Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"well... i think i beter stop watching because as awesome as this is, watching Sammie get a handjob isn't exactly something i'm comfortable with." he admitted with a shake of his head. "have fun." he teased Tony with a Grin."or i could ask Cap to come join you?" he teased.

"It's definitely both." Dean purred before laughing at the sulk. "ou never fooled me, not for a second. as soon as you picked up the gun i knew." he admitted with a chuckle. "I'm not sure you're as good as you think you are." he teased, hands sliding lower, rubbing and teasing the inside of the others hips. just a little lower, and a little more to the inside with either hand, and he'd be brushing against the length trapped inside of the others underwear. "whenever you're ready Sam." Clint teased, grinning as he nibbled on the side of Sam's neck. thanking all the heavens for the step down into the firing pen or he'd never have been able to reach. of course, he would have found other ways to tease, his fingers gently, barely stroking the others length. "so hard already. so eager. you really want ut don'tyou? to be bent over the firing range, spanked, punished for trying to fool us. i bet you'll love it. Natasha has a firm hand. it's always the best when she punishes me. bends me over, ties me into place so i can't move and does the most terribly wonderful things to m." he whispered, hand settling straight onto the trapped length and rubbing now. "i don't hear any gunshots Sam.... are you giving up already?"
“Yea....I can see that being a problem.”Tony grinned a little before moving away from the door himself. “No, no!We couldn’t do that to him. That’d be mean. And I’m done watching. Being that perverted isn’t fun.”Hegrinned heading for the lab, having every intention of getting some work done, and maybe coming up with something for the angel, since he looked like he needed looked after.

“Damn....and I’m totally good at lying. I am.”Sam whined a little, shivering a little as the other teased him, it’d just been so long since he’d had sex. Since ruby, since sleeping with the fiery little demon....nearly 2 years actually. Swallowing thickly as the other nibbled on his neck. “Hmmm, it’s a good thing you have that step down, otherwise it’d be awkward teasing him, Hawk.”Natasha muttered looking amused smirking as sam’s hips rocked ever so slightly into the other’s touch. “hmm, no. I dislike being punished.”he muttered shivering as he shook his head. “N-no. Just lining up the perfect shot.”He said sounding choked some even as he pulled the trigger, focusing on everything, letting the world narrow down to the memories of hell, and the bullseye in front of him, he knew it was cheating using those memories, but it kept him hitting the perfect shot, rather then what the other was doing to him
"well... i don't think Sam would mind in all honesty. Natasha and Clint might though so good call." he agreed with a chuckle before yawning as he followed Tony. he was going to settle on the couch in Tony's lab and doze while Tony flitted about like a fairy on crack.

"you're good at lying. but i'm the master of firearms and Natasha is like a living lie detector. ou could never have fooled us for long." he teased before he paused to glare at Natasha. she didn't have to bring that up! so he was short! it wasn't his fault he'd lived in dumpsters as a child and had poor nutrition that stunted his growth! only the fact that he loved her very much kept him from trying to snap at her. "i don't think you do. i think you want it." Clint teased before smirking as the other choked and scowled as he realized the other was zoning out. Clint, more than anything, absolutely hated to be ignored. it was one of Natasha's preferred punishments when he'd actually pissed her off in fact. she'd stick him in a corner, and completely ignore him and he'd get completely undone in all the worst ways. he did something more than naughty. he plunged his hands into Sam's underwear, wrapped his hands around the others length and gave it a firm, but pleasant squeeze and gave it a stroke and did the same to the balls even as he sank his teeth into Sam's shoulder. not hard enough to draw blood but he'd sure as hell have a good lasting bruise for a few days and it sure as hell hurt like hell. the pain mixed with the pleasure was one of Clint's favorite techniques to break stubborn victims. he had no doubt it would, at the very least, upset Sam's attention. Sam was certainly more advanced than most of the 'little twinks' he and Natasha picked up so most of Clint's 'dirty tricks' wouldn't work nearly as well. but that was half the fun.
“....yea. They scare me more then him.”Tony grinned laughing as they headed for the lab. Totally settling in to work as dean napped.

“.....Hm. Didn’t think of that.”Sam hummed a little, perking up with the knowledge that he totally didn’t suck at lying. He could live with them being better. Natasha raised a eyebrow, waiting for him to snap at her. Not above punishing him even as he punished Sam. Tilting her head a little when he refrained, she laughed a little. “I think he does to.” “Do not.”Sam grumbled as he shot, the instinct so deep that even zoning out, he was changing clips and aiming well. “Hmmm,he’s got you figured out, Clint. Ignoring you.”Natasha teased a little, eyes widening as sam jerked a little in his hold, hips rocking into the other’s hand, even as he rolled his shoulder back, aiming to smack Clint in the face even as he kept firing. And while it wasn’t the perfect shots of before, he was still managing to get mostly centered shots. Though considering how often he was probably in pain while firing shots, she guessed it wasn’t surprising that he was keeping his cool
"Of course you didn't. it's not like most people know." he teased with a chuckle before wincing a little when Natasha raised an eyebrow at him, there was no way in hell he was saying anything now. "He definitely does." he agreed before snarling when Dean tried to smack Clint in the face, his hands tightening on the others cock, a flash of pain, a silent warning not to do that again before stroking faster while his other hand abandoned the balls and slipped up, rubbing the tip of Dean's cock, collecting just enough moisture to slid up the others tight little hole. not aiming to breach, just aiming to tickle and tease and rub. he wasn't very certain that he was going to win this contest now. dammit, who would have guessed Sam was as good as Clint was? well, almost. Clint would actually have smacked Dean in the face had their positions been reversed. "fuck." Clint grumbled as the last bullet made contact with the bulls-eye and he grumbled as he stepped away from the other and sulked because he was very well that as the looser, Dean got to punish him instead... which could be really fun now that he thought about it. plus, he'd gotten to totally go past the line and it was worth the punishment he was no doubt about to get.
Sam gave a distracted growl back, jerking at the flash of pain, the fact that it was coming from his cock enough to bring him mostly back, shuddering a little as he felt the other rubbing against his cock, a quiet moan escaping, lowering the gun slowly. It had just been to long for him to not respond to the touching, now that he wasn’t locked in his own head with memories of lucifer keeping him focused. Shivering as he trembled on the edge of coming, whimpering softly as the other moved away from him.”Now that, was a show worth watching.”Natasha smirkeda little shifting in her seat, smiring at the sight of sam looking totally lost and out of sorts. “Whatever shall I do with you two?”she asked, tilting her head when sam simply stared back at her. Wondering just where his head was.
"He's kind of cute like this." Clint admitted, looking amused. "i think he's checked out. too much at once. you know? like i do." he admitted, gently stroking the others lips with his thumb. "come on Sammie." he murmured with a smile. "who knows what depraved things that i could get ou to do when your like this. hmm?" he teased, watching him. "come on Sam. come up a little for us. let us know your alright." he murmured before he smiled at Natasha. "i'm pretty sure that you know what to do with me." he teased with a smile. "the question here is, is what is Sam going to do to me? i did loose the bet after all. i bet i'd look simply beautiful, kneeling in front of him, with my lips stretched across his cock."
“He is sort of cute like this.”Natasha agreed before nodding. “Indeed. I think we’ve found a boy who’s not have enough sex.”Natasha muttered watching sam. “....not sammie. Only dean’s sammie....”Sam muttered blinking those big brown eyes, leaning into the other’s hand. “No depraved things now. We should let him rest.”Natasha muttered looking worried as she straightened, before snickering quietly as Sam simply watched them, looking curious and interested, “I always know what to do with you, Clint.”She said. “.....I haven’t had a blow job in years....”Sam muttered looking interested, stirring a little blinking slowly, starting t ocome up a little.
"Poor deprived soul." Clint agreed before chuckling a little. "okay Sam." he agreed. he could understand a single person only nickname. it wasn't like he was about to let anyone but Natasha call him Chick" and even then he had to be feeling rather submissive. "yeah. he looks like he really needs a nap." he agreed. he didn't want to do anything sexy until Sam was in a state of mind to actually be able to consent. "well yes, you do." he agreed, grinning at her before chuckling at Sam, looking up at him because the asshole really was a bit of a beefcake. "would you like a blowjob Sam?" he asked with a smile. it wasn't as invasive as other things and Sam seamed to be aware enough, so Clint didn't mind offering.
“Indeed, especially with how amazing he looks. I wanna put him to the test.”Natasha smirked a little, smiling a little at sam’s calming when they didn’t use sammie again. “Yea, we should put him to sleep.”Natasha said before pausing, tilting her head as she considered Sam. “...Yes. Please.”Sam said shifting to lean back against the small table that was there to hold guns and bullets, tall and built, and definitely meant to do damage to someone, he was definitely good for the hunting life. “I want a blowjob.”sam ordered a little, though he was still a little spaced out to make it really a order as he watched clint
"Yeah. me too. i bet he could leave bruises." he admitted with a shudder before grinning when Sam leaned back, all those muscles and bulk looking perfectly at ease and comfortable in his own skin and god Clint loved it. even when Sam was shy and awkward he exuded a sense of self control and confidence that ust turned Dean on. "Yes Sir." Clint said, the order enough of an order to mellow his mood and make him eagerly happy. kneeling in front of the other and slid the others pants open and tugged his soon to be partners length free and began to bathe it with his tongue, humming and moaning as he worked because it had been ages since he'd gotten to play with another man. he moaned a little and slowly fit his mouth over the others cock and sucked him down while making the tiniest sound. the one he couldn't help but make when giving oral. the sound he usually gave when he was starting to drop and it was safe to call him Chick without him getting pissed. the sound that indicated he wanted someone to take charge. giving oral was always a great little trigger for him. once he had a cock, or a cunt, in his mouth he just couldn't help but drop.
“oh, I’m sure he would.”Natasha hummed softly, looking pleased with how at ease sam was. He might be more shy and awkward then dean, but the youngest winchester was comfortable in his skin. She assumed it came from having to be in charge so much, to know that if he messed up, he wasn’t just going to get himself killed, but Dean. Sam moaned softly as the other blew him, closing his eyes as he leaned back, resting his head against the wall as he whined, whimpering as he rocked his hips a little as he fucked the other’s mouth. “Hmmm, you’re such a good little chick.”Natasha purred softly, moving over to the two, gently stroking his hair, tightening her fingers in the soft strands. “You better take good care of him, chick.”
Clint shivered, eager at the idea. he loved it when Natasha left bruises, ones he could feel for days, makes she could press to keep him docile and obedient or whip him up into a snarling fury of dominance. she was an expert at manipulating his head spaces to suit her desires and god if he didn't love it. knowing Sam could, would leave bruises for Natasha to use against him made him want to dry hump the floor and beg for it. he shuddered, gasping around Sam's cock, dropping further as humiliation curled in his stomach, lust curled in his groin and warmth bloomed in his chest, dropping hard and fst into her obedient little pet. Clint was one of the best subs because he could drop so low he'd be a danger to himself, accept anything she wanted from him, but he could raise up as soon as he realized that something he wasn't okay with was happening and give his safe word. or, his safety snap. he could drop so low she could do anything she wanted, she knew his limits well. he hadn't used his safeword on her in years and years. it was their... companions, that he usually had to safe word for if she wasn't there. when she was there, she was the one who controlled his partner, kept them from going too far or guiding them to do what h loved the most. he moaned, open and eager and all shields down, eyes swimming with love and trust and lust, no masks to hide behind as she called him Chick again and tugged on his hair and doubled his efforts on Sam's cock, sucking and stroking with his tongue and taking him so far down his throat he couldn't breath and loving every second of it because Mistress was happy with him when he did that and Sam was enjoying it too.
“He’ll bruise you well.”Natasha purred watching him shiver. Swallowing thickly as she watched him, tugging clint’s hair slightly even as she petted him, shifting her focus to watch sam’s face from inches away. While it seemed he could be in control, he was....submissive. Watching him watch Clint, she knew, that he was dropping, free falling. It was....a little disturbing to watch really, knowing that he’d had no one to look after him in so long. And wanting to take care of him. Smirking as sam’s hands landed on clint’s shoulders, squeezing, keeping his balance as he fucked himself into the other’s mouth, hunter strong hands leaving bruises as he came with a soft whimper, nearly falling as his knees threatened to give out on him,
Clint gasped, shuddering again at the idea of new bruises, sucking harder, rubbing with his tongue and fingers twitching against Sam's legs because he hadn't been given permission to touch. Clint was a Switch, he could play either roll happily, though there where times when he just needed to be submissive or Dominant. he was certainly submissive now and he mewled eagerly as he felt those large, strong hands on his shoulders, squeezing tightly, making the Pain, the good Pain, the Hurt wasn't like the Pain. he liked the Pain but the Hurt was bad and he knew Sam wouldn't make the Hurt but the Pain was so good. he grunted and choked a little as the others hips moved, opening his throat and tipping his head, becoming a hole for the other and little else, struggling to keep up and enjoying it as he swallowed every hot spurt the other released, panting as he leaned back, swaying where he was kneeling and staying there because when he was this low, this down he had to be told what to do because he had been trained that way and not even Natasha had been able to train it out of him when he was dropped too low to monitor himself. it was in states like this that Clint had consented to have his genitalia pierced, this was before Natasha had found out he was a submissive. an abused submissive at that. Natasha had found out when they where partnered when she realized he couldn't move, at all without wincing because his 'dominant' was more of a sadist who simply beat Clint up before fucking him. he had been arrested and Natasha had stepped up and had trained Clint properly. for both the Submissive and the Dominant Roll. Sam had fund the perfect Duo to help him out even if Clint still reverted to his original training when he dropped too low. "Mmmm, Mistress?" Clint slurred, waiting for his order, waiting to be told what to do and upset that she hadn't given him one because it meant she wasn't paying attention to him and he hated that. but then he remembered Sam was there and realized that Sam needed more attention and he settled again because she could trust him to be okay whle she took care of Sam who didn't know.
Natasha smiled softly, stroking Clint’s hair, hands trailing over his shoulders evene as she stroked sam’s hands, feeling the muscles working in his arms as he squeezed, smiling slightly. Shivering at the idea of feelign those hands dominating her, there was just so much strength in those hands, in the corded muscles. Even if she enjoyed being dominate, she found it interesting to be on the other end, and looked forward to being with clint and sam...if they didn’t scare him off of course. “Shush, chick. You’re okay.”Natasha reassured him as she reached out to help sam stay up, smiling quietly as she pressed a kiss to clint’s head. “we’re going to bed now, chick. I need you to help me get him to bed, can you do that please?”She asked watching sam, watching the man barely tracking what was going on around him. Seemed they’d managed to drop him without meaning to. And wondering if he understood what was happening, wincing slightly as sam whined upset at the change, muttering soothingly as she stroked the taller man’s hair, leaning him against her.
Clint hummed, very satisfied with all of the touching and relaxed as she shushed him. "Okay mistress." Clint mumbled, staggering to his feet and bringing himself up enough that he wouldn't be a danger walking and settled on Sam's other side and helped him up the stairs. he whined back, upset that Sam was upset but calming when Natasha soothed him. he was m empathetic little bastard when he was dropped like this and would feed off of Sam until one, or both of them had come back up. he was happy to tuck Sam into bed and curled up net to him, sighing softly, content and tired. he loved going to sleep while he was still floating, feeling calm and warm and content and he snuggled into Sam and went straight to sleep. it was nice because he never really cared about his own release when he was like that. if he got it, that was great, if he didn't, that was fine too because he got more satisfaction out of making someone else feel good than getting his own pleasure. so despite being hard as a rock, still, he didn't really care other than that his pants where a bit snug. which was solved simply b stripping them off.
“Thank you, chick.”Natasha smiled quietly as she tucked them both into bed, before crawling in with them. Simply watching over them as she read a book, absently stroking both their hair as she rested.

The next day tony whined softly, stumbling into the kitchen, pointing a finger at dean. “Age?How old is your kid?What do you bring a teenager?he’s a teenager right?What does he want? I have stuff.”Tony said looking upset and annoyed because he knew that it was a guest’s duty to bring a gift for their host, that he should bring something for lisa and ben. But he couldn’t decide!So he was going to ask dean, and hope dean knew waht to do. Surely, dean would know
"Clint hummed at the little pet name, shivering a little but settled again easily enough. he was the frst one to wake up and slid carefully out of Sam's bear hug to go pee and find something with sugar in it. he always wanted sugar after sex, dominant, submissive or even vanilla. he didn't have to go far since they kept the fridge and cupboards well stocked and he came back to bed sucking on a sucker. tootsie roll pop, of course.

"Age? ah...he should just be turning twelve." he admitted. "he likes the DS. you know what a DS is of course right?" he asked Tony. "it's like a Gameboy i guess, but better? i don't know. anyway, you don't actually have to get him anything. let him try on your helmet and it'll be a day he'll never forget." he admitted with a chuckle. "as for Lisa, take her some Irises. she loves them. can't grow them though, she's kind of got a problem with plant but don't tell her i told you that." he ordered with a chuckle. "if you really think you need to get Ben, there's a game he's been wanting. Fallout 4. it's on his birthday list. get him that." he suggested. "me and Lis haven't gotten it yet, want to make sure none of the others get it first." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'll scratch it off the Google list so everyone else knows not to get it." he admitted. "you seen Sam? he doesn't usually sleep in this late." he admitted.
"Oh. Okay. I do. I didn’t invent it, but it’s good tech.”tony said thinking about it before frowning a little, thinking on that before shaking his head. “Nope. I’ll take the game. And flowers. I can do that.”Tony said looking pleased with himself for doing it despite dean telling him he didn’t have to. “Yea. Well. Not seen him, but I did check on them. He’s curled up sleeping with Clint, think they tired your brother out.”Tony snickered a little.
"I guess it's pretty good." he agreed. "never had time for games and stuff so i don't have the first clue how to go about playing on one of them." he admitted. even when he was with Ben and Lisa he had been so crap at playing games that Ben had laughed for nearly three days. "Yep. and pack for a few days okay? i never stay less than two and if i'm lucky i can stay for a week this time. i miss them." he admitted, looking, for a moment, so miserable it almost hurt. "They probobly did. Sam's... well. Sam's a bit of a.... ah, anyway he hasn't had sex in over two years so..." Dean, had gotten worried one night after Sam had come home looking as high as a kite after a one night stand so he'd looked it up. he actually knew more about Sam being a Sub than Sam did, though he didn't realize that. "He probobly dropped, it took him days to get back in the right mind again last time." he admitted. "but, i think he's learned how to handle it since then." he admitted. "and before you freak out, no you don't have to stay a whole week, but Ben would adore it if you at least stayed the night." he suggested with a smile.

"Morning." Clint murmured, smiling as he stroked Sam's hair. "How are you doing?" he asked, a bit concerned. the first drop, whether you where expecting it or not, was always a frightening thing and Clint suspected from the way Sam had reacted that he was very unused to being dropped. there was a huge tray of candy next to him, mostly suckers but also some fruit and cheese and cubes of pepperoni. there was also little chocolates and some sliced vegetables and anything a person coming up from a high could want. Clint was still sucking on his chocolate sucker and he smiled at Sam from around it.
“Don’t worry, I don’t get the games either. Though I do spend my days around the tech, I get frustrated with it. Usually let Jarvis play for me.”Tony snorted a little before nodding. “Kay. I can do that.”He said smiling slightly before tilting his head. Watching the other. Wondering if he should invite lisa and ben to stay here?He could do that. Would it be good?He’d ask pepper. And lisa. They’d know. “Ah....”Tony winced a little, “He’s a sub then?Makes sense. He’s just so adorable and shy.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful before nodding, “Clint and Nat do the whole Dom and sub thing, so they’ll know how to look after him.”Tony smiled a little before making a face, “Okay. Though if the kid is as smart as you say, I might want to stay. I mean, smart people are awesome.”

“...morning...”Sam muttered sighing softly, shifting, squirming around to snuggle against the soft red head laying next to him. Despite being deadly, and able to wake at a moment’s notice, natasha was so not a morning person, and would prefer waking slowly if given the option. “....I’m.....I dunno. Out of sorts.”he muttered staring at the food. “ that pepperoni?"He said as his stomach growled.
"Yeah, well... at least you know what buttons to push... probobly.." he admitted with a laugh. "isn't that cheating?" he asked with a grin. "letting Jarvis do it for you? have the others figured it out yet?" he asked with a grin. "i'm sure you'll like it there." he admitted with a smile. "Yeah, i think so. i don't know much about it." he admitted. "i'm glad Clint and Natasha know what they where doing. i've heard that getting into a bad head space can really mess with a person." he admitted before chuckling a little. "he's pretty smart but he's still only twelve." he admitted with a smile. "he's not going to be able to keep up with your rocket science." he admitted.

"That's normal." Clint promised. "the first time can be very rough, especially if you don't understand what's happening. you don't know what happened, do you?" he asked Clint. "that's my fualt. i got too into it and i crossed a line i didn't know you had." he admitted. "i'll let you take it out on me later. when you're not so shaky." he promised with a smile. "Yes is is." he agreed. "make sure to eat some fruit or candy too. the sugars will help settle you a bit." he admitted. "juice or Coffee?" he asked Sam. "we have milk too i think. no alcohol while your like this, it'll mess with you."
“Hm, yea. Mostly.”Tony grinned before snorting. “Noooo. It’s not cheating. I get bored. And no, so far only pepper knows, and that’s only cause I make jarvis do my paperwork for me to.”though that was cause he couldn’t read it. “Jarvis does alot of things for me.”He grinned a little, before nodding. “It can be. But they’ll look after him, don’t worry. And even if it’s messy, it’s better then sending him out for one night stands.”Tony said before making a face. “....I forget not all 12 year olds were like me.”He whined a little, thinking about it, before perking up. “That’s okay though. We could totally do science. I can make film canister into mini rockets, it’s awesome. Totally just use a alka-seltzer tablet, water and goggles. He’d like that.”Tony said looking happy and eager as he started setting about making breakfast, though he should never be allowed to cook.

“...Oh.....and well. It happens after sex sometimes. I sorta just learned to not have one night stands....Dean sorta freaked out on me once.”He muttered frowning a little, looking up at the other. “...I didn’t know about it either.”He shrugged a little. “Locking myself in my head with lucifer to win a bet, wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. Not totally your fault.”Sam muttered before smiling as he reached out, starting to nibble on the food. “Juice is fine."
"it's totally cheating." he teased with a chuckle. "You know. i bet if you asked Loki, he could make you a translator thing so you could read properly." he offered. "i had it as a kid, it's why school was so hard for me. i mostly outgrew it but not everyone does. that allspeach of his, it could probobly help." he admitted. "Jarvis is amazing." Dean admitted. "he's the coolest guy i've ever met to be sure." he admitted with a smile. "that's very true. i hate it when he comes back from one night stands looking worse than when he left..." he admitted with a sigh before chuckling. "i think Lis might have some issue with that." he teased with a grin. "but go for it. he'd get a huge kick out of it. science is one of his favorites." he admitted, carefully watching Tony cook and issuing an order or eighty. by the time Tony as done Dean was wondering how Tony had survived on his own.

"Yeah that's normal. it's called a Sub Space, or a head-space. i was in a similar state, though it's different for everyone." he admitted. "whose Lucifer?" Clint asked, looking a bit worried. "and i shouldn't have gone so far while you where spaced out like that. it was too much and it was irresponsible of me." he admitted. "in my defense i wasn't exactly thinking clearly." he admitted before smiling a little as he slid out of bed to get a glass of juice for the other. "Eat your fill and drink up. Natasha's lazy in the morning. she won't be up for a while yet." he admitted with a chuckle.
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