
Jensen smiled, giving her a kiss when she got in. "I know, Jackie. I'll always be yours." He promised softly, squeezing her hand before driving off to Krystal's place. It seemed like there was always a new surprise when they got there, and boy were they in for one.

Krystal smiled, sipping her tea. "I'm so glad Jamie. You looked so broken and tired when you got here, I thought I was mystique." She half joked, but the look in her eyes showed how concerned she'd really been. She smiled, making him a plate of english breakfast foods, trying to make him feel even more ag home, catering to him because Misha was still asleep and she could. "Yeah. She was born just before the plane crashed. You were on your way home to me. I was gonna tell you I was pregnant.... Misha's been really good to me. He fusses a bit to much though. Are you remebering more now, Jamie?" She asked softly, handing him the plate she'd just made. She sipped her tea, smiling as she heard Jackie's words. She took a sip of tea, then called out. "In the kitchen! Come on in, got a crazy good surprise!" She yelled back before adding. "May wanna let Danee crawl a bit." She was afraid the shock might make one of them drop her.

Jensen walked in, looking curious. He hadn't been holding Danee. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. "I feel like i'm in an episode of supernatural" he admitted, hugging Jamie.
"Yes...I remember that. Ian hurt them...good to see they're both okay...they are okay right?"jamie said looking worried at the thought smiling happily as he started to eat."misha is good for you...and you look well. Very pregnant...he should fuss over you. You look like you need it."jamie said smiling looking up at the others coming in, smiling at the sound of daneel protesting being put down, even as she clung to jensen's pants, since he'd gotten back, she was very unwilling to be away from her papa.

James laughed as jackie swayed on her feet, getting up to steady her."you should know by now jen, no ones ever really dead,it's a supernatural rule you know."he teased
Krystal nodded. "Yeah, they're okay. we almost lost jackie, but luckily I was able to find Jensen and take him where he needed to be. I like to think Daneel is watching over us." She admitted with a smile before she chuckled. She just really wanted to snuggle him and tell him how much she loved and missed him. She had alot of unresolved feelings. "I'm only 7 months pregnant. I just look like a whale cause its twins." She explained, smiling at him.

Jensen chuckled. "Should've known you wouldn't be immune to the supernatural curse, Jamie. Especially since you were engaged to an angel. Speaking of that, since you're alive, does that make you two engaged again? I mean, Misha never proposed..." he asked, simply curious, picking up daneel as he sat at the table.
Bgood. ....and you should still reat."james said frowning a little before smiling at jensen."...good question." "I think I woke up at the wrong time..."misha frowned a little as he stepped into the room, smiling at the sight of daneel clinging to jensen, even as james guided a still shocked jackie to a chair. Looking bemused as he considered his girlfriend. This was just to weird.
Krystal smiled, kissing his head. "I know Jamie. I do." She replied, smilingbat jensen and daneel.

Krystal looked to jackie. "Yeah, that was my reaction too. Seems he's had amnesia this whole time." She explained, before frowning at Misha as she went over to kiss him. "I must admit, it is a question I asked myself. But with his current state, i didn't even think to ask. Now that he's feeling better, Jen does have a point." She admitted, clinging to Misha. She knew something was up with him, but he wouldn't say.

Jensen raised an eyebrow. "So, what do you think, misha?"
"Wow....i...this is so weird. We need to call seb."jackie said tilting her head a little.misha smiled a little wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head."it's still something to put off, krys. He's better but still not well."he reminded her sighing quietly. " exciting as this is, we probably aol hold set it aside"jackie said tilting her head a little."so...want to hear how our morning was?"shesaid wanting to distract misha and jamie from how upset they looked
Krystal smiled, giving Misha a kiss. "You're right dear. Jensen, your curiosity will just have to wait." She said, and they both chuckled.

Krystal smiled at jackie. "Ialready did. He and Jared will be over in an hour." She promised, still smiling. She squeezed Jamie's shoulder, worried about his sad expression. "Do tell."
"Hm, he deserves to be a little curious it'll be good for him."jackie snickered a little.jackie smiled a little having read her mother's texts on the way over."apparently jensen told them in no uncertain terns to shove it. Though. Well more politely then that, but that was the intent. My fiancee and parents do not yet along....and they were shocked a 7 month old made a mess."
Krystal chuckled. "I meant about the fiancee thing." She replied, smiling.

Jensen's expression turned dark as jackie talked. "They needed to be told how much they were hurting their their daughter. It may not have been aparrent to you all, but the verbally abuse her. Any thing she says they counter and put her down for it. Professors daniels? I'd say professors prick." He explained, expression changing as he cuddled Daneel.
Jackie smiled a little at her fiancee, ducking her head a little. Amazed at the idea that someone would defend her to her parents. Breally?"misha said frowning a little, shaking his head. He'd known that something about the way they'd acted at the hospital bothered him, he just hadn't realized what it was.
Jensen held her closenin his free arm. He kissed her head. "Yeah. They belittled her. It felt like they were looking down on her." He explained, frowning. He didn't like it. He much preferred his wie to be to be happy, not belittled.
“Huh.”Misha frowned shaking his head, as he eyed the two. Not about to admit to any of the conversation he’d overheard, otherwise he’d be standing next to ground zero when Jensen exploded. Considering how well he acted like dean sometimes, he knew that explosion would be nuclear. “They don’t like actors. Don’t think it’s a real job or something.”Jackie shrugged a little, smiling a little as daneel patted her chest wanting attention when it appeared she wasn’t getting enough of it.
Both Jensen and Krystal frowned. "Thats just sad. Acting is as legitimate a profession as anything else." She replied, scrunching her nose. She had known there was something off about them. Jensen kissed Daneel's head, hugging her close. He really loved her and wanted her as happy as could be.

Sebastian called from the living room. "Anyone here?" He asked, walking into the kitchen. Hd looked confused but happy. "Jamie?"
“I know that. But try telling them that. I gave up somewhere around high school.”Jackie made a face smiling slightyl at the sight of jensen and daneel. “Hello.”Jamie looked up at sebastian for a moment, frowning before smiling again. “Sebastian.” “.....I feel like we’re having a episode of Supernatural. This is weird. And you didn’t call to warn me. I feel betrayed.”Jared grumbled as he walked in behind sebastian, looking thoughtful and amused.
Krystal sighed. "Just saddening." She afmitted, hugging sebastian as he came in. Krystal smiled at Jared, one hand at the back of her neck. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides, since he has amnesia, i figured remeeting everyone one at a time would be better." She explained, looking curious.
“Ah. Okay, that makes sense.”Jared said tilting his head, grinning as they settled in to talk with jamie and hopefully jog his memories some.

Later that week Jackie sighed softly as she read over the new script for the next season, fidgeting and unable to focus. In fact, she hadn’t been able to focus in weeks, and the fact that Jensen was gone for a few days just made it worse. While he wouldn’t be gone to long, it was sitll going to be a week or two to catch up on filming, and it was fairly disturbing to be left alone. Not when she was feeling so raw and hurt over her parents, feeling like a failure of a parent because daneel had fallen off the couch and banged her head fairly well, even if Krystal had reassured her it was normal, and that daneel was fine, she was still feeling bad. Slumping back into the couch she smiled a little as daneel climbed in her lap, cuddling close to her mama, sensing she was upset, and the 8 month old loved her mama, nearly as much as papa, and wanted to make her feel better.
Krystal was in the other room making tea. "Don't worry jackie dear. Danee will be fine. Children are very resilliant." She reassured, bringing in the tea. She handed jackie a cup, sipping hrr own as they relaxed on the couch. She had been spending most of her time there with Jamie in toe. Misha was off filming with Jensen so she was left with just Jamie, who fussed over her just as much. "They'll be back soon." She promised, feeling lonely herself.
“I know. She’s okay. Doesn’t even seem to worried about the height.”Jackie sighed softly smiling at her daughter, sipping the tea as the girl snuggled in her lap. Looking utterly content to be held. Smiling as jamie settled in with a book, looking equally content to just read and let the girls talk. “Said probably tomorrow or the next day. Thankfully they haven’t had to reshoot anything.”Jackie sighed a little, rubbing a hand over her face. Missing jensen.
Krystal smiled softly as shesipped her tea, watching both Daneel and Jamie. She found it adorable how the toddler clinged to her parents. She hoped her twins would be the same. "I hope so. My bed is cold and lonely. Jamie won't sleep with me. I keep having nightmares." She explained with a frown, pouting a bit. She only wanted a person to snuggle her while she slept. Was that to much to ask?
Jackie smiled a little as she nodded, sighing quietly. “Yea, I’m sure he wont.”Jackie snorted amused because seh was well aware of why jamie wouldn’t sleep with her, because it freaked misha out some. “Talk to misha. I’m sure you three will figure out a way to work this out, especially since they’ll have to leave to film again soon.”she said though she wasn’t sure she trusted herself to look after daneel while jensen was gone.
Krystal nodded. "When he gets home I will." She replied softly sipping her tea. She often wondered what was wrong with misha. When he was home, he still fussed over her for sure, but there was something different. He almost felt a little distant, and she wanted to know why. Was it because of Jamie? She didn't know, but she wanted to find out.

Later, Jensen appeared, handing Jackie some flowers. "Beautiful bouquet for a beautiful lady" he told her with a smile, giving her a kiss. Krystal smiled softly at the adorable scene. "Lets go home jamie. Misha is probably back too." She said, simply wanting to give the couple space.
Jackie turned, looking up from the book she was reading, smiling softly as she looked at her fiancee. “Thanks.”She said smiling a little as krystal and jamie left, tilting her head. “Bye you two.”She called before smiling at jensen. “Danee’ll be happy to see you when she gets up.”She said smiling, glad at least for the moment it was just them. She loved her daughter, but sometimes she wished she hadn’t gotten pregnant. Because she only knew a relationship with jensen as a mother, as them having a child. They hadn’t had any of that normal couple moments of just them, it was always the three of them. Which just made her feel guilty and anxious, upset. Shifting she reached out, pulling jensen down next to her. “I missed you.”
Krystal smiled and waved on the way out, driving back to her place with Jamie and hoping Misha was home too. She had missed him. She opened the door, hoping to see her bright eyed angel.

Jensen smiled, yelping softly in surprise as he was pulled down, but snuggling her close and giving her a kiss. He snuggled her closer. "I missed you to. Life in the vancouver apartment is lonely without you." He explained, kissing her head, glad for a moment to snuggle uninterrupted. While he loved his daughter dearly, he sometimes iust needed her.
Misha smiled tiredly from the kitchen where he was getting a snack, “hey you two.”He smiled a little as he started to eat.

Jackie laughed softly as he yelped, sighing quietly as she was snuggled, kissing him back. “Yea, I’m sure it was. But for now, it’s easier to not move daneel there, though I think when we start filming every week again, we might consider it.”She said smiling softly. Simply considering what was best for daneel, closing her eyes. Tired, she hadn’t been sleeping well since he’d left.
Krystal grinned, walking into the kitchen, giving him a kiss as she hugged him. "I missed you. After you eat, can we talk?" She asked, expression showing only curiosity.

Jensen kissed her head as he relaxed into her. "Perhaps. For now, its best for her to stay where she is." He replied, agreeing. While he hated being away from them, for now that was the best for Daneel.
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