
Krystal smiled. "That's good. Shame he couldn't come though. Maybe next time." She said with a smile, relaxing a bit as James put an arm around her. She always felt calmer with him around. Sebastian chuckled. "Yeah, Krys promised" he said, wrapping an arm around Jackie.

Krystal kissed his cheek. "You're a doll, Jamie. Thanks." She replied, walking with them to a quiet corner of the room. Now they were just waiting on Misha to arrive.
"I'm sure he'll be around sometime soon."jamie said looking amused looking pleased."good. I'm curious now."he said before sighing softly."welcome."he said settling into his seat, going quiet until they ordered their food before looking at them both."okay you two. What's going on?" "I and jensen...hmm..."Jackie looked pained and at a loss on how to explain just how drawn to the married man she was, not noticing that jared and jensen had walked in for a table of their own.
Krystal nodded. "Hopefully. I miss him" she admitted, getting just a little closer to him as she sat down. He was a comfort.

Krystal sighed. "When Jensen and Jackie kiss, they get way to into it. Even forget the cameras are on. They have serious soulmate connection. Problem is, Jensen's married." She explained, trying to do it as eloquently as possible. Sebastian chimednin next. "Could partially be pregnancy hormones, but yeah, they definately have that connection.

Jensen looked worried at jared. "Jackie's pregnant. I just overheard."
"Seriously?even from the beginning?" "Well, considering we had a sex scene together first, yea we forgot we were being filmed. Though we can be around each other without touching, it's tempting still. Especially after something like today."Jackie frowned looking upset as she sipped her drink. Wincing a little."I don't know seb. Even being this hormonal can explain it. You know me, even horny doesn't mean I'm going to jump a married man but..."she shrugged helplessly.

"What?"jared looked up from where he'd been looking at the menu, frowning a little before huffing."well. That explains why they wrote. Bailey as pregnant....sorry. dean's going to be a dad. Congrats."jared said, trying to make his friend feel a little better, knowing the last two weeks had been hard on him
Both sebastian and Krystal looked worried. "Hmm, that's true. I wonder what could be causing this? You have a few filming days off, right? Lets do a little research." He suggested, looking worried. It wasn't at all normal for her to act that way. There must be some bigger reason.

Jensen nodded. "I think he'll like that. Hopefully won't end up like John winchester though." He said with a chuckle, taking this all in stride. He needed reassurance it would be okay.
"I've seen a video. Even if he hadn't been married, you're usually aware of being pregnant. It looked like you forgot everything but him." "I had...until sebastian startled me..."she flushed brightly looking utterly lost and tired. Nibbling on her food, and despite being pregnant, she was feeling sick and lost at her attraction to jensen."yea I have a few days after con off....was planning on staying in, and away from him. Maybe it's just overexposure to him.b she sighed.

"Probably. And I'd doubt he'll end up like john. I mean, bailey'll be lucky to be allowed to leave the bunker if we leave dean in charge."he teased a little tilting his head."shes pregnant jensen. Probably seeing someone. I think you two can keep your cool and not let this get to outrageous....besides. she'll be pregnant. I Doubt You'll Want To Jump Her When She Starts showing."He Said knowing his friend wasn't that shallow, but hoping that he would be for once. That a beautiful woman having pretend sex with him was all that was going on. Sipping his drink as he ate.
Krystal nodded. "It was really crazy you guys. Even jensen forgot where he was. If the director hadn't of yelled cut? They would have got it on. Its crazy how they were so oblivious." She explained, making Sebastian scratch his chin. They definately needed to do so seriius research. "Hmm. Well, I think we can stay out of his way. Vancouver is a big city." He promised, kissing her head. He was trying to keep her calm.

Krystal made a curious face. "I wonder what's keeping misha?"

Jensen chuckled a little. "Well, you have a point there. I wonder if Chuck saw jackie and I having this reaction to each other as well?" He half joked, looking at his friend. He sighed, but you could see the hope in his eyes at his friends suggention. He honestly couldn't tell what would happen when she started showing.
"Really?I could see jackie maybe forgetting, but he's done it before."james frowned a little. "Thanks jamie, I sound like a slut." "You know WHT I meant. Youd never had a sex scene before. Makes sense if you were so focused on hkm that you forgot. Him though I dunno...."james sighed a little."it is....we'll find something to do. Hopefully quiet and away." "Sorry. I lost track of time."Misha blushed a little as he joined them, "bough way more then I meant to so I had to run it back to my room."Misha blushed a little as he sat down looking between the four, feeling a little awkward as it seemed he was interrupting a double date.

"I doubt anyone would have predicted that you two would have such a strong reaction. Jesus, jensen, have the time I have to take a cold shower after spending time with you two, and I'm not even the one in the middle of this."jared made a face a little before nodding."you'll fuss over her I think, but she'll be all round and huge. I doubt you'll want her like that."he hoped as he finished his food."we better get back, we have panels."
Krystal nodded. "Yeah, it was like they were in a trance. Like they weren't even themselves." She explained, looking to the rest of the group in worry. While it had hotten better in the last few weeks, that kiss had been really big. The fans were gonna be asking. Sebastian sighed. "We'll go to the library and see what we can find. Maybe you guys are like reicarnations or something?" He suggested, even if it sounded crazy. Though, given the show content and the circumstances, maybe they weren't so wrong.

Krystal hugged Misha as he came over. "There you are! I was waiting for you!" She said with a smile, motioning for him to sit on her other side, with James by the window. She was in a sexy sandwich, and she liked it that way.

Jensen sighed. "Lets hope so. If anymore of this stuff happens, i'm gonna be served by Daneel." It was half a joke because of the small smile on his face, but it wasn't totally. He really was worried. He nodded at jared. "Yeah, lets go.
"It was like...I just needed to kiss him. Like...there was nothing else. Nothing else mattered...thank god sebastian showed up. That was surprise enough to stop...but I cant keep doing this. And I really don't want to fuck up his marriage."Jackie sighed sounding frustrated before wincing."yea....the fans aren't going to brush it off like we did...I think they knew something was up..."she sighed again nodding a little."thanks seb...even if it sounds insane...."she shrugged looking exhausted and yawning a little. The stress of this and dealing with ian, and on top of that being pregnant, it was messing with her. "I should go get some sleep..." bgo. You should take care of yourself."Misha looked worried as he settled into the seat next to krystal and started to eat.

"I know. It'll be okay jensen."he hoped nodding as they paid and headed for the door, looking vaguely amused to see the others, this was gonna be a interesting weekend.
Sebastian nodded. You're welcome, iubitel. And its not that crazy." He promised, kissing her head. At her admittance to being sleepy, sebastian piped up again. "I'll take you to your room. You should rest." He told her, his expression showing she would not be able to argue.

After sebastian walked away with Jackie, krystal smiled. "Are you done fiming Jamie? I'd like it if you stuck around" she said with a smirk, kissing his cheek. She was showing off just a little as she leaned into james. Plan: make misha jealous... start!

Jensen no nodded. "Mr too, jared, me too."
“It is crazy.”she muttered making a face, even as she leaned into him. Huffing a little. “Fine. If you must. I can walk myself a few blocks over you know.”She grumbled, not really arguing though, simply voicing the opinion as she followed him back to the hotel. Saying a quiet goodbye, and a promise to catch him later as she waved him on. Not about to make him stick around when he wasn’t tired. And mostly, wanting some space to herself.

“Yea, we are. I’m back to stay.”James smiled, looking amused as misha looked between them, looking vaguely uncomfortable. It amused him that misha didn’t seem quite aware of it, but it’d be okay. They’d be okay, and he’d help krystal get what she wanted.

Later Jackie sighed quietly as she ran a hand through her hair, glad that she was new enough that even walking around by herself at the end of the day, was keeping anyone from recognizing her. Having simply changed into jeans and a warm flannel shirt, the woman looked like a sleepy dean, rather then what she’d been wearing earlier. Glad for the sense of peace, walking around at closing time, simply just to see what was going on. But one problem she hadn’t considered, closing time meant she wasn’t the only celeberity wandering around. Wincing a little as she realized there was no way around, except past Ian she sighed quietly, staring at the floor as she started passing him, hoping he was distracted enough by the art he was considering, not to realize it was here. "Jackie?Hey, sweetheart."Ian turned looking at her as she brushed past him, smirking a little as he gripped her arm. looking her over.

"I saw your panel. You always were quite the girl."Ian smirked at her, gently stroking her hair out of her face, and ignoring the panicked look she was giving him. "I-Ian. It's good to see you."Not really. "But I have to go. Plans for tonight." "What? A date?I knew you were a slut, but purposefully breaking up a marriage...naughty naughty."Ian muttered.
Sebastian chuckled. "Yes, I must!" He exclaime dramatocally, helping her to her room. He frowned a little at her wanting space, but inderstood. "I'm just upstairs if you need me" he promised, kissing her cheek before leaving.

Krystal beamed, giving James an actual kiss on the lips this time. She was having a little fun. "Ahh, Wonderful!! I'm so glad. I missed you while you were gone, baby" she purred, winking again.

As soon as Jensen heard Jackie's voice, he raced to her. "The lady said she had somewhere to go. I suggest you let her go." He growled, towering over the man and looking menacing. He wouldn't have his friends disrespected.
Ian frowned at Jensen as he looked at the taller man, though he was only a little taller, jensen was definitely broader and more in shape then the slender man. “I think not. She’s been avoiding talking to me. I have some rights to know how my child is.” “N-no. Not now. I d-don’t care, Ian.”Jackie said so nervous and scared of Ian that she was litterally falling over her words, whining softly as Ian’s hand tightened for a moment before letting go. “We’ll talk later, Daniels.”He growled before stalking away so suddenly that Jackie fell into Jensen. Startling as she fell into jensen’s chest, she jerked away, having made a promise to herself that she wouldn’t touch him unless she was filming, it hurt to be acting like the slut ian had accused her of, not even able to keep the promise for a few hours.
Jensen frowned. "The lady said no. Now I suggest you leave before I give you a reason to." He threatened, every bit like Dean winchester as he looked at the other. It almost looked like Jensen was captain america instead of Chris evans as he stood, proud and menacing in defence of Jackie.

When he left, Jensen let out a sigh of relief. "You're okay, right? He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked worriedly, concerned because of her pregnancy, and because she was important to him.
Jackie looked up at Jensen, tilting her head a little as Ian stalked away, for the moment distracted at the sight of jensen being so defensive and proud. “No wonder they nearly cast you as Cap.”She muttered teasing him a little sounding scared and upset still, nodding to quickly as she moved away from him. “I’m fine. Really. Ian wasn’t any worse then normal. Better really.”She said not answering if she was hurt or not, simply scared, scared of being around men at the moment, even if she trusted jensen to protect her.
Jensen let out a small chuckle at her joke. "Scheduling issues" he admitted, letting out a breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding. He had been so worried for her before. If Ian ever guest starred, he was killing him. He gave her a small smile. "Do you want me to walk you back to your room? Just so you don't run in to him again?" He asked, looking concerned.
“I know. But you should totally show up as Cap at con sometime.”She muttered giving a slightly still upset giggle, though she was starting to calm down. Crossing her arms over her chest, she huddled in on herself, nodding a little. “Y-yes. That would be n-nice.”she stuttered, not because he scared her, but because when she was upset, she lost the years of practice and work she’d taken to get rid of a childhood stutter. And Ian always had had the ability to revert her back, making her stutter like a idiot. “I-I don’t want to shop anymore.”She muttered avoiding looking at him as she headed for the door, looking around her anxiously to make sure Ian wasn’t lurking around.
Jensen chuckled. "Maybe I will." He rplied, nodding at her agreement. He didn't want her to have to deal with who he guessed was an abusive ex boyfriend. He wanted her safe. He gave her a soft smile, putting a hand on the small of her back. "Lets go then" he added, giving her a reassuring smile.
“You should.”She smiled at him, starting to relax the longer Ian didn’t appear again, sighing softly. Relaxing into the hand on her back, resisting for a moment before edging closer, simply taking shelter against the taller man. Smiling back at him, unsure and quiet, simply walking back. Calmer by the time they got to their floor, glad at least she wasn’t taking him to far out of his way, since they’d gotten a whole floor of rooms. “Thanks Jen.”She muttered opening her door, looking up at him with a smile.
Jensen smiked softly. "I'll see. Maybe I can get Krys to make me something. You know she made that costume she was wearing all by herself?" He asked, letting out a breath as she leaned into him. It felt right to be with her. Even righter than it felt to be with his wife, and that scared him. Whennthey reached her room, he kissed her cheek chastely. "You're welcome, Jackie. Call if you need anything. I'm just across the hall." He promised, smiling softly at her.
“she’d probably do it.she’s good at that stuff.”She grinned a little, sighing quietly as she closed her eyes for a moment, it scared her how right it felt snuggled into his side. So much more then it felt to be with ian, or even sebastian. And that scared her. “I....”She bit her lip, looking up at him as he stepped away, resting a hand against the door before stepping inside. “Come in for a bit?A drink?I....I don’t want to be alone just yet.”Not that it was a great idea to be alone in a hotel room wih him,but she was still shaken. “You know...never mind....that...never mind.”She shook her head.
Jensen smiled. "Well, maybe i'll ask her." He said, running a hand through spiky hair. He could see that she was still shaken. He gave her a reassuring smile. "Only if you want me to. I just want you to feel safe. That Ian guy shook you up good" he told her softly, concern for her in his chisled features. He wanted her to feel safe agin before leaving her.
Jackie nodded a little, swallowing hard. “....Okay. Come in. I’ll make us drinks.”She said stepping in, heading for the fridge to grab the beer he preferred and the lemonade she’d been drinking since she gave up alcohol. “Sit, we’ll watch something or something.”She said fidgeting a little as she handed him the beer, settling onto the couch with a sigh.
Jensen smiled, following her in. He was kind of amused that the rooms seemed to fit their personalities. The hotel rooms had been redecorated before they came. He took the beer. "Thanks jackie" he said simply, relaxing in a chair over by the TV. He was waiting fo her to sit before handing her the remote.
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