
Jensen chuckled. "Maybe, who knows." He replied, kissing her roughly before letting her speak. He groaned as she wrapped her legs around him, pinning her closer to the shower wall. "It was a good desician. We'll wait till danee's one to even start thinking of another." He added, thrusting quickly. He couldn't help his horniness. "That's what happens when I don't touch you for 2 weeks."
Jackie shivered as he thrust into her, hands resting on his shoulders, whimpering as she kissed him back, hips rocking into his."definitely waiting till she's older."she agreed, clinging to him as she laughed softly, shivering as she climaxed, nails digging bloody half moons into his shoulders. Definitely been to long for them to be gentle with each other
"Yeah. She needs time to adjust to jared's kids before we think of giving her a sibling. Though, Jared says they love playing together." He admitted, moaning gruffly as she dug her fingernails into his back. As soon as she climaxed, he was right there with her, his seed running all through her. "We should probably wash off now."
"Definitely...they're good with her."she muttered sighing softly, shivering as she leaned back against the wall, relaxing in the afterglow."hmmm, is that our life now?rushed sex to go back to the kid?"she teased a little as she pulled away from him to start washing up, mostly teasing.
Jensen smiled. "They sure are." He replied, chuckling at her teasing as he quicklh washed up. "Well, that time it was need, but maybe" he said, drying off and going to put fresh clothes on.

Krystal was home alone because Misha was called into a meeting with the directors, so she was relaxing, flipping through channels until she settlednon supernatural. She was watching the episode where she tells castil she's pregnant. She wondered what Jamie might be doing if he were still here, holding a plushie she'd commissioned at a recent con of jamie's Xavier.
Jackie laughed a little as shedried off, looking amused as she got dressed."not a bad life really."she smiled, looking up at hkm. Because while she liked taking her time, eing rushex, and hetetic was more then worth the baby. She loved daneel, couldn't wait to stay and raise her with jensen. Though she still worried about how the world would react to the news she really was jensen's in every way, it didn't worry her as much anymore. She was content with jensen.

Jamie shuffled a little, knocking on krystals door as sme looked around, fired and strained, confused. Not understanding what was going on, but drawn here.
Jensen smiled, giving her a light kiss. "No, its a really good life. You and I baby, we fit together like puzzle pieces." He replied, wating for her to finish dressing before walking out to play with their daughter.

"Be right there!" Came Krystal's loud voice as she hobbled her pregnant body to the door, opening it without fret. She knew it was probably just Misha returning home. He probably forgot his keys again. When she opened the door, she almost dropped her drink. "Jamie?" She asked, reaching to touch him to make sure she wasn't just seeing his ghost.
"We do. It's good."jackiesmiled a little as they headed for the living room, amused at the sight of jared and daneel laying on the floor watching supernatural, even as daneel babbled about daddy.

"Hi...krystal...."james frowned a little looking around, "i...I know you yes?"he said softly.
Jensen followed hernout, amused but concerned. "Isn't that a little bloody for a 7 month old? Eh, she won't remember anyway." He said, laying down next to her. "Hey there pie."

Krystal gave him a worried look. "Of course you do Jamie sweetie. Come in. Come in." She replied with a grin, resisting the urge to just glomp him and not let go. She could touch him, so she knew he wasn't a ghost. How in the world was she gonna explain this to the rest of the world, and her boyfriend, she had no clue.
“It is, but she calms down when she sees you. Figured this was better then days of our lives.”Jared snickered a little. “True.”Jackie smiled a little shifting to lay down next to them, content and happy as daneel crawled over to her papa, demanding play time as she snuggled against his chest.

“....Oh. Good. I thought...I thought I knew this place. When I saw the seemed familiar.”He said frowning a little as he looked aroudn the room as he walked in.
Jensen chuckled. "A whole lot better. Days of our lives is scary for a whole nother reason" he replied, snuggling his daughter as she rolled to him. " wanna fly for dady, pie?" He asked, picking her up and running around the room. He made sure not to shake to to much.

Krystal smiled sadly. "That's right Jamie. You and I used to live here together. I packed your stuff away though. Couldn't bear to look at it. Thought you died in a plane crash on the way back home to me." She explained softly, mottioning for him to sit as she made tea. She hope Misha would be home soon, because she didn't know what to do, even if her heart told her he is the real Jamie. As the tea steeped, she went and grabbed something from her bedside drawer. It the engagement ring he gave her. She hoped it would help jog him when he saw it.
B you were cute on days of our lives. Very dashing.sorta like jared on Gilmore Girls."jackie snickered before daneel giggled happily at getting to fly,curling up to watch them, for the moment content. "She's going to puke on you sometime."jared snickered .
"kh...They Said I Was hurt....I dont...."HeFrowned THINKJNG It over."I Don't Remember The plane..."He muttered,before looking at the ring."I gave this to you.."
Jared smiled, giving his fiancee a kiss. "Thank you darling" he said softly, smiling at her. He chuckled again. "I'm always careful" he added, rolling his eyes as he brough her back down, hugging her closely. "Daddy loves you my little piece of poe." He promised, poking her nose playfully. He couldn't love a child more.

Krystal stroked his hair softly, pulling him closer to her. "It alright that you don't remember sweetie. All in good time." She said softly, giving him the lightest kiss to the lips. She was so worried about him. She showed him the sapphire and diamond ring. "Yes, you did. You proposed at a con in vancouver in front of hundreds of fans. It was very romantic" She added, hoping even the lightest kiss might help.
B your welcome."jackie smiled watching hkm. Amused as daneel cuddled close. Content to be held while she settled in to nap. " parents are here. I n town. Not here, here."jackie said sounding nervous and upset, not sure about this. She'd managed to avoid introducing them for 7 months, she so didn't want to do it now.

Jamie nodded a little,"that's what the doctor said...that it'd come eventually..."she mutterdd.kissing her back as the door opened. "Um."misha tare from the doorwY, having no idea what to think
Jensen gave her a worried look, though he smiled a little. "I'd like to meet them dear." He replied, tilting his head. He wondered why she was so worried about him meeting her parents. He was sure they were good people to have raised such a wonderful woman.

Krystal stroked his cheek. "It will Jamie. You'll see. Do you have a place to stay?" She asked, looking concerned at him before noticing misha was back. She ran to him, hugging him tight. "Misha! He survived! He's had amnesia this whole time. When they let him outta the hospital, he came here" she explained, and he would see in her expression that while excited, she wasn't sure what to think either. She knew it was jamie though. No other man kissed the way he did, amnesia or not.
"I know you do. Apparently they want to meet you to. They'd planned a surprise visit, but when you were hurt they stayed to help look after daneel."she said fidgeting and upset, but not willing to talk about it either, because she knew it would just pissed him off, and shed rather not deal with it.

"No..I dont....or if I did ...I don't remember where it is..."ehe frowned a little.misha looked amazed as he hugged her back."thsts...amazing krys. Really."he said sounding she'll shocked at the idea.
Jensen raised an eyebrow at her body language, but let it go for now. He would ask her about it when jared left and Daneel was asleep. "That was very sweet of them. Possibly soon I could meet them?" He asked, looking hopeful.

Krystal frowned slightly. "Stay here then. I'll make you up a room" she offered, already getting the staff on that, bringing down stuff of his to put in the room to help him remember. Krystal snuggled into Misha, giving him a passionate and loving kiss, guessing at his emotions. "I'm still yours, Dimka." She whispered softly in his ear, trying to make him feel better.
“Yea, we’ll go see them tomorrow. They got a temporary apartment, I’ll call them later.”Jackie sighed a little. Smiling softly as daneel laid across her father’s chest, crashing out, tired and ready to sleep. “Well, I’ll see you guys later.”Jared said smiling as he got up, leaning over to kiss jensen’s head, “It’s good to see you up and moving.”He said before smiling at jackie and hugging her as he left.

“okay.”James said watching them. Misha smiled a little, sighing softly as he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close. “I know.”He muttered rubbing her back. “Just not every day your friend comes back from the dead.”He muttered.
Jensen smiled. "Okay, sounds good." He replied softly, making face as Jared kissed his head. It was strange, but he didn't mind. "Good to be up and moving" he replied softly, waving with his free hand as Jared left.

Krystal smiled, kissing James's head. "Good" she replied softly, walking over to Misha. She snuggled into him as he rubbed her back, simply relaxing. "I know. I'm not sure what to think either." She replied, motioning him to sit. She was tired now. "Can I nap on you, misha?"
Jared snickered, “Hey, you slept for 3 weeks, I’m allowed treating you like a kid....and hugging you would disturb Danee.”Jared teased looking amused. “Come on. Lets get you two to bed....laying on the floor probably isn’t good for you.”Jackie muttered fussing over her fiancee as she gently took Daneel from him, heading for the nursery to lay her down.

Misha smiled a little at the sight of James drifting off to sleep himself. Nodding a little as he sat down, picking her up. “Come on, I think we all could use a nap.”he said smiling a little as he settled on the couch.
Jensen chuckled softly. "You do have a point there, i guess." He replied, pouting as Jackie took Daneel from him. He was perfectly content laying on the floor with her. He stood, giving his fiancee a light kiss. "Okay love. Lets settle in for a nap."

Krystal dmiled softly, noticing James was falling asleep as we. "Yes, I think we could." She agreed, snuggling into him, the tea she'd meant to drink forgotten. She gavr him s light kiss before yawning. "Love you misha." She added before yawning again, curling up with him on the chaiz part of the couch and falling asleep.
"She has to get used to sleeping in the crib, and you need some real sleep, and not the dozing you do when you sleep with her. You're to fascinated with your girl to sleep."Jackie said rolling her eyes a little as she nodded, settling into bed with him, snuggling close. not wanting to talk, simply needing to snuggle against him as she slept. within moments, out like a light. it'd been a long few weeks for her.

In the morning jensen woke to find jackie already up and cleaning the house, fussing and fidgeting, working off nerves as she cleaned, daneel happily following her mama around as she cleaned.
Jensen frowned, but nodded. "Okay" was all he replied, getting into bed with her and snuggling close. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep to, dreaming of His and Jackie's wedding, with two chairs set aside. One for his first wife, and the other for Jamie. He didn't know yet that the man had survived.

I the morning, Jensen rubbed his eyes, frowning when Jackie wasn't in bed. He walked out, looking concerned as he picked up his daughter. "Is everything okay, Jackie?" He asked, tilting his head.
Jackie sighed as she looked up from where she was scrubbing the floor, sitting back on her heels as she looked up at the man, smiling softly. even as upset and stressed as she was, the sight of the two together could make her feel better. swallowing thickly as she nodded slightly before shaking her head, shifting to rest her head against his thigh as he stood next to her. "I....I don't wnat to go see my parents."She said, even though she knew they had to, they'd come when she needed someone, even if it hadn't been the people she wanted, or needed, they had come. she should at least introduce them to jensen, even if she knew it'd go badly.
Jensen smiled back at her, but his expression changed to that of utter confusion as he kneeled down to her with Daneel. "Why? You can tell me." He replied softly, looking worried for her. What could make her not make her want to see them?

In the morning Jamie and Misha would awaken to the smells of their favorite foods wafting through the house. Krystal was both trying to jog Jamie's memory, and also make sure misha felt special. She loved him to much to leave him out.
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