
The fan made her way up there, wearing a t shirt that had Krystal, Bailey, and Castiel on it. "You three are my favorites. I can't wait to see whats next for you and Dean! You two are so cute together!" She squeaked before the first new episode started, showing the guys on a hunt and krystal taking care of Bailey. Things were going smoothly, and before they knew it, that demon had been killed, and they were back at the bunker, researching.
Jackie smiled a little. "Thanks. And I'm not sure about that, I'm ready to pop and look huge, but it's okay."She looked amused as she watched her friends, leaning against jensen, closing her eyes. eyes widening when she felt the water soaking her jeans, leaning back to look at jensen, not wanting to panic anyone. "Jen?"
The fan smiled "Oh, that's not true. You look adorable. Don't sell yourself short. I've been there." She replied, trying to make the woman feel better.

Jensen turned at the sound of his name, noticing right away. "We should get to the hospital." He told her firmly, looking to Krystal. She took one look at the woman and said "Go. We'll follow later." She promised, smiling at them as Jensen wheeled her away, and whispering to Seb, Jared and Misha.
"I look like a whale. A cute dolphin maybe."jackie whined a little at the order, looking at jensen."but...we cant. We promised them a day with us." "And they'll get a day with the us, just not you and jensen. Go."jared ordered trusting jensen to look after them both. "...ian."jackie stared wide eyed at the man waiting for them."I knew it. You were due any day. I came to see our child."ian grinned at her moving closer, so blinded by his need that he was totallywriting off the blond guard dog a5 her side.
The fan shook her head. "Nonsense. You're as cute as a button." She promised, smiling at her.

Both the fan and sebastian nodded at Jared. "Go You two. Your health is morebimportant." She explained as sebastian kissed her head, looking worried.

Jensen just about growled at seeing Ian. "Why in the hell should we let you see?" He barked, looking every bit like Dean getting ready to pounce on a vampire.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.”Jackie winced, offering a quiet smile as they left, cringing as she leaned back into her chair, trembling, feeling the contractions getting worse. She’d heard the first baby was always the longest labor, the hardest one, but it seemed she was going to be the exception to the rule. “”Because she is carrying my child, and I should get to see the birht of the baby.”Ian said.
Jensen growled again. "Not when she has a restraining order on you" he said simply, pushing jackie to the waiting ambulance and closing the door behind him as he got her in. He ran his free hand through his hair, smiling at Jackie. "I'll make sure he doesn't see the child." He told her, squeezing her hand. He hoped ian didnt follow.
“Jackie smiled a little looking up at him, nodding a little. “Good.”She muttered whimpering softly at the sound of the amublance going through the city, before yelling softly as the whole thing veered to the left, hitting the ditch, definitely ran off the road, and pale as she realized what had happened. None of the others besides her and the driver had been buckled in, and it’d been a hard enough jolt to send them all to the wall unconcsious. Screaming for help as Ian dragged her out of the ambulance, trying to get away but to much in pain to get away from the man as he dragged her into another waiting car. Knowing that the baby was coming, soon or later, and half out of her mind with pain and trying to keep them both alive as ian took them to his house.
Jensen was thrown from the ambulance as it crashed, but luckily he wasn't hurt to badly. Just a few scrapes. "Fuck!!" He yelled, praying for a miracle as a blue dragon embellished sports car stopped in front of him. "Get in the car. Danee told me what happened." Krystal said, and Jensen was to worried and in pain to even question how she could even talk to his dead wife. It was a little known fact that Krystal could talk to and see ghosts, and it seemed Daneel's had kept a close eye on them, fearing for them.

They sped off and followed the trail of burned rubber tracks to a mansion on the outskirts of the city, the police having already been called by Krystal. They were already there.
Jackie panted as she looked through the sea of cops, already knowing they were dealign with Ian, looking for jensen. “Jen?Where’s jen?” “Who?” “Jensen. My boyfriend. Please.”Jackie stuttered starting to sound panicked and scared as she struggled for follow the EMT’s instructions, knwoign the baby was coming now, scared and upset.
Jensen came running to at the sound of her pained voice. "I'm right here. Lucky for us Krys found me." He explained softly, taking her hand and breathing with her, wishing he could do more to help. He needed her to be okay. He couldn't lose another love.

Krystal was already giving the police a statement. "Yes, she'd been getting flowers from a stalker repetedly. We told the authorities, but they hadn't found out who it was yet." She explained, silently praying her friend was okay.
Jackie looked relieved to see him, smiling quietly as she leaned back against his chest as the emt had him settle in behind her to act as a bed and resting place, keeping her there, holding her steady as she struggled. “Jen, I can’t do this. Jen....”She whimpered, voice starting to fade, she was fading quickly, even as the EMT lifted the screaming infant from between her legs, the small girl seriously unhappy at the noise and trauma going on around her.

The officer nodded, looking towards the car where Ian was ranting. “It seems that he has been behidn it this whole time.”
Jensen was in tears now as he held "No baby, please. I need you! Don't leave me! I love you! Please!" He was practically screaming, he couldn't loose another love. Nit like this. He couldn't even smile at the fact they'd had a girl. He'd wanted a girl so badly, but this wasn't the way he wanted it to happen.. no. He needed her. "I'm right here, A rúnsearc (uh ROON-shark Literally “secret love” — a very passionate way of saying “beloved.”) stay with me. Plaese. I can't bear to loose the one thing keeping me sane in this world." He told her softly, holding her close as he kissed her, hoping it might help. He prayed softly. "Danee, if you can hear me, don't let her die."

Krystal frowned, looking annoyed. "I should have known"
Jackie sighed softly resting her head against his shoulder, whimpering quietly. “Kay, Jen. I’m here. Always.”She muttered strugging to focus, kissing him back as she shivered. “Love you.”she muttered, even as the emt stood. “We can move her now. She needs to see a real doctor.”He said already cleaning up the screaming infant as his partner got Jackie into the waiting ambulance, bustling about to keep the woman moving, aware. “Talk to her. We can keep her alive, but the more aware she stays, the better it’ll be.”
Jensen nuzzled her, kissing her all over. "Good, you better stay that way. I can't take the death of anyone else." He told her softly, pucking her up bridal style as he was told she could be moved. Once in the ambulance, he snuggled their little daughter nodding at the paramedic. "We have a girl, A rúnsearc. What shall we name her? Would you be opposed to daneel?" He asked her, chattering away. He needed to keep her consious. He wouldn't let her die. Not now.
“I know. Not going anywhere.”She muttered whimpering as she was moved, sighing softly as she looked up at him. Smiling at the sight of him with their daughter. “You look good with a baby...”She muttered, though she sounded steadier it was weak and thready still. Conscious. “No....daneel would be fine....though I think your in-laws would throw a fit...”She muttered talking and listening the whole time she was taken in, after a bit she blinked up at him in her hospital room. “...Jen?I’m tired...”
Jensen smiled, kissing her head. "Good. I need you." He reiterated for like 6th thime that hour, before starting his chatter.

Jensen chuckled a little. "Thanks. But they aren't my in laws anymore. But speaking of that, shouldn't I meet your parents? Well, considering" he replied, happy to be close to her.

Jensen smiled at her. "What should her middle name be? Maybe... Krystal or Jaqueline? What do you think?" He asjed, wanting her opinion.

Jensen smiled at her, leaning to kiss her. Daneel was asleep in her bassinet. "I bet. Its been a pretty hard day. Almost lost you."
“....Well. Yes. I guess. We’ll meet them after this. When I get out.”She muttered, even as tired as she was, feeling anxious at the idea. “Jennifer. Jennifer....I’re Jen. She should be a Jen to.”She muttered smiling at him, nodding. “Yea...not going anywhere though. Promise.”

When she woke up, Jackie smiled a little, turning her head to look at Jensen as he fed daneel, watching the man. He looked so content, really really content. “ look good with a baby.”She said quietly.
Jensen smiled and nodded, queezing her hand. "Okay, after you leave the hospital." He replied, giving her a kiss, wondering why she looked a little bit aprehensive. He smiled. "Daneel Jennifer Ackles. I like it."

Jensen was feeding Daneel, looking quite happy. "She's so sweet. Like you, my love." He replied telling her to rest.
Jackie smiled sleepily, watching him. Tired but it was good to be awake, watching him. Knowing that this was real."hm, your the sweet one....sorta amazed your not sharing dad duty with jared really."she teased him a little, having heard all about jensen's avoiding diapers when jareds kds were little
Jensen chuckled, rocking himself and their daughter slightly. "It's different when she's yours. Speaking of Jard though, he and eveyone else will be here soon if you want to stay awake. You have been asleep since yesterday. That fan, Annabelle sent you a present. Poor girl got worried after she saw the news. Its over there." He explained, still rocking Daneel slightly. She needed to sleep for him. The child yawned, but didn't sleep yet. Jensen began to sing "carry on my wayward son"
"Uh-huh. Wait till you have to change diapers. Then it'll be mommy do this. You just like her cause she's being cute and cuddly."she teased looking smused at her fiancee, before nodding as she shifted."'ll be nice to see them."she smiled a little. "A present?you should bring her to visit. She sent a present and all...and she did win a evening with us."she smiled slightly as she stifled a yawn, laughing quietly."dean, you're gonna have her first words being carry, and dada."she teased
Jensen pouted. "I have you know i've changed 4 diapers today. Its not so hard. " he replied, looking fake mad at her. He knew she was just teasing. He gave her a light kiss. "If you hold Danee a moment, i'll ask krys and tell her to hring Annabelle. Seems they became pretty good friends" he added, smiling at her.
"I'm very proud. I'll make jared take pictures for the next one. Facebook will name you the hottest dad ever."she teased looking amused before nodding."yea go call her. Me and Danny are gonna bond."be he smiled taking her small daughter, both looking content, if a little sleepy.
Jensen chuckled heartily. "I bet they will. Won't be able to get the fangirls off!" He joked giving her a kiss as she took Danee. He pulled his phone from his pocket, calling Krys. "Hey daddydean. Oh, yeah, i figured. I already brouggt her." She replied, listening as jensen chuckled. He grinned. "Great. See you then." He replied before she hung up.

Jensen gave Jackie a kiss. "They'll be here in an hour. Seems she already inviting Annabelle knowing you'dcwanna see her." He explained, smiling as he sipped a coffee. "You want something, love?"
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