
Jensen smiled a little. "Good. Now, you should rest." He replied, snuggling her close.

Jensen blushed as he saw sebastian standing there, even if his eyes said some thing completely different. He pulled the blanket up over his chest as sebastian sighed. "Yeah, its time for con. Krystal already got your costumes. I'm just the delivery boy." He said, haning jensen a cap costume and jackie a black widow costume.
"....I find it disturbing that you two assumed we'd be togehter."jackie growed, unhappy and annoyed, feeling guilty enough she was lashing out. Thanks seb."she muttered sitting up, and even if sebastian had seen it before she held the blanket in place as she sat up."now out, Stan. I'm not getting out of bed with you standing there."she growled, definitely not a morning person, and guilt and embarrassment was making her even grumpier.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Krystal had a feeling. If you weren't together, I would have hust dropped off your costume then gone accross the hall to his room" he admitted, simply letting her grumpiness roll off. He knew she had alot of emotions all crinkled together right now. He didn't blame her. "You're welcome. I'm gonna go get my costume on now. Krys is with James if you need her." He replied, walking out the door. Things were about to very complicated.
"True."she muttered blushing a little. Sighing wuietly as she ran a hand through her mused up hair, glad to see that sebastian hadn't taken her grumpiness to heart. "Okay. We'll be out in a few."she smiled watching him go for a moment, watching him leave before getting out of bed, heading for the shower before pausing. Looking back at jensen, clothes held like a shield in front of her. "...want to share a shower before we go face the day?"she asked, not sure it was a good idea, but not quite ready to leave his company just yet. Even if she knew she should, she wasn't ready to face everyone else. Not when she knew they'd figured out jensen _s in her room for the night.
Sebastian waved as he left, closing the door behindbhim. The only ones not aware of them being in her room were Jared and Misha, and Jensen intended on telling him all about it at lunch. He shrugged. "Only ifnyou want me to. I'm all about boundaries, even if we're seriously breaking rules here." He admitted, getting out of bed after her still just on his boxers. He did want to be with her longer, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea.
Jackie bit her lip as she considered, staring at the floor, and at his feet, cause she couldn’t look at him, and say no, don’t. She wanted him, even if the desperate need had dialed back to a slow burn, she still wanted to touch him. Startling when his phone started to chime with daneel’s ringtone, going pale as she bolted.”No. I’ll see you later Jensen.”She called over her shoulder as she slammed the door behind her, utterly mortified and guilty, and despite her promise to jensen about not feleing bad, she felt so horrible, and really, was scared of what this would do to their relationship. Within minutes the shower turned on, and was hoping to stay in there till he went away.

“Jen?”Daneel smiled a little as she pinned her phone against her ear, wheeling her suitcase in the hotel, she started making her way towards the stairs, smiling slightly at the moose walking next to her. Glad Jared had picked up his phone when she hadn’t been able to reach Jensen earlier.
Jensen went still as his phone started to ring with Daneel's ringtone. He hesitatedbonly a moment as he picked up the phone, throwing on the cap costume and running to his room with his clothes. He knew Daneel would want to stay with him.

"Hey Danee! Whats up?" He asked, ever his excited self. Well, there goes his private talk with Jared at lunch. He would try andbtalkbyo him later then, or maybe to Misha. Luckily he didn't have any panels today, so he could spend the whole day with his wife.
Daneel smiled a little as she heard him, “Hey. You just getting up?I tried callign you earlier and it kicked me straight to voicemail. You sleeping okay?”She asked, sounding worried about him. Knowing that sometimes he just didn’t sleep well when he was at hotels and on the road. “Anyways, me and Jared are on our way up. So, he said you didn’t have any panels today, so I thought I’d surprise you with a day hanging out.”She said smiling a little, “And well, I saw your panel from yesterday. Figured we better talk.”She said, not quite angry, but not sure of herself either. “Hey jensen.”Jared grinned as he knocked on the door before pushing it open.
Jensen nodded, yet she wouldn't see. "Yeah, i'm about to get in the shower. Come on up." He told her, though he secretly dreaded it. Sure, he loved her and wanted to be with her, his emotions were just to messed up right now to even think about being around her without absolutely loosing it. Her turned the shower on, quickly cleaning himself before Jared knocked on the door. "Come in!! I'm just getting out!" He yelled, coming out in a towel. When he looked at Jared it oozed "need to talk in private later"
“Okay, we’re on the way.”Daneel grinned as she hung up. Stepping inside Jared’s eyebrows raised a little as he considered his friend, glad Daneel wasn’t looking at either of them as he discreetly pointed out jensen’s shoulder then nodded towards the shirt he was holding, Jensen had to pull it on now before Daneel realized he had nail marks across his shoulders. Watching his friend for a moment he sighed. Already having a bad feeling. “Hey Jensen.”Daneel smiled at her husband as she sat down her bag, crossing the room to kiss him lightly. “or is it Captain today?”she teased seeing the outfit he was getting ready to pull on.
Jensen threw on his shirt before Daneel could notice the marks. He was glad His friend had noticed, cause he'd forgotten. He smiled at his wife, deepening the kiss just a little as he pulled her closer. He had really missed her. "Today i'm Cap. It was Krys's idea.;she's the new angel on the show. You'll like her." He explained, chuckling softly. Things were gonna get better, hopefully.
Daneel smiled a little as she hugged him, simply leaning against his ches. It was so rare they got to spend any length of time together. For the most part, it was stolen moments here and there. “Ah. I’m sure I will. I’m looking forward to meeting them both actually.”If only cause she ewanted to warn Jackie off. Jared swallowed hard, hiding his pained laughter behind a cough, “I’ll leave you two to it, see you downstairs.”Jared grinned as he beat a hasty retreat, having every intention of meeting up with jensen for lunch, hopefully they could get daneel to go to a panel or something on her own.

“Krys?”Jackie knocked lightly on her door, fidgeting a little as she stepped inside, knowing her friend wouldn’t mind, even if Jamie was curled up on his side of the bed. “morning Jamie.”she muttered fidgeting and upset as she looked around, gesturing to her still wet hair. “I need help. Makeup is only doing so much hiding hickeys.”She said wincing a little, feeling guilty and embarassed, and wanting nothing more then to simply hide out in sebastian’s room for the rest of the day.
Jensen smiled and kissed her head. "You will. Jackie has a panel with Misha and krys later, but they'll be free for mostbof the day. I'll introduce you." He promised, sitting her in his lap. It was nice to be with her. It felt like it had been ages since he saw her. He waved at Jared. "Yeah, we'll get lunch. See you later man" he replied, smiling.

James waved at her sleepily from his side of the bed, yawning, the two of them had obviously had some morning sex. "Right here jackie!" She yelled from her bathroom, just finishing up her makeup. She was cosplaying as a female Casteil today, just to get a rise out of Misha. She looked the woman over, eyebrow raised. "I can help." She promised, working her movie nagic on the pretty woman. Krystal had gone to school for movie makeup in her free time, and graduated with honors. "There. Perfect." She added, all evidence of her night with Jensen gone.

Krystal gave her a smile. "You wanna talk about it?"
“Awesome. It’ll be fun.there needs to be more girls on the show. Though I’m not sure I trust her anywhere near my husband. Dean with a love interest is a little disturbing.”Daneel made a face, smiling as she snuggled into jensen’s lap, waving goodbye to jared as the man left. Sighing softly.

“Hey.”Jackie smiled relieved as she walked into the bathroom, fidgeting a little, looking relieved as the woman helped her without commenting, looking relieved as both hair and makeup covered up the hickey and bite mark, glad at least her clothes hid the bruises across her hips where he’d gripped her to hold her up. Avoiding looking at krystal she shrugged a little. “Nothing to talk’s over, and his wife’s here, so it doesn’t matter.”She said sighing a little, even if it felt like a physical blow to say the words, before sighing. “Though did you really have to send Sebastian in?”She whined a little.
Jensen chuckled. "There really needs to be, and you're right. Dean with a real love interest is weird." He agreed, chuckling. In all actiality, he wished he hadn't met Jackie. His life would be easier if he hadnt, even if he did love her.

"Daneels here? Ooh. Well, things will work out as they should." She replied, being cryptic. Things were about to get worse before they get better.
“It is.”Daneel looked amused as she kissed him lightly before getting up. “Come on, let’s go. I want to enjoy con. I rarely get to come with you.”She smiled smirking a little at the word choice, leaning into him a little before heading for the door.

“Yea. She is.”Jackie shrugged a little, “yea they will. I guess. I mean, he’s probably regretting ever seeing me....maybe I should back out of the show....we’re only a couple episodes’d be easy to change.”She said sounding tired, and sad. Though she was hiding just how much she was hurting, carefully building the walls up because she knew jensen. She didn’t want to make him feel worse then he already did. They never had to mention this again, even if she could feel the heat under her skin at the memory of last night, well, that was all she’d have. Rubbing a hand over her stomach, “Come on. Let’s get some food. Pregnant woman’s hungry here.”She said heading for the door, amused that james was waiting for them, wrapping a arm around her shoulders, she snuggled into james, taking the comfort, and looking up at jensen blankly when she saw him walking out. So emotionally locked down that she wasn’t even responding to him. Smiling slightly, “Hey Jensen.”She said, simply falling into what everyone expected them to be, simply friends who worked together,even if it was tearing her apart, she knew that was all she could allow herself.
Jensen chuckled heartily as he followed her out, kissing her head.

"No, you shouldn't. Watch how this week plays out first. Things will work out as they should." Krystal replied again cryptically trying to use what little esp she had to forsee the coming events. All she was sure of now was the breakup of Jensen and his wife, and something else that the powers that be weren't saying.

Jensen looked up as he heard Jackie's voice. "Hey Jackie." He rplied softly, smiling at her.

Krystal smiled at them both. "You must be Daneel! I'd know you anywhere. Jensen won't shut up about you. I'm Krystal, and this is Jackie, and my boyfriend James." She exclaimed excitedly, not realizing Misha had just come out of his room as she said it.
"Okay. This week. And if its not better, I'm leaving. I'm serious krys."jackie said sighing a little. "Hello daneel." Daneel raised her eyebrows a little as she considered both women before smiling."it's good to meet you to. Sadly I've not heard alot about you two. Jensen is no help in talking about things."she teased her husband even as she looked jackie over. "Hello mrs. Ackles."james said politely. Bdaneel please." "Daneel!it's good to see you."Misha said looking a little startled if only at the announcement of krystal having a boyfriend smiling as they all headed for the elevator. "I should go find seb..."jackie sighed a little as they got downstairs, quiet mostly as she listened to daneel catch up with the others. Feeling numb and lost in the face of everything, knowing she was spiraling down into depression and knowing she had to hold it off. Jensen didn't need thst kind of stress, and she knew it was her own stupid fault for doing this. So she didn't want to burden him."I'll see you guys later."she muttered looking around to see if she could spot sebastian, or hell, even ian might be better then this ay the moment.
Kensen smiled. "Morning Misha" he said absentmindedly, watching the girls. He worried about Daneel and Jackie meeting, but everything seemed okay for the moment. He breathed a sigh of relief. Krystal looked at Jackie worriedly, but nodded. "Okay. Be careful" she told the other, knowing jackie's ex was lurking.

Luckliy, Sebastian had been looking for Jackie, and had found her before ian had. Ian was pretty afraid of sebastian, so he would stay away from herbintil she was alone again.

"Jaaaaammmiiiee, i'm hungry!!! Will you buy me food?" Krystal whined slightly, hanging onto James. She did really adore the man, but it was Misha she wanted. She hoped that her being attached might make him jealous enough to admit that he had feelings for her if he did.
"Yea come on.let's get food."Jamie said looking amused as they headed for the cafeteria, not really surprised when misha tagged along.

"Always am. Don't worry, I know ian here somewhere. Avoiding him will be easy."she muttered the reassurance before smiling when she found sebastian. Settling in to simply follow him around for the day till she headed for her panel with jared, which in turn, made the man worried. About lunch time jared shook his head a little as he saw daneel and jensen, tilting his head a little."wanna grab lunch?daneel looKS like she's content to spend time with jackie and krystal."which had its own worries, but trusting the womend to look after jensen'jensen ' wife.
Krystal grinned, giving him a kiss. "Yay! Food!!" She exclaimed, smirking a little to herself that misha tagged along.

Krystal nodded, watching the woman go, relieved when sebastian found her quickly.

Jensen nodded. "I'd love to. How about the resturaunt that krystal said was across the street from con? Baby, you'll be alright for a bit with Krystal and Jackie, right?" He asked, giving her a kiss. He knew Daneel seemed to like Krystal, but he wasn't sure what might happen with Jackie, and it scared him.
"Sounds good."Jared nodded a little. Daneel looked up at her husband, smiling a little. A littlw wicked, a little teasing."I'll be fine with my hunter sta ding guard. Go."bw he said waving him off and not even pausing at claiming jensen as hers, even if it made wackiest flinch a little from behind her, even if the eoman didn't respond any other way."go, seriously."daneel said smiling a little.

Jared sighed a little as they got to the restaurant shaking his head a little as he considered his friend as he sipped his beer."you're lucky she called before we showed up. What did you do, toss jackie out of the room while we were on the way up?"he said sounding vaguely angry with jensen, but not really surprised. He'd hoped it wouldn't happen, but being around those two was like a recipe for disaster. Wondering if jensen could even stand to work with her now, and knowing it was killing jackie. Having spent the morning with her, he was even more worried about her then he was jensen.
Jensen nodded, but his eyes still weren't sure. "Okay. As long as you're sure. Have fun. We'll be back in an hour or so." He promised, giving her a passionate kiss and walking away with Jared.

When they got to the resturaunt, Jensen sighed. "No, it happened in her room. I ran to mine before you got there." He explained, leaning on the table looking emotionally spent as he irdered a steak and ravioli. Food he only ate when he was really pained. He took a sip of his coffee. "Last night i saved Jackie from that asshole Ian and she was so shaken up I had to make sure she was okay before I left. I went to kiss her cheek goodnight and missed... and well.... we had sex. " he admitted with a lament, looking so very guilty and sad.
"Ah."Jared sighed as he watched his friend eat his ravoli, sipping his beer as he dug into his burger and fries."you always did have a thing for damsels in distress."he teased before growing serious."I assumed you had sex. Otherwise your shoulder wouldn't look like she tried to claw you to death."it wasnt quite that bad really. Sighing he sade a face."daneel came down to tell you som3thing, not yell about the video. She was fairly excited really....even forgave you for making out on camera."Jared sighed wuietly."I don't know what to tell you jensen....jackie already requested you two don't have any scenes alone for awhile. And they said she could have it for awhile."Jared said knowing jensen needed to know, and knowing it would upset him to know jackie didn't want to be near him more then she had to, or didn't want to be alone. "We have to keep her calm jen...the stress isn't good for the baby."he muttered voicing what worried him the most. That jackie would simply inflict her guilt and shame on herself rather then sharing the blame with jensen.
Jensen chuckled, nodding. He really did havea weakness for damsels. He sighed, but he relaxed a little at what Jared had to say. "Well, i think that's best for right now, us not being alone. The pull has definately worn down considerbly since last night, but I have no idea how long that will last. I'm so confused." He admitted helplessly, eating a piece of steak. The man was in some serious emotional pain because of this. Casting had been a little to good on this one. "Hopefully Danee's news will distract me from Jackie"
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