
Jackie sighed softly as she shifted to let him kneel down, fidgeting a little as she leaned against the wall, smiling as daneel climbed into her lap, even though she still clung to her papa. she was such a daddy's girl. "I....I'm never good enough for them. no matter what I do, it's not enough. and they're not shy about telling me."She said shrugging a little, because she didn't know why, she just knew she was never enough.

Misha stirred smiling a little at the food. "You okay?"He muttered as he walked into the kitchen, leaning down to press a kiss to her shoulder.
Jensen nodded his head. "That... explains alot." He said simply, hugging her close to him. He would keep his feelings to himself when he went to see them. He was sure they were good people. He rubbed her back. "You are good enough. Your parents probably just don't know how much it hurts you. Things are fine." He promised, wanting to be supportive. He knew what it felt like to be torn down by those you love.

Krystal smiled, turning her head to give him a kiss to the lips. "I'm perfectly fine, iubesc. Just making breakfast. It makes me feel useful." She explained, her own anxieties about asking him 6o fo ecerything for her showing. For almodt all of her life she'd lived alone, so she always did things for herself. Asking someone for help made her feel guilty, so she felt really guilty lately with all the 3am cravings and such.
Byea...I guess...b she shrugged leaning into him, "i....I know.b she said though she didn't sound so sure that she was enough."....we can go now. They invited us over for breakfast when I called them earlier. Said come over whenever you got up..."she sighed wuietly. Hoping That Her Parents Would Let Her Have This Small Piece Of happiness without trying to ruin it. They're attitude really did confuse her, she had no idea what caused it.

"I know you like feeling useful, but you need to take it easy to. Let me do things to help. You're really pregnant at the moment. Rest is good."he said resting his head against her shoulder
Jensen hugged her close, giving her a kiss. "You're my world, Jackie, and you're absolutely good enough. Don't worry." He promised softly before he nodded. "Sure thing. Let me just put on some clean clothes." He added, motioning yo his obviously slept in clothes. He wanted to make a good impression.

Krystal smiled softly. "You've been doing everything for me, Dimka. I wanted to do something for you." She explained softly, giving him a kiss. She couldn't love him more than she did in this moment, all protective.
Jackie relaxed smiling up at him. She could handle almost anything, as long as she was enough for jensen. Nodding at his words she stood."I'll get me and daneel rady."she smiled at him as she watched him go before stating to get the baby and her ready to go. Looking up she smirked ay the nice jeans and dress shirt."maybe I don't want to take ryou out in public. You're gonna get glomped...."

Misha sighed nodding a little as he sighed."fine. But then you're going to sit and rest. Jamie's not looking like he's moving anytime soon. Looks like he hasn't slept good in weeks."
Jensen gave her another kiss before he left. "Good." He replied, chuckling as he came out. "I'll put on some sunglasses and they'll be none the wiser" he replied, hugging her. He knew she needed support. "I love you."

Krystal smiled softly, giving him a light kiss. "Fair enough, Dimka." She replied, before moving to look at Jamie. She looked concerned. "Poor dear. You think we should move him to a bed? I mean, the couch is comfortable, but he'll hurt himself if he sleeps like that." She added, not quite sure.
"I dunno. Sunglasses might not hide it all."she looked amused before si th ing as she was hugged, leaning into him."love you to...let's get this over with."she muttered shaken as she headed for the door.

Misha frowned thinking about it before nodding."we probably should. Go turn down the bed and I'll carry him."he said smiling a little as he picked up james and followed her towards the bedroom
Jensen chuckled. "We'll see." He replied, hugging her close a moment. He gave her a light kiss. "Yeah. Don't worry, it won't be to bad." He tried yo reassure, following her out.

Krystal nodded, going to the bedroom and turning it down. Once Misha laid him in bed, she took his shoes off and tucked him in. "Do you think he'll wake up later? Jen and jackie are coming over, so i'm hoping maybe he will be by then." She explained, running a hand through her hair and yawning. She was getting tired too. "What do you think he's dreaming about?" She asked, looking curious.
"Yea I hope so."jackie smiled as they left. Rolling her eyes went they got to the apartment her parents had gotten, though it was more of a town house really, it amused her that her professor parents couldn't do anything in small steps, it always had to be big and grand. For them, it was always about appeances."jackie?were around back!"her mother called before smiling widely at the sight of the man beside her. Caroline Daniels was a smaller, slender version of her daughter, without all the curves that made jackie soft and cuddly. "Jensen!it's good to see you awake. I'm caroline, and my husband Matthew will be out any minute. He went to get breakfast."

"I'm sure he will. He won't sleep all day."he said smiling slightly, before shrugging."something good I hope."he said kissing her head."how about you go lay down for awhile to?"
Jensen nodded, sure it wouldn't be to bad. He grinned at her mother as he followed Jackie, holding his hand out to shake her. "Its nice to finally meet you, Mrs.Daniels." he replied cordially, impessed by the town house. It remnided him of Misha's. He prayed for the best not knowing what to expect from jackie's parents as he held Daneel in his left arm.

Krystal smiled. "Hope not. He does look better then when arrived though. Poor thing has been through alot, even if he doesn't really remember." She admitted, sighing. She smiled at him nodding her head. She hoped he was having good dreams, maybe even dreams of his life. She nodded again. "Only if you lay down with me. You left me for so long yesterday!" She half whined, sounding like she did whenever he or jamie left.
"It's good to see jackie with someone. Sit, sit."Caroline smiled as she waved uim to a chair near hers."so how are you feeling? Are you sure your okay to be out?" "He's fine mom. I wouldn't let him leave the house if he wasnt."jackie said tense and worried, smiled a little at daneels babbling at her papa, to happy to have him back to be distracted by new people. Bwell. Some days you can't take care of yourswlf, so no I don't think it's a unreasonable question."Caroline said frowning at her daughter slightly.

"He has. And he does look better."misha said before laughing.bof course I'll lay down with you. And blame jensen since it's his fault I had to be gone so long."because they had to rewrite so much because jensen wasn't there, him and jared had been picking up the slack for the show
Jensen smiled softly. "I'm fine Mrs Daniels. The hospital wouldn't have let me go home if I wasn't" he promised her, smiling at his daughter. She was babbling adorably. He poked her nose. "Pie, don't ignore your gramma just cause i'm here." He chastised softly, though he smiled.

Krystal nodded. He really did look better. Jamie had been so tirednand worn when he got there, he looked like a ghost. She chuckled a little. "Oh, I do. Jensen owes me bigtime." She chuckled, leading him yo their bedroom across the hall.
“Caroline please.”Caroline smiled at him before nodding. “Good.”She said looking him over. “Dada!”Daneel squealed happily as he poked her nose, making a face at him. “
“It’s okay Jensen, really. It is quite good to see a happy child. Jackie wasn’t one, always sour and sulking. It’s good to see Daneel so happy.”Jack said as he walked out of the hosue, smiling at the three of them, the college professor looking the three over.

“You remind him that when he gets here. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it. Better then worrying about jackie anyways.”Misha said wrinkling his nose a little. Because he knew where the three others were, and despite their pleasant and quiet attitude, something about jackie’s parents just rubbed him the wrong way.
Jensen smiled. "Caroline then." He replied softly, chuckling a little at his daughter. She was just to cute. He tilted his head at Jackie's father, though he smiled. "Good morning, Mr. Daniels."

Krystal chuckled. "I certainly will. Jackie's parents are nice, but they can be abrasive. I'll explain later." She replied, snuggling into him as they lay down. "I love you."
“Good morning Jensen.”Jack smiled as he set the food down, waving a hand at the eggs and bacon, “Eat up.” Jackie smiled a little as he settled in to eat, watching the three in curiousity, before looking at his daughter. “So, how is the acting going?”He said, sounding just this side of polite, keeping the tone even, even if you knew he totally didn’t approve of what they generally called a waste of a life, and she needed to give up and get a good steady, regular job. “Good. I’ve been signed on for the next season and Daneel’s going to come to.” “Jackie. You shouldn’t. What could it do to a child to act this early.”Caroline said frowning a little as she ate.
Jensen smiled. "Thankyou" he replied softly, taking some bacon and eggs for himself and Jackie. He winced inaudibly as he heard Jackie's mother, holding his fiancee close. "It isn't that much of a stretch, Caroline. Our friend Krystal, when her twins are born, they'll be on the show too." He explained, trying to defuse the situation. He didn't want to make a bad impression.
Jackie smiled a little as she ate, sighing softly at Jensen’s words. She had hoped for one visit, one visit that could come out okay, that tehy wouldn’t think she was less. Was a bad mother, was a bad girlfriend. “It really isn’t. And it’s not like we’re going to keep here there all the time, between us, and jared and the others, we’ll be able to handle having the kids there, and taking them home.” “You should see about getting a babysitter. It’d be easier, and less stressful, I would think.” “....Daneel’s favorite babysitters are either Jen or Jared. And they’re both able to take care of her, it’ll be fine.”Jackie said the food tasting sour and feeling sick, even if she wasn’t reacting otherwise. Wincing as Daneel threw the food happily, she had reached that messy happy stage. “Jackie!” “What?she’s 7 months old. She’s going to make a mess.”Jackie said sounding tired as she cleaned up.
Jared smiled a little, hugging his fiancee close. "I'll look into sitters just to have a back up plan, but now that Krys is on maternity leave for then next few months, Danee will be able to stay with her in her penthouse." He explained, trying to soothe the tension, offer an olive branch so to speak. They were making it harder and harder to keep his cool. He cleaned Daneel up as Jackie cleaned the floor. "Now Danee, you need to be a little more aware. My little pie ia a clean girl, isn't she?" He cooed, smiling at her, gently coaxing her.
“Oh. That;s good to know...though it’s probably a good idea to keep looking for sitters. Just in case”Caroline smiled a little, glad for that. Though you knew she didn’t really approve of another actor babysitting, or even liked jared having her granddaughter, she was willing to overlook that for now. “Dada!”Danee clapped her hands happy that he was paying attention to her, smiling happily. “Jackie, I told you to read the books. It’s very helpful.” “I’ve read your books before mother. I don’t need to look at them to raise my daughter.” “Apparently you do.” “....Okay. I’m leaving now. You can visit with Jensen and Daneel, since you approve of him.”Jackie huffed a little shaking her head, before leaning over to kiss jensen’s cheek. “I’ll see you at Krystal’s.”She muttered before walking out, trusting him to look after daneel, and to hurt to respond in anything but walking away before she gave her parents the satisfaction of seeing her break down.
Jensen smiled. "I will do that, but I assure you Krystal is more than capable. In college she had a double major if Business and Child development. If you've ever stayed in a kobayashi hotel, that's her." He explained, trying to reassure the woman that his family was more than capable of helping them raise Daneel. Jensen frowned at the kiss to the cheek, kissing her before picking up Daneel, who was demanding cuddles. "Okay, i'll see you there." He replied softly, frowning. He hurt for her. Parents were supposed to love and support their children, not tear them down. He held Daneel close. "With all due respect to you two, I don't aprove of the way you're treating your daughter. Yes, I have read many a parenting books and minored in child psychology in college, and know that sometimes the method of making your children think they're not good enough makes them better in the long run works sometimes, but the pain you cause her just disgusts me. He last boyfriend was a terrible controlling abuser who almost killed her and daneel. Do you know why? Because she didn't think she deserved any better. I shall leave you with this thought though, professors. If Jackie and daneel had died at the hands of her abuser, who would you have blamed? Would you have blamed her for making the mistake of choosing him, or yourselves for ingraining it so much into her brain that she wasn't goid enough that she settled for a man who stalked and killed her?" He hept his tone level as he spoke, but his eyes showed it all. He was so in love with their daughter that he was offended and hurt on her behalf. So, with that he left, hoping that his words mught stick.

Krystal awoke with a stretch, slipping out of bed. Her first order of business was a bathroom break, but after that she would check on Jamie. She hoped he would be awake. She knew Jackie would be there soon, and thought that might help jog him.
"Good. And yes, we've met. She is a nice woman."Caroline smiled a little, but despite that, the only career that mattered to them both was that she was still a actress, had still chosen to do it, and actors well...were just not the same. were less. no wonder Jackie refused to talk to them mostly, or hadn't wanted either jensen or daneel around them. Jack rowned looking offended and annoyed as he watched jensen, "How dare you talk to us like this?Get out."He said looking pissed and not about to put up with being talked to like that, obviously it was the first time anyone had ever bothered defending jackie to them.

Jackie looked up when she saw Jensen following her out, something hurting and pained in her eyes as she considerd him.leaning back against the car as she waited for him to join her, having been preparing to walk across town to krystal's place when she'd heard the door shut behind him. "...hey."She muttered ducking her head a little, swallowing thickly, feeling raw and hurt, and fairly certain he was going to take daneel away from her. after all, he'd met her parents, what other kind of parent would she be besides as abusive and cruel as that?
Jensen smiled. "Oh, well that's good." Her replied softly, smiling. After speaking his piece, he frowned. "I was already leaving. I'm sorry to have iffended you, but it needed said. Someone needed to stick up for her." He replied simply, walking out the door with a click.

Jensen handed Daneel to Jackie and held her tight, giving her a kiss. "If you don't want them near danee, I understand and support that decision. No parent should talk to their child like that. Come on, we'll go to Krys's. I'm sure there's crazy surprises there. The woman is always cooking up some way to spoil you." He replied, hugging her close a moment. He just needed to know she would be alright. He kissed her head. "For what its worth, you're nothing like them, and thats why I know you'll be the best mother for danee that she could ever ask for." He added softly, nuzzing her before setting Daneel in her car seat and giving her a kiss. "Lets go."

Meanwhile, Krystal had slipped out of bed, did her thing, and was going to check on Jamie. She worried about him. She made herself another cup of tea, and one for him and misha as well, hoping the other was awake now. She had thought he was gone forever, so having him around made her just want to wrap him in her arms and not let go. She had alot of unresolved issues
Jackie slumped a little relieved as he handed daneel over to her, smiling as daneel smacked her cheekwith a Eman of 'mama kay?' "Yea, mama's okay darling girl."jackie muttered even if shewasn't really looking up at jensen, nodding slightly."yes...I only see them rarely. I don't want..."want them thinking daneel was less, for being her child, for being a actors child. Didn't want them making daneel feel bad about herself. Feeling raw and hurting as she let jensen hold them both, resting her head on his chest."yes let's go see krys."she muttered before tilting her head, looking at him as he put daneel in her seat "you think so?"she said watching him and not moving aaay, needing a answer first.

James walked into the kitchen, definitely having been awake for a bit if the washed hair and shaved face was aNY thing to go by."morning krys."he said smiling softly as he walked in and sat down. Looking around him in curiousity, but definitely more settled then he had been
Jensen hugged her to him, giving her a kiss after putting Daneel in her carseat. "Yes, I really truly do. I fell in love with you because you are a kind, beautful, and sweet woman, and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you." He told her softly, smiling at her as he got in the car. "Shall we go see what new surprises krys has in store?" He asked smiling, having no clue just how big the surprise was gonna be.

Krystal smiled at him calling her Krys. It meant he was remembering quicker. "Morning Jamie. Did you sleep well sweetie? You look better." She replied softly, sitting next to him at the kitchen table, handing him a cup of tea. "Jackie, Jensen and their 7 month old Daneel will be here soon. Do you want somr breakfast? I made all your favorites. They're under these warmers." She added, resisting her want to kiss him. He was still recovering, she had to wait for him to fully recover.b
Jackie smiled at him, blinking quickly to stop the tears as she smiled at him."I love you to."she said as she got into the car, not able to get the other words out, because there was so much to say, but I love you covered it, and she trusted him o know just how thankful she was for him, and his words when she was feeling so raw and hurting.

Bi did sleep well...feels like I hadn't slept in forever."he smiled a little before taking the tea, sipping it before looking startled."she's that old already?"he said looking yes. Breakfast would be good."he smiled. "Krys?you up?"jackie called as they walked in, looking steadier now, but still feeling banged up.
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