Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“....Okay.”sam muttered settling a little at the other’s words, feeling better that he wasn’t weird or crazy. “I’ll bring them up in awhile.”Natasha promised smiling a little as she wathced cas and dean go.

Later Cas sighed softly as he nuzzled his cheek against the other’s shoulder, absently nuzzling him, starting to wake up. “...Dean?You feeling better?”He muttered stirring when he realized the other was mostly awake.
Dean hummed as he was nuzzled. "yeah." he admitted, smiling at Cas. "thanks. sorry." he mumbled. "where's Lisa?" he wondered, realizing they where alone. Lisa was having her nails painted with Natasha and Pepper. he relaxed once he knew where she was and hummed as he enjoyed snuggling with Cas. "so you know... the demon in me? it thinks your his now so... so i don't think you'll have to worry about me attacking you." he admitted, sleep but worried about scaring Cas when he had struggled so hard to keep the fact that he still went Demon a secrete. would the others be scared of him now? be angry?
“Good.”He muttered before smiling softly. “She’s having female bonding with pepper and natasha. I understand this is a normal human thing.”He said before snorting a little. “Even though I’m a angel?”He teased a little, amused that the demon would claim him even if he was a angel. “The others are worried about you....I’d be expecting insane projects from Tony or something, he’s worried that you wont feel at home now with everyone knowing.”
"yeah that's normal." he agreed with a smile. "yeah. especially because your an angel. it makes me feel all kinds of very good to know i claimed something so pure." he admitted with a smile. "to know that you're mine and Lisa's." he admitted before relaxing a little at the promise that no one was unhappy with him. "i like doing science with Tony." he agreed with a smile, watching Cas. "are you upset?" he asked nervously.
“Good. It’s good for her to have girl friends.”He muttered before smiling slightly ,amused at the other’s response. “Not so pure anymore. I mean, you’ve totally had me doing the lust thing.”He teased a little, before smiling. “I’m sure you do. You both make things explode....expect some lab time.”he said before sighing softly. “No...well. Yes. That you didn’t tell me...or sam...but....”he shrugged a little.
"and that's why i was so smug. i twisted you up, corrupted you and made you mine." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i like explosions..." he grimaced and dropped his gaze. "you and Sam worked so hard. risked your lives... died to save me. i didn't want you to think that you had failed..."
“Ah...yes, I could see you being smug about that.”he said flushing a little as he shifted to rest his chin against the other’s chest as he studied the other. Sighing softly. “Dean, you risked your life for us just as much. And you are in control, we risked alot to give that to you. To let you have a life.....even when you are a demon, as long as we’re cautious and you didn’t attack us. It was okay.”
Dean grinned a little. "i'm pretty damn smug about it as a human too." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing. "i know. but... your sacrifices seam so much... more, somehow." he admitted softly. "i'm not always a demon... not really. i just, i get possessive." he mumbled sheepishly, snuggling into Cas. "...i'm really glad you and Lisa where all sneaky." he admitted with a smile. "i'm glad i can be with you."
“Really?Just how smug?”he said lookign the other over, curious and feeling loved, blushing a little. Because it still amazed him this man wanted him. “That’s just cause you can’t see how much you matter to us. It’s worth it, Dee.”he muttered before snorting a little. “I know. And its a cute possessive. Lisa said you get possessive if someone flirts?”He teased a little before smiling at him, “Me to. I’m glad Lisa convinced me that you really did want it...”
"Oh... very." Dean admitted with a grin. "smug enough that i'd rather have you than pie." he admitted before flushing bright red when he was called Dee. he hadn't been called that in a very long time, but it made something warm flutter around inside of him. he liked it. "yeah... sometimes. usually only because Lisa flirts back and i get jealous." he admitted before he smiled at Cas. "i'm glad that you listened." he admitted, hesitating before leaning forward and pressed his lips to Cas's, kissing him. because he could.
"...that's smug indeed. I know how you love pie."he teased looking amused before smiling as the other blushed. It was such a rarity most of the time he was enjoying making him blush."ah....well I don't flirt. The concept is baffling to mr. Or at least I don't think I do."cas said looking cutesy confused before moaning softly as he was kissed, squirming closer so he could kiss the other better
"i really do like pie, but i shared with you so that's saying something." he teased with a smile before huffing. "you're flirting now." he grumbled playfully, smiling at Cas, humming as he was kissed and deepening it. stroking his hands down the others sides, feeling the lean muscles. Cas was so dam sexy.
"It does. I feel loved, more then pie."he teased before smiling a little."oh well I'll trust you to know if I'm flirting or not. I don't mean to...well except when I was seducing you but lisa told me to do that..."he muttered shuddering as she other stroked his sides, a hands sliding over dean's chest, just needing to touch.
"well, a lot of people flirt without realizing it." Dean admitted with a chuckle, groaning as he felt the hands on his skin, breaking the kiss. "we should stop... i don't want to hurt you." he mumbled, kissing Cas agai because he couldn't help Himself.
Cas whined softly at the idea of stopping, kissing the other before raising his head as he considered the other." wont. I know you wont. Youre careful with me, even when I don't need you to be."cas said smiling a little.

Tony looked up from his work table, studying the man in front of him for a long moment, worried about him."Feeling better, steve?"he muttered.
"...i... i want to... i don't know." he admitted,, looking torn because he really, really wanted to keep goig but he was so, so scared of hurting his new lover. "we'll... we'll just... go as far as the other wnts to, right? whoever stops first, that's where we'll stop and be okay with that?" he offered.

Steve looked up at Tony and nodded. "yeah. i'm okay now Tony." Steve promised. using Tony's name specifically so Tony would know Steve knew who he was. "i'm pretty sure i called Pepper 'mom' though so. not sure i'm gonna live that one down." he admitted with smile. "hear you guys had some kind of issue with Dean?" he asked, curious but not judging. "he okay?"
"I want to to."cas smiled a little before nodding at the others words."okay. Whoever stops first, and know that if you stop I won't blame you. Or any other weird stuff you'd think. We'll just stop and take our time. I mean, gay sex is new to you, and you are definitely the one I'm worried about-"heh, cas totally had a habit of nervous talking. That was adorable.

"Awesome."Tony beamed pleased that the other was okay before snickering."you did. Don't worry I'm called her mom in a way worse sort of moment. You'll live this down before I do."Tony teased before wincing a little."he's part demon still, and didn't tell anyone, even sam or cas. Seems he's safe enough, just possessivery over certain things. But he's okay."Tony sighed."well as okay as he could be being my nephew but okay."
Dean smiled a little at Cas and nodded, leaning forward again, kissing him eagerly because Cas was just too damn adorable! he moaned, running his hands along the other, slipping Cas's shirt up and feeling the long, lean muscles with a groan and a shudder. "Gay sex is new to you too stupid."

"well that's true. she is kind of like your mom though." Steve teased with a smile before looking baffled. "part Demon?" he asked, his head tilted. "possessive... well we'll have to make sure not to take those things away from him. easy enough. does he become violent like i do sometimes?" he asked, wondering if Dean was going to become a problem. Steve had some drugs that Bruce used to knock him out if he became a problem, Steve figured Lisa had something to control Dean. "he's your what?" Steve asked, startled. "Tony that's brilliant! granted you're both almost the same age, but that's awesome. how come you're not thrilled? i thought you liked Dean?"
“Technically no, I mean, I understood it, as a angel I’ve seen the act. It just never....human sex was messy and uninteresting to me.”Cas said moaning as he tugged at the other’s shirt, “sliding his hands over the others skin with a shudder. “Until you. But I don’t seem to be having as many problems thinking about it as you do.”He muttered.

“....Well. She might be. She’s totally that mother you want to screw. I have a hot mom.”Tony said pleased with the thought before nodding. “Yea. Easy enough. It’s so far a list is right now, it includes, lisa, cas, pie, and probably ben.”Tony said before frowning. “He got growlly and upset, and as long as we were cautious about things and let Lisa and Cas talk to him, he didn’t seem to be violent.”Tony shrugged before smiling. “Nephew. Him and sam.”He said slouching, fiddling with his new toy he was making, “Cause my family never likes me. Dean’ll eventually realize I’m not awesome, or good, or amazing like I tell everyone, and he’ll stop being friends with me.”Tony muttered cause while he liked sam to, it was dean he’d bonded the most with.
"well that's true. i hope you like the idea of having sex with Lisa too?" he asked with a smirk before flushing hard. "i'm sorry. i don't mean to have so many issues..." he mumbled. "i love you... i'm just... a bit nervous." he admitted softly, ducking his head and examined Cas's chest, wondering if... he lowered his head and traced the nipple with his tongue. that drove Lisa wild, would Cas have a similar reaction?

"I dunno. i'd rather screw her son." Steve flirted with a smile. "or sons. in the case being that she's kind of adopted everyone." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "i can see why Dean would be pretty overprotective of Lisa Cas and Ben... pie? really?" Steve asked, looking amused. "well if he's not violent then i don't see why we have to be overly worried about it." Steve admitted before smiling a little before sighing. "Tony? how much of your family have you ever met. your father, right? you're father was a sick, twisted individual who, from what i understand, would have gotten along with John Winchester wonderfully. Dean is almost as desperate for a family as you are." he admitted. "he adores you Tony. he looks up to you. he's not going to hate you all of a sudden just because your family. in fact it's more likely to make him trust and like you even more." he admitted.
“Hm, it looks messier then this. I am...but I don’t know what I’m doing. Or doing here really.”Cas muttered before sighing, leaning down to press a kiss to the other’s head. “I didn’t mean to make you nervous. Just point out that you’re more nervous then me. I’m sorry....”He muttered nuzzling the other a little, “I’m making a mess of this.”The angel said sounding so sad at the idea, before moaning, his head falling back as dean licked his nipple, whimpreing softly.

“....Really?Well-I-”he sputtered before pausing, “....You want to have sex?With multiple people?I didn’t think you liked sex.”Well, that explained why he hadn’t been flirting to much. “Hm, yea. And pie, definitely obsessive about pie.”Tony agreed snickering a little before shaking his head. “No, not overly worried. Just cautious.”He said before frowning, staring down a little as he poked at the electrical thing. “....My mom to. And a few uncles I think.”Tony muttered frowning a little, biting his lip. “....I don’t believe you. He’s totally going to freak out sometime I think....”
"well Lisa will certainly teach you." Dean promised with a chuckle. "you're doing me, obviously." he said before smiling a little. "i think i should bottom first." he admitted. "because you can heal me if it hurts." he admitted. "i don't think it will, cus you'll stop if i say it hurts, but just in case." he admitted. "or we can research it more first, that might be a better idea but i'm really horny." he admitted. "maybe we should decide here, nothing more than... uhm... two fingers?" he paused. "better make it one. just in case." he decided before smiling at Cas. "you're not making a mess of anything." he promsied.

"well. no. not really. i don't think i'm... i don't want to lose y virginity to just anyone you know? i'm over ninety years old, i want it to be special. but that doesn't mean i don't want to do other things." he admitted. "i'm all for mutual hand jobs or blow jobs or cuddles." he admitted before chuckling a little. "an obsession with pie. that's hilarious." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "your mom didn't love you because she was forced to marry a man she hated ad have his child. that was no fault of yours. as for your uncles, with Howard as a father, they where probobly just as disgusting." he admitted. "it's not your fault, Tony. you where lucky enough to skip the nasty gene. that's why they didn't like you. you weren't like them, and that's a good thing." he promised. "and you should believe me.i'm ninety years old. i'm well more stubborn than you." he admitted. "and i'm always right."
“Good, I think I’ll enjoy Lisa teachiing me.”He said smirkinga little before laughing softly. “So I am....and yes. That would be best. Healing myself doesn’t work, but I can heal you if I have to.”he said looking relieved at the idea, squirming a little.”I am not going to go ask sam or clint again, I’m to horny, adn that was traumatizing.”He grumbled a little before nodding slightly. “Okay. Just one.”he agreed before frowning a little. “I usually do. It’s sorta of my curse you know. Messing things up.”

“Ah, yes that would be a reason to make it special.”He agreed tilting his head a little before snorting. “I’m sure you’ll find someone who wants that.”he said blushing a little before snickering. “Cuddles are awesome.”He agreed before frowning a little, considering that. “ tried as best she could I think...she took care of me when I was sick...”he muttered before wincing at the idea of his uncles, sighing quietly. Thinking it over before nodding a little. “okay....yes. I guess that’s true. Both you and cas would be experts in being stubborn then...if age equals stubborness."
"I'm very sure you will." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "yeah exactly. that and i think i'm a little bit more curious about the experience." he admitted before laughing. "i was thinking we'd ask Jarvis." he admitted. "He'd know where to find all the information we need right?" he asked with a smile. "or Natasha. she seams well put together." he admitted before smiling at Cas. "yeah. me too. it's why we fit so well together." he informed Cas. "now shut up and make me feel good." he ordered, pulling the other down for some more kissing, stroking every bit of Cas's skin he could find.

"yeah. well the entire tower would be more than willing. but, i have y eye on someone." Steve admitted with an affectionate look at Tony. "your mom cared for you in her own way i suppose but she was in no way a good mother." he admitted. "well, life experience denotes stubbornness too. you and Dean are about matched but neither of you are matched for me and i am in no way a comparison to Cas." Steve admitted with a smile.
“Well then, we’ll just have to slack your curiosity wont we?”he snickered a little looking a little relieved. “yes. Jarvis or natasha, that would be a better choice.”He snickered a little before tilting his head considering that.”I guess.”He looked amused as he laughed into the kiss, sighing softly as he kissed him back, hands stroking the others skin,everything and everywhere he could reach before pulling away, frowning slightly. “....Do we have lube?”She said.

“Ahhh. Okay. Good luck.”Tony was so dense sometimes. “...Yea, she did. I guess. And I thought all mothers were like her, till I went to college, and met rhodey’s mom.”He muttered. “Having her fuss and worry and do stuff for me, was a trip.”He said before snorting. “Well, then I’ll give up the fight now, I don’t feel liek being stubborn and losing.”He looked amused.
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