admitted, the Professor chucking before he paused, mouth gaping. "...oh my. that's... highly unusual." "i know. i'm sorry." "nothing to be sorry for dear boy. i just have to readjust some things that i thought i previously knew." Xavior promised even as Bruce's tablet dinged, indicating that Dean had two fathers and a mother? how strange. only one known living relative... "oh dear god Tony is never going to calm down."
“Good.”Cas muttered tense and worried. “Well, not of lucifer. I had visions when I was addicted to demon blood and before, but that wasn’t....I don’t know. They happened, tehy just got worse with what happened with lucifer. After...he possessed me.”Sam said looking worried and upset before glaring at CAs. “ Iwill beat you myself if you try.”He threatened, eyeing the angel. “But...”Cas frowned a little, sighing queitly as he rested his forehead on dean’s shoulder, to upset to obey dean’s rules about personal space. “ know she’d totally beat you up if you tried.”Sam muttered eyeing cas, before looking up at the professor, tilting his head a little as he considered the man. “ okay?”Cas muttered looking at dean worriedly as the other spoke, before snorting. “you’re just always highly unusual.”Cas muttered before pausing, loking at bruce. “....What? Why?”sam said looking at bruce worried, curious at the line of thought to what it meant.
"Addicted to Demon blood!?" Bruce asked, staring at Sam before he sighed. "god dammit. first gods, now Demons and Angels.... fucking universe, changing all the laws. this is stupid." Bruce complained before shaking his head. "this is Demonic influence to human DNA i take it?" he asked, examining Dean's DNA again before watching Cas. "i... think so... yeah it's just... weird." Dean admitted. "we're not looking at memories, he's just, examining all these little lines..." "hmm? oh, well... Tony used to have an older brother." Bruce explained. "his father didn't want a 'runt' so when his brother was barely a few days old, he gave the baby up for adoption. Tony's been trying to find him ever since Howard died... i just found Tony's nephews." he admitted, handing Sam the tablet. "it's weird though, Dean has genetic markers from two males and a female. that's unheard of." not as much as he'd think. demon's possessing humans who purposely intended to get a female pregnant would leave demonic markers like a secondary father in the infant. it wasn't very well known at all, and if Dean or Sam knew about it, it would be likely because Crowley told them. "Ah. i see." Xavier sai, Dean looking excited. "me too! i... i've been... it's just me?" "yes. do you see how it works?" "what? no... wait, sort of? ye... yes i see." Dean agreed, sagging he was so relieved and he opened his eyes at the same time as Xavier and Dean sat up when Xavier removed his helmet. "but you didn't show me hoe to control it!" "i'm afraid only hard work can do that Dean. your powers are a part of you, not a part of me. you have to learn control for yourself."
“Um. Yes. It’s a long story.”Sam said flushing a little at the other’s words, before snorting a little. “I’ve said that alot. I tell Crowley’s he’s always changing the rules on us.”Sam grumbled. “yes....I think it is.”Cas said frowning a little, before smiling a little at dean’s words, calming a little as he glanced at bruce. “.....What?”Sam stared, eyebrows creeping up as he considered that, looking shocked at the idea before wincing a little. “Not unheard of, if a demon has sex while possessing someone. Most commonly found with crossroads demons, who seduce the mark.”Sam said frowning a little, “Not a well known fact, but I was curious how demons had kids, and asked crowley.”Sam said flushing a little as Cas simply stared at him since even the angel hadn’t known that. “”Cas looked worried, looking up at dean as the man talked, tilting his head a little as he considered the other.
"Yes well... punch this Crowley person in the dick for me. he's the ruler of hell right he deserves it." Bruce decided. he was astonishingly violent for someone so afraid of getting involved in things. though, maybe it was because he didn't have to worry about army men rolling up to kidnap him, again. " so i'm a Demon Spawn!? Some asshole possessed Dad!?" he asked, looking startled. "had sex with my mom and birthed me?! that's.... that's fucked up Sammy!" he complained before sighing a little as he st up. "the visions where just things i was making. the Professor explained it, but i don't fully get it. i create the images, but the only people who can see them are the people i want to see them, right? so when i started seeing them i thought i was nuts, yeah? and thought i was the only one who could see them, so thinking that made it true. the Professor said i should have a distinct lack of control over m powers for some time, but that i'd get the hang of it. h can't show me, because they aren't powers like he's used to so i have to figure it out for myself." "Thanks for the help Professor." "For you Bruce? anytime." Xavier said with a fond smile before the screen blipped out and Bruce turned to cas. "there. you see? perfectly fine. you could have irreparably damaged him, this is his natural genetic structure, not an altered state as it was for Sam." he admitted. "however all these poisons. it explains why Demon hosts die over time." Dean admitted, shaking his head before flinching then realized why he was flinching and wondered if everyone else could see it too and suddenly there was a tiny hummingbird in the room. "....a hummingbird?" Bruce asked, making Dean flush. "i've always been terrified of them.... they're so fast they could fly in and peck my eyes out and i wouldn't have any time to react..." he flinched when it dive bombed him again but it was only an image, and it couldn't do anything but make him twitch.
“I will. I’ll even hold him still for you to kick. He’ll probably visit himself sometime soon.”Sam said snickering a little, well aware that the demon could come and go as he pleased. “....I...uh. Guess? I mean. I guess that means what happened. And it is, I mean, I didn’t know it was possible till I asked crowley. It never occurred to me that it could be you, or us. Or...whatever.”Sam made a face. “Ah. That sorta makes sense.”Cas frowned as he considered that. “...Yes...well. I wouldn’t have done it without asking first. Glad we waited.”Cas sighed a little looking as relieved as he ever did, which wasn’t very even as he moved away from dean, settling onto the bed sitting next to him. “....I don’t think it’ll kill dean though. If he was born with it.”Cas frowned considering that before staring up at the hummingbird. “.....You are never allowed making fun of me for fearing clowns again.”Sam said staring at his brother because he hadn’t known at that. “ gets tot talk to tony?”
"nice." Bruce mused with a grin. "i bet Hulk would love trying to take on a Demon." he admitted. "not advisable. they have to wear human hosts so you'd just be beating up a human who, more than like, didn't want to be possessed in the first place." "...damn." he turned to look at Cas. "and Angels? how do they work?" he wondered. curious now that he was over his annoyance. "no. it won't kill Dean. in fact it looks as if his body needs to produce those to keep himself stabilized. i'd like to monitor his blood levels for the next month or so just to make sure, but i think you'll be fine for now." he admitted. "shut up Sam. you have no basis in your fear of clowns." he scoffed, shaking his head before chuckling. "Jay? would you inform Tony that He's had a Genetic Match and to come down here please?" Bruce asked before smirking at them. "i will give you fifty dollars to call him uncle." "Deal. i want the money upfront." Dean ordered, grinning as he was handed the promised fifty dollars and shoved it into his pocket. "Uncle Tony! come in!" Dean called as soon as he saw Tony hesitate at the doorway.
“He would probably. But wait till Crowley shows up, he’s possessing the body he has for centuries, so it’s more his body then a human. You can hit him.”Sam said smirking at the idea of crowley getting hit before looking at cas. “We have to posses humans, but we have to ask permission from our host before hand.”cas said frowning slightly, looking relieved that dean wasn’t going to die. “And you have no basis for your fear of hummingbirds. You could smack them out of the air.”Sam scoffed. “Of course, doctor.”Jarvis said. “....”Tony eyed the eldest winchester before pointing a finger at bruce. “Not funny, hulkster. Alcoholism and whoredom is not a genetic trait, and not a sign of genetic match.”
Dean nodded and Bruce looked a bit eager at the idea of testing some things on a demon. he and Tony had been working on a whole array of nifty things to test on Demon possessed. "well that's alright then." he agreed with Cas, nodding. "i'm going to have to look up my biblical lore." he admitted before smirking. "actually, hummingbirds are faster than humans. Dean probobly wouldn't be able to smack it away before it pierced his eye." he admitted, making Dean go very pale. "you're not helping." "Very funny." Bruce admitted, handing Tony the Tablet. "and also very much your nephews." "i totally got screwed with the wrong father." Dean sulked. "both Dean and Sam are a match Tony. you finally fond your missing family."
"If you tell him your testing new toys before he gets here though, Crowley wont come anywhere near you.”Sam warned snickering a little. “You should. Though most of it’s not quite right, it’s a place to start.”Cas smiled slightly. “....And clowns are totally evil.”Sam said making a face at the two. “I’m hysterical.”Tony muttered as he walked in, frowning slightly as he looked at the tablet. “I totally don’t have kids, Dean.Besides, you’re only a few years younger then me.”More like 10, but with extremis, the man looked younger. “....Huh.”Tony frowned looking at the two winchesters, looking utterly bemused at the idea that he’d finally found him. “This wasn’t the reaction I’d expected....”Sam mtutered eyeing the billionaire.
"don't have any way to tell him." Bruce pointed out with a smirk. "besides, i'm sure he has a few subordinates he'd like to punish, i could do my testing on them." he admitted. "of course it's not all right, do you know how many times that book has been rewritten? all by bigoted jerks more often than not. it's likely most of the information was fase when it was written the first time." he admitted before grinning at Tony. "that's not how nephews work Tony. Nephews are your brothers or sisters sons." he admitted. "not your own kids. in any case i think there's like a ten year difference between you and dad. so you're about ten years older than us." he admitted. "Dad had us pretty young i think." he admitted. "no. not at all. though now i feel weird now because i was totally hitting on Tony." Dean admitted before he sighed. "i should go talk to Lisa... if she hasn't left yet..."
Sam snorted amused.”True.”He said before swallowing amused at cas’ look of baffled amusement. The man was s adorable when he didn’t understand why humans would rewrite the holy word.”Maybe. It might have beem.”cas frowned slightly. “....Ah. Well. Okay.”Tony muttered looking vaguely disturbed at having his friends as nephews. It was weird. He’d been looking for family, but it was odd. “They were young. Like 20.”Sam said looking at tony worriedly. “...You didn’t know. And you admit to flirting with a guy?”Sam smirked at his brother. “I thought you were so far into the closet you were looking for narina.”He said smirking before nodding. “She’s still here.”Cas said before sam could moving away from dean, but staying close in case the other needed him
"You have to understand, Angel of the Lord." Bruce said calmly. "Humans have always twisted gods word to suit their own needs and they have often rewritten religious texts to suit those needs." he admitted. "horrible atrocities have been caused, and excused by 'gods word'. God is nothing more than excuse and someone to blame in this day and age. true faith? that's very hard to find." he admitted. Bruce himself did not believe in a single form of diety. he believed that all dieties where the same One God, just different forms to suit different people's religious or faithful needs or desires. as far as Bruce was concerned there was no one proper way to pray or be religious. he did have faith in the Almighty, but it was not God in the christian sense of the view. "relx Tony. i was already kind of looking at you like a big brother." Dean promised with a smile. "you're not old enough to be an uncle so i'll just call you big brother yeah? always wanted one of those." he admitted before flushing hard. "i've been... noticing some things... i just... need to talk to Lisa about it and i haven't had the chance..." he mubmled, picking at his pants before smiling as he headed off to talk to Lis, pausing at the sight of Clint and Ben ylling at each other as they tried to slaughter each other on some video game. Mario kart? at least there wasn't any nasty words being flung around so he left it be and headed back to Lisa t make sure she was okay and see if she wanted to stay with him, since Cas was a traitor and hadn't erased her memories.
“Ah. yes...I have seen this often, and I still find it puzzling. Though I guess angels are no better at keeping to the word of god.”Cas frowned a little. “....Oh. Okay then. Yea I’m not old enough to be a uncle.”He said wrinkling his nose a little. “Oh, good. For once someone gets to harass you about all those things you bother me with?Good.”Sam smirked at his brother. “....Ah.”Sam smirked a little looking amused as he watched dean go. Not even surprised when cas trailed after him in a few minutes. The angel hovering outside the door, knocking lightly, waiting for permission to join the other tow.

“Do you feeel proud for beating a 12 year old?”Sam teased snickered as he slid onto the couch with clint smirking as he watched ben. It was good to see the boy relaxed and not worrying about his mom.
"i wouldn't know about Angels." Bruce admitted before chuckling at Tony. "i doubt t." Dean pointed out to Sam. "Tony's worse than i am. he'd probobly focus all of his attention on you." he teased wth a smirk before patting Tony's shoulder. "i'm glad i have family that doesn't suck balls." he promised Tony happily before heading to Lisa and poured his heart out to her and apologized for being a cheating bastard, even if he hadn't done anything he still felt miserable. "Come in if your cas, otherwise piss off." Lisa commanded, Dean making a strangled sound of protest. "hey Cas. your just in time. Dean just admitted he's gay for you." Lisa admitted with a smirk. "go take him off somewhere and fuck himsensless." she suggested. "i'm too tired for sex." "wait, what!?" Dean commanded, looking so very baffled.

"yes. yes i do." Clint said appearing very smug indeed even as he handed Sam a controller while Ben set up for round thirteen. "he's damn good at this, this is only the second time i've won so far." Clint admitted. "Tony stole my Aids though so you'll have to look at me when you talk." he warned.
"Nooooooo he has to tease you not me. You're the one who's having a sexual crisis." "Don't worry I'll tease you both."tony grinned before smirking at dean."I do suck alls, just not in the way you mean. Go."he smirked at the other as he left."I am indeed cas."Cas smiled a little as he stepped into the room, staring at the other two and making a small strangled noise."...when you said talk to dean, I didn't think you meant the talk to be this blunt lisa."Cas said looking flushed and ready to bolt himself. Having not been ready for this talk despite knowing it was probably coming.

"Well that so plains why you were ignoring his crowing over winning."sam said looking at the man as he settled in to play with the two and grinning ben completely demolished thrm both."well I feel inadequate."sam said pouting a little
"i'm not having a sexual crises..." Dean lied, scoffing at the idea before rolling his eyes. "we'll teas you back." he warned with a smile. before laughing a little at Tony. "you should offer to suck Steve's balls." he teased the other before heading off to Lisa, gaping at her. "Oh Cas, sweetie. Blunt is the only way that this works. Dean is too dense otherwise." she admitted. "wait... have you two been... plotting to get me with Cas?" "no. we've been plotting to get you into a threesome with you me and Cas." Lisa corrected, looking amused. "....." Dean sat there, silent for a long moment and then. "i was going to tell you after our date that i was... that i liked Cas." Dean admitted, flushing hard. "i was... i felt bad, for... for liking someone else and..." "and i like him too. so it's okay." Lisa admitted with a smile. " you.. you'd really be okay..." "if you explored your sexuality with Cas? of course.... i get to watch though." that made Dean laugh and relax. feeling better than he had in a very long time.
Byes you are. It's cute."sam smirked a little laughing as tony let out a choked whimper at the suggestion. "But you said flirt with him! That's what would have worked. He was starting to get ir!"cas whined looking upset that hed been tricked to and caught off guard ay the talk. Flushing as he looked up at dean, before avoiding his eyes."um. Maybe?a bit? I mean...bthe angel stuttered looking so helpless and out of his depth."....not the first time though. First times mine."Cas muttered quietly possessive, and looking vaguely worried that the need to do it alone with dean, for the first time would upset her. Even if they discussed it he was worried about messing things up.
"yes Cas, but that was before Dean started realizing he was interested in men." she assured him, patting Cas's hand. "the flirting was supposed to get his attention and make him start noticing, now we have to be blunt because if we dance around the subject he's going to get confused and frustrated." she explained, making Dean flush because, well, that was true. he was starting to see the humor in the situation now and he smiled and set his hand down on Cas's knee and gripped gently, hoping to calm Cas down. "of course the first time is yours." Lisa assured him. "it's like i'm not going to want Dean around the first time we have sex." she assured him, Dean perking up a little because somehow, he had forgotten that Cas and Lisa would be having sex too and the idea of watching them made him quiver in all the best ways. "now, as we all okay?" Lisa asked, Dean managed a nod. "yeah.. yes. yeah, totally. i just... somehow i never thought..." "that you'd actually get to have Cas?" Lisa asked with a smile, Dean nodding again. "i don't... uhm.. i don't..." "know how to have sex with a man?" Lisa asked, making Dean flush hard again. "you'll just have to do the research like Cas tried to do.... that, ah... ddn't end well."
"Oh...well. yes I guess....he would have gotten frustrated though I must admit I was feeling frustrated when I had to show him how to put on the suspenders and suit. It was very trying."Cas sighed a little. Relaxing at lisa's touch. Relaxing even more when dean touched his leg, calming as he offered a small shy smile. Still tangled up enough by human behavior that he had no idea how to do this. Maybe he should talk to the archer?he seemed to understand how to have a threesome. Calming ay that mental thought he offered a small surprised smile. No matter how often she told him, cas half the time thought she was going along with it, he forgot she wanted him to."good...and no. I don't want him around the first time I have sex with a woman I care for..."because he'd had sex before, but at the time he'd been human, he had no idea how sex as a angel was going to go, but be was eager to find out."yes we're okay."she said offering a shy smile."I didn't believe it either...even after she told me of your dreams..."cas a aid blushing before wincing at her words,"the pizza man was no help in finding things. And sam yelled at me for messing up his computer with weird porn...and sites..."which had led to sam trying to talk to him but the angel had been so embarrassed he'd left without finding out anything he wanted to know
"...i'm sorry." Dean mumbled, flushing a little as he realized he had basically been teasing Cas. "maybe we should talk to Clint? he seams to know things..." Dean mumbled. "i'm sure as hell not asking Sam." he grumbled. "i'll make sure to take Ben out for a bonding day." Dean promised before pausing. "uhm... what are we going to be telling Ben?" Lisa had already told him. she wasn't sure how Ben really felt about it, but Cas was always happy to play games with Ben so she didn't think he minded too much. " knew i was dreaming about Cas?" Dean asked, his voice squeaking as his face went very red before he chuckled a little at the idea of Cas looking up porn. "come on... we'll go ask Clint... or Natasha maybe? Bruce might actually be better..." he admitted. "or maybe Steve?... we'll as all of them." he decided. "and Tony. Tony would be sure to know things."
“It’s okay.”Cas smiled at the man. “I think Tony set us up for that teasing anyways.”He muttered before nodding a little. “We’ll talk to clint.....and you should totally ask sam. If only to watch you blush and squirm. You’re adorable and sexy when you blush.”Cas said smiling before looking at lisa, shrugging a little. “She told him I think....he didn’t seem upset. Was quite happy to play games actually.”Cas said before smirking at dean’s squeak. “She did. Nice, good dreams apparently.”He smirked before making a face at dean’s laughing at him for looking up porn. “...You want to ask your uncle for sex advice?”He teased even as he stood. “We’ll ask clint. And natasha. And Sam.”Cas said heading for the door, wanting to talk to the three since they seemed to have figured out the threesome thing even if it was brand new.
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