Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“oh good.”Tony beamed, happy that the other liked the flowers relaxing a little as he looked at the other, before snorting. “you have to forgive him, he’s so old he forgets how long a school day is.”Tony teased snickering a little. “We do. It’s good he makes a adorable confused person.”cas snickered a little as they settled into the living room. “Don’t eat all the pie, Dean.”Cas warned making a face at the other.
"I am not! Shut up Tony!" Dean ordered, nudging Tony's shoulder to take away any of the pain of being told to shut up. "but Lis always makes a pie just for me!" Dean whined, pouting at Lisa who smirked. "and i did." she admitted. "it's your favorite." "Lisa flavored?" "No, you pervert!" "you made me Cherry pie?" he asked, looking delighted. "yes i did." "i love you so much." "i know you do." she admitted with a chuckle.
Tony huffed a little, smiling quietly as the other nudged his shoulder, not protesting though. “But you have plans remember.”Cas said smirking a little. “....lisa flavored? How would you flavor a pie like this?Would it require the pizza man act?I could help with this. Sam showed me more videos.”Cas said looking wide eyed and innocent, so very innocent. “You are so easy to please."Tony snickered a little at dean's declaration.
"i do have plans!" Dean agreed, smiling at Lisa. "i got you something epic and we're going out tonight and i won't hear any arguments." he ordered, looking very pleased with himself before he went bright red at Cas. "well... you know. i wouldn't mind having some experience with an Angel." Lisa admitted with sultry grin and a sway of her hips and Dean went a little gassy eyed as he imagined Lisa and Cas together. that was hot. "i am easy to please, that's why she loves me." "we'll see. depends on what my surprise is tonight." "You'll love it! i swear!"
“He does. We’ll be babysitting, and I’ll be supervising Tony and Ben for the evening, so you don’t have to worry.”Cas promised looking pleased with himself and the fact that dean had something planed before pausing, staring at lisa for a minute, a flash of a perverted smirk twisting his lips as he looked at Lisa. “you mean, you’d want to be touched by a angel?” “Who showed him tv?” “Sam.” “Ah.”Tony snickered a little before smiling at lisa. “You’ll love it. Really.”
"....does Tony need supervising?" she asked, looking surprised. "yes." Dean admitted with a smile. "he's not dangerous, he just can't really take care of himself. he's a genius but... well he's a bit disconnected." "huh.... that explains Cas." she mused, making Dean laugh before both her and him laughed wildly at Cas's comment. "i would love to get touched by an angel." she leered, Dean nodding. "me too... uh! i mean, i'd like to, er. watch her... ah, get touched... oh dear..."Dean muttered, flushing hard and looked very relieved when the door slammed open. Ben was home, thank god. "Why are you home so early?" she wondered before huffing. "well never mind! go wash up, we have guests, and pie!" she admitted with a laugh before winking at Tony. "he doesn't know your here."
“Yes. I’ve been told that science experiments and me in general needs supervision to be around other people.”Tony made a face. “Pepper tells me this, so it must be true.” “Pepper’s his PA. She’s usually how he figures out how to deal with people....much like Sam and you explaining dean.”Cas teased dean a little before raising his eyebrows a little as he considered Dean. Not sure what to say before looking up as the door slammed open. “Teacher’s conference. They left early.”Ben called as he dropped his bag near the door before heading up to the bathroom to wash up. “Who’s here?”he yelled back.
"Ah, she sounds lovely, did she not want to come along?" Lisa asked curiously. "she's too busy at the moment. she'll come next time when it's not so busy." Dean promised her with a smile. "and it's more like you and San trying to explain to Cas." he admitted to Lisa. "i at least understand social cues, even if i normally ignore them." he admitted with an impish grin before chuckling as Ben raced up the stairs. "You'll find out when you get down here! do you have any homework!? Blueberry or Strawberry?!" she yelled back, making Dean smile because he had missed the screaming contests from the other sides of the house that was the communication here. "would you boys like some ice-cream to go with your pie?" she offered Cas and Tony even as she plopped ice-cream onto a plate with a massive slice of Cherry pie that as making Dean lean forward so it wouldn't leave his sight. he was such a pie whore.
“She’s running my company. I’m not to be trusted with paperwork either. So she lets me play in the lab all days, and only drags me out when I have to be useful.”Tony grinned a little. “Next time indeed. She says she needs more women around.” “....true.”Cas made a face at the teasing as he smiled, listening to mother and son yell. “A little bit! Not much. And Strawberry!”Ben yelled. “This is like organized chaos.”Tony muttered looking amused as he nodded. “Yes please. Pie without ice cream is a crime.” “...You are such a pie whore.”Cas muttered smirking at dean as he took his preferred slice of strawberry and ice cream, grinning as Ben pounded down the stairs. “Hey m-Oh!I didn’t think you’d actually get him here!”Ben stumbled looking excited as he bounded into the room.
"Well, at least it seams to be an arrangement that makes you both happy." Lisa agreed with a chuckle before grinning a little. "and i could always use more girlfriends." she agreed. "we'll have to set up a lunch date." she agreed. "Well we'll work through it tomorrow then!" Lisa yelled back. it was a Friday it is so they could put it off for a half a day before she grinned at Tony. "you should see it when Dean is on the other side of the house as both of us. then it gets really fun." she admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "it is a crime." Lisa agreed, handing them all their pie, making Dean hum as he scooped the first bite into his mouth. "Of course i did! i'm a Winchester! we can do anything!" he admitted with a grin. "Tony, this is my son, Ben. Ben, this is Tony Stark, i'm sure he needs no introduction." he admitted.
“It does. She said if I tried to do my paperwork again she’d kill me in my sleep, so we’ve come to a peaceful arrangement on it.”Tony grinned, because pepper threatening him over things was normal, and much like when lisa threatened dean over silly things, not something she really meant, but it got the point across. “Good. I’ll tell her.”Tony grinned pleased at finding pepper another friend, and one that didn’t scare him silly like natasha did. “....I can only imagine.” “It gets quite loud. I am sure Crowley can hear Dean without any problems from hell.”Cas snickered a little. “I’m not sure about that, but this is awesome.”Ben grinned happy as he sat down, shaking his head. “Nope, no introdcution needed.” “Hello.”Tony said before holding out the game. “This is for you.” “What?” “A gift. It’s polite. Open it.”Tony ordered grinning pleased at the excited squeal that escaped when ben realized what game it was.
Lisa laughed a little and smiled at Tony. "well. as long as it's all worked out, right?" she asked with a smile. "i take it your not so good at paperwork?" "he's fine at it so long as he can stay focused." Dean said, covering for Tony because he was sure Tony didn't want the whole world to know. "but then he gets distracted and doodles huge lists of numbers and triangles and all kinds of things all over it and won't give the paperwork back because he wrote his brainstorm out on it. it turns into a battle and Pepper always wins... it's kind of hilarious to watch." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "i'm sure Crowley loves to listen."Dean admitted. "not sure! not sure! i bring you iron man and i still get no love!" Dean whined, grinning at Ben because that was a common Dean complaint. "i think i should get your pie." he decided, smirking as he slid Ben's pie over to himself. another common 'argument'. "Dean, give Ben his pie back you rouge. and Ben, what do you say?" she orered, rolling her eyes at her boys antics. she wouldn't have it any other way though.
"Righg. And yea distractions happen alot around me. It's not my fault clint needed a new bow right there, and she took my brainstorm away!salt and iron arrows would have been epic!"tony whined a little before giving dean a happy smile, glad for the cover before snorting at his words. "I'm sure crowley does."Cas rolled his eyes. "There is never any love for you. But thanks dean!and no!you don't get my pie!"Ben looked annoyed as he grabbed his plate back and started to eat. "Thanks dean!"Ben grinned as he settled in to eat.
"Salt and iron Arrows! Jesus Tony that's brilliant!" Dean admitted before grinning a little. "no, not Dean you scamp! thank Tony for the present!" Lisa coached, sighing a little because honestly, Dean was such a terrible influence. "hmmm... Pie." Dean hummed happily as he started gulping down his pie so he could have another piece which was happily handed over with an adoring smile. Den was such a child, but he always made her smile.
“I know!She totally took my notes though. I have to start from scratch.”He grumbled before laughing a ben’s amused look. “Oh!Thanks tony, for the game.”Ben grinned at him. “You’re very welcome.”Tony smiled happy that ben liked it. “....You are such a child. Don’t eat to much. I’m not saving you from throwing up if you do.”Cas warned rolling his eyes a little.
"Can't you just get Jarvis to replicate them? he takes pictures of all your paperwork anyway right?" Dean asked, looking amused. "it's an epic game right?" Dean asked with a smile, Lisa chuckling. "why don't you, Tony and Ben go play while me and Cas have some girl time?" Lisa offered with a smile before looking at Cas. "sound okay to you?" she offered, winking at him.
“That’s not the point!The point is she took it.”Tony whined sulking. “It is. Really.”Ben grinned before nodding. “Okay.”Ben said already skipping out of the room happily to get the game ready. “Girl time huh?”Tony smirked at the angel, looking amused as he followed ben out. “Go.”Cas said rolling his eyes a little as he waved dean towards teh door.
"well. true." Dean agreed with a laugh. "but you should have known better than to draw it on paperwork she needed." he admitted before grinning as he watched Ben bounce away. "i'm not sure you two should be left alone..." Dean mumbled, eyes flicking from Cas to Lisa and back again before he headed after Ben, Lisa leaning forward. "okay. this dude named Jarvis that run's Tony's house? he's totally spying for me. Dean's getting curious about gay stuff so we can start making moves." Lisa informed Cas once she was certain Dean was out of earshot. "he clearly doesn't mind us being together so there's no hurdle there." she admitted. "i'm thinking it's time we start laying some signals down." she admitted with a nod. "you're going to have to start flirting with him."
“...don’t agree with her. That;s what she said.”Tony grumbled. “We’re safer then you and tony left together. At least we wont drink ourselves sick.”Cas said innocently before looking at lisa, smiling slightly. “JArvis is tony’s AI. He helps him.”He said before squirming, biting his lip a little. “I don’t know Lisa....I mean...”He trailed off, because while he wanted to, really wanted the other, the idea of actually flirting with dean, risking his friendship, made him feel awkward and out of sorts. “Besides, he’s totally focused on you. Not me.”
"well, she is a smart woman." Dean teased with a snicker before flushing bright red because he knew Lisa didn't like it when he got drunk. "a real A.I?" she asked, stunned. "he explained himself as Tony's Butler." she admitted. "i guess that's true enough. he didn't mention he was a computer. i suppose it doesn't really matter." she admitted before smiling at Cas. "hey. you trust me, right?" she asked him. "trust me when i tell you, this will work." she promised. "You and i both like each other very much right? and you and i both like Dean very much. trust me when i say that Dean likes you very, very much." she assured him. "very much." she patted his hand. "and he's only focused on me, because he's stupid and loyal and thinks he's cheating on me when he fantasies about you." she admitted with a smile.
“Yes, a real one. And he is tony’s butler, but also a AI.”Cas smiled a little before looking at the other, nodding a little .”Yes. I do. You know that.”he muttered biting his lip a little as he thought over that. “....okay. If you’re sure. Dean’s been acting weird since Sam got himself laid to.”he muttered before pausing, tilting his head as he considered her. Looking interested. “....he has fantasies about me?”
"That is kind of totally epic." she mumbled with a grin before shaking her head. "anyway, you know i'm right, so that means you have to listen to me." sh said, smiling at him before she nodded. "before now, h's never really had to face any gay sex before." she admitted. "he's always thought because of hs father, that Gays where something to be afraid of. or something to hate. it's taken him a long time to come to an understanding that it's okay to like the same gender. now he just has to finish coming to terms with himself. we can help him with that." she admitted. "yes he does." she agreed. "and dreams. lots of dreams. he's always so cute and shy about it. he doesn't realize i know." she admitted. "so we just have to get him to admit he likes you. maybe i'll bring it up during this date he's surprising me with."
“”It is.”Cas agreed before going quiet, thinking it over before nodding a little. “Yes, I guess it does.”He looked amused before shuddering a little at the thought of john winchester. “Well, that it’s Sam being open about picking up a guy, sorta made him look at it closely. I’s sammie. His sammie. Couldn’t be all that bad then.”he snickered amused because he knew just how far dean would go to protect, and to keep Sam happy and around. “We will help him.”She muttered before pausing, staring at lisa, looking interested. “What kind of dreams?And...”He trailed off, because he really wanted to know, before nodding. “You should totally bring it up over his romanatic dinner.”He snickered a little.
"Yes. thank god for that or we'd have a much harder time of this." she admitted with a smile. "they are exceptionally close." she agreed. "that's a good thing. people need family." she admitted with a smile. "oh, you know the kind of dreams. the kind where he wakes up hard as a roc and moaning your name while begging for more." she teased. "i don't think he realizes he tends to talk in his sleep." she admitted. "i've certainly never told him." she admitted with a giggle. "i think i will." she agreed, smiling as she leaned over and pressed her lips to his. "you deserve to be happy too Cas. and i want you to be happy with me and Dean." she admitted with a smile. "and Dean deserves to be happy too. he'll never truly be happy without you. we just have to get him to realize this."
“Hm, true.”Cas smiled slightly before snorting. “They are. It’s a good thing. Otherwise they’d been in trouble long ago.”Cas smiled, well aware that they’d only survived alot of things they had, because they were siblings. “Ohhh...those sort of dreams.”Cas flushed a little, squirming ever so slightly, before snoritng. “He does. It’s amusing. Especially since Sam has laughed himself silly a few times cause of it.”The angel said smiling as she looked up at her, kissing her lightly back.”I will be.”He said, smiling more relaxed at the idea of flirting with dean then he had been. “We will. You should probably go get ready for your date though. It’s nearly dinner time.”
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