
Jensen chuckled, giving her a kiss. "Yeah, and you'll find out all about it in the morning." He promised, smirking right back at her, handing Daneel over to Krystal when she came, and handing misha her bag.

Jensen chuckled, giving her a kiss. "Yeah, I think i'll be good for awhile." He replied as there was a knock at the door.

It was Krystal, gathering Jackie for today's plans. "Jackie! Can you come with me. I wanna have a girls day!" She quipped, grinning widely. This was only partly true. Yes, they were gonna have a girls day, but that night she would bring her to the hotel ballroom where a minister would marry her and Jensen. It had all been his idea, she just helped
Jackie laughed a little kissing him slowly, sighing softly before frowning, pulling away from the kiss. "Huh?"she looked vaguely confused as she looked at the bedroom door before sighing. "Well. I guess I better get a shower. Can't go out and shock the world by being all sexed up."She snickered a little as she kissed him again, rushing through a shower before heading out to meet krystal. "Ready?"
Jensen smiled. "Krys forgot to ask you last night. You, her and Danee are gonna have a girls day with Gen. Then we'll all meet up at Krys's hotel for dinner." He explained, watching her head the the shower. He hoped she'd like the surprise.

Krystal grinned as she came out. "Yep, lets go! Gen's waiting in the car." She replied smiling.
"Ah. Okay."Jackie said tilting her head a little, smiling at the idea, before nodding at that. "Okay. Let's go then."she said looking pleased with the idea before heading out. this was going to be interesting.

By the time they got to the hotel, jackie looked better, more relaxed then she had since before jensen got hurt, content and happy. relaxed even at the idea of simply having a dinner with her fiancee before he left.
Jensen smiled. "Go have fun. You need it." He told her softly, giving her a kiss. When Jackie came out she smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "Yeah. Lets go."

Later that night, Krystal held an all dolled Daneel, leading Jackie up to the penthouse. "I have a present for you. I want you to wear it tonight." She told the other softly, going to get the large dressbox from her and Misha's room.
"...A present?What?"Jackie said tilting her head a little, looking thoughtful as she considered what it could be, before lifting the dress out of the box, looking utterly confused. "...this is a wedding dress"She said looking utterly confused.
Krystal smirked as she helped Daneel into her purple dress. "Yes. Yes it is." She said simply, not elaborating any more than that. Gen smiled too, getting inyo her purple bridesmaid dress. Krystal was next as Hen helped daneel witb her little black shoes.

Meanwhile, Jensen was getting on his suit and panicking. "Jared, Misha, you guys think she'll like this?" He asked, looking worried.
“....I’m feeling so lost. This is utterly insane.”Jackie said looking utterly lost and confused even though she got the dress on. Letting the others help her into it, as she smiled at gen.

“....You are sorta adorable like this. Panicking.”Jared said looking amused at the idea, before nodding. “She’ll love it. Though she might sulk at not having a honeymoon.”Misha teased looking amused before sighing. “Jen, you’re freaking out for nothing.”Jared said shaking his head a little.
Krystal chuckled a little. "All in good time my dear. It will be expained soon." She said, getting into her own purple bridesmaid dress. She thought she'd done a pretty good job picking out the dresses.

Jensen relaxed a little. "I hope so.. I just.. she's been so depressed lately because of her parents, so I hope that this will cheer her up a bit. Krys and I went to alot of trouble." He rolled his eyes at Misha. "Says the guy who has an 8 months pregnant girlfriend he's yet to have proposed to." He teased back smirking. He was calming a bit.
Jackie frowned a little as she considered that, nodding slowly. “Okay.”She said looking at the dresses, indeed they were good. Laughing a little as daneel rushed and leaned into the dress, giggling as the poof of the dress caught her. “okay pretty girl, hold on.”Jackie said smiling sotly as she picked daneel up, snuggling her daughter.

“I know. She’s doing better. Especially after you guys talked about it.”Jared said before snickering a little. “You did. She’ll love it.” “hey, we’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you.”Misha said sulking a little himself at the teasing, huffing slightly. “Are you ready to get married?”He said smirking a little, phone ready because he was totally recording it all for them. Not only because they wanted a video, but he was totally going to show it to the fans later,it’d be amusing.
Krystal and Gen both smiled, pinnimg curls into Jackie's hair. "You're gonna knock Jensen's socks off" krystal promised, smiling at little daneel. It was beyond adorable really.

Jensen nodded. "Yeah, she is." He agreed, running his fingers through his hair for the thousandth time. He chuckled, smirking at Misha. "You should propose, Man. She loves you, and wants you. Can't get any better than that really." He added, kniwing how much the other woman wayed misha to do that. The two of them were goodbtogether. Jensen smiled. "I really am."

Gen texted jared it was time for them to go down to the ballroom. It was time for jensen to take the plunge.
“I’m sure I am.:Jackie said flushing a little at the praise, smiling slightly as he looked at daneel, who looked quite content to cling to her mama for once.

“Stop it. You’re going to go bald if you keep messing with your hair.”He ordered shaking his head a little. “Maybe.”Misha said making a a face at jensen, waving a hand. “We’re here to discuss your wedding, not mine.”He said before smiling as jared looked at his text. “Come on, winchester, lets go surprise everyone by actually getting married.”Jared teased, well aware that most of the fans were taking bets on how long it’d take him and jackie to get married, or how long the relationship would last, and if it fell apart, what it’d do to the show. Snickering quietly as they headed downstairs because they were filming it to use as dean and bailey’s wedding, not that they were tellign the other two, they were nervous enough as it was. Eyes widening as he saw the bride, even if he didn’t want her like that, she could see just how beautiful she was.
Krystal grinned. "You definately will. You look stunning, if I do say so myself." She replied, glad Jensen had thought of this. She knew it was just the pickup Jackie needed. Gen smiled "Do you want Krys or Jared to walk you down the aisle?" She asked, knowing misha was acting as best man.

Jensen chuckled a little. "Yeah, sorry. Just a little nervous. I love her so much, I just want everything perfect." He explained, smiling softly at Jared. He relaxed a bit, chuckling again. "Call it fabservice. Krystial is as big a ship as Destiel. Marry her. You know you want to." He replied, guessing that the real reason he was pytting it off was probably Jamie. He took in a deep breath. "Okay Sammy. Lets get me married." He replied, chuckling a little as they took the direct elevator down to the ballroom.
"Thanks."jackie blushed stuttering. "....jared. but...."jackie eyed herhereto friends, looking suspicious and starting to suspect what was happening.

"I know. And it will be. Even if you fall flat on your face, or pass out, and don't lock your knees for God's sake, otherwise you really will pass out."jared warned looking amused at mIsha stubborn look even if he didn't say anything. "Lets. I never thought I'd see theday dean winchester got married."jared teased as he grinned happily, a little disappointed at not being best man but it was okay since he was walking jackie down the aisle. Nudging jensen a little he jerk ed a thumb towards the room "get in there. Your not supposed to see her yet."
Krystal smiled. "Jared it is then" she said with a wink, waltching as he walked over to her after pushing Jensen and Misha into the ballroom before they could see either woman. Krystal had wanted them to be floored when she and Gen, followed by jared and jackie walked down the aisle.

Jensen stood next to Misha. "I caught a glimpse of Krys. You'll be shocked by how pretty she looks." He said, smiling. He hadn't seen Jackie though. She was behind krys and jared.

The wedding march started, and the first to walk down the aisle were Krystal Genevieve and a being held Daneel. They stood over to one side with Daneel, who was still being held by Gen so that she could see what was happening.
"I'm sure she is. She's always beautiful."misha smiled a little having gotten a look at jackie dress when krystal bought it, he knew jensen was gonna want to jump his wife, it w as gonna be amusing. Stifling a laugh at daneels demand of papa, and gençs quiet shush, before looking up as jackie walked through, jared looked amazing, but he shifted to look at jensen, more interested in his reaction then anything else.
"Yeah, that's true." he agreed, smiling at his friend as he anxiously awaited Jackie's entrance. He snickered a little at Daneel's outburst of wanting papa, amused by how adorable it is.

Jensen's eyes widened like saucers and his jaw dropped. You could see the love and admiration in his expression, and he shuffled a little, almost not feeling worthy. She looked so radiantly beautiful that hr could hardly control herself. "Beautiful" he muttered softly, still in awe.
Jared smirked as he saw jensen's face, even as jackie blushed. "Now jen, behave yourself."jared muttered looking amused as he looked at the other. "Jensen?really?"jackie muttered looking so amazed and utterly insanely happy at the surprise.
Jensen's mouth closed and he chuckled a little at Jared. He took Jackie's hands. " Yes really. )You'd been so depressed these last few days. I thought this would make you smile. But Krys should get credit too. She's the one that planned it." He explained, squeezing her hand as they waited for the preist to begin.

The preist smiled. "Jensen has written and would like to say his own vows."

Jensen smiled, clearing his throat. "Jackie, the moment I saw uou I was instantly in love. You are such a radient person, and every day with you is an adventure. You and I fit together like pieces of a puzzle, and I couldn’t imahine my life without you. I love you, A stór (uh stohr Literally “my treasure.”) forever and always." He said, squeezing her hand again.
Jackie sniffled a little before smiling at him.”Yes, this is worth a few smiles.”She grinned happily as she kissed his cheek, looking at the priest. Huffing a little as she realized jensen had written his own vows, before looking at him. “Always.”She muttered blushing as she squeezed his hands back, before thinking on it, trying to find the words. Starting to cry quietly because there were no words to describe what this man meant to her, huffing a little she carefully wiped her eyes before smiling at him reassuringly, not wnating him to worry. “Always and forever. It was always you.”She muttered kissing him lightly. “I want and need you in my life, need you to beb my husband and lover, always.”
Jensen grinned back at her, squeezing her hands. "Good i'm glad."

Jensen smiled and started to tear up as she spoke, wiping away her tears. He loved her so much, and hoped Daneel was looking down on them and smiling. "Always and forever." He agreed, squeezing her hands back.

The priest smiled as they slipped the rings on each other's fingers. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Jackie smiled as she looked down at their hands, leaning into jensen, sighing wuietly. Bthanks you."she muttered hugging him close. "...look. their trending. Already."jared snickered quietly from behind them, looking way to amused for anyone's good as he finished the video.
Jensen smiled, kissing her head, then her lips. "You're welcome, Jackie. I love you." He whispered softly, hugging her close to him. The two of them were truly in their own world.

Genevieve chuckled softly. "Of course they are. Bailean is an even bigger ship that Destiel now."
"Love you to."she muttered snuggling close as misha took pictures. "I don't want you to go.b she muttered knowing he probably had to be leaving soon. "True. It is."misha snickered a little as he kissed krys' head.
Jensen smiled, hugging her close. "I don't have to leave until morning." He promised, giving her another kiss. He love her so much, he didn't want to keave either, but he had to. They would have that night though.

Krystal smiled, snuggling into misha and giving him a kiss. "I love you, you know." She told him softly, wishing he would just propose, but things were still complicated with Jamie.
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