
Jackie nodded, pulling away, smirking a little."We still have babysitters for the night?"She said snickering a little.

"love you to."Misha smiled kissing her head before pulling away, "Come on let's give them some time, we should get some sleep ourselves."
Jensen chuckled heartily. "Yeah. Jared and Gen are gonna take her tonight." He said softly, kissing her.

Krystal smiled, snuggling him. "Yeah, lets go upstairs. I'm tired." She replied softly, though what she wished she could do was jump his bones. He looked so good in that suit.
"Awesome."jackie grinned at her husband.

The next morning jackie sighed softly as daneel cried, wincing as she tried to sooth the baby's tears as she looked up at jensen."you better just go...she's not going to calm down till your gone..."she sighed knowing it wouldn't help leaving behind his upset because he was leaving daughter.
Jackie sighed softly watching g him go, knowing this was gonna be abrd on thrm all. A few days later jackie winced a little as she called her husband, rubbing a hand over her face."jen?is everything okay?mishas not answering his phone, and he needs to get his ass back here."
Jensen frowned as he picked up the phone. "He's been in his trailor alot when not on set. The threats against him and the fans are really getting him down. Why? What's happened? Is Krys okay?" He asked, looking worried. He could hear Krys's muffled screams from the background.

Krystal was in some major pain. Her water had broken over 4 hours ago, and she was only at 3 centimeters. "Tell him to get his ass home! Jamie can't deal with this right now!"

Jensen walked to Misha's trailor, knocking then poking his head in. "Misha? If you're in here, I think Krys is in labor. She needs you, man."
"She's fine. Even if she's in labor, and Jamie's memories back, he's flashing between being here and having a breakdown from to much information at once." "Hm?"misha opened the door looking tired as he looked at jensen.
Jensen sighed. "Okay, i'll tell him." He said, relaxing as Misha came out of his trailor.

Jensen looked to his friend, worried. "Jackie's on the phone. She says you should get back home. Jamie remembers everything and is having a mental breakdown, and Krys is screaming in the background. Pretty sure she's in labor." He explained before getting a text and checking it. He sighed. "Scratch that. She is in labor. She needs you."
Jackie sighed softly as she ran her hand through her hair, waving a hand to wave away jensen’s worried look as she stepped outside as her cell phone rang, turning her back on the party going on inside, she shivered a little in the cool air, her dress wasn’t made for cold weather. Looking up at the slightly stormy weather she smiled slightly, definitely a winchester sort of day out there. Raising the phone that had buzzed to her ear, she answered. With each moment the past it made the panic worse, feeling the corset starting to dig in to her sides, feeling utterly at a loss for breath as she leaned back against the glass for a moment, closing her eyes, trusting Jensen to look after the 3 year old Daneel for the moment.
Jensen kisses her head, looking charp in his tuxedo. "Don't take to long my love" he told her softly as he went back inside, dancing with their 3 year old.

"Yes, is this mrs. Ackles? I have great news for you! The tests came back and I am pleased to tell you that you're pregnant!" The nurse explained, her happy demeaner practically shining through the phone. She was excited for the woman!

Krystal snuggled into Misha, jamie on her other side. Their son Dimitri pulled at her flowing blue and white dress. She picked him up. "What is it my little Dimka dumpling?" She asked, snuggling him as Violetta climbed into misha's lap. "Dance!" He proclaimed, grinning widely. She chuckled and kissed his head. "Of course Dumpling."
“I wont. Promise.”Jackie muttered smiling a little before paling, sighing softly as she rested her head against the glass. “Yes, it is. Thanks for telling me. I know its like a law or something, but considering my life, I’d like no one to find out about this before I get to talk to the others.”JAckie said hanging up on the nurse, because she knew even if it was against the rules, she knew nurses talked to each other, with her luck the world would know she was pregnant before she got to figure out how to tell jensen.

Misha smiled a little laughing as he kissed krystal’s head, shaking his head thoughtfully as he looked up at jensen. Amused as he watched his wife and son head out to dance, before smiling at jensen as the man walked by with daneel, who was very loudly declaring she was ready for cake.
"Of course not, Mrs Ackles. I could be sued for that. Have a nice day." She replied softly, putting the phone down.

Krystal smiled at the kiss to the head, giving him a kiss to the lips. "I love you" she said softly, using her free hand to squeeze Jamie's arm. It was a discreet way of declaring the same thing to him. She danced happily with her son, chuckling softly at Daneel. "In a little while, Deedee." She promised, still dancing with Dmitri.
“Love you to.”Misha said smiling as jamie gave her a squeeze back as he watched them all. Happy with how things were. “Kay. Cake soon.”Daneel declared, looking pleased with the announcement. “Come here, Dee, I want a dance.”James said smiling as he stole her from Jensen with a happy little spin, grinning as she giggled, distracted for the moment. “...You need to be elsewhere.”James muttered looking at jensen and nodding towards where Jackie looked like she was having a full on panic attack even if she was hiding somewhat outside.
Krystal smiled, relaxed. After a long and crazy journey, she finally had both men she loved in her world. She chuckled. "Yes, DeeDee, Cake aoon" She replied, grinning as James danced with the 3 year old. She wanted him to have a biological daughter.

Jensen nodded at James, walking out to Jackie and pulling her into a tight hug. "Alright, A rúnsearc (uh ROON-shark. Literally “secret love” — a very passionate way of saying “beloved.”) tell me whats on your mind. You look so very panicked. Whatever it is, we'll getbthrough it together." He promised, kissing thebtop of her head as he snuggled her.
Jackie startled a little as she was pulled into a hug, having not been paying attention to her surroundings, so much so she hadn’t even noticed her husband approaching. Squirming slightly, feeling caged between his body and the window, panting even harder, to far gone in her panic and worry to really be talking yet. Hands fisting the front of his tux before wincing, forcing her hands to let go before she wrinkled the fine material. “N-nothing. It’s okay. Really.”She said panting quietly.
Jensen shook his head, frowning. He stroked her cheek. "That's bullshit and we both know it, A rúnsearc. Now tell me what's wrong. Whatever it is, we'll handle it together. Always and forever, remember?" He told her softly, his concerned eyes showing how much he just wanted to help.
Jackie sighed softly, leaning into the touch as he stroked her cheekm shifting to rest her head against his chest. “Always.”She muttered going quiet and squirming. While she might lie and try to play it off, once, she wouldn’t do it again. They’d gotten better at talking about things, relying on each other. But She couldn’t tell him. Really. “Jensen....later. There’s a party going’s...just something silly.”CAuse only a silly, stupid woman would let her birthcontrol ness up.
Jensen frowned. "It will make me feel better to know. Besides, they're not even missing us. In fact both Jamie and Krys sent we out here to make sure you're okay. Please, A rúnsearc, tell me." He pleaded, his face almost looking like Chris even is puppy mode. He desperately needed to know what was wrong so he could make it better.
Jackie sighed softly, shifting,burrowing close to his chest, actually sliding her arms under his jacket, huddling into the warmth trapped against his chest, “You are such a puppy.”She muttered,”Blaming Chris for teaching you that....”She muttered absently rubbing her hands up and down his back, definitely a sign she was upset and worried about telling him. Ducking her head a little, muttering. “I’m pregnant.”She stuttered, the stuttering starting now, upset and so scared about telling him. "I-I know w-we said we'd wait t-til Dee was o-older, and I w-was careful, b-but I don't k-know jen...."
Jensen held her her close and grinned. "Why are you so upset? That't the best news I've hward in weeks! The only person who could be any happier than me right now is Misha, and thats only because he finally won the "who agets to marry krys battle" he replied, picking her up and spinning her happily before kissing her passionately. "Another girl would bebamazing, but I think a boy would be awesome too." He added, wanting her to realize that she had no reason to fear. He was excited!
"But but-"she stuttered so surprised at his reaction she had no idea how to respondylitis before laughing even if she felt sick as she was spun."okay, okay it 2ouls be good."she said a little giddy now that he knew and she was calming down.

The end
Jensen grinned, setting her down and kissing her lovingly. "Two girls would be."

Yes, everything was now perfect in his world, and he could finally relax. Him and Jackie were gonna finally really get the happiness the both so deserved.

The end.
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