Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

Sam looked utterly delighted at the sorcerers words."really?awesome."he grinned though he blushed at the rest of the words. Sex was so not distracting him. Nope, there was learning to do. "I know. Me to."natasha muttered brushing a kiss to clints forehead, even as she wondered what the man could have meant by that. "Ah. Well, not everything is about you clint. I should pay attention to them. They sorta look lonesome."natasha said smirking a little. "I am good at snuggling, though I think I'm gonna say no. Your girlfriend scares me."sam said looking amused and squirming a little at steve's words, watching him go as he finished his drink."I better be getting to sleep myself...."he said heading for the door.

And indeed, tony was in bed, and not even doing science. Though the frustrated growls said he wasn't happily sleeping off his hangover. Oh no, the slightly still drunken man was playing candy crush.
Clint smiled at her and laid a tiny kiss on her neck. he had been deprived of affection most of his life... well, that was true of everyone in the tower really, so he was a touchy feely kind of person. "well... that's true. not about everything not being about me. that's a dirty lie." he teased with a grin. "but they do need some attention." Clint agreed before he smiled at Sam. "seriously, Sam.... we'd be more than... agreeable, if you wanted to join us." Clint admitted once Steve had vanished. "Nat likes guys like you, and if it's being with another man, well i won't mind going an snuggling Bruce or Steve. and if it's girls you don't like, Nat won't kill you for sleeping with me." Clint promised. "we don't do it very often but we do have an p[en agreement' when it comes to sex." that basically meant that the other partner had final say. if Natasha had said no, or Clint had, then this final conversation wouldn't be happening.

"Tony." Steve chastised, leaning against the door-frame. "you're supposed to be sleeping...are you playing Candy Crush?" he asked, baffled. "Tony, that's a terrible game."
" its not. Not everything is about you, clint. You just think it is."natasha frowned at her boyfriend before studying sam in curiousity, it was interesting how lost the innocent little lamb looked."i...I like both."sam stuttered looking utterly lost on how to handle it."I'll think on it."he said before fleeing the room. "You'd think with his brother, he'd be more open to sexescapdes."natasha mused amused kissing clints head."at least we gave him something to think about."

"I'm not tired!and yes!its amazing!I'm gonna make it crash again!"oh god, he'd just sobered up to that hyper drunk instead of truly sober
"No no. i'm pretty sure everything is always about me." Clint admitted with a nod and a grin before grinning wider at Sam's admission because that typically meant he was pretty interested. "
Go ahead, we won't be insulted if you say no either." Clint assured him before he looked up at NAtasha. "shame Steve won't go all the way eh? i bet he'd be apically awesome in bed." he admitted before snorting. "i'm pretty sure his brother is the reason he's so hesitant." he admitted with a grin. "still. Steve being a flirt. as she as he is, i never would have believed it." he admitted.

"ou are too tired don't even try to tell me you're not." he scolded before chuckling a little. "so your not playing it, your just trying to hack into their servers again." he accused, shaking his head. "come on. phone down. you can hack them later. you really need to sleep." he urged. "Dean is sleeping."
Natasha rolled her eyes at his insistance, looking amused. “....Okay.”Sam muttered as he left. Natasha snorted, looking amused as she nodded, pressing a kiss to clint’s forehead as she moved away. “Indeed. Though I’m sure you can convince him if you tried that sex would be interesting.”Natasha said because indeed, a super soldier in bed would be good. “I wanna put that super body to the test.”she muttered before frowning thinking about that, raising a eyebrow. “Truly?”She asked, wanting to know his reasoning why sam was setting his heels down before nodding. “Indeed. Steve rogers as a flirt is a thing to behold.”

“Am not! Am not!totally not.”Tony whined a little as he looked at the other, “Nope!I am totally trying to play and crash it by winning. They wont let me win Steve!”HE whined staring at the screen even more intently, ignoring the order. “Dean is a pansy who let a god outdrink him. I don’t need sleep.”
Clint smiled a little. "well. that's true. i'm not sure what Steve's issue is on that front but i think he's been alone so long he doesn't... you know. remember how?" he guessed. way off the mark there. "as for Sm i'm pretty sure Dean is a slut and Sam doesn't want to be one too so...?" he shrugged, most likely way off the mark there too. "also, Sam's girlfriend died in this super gruesome awful way and he's probobly still blaming himself. apparently this demon slit her open and sucked her, body and all straight into Hell so... yeah i can understand his reluctance." Clint admitted. "you want me to paint your nails?" he offered.

"You are. totally are." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "...yes. and your the pansy who was out drunk by a Russian ballerina." he informed Tony, taking the phone from Tony's fingers and liad him down. "Don't make me lay on top of you and crush you to sleep Tony. you won't enjoy it nearly as much as you think you will."
“Ah....yes. He has been alone a long time.”Natasha muttered thinking about that, before snorting slightly. “I’m sure that’s part of it. His brother might not even know he’s bi either.”she said thoughtfully, before wincing. “Ah.Yes....that would ruin anyone for relationships.”She said shivering a little at the idea of clint dying like that before smiling. “Yes.I do.”She said getting up to head for their room.

“Am not!And she is not normal. She does not count. Russians drink alcohol like it’s water. It doesn’t count as being outdrank.”Tony huffed before whining, but letting the other take his phone. “....I’d love you to lay on top of me.”He said squirming a little.
"i'd be totally nuts if i never saw a person for over seventy years." he admitted, looking amused. "i don't know how Steve can function at all." he admitted before he nodded. "i don't know how he could have missed it. Sam's been staring at all our assess since he showed up. poor deprived kid." he said with a snicker as he followed her to give her a Mani-pedi. it made him feel good to fuss over her and she enjoyed Mani-pedi's so t was a win win for when they weren't in the mood for sex.

"She's probobly the most human out of all of us Mr. Stark." Steve admitted with a smile. "well. i wont lay on top of you, but how about i lay next to you while we get some sleep?" Steve offered. he could lay there with his eyes closed for a while if it meant Tony got some sleep. "Budge over you bed hog." he ordered as he crawled under the covers with Tony and settled in to be properly snuggled for a good long while.
“You mean you’re not totally nuts?”She teased her boyfriend before shuddering at the idea of going that long without seeing anyone for that long. “Me to. Even us....we’ve gone without contact, but it always ends in a few weeks, months. Going that long....”She shivered a little before snorting. “Probably the same way Tony’s not figured it out.”She pointed out, well aware if tony had figured out sam was bi, he would have been crowing about it by now, if only because he could jump the hunter, who was smart and sexy, and totally would let tony have sexy smart time. “We’ll have to take care of him, I think.”She muttered as she settled in to rest and let him do her nails. It was a perfect evening.

“Is not!Totally. Not. Nope. She’s russian. Not human.And I’m not Mr. Stark!”Tony decided sounding upset, before huffing “Finnnee. If you insist.”He grumbled as he squirmed around, and whined. “Not a bed hog. I’m not big enough to hog the bed.”He grumbled even as he fell asleep now that he’d laid down, he was out like a light.
"well... not totally completely." he said with a grin. "Well. lets be honest. even when we're alone, we're still beating up bad guys so that still kind of counts as human contact right?" he asked, his head tilted. "huh... you know, he hasn't noticed. how weird!" he mumbled before smiling a little. "i thin that would be for the best. why, think of all the people who could do perverted things to him if we didn't step in and protect him."

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "sorry Tony. i know you hate that. i shouldn't have said it." he apologized. it was a hold out from the last time he'd ever spoke to people. you called everyone Mr unless they where very close to you. "you are too a bed hog you giant Cat." he huffed right back, looking amused. he was shocked, to say the least, when Bruce silently opened the door an hour later and crept into bed with them. unable to take being alone anymore. Steve just smiled and didn't say a word as Bruce snuggled into Tony and waited for Jarvis to announce that they all had to get up.
“....True. Okay. So we even at our worst, always have contact.”Natasha smiled before snickering. “He hasn’t. Just wait, he’ll figure it out eventually....when he’s done staring at Steve....or Dean’s asses probably.”Well aware tony was happily bisexual. “Hmmm, indeed. We’ll protect him. It’s our civic duty.”

“...Nope. Howard was Mr. Stark, not me. I’m tony.”Tony muttered smiling a little as he was snuggled, “Not a cat. Nope. You’re a cat.”he decided sleepily, squirming happily when bruce joined them, shifting to get comfy, perfectly happy to be snuggled on both sides. When morning came, he slept through jarvis’ announcement that coffee and breakfast were being made, by mr. Winchester, the younger one, should they wish to eat. They’d quickly figured out that while he could scrounge up something, Dean wasn’t to be trusted in the kitchen, he was nearly as bad at it as tony. There was a reason the two ate alot of fast food instead of cookign.
"I met Howard once." Steve admitted. "i kind of hated him a little bit, sorry." Steve wasn't stupid of course, he knew Tony hadn't cared for his old man, which was why he had said it in the first place and tacked on the 'sorry' to make it look as if he hadn't done it on purpose. "I'm too big to b a cat. i'm a dog. one of the mountain breeds." he teased with a chuckle. he smiled as Bruce's stomach growled hours later and he gently nudged the man. "Bruce. wake up. it's time for breakfast." he explained, gently poking Tony to get him at least concussion enough o follow the word Coffee. "No, No. you have to do it like this." Bruce corrected before he started shaking Tony's shoulders. "Tony! Hurry! Pepper and Rhodey are here and their drinking all your booze and drinking all the coffee!" Steve choked on a laugh and clapped a hand over his mouth. that would certainly do it, and if not.... "And they're taking the Candy!" Bruce called, already heading out the door. no way could Tony put up with his two closest friends ransacking his three favorite things. which they had done before.
"Hm. We all sorta hated him."he muttered making a face, shrugging a little.b hmmm youare a good golden retriever. You sorta look like one."he decided sleepily. "What?they're what?"tony yelped as he scam bled off the bed, nearly face planting into the floor as he stumbled over the blankets, in his rush to go stop pepper and rhodey. Looking very annoyed when he realized only pepper was there watcbing sam cook as she ate breakfast.
Steve had to laugh at the others mad scramble to stop Pepper and Rhodey. "you know if you keep doing that he's going to stop reacting." Steve teased Bruce who chuckled. "i know. i don't do it often." he admitted as he followed Tony, pressing a kiss to Tony's forehead as he walked in a few minutes later. "morning." Steve said. he adored Pepper. she was probobly the only person in the tower who ddn't have the cloying need to talk or touch at all times. sometimes when Steve just couldn't handle any more, he join her in her office and did what little he could to help with paperwork. mostly he filed everything for her since he had all but forgotten how to read. he had memorized what kind of paperwork went where and he laid t all in organized piles as she finished so she could focus entirely on the paperwork. "Morning!" Clint called, yawning as he walked in before grinning when Steve blinked at him. "your tows are pink." "yes they are." Clint had painted his own toenails as well.
Tony flushed, whining a little as he was kissed, poking bruce in the shoulder. "That wasn't nice."He grumbled. "Morning."Pepper smiled at the super soldier, sipping her coffee as she watched Tony settle in his normal seat and huddle over his coffee and ignored everyone. Natasha snorted slightly at steve's obeservation, smirking even wider as Sam turned to look at his toes. "They are. He did such a good job with mine, he got rewarded by painting his own."Natasha said smirking a little at clint, kissing him lightly. "....That's sorta frightening. Deadliest archer I know, has pink toes."Tony muttered
"it was hilarious though." Bruce teased Tony with a smile. "and totally worth the revenge i know your planning." he admitted before smiling at Pepper as he settled about making himself some decaffeinated tea. caffeine wasn't good for him, it made him twitchy. "and how is your hangover this morning?" Bruce asked very loudly as Dean dragged his feet into the room. he groaned, cringing away from the sound and Steve frowned a little. "why does Dean have a hangover but Tony doesn't?" "it's because Dean drinks more than Tony." Loki said, sweeping through the room, looking furious. "have any of you seen Thor? i have a need to see if he can survive having his guts spilled all over the floor." he admitted. "or maybe i'll just bash his head into that fancy metal that Stark is so fond of and see which one breaks first." oh dear. Thor was in trouble. "He hasn't been here yet." Steve admitted, looking a bit curious about what could have upset Loki so much. "well he can't hide from me for long." Loki growled, sweeping from the room n a manner tat made Steve think of Severus Snape. "they match his skin tone at least." Bruce admitted, examining the pink toes critically. "he did a good job too."
“”Good. Cause it will be a epic revenge.”Tony grumbled huddling over his coffee, before smiling.”I’m okay.”he said. Looking up when dean walked in, snorting a little. “And because dean didn’t eat the whole time while they were drinking. Tony did.”Pepper said, even if she wasn’t there, she was well aware of how tony got around getting to hungover. While he probably drank as much as dean, he ate and made sure he stayed hydrated while drinking to. “....No.”Tony said looking up at loki wide eyed. “Whatever is wrong?”Sam asked looking at thor worried, before frowning a little wondering what was wrong with thor and loki before nodding. “He did do a good job.”he said looking down as he looked at natasha’s toes, he’d always been fascinated by painted toes.
"I'm sure it will be." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "don't eat when drinking." Dean grumbled. "Makes me sick..." he looked at the Coffee for a moment and then shuffled slowly over to it. "nothings wrong... persay.... except for about fifteen years worth of work and progress ruined because my asshole of a brother touched my things AGAIN!" Loki snarled as he stormed off and Dean froze and glanced around wildly, made eye contact with Tony, who he knew, knew, and slowly slunk out of the room before someone tattled. it hadn't been Thor messing with the magic toys. Dean just hadn't been able to help himself! he was too drunk to know better! he wanted to keep his pretty face. Clint just grinned and wiggled his toes when he noticed Sam was staring. "well. Dean's going to die." Bruce commented. "unless of course Thor does the stupid thing and admits that he's touched Loki's things, innocent or not."
“Ah. No!MY COFFEE!”Tony growled picking up the coffee pot before Dean could get to it, holding it closely, and hissing at dean as he got to close. “Here Dean.”Sam said holding out a cup of coffee towards Dean, looking amused as dean moved out of the room. “....No he’s not. It was totally not his fault!I touched things to.”Tony muttered looking anxious about dean getting in trouble, over what had been a joint drunken insane touching spree." two are going to die."Sam said shaking his head before tearing his eyes away from the wiggling toes going back to his food as it finished cooking
Dean looked startled by the strange protectiveness Tony had about his coffee and accepted the cup from Sam with a mumbled thank you before he decided hiding for his life was more important. "then ou'd probobly better hide too Tony. though Loki will likely forgive you easily enough. curious humans who didn't know better is a lot easier to forgive than a centuries old brother who knows better." Bruce admitted with a smile, Clint giggling into Natasha's shoulder at how fascinated Sam was with their toes and how freaked out Tony and Dean where. "You know. if you fess up he might be a bit more lenient on you." Steve admitted, looking amused.
Tony growled annoyed that dean was even looking at his coffee, sipping it straight out of the pot for a moment before pepper took it away from him. “....Oh. kay.Maybe.”Tony said not looking so sure about that. “I mean....he was upset we were drunk. He wont be happy we touched things drunk.”he muttered. Natasha turned her head looking amused herself, resting her cheek against clint’s head. “You’re enjoying yourself to much.”She muttered quietly as she watched sam’s quiet intensity on eating rather then looking at them. “.....”Tony frowned before bounding up and heading for the door. “Winchester!Get back here!”
"He wasn't upset you where drunk, he was upset Thor kept goading you to drink more when you where a few more shots shy of having to be purged or hospitalized." Bruce mumbled as he chewed on some gross vegetarian meal for breakfast. "he wasn't actually upset that you where drinking." he admitted. "he is asgardian after all." he smiled as he watched Natasha and Clint twist Sam up. the hunter wouldn't last long. "yes i am. it's fun." Clint agreed with a snigger before watching Tony bound off before he winced as something squealed in his ear. "fuck!" he cursed, digging his hearing aid out. "that fuckin wire again." he grumbled, digging out his 'hearing aid, first aid kit' so he could run a minor fix on it, since Shield refused to pay for a new one after he busted three in the same month so he missed Dean helling that he was hiding and he wasn't coming out.
“....oh well. He’s probably still going to be upset we touched his stuff!”Tony whined looking upset and worried about telling loki, but knowing it was probably better to tell the truth, I mean, he’s a god of lies, it was sorta a bad idea to try and lie to him right? “It is”Natasha muttered sounding amused as she started to eat daintly, amused as sam’s eyes followed her fork even if he didn’t seem as fascinated with her finger paint as he did with her toes. “Hm?”Natasha startled a little looking u pat Clint before sighing, shaking her head a little. “You need to tell Tony. You know he’ll go gaga over making something.”She pointed out.

“Dean!Get in here!”Tony said following dean’s voice towards where he was, with jarvis’ help of course, before asking jarvis to simply have loki join them. After all, he could as easily just join dean as he could make the man come out.
"probobly but he'll forgive you." Steve assured Tony. at least, Loki better or Steve was going to turn the god into a pretzel. he chuckled again, watching Clint and Natasha, Clint stealing some of Natasha's food and nibbling on it. "it's not important, Tony's too busy to deal with stupid shit like this." he admitted. problem was, Clint was nearly 70% deaf in both ears. even with the hearing aid, he couldn't hear certain tones or frequencies because they where the cheapest Shield could manufacture. they wouldn't normally have hired him at all because of his 'Handicap', not for field work anyway, if not for his super skills and his years as a child on the street as a thief. "There, see? i'm perfectly capable of fixing it myse...." he blinked when the hearing aid finally died and Clint sighed and removed the one from his other ear. "i don't understand why they expect these to work as well as they do for the office folks, when i get hit in the head almost every single mission." he grumbled, poking at the now dead hearing aid. he'd kept it running for almost another two months, which was actually fairly impressive. "...i'll just have to tell Fury." Clint sighed. he had, until now, kept Fury out of it, because he knew the man was going to be pissed when he found out they where handicapping one of his best agents that way. "I'll take care of it." Bruce said reaching out and snatching up the hearing aids. "how bad off are you?" Clint blinked at him and Bruce sighed and signed it instead. "i'm pretty bad off. it's fine if you talk slower and enunciate a bit more. you hardly move your lips you know." "I know. i'm sorry. i'll work on this for you."Bruce promised, signing one handed, which was actually an advanced trick that Clint knew but most people didn't. it was like the sign language equivalent of short hand. Bruce was then gone, fussing over the 'crap' that Clint had been wearing in his ears and Clint looked at Natasha. " hearing aids where kidnapped."

"Never! Hiding!" Dean yelled back, though it wasn't hard to find him. he was in another kitchen, mking coffee. "whats up?" Dean asked before blanching when Loki walked in. "The Being asked for me to come here?" Loki asked. Jarvis, surprisingly, made Loki nervous and he seamed to think that if he didn't say Jarvis's name, then Jarvis wouldn't know he was being talked about.
“Good. I’ll tell him then.”Tony muttered sounding pleased with that. Natasha huffed a little as her food was stolen, rolling her eyes a little. “Stop that.”Natasha muttered before sighing. “I’d like you trying to tell tony that. You know he’ll be very upset that you didn’t tell him sooner.”Natasha muttered, because while she could tell tony herself, she wouldn’t. Not when she knew it was something clint struggled with, telling others he was deaf, and tony wasn’t nearly observant enough to know that clint needed help. “Tell him.”she ordered.”Before you tell Fury, at least we could tell him then that it’s already been taken care of.”She said before looking up at bruce as the man took the hearing aids, “You and tony are by far the hardest to read. Cause you hardly move your lips, and cause Tony talks a mile a minute.”Natasha said looking interested in the story of how bruce had gotten good at sign language. “They have been kidnapped.”Natasha agreed amused. “Just think, you’ll have better ones soon enough.”sam said talking slower, taking his time. Not sure how hard he’d be to read, so he was taking it easy.

“Coffee!”Tony said moving towards the coffee pot, still sleepy enough that coffee sounded amazing as he moved to kidnap dean’s coffee, before wincing. “I’ve been informed the god will forgive curious humans, rather then his brother. And I’d rather not have Thor pound on us. So.yea.”Tony said looking up when Loki walked in, fidgeting. “Thor’s not the one who messed up your stuff.”He said squirming a little. “We were curious!And it was....there!We were trying to figure out what it did!”
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