Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"...i know..." he admitted, fidgeting. "i just... i don't want him to think i'm useles..." he mumbled softly. so many people seamed to think, once they found out, that because Clint was deaf he was completely useless. that he was slow and stupid and Clint hated that. which was why he had waited until nearly everyone was gone before he fussed with his squealing hearing aids. Bruce had already known because he was basically the doctor for all of them and he needed to know and he wanted Sam to know because he wanted in Sam's pants. "yeah... i really should tell Tony..." he mumbled before smiling at Bruce. "I don't move my lips much because there's nerve damage there." Bruce explained, signing at the same time. "It's not something i can fix so i'll have to remember to sign for you." he admitted to Clint. "Tony won't be able to stop either but most f the time we can't understand him anyway so it won't be much different." that made Clint laugh. "I will have better ones.... wonder if Bruce will get Tony involved and i won't have to tell him?" Clint hoped.

"get away! this is MY Coffee! Make your own!" Dean protested, blocking Tony from the Coffee Pot before evacuating the area with his single cup of coffee and let Tony have the pot because he wasnt about to fight for it. "...well... yeah. maybe." Dean mumbled because the few 'gods' he'd come across had never... well, been very forgiving. "...oh?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony, Dean cringing. "i see... sit." Loki ordered, snapping his fingers and something appeared in his hands. "what you did was exceedingly dangerous." Loki stated, dropping a pile of papers on the table. "this is a list of people who messed with magic they didn't know about and the damages done to them." Loki stated. "your punishment will be to read that." he stated firmly. "after. if your still curious, come see me and i'll show you some things."
“We’re talking about tony stark, who has sharpnel in his chest the size of his fist, or so dyslexic he can barely read?you think that Tony Stark, would think you’re useless?”she asked, scolding him lightly. While she wouldn’t tell the others for him, she would and did, scold him when she was thinking he was being silly. “...I’ll learn. I’m good with my hands, and I pick up languages well.”Sam said, looking like a eager puppy, but you could see the flirting in his eyes at the idea of being ‘good with his hands’. “No, it wouldn’t really be different.”Natasha snickered a little, before rolling her eyes. “You might get out of telling him, but I think you’ll have to talk to him about it. You know tony, he’ll be down here in your face about it as soon as he knows, to try and make the perfect aids.”She reminded him.

“....Okay....”Tony hung his head looking sad as he backed away from the coffee pot, even after dean abandoned it, he didn’t take it. “Steve likes us. He’d save us if Loki wasn’t nice.”Tony said before nodding, squirming in place like a misbehaving child. “yes...we wanted to see it!And you were working on something else, so we didn’t want to interrupt.”Tony squirmed before tensing, worried what the other was going to do, before relaxing when he just brought papers onto the table, sitting down. “Okay. We can do that. I mean, Dean spends alot of time reading lore stuff.”And maybe he could bribe dean into reading outloud for him. That would be nice.
"....okay you have a point. i'll talk to him." Clint agreed, smiling sheepishly because he knew he was being a bit stupid. he smirked at Sam a little and wiggled his eyebrows. "i bet you are." he agreed, examining Sam's hands with a lecherous sort of grin. "your mouth is fine. i like watching it." Sam teased with a smirk. "i'll talk to him once Loki is done with him." he agreed with a sigh. "i hate not being able to hear. it makes me feel so... exposed and vulnerable." he admitted.

"relax,Tony. i was joking." Dean promised, pouring a second cup for Tony, realizing Tony had taken him a little too seriously. "that's true. i can't imagine Steve would let anything happen to us." Dean agreed. "i do. it's aweful." Dean grumbled, poking the paper. "it's alright Tony. it's written in Allspeach. you'll be able to read it even with Dyslexia." he admitted. "even a blind man would have no issue reading it." Loki promised, patting Tony's shoulder. "if not, then the being could probobly read it aloud for you, or make this genius do it. i know touching my things was your idea winchester. Stark would never have thought of it on his own." Loki accused, Dean grimacing as he picked up the paper. "Winter of the ninth year, one Mariska Flourson attempted to attack his magic wielding son for playing with Magic. miscast spell resulted in.... Flourson being turned inside out... died three days later..." Dean sounded a bit sick. "Summer, the year eight, Liven Borson experimenting with Magic without appropriate safety measures. accidental transformation into a fish. suffocated to death..." on and on it went, wth people being turned into horrible mangled versions of themselves, limbs got melted, hair started growing inward. Loki let them stop once he was certain they had understood how deadly and dangerous magic could be. "i think you've learned your lessons. never touch anything unless you know what it does. you would not walk into Bruce's lab and start playing with things, now would you?" Loki asked, smiling a little. "you need to understand, something like this?" he tapped the paper. "could easily have happened to you, because you where curious. you have no idea how terrified i was when i walked into my magic space and found everything out of place. you could have been hurt, killed, maimed. that you weren't is likely only because Magic knew you had no idea what you where toying with."
“Good.”Natasha smiled at him, before smirking as Sam blushed a little. “He looks like he would be.”She agreed. “His mouth is very fine. I bet he’s good at all sorts of things.” “I-I am.”Sam stuttered tilting his head a little. He was good with sex, but he usually found flirting awkward and out of his depth, especially after spending so long watching dean flirt. “Well, for now, me and Natasha will protect you from everything. And tony will make sure you can hear again.”

“Oh. Good.”Tony muttered settling a little as he took the coffee cup, sipping it slowly. “No, he’s a boy scout like that. He’d look after us.”he said before looking at loki, looking pleased with the idea of being able to read, and not struggle. “Good!I should get to read it.”he said before snickering at dean’s wince. “Nope. It was totally me. I totally went about touching things. I mean, Dean hunts these things all the time, he wouldn’t go willy-nilly touching everything.”Tony said dending his friend, because well, he always defended his friends, even when they all knew it was a lie. “....Yes. Indeed. No touching the magic things.”Tony said looking pale by the time they finished before snickering. “Actually, I do. I mess with bruce’s stuff all the time. Mess with the hulk to.”Tony said looking pleased with the thought before shivering, thinking over that. “Well....we wont touch any of your stuff. I promise. No more messing with magic things.”
"i bet his mouth is soft." Clint admitted, examining Sam's lips. "his hands will be rough but his lips will be as soft as silk." Clint mused with a grin. "thanks. that makes me feel better. just don't let anyone sneak up on me. i can't... you know... help it." his fight or flight response was well trained, anyone who could sneak u on him was a threat and threats needed to be eliminated so he usually stabbed the person who had slipped up behind him before he could stop himself.

"he is a bit of a boy scout... where boy scouts around when he was a kid though?" he wondered before smiling at Tony. "you know, Steve has that nifty thing that reads everything for him, i bet he'd share it if you asked him to?" he suggested. "Steve can't read either." he admitted. "though his is from the act that he hasn't in like, sixty years or something... god he's old...." he winced at Loki and glanced at Tony because, honestly. Dean really should have known better. he really should have but he didn't and because of that they where in trouble and could have been badly hurt. drunk was no excuse at all. "you understand what is safe to play with in Bruce's lab however, and you also know that Hulk would not hurt you." Loki admitted before smiling. "i'm not saying you can't come and look, i don't mind company while i work." he admitted. "i'll even teach you some things, you're just not to touch anything without my permission ever again." he ordered. "now then. i have made something for you, Tony." Loki said. "i need another hour, maybe two to finish the fine details, come and see me then." he offered. "it will need some testing but i think you will have fun with that part so we can work on that together if you like." Loki admitted. "if not, i'll get the frightening Female to assist me."
“Very soft.”Natasha said smirking a little as Sam blushed. “...I have no idea what to say.”Sam muttered flushing and squirming a little before nodding. “I’ll look out for you. And if it makes you feel any better, dean’s alot deaf himself. Between hard rock, and to many shotguns going off close to him, he’s deaf. Though part of that might just be him ignoring me.”Sam made a face.

“Yes.I think so. I mean. I think just starting.”The man looked thoughtful before nodding. “Maybe. I should ask him.”he muttered frowning a little before nodding a little. “Okay. In that case, I’ll come down and you can teach me what’s okay.”He grinned at the idea, before perking up, looking interested. “Something for me?”He muttered before frowning a little. "Frightening-?Oh, Natasha. yes, she is a little frightening."
Clint grinned. "you don't get flirted with much, do you Sam?" he asked, his head tilted. "that blush is so cute." he admitted. "you should have Bruce get his hearing tested." he suggested. "i'm sure some of it might be him ignoring you, but with shot guns going off in his ears, better safe than sorry." he admitted with a smile. "would you like to sit?" he suggested to the other, reaching over Natasha and patting the seat next to her. he had a feeling Sam would feel more comfortable sitting mostly out of reach of Clint's rather wandering hands.

"we should ask him. i want to know now." he admitted before smiling as he watched Tony and Loki. Dean had no real interest in magic. he'd had it used against him a little too much. "i would be delighted to have an eager student. i have a feeling that you and Bruce Banner would be well suited to magic in truth." Loki admitted. "yes. you mentioned being drugged before. i didn't care much for that and it's a problem, i would imagine, for all of the Avengers by now. i have made something, i think, to help with that." he admitted. "she looked me dead in the eye and lied, and i did not know it. that is frightening." Loki admitted.
“No.not really. I mean, have you seen my brother?He sorta hogs female attention.”Sam said wrinkling his nose a little. “I’ll tell him. He needs it checked.”Sam said looking amused as he eased into the seat, eyeing natasha. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” “Really?” “Not until your ready.”Natasha said smirking at the brunette, looking pleased with herself as he choked on his coffee.

“We’ll ask him.”Tony agreed. Looking amused as he nodded. “Awesome, that’ll be fun.”Tony grinned before wincing at the others words. “ is a problem. Definitely a problem I’d rather not have the others deal with.”He shuddered before laughing out loud. “Okay, yea that is frightening.”He agreed before getting up, clapping dean on the shoulder. “Come on, Dean-o”Simply because he hadn’t found a more obnoxious nickname yet”, places to be, things to destroy. I’ll see you in a hour Loki.”he said eager to go down to the lab and show the hunter the stuff he’d made. He had stuff!
"you mean you hide behind your brother." Clint corrected. "because you don't want that attention focused on you." he smiled a little. "if you want us to back off a little, just say so." he said with a smile before laughing a little as Dean choked and subtly let the sleeve of his shirt slide down, revealing a bright red imprint of Natasha's teeth on his shoulder and pretended he hadn't noticed. he was wearing one of Steve's shirts because he was a clepto so it was pretty big on him anyway. "yeah, she gets in these moods sometimes." Clint admitted. "it's always the best though. one time, she was really pissed off because i slept with this IT guy without her permission because i was drunk, and i came so hard by the time she was done with me i passed out.... it was fantastic."

"Yes. once i have this design perfected, should be able to replicate them using other forms." Loki admitted. "your need, being as you are the one in the immediate public revenue, is more pressing than the others. you're the only one who goes to parties right now." Loki admitted. "i should have this completely finished by the time Pepper assigns you a new party to attend." Loki admitted. "Right Spaghettio's." Dean replied, looking amused at Ton as he followed the other, looking properly impressed by all his toys and even asked if he could borrow one on his next hunt to see what it would do against a supernatural being.
“...Maybe.”Sam said shrugging a little. “....Yes. Please. Just a little. It’s...”Sam said. “You’re not used to it. That’s okay. We can entertain ourselves while seducing you slowly.”Natasha said looking amused as Sam looked at the bite mark before looking away. “....If you would just behave, I wouldn’t have to punish you so well.”Natasha teased amused because sam was just so cutely adorable and awkward. Like he wanted to flirt, and be apart of this, but he wasn’t quite sure how to.

“”Good. And yes, I’m the one going to the parties, ubt I’ll fairly certain that the others will be attending to.”Tony said before rolling his eyes at dean’s name calling but smiling happily, pleased at having his own nickname, and nodding when dean asked to burrow some things. “And working on things for you two. Like this.”Tony dug out the bracelet he’d made a maybe half inch wide metal bracelet, “Hollow iron, with salt running through the middle. It’s solid, so you can just slide it on, but it you press at the joing here...”Tony rolled it to show the joint pressing his fingernail into the small grove, grinning as it cracked in two, showing the two tubes that had been fused together. “Holy water and salt. Not alot, but enough for a circle or two.”Tony shrugged fidgety and worried dean would think it’s a stupid idea.
Clint nodded. "yeah. no problem. me and Nat, we know when we want something and when we want it we go for it. we've scared off a good number of potential victi... ah, partners that way." he admitted with an impish grin. "whats fun about that?" he asked Natasha, honestly looking baffled. he only pushed boundaries when he felt like he needed to be punished. she did the same thing. it was how they worked.

"not for a while yet." Loki admitted. "people are uncertain about the Avengers at the moment and will be watching and waiting for a while yet." he admitted. "Loki's right you know. it's typical human behavior. yeah the Avengers saved New York but they don't know why yet. are you really Superheros or are you only protecting earth because your selfish or planning to take it over for yourself?" he mused. "they're waiting to see the kind of people you all are." he admitted before blinking at the thing. a circle of salt always attached to his wrist!? why the hell hadn't he thought of that?! "this is brilliant!" the Devil's trap kept most of the oogie boogies away, this would hopefully keep the rest of them away as well. "Tony you're brilliant! do you know how many times i've been caught with my pants down without any salt or holy water!? how many of these do you have?! can you make more!?" he asked, looking so puppy dog eager it was cute.
“....Victims huh?”Sam said looking amused. “Yes, victims. Though they normally enjoy themselves.”Natasha said looking amused as she watched sam consider that. “Cause you get rewarded when you don’t misbehave.”Natasha said looking amused at the others reaction, it was adorable, tugging on his hair a little. “Come on, hawklet, we should get some target practice in.”

“Hm, maybe. I don’t know. Don’t understand normal people, so their thought process confuses me.”Tony made a face as he considered that, waving a hand at dean. “what about you, normal superhero, or planning world domination?”He teased. Looking pleased as he saw Dean’s delight at seeing the bracelet. “Really?You like it?”he grinned relaxing a little before raising a eyebrow. “You do alot of hunting with your pants off, then?”He teased before nodding. “I just have that one, and I have a slightly different version, but I can make more. It didn’t take that long.”he said before scrounging around for the second one, holding it out. Same thing, except if you cracked it open it had liquid silver nitrate and dead man’s blood. While the silver side was a little warm, simply keeping the silver liquid, and he’d have to replace the blood now and then, it was still good. “Silver and blood, for your everyday werewolves and vampires. Not as long lasting as the salt and holy water, simply because the blood will start to go bad after a month, but easily replaced and the silver is like a shot, plunge the pointy end into a werewolf and hit the button, it’ll give a fatal dose of silver. I asked sam, he said it should be enough silver to pull down a wolf.”
"of course they enjoy themselves." Clint said with a grin. "it's fun to pretend but we have very firm lines, all of which contain the key word of 'no, stop and wait'." Clint admitted with a smile before groaning at Natasha. "do i have to?" he whined even as he hauled himself to his feet and followed her quite obediently.

"i understand them okay. more than most really. have to, to do what we do." he admitted. "neither." Dean admitted with a smile. "i'm a guy trying to hide in the shadows and stop the end of all existence." he admitted. "Do you know how many times me and Sam stopped an apocalypse? it's insane." he admitted. "this is actually the most quiet that it's ever been for us if you can believe that." he admitted. "you'd be surprised how many times i was attacked while naked." Dean grumbled, shaking his head. "i'd love to have as many of these as i can afford to buy. i have a lot f people who could really use things like this." Dean admitted, blinking a little at the second offered bracelet. "oh, wow, Tony this is so cool!" Dean muttered, examining it. "the dead man's blood could be trouble if we're not careful with it but Bruce said he was going to experiment with some preservatives and anti coagulants." he admitted. "which might solve the needing to be replaced issue you're having." he admitted. "i never thought of carrying a heated canister for silver! this is going to revolutionize hunting!" he admitted. "can you make the dead man's blood injectable if Bruce manages to keep it liquefied and fresh?" he asked Tony. "You're really a genius you now that?"
“Ah.good to know.”Sam said tilting his head before looking at natasha and clint leave. “Indeed it is.”Natasha smirked a little glancing at Clint as they left. “Besides, give it a half hour, I bet Sam’s down here to inspect your weapon, and if you’re any god with it.”Natasha smirked teasing him a little as she walked into the target room, a personal present from tony instead of a traditional shooting range, there was targets everywhere and moving and about anything clint could ever want.

“:....That’s insane. Really. Considering how many people don’t know how many times the world nearly ended. I asked sam, you’re up to like...5 times now.”Tony made a face before snorting, “That’s amusing. Really. Must be alot of female things that want to get you with your pants down.”He teased looking amused, before shrugging. “My present. How many do you need? I can handle the cost of making them.”Tony paused, considering that. Considering the pride he knew the other had, “But if you insist on paying, 10 cents a bracelet, should be a good price.”He decided before nodding slightly. “It can be. I’m not good with bloody things, I just knew I could put it in a bracelet, Bruce is working out the kinks with it.”he said smiling slightly before grinning. “I can make it just as injectable as the silver if he fixes it. Now you have silver, blood, salt and holy water, basics for every hunter.”He grinned before laughing. “I know. I’m amazing and awesome, and Sam could tell me what things you face alot, and I came up with these, but if you have something else you want, or need, I can probably think of something?”He asked tilting his head.
Clint grinned at her because he couldn't help himself. the chance to show off was too much to resist. plus Tony's Archery range was epic! "remind me to ask Tony to find a way to make some of these targets shoot back would you?" he asked Natasha. he always forgot about Jarvis, who had already relayed the idea to Tony's 'Avengers didn't know they requested it' box. probably the only email inbox Tony ever even looked at without poking and prodding. Jarvis had started it on his own and it was ull of the Avengers desires, not that they knew. for example, Bruce wished that his lab had a blast shield, but he figured he had more than enough as it was and was too shy to ask. Steve had muttered about the crappy book selection on his out dated tablet and Dean had even mumbled to himself that he couldn't keep track of his little brother.

"It is pretty insane." Dean agreed with a grin. "Well... i have my share of females." Dean agreed with a grin. "Sam's so shy that most of the girls just kind of flock to me instead. he practically shoves me at them. he's like, best wingman ever." he admitted with another snigger. "not to say he doesn't get laid but they tend to run along the 'emotionally traumatized' or 'can't be saved' vein." he admitted before beaming at Tony. "i need as many as you can make." he admitted. "without affecting your life or time in the lab or whatever. get a grunt to do it." he muttered, writing down an address. "have them shipped here, those bracelets could save lives and she'll see to it that they get distributed properly." he admitted. "as for the ten cents, you're not seriously thinking i'm stupid? at least let me pay for the shipping and handling costs. i'm not exactly poor you know." he had lived in an underground bunker and slept in his car. he was poor. "this is brilliant Tony. you're the best Man." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not so good at thinking things, ask Sam for ideas." he suggested. "i'm a hands on guy but i wouldn't have the first clue what to actually ask for." he admitted, glancing at the clock. "hey! it's been an hour! we should go see if Loki's as smart as you are."
"I will."natasha promised, though unlike him, she never forgot about jarvisiting presence so shewas pretty sure tony was already hearing about it.

"I'm sure. He does have that air of shy innocence going on...clint and Nat are going to eat him alive."tony giggled a little at the idea."okay then. Jarvis, set these to he made, start at 1000, and we'll go from there."toNY grinned utterly pleased at being able to help. "And I'm still working on something to track sammy, I doubt he'd let me do it willingly, so I'm coming up with something epic."he grinned as he took the address."and ship them here, J. We'll make sure the hunters have them."he said before staring at dean, wondering how to get out of letting him pay without offending him."fine if you insist."though tony was totally going to give the money back to him."shipping and handling it is."he said before nodding."okay I'llask sam. And it has. Let's grinned eager to distract dean from the thought of paying and eager to see what loki made him as he headed out of the lab.
"You noticed that, eh?" Dean asked with a grin. "poor Sam, they're a little much for him but he's fascinated anyway." he admitted with a snigger. "twenty bucks says they'll be a threesome within the month." he said with a grin before blinking at Tony. a thousand! even without the blood problem solved, this could save hundreds, if not thousands of lives. "Thanks so much Tony. You're the man. tell you what. i'll call you Lynx." He decided with a grin. "they're cute and small like you, but they're one of the more dangerous species of cat. plus, people will think i'm flirting with you which is a bonus. am is Moose by the way." he admitted with a snicker. "and i will pay you another twenty to call him that in front of Natasha and Clint." he admitted with a smirk as they headed to Loki's rooms which was just facinating. it was like a mix between a fantasy movie wizards cottage, a library and a lab like Tony and Bruce's. the entire place was full of magic and knowledge and just, things. wooden and metal and shimmering clothes. it was no wonder the two could hardly resist. "Tony! just in time." Loki said with a grin, looking up at the other wearing a pair of black tinted glasses. "i'm just finishing." he admitted. "give just a second." he said, wielding a thin silver wire and a thing that looked like a calligraphy pen, though the tip of the metal nib glowed bright white hot. "you can touch the cloth but don't touch anything metal." he ordered. "and don't mess with the liquids." Dean was already moving, grabbing a bolt of black cloth that he'd found last time but hadn't bothered touching when it looked so boring but it was so very soft and smooth and warm and examined it while Loki finished working on whatever he was working on. when he finished he tucked the quill nib into a holder and leaned down and blew on the item, a swirl of cold rushing through the room, instantly hardening whatever he had been working on. "there! here." Loki grinned, plucking the item out of it's holder and set it in Tony's hand. "the design can be changed later." he promised. "this is just the testing model. once i know it works, we can design one to suit your tastes." 'it' was a ring, surprisingly light for it's size.
"I did. It's adorable."tony grinned a little before snickering."okay, bet it is. They're totally going to pounce on him."he said amused before tilting his head at how shocked the other looked at the idea."you're welcome. It's been a interesting project, and I don't get alot of those."he said before tilting his head blushing a little at the others praise."...I'm totally cute and adorable and dangerous....and moose. I like it. He's so damn ed tall."tony snickered a little. "And I can do that. It'll be fun y watching him blush if I do."he grinned."hey loki."he grinned pleased that the other was glad to see them.watching the other in fascination, being quiet as he watched."okay."tony grinned following dean's example as he touched the cloth, nearly nuzzling it, he was so touch addicted.eyes widening when hesaw it, staring at the ring as he slid it on, frowning a little it was odd, if only because he never wore rings."thanks...that's amazing's beautiful."he muttered though he wasn't sure how it'd help him. He was sure loki had made it perfectly, even if he didn't understand it.
"they'll back off and let Sam make the first move i'm sure so it's more him resisting his limited self control." Dean admitted with another snicker. "talk to Sam, he'll have dozens of ideas for you." he promised. "he's super smart." he admitted. "not as smart as you or Loki or Bruce but damn clever." h admitted before smirking. "he's damn heavy too. i hope Natasha's stronger than she looks or he might roll over on her in his sleep and squish her." he admitted with a laugh. "for the record, i'm squirrel. because i'm hyper, a bit stupid and i never stop talking... well, according to the man who assigned the names anyway." he admitted with a huff before grinning as he and Tony played with the fabric. "and before you fuss, i can use a bracelet as well." Loki admitted. "or i i can figure it out, i should be able to use a necklace but that ones a bit trickier." he admitted before smiling a little. "here. put it on, just for a test." he suggested, getting up and grabbing a bottle of wine, a small vial of something clear, a smaller vial of something green and a super tiny vial of something black. he poured three goblets of wine, the bright red liquid almost looked like blood. a drop from one vial went into each goblet and Loki motioned Tony over. "don't drink, but grip the stem of each Vial and tell me when the ring reacts." he suggested. as soon as Tony touched the vial that had a drop of black in it, the ring gew warm and faintly hummed against his skin. "this, is a goblet poisoned with a drop of blood from Hela's favorite Hellhound. etremly poisonous." he admitted, waving a hand over the goblet, vanishing it completely. "the green liquid just makes everything it touches taste like phosphorous.... rotten eggs." he admitted. "and the clear one is actually a potent healing serum." he admitted, Dean reaching over and picking up the noxious one and sniffed at it. it smelled like fruit. Loki lifted an eyebrow, laying the challenge and Dean couldn't not do it. he took a swig and then spun and spewed it all over the floor, making Loki laugh. "i love dropping some of this in everything Thor drinks when he pisses me off." Loki admitted. "i don't know if human poisons will react with the ring however so it still needs a lot of testing and fine tuning before i can start making permanent forms for you and the others." he admitted, examining the bolt of fabric that they had been fondling. this would make a lovely present. after so many thousands of years he was pretty much good at everything that involved crafting of some sort so making a few outfits wouldn't be allt that hard, especially with magic on his side.
"I'm sure. They're not exxactly stubble and considering I've seen what nat wears into battle, I'm sure he'll stop resisting soon enough."tony snickered a ltittle. Before smiling."he is. And you're smart. More battle planning though, good tactician rather then books."tony smiled at him before snickering."moose and squirrel.. I think someone's been watching to much rocky and bowinkle."he snickered before shrugging looking at loki."no the rings fine, it's just different. I usually don't wear any."he shrugged watching as loki took the visls."okay..."he muttered reaching for the cups, making a face as it warmed."that feels odd. Not bad, just odd."he smiled at the man."thanks loki. And we'll test it out, see if it works on human stuff."he said before laughing out loud as dean threw it back up."that was awesome, winchester."he said giggling a little at the idea of thor having drank that.frowning slightly as jarvis announced that there was someone there to see dean, and that the man looked a little at a loss at finding them in stark tower.
Dean laughed, delighted by the observation. "i know! right?! he's such a slut for attention and then he gets it and he scares himself." Dean admitted with another laugh. "it's more real life experience than anything else. it's just that my life is a lot weirder than most peoples." he admitted, shaking his head before he snorted. "and that's exactly where the names came from." he grumbled. "here's hoping you never meet the man who assigned them." he said with a sigh. "Pigeon should be showing up soon. he's a bit... special. an Angel but even after all this time on earth he's as dumb as the flying rats are.... i don't think he's understood the insult." which was probobly because Sam, when he was in the mood, chose to refer to him as Dove instead of pigeon, which meant the same thing really Doves where just prettier to look at. "Like i said, i should be able to alter it. i might even be able to use a cuff link or a botton... in theory." Loki admitted. "once i have the spell work done right, then i'll be able to play with the materials." he admitted before chuckling when Dean spit out his mouthful. "that's foul! can i borrow that?" "no." "Damn." he sighed before blinking a little, looking baffled that someone was there to see him. "oh! it must be Cas!" he admitted. "come on Tony! you'll love him! he's super naive! he's kind of like my older brother so don't be too mean okay? he's pretty, you know... special, but he's super nice and he's saved my life more than once." he admitted, heading down to where his guest was waiting.
“He really is. Touch starved but like he doesn’t trust it. That’s just amusing.”Tony snickered a little at the idea that sam was utterly disturbed and twitchy when he really did get the attention he wanted. “True. I’ve heard some of the stories. Your life is just weird.”He snickered a little before nodding. “I don’t think I want to, if you say I don’t.”He smiled before raising a eyebrow. “Pigeon?”he said looking interested. “...I’m interested in the person who hasn’t figured out that it’s a insult.”He snickered alittle, before shrugging at loki. “DOn’t worry about it. I’ll get used to it son enough.”He said before snorting as dean was refused the drink. “Sam’d hurt you if you gave him that.”He grinned before tilting his head. “...Okay. You call him pigeon, I don’t think I can get much meaner then that.”Tony said even as he followed him, pausing at the sight of the man waiting for them. He looked tired, but better, okay, relaxed.

“Dean. This is not your normal hotel. Are you sure you can stay here?”Cas turned looking at the man, looking truly worried about them staying here.
"i think all of us are a little touch starved." Dean admitted. "Bruce is the worst of all of us. Steve comes a close second but he doesn't seam to notice. probobly because he hasn't actually enjoyed touch yet. he's been alone for so long... he doesn't seam to realize..." Dean shook his head. "anyway, once he finally starts letting us in, he might have a bit of a breakdown so you might want to be prepared for that." he admitted. "yeah. well, Sam calls him Dove." he admitted with a chuckle. "but it means the same thing as pigeon really. doves are stupid too, they're just prettier." he admitted. "hmm. it's not just for you however." Loki reminded Tony with a smile. "and Natasha could not feasibly wear such a large and obvious ring." he admitted. "as i said, this is a test model to check the spell work, once i have the spells completely fixed, i can play around and see what all i can work with." he admitted. "until then, the ring will have to be your temporary safety cache." Loki admitted, chuckling as they left.

"well... i don't call him that to his face...." he admitted sheepishly with a grin before beaming at Cas. "you look exhausted man. come on, lets get you in a shower, you smell." he lied. Cas never smelled. "yes i'm sure i can stay here. i have the owners permission. Cas, this is Tony. Tony, this is Castiel." Dean introduced the two, grinning a little. "there's a god here Cas. i bet you know him. Loki? the real, Loki i mean. Thor's here too but he's in trouble and hiding in his rooms. Tony? what room should i drop his feathered ass in?" he asked the owner of the 'hotel'.
“I think so. Though I think Clint and Natasha get plenty of touching done. They’re about to touch your brother after all.”he teased smirking a little. “Probably....And I know. I’ve been informed. Pepper thought he might. I’m ready. We’ll be there for him.”Tony said looking amused at the name calling. “Well, maybe Sam thinks he’s pretty.”He teased amused before wincing, considering that. “True...though if anyone could pull it off, Nat could.”He said.

“...I would hope you wouldn’t. Even I know that would be rude.”Tony said making a face. Cas frowned a little, “I do not.”Though he totally looked exhausted. “I don’t smell.”He grumbled looking upset at the idea. “...Hello.”Cas said looking at tony. “Hey!Hello. Are you another hunter?” “...I am a angel of the lord.” “What lord?” “....”Cas stared at Tony not sure what to say, or think of this man before glancing at dean for help, before frowning. “...A god?”He said looking a little upset at the idea, when he couldn’t find his own God, that he could find others. That was sort of annoying. “How about your room? I mean. He’s your friend.”Tony said smirking a little, looking amused as he considered Dean, eyes flicking between the two of them.
"i hope they touch my brother. maybe then he'll stop bitching all the time." Dean admitted with a grin before he nodded. "i thought someone might have warned you but the signs are starting to pop up so i thought you might want to know. he'll probobly meltdown within the week." he admitted. "he went from doing nothing and having no contact with anything but his tablet to fighting Aliens to moving in here with you guys. i'm surprised he's lasted as long as he has to be honest." Dean admitted. "well... yeah. he might..." Dean muttered, looking a faint bit jealous at the idea that Sam might be doing the googlie eyes at Cas.

"You look dead." Dean scolded, shaking his head before smiling at Tony. "he's an Angel Tony. of God. THE God. don't worry, i don't believe either but Cas forgives me." he admitted. "and no, Cas. he's not A God, that's just what us humans call him. he's an Asgardian." he explained. "a long time ago, he was worshiped as a god though, so he's sort of classified as one." he admitted before going bright red at Tony's suggestion. "ah... i think he'd be a lot more comfortable with his own room..."
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