Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"Maybe. Though I'm sure he'll find something new to annoy you about.he's younger, that's their job."tony snickered kered a little before nodding."I'm ready. I'll be prepared to help him."tony said even if he wasn't sure how, he'd help might."tony agreed amused at the look on dean's face at the idea.

"I do not."Cas scowled a little."oh...that god. Okay."5ony said looking unbelieving still.even as cas rolled his eyes a litfle.b you nearly get possessed by a archangel and you still don't believe. I have no idea what I'm going to do with you."cas teased a little."well, you could take him to bed. He needs sleep."tony smirked before wincing at cas' disappointed look."oh. I would still like to see this god sometime." "Sfter you sleep. You need sleep to. And fine. Dean, he can have the room next to yours. It's empty."
"That's very true." Dean agreed with a grin. "i'm not sure i'm ready. big man like him breaking down? there's no telling how Steve's going to react to his own emotional breakdown." he admitted. "i've seen lots of those and people always react differently. i doubt Steve will get violent, he's just not angry enough a person, but there's hundreds of ways it could all go wrong." in truth, Dean was more worried Steve would go suicidal the way most of the people he dealt with did. "Yeah no. Micheal tried to possess me because he wants to end the world." he pointed out. "not exactly what i imagine God's will would be if he existed." he admitted. "besides, you'll forgive me like you always do." he admitted witha smile. "i don't need sleep." Dean protested, even if he did look like he could use a nap. "of course you can meet Loki, he'd probobly be fascinated by you." Dean admitted with a grin as he led the way. "Great! then he's close enough for me to keep an eye on. i can't trust Clint and Natasha to not seduce him." Dean admitted. "actually, with all this down time i really should go back to Wisconsin for a day or so." he admitted. "i'll have to call Lisa tonight."
“Hmm...true. I’ll have pepper talk to him. Pepper knows how to fix and help with anything. She’ll help him.”Tony decided looking pleased with the idea, because in his world, pepper knew everything. She’d fix it. “...True, but you know there are angels out there. God is to.”Cas said, though the angel himself was starting to doubt. “You do need sleep. You smell like you slept in a bar last night.”Cas said wrinkling his nose a little before smiling, loking pleased at getting to meet loki. “....I think clint and Natasha are a little busy right now. Sammie to.”Tony said snickering a little. “...Why is sam busy?”Cas said looking worried before looking at dean. “I checked on them. Lisa told me to have yo ucall next time I saw you.”
He nodded. "Cas could help i bet. he's good at emotions and stuff." while Dean kind of understood them, he wasn't good with them and left the emotional things to Sam most of the time. "I'm sure he is man, but you know how hard it is to believe in something like that." Dean said, shaking his head. "How cn a supreme being of everything good exist, when so much dark and death happens?" he wondered, shaking his head. "it's not like the leader of hell cares if he breaks the rules and fucks with humans, God should have the balls to step up and do something too." he said before smirking. "no but i nearly out drank a god, which was awesome." he admitted before looking amused. "Sam is getting laid. you know. sex. like the pi man." he admitted before looking relieved. "thanks. i worry about them." he admitted. "i'll get you settled and then call them."
“probably. We’ll ask him.”Tony said glad at the idea before making a face, nodding a little. “It is hard to believe.” “I know.”Cas said tilting his head a little at the man, smiling a little. “......are you telling me that Crowley enjoys human sex with humans?He acts like the pizza man?” “....He’s quite literal isn’t he?”Tony said looking amused, and seeing the gleam of laughter in blue eyes, he was fairly certain the angel knew exactly what they were talking about, and just enjoyed messing with dean. “....You are going to kill yourself one day doing this, and I will not bring you back.”Cas huffed the dark worry in his eyes showing that he was worried at the idea of dean drinking before snorting. “Indeed. Hopefully if he is pretending to be a pizza man, the pizza has been delivered.” “Oh, I’m sure somethings been delivered.”Tony grinned, well aware the youngest winchester had headed downstairs to the shooting range to get some practice in, having asked Jarvis on their way up. “’re welome.”Cas smiled tiredly as he followed the other to his room, looking around before collapsing into bed, exhausted, without bothering to even undress.
"....i don't know actually. he might." Dean admitted. "i never thought to ask him while i was in hell." he admitted. "but yeah, he does kind of act like the Pizza man. total man whore." Dean admitted, his lips twitching because he was pretty sure Cas wouldn't understand the comparison. "oh yes. very literal." Dean admitted to Tony, not realizing Cas was messing with him. "i'm fine. i'm not that much of an alcoholic you know." he scoffed, rolling his eyes because, well, he was and he new it. he couldn't go a whole si hours without drinking a shot of something strong. he was addicted and he didn't plan on quitting anytime soon. the alcohol kept the... well it kept everything away and helped him cope. "I don't think there's any Pizza involved in what they're up to buddy." Dean admitted, looking amused befre sighing as Cas simply went to sleep and he shook his head and set about taking the man's shoes off followed by the pants that could not possibly be comfortable to sleep in. he worked the other into a borrowed pair of sleep pants from Sam as he always did. and the shirt followed. then Dean had to grunt as he rolled the feathered bastard under the covers and he shook his head once he had Cas all tucked in and cozy and headed to his own room to call Lisa and Ben.
"You should. I'm sure crowley would probably be utterly bemused on why you were asking."Cas said looking to amused." have got to stop making me go ask sam things yousay. He totally didn't understand why I thought the waitress was acting like a painted whore, and what a painted whore was."Cas sulked a little."...he's quite literal. This is amusing."tony looked amused as he shook his head watching the two go. "...oh. there should be pizza. Human sex is otherwise very unproductive and rewarding."Cas made a face, not commenting on dean's need for alcohol, not wanting to annoy him. Not stirring at all when he was tucked into bed. "Dean?"lisa asked when she picked up after 2 rings, sounding relieved to hear from him
"I'm sure." he agreed with a grin. "anything that confuses that bastard is worth it." he agreed cheerfully. "i'm not sorry."Dean informed Cas. "Watching Sam blush because he's tryingto explainthingsto you is the best." he admitted. "Very literal, it's great." Dean agreed with a chuckle. "even if h actually gets most of the stuff i talk about now, he still asks Sam about it, which is epic." he admitted. "Sex is great man. we gotta get you laid. Tony? you now any hookers that would like to have sex with an Angel?" he asked with a grin. "Hey Lisa."Dean said, smiling at the sound of her voice. she made him feel so... perfect. "sorry i haven't called in a while. things got really... weird. yeah, weird is the word i'd use." he admitted. "How have you been? Ben still passing all his classes and listening to the good music?" he asked, hoping she hadn't seen the attack on New York when she had known he was there. he probobly wasn't that lucky.
Cas rolled his eyes at the other’s cheer, before huffing a little. “You should be sorry.”He grumbled a little. “....I feel the need to tell him things.”Tony said conspiratorial as he looked at dean, smirking a little before rolling his eyes. “That’s amusing. That he makes sure he understands.”Tony giggled a little before snorting. “I’m sure I know a few, but do you really trust a hooker with him?”Tony smirked a little.

“Weird, is the word you use?I think that’s the understatement of the year. I mean, it’s not every day you get billionaire’s picking you up. Get laid yet, or is it still coming?”She teased sounding amused though there was worry under it, because it amused her knowing that her boyfriend thought he was very straight, and was currently staying with one of the most bisexual men she ever knew of. “I’ve been okay. And yes, ben’s passing, and yes, still rock music.”She said rolling her eyes a little.
"I'm very not sorry." he promised, looking amused before laughing a little at Tony and nodded. "feel free. though he might call bullshit on you." he admitted with a grin before hesitating. "well... no... i wonder if Steve would be up for sex with an angel? angels are attracted to virgins you know." he lied with a grin.

"Weird. yeah, weird. and it wasn't the billionaire i was talking about. there's a God here, did you know? two o them actually. they're not real gods, they're aliens, but they where worshiped as Gods which is almost as weird." he admitted. "and no, i haven't got laid." he scoffed, his way of saying 'i haven't cheated on you'. "nothing around here compares to you so i haven't felt the urge." he admitted. pointedly 'misunderstanding' her comment about Tony. "Sam, on the other hand, has attracted the two most deadliest people i have ever, ever met. it's freaky... and frighting." he admitted, "Cas is here. he collapsed in bed and i had to tuck him in. it was cute." he admitted with a snicker. "he's never going to live it down. of course, i had to bring up the Pizza again." he admitted before his voice took on softer, more affectionate tones. "i miss you. i'm going to be coming back for a few days, providing nothing explodes." he admitted. "is Ben still mad at me?"
“...Okay.”Tony grinned at the idea of getting yelled at for lying to a angel before snickering. “...You know. We should totally do that.”He said looking amused.

“No, actually. And you know, I think I’m glad they’re better then any gods you’ve met before.”Lisa said shifting to lean back into her bed, glad to simply be able to talk to him, to know that he was fine. Snorting a little at his ignoring what she meant, that was just amusing. She was going to get him and cas together. It would be good to see. Both of them could be happy then. “I didn’t know you knew how to not have sex this long....lots of cold showers?”She teased, more becase she liked teasing him about a high libido, then anything else. “ getting laid? I don’t know what to think of that. Good for him, he deserves it. And he’s sorta cute puppy dog like, he needs scary people to look after him.”Lisa snickered a little before hmming pleased. “Yes, he stopped here, he said he’d been fighting recently.”She said soundign worried about the angel, before smiling. “You had to?Someday he’s going to smack you for bringing it p.”She said her voice soft and gentle, “Good. It’ll be good to see you. And yes. Though that’s more cause you got to meet iron man, rather then you left.”
"yeah you and me both. though it was hairy for a while there with Loki being all mind controlled and stuff. he's a pretty awesome guy. he plays pranks and he's helping Tony find a way to prevent people from getting drugged. Tony came up with something that could save lives too! honestly it's such a simple idea, totally brilliant. i can't believe no ones thought of it before." he admitted. "nah. i just... i don't know ever since i started dating you the idea of having sex without you is just... not worth it." he admitted with a smile which was actually extremely sweet for Dean. "Sam isn't laid yet but they are seriously into seducing him and i doubt he'll leave em hanging for very long." he admitted with a smile. "we'll have to fly you and Ben in once your vacation starts. Tony won't mind." he admitted. "yeah. he's looked wrecked. he's snoozing right now. he didn't even wake up when i started changing him into pajamas. he's super adorable all cuddled up in Sammie's clothes." he admitted with a giggle before smirking. "i'm sure he will. in fact, i look forward to it." he admitted with a smile. "well. i'm sure Tony would come with me if i asked." he admitted with a grin. "he's actually pretty good with kids. there's this super genius kid named Harvey that was here for a month. apparently he comes up every year to see if he can't impress Tony and he's really sweet with the kid. i think he'd like Ben. they share a love of great music."
“Good. At least it sounds like your having fun over there, and getting new things to make sure you come home.”Lisa smiled, because she could always tell when dean had something that would help him do his job better, he always sounded excited, glad to know there was a better way to protect someone. “....That’s sweet dean. Really. Though if you keep trying to think about Cas and the pizza guy, I might wonder.”She teased him, because well, teasing him about the crush everyone but dean and cas seemed to have figured out, was amusing. And she knew Sam got a kick out of it, and even went out of his way to flirt with the confused naive angel sometimes just to see what he’d do. “Vacation starts in about two weeks. Summer vacation and all, Ben’ll be glad to get out of town, says it’s boring here.”lisa snickered a little before wincing a little at the idea of cas being that tired. Considering how much energy the angel usually had, it was hard to see him that tired. “You’ll have to take pictures. I want to see him all cuddled up in sammie’s clothes. He probably looks like a kid, he’s so not moose.”Lisa giggled a little, “Pervert. Looking forward to being smacked.”She teased before smiling. “Ask, if nothing else, it’ll give ben something to look forward to this week besides you coming home.”
"i am kind of having fun." he admitted. "this is the first time since, well, you where i've felt comfortable somewhere. the only thing that would make this the perfect place is if you and Ben where here." he admitted. "nah. Cas isn't into guys." he said. "neither am i now that i think about it." he admitted with a chuckle. "so i don't think you have to worry about that." he admitted. "Hey Jay? will you do me a favor and take pictures of Cas looking all cute and snuggly and send it to the phone i'm connected to right now?" he asked hopefully. "you're the man Jay." Dean said, looking delighted. he had no problems whatsoever with Jarvis and treated him just like Tony did. "yeah i'll go ask, hold on..." Dean opened the door. "okay Tony, you eavesdropper, wanna come with me to meet my kid?" he asked, grinning because he knew Tony was hovering nearby, waiting for Dean to be finished so they could go drinking again or something fun. with so many people around, Tony seamed to be at a bit of a loss and Dean had made sure Tony was aware that he could always, always go to Dean when he needed someone to vent his manic energy out on.
"Good. That's good. You need places to feel comfortable."she smiled, before snorting a little."whatever you say. Cas needs a date."she said, lauth ing a little at jarvis positive response and the ding on her phone. Looking at it she laughed out loud."that's adorable. And you don't get to tease him, he's had a hard few days, be nice dean."she ordered."I'm not eavesdropping on you!I'm waiting for you to be done so I can show you sam being awkward and cute. You need to see this."tony whined giggling a little because with this many people here he was feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts since it was usually just him, pepper and jarvis around "kid?you procreated? Not sure if I want to..."he said before grinning. "But yes I'll go. If he wants to meet me, can't disappoint him."
"Cas does need a date and i think the worlds biggest virgin needs to be with the worlds most untouched." he agreed with a grin. "purity with Purity, it'll be hilarious." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "i won't tease him too terribly." he promised with a chuckle, grinning at the pictures he was looking at. Cas was so damn adorable. "Sammie's being flirty!?" he asked Tony, instantly focused. "no. i didn't procreate. Ben is Lisa's and i just kind of adopted him... it's not official yet but someday when he forgives me i hope to make it so." he admitted, flushing a little before grinning. "Hey Lisa? Tell Ben i'm bringing Iron man, so he has to forgive me." he ordered with a laugh. "i'll see you tomorrow okay? not sure when but i'll see you there." he promised. "i love you." he said softly before grinning at Tony as he dropped his phone in his pocket. "so. what's Sammie doing?"
“I’m sure you’ll find it more amusing then he will.”Lisa said sighing a little before nodding, even if he couldn’t see it. “Good. Not to much.”lisa said amused because she knew he was going to be teasing cas, before sonding interested in the idea of sam being flirty. “Yes, he is.”Tony grinned at dean. “Oh good. You procreating is disturbing.”Tony teased before looking amused at the idea of dean adopting a kid. “I will, I promise.Love you to.”Lisa smiled as she hung up laughing amused. “Sammie is pretending to need help target practicing with a hand pistol. Has Clint totally helping him with the aim and pointing thing.”
"i'm quite sure your right." he agreed with a chuckle. "no. not to much, he might start fighting back." he agreed before grinning. "i'll send you video Lis." he promised. "me procreating is not disturbing!" he complained. "we're just not at the stage in our relationship where we're going to talk about babies." but he did want one, someday. when things weren't so.... dangerous. he and Lisa had talked about it before and she knew he wanted, but until Lucifer and Micheal was dealt with permanently, any children he or Sam had where in danger. once they where gone, Dean fully intended to retire and live until he was dead with Lisa. if he was lucky, they'd both live until they where a hundred and ten. "....seriously? he's a better shot than i am!" he complained, looking very amused as he followed Tony, snickering because the ever patient Clint was in fact, teaching Sam the basics. he was sexy when he was in teacher mode and Clint was so good at what he did, that Phil had often assigned him to the new recruits until they had some of the most basic of basics under their belt. more than one trainee had a crush on Clint. "there, perfect. keep your arms level, eyes open, and fire." Clint instructed.
"Awesome l, videos of you two are nice. Though watching him try to understand Skype is equally amusing."lisa snickered a little. "Yes, yes it is. A little you. It's bad enough the world has Sammie in it, I don't think we as a whole are ready for another winchester."tony grinned teasing the other. "And yes. Seriously. He's got him thinking he can't aim and hit anything..."tony grinned because he'd assumed sam was a fairly good shot. Smirking as they headed for the range, having every intent on spying.

Sam grinned as he followed instructions, grinning a little as he nailed the outer ring of the target. "Thanks clint. I'm getting the hang of it."it was actually taking more effort to miss, then it was to rather just hit it.
"I know. it's hilarious." Dean agreed with her before chuckling a little at Tony. "okay, you might have a point there." he agreed. "so you don't want to be uncle Tony to my kids?" he asked with a grin because he knew Tony would be equal parts touched and terrified by the idea. "oh my god, and Clint is actually falling for that?" no. though it totally appeared as if he was. Clint wasn't stupid and he was an expert at telling bullshitters from liars from people who simply didn't have any confidence. normally they where trying to up-play their abilities or didn't know their abilities. this was the first time he'd had to deal with someone pretending they didn't know what they where doing but he sure as hell wasn't complaining. he had the cutest little bastard pressed against his chest and that firm rear was pressed against his groin an he was a very happy fake teacher. "Almost. you just have to work on your aim a little." Clint agreed his hot breath against Sam's cheek. "bring the gun up again, both eyes open, the sight has to line up with the target and be exactly aware of where your hitting." he murmured, flashing Natasha a wink.
“....Uh. No. I think not.”Tony did indeed look a little freaked out at the idea before smirking as they leaned against the wall near the room, holding up the tablet so the other could watch what was happening with him without risking being caught spying.

“I’m working on it!It’s not working, clint. I totally suck at this.”Sam grumbled as he followed the instructions, shivering a little as the other’s breath ghosted against his cheek. Natasha smirked a little as she sat in the chair behind them, amused as she watched the two work, wondering how in the world sam wasn’t as aching and hard at having clint pressed against him as she was achy and wet. This was hot to watch. “Okay...okay./...”Sam muttered frowning a little as he pulled the trigger, grinning as the shot moved closer to the bullseye/
"oh my god this is hilarious. you're recording this right?" he asked with a grin.

"I bet you suck very well, but that doesn't have anything to do with shooting a gun." Clint gently scolded, grinning impishly. "there. you see? your getting better." he said, hot breath against the others nec as his hands slid down his arms, across his ribs to settle at his hips. "now, spread your legs a little wider, no, don't lean forward, don't hunch, shoulders straight." he coached. "you have such a perfect form." he teased. "but your still too tense. you have to relax or you're going to be sore." he murmered, grinning now. "also... i'm just wondering, how long you really think i'm going to believe someone who hunts werewolves and Vampires is a terrible shot?" he asked arms sliding around Clint's waist now, holding him tight. "it's a dangerous thing, flirting with an assassin so blatantly. you might never get away." he teased with a grin.
“Of course I am. This is something that has to be shared with Sam later. For teasing and blackmail purposes of course.”Tony grinned at the other. “So, you really okay with your brother being bi?And seducing the scary duo?”He said looking interested in the answer.

Sam shuddered a little. “IT does to. I suck at shooting.”He grumbled flushing a little, shivering at the touch, and trying not to lean back into him. “You sound like your positioning him for sex, not shooting, clint.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little, smirking behind sam’s back as the man forced himself to relax into the man standing behind him, a bark of laughter escaping as sam went all tense again. “I=I could totally be a bad shot. I mean, I hunt with dean. He could be a amazing shot.”Sam grumbled a little, shuddering as the other wrapped his arms around his waist, before adjusting his shot, grinning as he emptied the clip into the bullseye. “I think the man is well aware of the dangers of flirting, Clint.”Natasha smirked a little.
Dean chuckled a little. "of course." he agreed, looking very amused. "it's fine. Sammy deserves to be happy and i don't think there's anyone who could make him happier." he admitted. "plus, they'll be totally able to keep him safe and stuff." he admitted before snickering. "i think Sammie's been busted."

"hmm. more like you're shooting for the chance to suck something." Clint teased before turning to smirk at Natasha. "well, it might be a little bit of both." he admitted. "You're not a bad shot. the way you grip the gun s the first giveaway. a novice wouldn't use such an epert hold, they always try to mimic what they see on the T.V. your stance too. you tried to hide it but you angle yuor shoulders just slightly, more used to shotgun recoil are you?" he asked playfully, his fingers sliding underneath the edge of Sam's pants. "i think the naughty one needs to be punished for trying to lie." Clint teased in Sam's ear. "i think i should see how good of a shot you really are." he whispered, lips brushing the shell of the others ear. "i'm going to touch you Sam. and you're going to keep hitting that bullseye, and if you miss, you're going to get a spanking. what do you think of that?"
“Ah. Well, if anyone can keep him out of trouble, I’m sure it’s those two. Trouble is scared of them.”Tony grinned before snickering, nodding a little. “Yea, I think he’s been busted.”

“no way.”Sam said flushing a little. “It probably is both.”she agreed looking amused as Sam did indeed look sulking that he hadn’t fooled them longer. “Oh...yea. End up using more shotguns then handguns. Handguns are Dean’s thing.”Sam said wrinkling his nose, before shivering as the other’s fingers dipped into his waistband. “I-I think I’m really good.”he growled, shivering a little as he focused. “I think he’s angling for a spanking. Give him a clip, let’s see if he can focus beyond you being a pervert.”Natasha grinned looking amused as she handed sam a clip as he dropped the spent on out. Grinning as she settled in to watch the game.
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