
Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I can get that. Bites are good when they're not from vampires." He wiggled his eyebrow as he spoke, and smirked. The rest of the room, save Bailey rolled their eyes. Here they go again.

Krystal nodded at Casteil, putting a soft hand on Baily's shoulder. She was trying to heal the rest of the battle. "Anytime, Bailey" she said simply, watching the rest of the room. She would havento have a private talk with Casteil later.

Dean scratched his chin. "Sounds interesting. What do you say, Sammy? Wanna stick around for a little while?"
B they are. Though it better still be a good looking guy taking a bite out of me."bailey smirked at him even as cas rolled his eyes. He found human mating rituals both confusing and amusing. Dean's quest for sex usually amused him. Sam smirked a little but nodded, "yea we have no where else to be....I'll see about getting a room at that motel in town....bailey?" "Yea. I'll see that he gets there after he's finished drinking. Safe and sound, I promise."bailey smirked laughing a little as the others left set, knowing they wouldn't wander to far. Sipping her pretend whiskey she fidgeted, nervkus. Not about to admit this would be her first sex scene ever, not when she knew jensen was well versed in the fake sex thing.
Dean laughed heartily this time. "You've got a point there." He smirked back at her, then nodded at his brother. This was gonna be good, The two of them and another hunter. Little did he know just what would happen this time because of his actions.

Krystal made a face. "Sam, casteil and I will be at the motel. Stay safe." She said, walking over to casteil. She wanted to talk to him about something. Their vessels could have sex, and the angel of grace was curious. He had to listen to her too. She was his boss.

When the camera was off, Jensen gave Jackie a reassuring smile. "Its gonna be fine. Don't worry."
Jackie tilted her head as she looked at jensen, making a face at him as soon as she knew the cameras were off."says the man who's had more fake organs on screen then a porn star."she snapped before wincing. Making a face again, feeling bad for snapping at him."sorry...just nerves."she sighed quietly. Rubbing a hand over her face and ignoring that the others were watching them."dealers choice. They said it was up to us where we wanted to be. Bar, car, of hotel?"she said trying to distract herself and just get it over with. Surely it'd get easier after the first time
Jensen chuckled a little. "You hace a point. But really don't worry. Its always nerve wracking with someone who you just met. I've just learned to keep calm." He explained, not even caring about her snapping. He knew what it felt like to have your first sex scene with someone you barely knew. While she didn't say, her nervousness and actions told more than she realized.
"Okay. Calm is easy enough."she sighed a little rubbing a hand over her face, glad she wasn't wearing that much makeup before nodding towards the car. Having requested her mustang, cause well, the boys got a impala, she wanted a cool car. We might as well put the backseat to go use."she fidgeted turning to look at him, then the others. Wincing a little as she realized they weren't going to get any instructions besides to go with what felt okay, and to try and not mess up the shots to much by blocking each other. Looking at jensen, willing to follow his lead.
Jensen smiled, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That's the spirit my friend. Do you wanna top or should i?" He asked, reffering to the scene. It would be easief for him to lead her from the 5op, but he would do what made her most comfortable. He just wanted her to like him. Despite being married, he couldn't ignore the pull he felt to her. He couldn’t even explain it.
Jackie smiled a little at him, blushing ever so slightly as she considered him, and the wuestion. Eyes widening a little as her mind took a detour to the gutter, considering him like she had actually pice him up in a bar, before shaking her head to clear it. "You top. I'll fit easier laying back on the seat."she said because she wasn't that much shoeter, but it was enough that it'd make it easier for her to fit on the seat and still able to see on camera thrn to put him on bottom. Shaking her head and trying to focus she headed for the car.
Jensen smiled and nodded. "That works for me. Don't worry, its not as hard as it looks." He promised, following her out to the car, whose door was open.

Dean smirked at Bailey as they sat on the hood of her mustang. "Life as a hunter sucks. But someyimes you meet people uou like." He said, taking a sip of his beer before kissing her. He almost always initiated.
" know. Considering what we're doing, I thought hard was part of the requirement."she teased, mostly because she teased when she was nervous.

Bailey smiled a little as she leaned back against the hood, shifting to look at him, "hmm, as long as a hunters sucking, I guess tonight won't be so bad."she teased whining a little as he kissed her, sighing softly as she raised a hand, sliding her fingers through his hair, gently tugging on the strands, simply letting him take the lead. This was going to be interssting.
Dean chuckled again. "You have a point there."

"Hm, yes, I think this hunter would like to do alot of sucking" Dean kissed her a little harder as he picked her up, pushing her down into the back seat of her mustang. "You're so beautiful." He muttered, kissing and lickingnat her collar bone before slipping off his shirt. Jensen was making this look way to easy.
Bailey yelped a little at the sudden movement, blinking stupidly for a moment, disoriented before sighing quietly as she settled back into her seat. "I'm not the beautiful one here."she muttered as she pushed up his shirt, absent fingers trailing over scars as she kissed him back, easily following his lead, even if she was still feeling slightly awkward, she trusted jensen to not let her embarrass herself to much.

Misha smirked a little as he glanced at jared, leaning back in his seat as he watched two two."20 says they forget they're being filmed."he muttered looking way to amused
Dean smirked, kissing at her neck as he ripped off her already pretty mutilated shirt to reveal her bra. "Says who?" He asked, kissing her again as he held her wrists together to the window.

Krystal and Jared both chuckle. "We'll take that bet."
"Well, probably every woman you've ever slept with."bailey teased growling quietly as her hands were held, fighting him because she was incapable of not fighting being held down, even if it was a Jackie reaction, it fit with the hunters need to fight helplessness. Growling when she couldn't move him at all, shifting, grinding up into him as she raised her head for another kiss. For the moment, cameras forgotten as bailey focused on the hunter on top of her, falling completely into character and forgetting anything else
Dean rolled his eyes, kissing her again. He liked her best. "Hmm, someone is a little kitty" he purred smirking at her. Jensen had a kinkier side few knew about, and with the camera and circumstance forgotten, he was showing it.

"Cut! Beautiful!" Yelled the dorecter, not even needing a second take. They were just to perfect.

Krystal handed misha a 20. "Worth it. Feel bad for his wife though. Those two have soulmate level chemistry." She spoke flatly, looking concered at the both jared and misha.
"Me?I'm not the kinky one in the car."bailey muttered startling at his hands tightening around her wrists to keep her there, Jackie'Jackie ' surprise at being held down, the gut level reaction to it showing on her face even as the scene was cut. Jerking in his hands as she flushed brightly, turning away from jensen as she waited for him to move away. Not quite able to look at him.

Misha nodded as he took both jared and krystal money. "His wife is going to kill him when she sees this episode."the sometimes angel agreed."nah. Shell be okay. And they won't do anything."jared said. He hoped at least. Because he'd never seen jensen react to anyone like he just had with jackie, and that scared him. For his friend, he knew jensen loved daneel, but sometimes he wondered if jensen had married simply because it'd been expected of him....and watchjng those two professionals actually forget they were being film2d, scared him.
Dean smirked. "So, what's wrong with being a little kinky?" He asked, tightening his grip just a little. He wanted her to stay put while his other hand squeesed at her breast a little through the bra.

When the direectoryelled cut, Jensen immediately let go of Jackie. "S-sory. Don't know what came over me." He admitted with a blush, getting off of her. Daneel was gonna kill him when she saw this episode.

Krystal looked worried. "I don't think I've ever seen it look that resl, Jared, and I've been a hunter since episode 1." She explained softly, unsure what else to say. Shit was about to get serious.
Jackie flushed as she sat up slowly, retrieving both their shirts and pulling hers hastily on, even as she did up the button to her jeans. All the while avoiding looking at jensen. Before snorting a little."well. I think that takes care of the first sex on screen jitters. Thanks jackles."she said, sounding ever so awkward, and a little desperate to back away from whatever had just happened.

Jared frowned a little, nodding."...because it usually isnt."he swallowed thickly well aware the bondage part had been jensen ad Libving, and few would notice, since dean was such a part of jensen, but he knew. And he knew daneel would know, because that part of him was real, and rarely seen in dean. Swallowing hard he looked relieved when the director called it a day for the girls Feeling emotionally worn out even if misha and him and jensen still had some scents to do."I'll talk to him tonight."he promised
Jensen let out a soft chuckle. "I'm glad to be of help. Sorry this is so awkward." He apoligized, looking kind of embarrassed. This had never happened any otherbtome he'd done a scene as Dean. He felt like there was this unspoken connection he couldn't quite explain. It felt so natural, yet he was so very guilty. He loved his wife, but he was growing feelings for the woman he just met too.

Krystal looked worried. She had some esp to her, and she could sense the vibes coming off of the two of them. They oozed soulmates. This was going to be really tough. "Thanks Jared. If you guys aren't busy after filming, feel free to come to my place. I'm gonna have a few friends over. Just a few old costars. It'll be fun!" She replied, trying to lighten the mood.
“ to.”Jackie offered him a small smile as she sighed softly. “At least we don’t have to worry about the fans never believing us as a couple. Someone, somewhere will be happy I’m going to be staying in from now on.”She said blushing ever so slightly before nudging him a little. “I’ll see you later. I’m done for the day.”She smiled heading for krystal, having every intention of hiding out at her place till she found her own apartment in the city, having just flown in for the day, and not being from canada, she had no place of her own yet.

“We’ll be there. Probably easier talking to him there instead of anywhere else.”Jared sighed a little, shaking his head as he headed for Jensen. This was just going to be hard on them if the two couldn’t figure out how to work together.
Jensen chuckled. "Once again you have a point. My wifebis gonna kill me when she sees this episode." He admitted, looking a little guilty though he smiled. He was having way to many mixed emotions. "See you later then. You'll be at krys's right?" He added, tilting his head.

Krystal nodded. "Good. It'll be more fun that way!" She replied, giving Jared and misha both hugs. Even if she was crushing hard, she still wanted to show affection.

Krystal gave Krystal a hug. "Its not so bad. Least you don't have to have a sex scene with the guy you've been crushing on since you were 11." She half joked, though jackie would be able to see how nervous she really is. Hopefully she could get Misha to see she liked him beforehand.
“I’m sorry....send flowers?Lots of flowers?Maybe she’d not kill you?”She offered, looking a little guilty herself, hating she’d made him feel that way, and feelign the onset of a headache from to many conflicting emotions, before nodding. “Yea, I’ll be there.”She promised. Smiling a little at misha and jared as the two hugged krys goodbye, before snorting. “’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”She hoped.

Later Jared sighed softly as he slid onto the chair next to jensen as they watched the others getting into the pool, amused that for once, jensen wasn’t the first one in the water. Holding out the beer in his hand he studied the other. “I know you like being surprised by the episodes, but you need to know. They’re writing her in as a serious hunter love-interest for Dean. So. You know. More sex. More romance things. More you forgetting dean’s not nearly as kinky as you are.”He teased his friend a little, though under that teasing, there was worry as he watched Jackie step out of the house in nothing but a bikini, a suit that did nothing to hide the girlish curves, or just the start of a baby belly, which he only knew was baby and not fat because he’d asked and read most of the season scripts already. So he knew what was coming.
Jensen sighed. "It might help. At least it wont air for awhile." He said, running a hand through his hair. This was awkward. Here he smiled. "See you there then."

Krystal sighed. "I hope so. I really like him. Now even more that i've actually interacted with him." She admitted, walking outbto her dark blue lotus with jackie.

Jared sighed, lounging on the chair next to Jared. "That... could be a problem. I have no idea why, but... I feel so drawnnto her. Its really strange." He admitted, smirking as Krystal came out in an anti posession symbol adorned bikini. She really is a hunter.
“Yea. I know. Figure it out now, because if push comes to shove, they can cast someone else.”Jared looked sad at the idea, he liked jackie, even if her response and jensen’s response to each other worried him. “It is strange. Even weirder for you to forget your being filmed. need to figure out if you’re actually going to be able to work with her. I mean it Jen. Daneel’s going to string you up by your heels if she figures out just how badly you’ve already got it. Much less figures out you nearly had sex without meaning to.”Jared sighed, not sure how this talk was going to go, but knowing it had to be said. “And figure it out before con this weekend, Kripke’s planning on announcing her staying then.”
Jensen nodded. "I know man. I know. I'm not sure what I wanna do about this, yet. I'm so confused." He admitted candidly, sighing. All this emotion was to much to handle. He needed to figure it out fast. Con was in 2 weeks. "What should I do? I have absolutely no clue..."
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