Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

"well good. Tony was probobly the best person to go to really." she admitted with a smile. "good. and i bet he'll be very happy when he finds yours too."she teased with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "it will be fun to teach you." she agreed with a grin. "maybe you can show me how to find you're 'spot' eh?" she asked with a grin before smiling at him. "i know. but my body can't handle that." she pointed out, kissing Cas on the nose before deepening her kiss with a smile, using tongue and teeth. "hey... you havn sex?" Dean asked sleepily.
“Hm, yes. Better then sam. Though I know Sam didn’t mean to freak us out that much.”Cas said smiling a little before flushing, looking amused. “He said he was going to look later. I am very interested. It’ll be good for him to find.”Cas grinned a little before shivering, nodding a little. “I will show you. And show you to find dean’s to. He gets all cute and squirmy when you find it.”Cas said before nodding. “I know, doesn’t make me feel better.”He said going a little cross eyed as she kissed his nose, moaning softly as the other kissed him, groaning as he sloppily kissed him back. It was messy and unskilled, but he was getting better, pulling away as dean spoke, looking over at the other from where he’d wrapped his arms around lisa, holding her close. “Not yet.”
"i'm sure he didn't but he and Clint both seam to think the more information the better." she admitted. "not necessarily a good thing." she admitted. "it will be good for him to find." she agreed with a chuckle before grinning. "oh i just bet he does." she agreed. "he does some very cute things when you play with his nipples too." she admitted. "i know." she admitted, smiling at him, rubbing his shoulder. "it won't take me long to heal." she promised. "and Ben's grades have skyrocketed too." she admitted with a chuckle before humming as she kissed him eagerly. "good kissing." she gasped, panting a little before chuckling at Dean who sighed and slumped back into the bed. lazy. not that it was a surprise. Dean was always lazy.
“Hm, probably.”Cas looked amused before snickering a little as he nodded in agreement that it would be good for dean to find it. “Hm, yes. He was squirmy when I played with those to.”Cas giggled a little relaxing a little as she rubbed his shoulders, trelaxing under the touch before smiling. “Well, having both his uncle sam, uncle tony, and uncle bruce here, I’m not surprised his grades are going up.”he looked amused before grinning at her praise as he panted. “You to.”he said before looking down at dean, snorting. “lazy cat.”He teased.
"he's just all around squirmy." she agreed with a grin. "i doubt you'll be much better." she teased, smiling at him. "that's true. he's really having a lot of fun here. someone is always up for helping him with his homework. it's wonderful." she admitted before smiling a little as she shook her head at Dean who ust hummed. "Dean, get up and get food. i'm starving." she ordered, making Dean whine but obediantly force himself to his feet and shuffle out to get food.

"Sir." Jarvis spoke to Tony. "Captain Rogers is lost. He wishes for you to go and pick him up as he is not sure where he is... or when."
“He is....and probably not. Though he’s louder then I am.”Cas giggled a little before looking relieved, glad to hear that. “Yea. I’m glad he is. I know dean will be glad to know he’s happy here. And you to.”He said before snorting a little at dean’s laziness. “We should reward him for being so good, and getting us food.”He said smiling a little watching the man leave, settling in to wait for food.

“Hm?Dammit.”Tony winced, looking upset that steve was lost, before nodding, even if steve couldn’t see it. “Tell him I’m on my way. I’ll be there.”Tony promised as he let jarvis direct him to where the man was, having not even bothered to change out of the work clothes he’d been, grease stained and oil slicked hair, simply putting on his shoes to go out and find his wayward captain.
"he is fairly vocal." she agreed with a grin, not that she was one to talk. "i am very happy here." she admitted with a smile. "Tony looked so shy when i told him how grateful i was that he lets us all stay here." she admitted with a smile before snickering a little at Cas. "we should reward him, i agree." she hummed. "how do you suppose we should do that?" she asked him with a grin, watching as Dean came back up with a huge tray loaded with all the things that Clint liked to cook while he was still a bit floaty. and of course, there was a pie. a big pie with a big D on it marking it as 'Dean's Pie'. Dean was, needless to say, extraordinarily happy about that.

Steve had somehow managed to get so turned around that he had ended up in the ruined slums of abandoned Brooklyn and Steve was sitting on a park bench, following the trails of people who weren't there, looking up when he saw Tony, giving him a fluttery sort of smile. "sometimes, my mind makes my memories so intense, they become real." he admitted. "so i see all the people i'm used to seeing as if they're right there... i passed a bakery, one from back when i was younger. me and Bucky used to go there, and i could have sworn, just for a moment, that i had seen him... what year is it? i can't... seam to recall." Steve admitted. Tony hadn't finished the watch yet so Jarvis hadn't been able to actively help, but there was a panic button on Steve's phone now. all he had to do was press it and Jarvis assessed the situation and summoned help.
B you're well matched in that area I think."cas looked amused before nodding "he is shy about slot of things. Just don't bring attention to the fact he's being shy, and he'll go back to normal."cas said before smiling."we could feed him that pie. Let him be lazy."cas said looking amused at how happy dean looked with his pie.

Tony smiled a little as he walked up to the other, easing down onto the bebch with him.yea I have some memories like that..."he said smiling a litthe tilting his head slightly."it's 2016, steve...I'm sorry nothing is the same anymore...."tony said looking upset he couldn't make things better.
"he is shy." she agreed with a smile. "and i know." she admitted with a nod. "he's just so super cute." she admitted with a chuckle before smirking at Dean as he settled in the bed with a fork in one hand and the pie in the other. "you're not going to share?" Lisa teased him, making him frown a little before sighing and offered her the pit with a sulk because he'd always share with Lisa and Cas even if he didn't want to.

Steve offered him a smile. "oh yes. i remember now. thanks." he said before shaking his head. "it's better that it's different. i'd never be able to tell whats memory otherwise." he admitted. "i'm sorry i'm such a pest." Steve apologized. "Bruce says that the shock of suddenly being thrust into society again is making my brain misfire more, but that it would get better." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "thanks for coming to get me." he checked his watch. "wanna go get some coffee and a slice of pie?" he offered. "my treat?"
“He is really cute.”Cas agreed before smirking a little at dean, tilting his head a little cause it was amusing to see him like that. “I thought we were rewarding him. Making him share pie just seems mean.”Cas teased a little a little to cuddle close to dean, touchy feely now that he knew he was allowed to touch, having been yelled at by dean in the past for personal space, it was good to not have to worry about it now.

“You’re welcome.”Tony said before frowning a little thinking about that. “Yea...I guess your right.”He said before shaking his head. “You’re not a pest. Pepper tells me I need to get out of the lab anyways sometimes.”Tony said before nodding “Yea, it could be that. As you adjust you’ll be better.”He agreed before smiling, “You’re welcome...and yea. I mean, if you don’t mind being seen in public with me like this.”He said gesturing to the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing, that looked like he’d dragged them out of pepper’s ‘these are rags, not clothes anymore’ bag, which was exactly where he’d gotten the worn and grease and oil stained clothes, his hair sticking up every which way with grease and simply his hands going through it.
Dean grinned a little. "yeah! reward me, no stealing y pie... HEY!" Lisa reached over and shoved her fingre through the crust, making Dean sulk. "that was mean..." he whined as he snuggled into Cas, enjoying the touch now that he wasn't scared of it now. he didn't have to worry about cheating onLisa or being gay now so it was okay. "Cas! she broke my pie!"

"i am a bit of a pest." he admitted with a smile. "you do need to get into the fresh air from time to time." he agreed. "i didn't ask you for pie because i cared about personal hygiene Tony." Steve assured him with a chuckle. "personally, i think you look cute like that." he admitted. "and you don't stink so it's fine." he promised. "come on. i found a Cafe a while ago with a great outdoor area. i think the sun would do you some good." he admitted with a smile.
“We will-”Cas paused laughing out loud as lisa shoved her finger into the pie, smirking as he grabbed her hand and stuck her finger in his mouth and giving it a long suck, swirling his tongue around it. “Hmmm, pie’s good.”He said smirking a little as he looked up at the other, “It was mean. But it was good pie. You need a better reward now that she broke your pie.”

“Not much of one.”He shrugged before pouting. “I do not. I go out enough, i don’t need to go out more.”he whined a little before snorting. “hey, I have good personal hygiene, I showered and everything this morning. I’ve just spent my morning under my car, it’s messy.”Tony grinned a little before nodding, “Okay. And I get plenty of sun!This tan isn’t natural you know.”he said pouting as he followed the other.
Lisa gasped, her pupils widening as Cas suckled on her finger. "....oh my god that's so mean." Lisa complained, making Dean snigger as he dug into his pie, humming happily as he chewed on his bite. "i'm good with the pie." Dean murmured happily before he smirked at as. "i'd ask for a sexual favor but i'm not sure you'd ever say no, so i'll stick to the pie for now." he admitted with a grin.

"that's because you like me." Steve pointed out with a chuckle. "you do need to get out more." he huffed before grinning at Tony a little. "that's true enough." he agreed. "i don't know much about cars, but i should go and get my bike sometime." he decided. "i think you'd love it." he admitted before smiring at Tony. "i know it's not natural. it's just dyed that color from oil and grease." he teased with a chuckle, letting Tony lead him back into the city proper so he could orient himself and lead the way to the Cafe Steve had seen.
“Hmmm, well you were mean to Dean.”Cas said giving her a wide, innocent smile before raising his eyebrows at the other. “Why would me saying no have anything to do with what you ask?”He asked curious as he rested his head against the other’s shoulder.

“Hm, true. Anyone else would be a nuisance probably.”Tony agreed before sulking.”Do not.”he grumbled before nodding. “You should. I enjoy working on bikes and’s something easy. Relaxing that I just have to build, instead of designing something.”Tony shrugged before whining. “No it’s not!It’s a suntan, not a stain. Take that back.”The billionaire flailed, looking utterly ridculous and happy though, grinning as he teased the other, getting them back into the city proper then following steve.
"i was mean to Dean." she agreed with a grin before snickering as Dean grinned. "i'm pretty sure you wouldn't like my suggestion of smearing this pie all over you and licking you clean." he teased, snuggling Cas happily and every once and a while, fed Cas or Lisa a bite of pie because he was sweet that way.

"probobly." Steve agreed with a smile. "i know the others would just as happily help me too but i always feel... i don't know. safer with you." he admitted to Tony. "more settled." he admitted, smiling at the other. "even with my brain all scrambled, i think moving in with you and the others is the best thing i've ever done." he admitted with a smile. "we'll have to go back to my place to get the rest of my stuff then. i'll need a pretty decent sized trailer though. I'm sure you'll let me borrow one?" he asked with a smile. he had a feeling Tony was going to orgasm when he saw Steve's collection. "i won't. i won't take it back. try and make me." he teased with an impish grin as he indicated the Cafe he had seen. it was certainly a lovely looking place.
“you should apologize with kisses. Or show him how to find the spot. Or tell him.”Cas said looking wide eyed and so innocent, you just knew he was jerking dean’s chain before pausing. “....that would be messy. Maybe if we did it not on the bed.”Cas said making a face at the idea of making such a mess, smiling a little as he ate the pie.

“They would....and thansk for that. It’s rare people feel better with me around.”Tony snickered a little, because he knew it was true. “Good. Everyone should want to livewith me.”He said looking pleased with the idea that steve thought it was a good thing to live with him, before nodding. “I don’t have one, but I’ll have pepper get one. I’ll totally go with you, help pack up things. Bet we can get Dean to help to. Him being all sweaty and strong will totally get cas and lisa going.”Tony snickered a little before huffing, shoving the other a little as he walked into the cafe. “You will take it back! It’s not true!It’s not!”He whined.
"oh i'll do those things anyway." Lisa admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head before snickering. "Cas? we love you, but we're not ding that kind of sex in a bathtub." she admitted with a grin as she accepted another bite of pie. "so i hear you need to be taught how to find my spot?" she teased Dean who nodded. "and you do such a good job of it all on your own already." she admitted. nuzzling him.

"you underestimate yourself." Steve admitted with a smile. "a lot of people really like being around you." he admitted with a smile before smiling. "well in that case, we should get Sam to join us to drive Clint and Natasha wild." he admitted playfully, snickering when Tony shoved him. or rather, tried to shove him. Steve didn't budge. Tony did. "good morning. can we get two cups of your best coffee and some.... apple pie for me? Tony what kind of Pie do you want?"
“Hm, true.”Cas snickered before sulking, frowning a little. “Fine. Okay. You don’t have to be so amused that I don’t like messes.”he sulked a little as he looked at the two, accepting his own bite of pie before snickering. “Don’t tell him that. His ego’s big enough as it is, we don’t need him to know he does well with accidently finding things. I’ll have to live with him accidentally thinking he’s a genius on a hunt or something.”Cas teased kissing dean lightly to show he was just teasing.

“Don’t think so. I think teh rest of you are insane really, for willingly living with me, but it’s okay. I like insane people, things are interesting then.”He giggled a little before nodding. “We should do that. Especially since I hear their evening did not go as well as they had hoped.”He only knew that cause he’d been worried and simply asked jarvis to make sure they were well, not prying more then just seeing how things had gone, and make sure no one needed a doctor or anything. Whining a little when the other didn’t move, stumbling a step himself. “A slice of cherry, and a slice of strawberry.”He blushed a little. “I’m hungry. Haven’t eaten today yet.”
"i do have to be amused because sex is messy and humans are messy and your doing both." Dean teased with a smile before smiling. "i think my ego is perfect." he admitted with a nod. "and i am totally a genius." he sniffed, sulking a little before smiling as he fed himself and his lovers. "we should go out on a date. all three of us."

"of course we're insane. we all just did war games with blue aliens and one of those aliens is living with us." he pointed out. "we're all completely out of our minds." he admitted with a smile. "did Sam have a panic attack?" Steve guessed with a grimace. "i'm sure Natasha and Clint where able to walk him through it, it would explain why Clint was cooking all Sam and Dean's favorites this morning when i left for my jog." he admitted before he scowled at Tony. "Tony!" he scolded, shaking his head. "a plate of sandwiches too please." he asked the waitress who giggled and wrote that downand headed off to get the orders as Steve led Tony outside so they could sit in the fresh air.
“...Sex is messy. But it also feels good, and I am assured that I can convince you that you can have sex in a shower. Sometime. I’ll be okay with the mess”He looked amused a little, even if he was still pouting. “Hm, you would think it was perfect. And you’re not a genius. Accidentally having your half baked plans of go in and shooting everything work, does not mean your a genius. Just that Sam is a better shot then you.”He teased before nodding, “We should. When lisa is feeling better, we will.”

“...Hm. That’s true and that alien is amazing. He’s teaching me stuff. It’s great.”Tony grinned before nodding a little. “He did. I didn’t ask, but dean’s not the only one with bad memories....Nat just walked him through the was okay. But yea, it would. Probably wanted to make sam feel better, and keep dean from beating him up for upsetting sam.”Tony snorted a little, before huffing a little. “Thanks Cap.”He said ducking his head a little at being scolded.
"we like shower sex so, yes. you would have a high probability of receiving that." Lisa promised Cas with a chuckle. "it's totally perfect." he huffed before scowling a little. "oops!" he said, purposely dropping pie down Cas's chest, smiling innocently as Lisa laughed and leaned over, licking the mess off of Cas's chest, giggling. "...i think she's feeling better."

"Loki is pretty cool. Thor's a bit of a jock but he's nice enough." he admitted with a smile. "i'm not sure i feel very safe with you and Bruce and Loki making things together. just promise me we're not all going to wake up as kittens okay?" he asked with a smile before he nodded. "it's good, maybe he'll heal a little bit." he admitted. "I'm not sure Dean would actually hurt Clint." he admitted with a smile before sighing as he reached out and tussled Tony's hair. "someone clearly has to take care of you." Steve informed him. "from now on i'm bringing you breakfast. no buts." he ordered, smiling at Tony. "i like cooking, so it's a good reason to start getting creative with my meals." he admitted, smiling at the waitress as she started passing out the pie, sandwiches and coffee.
“Hm, now that sounds fun.”Cas said smiling a little before yelping as the pie hit his chest, staring down at it, whimpering softly as lisa licked him clean, shuddering as he looked up at dean. “yes. I think she is to.”he agreed sighing softly as he rested his head against dean’s shoulder.

“Indeed he is.”Tony agreed before huffing. “I wouldn’t turn us into kittens!Even if I would be a awesome kitten. I’d be the cutest.”Tony huffed a little before nodding. “Hopefully he will. They’ll be good for him....and I’m not so sure. He’s so protective of Sam, I doubt he’d pause to figure out what happeend first.”He said before sulking a little as his hair was ruffled, blushing a little. “No!I can take care of myself. Really.”He whined a little, only half protesting even as he started to eat happily.Starving now that he had food in front of him
Dean grinned when Cas whimpered and Lisa chuckled a little as they all snuggled in. "i wonder how Sammie's doing?" Dean mumbled. "he had a bit of a panic attack according to Sam." he admitted. "we should go check on him later." Dean mumbled.

"You would totally turn is into kittens. you, Bruce and Loki would think it would be hilarious." he stated with a snicker and a shake of his head. "you would be the cutest kitten. shall i call you that from now on?" he asked with a sly grin. "Cute Kitten?" he asked with a smile before nodding. "yes, but Dean knows better than anyone what a panic attack can do." Steve admitted. "he has them often enough." he admitted. "we all do. we're the best people to help each other." he admitted before smiling. "you could, but i think you'd rather have someone take care of you." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i think you'd rather let someone else take care of the minor details like food and sleep." he admitted with a smile. "let me take care of that for you so you can focus on the big things, yeah?"
Cas smiled a little, before looking at the other, “we will. He’s probably hiding out in his room, feeling horrible and angsty.”Cas muttered sighing softly.

“.....Okay. Maybe. But not sam. If we changed sam and dean into something, it’ll be a moose and squirrel.”Tony giggled a little before huffing a little, but not protesting the new name. “I am not a kitten. I don’t act like one.”Oh yes he did. “....true.”Tony said relaxing a little, not as worried about his friends now. “We really are. It’s awesome having this many people around that understand.”he smiled a little before wrinkling his nose, not disagreeing, cause it was true. It was one of the reasons him and pepper didn’t work as a couple, but as freinds, yes, cause she got tired of looking after her boyfriend like she was his mother, but could live with simply looking after him if he needed her to. “Yea, okay.”
"...okay you have permission to do that only if you make me a golden retriever, Clint a Hawk and Natasha some sort of hunting feline." he ordered with an impish grin. "maybe a Lynx?" he mused, his had tilted before he smiled at Tony. "Smug, self assured of his own superiority, extreme lazy but also very quick to become engaged in what appears to be silly tasks. tears through the tower at highly random intervals." he smirked at Tony. "you are very much a kitty cat." he admitted with a smile. "it is kind of nice, even if it's hard sometimes. being around so many people when your used to being alone is... Pepper is brilliant, coming up with that red ribbon idea." he admitted with a smile. "you and Bruce started that didn't you?" he asked curiously before smiling at Tony, reaching out and gently stroked the others lip, clearing a bit of pie the other had missed. "i kind of like taking care of you." he admitted with a smile. "now finish your pies, eat a couple more sandwiches and we'll head back and check on Sam, i know your worried." he admitted.
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