
Krystal smiled. "You got it! Come over about an hour after filming wraps. I'll have fresh ones." She promised, kissing his cheek as she scooted just a little closer as he hugged her. He was comfortable. She frowed as she looked over to jared and jensen. this wasn't good.

Jensen growled. "No! She belongs here! Shes part of the family!" He yelled, quite annoyed. It hurt that she was just lft without when explaning herself. "I'm gonna find her. I need to find her. It doesn't feel right without her."
“....Don’t yell at me. And you really don’t want to yell at her. Pregnant women don’t take yelling well.”Jared said, looking completely unruffled, refusing to be upset with his best friend yelling at him, because he knew jensen was hurting. “Come on. We’ll ask Krystal where she is, and then you can go talk to her.”

“awesome. Sounds perfect.”Misha grinned hugging her close looking up when Jensen and Jared headed towards them. “Krys, would you kindly tell the Neanderthal where jackie is, he’s bound and determined to go and carry her back over his shoulder or something utterly ridculous.”Only have teasing his friend.
Jensen deflated. "You're right, i'm sorry. Its just I miss her so much, and i'm so worried about her. What if that ian guy found her? Krys says he was really abusive " the man had been really bipolar lately. Even if he was excited to be a father, he was selfish. He wanted both the women he loved near.

Krystal smiled, snuggling into Misha. She liked being close to him. "Good. I'm glad." She said, watching as Jared and jensen came over.

Krystal rolled her eyes at jensen. "She's in romania with sebby."

Jensen's wyes widened. "Then we have to go get her! I need her to be here!" He exclaimed, unaware Daneel had been watching his whole outburst
“ I know, Jen. And I doubt he found her. She still talks to Krystal, and Krys hasn’t said anything about Ian. It’s okay, Jen.”He muttered before wincing as he realized where she was. Not only with a ex-boyfriend, but a countries and a nearly 19 hour plane ride away. Daneel was going to kill him. Not that he doubted Jensen would go anyways.

Later, Jackie frowned a little as she heard the doorbell, frowning because she knew it was to early for Sebastian to be home, much less ringing his own doorbell. And considering that she’d chosen his place, not only for his company, but because people so rarely-besides Chris Evans, but he was filming so it wasn’t much of a chance he’d show up randomly-that no one came here. Frowning as she detoured from the kitchen to the front hall, not even considering what she was wearing. Looking through the peephole her eyes went wide as she considered the exhausted looking man on hte other side, resting her head against the wood, wondering if he’d wait long enough to let her get dressed, before deciding she had a better chance of convincing him of leaving if she answered the door in the simply lannel shirt and boy short undies she was wearing, the shirt comfy and soft, short enough to start showing she was pregnant.

But that wasn’t the only change. It was obvious she was pregnant now, but she was slender, almost painfully so, the shadows under her eyes nearly as dark as if she’d broken her nose, pale and gaunt, she looked sick, as if the pregnancy was taking everything. And it was. The only reason she was as healthy as she was, was for the child she carried. But as her heart leeched away, it took everything to care about what was going on. And the mishap of con and what followed had made a already fragile woman broken, sapping what little strength she’d built up since leaving Ian. Sighing quietly she rubbed a hand over her face, considering leaving Jensen outside before pulling the door open, leaning against it a little bit.

Jensen shook his head. "No. I need to see for myself that she is okay." He told them flatly, and they would all know that was the end of the argument. Jensen could be very headstrong when he wanted to be. He was going yo romania.

Once Jackie opened the door, Jensen hugged her tightly. "Oh god Jackie, I was so worried about you." He blurted out, tears falling from his face. He really had been going crazy with worry abiut her, even if he was doing in his wife too. He looked her over. "You're not as pregnant as danee.. Are you having my baby?" He asked curiously, his expression showing now guilt, only shock.
Jackie paled, looking utterly lost at being hugged, squirming away, having been avoiding being touched for months, she wasn’t used to it anymore. “I’m fine. Really.”She said though it was definitely a lie, she looked like a shadow of herself. Pulling away as she headed for the kitchen. “What are you doing here Jensen?”She asked, purposefully not answering the question as she headed to finish the lunch his arrival had interrupted. And half hoping sebastian would get to call it a early day, she couldn’t do this. She wasn’t feeling up to dealing with jensen, not when she felt numb and lost at his presence interrupting her ever peaceful exile.
Jensen frowned as she pulled away, but he followed her in. "Don't lie to me, Jackie. You look like you were hit by a truck." He replied to her, looking around as he followed her to the kitchen. He shuffled a bit, watching her as she finished making lunch. "I was worried about you. I want you to come home. Everyone misses you! Even Danee. She even told me to go find you." He expained, express not quite readable. He had missed her so much, and if she'd let him, he'd kiss her.
“I don’t look that bad. Pregnancy is just harder then I thought.”Glad he’d dropped the topic of why she wasn’t as far along as Daneel. That just wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have. Not with him, not with anyone really. “Sit for gods sake if your going to fidget.”She said sounding vaguely out of sorts, because she so rarely saw anyone these days, finishing her grilled cheese and soup before snorting a little. “I doubt your wife wants me anywhere near you, Jackles.”She said sounding closed off and lost, struggling to freeze him out as much as she wanted, but vulnerable and hurting enough that she couldn’t. Settling at the table to eat, she nibbled on her food, not really eating, because it made her sick to eat more often then not these days. While her doctor said she was fine, she knew she looked bad. She was bad off, and sebastian could only do as much as she allowed him, it was as if when she left jensen, she’d lost everything, even the will to take care of herself. she both wanted him there, and wanted him to leave, because he was making it so hard to simply be numb.
Jensen shook his head. "You look sickly. Much worse than when I saw you last." He replied, his face contorting in worry. He'd never seen anyone look this sick. Even his wife hadn't been this sick. He sat at her half order, though he still fidgeted. He fidgeted when he was nervous orvworried. "They're all here. Even Daneel came. Krys will probably be over later" he admitted, just watching her. He wished he could just waveva magic wand and make it all better for her. She looked so sick.
“Well, I spend half my day throwing up everything, so I’m not really surrpised.”She muttered sighing a little. While that was part of it, she knew she looked worse then that. Just the lack of good sleep was getting to her. Sighing softly as he fidgeted, frowning a little as he looked up at him. Staring at him for a long moment. “...You dragged everyone with you? Jensen.Seriously?”She said looking upset at the idea, biting her lip a little. She might have resisted telling Jensen, but she doubted it would work as well when the others started questioning to. Since they knew she should be months pregnant, round and fat by nwo, where she barely looked rounded out at 2 months.
Jensen nodded. "Yes, I could see how that might be detrimental to gaining weight." He replied, but he wasn't entirely convinced. He knew her a little to well for that. He ran a hand through his hair. "No, I didn't drag them. Jared and Krystal wanted to come, and Misha came because he was following krystal. Daneel didn't say why she wanted to come. He explained, watching her curiously. He felt bad that she seemed so uncomfortable around him, but he'd needed to see her. He'd needed to see her himself to know she was okay. He had been to worried about her otherwise.
"Little bit."she muttered, looking a little nauseous but managing to keep her food down as she finished her grilled cheese. Though being nauseous might just be from having to face jensen. She hadn't ever expected to see him again, despite everything. So being faced with him was making her at a loss to do."your wife probably wants to make sure I keep my hands to myself."she made a face, half wondering if she could get him to pick a fight so he'd go away. Stretching a little she leaned back in her chair, looking at him. Simply way ching him because despite everything, she still felt that desperate attraction. She had hoped it'd fade in the last two months, but if anything, it was worse.she was only uncomfortable because she was keeping things from him, but even then she wanted to climb in his lap and cuddle close, simply letting him look after her .
Jensen nodded, fidgeting slightly as he tried to relax. He wanted to kiss her all better, but knew she wouldn't allow that. He didn't want her to run again. He'd been lost without her. "No, I don't think so actually. It was her idea to find you. She said and I quote "I'm tired if seeing you mope around. Go find her." He admitted, one hand behind his neck. He really hadn't been himself since she had left, and everyone, including Daneel, knew it. Jackie filled a void that Daneel hadn't quite done. He loved her sure, but the feelings he had for Jackie were somehow stronger.
Jackie stared at him, quiet and confused as she searched his face, looking for some hint that it was a joke. That daneel was setting her up, or worse jensen was here without her permission. Sighing softly as she yawned, not able to stifle it and still feeling so exhausted from the last months emotional upheaval that she had no walls to put up between them at the moment. She figured she might as well enjoy his company for however long he was staying."you said krystal was coming later?"she asked as she stumbled to her feet, considering asking but not sure if it'd be okay, but to emotional and exhausted to not ask for what she wanted."you'll stay till she gets here?I was just gonna lay down and watch a movie or something g..."
Jensen nodded. "Yeah, she'll be over in a few hours. Said she wanted to go shopping first. No doubt to spoil you rotten with prssents. You should see the way she treats Misha. She literally bought him a bigger trailor. If he doesn't realize she's got it bad, I don't know what will." He explained with a chuckled, tilting his head as she got up, but them smiling. He was glad she wouldn't mind him sticking around. "I'd love to. Go relax. I'll make some tea or something." He replied, resisting the urge to kiss her head. He didn't think she'd like that
"Probably...and I bet misha figures it out. He's not dumb, he'll figure it out."jackie looked amused, before nodding, studying him for a long moment."you could join me if you want. Or explore the house. Whatever."she said shrugging as she headed for the living room, it was probably the closest he'd get for a request for his company. Sighing as she settled onto the couch, snuggling down into the soft couch as she turned on the 5v, et thing in to finish her marvel marathon.
"Hope so. Especially since I think James is probably in love with her." He explained, making some tea and bringing it out when he came to the living room. He sat nexf to her, handing her some tea. "Krystal says it helps with nausea. She made me bring it over with me." He explained, ditting down next to her, amused to see that captain america: the winter soldier was playing. "Seb would kill you if he knew you were watching this." He added with a chuckle, though his expression asked if he could wrap an arm around her.
"I know he is. I talked to him this week....they'll figure it out."jackie sighed a little before taking the tea, smiling slightly as he sipped it."thanks jen."she muttered alrew d y feeling better, and while she still looked pale and sickly, her color was better then it had been. Jackie snickered a little at his words as she shifted, giving into the need to snuggle into his side, resting her head against her shoulder."...why do you think I'm watching it when he's not home?he hates watching himself on screen."
Jensen frowned. "I hope so. Cause I doubt Krys realizes what she's doing to James." He expained, sighing. He worried for his friends. He relaxed and wrapped an arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder, kissing her forehead. It was just a reflex for him. Here he chuckled. "As usual you have a point." He replied, content to just relax with her. It was doing wonders for what he had been feeling.
"Probably not."she sighed softly. Already starting to fall asleep, faster and better thrn she had in months. Not even considering that the man this close would definitely know something was wrong. She was supposed to be nearly four months along like daneel, and yet her stomach bad barely started getting rounder yet, she was barely bigger then she'd been at con. Stirring after a few hours she yawned sleepily, not moving away but awake soeta, frowning slightly."...someone's here....will you go let krystal in if it's her? If not, it's just sebastian coming home..."
Jensen smiled a little as she started to fall asleep, stroking her hair softly. "Just rest jackie. You look like you could use it." He told her softly, rubbing her back. He was content to just relax with her. He was started out of his nap at the door, but he smiled, kissing her head. "I'll get it. uou just rest." He said, not surprised when Sebastian was atbthe door, bringing in groceries.

Jensen helped him bring them in and sebastian chuckled. "I knew you would be able to stay away." It was partly a joke, partly not. Jensen rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I worry to much."
“Kay. Sleep is good.”She mumbled against his chestm sighing as she rested. Stirring a little when she heard the other two in the kitchen, stumbling a little to her feet when she realized it was sebastian, the one person who could tell jensen what was going on. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Muffling a yawn as she walked into the kitchen she made a face at the two. “You two, no bonding. I don’t need you two ganging up on me.”She grumbled as she headed out to the car to grab the rest of the groceries.
Jensen smiled. "Yeah. Now rest." He told her, a slight dominance in his tone without even realising it. When sebastian came back in with groceries, he chuckled. "To late. We're already friends, remember?" He said, remembering con. When he met jensen and they became friends.

Jensen chuckled as well. "Yeah, so now uou've gotta take care of yourself even better than you have."
“, You are. Dammit, I’m screwed.”She sulked a little sighing a little as she set the groceries down, eyeing both men for a long moment before sighing, looking sebastian over. “You want something to eat?”
Both men chuckled at her admittance, sebastian putting away the groceries. "Hm, yeah, I could eat. You wanna go out or stay in?" He asked, knowing full well that krystal would probably be along in a few minutes. He had seen her at the store. She was buying some special romanian thing that James likes.
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