
Jensen nodded. "Yeah, maybe. He did really seem to love her when he proposed. You could see it in his eyes. Don't know that Krys knew though." He said, frowning at the announcement on the radio. He didn't like the sound of that one bit. "Do you think its the flight he was on?" He asked, worry in his features.

Krystal hadn't heard the news yet. She didn't know yet that her world was gonna start to crash down.
"Yea he did. I think he forgot that he was supposed to be pretending."jackie sighed softly, before frowning, thinking it over as she grabbed her phone."maybe."she saidsearching for sebastians number, knowing better then to text krystal yet before going pale as she read the return text." was."
Jensen frowned. "I'm pretty sure he was in love with her before he was pretending." He replied, looking sad. He felt bad for the guy. When he heard Jackie's phone go off, and saw her pale, he frowned again, looking worried. "What's wrong? What did Sebastian say?" He asked, a slight panic to his voice. He worried about all of them.

Krystal was at Jensen's place with Misha, waiting for them to get home. She had bought them more presents, and the smells of their favorite foods wafted through the apartment. She had cooked up a storm for jackie's homecoming.
"That his plane was leaving early this morning, and it left on time. He didn't know what flight it was though....krystal will know."she muttered looki bg n worried as they got to the house, smiling a little as they headed inside. Sitting down to let jensen take care of daneel, feeling exhausted evenafter the short trip.
Jensen kissed once he was parked, frowning. "Well, lets hope he's okay." He said softly, helping her inside and holding daneel.

Krystal hugged them as they came in, excited and happy. She still hadn't heard the news. Jensen would try to break it gently. "Krys, what flight was Jamie on?" He asked, masking his emotions like Dean.

Krystal grinned. "Flight 549, why?" She asked, eyes showing curiosity and slight fear as she walked over to Misha.
Jackie winced a little at her words, doing what jensen was, hiding behind being bailey. Swallowing thickly as she gently took daneel out of the caarrier."flight 549 crashed over the Atlantic."she said gently
Krystal's expression went from curiosity to absolute anguish as she heard Jackie's words. "What?" Was all she got oit before she ran from the apartment, tears streaming down her face, and the loud sound of crying could be heard as the elevator beeped.

Jensen looked to Misha. "You better go get her before she hurts herself. She'll need you." He said, looking worried.
Misha winced as she ran out, nodding as he followed after her. Gathe ring her in his arms as he stepped into the elevator."come on, we'll go home."

"Dammit."jackie sighed softly rubbing a hand over her face as daneel started screaming at being suddenly woken up, a very unhappy baby.
Krystal leaned into him, crying hysterically, quite broken. "Okay. But.. not my place. Yours. To many... memories" she pleaded softly in between sobs.

Jensen ran for daneel, coddling her closely as he sang, trying to calm the angry baby.
"Okay, my place it is."misha said picking her up and heading for the car. Settling her into the seat before driving. Upset he couldn't do more.

Jackie sighed softly as jensen sang, wincing a little as it took longer then normal to calm the angry baby, who usually calmed quickly in her father's arms. Looking worried and tired as she started to calm the others to let them know.
Krystal gave him a very small smile, clinging to him as he picked her up. "Thanks Dimka.":she replied softly, trying to keep calm as he drove off to his place. She couldn’t bear staying in her mansion right now. Not when there were so many memories of Jamie there.

Jensen snuggled Daneel tight, singing softly to her, in his own way trying to apoligize for waking her. He knew Krystal hadn't meant it, but he still felt badly. He relaxed as she calmed, keeping singing to settld her back into napping.
Bwelcome."misha smiled as he got out, gathering her up as he headed into the townhouse. Settling her into the bed he sighed softly."do you want anything?"

Jackie smiled softly as she finished the calls just as daneel settled back into her nap, "come on. We'll put her in the nursery, and lay down for a nap ourselves."jackie muttered wrapping her arms around thrm. Trying to not fall apart but still hormonal enough that she was.
Krystal snuggled into him, trying to relaxvas she was put into his bed. "Tea, and cuddles." She said simply, looking so very vulnerable. She had loved James too, and now he was ripped from her. She didn't even get to tell him her news. This was weighing heavy on her heart, and wouldn't be good for her pregnancy at all.

Jensen nodded, speaking softly. "That sounds good." He replied, glad that Daneel wasn't particularly fussy, and fell asleep easily. They were lucky to have such a sweet and cooperative child. He onlybhoped it lasted.
Misha nodded kissing her head. "Yes, I can do that. Hold on."He muttered sighing quietly.

"It does doesn't it?"She muttered sadly, smiling slightly as he settled daneel into the crib and grabbing the baby monitor for their room before heading to bed.

A few days later Jackie sighed softly, running a hand through her hair, shaken and not ready for this. ".....I think I'm a curse. It seems everyone's dropping dead around me."Jackie muttered to jensen, looking up at him sadly as she slid her shoes on, scared for him and daneel as she watched father and daughter cuddle as they waited for her to finish getting ready. she really didn't want to go to another funeral.
Krystal nodded slightly, taking off her heels. "Okay Dimka." She replied softly, trying to get comfortable in his bed, noting how much it smelled like his colonge.

Jensen set Daneel in her bassinet softly, wrapping her up in a blanket. He nodded softly, already tip toing from the room "it really does" he replied, taking off his shoes.

Jensen sighed softly at her comment, eyes looking sad. "This was nobody's fault." He said simply, putting Daneel in her carseat before putting on his own shoes. He hugged his fiancee close, kissing her shoulder. "Its gonna be okay. Krystal has Misha, I have you, and Jared has Gen. We'll be okay." He promised, wishing he didn't have to do this.
"I know. it just seems like death is following me.....maybe he is. I mean. we are hunters. in another life anyways."She sighed softly as she was hugged, leaning into him, shivering a little at the kiss. she totally understood why there was sex at funerals now, as if death close by, urged to making life. to reassuring your alive. cuddling into him she nodded, "We will be."She agreed, pulling away and picking up the carseat, smiling a little as daneel made grabby hands at her father as they headed out.
Jensen nodded. "I know what you mean. But I don't think so." He replied softly, wondering how Krystal was doing. He knew she really sensitive about all this. He snuggled her a moment longer before watching as she picked up Daneel's carrier, smiling at the wah she made grabby hads at him. "Daddy's got to drive sweetie. I'll hold you soon." He promised, smiling at her.

Meanwhile, in another hotel room, Krystal was appying her waterproof mskeup. She always had to look pretty, especially when it came to her almost inlaws. She looked to misha. "I am so not ready for this, Dimka." She muttered softly, pleased with the way her makeup came out, despite looking on the verge of tears.
"That's good."She smiled a little sighing softly, worried about krystal herself. laughing softly at his promise. "She's such a daddy's girl. I'm not feeling the love."She snickered a little as they got into the car. Leaning back into the seat as daneel fussed at being in the carseat. Turning her head to look at Jensen, "...We should take a break for awhile....we've got a break from spn till next season...she should take a vacation...stay here or soemthing...."she sighed as he drove towards the graveyard.

Misha sighed softly, leaning close to press a kiss her forehead. "I know, but it'll be okay. we'll do this, and hopefully convince the others to stay here on vaction for awhile, we could use it, and Jamie always wanted to show us around. we should stay, and tour the place."He muttered as they got ready to go
Jensen chuckled. "You will when she gets older." He promised, starting to drive to cemetary. He kept his eyes on the road, knowing his way around from having visited so many times in his life. His family vacationed here often when he was young. "That sounds like a good idea. I think we could all use a break." He replied, parking near the grave site.

Krystal smiled a little, leaning into his touch. She gave him a kiss to the lips. "Yeah, we should. It would make Jamie smile. He loved his home, as much as I love Japan." She replied, relaxing into him for just a moment before going to leave. She needed this over with.
"I know. we'll stay."Misha smiled a little.

"Like when you refuse to let her date?Yea, probably."Jackie snorted a little before nodding. "Yea. we could. it'll be good."She said sighing softly as she got out of the car, smiling as she got out and handed Daneel over to Jensen as the girl fussed. looking up at misha and krystal as they joiend them. "Hey you two."She muttered smiling at jared as he joined them, gen tucked under his arm. "Ready?"she muttered smiling softly as she listened to the ceremony, sighing softly.
Krystal smiled softly again. "Okay."

Jensen took Daneel from Jackie, chuckling softly. "I'm sure our girl will meet good guys, but no, not till she's at least 16." He told the other softly, coddling his daughter.

Krystal sighed softly as she hugged every one. "Not really, but lets get this done" she replied softly, looking sad. She stayed in between misha and Jamie's sister, Joy. She leaned into her a bit, hugging her as they both sobbed. Even their estranged father was there in the coner as the ceremony went on.
"Overprotective."She muttered rollign her eyes a little at jensen's words, wrapping her arms around krystal, cuddling her as she relaxed.d"Me either, but we're here."She muttered sighing softly.

A few months later Jackie sighed a little as she watched Daneel laying on the floor, chewing on the impala stuffed toy jared had found for her, before looking at her fiancee as he finished getting ready. "Okay, I'm serious Jen. we'll be okay. krys' coming over later, and you're goign to be late if you don't get going."She said looking worried about him, she didn't like letting him go alone, even if they didn't spend every day together all day, this was going to be the longest they'd been apart since she left Sebastian's place.
Jensen rolled his eyes. "Not really. 16 is a fair dating age. But may change my mind and lower it when she gets older." He replied, kissing her head. Krystal hugged Jackie back, looking quite distraught. She was having a had time.

Jensen rolled his eyes. "I know, I just don't want to leave you two." He explained, frowning. He wanted to stay with his baby and fiancee, but the contract said one of them had to apoear. He kissed her one last time before leaving in the impala, missing his family already.

It was a cold, rainy day when Jensen gotbon the highway, and he wasn't going slow at all. Before he knew it, he had rolled the impala 3 times and was laying unconscious on the ground. He had managed to climb out before the car burst into flames, but as soon as he hit oavement, he was out cold. Emts would be here soon.
"I know. I don't want you to go either. But you have to. you'll be fine."She smiled at him, kissing him as she leaned against his chest before watching him go. wincing a little as daneel fussed at her missing papa.

Later, Jackie shuddered a little as she closed her eyes, glad for the moment that jared was looking after Daneel, and had been for the past two weeks as Jensen laid in a coma. though she spent most of her time in here, she made sure to look after her daughter, their daughter during the nights, they'd taken turns looking after the baby and sitting with jensen. sighing softly as she pillowed her head on her arms she leaned over the edge of the bed, trembling a little. so, so exhausted. wanting nothing more then to jensen to wake up. despite having been looked after herself, she was looking wane and sick herself. "Come on jen....don't do this to me. please."She muttered crying softly.
Jensen hugged her cl9se a moment, giving her another kiss. "Yeah. See you in a few days" he ptomised, walking away.

A soft sound could be heard before a soft squeeze of Jackie's hand from jensen. His eyes fluttered open "ohh, my head.. what happened?" He murmured softly, wiping away a few tears from Jackies face before he panicked slightly. "Where's Daneel? Where's our daughter?
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