
Jackie smiled a little as she looked around the blue room that had more pillows then she’d ever need, fluffy blankets and socks, cause she got cold easily these days. It seems pregnancy made her starving and easily upset. “You’re welcome.”She smiled at him as she settled into the couch, taking the remote, and she searched for something to watch. Biting her lip as she considered what to watch, before snickering as she realized they were playing glimore girls. “Teasing Jared about this was going to be great. He looks so young.”She giggled a little, starting to calm down even if she was still upset. Resisting the urge to go over and climb into the chair with him, just wanting held, but not trusting herself with him. She should have just called Sebastian.....”I’m scared Jen....I don’t know what I’m gonna do...”she said staring at the floor.
Jensen let out a hearty chuckle. "Oh, yes, quite fun." He agreed, an evil smirk on his face. H e was getting an idea for an episode which would break the fourth wall a bit. "I think I should talk to the writers. Alexis bledel might be fun to get into the show" he commented, chuckling. Such fun. He frowned a little bit at her nexg words, puting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "We'll all help you, Javkie. Krys would roast that asshat alive if she had seen what I did tonight. We're here for you." He promised, but what he really meant was "i'm here for you"
“it would.”She smiled before laughing, snorting a little. “You should. Jared would probably laugh himself silly.”She said, sighing softly, Looking up at him, she smiled a little. “I know....he’s just a ass who’s going to make it miserable to be a mother...and I really did want to enjoy the experience....just not with him.”She sighed a little rubbing a hand over her still flat stomach. “He scares me Jen. And just cause he’s demanding and can provide for a kid better then I can right now...He’s...”She stopped, shrugging a little, tilting her head as she looked up at him, reaching up to rest a hand on his forearm, squeezing a little. “Thanks Jen.”
Jensen chuckled. "Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on her role. I was thinking she would be his hunter love interest who is also a book reading badass." He admitted, smirking at just the thought. He nodded at her next comments, squeezing her hand lightly. "I can understand. But don't worry. He evenbtries to lay a handbon you again, You call the cops. Krys and I will serve him good." He promised, trying to be of help. He just wanted her safe. He smiled ablittle. "You're welcome, jackie."
"Hm I can see it. Jared would probably hurt you for it, but it'd be funny."she smiled at him before looking down, away from him before the thoughts that had spilled into her mind could show on her face. Not even wanting him to realize she'd thought he'd be a good dad. Definitely to serious for that. Sighing wuietly as she nodded, starting to calm down."I will. I'll call them but we're leaving soon, and hiding out with sebastian in Vancouver will definitely mean no run in with ian."she sighed quietly before standing, wavering a little on her fert, having every intent of simply get comfortable on the couch again before her eyes widened as the movement made her brush up against him. Jerking back,"s-sorry."
Jensen chuckled. "Maybe, but I can take him. I'm stronger than I look." He flexed dramatically, smirking at her. It was just part of his personality to be silly, but he was also trying to make her feel better. He knew that thing with Ian had been rough on her. He nodded at her next comment. "Just tell krystal in general. She'll bar ian from coming to any of the cons in her hotels. Luckily, that's most of them" he admitted, hoping to add comfort. He needed her to be okay, ornhe wouldn't feel like he'd helped at all.
Jackie laughed, bright and amused as he flexed."you look plenty strong. You hauled me around like I weigh nothing safer all."she looked amused."I'll tell her."well aware he'd probably mention it to krystal himself anyways. Sighing softly as she sat down, looking amused at the man standing in front of her, ignoring the need, and simply leaning forward, resting her head against his stomach. Closing her eyes."thanks jen. You really didn't have to stay you know."
Jensen grinned. "I'm a hunter. I need to be stong." He replied with a wink, just being playful. He was glad she was feeling better. She had been really shaken up before. He smiled at her. "Good. She needs to know. Poor thing worries more about you than you realize." He admitted, having talked at length with the other woman about many things. She was like a sister. When she laid her head on his stomach, he ran a soft hand through her long hair. He took a sip of his beer. "Its really no trouble, Jackie. You mean a whole lot to me, and I don't like seeing the people I love in turmoil. I'm always here if yoh need me." He promised, and he felt a sort of dejavu as he said it. Why did it feel like he'd done this before?
“Hm, you are a hunter.”She snickered looking amused at his words. Relaxing and settling, definitely stepping away from worrying about ian. “I know she does. And especially with Ian trying to keep us apart.....I try not to worry her.”she sighed a little, shivering a little as he ran a hand through her hair, smiling softly at his words. Even if she knew she needed to get away from him before this went further, got to out of hand, she nuzzled her face against his stomach, sighing a little at the feel of corded muscles against her cheek, shifting to look up at him. “I’ll be okay. Not the first time Ian’s ruined a evening.”
Jensen nodded. "Yeah, I can tell. She really adores you you know. You should hear her talk about you. Like a doting mother hen." He replied with a chuckle, bushing just slightly at being nuzzled. He could feel himself stirring in his jeans, and it made him worry. He couldn't do that to Daneel, but at the same time, it felt natural to be with Jackie on that level. He ran another soft hand through her hair, hoping she didn't notice his raising problem. "I hope so. You were so shaken before. You had me worried."
“I know.I adore her to. She’s good for me.”She smiled a little, before snorting. “maybe a doting mother hen.”She said with a slight smile before drawing away, realizing she needed to get away from him. He was married. She couldn’t do this to him, or his wife. Feeling guilty and slutty, looking pained and hurting as she drew away from his hand as he played with her hair. “Ian has that effect. But avoiding him is the best option.”She sighed a little avoiding his eyes, even if she hadn’t felt his problem, she was feeling warm and wet and needy from simply leaning into him, this was getting out of hand. It really had never been in control. This was definitely a bad idea. She shouldn’t have invited him in. Looking away from him, anxious and upset again, but over a different reason as she got up, moving away from him. “I’m good. I promise, Jackles.”She muttered.
Jensen nodded, chuckling a little as he agreed. "Yeah. But its pretty hard not to love her back. She's like a kitten." He admitted, smiling at her. He frowned a little at the expression and the way she pulled away, but he understood. "Fair enough. But you better be. I'll go then, unless there's something else you need?" His head was screaming at him to just let it happen and let them fall into bed together, but he loved his wife to much yo do that to her. The pull was strong, but he was, in essence, a winchester. He could resist, boner or not.
“Yea, she is.”She smiled a little, nodding as she stared at the floor. Feeling sick and pained, hating it. Swallowing hard, sighing softly. “N-no. I’m okay.”She promised even though she wanted to simply sliding her hands over his chest, pull him close. Feeling wet and ache, needing him, but knowing she needed to resist. She liked him enough to not want to ruin his life, didn’t want to fuck his life six ways to Sunday. “...Go. Seriously, Jensen. I’m fine.”She said heading for the door, opening the door to let him out, so carefully staying out of reach, and so she wouldn’t touch him accidently, or looking at him. Not wanting to look to closely at what she was feeling.
Jensen nodded, agreeing he really adored her too, and krystal and she were already apart of the supernatural family. "Okay, as long as you're sure." He replied, walking to the door and leaning in to kiss her cheek, but because she moved, he missed and kissed her lips. Once again the lust and love took over, but there was no one there to snap him out of it. What the hell was happening to him?
“I am.”She promised startled as he kissed her, whimpering softly as she kissed him back. Blinking slowly, trying to remember that she needed to pull away. Needed to get away from him before she fucked up his life. Even as she raised her hands, tangling her fingers in short hair, glad that for once, she was nearly as tall as him, leaning into him as she kicked the door shut, leaning into him more, backing him back into the room. Panting as she pulled away, eyes dark and wide with lust, twitching, hands still tangled in his hair. coming up for air, panting softly. "Y-you need to go."She muttered even as she leaned back in to kiss him, even if she knew she needed to get him away from her, she whimpered at the idea of him fucking her against the door, to desperate and needy to even get as far as they bed.
Jensen nodded. "Good. I hope you stay that way." He replied, startled himelf as he kissed her. It had been a simple mistake, but it seemed like every simple mistake turned into a makeout session with them. "I know... I should..." he muttered softly, embarrassed and blushing that he let himself get so carried away. He instinctively closed the distance as she lened into kiss hom, playing with herbhair. "Fuck... Well, if i'm gonna go down, I might as well do it well" he thought to himself, turning them around so that he had her pinned, ripping his shirt off, erection now full blown. He knew this was wrong, but he just couldn't take it anyblonger. Maybe if he really did take her, the crazy attraction he couldn't control would stop. He hoped so, anyway...
Jackie winced a little at his words, flushed herself because she knew it’d been a mistake. He hadn’t meant to kiss her. Feeling slutty and horrible even as her fingers tightened in his hair, drawing him in for a hard kiss before groaning as he pinned her, whimpering softly. “Jen....”She muttered definitely the start of a protest that broke out with a whine when she realized she really was pinned and couldn’t get away, hands running over his chest. Hips rocking into his as she squirmed. She was going to hell, she knew it, but what a way to go. And maybe if they got it out of their systems, that would be the end of it.
Jensen looked her in the eyes while he had her pinned. "Whatever you're thinking about yourself right now, stop. I probably would have kissed you anyway." He admitted matter of factly before kissing and nipping at her neck aand taking off her shirt button my button with his teeth. There wasn't anyone here to snap them out of it this time, and Jensen was going crazy. Every little touch brought him closer to coming right in his pants. If only someone was there to bring them back to reality.b
Jackie looked up at him, trembling ever so slightly as s he leaned back against the door, “....Okay.”She muttered though she didn’t sound so sure, and she was hating herself a little bit even as she moaned squirming as her shirt was undone, tugging at his belt buckle, not even bothering to try to get his shirt yet, feeling to desperate for him that she wasn’t sure they’d even make it out of all of their clothes before they fucked.squirming and needy as she slid a hand into his jeans as soon as she had them undone, stroking him slowly.”Jensen...”She muttered quietly, nuzzling his neck a little biting down gently.
Jensen pulled his shirt off, kissing and nipping her all over as he pulled her bra off, startkng to suck on one of her breasts hungerly. "You really are beautiful, A rún mo chroí" he purred in gaelic, someting he seldom spoke in. Not even Daneel knew that he spoke it fluently. He moaned as she started to touch his shaft, throwing his head back. He could barely control himself now as he dropped her jeans. "I need you, Jackie" he breathed, kissing herbagain as he thrust up into her hand and towards her entrance.

(uh ROON muh KHREE Literally “Secret of my heart.")
Jackie whimpered quietly at his words, squirming a little, clinging to him at his words. Even if she didn't know what he'd said, she responded to it, clinging to him tighter, hands fisting in his hair. Shivering as she watched his head go back, eyes wide as she considered him, enjoying the amazement that he had such a reaction to a simple touch, moaning as he thrust into her, leaning back against the wall, wrapping her legs around his waist, using the angle to roll her hips into his. Gasping as the simple movement sent her flying over the edge, blacking out a little as she came, trembling in his arms.
Jensen let out a loud throaty moan. "Fuccckkk, Yess!" He growled thrusting into her needily, getting closer and closer to his limit. He knew he was getting closer and closer as he thrust until he barely could uold it. "Jackie, I'm gonna cum!" He exclaimed, glad the walls were sound proof. With that final sound, he could hold it no longer, and ropes of his life giving seed flowed into her.
Jackie moaned as she clung to him, gasping as her nails dug into his back, marking him, claiming him even if she knew he wasn't hers. Even lost in the afterglow, she knew this was it. She couldn't keep him, trembling in his arms she slumped in his arms, trusting him to keep her from falling. Trembling as she rested her head on his shoulder, content to just be held for now. Wanting him to stay, but not wanting to be demanding. Guilt crashing into her, clinging to him, not trusting to look at him just yet. Simply wanting to hold him for as long as she could, but knowing it had to end soon. Knowing he would hate her for this, but for the moment, she was quiet.
Jensen held her close as he threw his shoes off. He kissed the top of her head, bringing her to the bed and laying her down. He stripped his jeans completely, but left his boxers, then climbed into bed with her, pulling her close. "No guilt. My choice. Stop." He told her with finality, and the saddest part was, he didn't feel guilty. Being with her felt right, and now he just wanted to snuggle and sleep.

The next day, there was a knock on the door from a concerned Sebastian. He had seen Ian lurking around, and he wantedbto check to see that she was okay. What he saw when he walked in though, both surprised him and didn't. "So, do you two feel better, or do you want to keep jumping each other?" He asked non chalantly, slight worry in his features.
Jackie sighed softly as he took her to bed, sliding into one of her t shirts to sleep in, looking up at him, sadness and guilt in her eyes as she consider ed him. Settling back on the pillows before sighing wuietly, "....okay. your choice."she muttered, trying to let it go. Settling g in to sleep.

Stirring at the sound of the door opening, jackie shifted from under the edge of blanket, just the top of her head showing from the edge of the blanket and blocked from jensen shoulder as he cuddled against her back, spooning close. Flushing brightly when she realized who was there, eyes wide as she shifted to look at him, but not quite able to move away from jensen, simply enjoyING being held."....sebastian...."she swallowed hard waving a hand a little."is it time for con already?"she said carefully avoiding looking at the man at her back, or talking about what happened. Business, that's what to focus on.
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