
"Yea definitely not a good idea for you two to be alone. Despite your best attentions it happened anyways...."Jared sighed, hating how upset his friend was. "Well. I don't know what to tell you about the confusion, but from what I saw this morning jackie just as confused and two will be okay I think."he hoped before nodding as he finished his food."hopefully. I'm sure it's good news....are you going to tell her?"he asked simply curious knowing daneel wanted to tell him her news, and wondering if this was going to change everything, or if his friend 2ould recover. And afraid that no matter how they acted, jackie and jensen were both hurting more then was obvious.
Jensen nodded. "No. Definately not a good idea to be alone with her." He agreed, sighing. He had no clue what he was going to do about this. What he did know was that for now, Daneel was not gonna know about what happened last night. "I don't think so, at least not for now. I haven't even really processed what happened yet myself. But I do know she makes me speak Gaelic. Not even Daneel get that reaction" he admitted, looking utterly lost and broken, cursing being married even if he deeply loved Daneel. The thing was though, if his love really was that deep, why was he so easily falling for another?
"Probably a good idea...she was upset enough just about the kiss...if she doesn't have to know about thia, probably a good idea not to tell her."he hoped anyways. Before looking up startled as he stared at jensen. He knew the other could speak it fluently, but jensen was so weird about speaking it,he'd never heard him say anything. Staring because he had no idea what to say to that." I even want to know what you said?never mind, I probably dont."he sighed a little, shaking his head. Upset for his friend because he knew jensen had never been great at this part of things, the emotional things."'ll take it a day at a time. But for now, we better get back. See how daneel doing, and maybe take her out to dinner or something so she can tell you her news."
Jensen nodded. "Yeah, probably" he agreed before he rolled his eyes. It hadn't been lewd. He sighed. "I called her the secret of my heart. It just came out" he admitted, before nodding again. Yeah, seeing daneel and hearing her news would make it better. "Yeah. Lets go."
Jared stared at him, shaking his head. There were no words for it, or any comfort to offer. He'd just be there for his friend, and hoped this didn't destroy either of them.

Later daneel grinned, happy to have had words with jackie, and to have been able to spend most of the day with her husband, shifting, glad that they'd decided to spend the night in, curling up in bed with him as she ate."so. I have good news. Maybe. Depends on how you feel about being on diaper duty really."she teased a little, taking his hand and laying it across her just starting to show stomach, so much like jackies, they probably got pregnant around the same time."we're pregnant jen."
Jensen nodded at Hared. "Yeah, I don't know either"

Later that night, Jensen was holding his wife close, kissing her softly before eating a fry. "Diaper duty?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, before her next statement floored him. He kissed her excitedly. "Really and truly, Danee?" He asked, looking so shocked and happy, hebthought only of her.
"Yea. If I have to feed and bath a kid, your totally doing diapers when your home."she laughed a little kissing hI'm back, everything but her utterly excited husband forgotten."really. Truly. A few weeks ago. Talk about dean really having a family life. Seems your gonna get alot of practice at it."she teased kissing him again as she cuddled into him."and don't be surprised if the rest of your cast gets you baby things. I told jackie and krystal today, who in turn told misha, which means everyone will know soon enough."
Jensen really didn't know what to say. He was to happy and excited to even think of anything but her. "I hope its a girl, so she can be as pretty as her mama" he told her softly, just hugging her close. This was the best news he could have ever heard, and it eased the troubles on his soul. He would be happy with Daneel and their baby, and that would be that.
Daneel laughed out loud at that, before snickering as she kissed him."it better be a girl. I'm not sure the world's ready for another good looking ackles male."she teased simply excited for them, happy he was haply. Having been a little worried he wouldn't be, but relaxing with his reaction. It was good. They'd be okay.

Laterms jackie tilted her head at the sigut of jensen carrying the ice bucket, not even commenting on why he might want ice at nearly midnight, or why she was raiding the vending machine for sweets. Smiling quietly at him, though she wasn't quite looking at him. Having perfected the art of looking at someone without really looking at them during her time with ian."congrats, jackles."she said, simply stepping back from personal, and reverting to mostly treating him like a coworker instead of a close friend, which is what he'd become despite everything.

But after talking to daneel, she was feeling to ashamed and battered to try to keep the friendship going."daneel told me the good news."she shrugged a little, her smile alot sad as she gathered her food. And it wasn't even just she'd miss him, but mostly it was daneel had what she wanted, a father for her child, a good relationship, a good marriage. Thjngs she'd never have, and it wasn't just because she still felt attracts to jensen, though that was mixed in there to.
Jensen chuckled heartily. "Fair enough my live." He replied, kissing her head. He was content to simply relax with his wife, kissing her all over and being happy. Any thougts of Jackie and his problem were thrust away, and the man could simply be. It was a nice change to be able to simply relax.

Jensen grinned at jackie, excited. "Thanks Jackie. I'm really excited. I've wanted a child for a long time now. I'm hoping for a girl." He explained, falling easily into just being a friend, no more. He could tell she was distancing herself, and he respected that. He too needed some space.
Jackie smiled a little tilting her head as she considered that, stealing one of his ice cubes as she scooted around him. "...not sure a girl is a good idea. I mean, you'll never let her date. The again, 'dean winchester' with a girl, might be a little justice in the world after all."she teased as they walked back towards their rooms, not really trying to pick a fight, but the biting anger and pain was unDer the words, not necessarily with him, but everyone really, having gotten in a fight with sebastian earlier, the woman was lashing out in trying to deal with her world crashing around her, and just ready to tell everyone to fuck off and hole up in her apartment for a few days before she had to be at work.
Jensen chuckled heartily. "No, I probably won't, you're right. If it is a girl, anyway." He rplied, not missing her tone, but not sure what he should do about it. If she wanted to stay away, he wouldn't push, but he hated seeing her hurting. His expression turned concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked not wanting to go any further. Unless she wanted him to know.
"I can imagine the future boyfriends...if you and jared greet potential boyfriends like sam and dean, you'll upsrt your girl."she teased a little. Sighing a little as she paused in the middle of opening her door, even knowing sebastian was on the other side didn't keep her from opening it. He knew what was going on, and wouldn't be surprised she was picking fights with jensen. "Perfectly fine. This was how I thought I'd be fucking up my dream job..screwing every one in sight and sick all the time."she said.
Jensen chuckled again. "Yeah, those poor boys, We'll scare them shitless. Course, Jared has boys, but whatever" he joked back, until he frowned. He hated that he was causing her so much pain. "Its not just yor fault, Jackie. Its me too." He tried to make her feel better, but he had a feeling this was gonna end really badly.
“Yes, but I have a feeling if you have a girl, he’s going to show up to be the scary uncle.”She snorted a little before staring at the door in front of her face, not willing to look at him as she rested her forehead against the wood. “Don’t think so. I mean, otherwise you would have been screwing your way through the rest of dean’s one night stands. Nope, it’s just me. Broken, slutty me. Maybe Ian was right.”She muttered as she started to open the door, wanting to argue, but knowing she should probably not.
Jensen chuckled heartily. "You have a point there. He'll spoil her rotten too." He replied, smiling at her.

When he heard her next comment his body went limp and sad, ice starting to melt in the bucket as he set it down. "Why in the world would you think that? Yeah, we have chemistry, but you're definately not a slut. You're a wonderfyl person and I adore you and you need to not blame yourself. Shit happens." He repelied trying to comfort even if he was also angry. Angry at himself for letting this happen, angry at Ian for making her so vulnerable, and angry at the powers that be for torturing both of them so. He wanted to scream, but couldn't.
Startling a little when she heard him set down the bucket she sighed a little as she turned to look at him, leaning back against the door as she considered him. “....To me, yes. It does. Usually painfully and in detail, I generally fuck something up. Fucking up your marriage even more then I already have is the last thing I want to do, Jackles.”She muttered hiding mostly, staring at the floor in front of her. So used to not looking around, to being passive and quiet even if she was upset, so used to ian’s abuse that it looked like she was preparing for jensen to be the same. To lash out at her for everything that she thought was her fault. “Only a slut would have done what I’ve done. Now. Goodnight Jensen.”She muttered twisting the knob open, not aware that her cold and quiet dismissial of what he’d been trying to say would piss him off probably. So used to simply being passive with ian.
Jensen looked at her sadly. He wanted to reach out and hug her, snuggle her, tell her he loved her, but he couldn't. She didn't want him around, and his wife was waiting for him in the next room. He put a soft hand on her shoulder. "Don't sell yourself short, Jackie. You ar a wonderful person. We just hit a snag. Everything is fine " he promised, trying to be a comfort to her. He knew that even if she didn't want him around, he still needed her to know it wasn't her fault. He was to worried about her to even think of being mad at her.
Jackie looked up at him, tilting her head a little as she studied him, for the first time in the whole conversation, actually looking at him. “It was hell of a snag.”She muttered watching his face, roaming over his features, committing them to memory, because in that one moment, she knew what she had to do. And it would hurt, badly to do it but...he needed her to do it. “Okay.Everything is fine.”She agreed stepping closer, leaning in to kiss him lightly, gently, raising a hand to his hair, keeping him there for the moment, simply enjoying the last kiss she’d allow herself. Before stepping back. “Goodnight Jensen.”She muttered turning to step into her room.
Jensen let out a shaky laugh. "Yeah, but hell happens when you're a winchester." He joked, startled as he was kissed, but kissing her back, savoring her taste. When she let go, he gave her the most confused look she probably had ever seen. He almost looked like a puppy. "G-goodnight, J-jackie" he stuttered utterly confused and worried about her. She had never kissed him like that. It felt totally different from usual.
“Hm, so it does.”She said laughing quietly, closing her eyes as she was kissed back, simply enjoying it before wincing as he looekd at her. Biting her lip to keep the tears back. Nodding a little as she stepped back, shutting the door. Trusting that he’d find his way back to daneel, and that she was goign to do the right thing. Stop fucking up his life. She could at least do that for the man she loved. No matter how it hurt to see him with someone else, she had to do it.

Two months later misha frowned a little as he read over the script, lowering it to look at the woman sitting in front of him. Studying krystal for a few long moments, before sighing as he looked at jared and jensen as they talked, the obviously pregnant Daneel curled up at his side, having flown in just for a visit. Looking back at krystal again he made a face. “She’s not coming back is she? This was supposed to be the episode dean found out he’s going to be a dad.....”He trailed off. “So. Who gets to tell jensen?”
Jensen waved goodbye, dumping the water and getting more ice. He hoped that his wife wouldn't be to mad for waiting.

Krystal sighed too, looking at the happy couple. She shook her head. "No, She isn't. She thinks if she does she'll fuck up jensen's happiness." She explained, sighing. What Jackie wouldn't know is that he wasn't happier without her. He missed her terribly. "It should be jared. He's closest to him. Misha, you wanna come vack to my place after filming? Jamie is at a con and i'm all alone." She asked, texting jared to ask him to tell Jensen., who was snuggling his wife
“Dammit.”Misha winced shaking his head a little, as he considered that. Even if Jensen was usually very good at hiding what he was feeling, they were all aware that jackie was missed, terribly. It was like a quiet saddness despite his happiness with daneel. “Yea, I’ll come over. We’ll watch that sherlock marathon you keep promising.”the man smiled a little. Wincing at the look Jared gave them when he read his text.

“Hey, Danny, give us a second would you?”Jared smiled kissing Daneel’s cheek as he put his phone away. “Yea, I wanted food anyways. You want anything?”She muttered smiling as jared shook his head, pulling away from Jensen. “I’ll be back.”She muttered. Jared sighed as he eyed his friend, leaning back in his chair. “....Jacqueline’s not coming back. She resigned after con.”He said gently, having seen the woman on her way out, he hadn’t understood she was saying goodbye forever. and it hurt, because he knew that Jacqueline had loved the role. Had wanted nothing more then to be on supernatural, and had walked away to try and not mess up jensen’s life. Shouldering the blame for what he knew Jensen felt guilty for to. Knowing jacqueline took all the blame, even if it had been them both. And he knew she was living in Romania currently, if only because he’d seen the pictures he’d assumed were vacation pictures, and not ‘I’m moving here to stay, and sharing with everyone’ sort of pictures.
Krystal grinned. "Brilliant! What kind of snacks and drink s you want?" She asked hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. She really did adore him. Little did she know that James wasn't really at con and had plans of his own for her.

Jensen growled when he heard the news. "She did what?! What the hell was she thinking?" He exglaimed, grabbing his coat. He was gonna go get her and drag her back home to her family where she belonged. She was his. That was it.
“hmm, pretzels and tea. And maybe cookies. Cookies would be nice.”Misha said smiling at him, before shifting, looking across the room. Wincing a little. “Jensen’s freaking out.”He muttered even as he hugged her back.

“She resigned. And probably that it was for the best, dumbass. You said she was acting weird last time you saw her. ”He pointed out, watching jensen, sighing softly. “Jensen, you can’t just leave. Not just cause Daneel’ll freak, but she’s not even in the country. Not actually sure where she’s living actually....Krystal would know.”Jared said, hoping to difuse some of that anger before he figured out where Jackie was holed up, or got anywhere near a phone that had Jackie’s number in it. Not fighting him over it yet, not just because he knew it was useless, but because he knew Daneel would break his friend over it, and he didn't want to fight with him about it.
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