Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"I don't know really what being an angel entails." he admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "but i would pay for him to go lift a fallen Semi on the side of the road just to see how people react." he admitted. "Oh, no thanks." Clint said, waving Castiel off with a grin. "i got the information i wanted." he admitted before smiling at Sam. "no. i think i'll let Lisa and Cas do that. Dean's too girly for my tastes." he admitted before pausing at Natasha. "i'm not sure. i think i'm still down too low to actually know what i want..." he admitted. "i'd normally not do that right?" he wondered. whe he was floating, it was hard to remember what was okay to do and what wasn't so he tended to think in terms of 'Natasha's okay with that' and 'don't do that Natasha will punish you stupid'. "Cas is gonna get laid this weekend." Clint stated wth a grin. "i bet you anything." he looked at Sam. "speaking of getting laid. how much do you know about what happened to you last night?" he asked.
“Hm, think superman, who has no idea how porn works, and is very upset the storyline wasn’t finished. You get angels.”Sam snickered a little before nodding. “Me to, that would be great.”He snickered a little. “Okay.”Cas frowned a little. “No, you normally wouldn’t.”Natasha said sighing quietly. “You should get some rest.”She said fussing over him, stroking his hair before nodding. “He probably will.”Sam muttered before frowning, shrugging a little. “uh. Just that it sometimes happens when I get laid.”

“....let’s go shopping. Cas’ll catch up when he’s ready to.”Tony said looking at dean, frowning slightly as he considered what was going on, wondering just how annoyed cas was about dean teasing him, or that he’d actually followed his advice and asked tony. It was interesting to see the angelic man wound so very tight.
"That's hilarious..." Clint admitted, looking very close to laughing before nodding at Natasha. "yeah. i did't think so..." Clint admitted, smiling as he snuggled into Natasha, nuzzling the hand stroking him becayse he was such touch whore. "wow. seriously? you don't know anything!?" Clint asked, looking worried before h looked at Natasha. "that's not safe... that's not safe at all. we have to teach him before we can do anything to him!" he sighed. "i'm not getting laid tonight.... will i?" he asked, pouting a litte before gaping when Steve walked into the room, freshly showered wearing a pair of shorts and a bright pink T that clung to his firm damp muscles. "morning." he chirped calmly. "i smell waffles. are there any left?" he asked hopefully before blinking as they all looked at him. "what?"

"But... But Lisa likes Cas's style... isn't that important?" Dean asked, looking very upset that he'd truly upset Cas. "well... i guess." he agreed after a sigh. "you know any good places? i'm taking her to a fancy restaurant, see? this one." he offered Tony a tablet hat showed his dinner reservations for seven that night. "i saved up for six months to pay for this. i even already ordered the meals. i know her favorites." he admitted, pleased with himself. "i even got the restaurant to recommend a wine off of what she's tod me she likes." he admitted. he really had done something impressive. consiering this was Dean.
“It is.”Sam agreed. “You’re okay, Clint.”Natasha muttered smiling a little as the other nuzzled his hand, stroking his back a little, before her eyes went wide as she considered sam. Oh hell. “...Uh. No?I mean. It happens, but I’m usually okay after a few days.”Sam said frowning a little. “No, I don’t think so. But we can teach him.”Natasha promised looking worried about sam, and wondering if he’d been hurt before now before staring at Steve before laughing a little. “Yea, there’s a few waffles left. And you’re wearing a pink usually reserved for girls. Sorta weird seeing you wear it.”

“It is. How about this. We’ll give him awhiel to calm down, pick out a few outfits, and before we buy anything, we’ll get cas to approve. I mean, you can get him back if you ask right?He’d come if called?”Tony said looking upset that dean was upset before nodding. “Yea, I know the best places to shop. We’ll have you looking like prince charming soon enough.”Tony teased a little, eyes widening a little. “Impressive. It’s a good resturant. I’ve been there.”tony smiled really impressed at dean’s thoughtfulness as he headed for the door.
Clint smiled at her before frowning, worried about Sam. "You never thought to research it? Dean even researched it! Dean knows more about it than you do!" he complained, worried immensly about Sam now. how could he handle dropping without knowing!? the first time Clint had dropped he'd panicked so bad he ended up in the hospital needing to get a sedative. thankfully he'd been oung and adjustable and he'd had a rich 'daddy' willing to help him understand and pay for his hospital bills. the man had been a pervert of the highest order, training a thirteen year old how to be a submissive and a dominant but Clint had never been more grateful because shortly after Phil had found him and his 'daddy' had paid for him to get the best training. he had met Damien while in training and had entered in that extremly abusive relationship that Natasha had saved him from. he couldn't imagine having random sex, not knowing what was happening. "A few days..." Clint choked. oh god Sam needed help. a lot of help. Jesus. "what?" Steve asked, looking baffled. "Pink isn't for girls." he said, looking quite insulted. "Pink is a masculin color, for boys." he paused. "at least, it was when i was growing up." he admitted. "what are boys supposed to wear then? green maybe? or yellow or something?" "Blue." "what!? But blue is GIRLS Color!" Steve protested.

"Yeah. that sounds like a great plan." Dean agreed with a smile. "and yes, he'll come if i call but he gets huffy if it's not an emergency." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "just... i've only got five hundred dollars left." he admitted. "so please don't get me a thirty thousand dollar outfit." not a problem, since the store Tony went to didn't list any prices. all Tony had to do was tell the man not to say a word when Dean handed over the money and Dean would never, never know. "is it really? i just thought it was expensive so it had to be good." he admitted with a sheeposh grin. "plus it had really high ratings."
“....With everything else going on in my head, I figured it was just a side effect of spending time with Lucifer.”Sam said shrugging a little. Natasha glanced at Clint, raising a eyebrow now, frowning. “When did it start?” “About the time I started hunting again.”Sam said frowning, looking confused on why they were freaking out so much. But at least that explained why he hadn’t freaked out, remembering dean said he’d had a girlfriend killed about that time. He might be a natural submissive, but it sounded like he’d been getting his fixes in the relationship without understanding it, only when he’d been away from stability had it gotten enough for him to worry about it, but he’d brushed it off as simple hallucinations. “ that not normal?I usually just hang out in the car, let Dean do the heavy lifting on the days I can’t.”Sam frowned a little. “...yes it is. Now it is.”Natasha smiled a little, wincing slightly. “Hitler made it....a thing in the war. Tagged gays and such with pink. Made it a bad color.”She said looking worried about telling him.

“Well, he’s already annoyed, and we’ll dress you up so nice that he doesn’t feel like getting huffy over being called.”Tony smiled as he nodded. “Okay. I promise.”Tony grinned as they headed downtown, he knew he’d let dean pretend to pay, and simply put the suit, well probably several suits if tony had his way, on his own personal account. It’d make him happy buying things for his friends, and if he had to let dean think he paid for it, and for the hunter things, he’d do that. “It is really good. Expensive, but well worth the price tag, I promise. If it means anything, I make sure to go there with Pepper at least once every few months. As a treat, for putting up with me.”Tony teased a little as they walked into the store, waving a hand. “Look, see what fabrics you like best,”Cause there was alot, and different styles and everything.”And we’ll see what looks best.”
"No... Sam, no. it's perfectly natural and normal. i do it." he explained. "it's a psychological effect. something that our minds, or bodies, craves and desires or even needs. it's... it's a state of being that can be very important but it can really be abused in people who don't understand what's happening and a lot of the time, people experiencing it don't know what's happening and get really frightened or hurt themselves without knowing it." he admitted. "it can be dangerous if neglected or misused and there are people who specifically look for people like you, who dont know any better, and..." he looked away and swallowed because Damian had been one of those and the things he had put Clint through because Clint hadn't known better... hadn't truly understood... he still had nightmares sometimes. "...seriously? we changed a colors gender profile because of Hitler?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow. "well fuc you society because i like pink." Steve admitted. "it makes me look good." he admitted. "yes it does." Bruce agreed with a grin.

"well. yeah." Dean agreed with a smile. "...hey Tony? have you noticed... well i was wondering... is Bruce a whore?" he finally asked, flushing a little. it wasn't an unusual question though. Bruce was one of those people who touched, a lot, everyone. he was also the Towers 'boy toy' basically. Bruce didn't want a permanent relationship but he trusted the Avengers so anyone who needed sex but didn't have a partner went to Bruce. and those that did have a partner and had partners permission went to Bruce. Clint and Natasha had even gone to see Bruce because Clint had been too head-achy to perform but NAt had been horny and Clint liked to watch so they went to Bruce. Thor was one of Bruce's favorite bed-mates and Loki went to him a time or two and Bruce had even enjoyed the company of Betty, Jane, Darcy and seamed to be setting his sights on Steve and Cas too. not that Bruce would ever force or manipulate for it, he was very open was all and liked to feel connected and he did that through having sex with anyone who asked. provided he liked and trusted them. the behavior was so baffling to Dean that he needed help understanding and Tony seamed the best person to ask. "uh... Fabric?" Dean asked, looking stunned before he moved over to the fabric sample book, since touching the suits was frowned upon, and examined the different thread counts. "....Tony? is Silk expensive?" despite not knowing what he was doing, Dean had good taste. expensive, but good. Silk was the best material, warm in cold weather, cool in warm weather, soft, supple, breathable and didn't wrinkle every time you sat down. it was also the most expensive fabric available.
“Oh.”sam frowned a little, thinking about that, staring down. Not sure what to think of that, or hoow to handle it. “...What do I do?” “We’ll help you. We promise. We’ll look after you, moose.”Natasha soothed softly at sam’s upset look. Before lookign up at steve, nodding slightly. “Yes, we did. And well, as long as you look good in it. Very good indeed.”She snickered a little.

“...Well. A touch whore, yes. And he likes sex with people he trusts. He doesn’t want anything permanent, but he’s open to friends with benefits for whoever is staying at the tower and not in their own relationship.”Tony grinned a little at his question amused. “Yes fabrics. Suits aren’t just made of one kind. There’s lots.”Tony grinned before shrugging. “Some, but you can get it with what you have. A few suits actually.”Not really, but tony was going to make sure he had as many suits as he wanted, for both hunting and for his date. “It’s good for all weathers, and all temperatures. Considering how much you travel, it’s a good choice.”
"You find someone you trust to help you. like me and Nat. we live the lifestyle and i've been 'on the other side'... you know, the bad side." Clint admitted. "we can hep you get your head figured out and if we don't work out, then we know others who would be likely to mesh with you who could help." Clint didn't look too happy about admitting they might not work out, but he didn't want Sam to feel like they where his only option. that wasn't the most healthy either. Sam needed to know that if he was unhappy, he could leave because Clint knew what it felt like to be trapped. "well thank you." Steve said with a chuckle. "by the way, could someone explain Gay Pride to me?" he asked. "i mean, i think i understand that they want equal rights which i agree with, but what do rainbows and fairies have to do with anything?"

"oh... okay." Dean didn't look like he understood too much but that was okay. he at least understood the friends with benefits bit. "have you slept with him?" Dean asked curiously. "it's just... i was kind of wondering... if, uhm... you know, if it hurt?" ah. so Dean was starting to get curious. interesting. "well... i mean.. i suppose that makes sense..." he mumbled, examining the fabrics. "oh good." he said, brightening at the promise that he could afford them. "i don't think i should use silk suits for hunting.... i'll just get the one an buy something a bit more durable for hunting." he decided. "though i have plenty of mock suits for that." he admitted. "okay. so silk... now what?"
“....oh. Okay. I do. Trust you.”Sam muttered frowning a little, looking worried and upset because he hadn’t known any of this. “Shush, you’re okay. We promise. And Dean helped you. Looked after you, so you haven’t been to badly off. You’re okay.”Natasha soothed his hair back from his face as she stood, gently rubbing the taller man’s shoulders, relaxing as he relaxed under her hands. “....okay. I’d like that.”sam muttered glad to know they could help, and if it didn’t work out, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. “You’re very welcome.”Natasha grinned, smirking a little at sam’s softly growled annoyance at her flirting with Steve. “Ah. Well. They’re proud, and they want everyone to know it....but it confuses me, mostly, so I’m not the person to ask.”Natasha snickered a little.

“he just enjoys sex, and likes it with people he trusts.”Tony shrugged a little not sure how to explain it better before nodding. “I have.”He said looking curious, raising a eyebrow. Pausing as he looked at the other. “A little. Even if you use plenty of lube and stretch, it burns for a bit then it’s okay. I mean...I guess it feels like sex would be for a girl. You just have to make sure things are well lubed and taken care of.”Tony said looking thoughtful, before a wicked smirk curled his lips, eh knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t pass it up. Even if pissed dean off. “Though. I mean, if you’re sleeping with a angel, I don’t think it’d hurt to badly.”He said before shrugging. “Maybe not, but maybe for when you’re doing the FBI thing or whatever...and there are more durable suits. We’ll get a few of those to if you want.”Tony said before looking around, dragging him over to the accessories section. “Okay, tie, suspenders,and cuff links.”Tony grinned as he started choosing things that would go with the suit dean had chosen. “I have a thing about suspenders. They made it easy to manhandle whoever you’re with....or for them to manhandle you really.”Tony snickered.
"it's alright Sam." Clint promised with a smile. "every sub has been in your shoes before. i'm just glad we found you before someone nasty did." he admitted. "i know, this is going to be hard for you, but we'll never go further than your willing to go. consent is the biggest part of me and Nat's relashionship and if you're going to be a part of that, then you need to be aware of the cnsent lines too." Clint admitted, smiling at the other. "not that i'd ever think you'd ignore them, but it's important that you know that we'll never act without your consent as well." Clint admitted. "huh... weird. i'll ask Tony, he knows things." Steve decided, Bruce choking on his tongue because he wanted to laugh but didn't dare. "it's okay. Nat flirts with everyone. i do too, though i get a little out of control when i'm down too low. she'll ask both of our permission before she goes looking somewhere else." he promised Sam. "it's pretty rare for her to go looking elsewhere though, usually i'm the one roaming. i love her, i do, but shes still missing a dick and strap on's just.. aren't quite the same. with you here, it's unlikely i'll be wandering." Clint admitted with a grin.

"...oh.." he flushed a little. "i mean. i just. t seams like everyone i know is into it so i was just wondering and..." he went very bright red at the mention of an Angel and he quickly scuttled away to examine other things. "why suspenders?" he wondered. "shouldn't the belt do that?" he asked, frowning a little before flushing again. "why is it that no matter what we do, you manage to turn everything into sex?" he wondered, looking amused. "i wonder if Cas is going to ignore me?" he mused, examining the suit before sighing. "i'll go try all this on." he decided, heading for the dressing room.
“...yea. Me to.”Sam smiled a little, before looking at them, because he so rarely had gotten a free will to do anything. Somedays he’d wondered if he’d always been destined to be the fuck up, the one who just made things worse, when he was trying to make the world better. “Okay. That’s good to know.”She said looking happy at the idea of not being forced to do anything before snorting a little. Even he knew asking Tony was going to be hiliarious. “Be careful with that. Tony’s liable to make up something insane.”Natasha warned a little. “....good.”Sam muttered as he looked up at natasha, amazed at the idea of having someone, someones to call his own. It was amazing really.

“Ah...I see.”Tony grinned at him, smirking slightly as he watched Dean scuttle away. “Cause suspenders are awesome, and if you pull on them, you can totally snap the person wearing them to. Sorta a bite of pain, it’s interesting.”Tony shrugged a little blushing slightly, “Not as well. See?”Tony grinned reaching out, hooking his fingers and pulling Dean towards him, “Not quite as easy to manhandle you like this, then if I could grab the suspenders....just different points of leverage.”Tony shrugged before laughing. “Cause I like sex, and everything should be about sex. Especially clothes.”Tony said before nodding. “Go ahead.”Tony said watching him go, before smirking at the angel as he stepped inside, lookign around. “Dean?You done?I want to see when your done.”Tony said leaning against the wall, waiting. And amused when cas didn’t say anything, simply waiting for dean.
"yes." Clint agreed, smiling at Sam and gently took his hand. "we want you to be happy. we'd like you to be happy with us a little bit more, but if your not, then your not and we want you to be happy and safe more than anything else." he promised before grinning at Steve who shrugged. "i'll ask Jarvis then." Jarvis made him a little nervous, but nothing that a long conversation about gay rights couldn't cure. "Hey Nat? can we snuggle?" he was feeling kind of needy. he didn't want sex as much as he wanted attention.

"huh... if you say so." though Dean was clearly envisioning the ideas Tony had planted in his brain about suspenders. he wasn't a Dom or a Sub, but he did like the occasional kinky sex with Lisa. "yeah..." Dean muttered, flushing harder because, well... he was starting to realize Tony was quite attractive really. for a man. Cas was way more attractive but Tony was anything but plain. "well. that's as good a reason as any." he agreed with a grin before settling into the changing room. "Tony? i need help... where am i supposed to... the Suspenders... how do these work? i've never worn them before." unaware that Cas was there.
"...oh.okay. that's...nice. I want to be happy to."sam smiled looking amazed at the idea though as he smiled at steve."probably you're safest idea. Asking jarvis."he said smiling a little. "Yea, we can snuhgggle."natasha said as he got up and headed for the living room.

"I do say so."tony grinned amused because he'd mentioned it simply to see what dean would say."definitely a good reason."he snickered as he pet the other go, glancing at cas when dean spoke up."open the door then."he said even as cas stepped into the dressing room, holding out a hand to take the suspenders from dean."here I'll show you."he said growling a little, not about to let tony do it.
"well good. because you deserve to be happy." Clint admitted, smiling at Sam before happiy heading after Natasha for some happy snuggles, curing up with her and Sam and started diddling around on his Tab let, looking for websites that would help Sam understand himself.

"well... i guess i'll have to see what Lisa thinks about that." he decided before grinning at Tony. "should i be warning Steve you're a glorified pervert?" he asked, his head tilted before sighing as he opened the door. "fine, but you keep your hands above the belt Tony." he ordered, well aware f he didn't Tony would cop a feel. "Cas!" he sounded pleasantly surprised and rather happy. "you know how to work these things? here." he handed the straps to the other, wondering how they where supposed to work.
Sam smiled at that, following after as he settled in to watch clint as he searched, cuddling as he simply rested. Still messed up enough that he just wanted to cuddle.

“I’m sure she’ll enjoy it.”Tony snickered a little before grinning. “Probably. Just think, I’m behaving myself cause you have someone who will kill me for touching. I’m worse when I’m left to my own devices.”Tony snickered before snorting. “Finnnnee. If you insist.”Tony said sounding sulky even if he was silently laughing as cas walked in. “You called.”Cas said looking the other over before looking at the suspenders, then helped him put the suspenders on.
Clint had soon abandoned his task because he was too busy napping, not even twitching when Steve walked in and tossed a blanket over Clint and Den and settled one carefully over Natasha's shoulders before leaving again. letting them snuggle in peace.

"This is you behaving?" he asked, looking amused before looking baffled. "Lisa wouldn't kill you... she's a Yoga instructor for goodness sakes." he scoffed, purposely misunderstanding what Tony meant. "thanks Cas." Dean said, sounding quite glad to see the other. "now... what exactly is the purpose of the suspenders? and don't say Sex Tony, they have to ave a practical purpose right?" he asked, sounding even more baffled. "couldn't i just wear a belt? i mean, there's even a belt i'm supposed to wear right here." he admitted, the ruffle of clothes sounding as he put the belt in place, stuffed the undershirt into his pants and then tightened the belt before stepping out where both Cas and Tony could see him. "how do i look?"
“Yes it is.”Tony grinned before pausing, considering that for a moment. “Now, that’s hot.”He said letting the misunderstanding stand. “You’re welcome.”Cas smiled as he stepped back, before snorting slightly. “You can wear one or the other, or both. Suspenders are just to keep your suit line cleaner then breaking it up with a belt. Really, you can do whichever.”Cas said tilting his head a little. Tony grinned when he stepped out, smirking. “You look good enough to eat.”Tony grinned ignoring the nearly silent growl from Cas even as the angel looked him over, before shrugging. “You look very good. Lisa will be happy on your date.”
"i know right? you know that book, the Kama sutra? yeah, we can pull off a couple of those." he admitted with a grin before humming a little. "so the suspenders are for appearance sake? no wrinkles or something?" he asked. "well. i might as well use both." he decided. "she might like the suspenders." he admitted with a grin. "uh... yeah you keep that mouth of yours to yourself." Dean ordered Tony, flushing again. "thank you Cas..." he said, smiling as he smoothed the silk down. this was going to be the nicest thing he'd ever owned, aside from his car and Lisa anyway. not that he owned her, but she was his and so she counted. it felt... homey. "okay. let me take this off and i can pay for it." he decided, almost not wanting to take it off. he had always enjoyed wearing his fake suits, this one was so much better. he almost didn't want to take it off, but he had to. no need to give the game away to Lisa too soon, besides he couldn't go into a game shop and a florist wearing a suit.
“Hmmm, now I wanna date a yoga instructor. Not yours, but one.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Yea, they are. Less wrinkles then if you just wear a belt. Appearnaces sake, and for sex.”Tony snickered a little. “And fine....fine fine fine. I’ll stay away.”He grumbled simply to watch Cas twitch. “You’re welcome.”CAs smiled at the man tilting his head as he watched Dean. It amused him just how much dean seemed to be enjoying wearing the suit. “You’ll be wearing it again soon enough. You have a date tonight.”Cas reminded him looking amused as they headed to check out, curious to see what lisa would say when they showed up.
"i suppose that makes sense. if you're going to wear a suit, you want that suit to look fantastic right?" he asked with a chuckle before rolling his eyes at Tony. "yeah i will. thanks Cas." Dean said, smiling at the angel again before flushing and looked away before heading to get changed, tucking the Suit as carefully as he could so it wouldn't get wrinkled before he gasped. "I should get Lisa a dress!" he admitted. "i don't know if she has one.. will i have enough left to get her one!?" he asked Tony, looking a little bit frantic before he rushed over to the womens side, deciding he could just take a loan from Tony and pay him back. he was getting a steady income from Shield now, so it wouldn't be hard to pay Tony back "Hey Cas! Do you think Lisa would like this?" he asked the Angel, holding up a Silk Dress.
"Of course. Though I look fantasic in everything."tony snickered a little. By ou should. And you can. I'll pay for some of it, but it won't be to hard to pay me back."tony promised looking amused as dean ran around deciding what dress he should get. "Hmmm. Yes. I think she would. And it goes well with your suit."cas said smiling slightly.
"well... yes, you do i suppose." Dean agreed, grinning at Tony before smiling at the dress and settled both on the table and handed over the five hundred dollars he had left over and then let Tony finish paying, too busy stroking both outfits, folded perfectly by the cashier so they wouldn't wrinkle. then it was off to the Game store and to the flower shop and they where ready to go to Lisa and Ben's. Both of whom where happily waiting for Dean. "Dean! Cas!" Lisa called, looking delighted as she kissed Dean, pecked Cas on the cheek and grinned at Tony. "you must be Tony! it's wonderful to meet you." she said, enveloping him in a hug before ushering them all inside.
“Tony grinned as he carried his presents, the hastily wrapped game and the flowers, smiling as he was hugged. “Hello. And yes, I am.”he smiled before heading inside. “Hey lisa.”Cas smiled at the kiss. “I brought you flowers.”tony stuttered blushing a little as he held out the flowers towards her. “Dean said they were your favorite?”He questioned, sounding nervous
"Well come in. make yourselves at home!" she squealed a little when Tony offered her the flowers. "oh they're perfect!" she agreed, burying her face into them. "they are my favorite! you're a sweetheart." she said, kissing Tony's cheek. "where's Ben?" Dean asked, looking amused. "At school doofus." she said, rolling her eyes. "he won't be here for another hour yet. it's only two you know." "...oh.right. i knew that." Dean agreed, checking his watch with a baffled look on his face, making Lisa roll her eyes and wink at Cas rather playfully. "why don't you boys make yourselves comfortable? i have pie." "Pie!" Dean agreed, perking up. "Blueberry and Strawberry." she agreed.
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