
Misha eyes went wide at that, choking a little.breally?"he squeaked staring at her, before getting up to hug her tightly.

"Oh..okay then."she sighed smiling slightly as she laid back on the pillows, looking at a loss."jensen!no lying. I look like a beached whale, or some other ungodly huge creature."jackie sighed watching him, whining a little as e moved down."see?!see I'm so huge I can't even see you anymore!
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss, amused at his tiny squeak. "Really, Dimka." She replied, snuggling close as he hugged her.

Jensen nodded. "Good." He replied, giving her a kiss. "He rolled his eyes a little at her complaining. "I'm not lying at all, jackie. You are a beautiful woman, and i'm amazingly lucky to have you as mine." He replied, hugging her close and kissing her shoulder.
Misha grinned at that."awesome."he said sounding she'll shocked but happy.

Jackie sighed turning to look up at him, as she wrinkled her nose but didn't protest any more. Not wanting to fight over it even if she knew he was humoring her."I think I'm the lucky one here."
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss as she snuggled into him. "Do you want to tell the others now, or wait for awhile?" She asked, happy to be with him she loved him a whole lot.

Jensen smiled. "We're both lucky." He replied, giving her another kiss. He wasn't humoring her at all. He really thought she was beautiful like this.
Misha smiled."let's wait. No reason to ruin jensen's plans."he pointed out.

The next day jackie sighed softly s she walked onto set, looking beautiful in dean's clothes, bailey havingretreated into wearing the comfy hunters clothes, boots comfy and worn as she carried the book with her, not realizing dean and sam were setting her up for the surprise of the lifetime."okay, sounds like you two are hunting a witch shifter, a witch who becomes whatever the animal they want."bailey said thinking the boys were still on the hunt they'd finished a day ago so they could come back and surprise her
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss. "Good point." She replied, happy to simply be close to him for awhile.

Dean had been working really hard with sam and cas on this surprise, and he hoped she would love it. He gave her a kiss as she came in. "We know bailey." He promised, leading her to the couch. He brought her food, did everything, even started rubbing her feet. "Baily, I love you, and I wanna be with you for as long as I can be. Will you marry me?" Dean asked, but Jackie would see in Jensen's eyes that he was being serious.
"Huh?"Jackie turned book held in one hand even as she groped for the gun on the table, not really aware for a moment that she was threatening the boys, having made dean a promise to always go armed, een in the bunker, if they were gone. "Hey, easy."Sam muttered taking the gun, amused she hadn't even gotten it up before dean kissed her. looking bemused as she followed after him. "Dean, you should hae told me the hunt was done."She muttered sulking a little before sitting down, staring at him, jackie looked at a loss for words, having not been given the script because they'd all gotten in on the plan for jensen to propose, the woman had no words. and even if the fans weren't watching yet, it would be obvious in a few short time when they did, that jensen and jackie were actually going to be tying the knot. if jackie could ever get the words out.
Dean pouted cutely, giving her stomach a rub. "I'm sorry Bails, but we had to keep you busy so we could set this up. Look around you." He told her, and all around she would see all of her favorite things, and Dean kneeling down in front of her, a beautiful handcrafted ring in his hand. It had been hand made by krystal for both screen and real, with white gold, sapphires and diamonds. He looked at her hopefully. "So, what do you say?"
Bailey looked around her, looking amazed as she saw all of her things, blushing a little as she looked. Looking at the ring eyes wide and amazed as she looked at it, before nodding slightly. “Yes. Of course.”She said leaning in to kiss him, whining softly as her stomach got in the way from getting closer.
Dean grinned at her, closing the distance between them and kissing her as he slopped the rong onto her finger. Krystal walked on stage, proud smile on her face. "Well, its about time." She said, walking over to Castiel and snuggling into him.
Bailey flushed brightly as she kissed him back, snorting a little as she drew back, looking at the others, amused to see Castiel and Sam holding cake and ice cream. “Of course you two would use it as a excuse to eat.” “Cake is a celebratory thing on earth. It is required.”Cas said seriously grinning as the director called cut.

“besides, you’re pregnant. Pregnancy food is required to. And it’s jensen’s favorite cake.”Jared snickered a little.
Dean nodded. "I prefer pie, but cake is good too. But yes, lets celebrate" he replied, holding Bailey close. Krystal kissed Castiel's cheek, chuckling softly.

Jensen chuckled, smiling at his friends. "Well, then we have to have some of this neopolitain swirl cake. With cream cheese frosting" he said, making the first cut.
Jackie laughed a little as they settled in to eat, simply relaxed and happy."you know. We should have a party. Invote fans to a surprise con, show this and the last episode, just to see their reactions."jackie said looking amused.
Jensen looked curious. "Hmm, that actually might be pretty fun. When were you thinking we do that?" He asked, simply curious. They could have it at one of Krystal's so venue wasn't hard to find, but this would take alot of planning. "Sounds like fun to me. But lets eat cake first before we get to involved." Krystal replied, chuckling. She was hursting at the seams to tell everybody her and misha's news, but she didn't want to steal Jensen's thunder.
"Well the episodes are set to air in 3 weeks. How about we do it next week, give everyone time to get tickets and come....let's do it here. In Vancouver, we can even make it like a super fan event, show them around for a weekend or something."jackie grinned as she startrd to eat. "You know, that's a fairly good idea. We could even set a raffle, a lottery to spend the day with us or such."jared said looking amused
Jensen nodded, and the winner would get even more VIP perks, like getting a penthouse suite and spending the day with us. We'd give them pie too" he suggested, trying to think of the best ways to make this better. Krystal spoke next, rubbing her chin slightly. "We'll have it at one of my hotels. Which one though? The kingston or the Grand?" She asked, looking curious.
B only you would think pie makes it a vip experience."jackie teased her fiancee, leaning over to kiss him lightly, before thinking it over."the grand."
Jensen chuckled. "What can I say, Dean rubs off on me. Besides, i'm pretty sure our fans would get a kick out of Dean Winchester feeding them pie." He replied, kissing her back and stroking her cheek. He was only trying to help. Krystal looked contemplative a moment. "Hmm, yes. Good idea. Grand is bigger"
"They probably would."jackie snickered a little leaning into him, having been teasing, she was to happy to be upset about anything right now.

Two weeks later jackie smiled a little as jensen pushed her wheelie chair around, amused because for the last day as her due date got closer, had refused to let her walk around when he could push her around. "You ready to spend the day with people?"she said a little worried for them as they got to the hotel, knowing the longer they didn't find her stalker, the more on edge he got.
Jensen snuggled her, happy to be with her.

Two weeks later, Jensen pushed Jackie around the con, jyst relaxing. He always like cons. They wer ed unable to do, and the panels were never dull. He ķissed her head. "Yeah, it'll be alot off fun!" He replied, meeting up with Krystal and misha.
“Hey you two.”Misha smiled looking at the two, leaning down to kiss jackie’s cheek. “Ready to see the masses?” “Yea, and gotta tell you, wording it like that totally makes you sound like a priest. Again.”Jackie snickered as she looked up at jensen, nudging him. “Come on, noble steed. I have places to be, people to visit with...”she teased.
Jensen chuckled, kissing her head. "Yeah, come on. They're announcing the winner of the contest now." He replied, wheeling her over and up to on to the stage followed by Krystal. "Okay everyone! Its time to announce the winner of the raffle! Let me pick it out of the mixer!" Krystal yelled through the microphone, pulling a number at random. She handed the number to Jackie to read off, grinning at the audience, but not seeing sebastian and Jamie in the audience.
“Awesome.”Jackie grinned as she leaned back itno her chair, smiling as she took the number, pausing a sshe considered it, before smiling. “Okay, guys, the seat is 2234, so come on up and claim your prizes.”Jackie yelled looking around as the others looked, curious to see who’d won.
Sebastian appeared, grinning. "That's me!" He yelled, walking up to the stage. He was happy to see them all. It had been awhile.

Krystal chuckled, looking around. She knew Jamie wasn't ever to far away. She smirked. "You know, since sebby's the one who won, I think we should pick another name. What do you guys think?" She asked, Jensen puping up. "I'm all for it!" They both silently hoped it wouldn't be her stalker, or another celebrity fan.
Bi think we should."jackie grinned holding jensen's hand, while they hadn't made their relationship obvious, they were still discreet. Smiling quietly as she chose another one, grinning at the excited cheering of the fan who won. Glad at least for it, and really hoping it wasn't her stalker."okay, guys, let her make her way up here, and we'll get settled in to watch the newest episodes."
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