
Misha smiled hugging her back, before nodding. “AFter I eat.”He said smiling as he watched james head to get a shower.

“It is.”Jackie said sounding relieved that he agreed with her, before sighing softly, closing her eyes. Simply trying to relax and recover from the man being gone, and the scolding she’d gotten from her parents. As much as she didn’t want to talk to him, answering the phone when they called, she had to, because she loved them as much as she hated them sometimes. “So, how are you?”she muttered, simply wanting to catch up.
Krystal smiled, giving him another kiss as she snuggled into him. "Okay, after you eat." She replied, just happy he was home. Even if she knew Jamie was getting better, he to was pretty distant. She didn't understand why they were both being that way.

Jensen frowned, kissing her head as he stroked her hair. He knew something was up. He gave her an actual kiss, nuzzling her softly. "My love, whats wrong? Yohblook so sad"
Jackie sighed a little, shrugging slightly as she shifted, curling up into his side. “Just thinking.”She muttered chewing on her lip a little. Willing to be squirrelly and not wanting to tell him everything. Because she knew he’d go nuclear if she did. “....About daneel. Both daneel’s really. Just everything. It’s been nearly 2 years since we met.”She said shrugging a little.
Jensen held her close, kissing her head. "Its hard to believe its been that long." He replied softly, willing to bend and let her not say everything, even if he really wanted to know so he could help her. He knew she often didn’t tell him the whole truth when it came to her problems, and while it bothered him, he understood why she didn't. "I miss Daneel too. She would've loved little Daneel. I know for sure she's watching over us though. She's the reason Krys came to save me when you were in labor." He explained softly, content to just snuggle for awhile, maybe take a nap. The drive down had been long.
“I know.It has been.”She shifted stretching out on the couch, pulling him with her, simply laying down to take a nap right there, while she wanted to talk, she wasn’t ready to. Not when Jensen looked ready to pass out. “She is. I know.’s lonely sometimes.”She muttered because she missed daneel, and missed what they could have found, but it was okay. Sighing as she shifted, laying down with him, going to sleep.

A few hours later she smiled a little, having gotten up to feed Daneel, and while the girl was okay, she was also getting sick, so she was cranky, and sleepy, and very cuddly as she clung to her mother. Rubbing a hand over her face as she rocked daneel in the rocking chair, she winced as she realized that jensen had woken up. She’d been trying to let him sleep. Wincing because she knew whatever she was doing, it was probably wrong, and this was hard, but she was trying. Trying so hard, having taken the girl to the doctos, but it was just a cold, and with cold medicine, she’d just have to get over it. Which hadn’t helped jackie feel like she was doing a stellar job while jensen was away, even if sick children was a common occurrance.
Jensen kissed herbhead as he was pushed down on the couch, hugging her closebto him. "I know exactly how you feel. When i'm alone at the apartment, its surreal. Its like she's there but not." He admitted, yawning. He held her close, falling asleep quickly.

Daneel wasn't facing Jensen as he came in, and he smiled softly at his fiancee. "How's she feeling?" He asked, curious not because he thought she was incapable, but because he worried about them both. Colds sucked at any age.
Jackie flinched a little at the question, resting her cheek against daneel’s hair, feeling especially defensive and heart sore since this was the first time she’d had to handle a sick child, smiling a little as daneel whined for her papa, flinching again. Taking the asking as a critiiscm from her daughter on a prefenrce for her papa. “Sick. Not so bad, her fever broke at least.”
Jensen frowned a little. "Poor little pie. I'm sure you've been taking great care of her, since she's getting better." He replied, giving her a light kiss. He didn't want her to feel inadequate, even if her parents did. They constantly put her down, even when he tried to build uer up. "She just missed me, jackie. Its not you. Promise." He told her firmly, trying to make her feel better.

Krystal relaxed in bed, waiting for Misha to come back. They were gonna talk now.
Jackie smiled a little as she kissed him back, nodding a little. “She is. Though she isn’t happy. Doesn’t feel well.”She muttered sighing quietly, looking down. “But you’re better.... I this. With her. Always have been. You should have been having kids with daneel, not me. You were ready to....I didn’t want kids. Didn’t think I was good with them.”She muttered resting her cheek against daneel’s head.

Misha smiled a little as he slumped into the bed after he walked in, yawning as he laid back.
Jensen nodded. "Nobody is happy about being sick, and you're a wonderful motber. You're letting your parents get to you again." He explained softly, hugging her as he rubbed Daneel's head softly. Jensen shook his head. "Im just good because I read alot of parenting books. Its normal not to know what the heck your doing with the forst child." He explained, trying to make her feel better.

Krystal smiled, snuggling close to him. "Dimka, is there something wrong? You've been kind of distant lately. Did I do something wrong?" She asked, looking worried and curious.
Jackie sighed softly smiling a little as daneel whined, squirming and holding out her arms for her papa. “I read them to. I tried I mean....just didn’t know what to many choices on what to read....”She mtutered looking so miserable, as she looked up at him. “...What if they’re right Jen?”She muttered needing to get it out, the poison of what was said when he was in the hospital starting to spill out, for once willing and able to talk about it, and it was probably because she wasn’t feeling to great herself, and she’d missed him so, so much.

Msha shrugged a little wrapping his arms around her. “Just preparing for whatever you decide....we’ll be together, we have a kid...but you don’t have to stay with me you know.”
Jensen nodded, hugging them both close. "There are alotbof them out there" he replied simply, frowning at her next comment. "They're not. I don't know what your parents said to you, but none of it is true. You are a beautiful, smart, kind, lovely woman. You are a wonderful person. Don't let then get you down." He told her, snuggling close.

Krystal frowned. "I do want to be with you Dimka. I love you. Its just.. I still love Jamie too. Honestly though, if I could I'd just be with you both. Us 3 and the twins against the world. I deserve to be a little selfish, don't I?" She asked, and Misha would be able to tell by her expression just how much this is hurting her. She needed them both.
“Yea...”Jackie sighed a little frowning at him, thinking on that. “And also a woman who got pregnant the first time we had sex. Sorta messes with the smart or lovely image.”She said shifting so he could snuggle both her and daneel on the small couch.

“I know you do....”Misha sighed a little before shrugging. “Yes, I guess you do. We’ll figure it out.”he smiled kissing her head a little.
Jensen shook his head. "Never fault yoursekf for that my love. Daneel was neant to happen, and would have happened anyway." he promised, kissing her head and hugging her close. He needed her to know how much he loved and needed her.

Krystal snuggled close to misha, kissing his lips softly. "I love you, Dimka, and you and I and the twins will be happy." She told him firmly, wondering what might be going through Jamie's head as well. She had this sneaking suspician he was niw just pretending to still be amnesiac.
Jackie sighed softly, resting her head against his, closing her eyes. “...I should have left you alone. You’re to good for me. Better despite being a actor.”Well, that explained who had been getting to her. Not really hearing him, not ready to hear and be consoled by his words, the poison just getting out, needing to bleed it out first, then she’d be able to let jensen help her.
Jensen frown, just holding her. It was obvious that her parents had gotten to her, poisoned away what little shred of self confidence he had tried to help give her. Daneel held her mother too, wimpering. Despite not quite understanding the words tet, she could tell by the expression on her parents face it wasn't good.
Jackie sighed softly, closing her eyes as she leaned into her fiancee, rubbing Daneel’s back as she whimpered. “It’s okay sweetheart. You’re okay.”Even as lost and tired as she felt, hse was a good mother, trying to sooth her daughter despite everything screwing her up. “.....You know....they told me you only wanted me cause of daneel. Made sense since I got pregnant right away....didn’t....this is hard jen. It’s matter how hard I try...they’re there.”She shuddered, crying quietly. “and I have no idea why.”
Daneel calmed slightly, still snuggling into her mother. She just wanted her to feel better. "You known that's not true. I loved you the moment I saw you, married to daneel or not." Jensen snuggled her closely as she cried, frowning, though ideas were turning in his head. He would make her smile again. He would. "Its because they have been belittling you your whole life. Adults don't realize sometimes how much their words affect their child's psyche. Just let it out, and it will pass." He promised, rubbing her back as he snuggled her.
Bits okay sweetheart."jackie muttered rubbing daneels back, glad she calmed. Going still at jensen's words as she sniffled, nodding a little."I know...but you were gone and I couldbt focus...and I couldn't reason it through..."she sighed wuietly, not really realizing she'd told him when her parents had said something. When he was in a coma. That was just brutal."yea...I feel better..."she muttered shivering a little as she snuggled into him
Daneel stopped her wimpering, simply snuggling into her parents. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you baby. I didn't mean to be." He replied softly, giving her kisses. He hated seein her feel so badly. He got an idea then, texting krystal, but not letting Jackie see.

Krystal texted bacm. "Sure thing. I'll get right on that." And in a matter of days everything was planned.

The next day while Misha was away at the studio, krystal sat next to Jamie. "How are you feeling dear? Have you remembered who you are yet? If you have, we should probably bring Joy here. She still thinks your dead." She admitted, gauging his reaction. She needed to see if he did remember.
Bi know. It's fine...just felt lost."she sighed softly snuggling close, both mother and daughter starting to fall asleep.

... [yea totally going to skip that cause I can't think of anything to write....]

Jackie smiled a little as she walked through the house, picking up the to us and fidgeting."you sure krystal said it's fine?"she said knowing jensen had planned something even if he hadn't told her, and she was nervous about leaving daneel with someone else for the first time overnight. Usually if the others were babysitting it was just for a few hours.
Jensen kissed her head. "I know dear. Now rest. You look like you need it." He replied, simply relaxing.

Jensen rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Yes, for the thousandth time i'm sure!" Here replied, chuckling slightly. He knew that she was just worried. "It will be fine. Besides, those 3 could use the practice. They'll have two soon." He reminded her giving her a kiss. Krystal had offered to have a sleep over with daneel so they could have the whole night to themselves. Traditionally it was bad luck to see the bride the night before, but this wasn't your typical wedding. The next day after the wedding, jensen, misha and jared would be back on set for another 3 weeks. So this was a tiny honeymoon like night for them, not that Jackie knew what was up for tomorrow.
"Yea okay."jackie sighed a little before nodding.btrue. and jared said he was going to be around. So it'll be okay."she fussed a little, making a face as she finished packing up daneels things, knowing krystal would be there soon. Leaning in to kiss him lightly she made a face."I wish you didn't have to go. It's just gonna be so long...maybe me and daneel will do aday trip or something. I xunno..."
Jensen smiled. "Good. And really don't worry. It will be fine. Promise." He relayed again, knowing krystal would be there in about half an hour. He gave her a kiss. "I know, and yeah, maybe. But you should bring krys too. Especially if she's had the twins by then" he said, smiling.
"You're plotting things. It's sorta worrying."she said eyeing him with a smirk, trusting him enough that she really wasn't worried, or panicked at leaving daneel with the others."yea we can do that. It'll be fun."she grinned at him, looking forward to just a evening of them. It'd be amazing..

The next morning jackie sighed softly as she laid acoss him, panting and tired, lauthing as she raised her head to look at him."Tired of sex yet?"she teased smirking at him. They'd napped most of the night, waking up, and usually teasing the other awake before crashing for a few more hours of sleep before starting again....they really were doing that mini honeymoon, and getting it in since they'd both be deprived for a few weeks
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