Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"that's very true." she agreed with a chuckle. "yes. those sorts of dreams. he really has a thing for those pretty wings of yours. you should let them out more often. watch him stare, it's epic." she admitted with a grin. "oh yes. i've heard." she admitted with a chuckle before smiling at her. "good. you make me happy too you know, Cas." she admitted. "i can't wait for you to join us." she admtited. "watching you fuck Dean into the mattress for the first time is going to be so damn hot." she murmured, fantasizing. she and Dean really where well matched. "okay... no hints then?" she asked, grinning at Cas as she headed up to put on the dress, squealing at how amazing it was and she had to stop to stare at Dean when he walked out wearing his Suit, her mouth dry as she tried to swallow because the only thing she wanted to do was hurl him to the floor and fuck him right then and there.
"'s good to know all of us have those dreams."cas flushed a little."really?well...I shall try to let them out more. In private."she said flushing a little, because showing his wings were a very private thing." make me haply to."cas smiled at her happily,glad to know that she wasn't doing this just for them. Laughing at her words. "You two are so well matched."he smiled. And smiling."nope no hints."he said grinning when dean came down even as he flushed blushing as he stared at dean."you guys want me to take ben out to dinner instead?"he smirked a little
"oh i have a lot of dreams that tends to center around you me and Dean." she admitted with a grin before looking eager at the idea of Cas letting his wings out a little more. she smiled at him, gave him another kiss and left, laughing because Cas always made her happy. especially when he said such sweet things. "No." "Yes." they both sulked at each other and Dean finally won because Lisa was curious about this date. "we'll be back tonight." she finally relented. "don't let Tony cook." Dean ordered. "and don't let Ben play with explosives." he ordered, looking so very pleased as he led her away to the restaurant he had piced out just for her. he was super excited, and very nervous because he wanted her in a good mood when he told her he wanted to try gay sex.
“Hmm. We’ll have to see about those then.”Cas said blushing a little as he kissed her back. “...Fine. Okay, no leaving you three at home then.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “I’m not cooking. Cas can get pizza.”Tony said before huffing, “Fine. I’m not going to explode anything. Stop worrying, I’m fine. We’re fine.”Cas promised looking amused as they left.

Lisa frowned a little as they arrived, looking up at the expensive resturant for a long moment, looking amazed at it. so caught up in the sweet and romantic thing dean had done for them, she didn't even feel the claws trying to tear her apart. the only reason survived that first moment was that azarel was toying with her, ready to simply draw dean out, because it really was dean he wanted to kill
"yeah, maybe i should hire a sitter." Lisa teased, amused. "Ben knows where the Pizza money is."Lisa agreed. Ben knew what was allowed. a single pizza per person and one dessert each and a single side per two people. he'd make the order, though she didn't doubt that Tony would pay istead.

"Lisa?" Ben asked, stunned when he realized she was collapsing. "Lisa!!!!" he gasped, managing to catch her before she hit the ground, realizing there was blood all over he screamed wit rage. "CASTIEL!" he wasn't going to let her die just because Lucifer was trying to kill him, again. dammit. "CASTIEL!" he looked up when the Angel appeared. "heal her! make her safe!.... you said once you could take away her memories. she's clearly not safe with me... i... i can't... you have to make her and Ben forget me." he ordered, in his panic, thinking she'd hate him for this. he was already gone, drawing his gun to go after the dead demon fucker who had attacked her.
Already the demon was gone even as castiel appeared. “Wha-”Castiel paled when he saw waht was going on, nodding. “Go.”he said swallowing hard as he watched dean go, before picking up lisa as he healed her, heading back to the house, gathering ben and tony before heading back to the tower. “Stay. I will take care of Dean.”The angel promised before focusing on dean and appearing at his side, wincing a little at the sight of the man trying to beat the demon to death. “Dean. Stop. He’s gone, you’re just abusing his host.”He said looking disgusted that the demon had abandoned the vessel rather then deal with them.
Lisa was hurt too much to actually respond, but Bruce was on her in a split instant, making sure she was going to be fine. she was going to be in pain for some time yet but she was going to be just fine. Dean was beating the shit out of the human host because he couldn't not. couldn't not hurt something. he turned on Cas instead because logically he knew he couldn't hurt Cas. didn't stop him from trying though, too overwhelmed by his emotions because every time he finally found some semblance of happiness, it was taken away. there was nothing left to take! was his brother next!? Cas?! his growing relationship with Tony and the Avengers?! Crowley!? what left was there to destroy hat he hadn't already destroyed on his own!? it wasn't fair! Lisa was the last unspoiled thing he'd had and now it was gone too.
Cas cursed softly as he was attacked but let the other man come at him, trusting tony and the avengers to look after ben and lisa until they could go back. By the time dean finished, the man was actually panting with effort to keep up with dean, huffing a little as he looked at his exhausted human. “Are you done?”He growled, sounding upset and annoyed, mostly with the demon, but some with dean for upsetting them both.
Dean was panting when he finally stopped, nearly imp he was so tired now. "no... it's not fair." Dean whispered. "every time i have some slim chance at being happy someone, something, somehow it always gets taken away..." he whispered. "she'll hate me for this. i dragged her into this. it's all my fault, because i was so selfish... you erased her and Ben's memories right? they need to move on without me, they won't be safe with me around."
“You are a stubborn ass. We’re going home now.”Cas said not answering the question as he wrapped a arm around the other man, and took them back to the tower, steppign into the medical wing, holdign up his hands as he found them with almost every weapon in the tower pointed at them, including sam’s gun and a annoyed look from teh hulk. “Dean. You need rest.”Cas ordered nudging him towards the bed next to lisa’s,even healed she still needed rest.
"i'm not. don't touch me." he ordered Cas, even if he didn't try to shove the other away. he ignored the plethora of weapons aimed at him and staggered over to where Lisa was sleeping. drugged to the gills because she wanted to stay up and wait for Dean and refused to go to sleep until Bruce doped her. "i eed to see... just one last time." Dean mumbled, memorizing her face and touched her warm skin. convinced this would be the last he ever saw of her. he finally staggered off, intending on getting drunk, not only to deal with the loss, but to deal with the images that only he could see as well. they where getting worse and without Lisa, he truly worried about how he was going to be able to stay sane.
“Shut up dean.”Cas growled looking annoyed even as the weapons were set down, sighing softly as dean stumbled to lisa. Watching them for a moment before watching dean go. Leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll look after him, don’t worry.”He muttered pressing a kiss to lisa’s forehead, pausing to look at steve for a long moment as he left, but not saying anything, to concerned with dean to deal with the halfing, settling in to sitting next to dean. While he let him drink some, he stopped the other from drinking to much, simply putting him to sleep till morning so they could talk rationally. Settling the man in his bed, looking hesitant before curling up on the bed next to him, maybe Dean wouldn’t mind to much if he stayed. Needing to be with him with lisa still hurt.
"Don't tell me to shut up. you shut up," Dean growled back befpre leaving because he couldn't d this.Steve looked a bit puzzled by Cas, there was another Angel oddly interested in him. was he like catnip for angels or something? ah well he was more focused on keeping Lisa calm when she woke ad quickly shooed everyone else out to bed.

Lisa had to laugh when she woke up because Steve was listening to an audio book and working on a cross stitch. a very complicated cross stitch. Dean was still asleep but once Steve saw she was awake he asked Jarvis to tell Castiel. "how are you feeling?" Steve asked, helping her to sit up and drink some water. "sore all over, but better. hey Cas."
“Good morning Lisa.”Cas smiled leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, before sitting down next to her bed. “Dean is still awake, and tony’s watching over him, to keep him calm when he wakes.”Cas sighed softly, smiling a little at lisa. “You will be well. And you and ben are safe here, at the tower. For now, you should stay here. Though if you insist on going home, we will see how to take care of you.”he said to lisa even though he was studying steve.
she nodded. "he got drunk again didn't he? i'm really starting to worry about him." she admitted with a sigh. "I'll stay here." She decided. "at least until we're a little more safe." sh chuckled at Steve who had gone back to his cross stitching. "seriously, why do you keep looking at me!?" Steve finally asked, sounding a bit weirded out. "you're supposed to be checking out Dean, not me. go ask Bruce if you fee the need to go ogle some man flesh." Lisa snorted and started laughing at that because it really did look like Cas wanted to strip Steve naked and devour him. he startled a little when Jarvis spoke up that Dean was awake and acting rather erratically and demanding alcohol.
“He did. And I made sure he didn’t drink to much....but yes, I;m worried for him to.”cas said frowning a little before looking relieved. “Good. It’ll be good to have you here.”Cas said before startling, tilting his head a little. “I do check out dean, I made sure he was well, and looked after.”Well, that was the literal sense of checked out, like medically instead of oggling. “....You are....different. Did you meet an angel before?”He said looking curious before wincing, sighing softly. “I would speak to you later. After I take care of dean.”He said before heading out to check on his hungover winchester
"Tony will like having me around too i'm sure." Lisa agreed with a giggle. "i can't wait to meet Pepper." she admitted before smirking at Cas. "no, sweetie. to be checked out means you're appraising him for visual attractiveness. Steve thinks your examining him as a promising sexual mate." she explained. "you know that thing Dean does when he sees you without a shirt, hen his eyes sort of go all over your body and then he goes red and gets annoyed? it's because he was checking you out and realized he was doing it." she admitted before blinking at Steve. "what? oh, well yes actually. back before the war. he was all ver me. drove Bucky nuts." Steve admitted. "why?" he asked, baffled and a little bit upset because he was being ignored and he looked at Lisa. "am i just... that sexy or noxious to angels?" "no clue. what book are you listening to?"

Dean snarled when Cas walked in, glaring at him. "all i want is to have a little drink!" he growled, flinching as if something had flown close to his face. "that's all i want! i need it, Cas!" he said, trying to break into the wet bar that Jarvis had locked. "tell the talking robot to let me have the alcohol!"
”I’m sure. Apparently, tony gets a kick out of watching us flirt, and you’ll make his girlfriend happy.”Though, he wasn’t sure if tony was actually seeing pepper. Before pausing, frowning a little. “Oh. Then no. Still, only checking out dean.”Cas said smiling slightly before snorting. “Oh yes. I have gone without a shirt just to get that look sometimes.”He snickered a little before frowning at steve. “Later, I promise.”he said as he left.

“...No. Dean, you’re going to make yourself sick.”Cas said wincing a little, looking at him worriedly. “Dean, come. Lisa is awake and would like to see you.”he said simply, chest tight and hurting, wondering if this attack and reaction where his fault. After all, he’d wanted to flirt with Dean, maybe this was gods way of telling him that it wasn’t right, by making sure lisa never got a chance to talk to him about it.
"of course he does. Tony is amused by everything... admittedly, i like watching you, Dean and the pretty Angel dance around each other amusing too." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "Pity. i wouldn't have minded." Steve flirted with a grin. it was strange. Steve only flirted with people who where one hundred percent safe, like with Dean, Sam, Clint and Cas. "Alright then..."

Dean snarled at him. "i'm already sick!" he raged before gasping and looking away because he hadn't meant to say that. "i'm already sick and i can't make it stop!" now that he'd said it, he couldn't shut up. "the images won't stop cas! they come from everywhere and they keep coming faster and faster and no one else can see them because how can you miss THAT!?" he demanded, flinging a hand at nothing.
Ah. True. And I think everyone’s finding this amusing.”Cas said looking amused before tilting his head, considering that. “Well.flirt with dean then, he can use the practice.”

“....”Cas stared at the other, blue eyes going wide and worried as he considered him, looking around carefully. “....What?See what, dean?”He said but not waiting for a answer as he reached out, touching the other’s shoulder before transporting them to bruce’s lab, eyes wide and frightened, even if he was in control and otherwise not showing the emotions. “Bruce, dean says there is something wrong with him, and I do not feel anything. Would you use science to look?”
"See... things! all kinds of things! never the same!" Dean sputtered, wincing when Cas angel popped them and Bruce immediately reacted, whipping around, jamming something into Cas's ribs and with a huge bust of electrical discharge, tried to drop him. being an Angel, Cas was unlikely to actually drop, but it dropped Loki when he'd appeared suddenly so it might. "Jesus! don't DO that goddammit!" Bruce ordered, green creeping along his skin before it slowly eased away and he looked at Dean. "on the table please." he ordered dean, indicating a padded reclining seat looking thing that had a light over it that would scan Dean for brain, neurological, nervous, muscle, bone, vein or internal organ issues while he drew some blood and started running a few tests.
“dammit, why didn’t you say something?”Cas cursed a little, looking upset and hurt that dean had hid it. Pausing as bruce jammed something against his ribs, looking down in curiosity instead of dropping. “....I am not jesus. And I apologize. I did not mean to upset you. I was worried.”The angel said frowning a little before looking at dean, tense and upset as he paced, as close to showing emotion as he could in the locked down state he was in, watching dean and bruce, twitchy and upset. Wishing lisa was there, but not wanting her to see just yet either.
"Because insane people don't get to stay out in the world n hunt monsters! insane people wear padded jackets in padded rooms locked up until they die inside!" he snapped, frightened and upset. "no. you are not Jesus... i'm a bit surprised that didn't work actually." he admitted, examining the thing in his hands. "Tony made it for me. so i can protect myself." he admitted. "i'll have to remember it doesn't work on Angels." he admitted. "it's fine. just next time, burst in through the door. i'm a bit more used to that." he admitted. "Jarvis? run the genetic tests fr e would you?" "genetic?" Dean asked. "of course. certain mental illnesses, brain misfires or malfunctions or other various illnesses can be caused do to certain genetic defects passed on by parents. it's important to check for those." Bruce explained, the light turning bright glowing blue as it scanned Dean, making a 3D holographic image of everything inside of him. "highlight any danger areas." Bruce commanded the computer. the brain glowed a faint, pale yellow while Dean's liver and kidneys shone a alarming bright orange. "it's not a physical problem. but you're going to have to stop drinking... and smoking." he admitted when large splotches of orange showed up on Dean's lungs. "also, you have STDS." "I HAVE WHAT?!" "relax. those can b cured with simple penicillin." Bruce promised. "Jarvis, scan blood for Genetic markers." he ordered once the genetic scan was done. "and then run a test to look into closest blood related family for any medical signs please." Bruce asked, tapping away on his computer before pausing. "hello, what's this?" he mused, his head cocked to the side. "Dean? why do you have... sulfur in your blood?" "WHAT!? I HAVE WHAT?!"
“....Insane people are about the only ones who willingly hunt, you ass. You should have told me.”Cas snapped back, just as upset and frightened. “...I felt it. But since this isn’t my real body, it was more of a nuisence then anything.”Cas supplied looking at bruce, willing to be helpful even if he was frightened. “...okay. I can do that.”he promised lookign worried as he watched dean get scanned, hating he couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Frowning a little. “...I’ve been telling you to stop drinking. And did you even smoke?”Cas growled sounding upset and annoyed, snorting a little at the other’s words. “Considering your sex life, are you surprised you have a STD?We’ll have to check lisa.”Cas said looking thoughtful. “Of course. It will be ready soon enough.”Jarvis said already starting to search blood relatives markers. “.....Sulfur. He spent time in hell. It is a common thing in demons, to present with sulfur.”Cas said looking confused, not sure what it meant, but it made sense if it could be triggering things. Wondering if crowley was messing with the man.
"I couldn't! you would have made me stop! you always try to make me stop! you would have... you.. you'd look at me with those sad pathetic eyes and i wouldn't have been able to help myself!" Dean gasped, shaking his head. "...well. yes. i smoke..." Dean grumbled. "not often. just when i'm upset..." "always then." Bruce agreed, making Dean sigh. "the only person i've had sex with since i met Lisa is Lisa." he grumbled. "and i was clean then so she must have gotten it somehow. gynecologist maybe?" funny how Dean never even considered the idea that she might have cheated on him. simply wasn't fathomable. "i checked Lisa." Bruce commented. "she's clean. or was an hour ago. the scanner does that automatically." he explained. "you could have had this for years and never known it, or passed it on unti the outbreak just now. genital herpes is like that." Bruce admitted. "no sex until it clears up though, we don't want it passing on to Lisa." "yes Doc." "thanks Jay." Bruce scowled and then shook his head. "no. sulfur is natural, normal even but a buildup so strong that i can see it in his blood? that's not normal. and there are trace amounts of other things that surely should be killing him. cyanide for one thing. Aconite is here in the blood, Poloium, very rare. radioactive actually. and mercury. Dean should very much be dead but somehow all of these trace elements are not only stable, but boosting his system... Jay? bring up the DNA on screen?" he asked, banishing the image of Deans body and stared at the very distorted DNA strand. "Glitch?" he asked hopefully before sighing. "well fuck. Dean... i hat to say this, but you're not wholly human... it's not a mutation either, i know what that looks like. this is... i don't know what this is. Alien perhaps?" Bruce mumbled. "Jarvis run his DNA pattern against the system? see if anything comes close... and bring Sam in here? if it's genetic, he'll have the same patterns in his blood nd the same DNA strands."
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